PSY 2200 Ch. 9 Learnsmart

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Which of the following classes of drugs are used to treat schizotypal personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Antidepressants -Atypical antipsychotics -Neuroleptics -Hallucinogens

-Antidepressants -Atypical antipsychotics -Neuroleptics

Which of the following two models of personality disorder are found in the DSM-5? -Strategic -Limitational -Categorical -Hypothetical -Dimensional

-Categorical -Dimensional

Which of the following are strategies that might be used in cognitive treatment of narcissistic personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Challenging dysfunctional thinking -Becoming more sensitive to others' needs -Generating more realistic expectations -Graduated exposure to social settings

-Challenging dysfunctional thinking -Becoming more sensitive to others' needs -Generating more realistic expectations

Match the following DSM-5 personality disorder clusters with the appropriate description. -Cluster A -Cluster B -Cluster C >Anxious-fearful cluster >Dramatic-emotional cluster >Odd, eccentric cluster

-Cluster A >Odd, eccentric cluster -Cluster B >Dramatic-emotional cluster -Cluster C >Anxious-fearful cluster

The DSM-5 includes which two models of personality disorders? (Select all that apply.) -Dimensional -Categorical -Dysfunctional -Elaborative

-Dimensional -Categorical

Which of the following are features of histrionic personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Disregard for social norms -Dramatic emotions -Detachment from personal relationships -Attention seeking -Paranoia and suspiciousness

-Dramatic emotions -Attention seeking

Which of the following are features of avoidant personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Feeling socially inferior -Obsessively seeking intimate relationships -Staying away from social encounters -Becoming involved in the legal system -Oversensitivity to criticism

-Feeling socially inferior -Staying away from social encounters -Oversensitivity to criticism

Which of the following are characteristics of borderline personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Feelings of emptiness -Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment -Extreme shyness in social situations -An obsession with order and cleanliness -Identity disturbances -Impulsive behaviors

-Feelings of emptiness -Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment -Identity disturbances -Impulsive behaviors

Which of the following features are typical of individuals with narcissistic personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Have a belief that they are exceptional -Have a belief that they are superior -Have a strong sense of entitlement -A central feature is instability -Avoid most social interactions

-Have a belief that they are exceptional -Have a belief that they are superior -Have a strong sense of entitlement

Cyrus has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. Which of the following are likely descriptors of his behavior? (Select all that apply.) -He is prone to self-injury. -He is arrogant. -He craves attention. -He has odd, eccentric beliefs.

-He is arrogant. -He craves attention.

Which of the following are goals of cognitive therapy in treating people with a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Helping formulate goals that do not rely on the approval of others. -Identifying the assumption that they cannot function on their own. -Uncovering and challenging repressed emotion.

-Helping formulate goals that do not rely on the approval of others. -Identifying the assumption that they cannot function on their own.

Which of the following are features of the core personality trait that is referred to in the DSM-5 as disinhibition? (Select all that apply.) -Withdrawal -Eccentricity -Impulsivity -Risk-taking -Restricted affect

-Impulsivity -Risk-taking

Which of the following represent the psychological perspective of borderline personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Abnormality in the amygdala -Inability to withstand distress -Lack of emotional regulation -Grandiosity and flight of ideas

-Inability to withstand distress -Lack of emotional regulation

Which of the following characteristics fit the negative end of the personality trait referred to as disinhibition in the DSM-5 personality dimensions model? (Select all that apply.) -Hostile -Irresponsible -Impulsive -Emotionally labile

-Irresponsible -Impulsive

Which of the following are core features of personality? (Select all that apply.) -Meaning and purpose in life -Interpersonal relationships -Our environments -Sense of self

-Meaning and purpose in life -Interpersonal relationships -Sense of self

The DSM-5 identifies four categories of oddity in schizotypal personality disorder. Match each of the categories with its proper definition. -Paranoia -Ideas of reference -Magical thinking -Illusions >Belief that random events are related to them >Belief that others might know their thoughts >Suspiciousness >Seeing people in wallpaper patterns

-Paranoia >Suspiciousness -Ideas of reference >Belief that random events are related to them -Magical thinking >Belief that others might know their thoughts -Illusions >Seeing people in wallpaper patterns

Which of the following are diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder in the DSM-5? (Select all that apply.) -Personality is inflexible and nonadaptive. -Personality functioning involves uncertainty in career path. -Personality functioning is stable over time. -Personality functioning involves difficulties in decision making. -Personality deviates markedly from cultural expectations.

-Personality is inflexible and nonadaptive. -Personality functioning is stable over time. -Personality deviates markedly from cultural expectations.

Which of the following are symptoms present in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -Rigid attention to rules -Self-esteem that is based on work and productivity -An obsession and a compulsion that neutralizes the anxiety associated with it -Perfectionism and attention to detail

-Rigid attention to rules -Self-esteem that is based on work and productivity -Perfectionism and attention to detail

Dr. Allison is a cognitive-behavioral therapist treating Anna for avoidant personality disorder. Which of the following treatment techniques would Dr. Allison be most likely to use? (Select all that apply.) -Skills training -Relationship training -Graduated exposure -Psychoanalysis

-Skills training -Relationship training -Graduated exposure

Which of the following are similarities shared by people with diagnoses of schizotypal personality disorder and people with diagnoses of schizophrenia? (Select all that apply.) -There are cognitive deficits. -There is a dysregulation in dopamine. -People with both diagnoses are psychotic. -Both have abnormalities in the prefrontal areas of the brain.

-There are cognitive deficits. -There is a dysregulation in dopamine.

Which of the following are specifics of the biological perspective of borderline personality disorder? (Select all that apply.) -There may be abnormalities in the amygdala. -Emotional dysregulation is a chief characteristic. -There may be abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex. -There is high heritability.

-There may be abnormalities in the amygdala. -There may be abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex. -There is high heritability.

Which of the following are true in terms of the DSM-5 personality component of psychoticism? (Select all that apply.) -These traits are rare. -These traits involve eccentricity. -These traits are common. -These traits involve unusual beliefs. -These traits involve risk-taking.

-These traits are rare. -These traits involve eccentricity. -These traits involve unusual beliefs.

Which of the following best describe Cluster A personality disorders in the DSM-5? (Select all that apply.) -Those with the disorders are out of touch with reality much of the time. -They are characterized by odd or eccentric behaviors or thinking. -Those with the disorders are often dramatic and emotional. -Each of the disorders may have some of the features of schizophrenia.

-They are characterized by odd or eccentric behaviors or thinking. -Each of the disorders may have some of the features of schizophrenia.

Which of the following are features of psychoticism? (Select all that apply.) -Unusual beliefs -Grandiosity -Dissociative fugue -Eccentricity -Odd perceptions

-Unusual beliefs -Eccentricity -Odd perceptions

Which of the following are features of detachment in the DSM-5 personality dimensions? (Select all that apply.) -Withdrawal -Restricted affect -Untrusting -Grandiosity

-Withdrawal -Restricted affect -Untrusting

What percent of people with diagnoses of borderline personality disorder attempt suicide? -12 percent -50 percent -75 percent -25 percent

75 percent

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is the most prevalent personality disorder in the U.S. population with ___ percent of the population meeting criteria for a diagnosis. -10 -20 -8 -4


Which of the following populations are most likely to be diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder? -Asian women -Caucasian men -African Americans -Hispanics

African Americans

Angela has recently been diagnosed with a personality disorder. She has explained to her therapist that she does not get along with her family, has been married and divorced three times, feels empty most of the time, has a problem controlling her anger, is fearful of abandonment, and often spends money impulsively. What is the most likely personality disorder diagnosis for Angela? -Antisocial personality disorder -Avoidant personality disorder -Narcissistic personality disorder -Borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder

A person with a personality disorder that is characterized by dramatic and emotional behaviors and interpersonal relationships would be categorized in ___ in the DSM-5. -Cluster D -Cluster C -Cluster A -Cluster B

Cluster B

Disorders characterized by anxious and fearful emotions and chronic self-doubt are categorized under ___ personality disorders in the DSM-5. -Cluster B -Cluster A -Cluster C -Cluster D

Cluster C

Adam believes he is exceptional, should be treated as special, and is entitled to a promotion at work. He spends a considerable amount of time creating the right impression with people. His boss is getting a little tired of Adam's attempts to gain his approval and the approval of his co-workers. Adam saw a clinician several weeks ago and was diagnosed with a personality disorder. Which one is most likely? -Narcissistic personality disorder -Dependent personality disorder -Borderline personality disorder -Antisocial personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder

A person diagnosed with which of the following disorders defines their sense of self and self-worth in terms of their work productivity? -Schizotypal personality disorder -Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder -Borderline personality disorder -Antisocial personality disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Bryce regularly consults with his boss but is dismissive of his co-workers and the cleaning staff. He becomes very irritated if schedules are changed or things are out of order. He has recently been diagnosed with a personality disorder. Which one is most likely? -Antisocial personality disorder -Grandiose personality disorder -Schizotypal personality disorder -Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Karl is having problems at work. His boss is increasingly frustrated with his lack of timeliness in getting projects done, but Karl tells him that the reason he is slow is that he is perfect. Which of the following personality disorders is a possibility for Karl? -Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder -Avoidant personality disorder -Negative-affective personality disorder -Schizotypal personality disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

One big difference between a person diagnosed with schizophrenia and a person diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder is that the person diagnosed with the personality disorder maintains contact with ___.


The third dimension of the DSM-5 personality dimensions model is ___, which is anchored on the positive end by characteristics such as honesty, appropriate modesty, and concern for others, and at the negative end by characteristics such as deceitfulness, grandiosity, and callousness. -disinhibition -antagonism -detachment -psychoticism


The medications that have been proven most useful in the treatment of borderline personality disorder besides the mood stabilizers are the ___. -sedatives -typical antipsychotics -atypical antipsychotics -hallucinogens

atypical antipsychotics

A job involving working alone and independently would probably appeal to someone with a diagnosis of ___ personality disorder.


The cognitive theory of ___ personality disorder is that a person with this diagnosis has developed dysfunctional beliefs about being worthless as a result of rejection by important others early in life.


Shelley's roommate wonders why she never accepts any social invitations. The roommate has also noticed that Shelley is sensitive to rejection and often interprets innocent remarks as ridicule. The roommate knows Shelley has recently seen a psychologist and been diagnosed with ___. -antisocial personality disorder -narcissistic personality disorder -avoidant personality disorder -histrionic personality disorder

avoidant personality disorder

A person with a diagnosis of ___ personality disorder has periods of extreme self-doubt alternating with periods of grandiose self-importance.


___ personality disorder is difficult to treat because of shifting symptoms, the variety of symptoms, and the fact that many people with this disorder also may have other mental disorders.


A ___ therapist treating someone with narcissistic personality disorder would help the client develop more realistic expectations of their abilities to be more sensitive to the needs of others.


The DSM-5 dimensional approach to diagnosing personality disorders incorporates a ___ perspective into the diagnosis. -categorical -ideological -continuum


Twenty-two-year-old Ana from Ethiopia has eccentric beliefs that her ancestors are haunting her. The diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder may not be made, however, because Ana's beliefs could be part of her ___ beliefs.


Restricted affect, suspiciousness, withdrawal, and avoidance are all features of ___ in the DSM-5 personality dimensions. -detachment -disinhibition -antagonism -psychoticism


The term ___ is a personality dimension that captures the extent to which people are appropriately outgoing and trusting of others or tend to be withdrawn, avoidant and untrusting.


___ behavior therapy was developed by Marsha Linehan for use with people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.


While the DSM-5 continues to use the categorical scheme for understanding personality disorders, it also offers an alternative model for diagnosing personality disorders that incorporates a ___ perspective or continuum perspective.


Elliott drives his car at excessively high speeds. He often blows off work assignments and decides on the spur of the moment that he would rather do something else. Which of the core personality features in the DSM-5 best describes Elliott? -Psychoticism -Antagonism -Detachment -Disinhibition


When people have fundamental deficits in who they are as people and in their ability to relate to others, they may be diagnosed with a personality ___.


True or false: In reference to personality disorders, it is fairly clear what is normal and what is abnormal.


Neurobiological differences between healthy people and those with diagnoses of borderline personality disorder could be due to ___ factors.


Abby's therapist and Abby have developed a hierarchy of social situations that range from not very threatening to very threatening. The therapist's strategy is to start with the least threatening and work up to assist Abby in not being so sensitive to rejection, to improve Abby's sense of worthiness, and to assist her in having more relationships with others. This is a description of using ___ ___ to treat Abby's diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder. -graduated exposure -attachment sensitization -emotional dysregulation

graduated exposure

The subtype of the ___ narcissist copes with difficulties in self-esteem by viewing himself as superior and unique, and engaging in fantasies that involve him in famous or powerful situations. -psychotic -antagonistic -grandiose -vulnerable


A consistent pattern associated with self-___ became apparent in treating borderline personality disorder.


Theorists have identified borderline personality disorder as ___. -having fundamental deficits in emotional regulation -having a basic similarity in terms of symptoms with people diagnosed with schizophrenia -fitting into either the vulnerable or grandiose subtypes

having fundamental deficits in emotional regulation

The incidence of the diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder is ___. -the same in men and women -higher in men -higher in women

higher in men

Alicia has been diagnosed with a personality disorder. She has rapidly shifting emotions, unstable relationships, and is constantly seeking the attention of others. She does NOT engage in self-destructive behaviors, does not display angry outbursts to those close to her, nor does she particularly feel empty inside. Her best diagnosis would be ___ personality disorder.


A person with a diagnosis of ___ personality disorder may appear to think of themselves as better than others, but this grandiosity may mask an underlying vulnerability in their sense of self.


One of the DSM-5 trait dimensions is ___ affectivity. This trait dimension is similar to the Big 5 concept of neuroticism in that it is a continuum with calm on one end and emotional lability on the other.


A person diagnosed with ___ personality disorder is usually distrusting and suspicious, interprets others' motives as malevolent, and is always on the look out for evidence confirming their suspicions.


The term ___ describes suicidal gestures that are frequently made by a person with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.


The concept of ___ includes a self-identity, how we relate to other people, and our sense of meaning and purpose in life.


Neuroimaging research has found abnormalities in the ___ cortex of the brain in patients with borderline personality disorder.


Schizotypal personality disorder is more common in first degree-relatives of people diagnosed with ___. -schizoaffective disorder -antisocial personality disorder -schizophrenia -major depressive disorder


People with a diagnosis of ___ personality disorder show symptoms similar to schizophrenia but in milder form. -obsessive-compulsive -schizotypal -histrionic -avoidant


Strategies commonly used in the treatment of ___ personality disorder include social skills training, increasing social contacts, and teaching clients to look for objective evidence for their thoughts. -psychotic -schizotypal -obsessive-compulsive -narcissistic


The term ___ is used in the psychological profession to describe the way that people with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder relate to others. This means that their preoccupation with feelings of love for the object of their desire and attention can easily turn to extreme rage and hatred when the love object rejects them.


Schizotypal personality disorder is usually treated with ___. -Electroconvulsive therapy -the same medications that are used in treating schizophrenia -opioids -the same medications that are used in treating anxiety disorders

the same medications that re used in treating schizophrenia

A prominent aspect of personality which is consistent across time and situations, is a personality ___. -trait -role -disorder -state


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