PSY 240 Final 4

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Michelle Obama.

"let's move!", a national campaign to battle childhood obesity, was created by first lady:

Conceptions of god change for both adults and for children as a function of context.

A review of contemporary research on children's and adults' conceptions of god justifies which conclusion?

Led to improved reading scores, showing the greatest improvement compared to either explicit instruction or modeling.

A study found that reciprocal teaching:

Exert little explicit control over their children's behavior.

According to Baumrind, permissive parents:

Industry and inferiority

According to Erik Erikson, middle childhood is a time in which children must resolve the conflict between ____________.

Heteronomous; autonomous

According to Piaget, moral development involves a shift from ____________ morality to ____________ morality.

Relational aggression.

Actions that threaten the relationship and social standing of peers are called:

Ego-oriented goal

Alicia is very competitive with her peers and only feels successful when she can do better than her friends. Alicia has what type of social goal?

The ability to manipulate abstract ideas and symbols.

All of the following are characteristic of the thought processes of middle childhood, according to Piaget, except: a. Thinking that includes consideration of alternatives. B. The ability to manipulate abstract ideas and symbols. C. The ability to mentally retrace steps when problem solving. D. The understanding that transformations in appearance do not change the basic properties of number, mass, and volume.

Male characters are more likely to play more active and visible roles than female characters.

Analysis of social stereotypes in the content of children's television programming reveals that:

Extended families; nuclear families

As large numbers of individuals migrated from rural areas to newly industrialized cities, family structure changed from ____________ to ____________, according to historian Philippe Aries.

"this row goes all the way here."

As part of a conservation-of-number task, Abigail counts the same number of items in each of two rows but says that the experimenter's longer row has more. When asked why, her most likely response is:

Related to parenting styles.

Baumrind found that children's behavior is:

Bidziil will take more time planning but will make fewer mistakes.

Bidziil, a Navajo child and Elie, a European American child are shown a schematic drawing of a maze and asked to find the most direct, obstacle-free path from their school to their home with a stop at the store. What is most likely to happen?

Of cultural expectations.

Boys are more likely to be faster at running and better at throwing and catching than girls because:

Children are moving from elementary to middle school, and new social groups are forming.

Bullying appears to peak during the sixth grade in American schools because:

Set clearly defined limits.

Children are more likely to have high self-esteem when their parents:

Graphemes; phonemes

Children generally learn the meaning of written text by translating ____________ to ____________.

Optimistic and believe they can do better on tasks if they try harder.

Children who display a mastery-oriented motivational pattern are:


Children with a disability who display a pattern of performance in which their verbal IQ is high and their quantitative IQ is low have:


Chris is trying to remember the names of the bones of the body for her anatomy class by mentally chunking the bones into groups by their locations in the body. Chris is using what mental strategy?

Score higher on measures of self-esteem.

Compared to children with no friends, children with best friends tend to:

They are performed on real objects.

Concrete operations are called "concrete" because:

Training, familiar materials, and use of native language are important contributors to children's performance on standardized tests.

Cross-cultural differences in performance on conservation tasks suggest:

Pilar had better health during childhood.

Elida and pilar are two girls from the same village. Elida's mother did not attend school growing up, but Pilar's mother attended elementary school as a child. What do we know about the girls based on past research comparing children of mothers who had no formal schooling versus children of mothers who did?

Neglected sociometric status.

Friendships provide children with all of the following except: a. Contexts to develop basic social skills. B. Neglected sociometric status. C. Models of intimate relationships. D. Companionship and fun.

Executive function.

Higher-level cognitive processes, such as aspects of cognition associated with supervising and controlling lower-level cognitive processes are called:

There is a discrepancy between their performance on different parts of the IQ test.

How are children with learning disabilities distinguished from their classmates?

Changes limited to outside appearance do not change the amounts involved.

Identity refers to understanding that:

Cognitive terms.

In Europe and north America, intelligence is defined mainly in:

Cultural goal.

In addition to a "survival goal" and an "economic goal," parents the world over strive to ensure that their children acquire the basic values of the group. Robert Levine refers to this as the:

Everyday activities.

In contemporary hunter-gatherer societies, children tend to learn through:


Jasmin's family has begun expecting her to help out around the family's farm and take care of her younger siblings. Jasmin is probably age:


Jason is a single father who lives with his two children. This family would be considered a(n) ???? family.


Jennifer lives with her mother, father, husband, and daughter. Jennifer lives in a(n) ____________ family.

These results are to be expected because participation in school tends to help a child learn strategies useful in recall tasks.

Josefa and Ann have birthdays one month apart. Josefa's birth date puts her in first grade while Ann's puts her in kindergarten. When they are tested on a recall test at the end of the school year, Josefa remembers more items than ann. What would you tell Ann's mother about this result?

Lead to better memory performance

Memory strategies:

Nori is taller than maria.

Nori and maria are cousins who are 10 years old. Although nori's parents are originally from Guatemala, she has been raised in the united states. Her cousin maria has been raised in Guatemala. Based on Bogin's study with Mayan families, what is likely to be the physical growth of the girls?

Social reorientation.

Now that Zach is in middle childhood, he spends more time with his friends and peers and less time with his parents. This reflects a process of:

No-nonsense parenting.

Parenting that includes a mixture of high parental control, physical restraint, punishment, and warm affection is called:

Children learn basic math skills best when they are linked with real-world problems.

Realistic mathematics education fits with which view?

Control one's own future.

Research has suggested that the key to high self-esteem, transmitted in large part by the family, is some ability to:

Increase the probability of negative outcomes for children.

Risk factors:

Spatial intelligence

Sam is very good at mentally rotating objects in order to solve problems. What kind of intelligence is this?

Use of abstract reasoning.

School problem solving supports:

Increases the crop yield of her community.

Sending a girl in sub-Saharan Africa to school:


Stacey expects her children to follow family rules, but she explains these rules to her children so they understand why they are needed. Stacey is using which kind of parenting style?


Terrance has been learning to weave hats by moving in with his uncle and then shadowing him and watching him weave hats. Terrance is learning through:

Frontal lobes of the cortex

The _____ coordinates planning and goal setting.

In cultures where schooling is available to only parts of the population.

The effects of school on children's cognitive abilities can be best studied:

Have not begun school because their birthday falls before a specified cut-off date.

The school cut-off strategy assesses the impact of schooling by comparing children in school with children of the same age who:

Knowledge base.

The store of information that children can draw on to relate new memories to is their:

Possible self.

Thinking about what the self might be like in the future is referred to as the:

Cooperation goal

Thomas feels most successful when he and his friends help each other do their best. What type of basic social goal is Thomas exhibiting?

Actual; ideal

Vickie sees herself as a poor student in math class, but she would like to be the most accomplished student in the class. Vickie is demonstrating a discrepancy between her _____ self and her _____ self.

Everyday problem-solving.

Wayne is trying to figure out how to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf in the kitchen. To do so, he needs to figure out what object is high enough for him to reach the counter and sturdy enough to hold him. His problem-solving in this situation is an example of:

Mothers who are supported by allocaregivers are likely to have more children.

What influence does the help of allocaregivers have on children and families?

Socioeconomic status

What is a measure that uses information on parents' income level, education level, and occupation to assess economic hardship experience by families?

A memory strategy.

When children try to remember a list of information by repeating it again and again, they are using:


Which country commissioned Simon and Binet to create a test for diagnosing mental sub normality?

Decoding strategies implemented

Which of the following is not a way in which formal education differs from traditional apprenticeship training? A. Motivation b. Social relations c. Social organization d. Decoding strategies implemented

Parental fighting

Which of the following seems to increase sibling fighting?

Hearing phonemes

Which of the following skills is basic to learning to read?

There is an increase in fat tissue.

Which trend in physical growth occurs during middle childhood?

Difficulty distinguishing between appearance and reality.

While watching "Dora the explorer," josie enthusiastically responds to Dora's questions by shouting out responses. Her willingness to enter into conversations with tv characters reflects her:

Concrete-operations are thought to reflect basic universal mental operations, whereas specific memory strategies are tied to specific task requirements.

Why do cross-cultural studies of memory and concrete-operational thinking have different implications?

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