Psy 231 Final Exam MC

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The authors of this text would likely agree with which of the following statements regarding the role of stress in an individual's life? a. At one time, stress was necessary to protect an individual against predators, but it is no longer necessary in today's society. b. Stress is an evolutionary-based brain response system that still functions to protect an individual in potentially dangerous situations. c. Stress is maladaptive in today's society. d. At one time in human evolution, stress was necessary to allow an individual to adapt quickly to their ever-changing environment, but it is maladaptive in today's society.

Stress is an evolutionary-based brain response system that still functions to protect an individual in potentially dangerous situations

When Tanika first injected herself with heroin, she experienced a rush of euphoria. This was likely related to an increase in which neurotransmitter? a. serotonin b. dopamine c. cortisol d. adrenaline


The developmental cascade model would support all except which of the following statements? a. Each adverse condition that a child experiences creates a cumulative effect which builds on past events and risk factors. b. One single event, such as the death of a parent, can and does put a child at risk for developing conduct disorder. c. Children who grow up in poverty are significantly at risk for developing conduct problems because of their lack of access to health care. d. All of these.

each adverse condition that a child experiences creates a cumulative effect which builds on past events and risk factors

The progression from experimentation to addiction to a particular substance is influenced by all of the following factors EXCEPT: a. the drug itself. b. various characteristics of the individual. c. age of the individual. d. sexual orientation of the individual.

sexual orientation of the individual

Ten-year-old Oliver and his family lost their home and possessions in a flood that also affected the majority of the families in their community. This is known as ______ effect? a. toxic family b. protective shield c. shotgun d. mass trauma


Children growing up in third world countries are less likely to develop eating disorders. One of the factors related to this decreased risk is a result of which of the following? a. socioeconomic status b. exposure to Western media c. poor medical care d. modernization in rural areas

socioeconomic status

As Sean prepares to present to his psychopathology class he finds himself feeling nauseous, sweating profusely, and becoming light headed. What best explains Sean's symptoms? a. a typical reaction to a stressful situation b. an extreme reaction to a typical situation c. somatic symptom disorder d. all of these

somatic symptom disorder

A child who is afraid of dogs, goes out of their way to avoid dogs in the neighborhood, and avoids looking at pictures of dogs in books may be developing which of the following? a. specific phobia b. social phobia c. agoraphobia d. phobia dysfunction

specific phobia

Adrian is a 35-year-old who was diagnosed with a psychotic disorder at age 18. Despite periodic hallucinations and inconsistent compliance with medication he has been able to hold a job and an apartment. Which trajectory would best describe Adrian? a. deteriorating, short term b. unstable, long-term c. stable, long-term d. stable, good

stable, long-term

Many school shooters have spent months developing their violent plans. Which type of aggression does this best represent? a. instrumental b. overt c. covert d. reactive


When considering a diagnosis of a depressive disorder, clinicians must consider all EXCEPT which of the following dimensions related to symptoms? a. intensity b. frequency c. continuity d. disruption/destructiveness


Isabella thinks a lot about what would happen to her if her parents were to die in a car accident. This is an example of what type of anxiety? a. fears b. irrational c. worries d. phobia


Symptom dimensions associated with OCD include all of the following EXCEPT: a. compulsions. b. sexual and aggressive obsessions. c. pathological doubting. d. hoarding.

sexual and aggressive obsessions

The most accurate definition of sexual abuse is which of the following? a. sexual intercourse with an underage child b. sexual contact between two siblings c. attempted rape of a dating partner d. sexual contact or attempted sexual contact between a teacher and a high school student

sexual contact or attempted sexual contact between a teacher and a high school student

According to research, who of the following is more at risk to be a victim of bullying? a. Eric, a 15-year-old male who is gay and has a learning disorder b. Angela, a 9-year-old female who has a speech impediment and is in advanced classes at school c. Elizabeth, a 16-year-old female who is African American d. Andrew, a 9-year-old male who comes from a low socioeconomic neighborhood and plays soccer at school

Eric, 15-year-old male who is gay and has a learning disorder.

Tyler reports to the school psychologist that he has visions that he is a super power who spends his evenings protecting his pack from alien invaders. This symptom is referred to as _____. a. flight of ideas b. elated mood c. psychosis d. grandiosity


Aedan is a 9-year-old who displays frequent temper tantrums lasting up to two hours, results in him breaking his toys, and frequently prevents him from going to school. Which of the following statements is most likely true about Aedan? a. He is displaying age-appropriate mood dysregulation. b. He could have disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. c. He likely has bipolar disorder and ADHD. d. He is displaying signs of early onset bipolar disorder.

he could have disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

A child who experiences hypervigilance with a tendency to associate normal body sensations to something dangerous might be described as exhibiting which of the following? a. hypersensitivity anxiety b. anxiety sensitivity c. Generalized Anxiety Disorder d. all of the above

hypersensitivity anxiety

The theory that explains addiction as a process that first alters brain organization and function and then leads to behaviors related to motivation and reward is known as which of the following? a. gateway b. incentive-sensitization c. hedonic d. organic-disinhibition


Who of the following is most likely to experience body dissatisfaction? a. 12-year-old Pedro who is tall for his age b. 12-year-old Penelope who is overweight c. 19-year-old Paulette who is tall for her age d. 19-year-old Phillip who is large but muscular

12-year-old Penelope who is overweight

Which of the following parents would be most at risk for maltreating their child? a. 35-year-old Adrienne who was raised in a single-parent home. b. 16-year-old Anna who has dropped out of high school and has been diagnosed with depression. c. 40-year-old Allen whose parents gave him up for adoption when he was an infant. d.21-year-old Andrew who is attending college and working two jobs.

35-year old Adrienne who was raised in a single parent home

Which of the following statements best represents the relationship between arenas of comfort and mood disorders? a. A child who has more than one arena of comfort is unlikely to develop a mood disorder. b. Children who are at risk of developing a mood disorder can still have several arenas of comfort. c. A child who has at least one arena of comfort is more likely to have a stronger sense of self and therefore be at decreased risk for developing a mood disorder. d. Children who later develop mood disorders are more likely to have strong friendships and other relationships that buffer the full impact of symptoms of mood disorders.

A child who has at least one arena of comfort is more likely to have a stronger sense of self and therefore be at decreased risk for developing a mood disorder.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding marijuana use in adolescents? a. Currently, more adolescents smoke cigarettes than smoke marijuana. b. Adolescents who smoke marijuana show decreases in executive functioning. c. Although illegal, marijuana is generally a harmless drug and most adolescents give it up before adulthood. d. Adolescents who begin smoking marijuana at a young age will go on to abuse cocaine.

Adolescent who smoke marijuana show decreases in executive functioning

Which of the following factors related to prosocial behavior and definitions are INCORRECTLY matched? a. Permanence: stability of parent-child relationship b. Power: control and responsibility found in parent-child relationship c. Gender: differential impact of gender on parent-child relationship d. Age: impact of parental age on the parent-child relationship

Age: impact of parental age on parent-child relationship

Which of the following is an element of trauma that affects the potential impact on a child's adjustment to trauma? a. frequency of exposure b. duration of exposure c. type of incident d. All of these

All of these

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding physical and nonphysical aggression in boys and girls? a. Boys engage in more intense nonphysical aggression. b. Girls engage in more frequent physical aggression. c. Boys and girls both engage in physical and nonphysical aggression at the same frequency and intensity. d. Boys and girls both engage in physical and nonphysical aggression but at different rates and intensity.

Boys and girls both engage in physical and nonphysical aggression but at different rates and intensity

Which of the following is the correct progression from least to most severe with respect to symptoms and impairment? a. Bipolar I disorder, Cyclothymia b. Cyclothymia, Bipolar I disorder c. Cyclothymia, Bipolar II disorder d. Bipolar I disorder, major disruptive disorder

Cyclothymia, Bipolar 1 disorder

Which of the following disorders has been replaced by persistent depressive disorder? a. Major depressive disorder b. Bipolar c. Manic-depressive disorder d. Dysthymia


Dr. Mendez treats children with mood disorders. If she wants to choose the most effective treatment, she is likely to use which type of treatment? a. medication alone b. psychoanalysis c. IPT/CPT and medication d. none of these

IPT/CPT and medication

Katherine was attending school five blocks away from the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Since that time, she continues to have disturbing nightmares about planes, avoids going close to tall buildings, and talks a lot about the scary things happening in her life. Katherine may be suffering from: a. acute stress disorder. b. a specific phobia. c. PTSD. d. generalized anxiety disorder.


Researchers have found that children may be most vulnerable to the affects of trauma at times when their brains are undergoing critical periods of formation and development. This finding is most consistent with which domain of development? a. Social/cognitive b. Physiological c. Cognitive/behavioral d. Hormonal


The authors of the text would most likely agree with which statement related to risk-taking in adolescents? a. The majority of adolescents engage in some sort of risky behavior during their adolescent years. b. Adolescents' brains are not fully developed and therefore they are more likely to engage in irrational behavior. c. While adolescents are at risk for engaging in risk-taking behaviors, the majority do not engage in potentially harmful behaviors. d. Adolescents'' brains are not fully developed and therefore any risky behaviors in which they engage have greater potential for harm.

While adolescents are at risk for engaging in risk-taking behaviors, the majority do not engage in potentially harmful behaviors.

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the use of medication to treat anxiety disorders? a. Medication has been found to be most effective in controlling symptoms associated with hyperarousal. b. The combination of medication and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies has been shown to most effective for young children only. c. The combination of medication and parent education has been shown to be most effective for symptoms of OCD only. d. While medication has been shown to be effective in treating symptoms associated with anxiety, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies continue to be the most effective form of treatment.

While medication has been shown to be effective in treating symptoms associated with anxiety, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies continue to be the most effective form of treatment.

Proponents of the coercion model would agree with which of the following statements regarding how and why maladaptive behaviors continue over time in children with oppositional defiant disorder? a. Maladaptive behaviors continue as a result of parent's ineffective methods of dealing with a child's misbehavior. b. A child who is rejected by their peers is more likely to associate with peers who have similar maladaptive behaviors, therefore reinforcing these behaviors. c. The cycle of maladaptive and ineffective behaviors is sustained by multiple factors in the environment, including peers, parents, and teachers. d. A proponent of the coercion model would likely agree with all of these statements.

a child who is rejected by their peers in more likely to associate with peers who have similar maladaptive behaviors, therefore reinforcing these behaviors

Vanessa is a 15-year-old whose mother enjoys shopping with her as well as sharing in the latest gossip about Vanessa's friends. She allows Vanessa to come home when she wishes and has little expectations in terms of chores or homework. Their relationship could be an example of which type of the following? a. a vertical relationship b. a parentified relationship c. a horitzontal relationship d. an egalitarian relationship

a horizontal relationship

Characteristics of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder include all of the following EXCEPT: a. an intense desire to be thin b. a lack of interest in eating c. weight loss d. impaired psychosocial functioning

a lack of interest in eating

Child factors associated with the development of eating disorders include which of the following? a. personality characteristics b. sexual orientation c. participation in some types of competitive sports d. all of the above

all of the above

One of the concerns associated with treating a child with frequent somatic symptoms that are psychologically based is that over time the child may ______. a. become reinforced by the attention associated with being "sick" b. actually become physically ill from unnecessary medical procedures c. die from invasive medical tests and procedures d. reject parental affection and attention

actually become physically ill from unnecessary medical procedures

An adolescent is often unlikely to report maltreatment because of: a. fear of retaliation. b. fear of loss of control. c. a close relationship with the perpetrator. d. all of the above

all of the above

In order to better understand the prevalence of anxiety disorders, researchers should consider which of the following factors? a. comorbidity with other disorders b. gender differences c. cultural expectations d. all of the above

all of the above

Insa was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa when she was 13 years old. Based on this diagnosis, Insa is at higher risk for which of the following as an older adolescent? a. substance abuse b. bulimia c. depression d. all of the above

all of the above

It can be assumed from the discussion on interventions for children with ODD or CD that in order to be effective, interventions should include which of the following? a. based on early identification b. inclusive of all of a child's environment c. a strong parental component d. all of the above

all of the above

One of the important tasks of assessment and diagnosis of an anxiety disorder is to determine whether symptoms reflect which type of adjustment? a. comorbidity b. typical vs. atypical c. gender d. all of the above

all of the above

Renee has been restricting her food consumption for over 10 years and was recently hospitalized for the third time in 6 months for severe dehydration and related heart conditions. Given this pattern, Renee is at higher than average risk for which of the following? a. osteoporosis b. depression c. death d. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following developmental tasks has been linked to the development of mood disorders? a. sense of self b. positive identity c. psychology identity d. all of the above

all of the above

An adolescent who is in the prodrome period of a psychotic disorder could be experiencing impairment in which of the following domains? a. occupation b. academic c. social d. All of these

all of these

Researchers who study oppositionality in children have found that three salient dimensions differ in terms of: a. etiology b. treatment c. developmental pathways d. all of these

all of these

Which of the following is a characteristic of young children and infants that has been shown to increase risk for depression? a. Emotion regulation b. Physiological regulation c. Attachment relationship d. All of these

all of these

Young Angela frequently thinks about her baby brother's well-being and believes she sees him falling down the basement stairs which causes her to feel very anxious. Angela's anxiety could be described as which of the following? a. a guilty feeling b. a compulsion c. a typical fear d. an obsession

an obsession

Dr. Nielsen is describing his research regarding social status of young children measured by peer nomination. His research is likely to involve all of the following categories EXCEPT: a. controversial children. b. neglected children. c. antisocial children. d. popular children.

antisocial children

Dr. Kelly is conducting an assessment on 6-year-old Stephanie to determine if her level of anxiety meets the criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dr. Kelly is likely to also want to rule out what other disorder? a. autism spectrum disorder b. conduct disorder c. schizophrenia d. bipolar disorder

autism spectrum disorder

Alejandra is dreading her psychology final but is preparing for it by studying sections well ahead of finals week. This is known as ______ regulation. a. automatic b. response-focused c. controlled d. antecedent


According to recent studies the strongest predictor for body dissatisfaction for 4th - 6th grade children is a. gender b. weight status c. SES d. perfectionism


Which of the following factors has been shown to be most important in recovery from exposure to trauma? a. child factors such as a positive attitude and personality b. relationship factors such as stable attachment figures c. sociocultural factors such as religious beliefs d. All of these factors are important.

child factors such as positive attitude and personality

Angelina, began showing signs of defiance, property destruction, and aggression towards her sibling and family pets at 4 years of age. As an adolescent she is continuing to display these behaviors. Which subtype of conduct disorder would most apply to Angelina? a. adolescent-onset b. childhood stability c. child-onset d. child-course trajectory


Paul began drinking when he was 13-years-old and now as at age 60 continues to drink heavily on a daily basis. Paul would be classified as which type of drinker? a. Stable moderate b. Fling c. Chronic heavy d. Late-onset heavy

chronic heavy

Children whose parents address their escalating oppositional behaviors with increasingly punitive responses are more likely over time to engage in problem behaviors in school and other settings. This is one of the tenets of which model? a. coercion b. developmental cascade c. interactive d. negative reinforcement


Dr. Nelson tells his psychology class that parents who are discipline inconsistently, engage in explosive discipline, provide little supervision, and are inflexible in rules and consequences. Dr. Nelson is likely lecturing on which of these models of ODD? a. authoritarian parenting model b. aggressive parenting model c. priming model d. coercion


Pedro is being taught to think about his panic attacks as temporary and events over which he has control. This is an example of which therapeutic technique? a. problem-solving b. relapse prevention c. cognitive restructuring d. mindfulness

cognitive restructuring

Which of the following Intervention for Substance-Related Disorders has been shown to be most effective in treating adolescents with substance abuse disorders? a. shock therapy b. psychotherapy c. incarceration d. cognitive-behavioral therapy

cognitive-behavioral therapy

The authors of the text would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding the development of body image? a. Concerns with body image develop over time and are influenced by multiple factors. b. Concerns with body image become more negative during late adolescence, particularly for boys. c. Body image is primarily influenced by cultural norms. d. Body image is primarily influenced by parental feedback.

concerns with body image develop over time and are influenced by multiple factors.

According to Sherwood and Neumark-Sztainer (2001), the media's influence on body image is: a. correlational, not causal. b. based on faulty research. c. largely unsupported. d. experimental, not causal.

correlational, not casual

It is not unusual for a child to be first diagnosed with anorexia nervosa at age 12 and then bulimia nervosa at age 18. This is known as: a. correlational connection. b. crossover. c. comorbidity. d. misdiagnosis.


Which of the following trajectories has been found to more common in girls? a. Depression plus conduct problems pathway b. Depression plus psychosis pathway c. Depression only pathway d. Depression followed by substance use

depression only pathway

The most commonly diagnosed disorder associated with maltreatment is: a. schizophrenia. b. autism spectrum disorder. c. depressive disorders. d. ADHD.

depressive disorders

One of the goals of early assessment and identification of children with oppositional behaviors is based on which assumption? a. Medication is much more effective with young children than with adolescents. b. Children who are identified early can become part of studies that investigate new and better prevention efforts. c. Early intervention is effective as it may prevent certain behaviors from becoming ingrained in a child's behavior. d. Children who are identified early can receive school services that aren't available in middle or high school.

early intervention if effective as it may prevent certain behaviors from becoming ingrained in a child's behavior

The authors of the text would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding the development of emotion regulation? a. Children who master emotion regulation are unlikely to develop anxiety disorders. b. Young children who never master emotion regulation will develop an anxiety disorder in adolescence. c. Emotion regulation is an on-going process that may be linked to the development of an anxiety disorder. d. Poor emotion regulation is most clearly related to the development of OCD.

emotion regulation is an on-going process that may be linked to the development of an anxiety disorder

One of the main goals of cognitive behavioral therapy for eating disorders (CBT-E) is to _____. a. help the individual identify factors that are maintaining their eating disorder b. medically stabilize the individual with proper hydration and medication c. engage parents and the individual in a therapeutic alliance d. identify cultural factors related to the development of an individual's eating disorder

engage parents and the individual in a therapeutic alliance

When confronted with her abusive stepfather's angry words, young Annabelle retreats to her fantasy world where she is happy and safe. The behavior would be in which family of coping strategies? a) problem-solving b) helplessness c) delegation d) escape


Dr. Schwiesow, a clinical psychologist, is utilizing cognitive-behavioral therapy with a young client diagnosed with OCD. As a part of this therapy, she is encouraging her patient to spend time in a bathroom without washing her hands. This is most likely which part of CBT? a. problem-solving b. relapse protocol c. exposure and response prevention d. psychoeducation

exposure and response prevention

The most effective intervention for victims of mass trauma includes all of the following EXCEPT promotion of: a. sense of safety. b. hope. c. connectedness. d. forgiveness.


Dr. Vance is lecturing on substance use in adolescents and proposes that nicotine use in young adolescents leads to marijuana use. He is most likely describing which hypothesis of drug use? a. gateway b. bridge c. multiple addiction d. linked


The most successful intervention programs for adolescents with eating disorders: a. involve the use of medication as the frontline intervention coupled with psychotherapy. b. involve a comprehensive treatment plan that includes medical, family, and individual treatment. c. incorporate techniques associated with CBT and psychotherapy as well as medical interventions. d. all of the above

involve a comprehensive treatment plan that includes medical, family, and individual treatment.

Dr. Williams is lecturing to his psychology class about bipolar disorder in children. Which of these points is he most likely to include in his lecture? a. It is relatively easy to diagnosis bipolar disorder in children but quite difficult to effectively treat. b. Bipolar disorder in children is fundamentally different than bipolar disorder in adults. c. Bipolar disorder is relatively common in children and adolescents. d. It is difficult to both diagnose and treat bipolar disorder in children.

it is difficult to both diagnose and treat bipolar disorder in children

Which of the following statements best captures the current view on the role of families in the development of eating disorders? a. Families, particularly mothers, have a strong impact on whether their daughters will develop an eating disorder. b. Dysfunctional families clearly create eating disorders in their sons and daughters. c. It is unlikely that one single factor, including families, causes eating disorders. d. It is most likely that cultural factors, not family factors, set the stage for the development of eating disorders.

it is unlikely that one single factor, including families, causes eating disorders

The fact that later episodes of major depression often occur under less stressful conditions than the original episode is explained by which of the following models? a. pathway b. stress c. rumination d. kindling


Pedro has been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Based on this diagnosis, he is likely to display all of the following behavioral difficulties EXCEPT: a. aggression. b. lack of empathy. c. problems with self-regulation. d. noncompliance with authority figures.

lack of empathy

Children who were exposed to maternal depression before the age of 12 have been shown to be at greater risk of developing depression in adolescence. This is based on a series of events related to self-worth, family environment, and stressful events and is known as the _____ model of depression. a. launch and grow b. cascading and evolving c. pathway d. environmental

launch and grow

Research would support the fact that children who are diagnosed with a mood disorder are: a. likely to continue to experience symptoms related to a mood disorder in adulthood. b. at greater risk for developing a thought disorder in adulthood. c. less likely to develop an anxiety disorder in adulthood. d. likely to show fewer symptoms of a mood disorder in adulthood.

likely to continue to experience symptoms related to a mood disorder in adulthood

The tripartite model of anxiety and depression includes all of the following concepts EXCEPT: a. common casual factors of negative affectivity. b. low levels of positive affectivity c. high levels of physiological arousal. d. low levels of coping strategies.

low levels of coping strategies

The DSM-5 includes all of the following as a personality disorder with the exception of which of the following? a. schizophrenia b. avoidant c. schizotypal d. narcissistic


The "window of opportunity" for adolescents who are at risk for developing substance use and abuse as a result of major depression indicates that: a. major depression and substance use usually occur close in time and therefore effective treatment can be put in place for both disorders. b. major depression usually precedes substance use and treatment of depression provides an opportunity for substance use to be prevented. c. substance use and major depression have similar origins and therefore respond to similar treatments. d. substance use usually occurs before a diagnosis of major depression and therefore treatment can and should occur for substance use first.

major depression usually precedes substance use and treatment of depression provides an opportunity for substance use to be prevented.

One of the reasons it is difficult to study the developmental course of maltreatment is that: a. maltreatment may be only one of several risk factors in a child's life. b. many types of abuse are difficult to detect before a child is diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. c. maltreatment usually occurs before a child has sufficient coping strategies to buffer its long-term impact. d. it is a diagnostic category that is often overused.

maltreatment may be only one of several risk factors in a child's life

Alex is undergoing therapy with a specialist in adolescent addiction in which he is being exposed to a variety of techniques related to motivation psychology, client-centered therapy and stages-of-change theory. Alex's therapist is likely using which therapy? a. cognitive-behavioral b. motivational interviewing c. addiction cognitive-behavioral d. All of these

motivational interviewing

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is more likely to occur if a child experiences all of the following EXCEPT: a. repeated exposure to trauma. b. overhearing another child talking about a traumatic experience. c. direct exposure to trauma. d. prolonged exposure to trauma.

overhearing another child talking about a traumatic experience

Fifteen-year-old Ashley is experiencing panic attacks on a daily basis, sometimes in response to attempting to go to school and sometimes while she is at home in her room. Ashley may meet the criteria for which disorder? a. OCD b. anxiety disorder c. panic disorder d. social anxiety

panic disorder

Children who encourage each other to act in socially deviant ways have likely been encouraged to do so by which of the following processes? a. peer contagion b. peer punishment c. hazing d. peer rejection

peer contagion

Brooke has been involved in ballet since she was 4 years old, has always earned straight As at school, plays two musical instruments in a competitive youth orchestra, and recently graduated 1st in her class at Harvard. Despite these accomplishments Brooke continues to push herself to set higher goals for herself and fears possible failure in these goals. Brooke's pattern of behaviors may put her at risk for the development of an eating disorder related to which of the following? a. obsession b. perfectionism c. compulsion d. anxiety


Greg started smoking when he was 17 years old and now at 40 finds that he can't get through a day without a cigarette without feeling shaky. Greg is most likely _________ to cigarettes. a. physically dependent b. psychologically dependent c. addicted d. dependent

physically dependent

Angela, a 15-year-old, is being seen by a clinical psychologist to determine if her eating patterns and preoccupation with having the perfect body meet the criteria for an eating disorder. Following best practice in assessment and diagnosis the psychologist should also have Angela evaluated by a ______. a. psychiatrist b. physician c. cardiologist d. school psychologist


Dr. Vance is lecturing to his medical students about the evidence that children with conduct disorders are more likely to have low levels of physiological arousal, are hyperactive to threats associated with anger and have blunted sensitivity to negative consequences. Dr. Vance's lecture is addressing which factors associated with etiology of CD? a. environmental b. physiological c. familial d. cognitive


A thorough medical examination should be conducted before, after, and during withdrawal from a substance because of: a. the possibility of death related to cardiac arrest, STDs, and seizures. b. possible medical complications related to past and current drug use as well as medical complications related to detoxing. c. the importance of accurate documentation for insurance and research purposes. d. the importance of ruling out other medical problems such as diabetes, thyroid problems, and tumors.

possible medical complications related to past and current drug use as well as medical complications related to detoxing

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the role of maltreatment in childhood psychopathology? Maltreatment is: a. diagnostic category that includes children who have been physically abused and are exhibiting maladaptive behaviors. b. risk factor that may lead to a variety of maladaptive behaviors which may meet the criteria for a mental health disorder. c. diagnostic category that includes children who have been physically, sexually, or emotionally abused. d. risk factor that describes the victim and perpetrator's relationship as it leads to psychopathology.

risk factor that may lead to a variety of maladaptive behaviors which may meet the criteria for a mental health disorder.

John enjoys skiing black diamond and rock climbing, while his brother Jack enjoys driving his car well over the speed limit and experimenting with different types of drugs. Both boys are engaging in _________ behaviors, but John's activities would not be considered ________. a. risky; impulsive b. dangerous; socially acceptable c. risky; age-appropriate d. dangerous; risky

risky, impulsive

The authors of this text would most likely agree that brain development in children and adolescents follows a pattern of development that is similar to a: a. roller coaster. b. ski slope. c. rolling hill. d. mountain top.

rolling hill

Suicidality is an overarching term that includes all of the following EXCEPT: a. suicide methodology b. suicide c. suicidal ideation d. parasuicide

suicide methodology

One of the primary differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is: a. types of compensatory behaviors. b. gender differences, with more boys diagnosed with anorexia nervosa than girls. c. etiology. d. the amount of weight loss.

the amount of weight loss

Six-year-old Hayley is afraid of being alone at night, doesn't like to be separated from her parents for long periods of time, hates thunder storms, and is afraid of witches who are "out to get her." What should Hayley's parents know about Hayley's fears? a. These fears are developmentally appropriate and should get better over time. b. Hayley has met the criteria for an anxiety disorder and should see a psychiatrist. c. These fears are excessive for a child her age and Hayley should see a psychiatrist. d. Hayley should be shielded from the things that she fears; otherwise, she is likely to develop an anxiety disorder.

these fears are developmentally appropriate and should get better over time

Which of the following type of stress responses is the result of prolonged exposure to stress resulting in permanent changes in brain structure and brain? a. toxic stress b. positive stress c. organic stress d. tolerable

toxic stress

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