PSY 3024

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According to the module, how can your declare your intent to pursue a minor or undergraduate certificate?

Complete the "Change of Major, Track, Minor or Certificate Declaration" online through MyUCF

What is the correct order in which you must take these courses?

STA 2023 Statistical Methods > PSY 3204C Statistical Methods in Psychology > PSY 3213C Research Methods

Problem-solving and drawing conclusions about behavior are descriptors that go with which of the 5 competencies for the psychology major?

Scientific Inquiry & Critical Thinking

Psychology graduate skills

Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World Communication Leadership and Teamwork —Professional Development The Knowledge Base of Psychology (Content Knowledge of Psychology)

This profession in this area of psychology provides psychological expertise on psycholegal issues

Forensic Psychology

Sending out resumes to prospective employers is part of...

Active Job Searching

Your precise degree requirements correspond with your...

Catalog Year

If you trust your letter writers, you may want to waive your access to the letter so that the graduate program knows the letter is genuine and not inflated.


In your last semester at UCF (the semester in which you are graduating), all coursework must be taken from UCF in your last semester


According to the module, when is it best to use a chronological resume?

When you've had a long time at a job/company

Who can prescribe medications


In a graduate program interview, you are asked "If you could be a pizza, what type would you be and why?" The reason this kind of question may be asked is ...

1. All of these 2. To see if you can think on your feet 3. To see how you handle ambiguity 4. To see if you can answer a question that requires thought and imagination Correct Answer 1. All of these

Credit Requirements:

120 Total Credits Minimum: All students are required to complete 120 hours of credits to earn any Bachelor's degree at UCF. You can go over 120 credits, but you cannot graduate with less than 120 credits and must also have the following within your 120 or more credits: 48 Upper Level Credits (3000-4000 level classes) are required. 30 UCF Credits are required for students transferring in with a lot. 21 Psychology Credits are required.

According to the module, what is a top GRE score?


Baron and Mellow found that each 10 hours of job search activities per week increases the chance of getting a job in the next month by...


According to Schwartz (2000), what percentage of psychology majors actually work in a field closely related to psychology?


Ethical and Social Responsibility

Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice Promote values that build trust and enhance interpersonal relationships Adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels

What is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist not able to do?

Conduct psychological testing and psychological evaluations

Historically, a professional in this area of psychology assists the "worried well" with problems of living, adjustment issues, phase of life issues.

Counseling Psychology

Leadership and Teamwork/ Professional Development

Exhibits self-efficacy and self-regulation Possesses project management skills Enhances teamwork capacity Develops a meaningful professional direction for their life after graduation

You can anticipate typical interview questions, but it is not a good idea to practice answering them because you will come across stilted and fake.


You can return to UCF after receiving your Bachelor's degree to finish up a minor.


Your GPA in your Psychology bachelor's degree program is not very important to get into graduate school.


For whom is it most important to obtain research experience?

For the psychology major planning to apply to doctoral programs in psychology

In relation to goal setting to find a job, which of these goals is most effective?

Sending your resume to thirty organizations this week

In relation to setting goals to find a job, the module suggests that you should...

Set goals that will push you

Which of the following is not an action verb?


Which is not an explicit learning goal put forth by the APA for undergraduate psychology majors?

Helping People

Sally works as a server in a restaurant throughout college. She earns money to pay for college by waiting tables and sometimes she trains new servers. Which of these transferable skills could she emphasize on her resume and in an interview?

Helping to satisfy upset customers None of these Assisting customers All of these Training others Correct Answer All of these

An individual working in this specific area of psychology may focus on making machines and technology safer and easier for humans to use.

Human Factors Psychology

An individual in this area of psychology applies psychological principles to business and industry, such as hiring and training of employees.

Industrial Organizational Psychology

Given your Leadership and Teamwork skills, when someone thinks of you they might use the following descriptors:

Industrious Intuitive Dependable Reflective Prepared Sensitive Confident Resourceful Efficient Resilient Responsible Conscientious Directed Adaptable Collaborative

What type of experience helps you get a good job and/or into graduate school?

Internships Volunteer work Fieldwork Paid relevant work All of the answers Correct Answer All of the answers

Where should you look for a job?

Job posting websites Local newspaper ads Career Fairs All of the answers Websites of businesses Correct Answer All of the answers

Given your Knowledge Base in Psychology, when someone thinks of you they might use the following descriptors:

Knowledgeable about psychology Conversant about psychological phenomena Capable of coping with complexity and ambiguity Prepared Motivated Psychologically literate CuriousOpen-minded Flexible in thinking

According to the module, which one of these is a top occupation for people with a Bachelor's degree (only) in Psychology?

Marketing and Sales

Which of the following degrees is placed highest (listed first) within your Education section of your resume?

Master's degree

According to the article on minors written by Mitch Harden, which of the following minors is a useful discipline to add to a Psychology major?


Below is a sample course description. What do you need to take before you can take PSB 4240 Neuropsychology? PSB 4240 - Neuropsychology Credit Hours: 3 Class Hours: 3 Lab and Field Work Hours: 0 Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisite(s): PSB 3002. Study of brain function, with particular emphasis on human behavior.

PSB 3002 Physiological Psychology

How are most letters of recommendation submitted to graduate programs?

Submitted via the graduate school's online submission portal, after the school sends the letter-writer an email with a link to the portal

Knowledge Base in Psychology

The skills in this domain are the fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems. The Baccalaureate demonstrates breadth in their knowledge and applications of psychological ideas to simple problems. In addition, the Baccalaureate show depth in their knowledge and application of psychological concepts and frameworks to problems of greater complexity Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology Develop a working knowledge of psychology's content domains Describe applications of psychology

What is a common career path with a Psychology Bachelor's degree?

Therapeutic positions Residential care Human resources All of the answers Correct Answer All of the answers

Academic Probation

This is how the UCF Catalog describes Academic Probation: "Action taken when a student's UCF cumulative GPA drops below 2.0. Academic Probation will continue until the current term and UCF cumulative GPA reach 2.0 or better."

If you are a transfer student with tons of credits already earned, you must still earn at least 30 credits from UCF to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology.


If you double major, you still only receive one actual degree to hang on your wall.


You can access and review your own degree audit.


most employers are far more interested in the skills or attributes you transfer from college than in your specific knowledge of a liberal arts major.


Which of the following is NOT a UCF requirement?

Two years of high school foreign language will fulfill the Psychology B.S degree Foreign Language Requirement

Which of the following has as a goal for members "to be informed about Psychology at UCF"?

UCF Psychological Society

This type of interview is what most people picture when they think of an interview. It is an interviewer and job candidate engaging in a conversation.

Unstructured Interview

Unstructured interviews

Unstructured interviews consist of an interviewer and interviewee engaging a conversation

Knowledge base in Psychology Goal 1

"Students should demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems"

How long should a new college graduate's resume and cover letter typically be?

1 Page each

Which GPA is recommended if you are going to apply to graduate school?

3.5 or higher

According to the Florida licensure requirements, how many TOTAL supervised hours must a clinical psychologist have in order to become licensed in Florida? (Be sure to read the licensure requirements and include internship and post-doctoral supervision hours)


How many 3-4000 level credits do you need to earn your Bachelor's degree?


According to the article on minors written by Mitch Harden, what percentage of college students will change their majors at least once before graduating?


Which of these is an undergraduate certificate at UCF?

All of these Health Communication Victim Advocacy Criminal Profiling Behavioral Forensics Correct Answer All of these

What is a Psychology Peer Advisor?

A psychology major who assists other psychology major in understanding and completing degree requirements

What is the primary professional organization for psychologists in the U.S.?

American Psychological Association

As discussed in the module, according to "Great Jobs for Psychology Majors" which is not one of the 4 most common career paths for Psychology majors?

Animal Training

On your resume, what is the correct way to list your psychology degree from UCF?

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

According to the module, if you want research experience, you could...

Become a Research Assistant

The profession in this area of psychology uses the principles of learning and conditioning to change behavior...

Behavior Analysis

What do behavior analysts do?

Behavior modification with individuals who have autism other pervasive developmental disorders and/or intellectual disabilities

Which of these is not a minor at UCF?

Behavioral Forensics

Which of the following is best to use on a resume?

Bullet points

According to the module, 61% of psychology majors enter the workforce upon completion of a Bachelor's degree work in

Business and Industry

How can you shape your Psychology Bachelor's degree toward your career/graduate school goals?

Complete a relevant minor Earn credits through Undergraduate Fieldwork, Service Learning, and/or Research All of the answers Take psychology electives in an area that fits your goals Complete a relevant certificate Correct Answer All of the answers

What does the Honors in the Major Program (HIM) require?

Complete an undergraduate thesis

According to the module, what is the first thing you should do to succeed in any college course?

Carefully read the syllabus

What kind of resume is the most common?


Which of the following occupations requires more than a Master's degree? A doctoral degree is required for...

Clinical Psychologist

This area of psychology specifically researches, evaluates and/or treats serious psychopathology.

Clinical Psychology


Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes Exhibit effective presentation skills for different purposes Interact effectively with others

In direct relation to Landrum's employer strategies for filling a job vacancy, being an intern, being a volunteer, and/or accepting a lower-level position can be a good idea because

Employers hire or promote from within

What is a job title related to business relevant to Psychology Bachelor's degree holders?

Energy Researcher

According to the module, completing a minor is the single best way to shape your under your education towards your career/graduate school goals.


According to the module, it is a bad idea for new college graduates to let their colleagues and network know that they are actively looking for a job because then they might steal your opportunities.


According to the module, it is inappropriate and possibly even rude to walk into businesses and ask if there are any job opportunities.


An Objective on a resume should be general and broad so that it fits with a lot of possible jobs.


Given your Communication Skills, when someone thinks of you they might use the following descriptors:

Precise Investigative Prepared Attentive Comprehensible Flexible Persuasive Respectful

What is the honor society in psychology for academically high-achieving psychology majors?

Psi Chi

What is the name of the international honor society for psychology majors?

Psi Chi

Which profession requires medical school (M.D./D.O. degree)?


Which of the following is NOT one of the top 10 occupations for individuals with only a Bachelor's degree in Psychology?


According to Landrum's employer strategies for filling an open job position, employers prefer

To hire people they or their colleagues already have experience with

What is the purpose of a Cover Letter?

To request an interview To tell employers who you are To express interest in particular employer and/or position To tell employers why you are a good fit for their company/organization All of the above Correct Answer All of the Above

A cover letter needs to be customized to each job you apply to.


Degree Requirements

You must earn a "C" grade or higher in a course for it to count towards a requirement. GPA Requirements: OVERALL GPA of 2.0 or higher to earn your Bachelor's degree. UCF GPA of 2.0 or higher to earn your Bachelor's degree. PSYCHOLOGY GPA of 2.0 higher or higher to earn your Bachelor's degree. SEMESTER GPA of 2.0: You must also earn a 2.0 or higher GPA each semester in order to stay in good academic standing. If you earn below a 2.0 GPA for a semester, you will be placed on Academic Probation. If your grades continue to be too low, you face Academic Suspension.

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the job outlook for psychologists is...

expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations

Which of the following courses is required for all UCF psychology majors?

1. History and Systems 2. Neuropsychology 3. Clinical Psychology 4. Abnormal Psychology 5. Psychology of Women Correct answer History and Systems

According to the module, what percentage of psychology majors enter the workforce upon completing their bachelor's degree and do not go to graduate school?


UCF Psychology majors are required to have a minor or certificate.


Which is not recommended for success as a psychology major?

Forgo being a research assistant and doing an internship if you have to work or have a family that makes these things a challenge to do

According to the module, how many years after your Bachelor's does it take to become a masters-level counselor/therapist, and how many years to become a clinical/counseling psychologist?

High in Openness and High in Empathy

Puzzle interviews

Puzzle interviews are usually unstructured interviews that ask applicants to solve puzzles or unusual problems How many piano tuners are there in the world? If you could remove any of the fifty U.S. states, which would it be? Why does a mirror reverse right and left instead of up and down? Why are beer cans tapered on the ends? How long would it take to move Mount Fuji?

According to the module, what specific type of experience should you specifically seek out if you are aiming to get into a doctoral program in psychology?

Research Experience

As discussed in the module and text, in addition to a strong GPA and strong GRE scores, this becomes crucially important to gain acceptance to a Ph.D. program in psychology...

Research experience

Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking

Use scientific reasoning to interpret behavior Demonstrate psychology information literacy Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem-solving Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry

It is a waste of time to look for a job on the internet.


Which of these requires a master's degree?

1. All of these require a master's degree 2. Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) 3. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) 4. Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) 5. None of these require a master's degree Correct Answer 1. All of these require a master's degree


1. Communication Skills (verbal and written) 2. Honesty/Integrity 3. Teamwork Skills 4. Interpersonal/People/Social Skills 5. Motivation/Initiative 6. Strong Work Ethic (hard working, conscientious) 7. Analytical Skills 8. Flexibility/Adaptability 9. Computer Skills 10. Self-Confidence * Not specific to psychology majors

How do you shape your undergraduate experience to prepare to apply for graduate school?

1. Demonstrate involvement in your university through active membership in organizations such as the Psychological Society and Psi Chi 2. Take appropriate coursework 3. Volunteer, complete fieldwork, or get a job that shows some related experience 4. All of these are a good idea 5. Get research experience Correct Answer 4. All of these are a good idea

Which of these is true?

1. It is illegal to call yourself a "psychologist" unless you are licensed as a psychologist 2. "Psychologist" is a legally protected term in Florida and many other states 3. All of these are true 4. Psychologists do not go to medical school and cannot prescribe medications 5. Each state has its own licensing requirements for psychologists Correct Answer 3. All of these are true

Which of these is a good idea in relation to applying to graduate school?

1. Stay off your cell phone 2. Think about answers to common interview questions and be prepared to answer them 3. All of these are a good idea 4. Have questions you can ask them, because they may ask you if you have any questions 5. Avoid drinking alcohol at the interview's social components Correct Answer 3. All of these are a good idea

Which of the following is true?

1. You must have an OVERALL GPA of 2.0 or higher to earn your Bachelor's degree. 2. You must have a UCF GPA of 2.0 or higher to earn your Bachelor's degree. 3. PSYCHOLOGY GPA of 2.0 higher or higher to earn your Bachelor's degree. 4. All of these are true Correct answer 4. All of these are true

According to the module when using your network, which is more successful?

Being referred to a job opening by a current employee of the company

Clinical, Counseling and School Psychologists can be licensed in Florida, but there is no licensure for clinical social workers or mental health counselors.


Most individuals with a Bachelor's degree go on to graduate school.


Sending a thank you email or note after an interview with a graduate program is not recommended for a variety of reasons.


Almost all graduate programs in psychology require the

GRE General Test

According to the module, what is an outstanding reference published by the APA to look up information on all types of graduate programs in psychology?

Graduate Study in Psychology

APA's Learning Goals for the Psychology Major

Guidelines 2.0 consists of five goals: 1. Knowledge base in psychology. 2. Scientific inquiry and critical thinking. 3. Ethical and social responsibility in a diverse world. 4. Communication. 5. Professional development.

If someone is described as flexible in thinking, conversant about psychology phenomena, and open-minded, they are strong in which of the 5 competencies for psychology majors?

Knowledge Base of Psychology

Which of these is appropriate to include on your resume?

Membership in professional organizations

According to the module, after you earn your bachelor's degree, what is the recommended placement of the Education section in your resume?

Near the top

"If all objects, products and materials become recyclable, how will this affect our economy?" This is an example of what type of interview?

Puzzle Interview

summary of what potential employers are looking for from YOU

Relevant Experience - Internships, fieldwork, paid or volunteer- to use and test out skills taught in the classroom Demonstrated Leadership - Clubs, organizations, fraternities/sororities, on the job, in sports, or in the classroom Passion for the Industry - Enthusiasm and excitement for the industry to which you are applying for the job Teamwork Ability Self-Starter/Initiative/Problem-Solving Skills Basic Tech Skills - Specifically mentioned: Powerpoint and Excel skills Interpersonal Skills - Able to meet new people, work well with customers Communication Skills - Aware of one's communication style and how you come across to others/ be perceptive of how the particular audience wants to be communicated with- for example, do not be informal or pushy with the Vice President etc.) Flexibility and Adaptability - Adjust to change quickly, quick problem solving

Course Sequences and Prerequisites:

STA 2014C or STA 2023 Statistical Methods is a required, enforced prerequisite for two other required psychology courses. You need either the STA 2014C or STA 2023 before you take PSY 3204C Statistical Methods in Psychology and PSY 3213C Research Methods. — So be sure to take the STA 2023 in your first or second year so that you can take the upper level Statistical Methods in Psychology and Research Methods courses in your Junior and Senior Year.

According to the module, which of the following is NOT advice provided by human resource specialists to get you hired?

Send a Thank you email after the interview If you get a call from a potential employer, respond right away Wear a suit to your interview Do your research on company before interviewing Correct Answer: All of these are recommended to get you hired

For college graduates, which should you not put on your resume?

Sentences throughout Name of High School/Diploma Paragraphs in some sections All of these should not be on the resume Correct Answer All of these should not be on the resume

The STAR method for replying to an interview question stands for...

Situation, Task, Action, Results


Social Skills Communication Skills Information Gathering/Processing Skills Numerical/Computer/Psychometric Skills

Given your skills in Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking, when someone thinks of you they might use the following descriptors:

Tolerant of Ambiguity Creative Systematic Self-directed Amiably Skeptical Inventive Intentional Self-starting Open-Minded Logical Constructively Critical Collaborative Curious Persistent Precise Careful

A college senior puts this on their resume "I established procedures to improve follow-up with clients after discharge and updated Consent to Treat and HIPAA forms. I also assisted in developing office procedures to protect confidentiality and privacy of our records and correspondence." This resume statement is

Too long and should be broken up into bullet points

According to the module, in your last semester at UCF (the semester in which you are graduating), all coursework must be taken from UCF in your last semester.


Even one spelling or grammatical error on a resume can hurt your chances for consideration.


Psychology majors can be found doing many different kinds of jobs.


Given your Ethical and Social Responsibility, when someone thinks of you they might use the following descriptors:

Trustworthy Sensitive Reliable CommunityInvolved Conventional Rigorous Moral Courageous Fair-minded Generous Civically Engaged Beneficent Ethical Respectful Tolerant

Panel interviews

consist of multiple interviewers simultaneously interviewing one interviewee. Interviewees unfamiliar with this approach may be more nervous initially because of the number of interviewers. One positive aspect of participating in a panel interview is that you don't need to keep your entire focus on one person.

Situational interviews

similar to structured interviews in that interviewees are asked scripted questions. One key difference is that situational interviews ask people how they would respond to hypothetical situations. For example, a person applying to a customer service job may be asked how they would respond to an angry customer.

Structured interviews

the interviewer asks the same questions to every interviewee Typically interviewers follow a script in asking questions. While interviewees tend not to like structured interviews as much as unstructured interviews, structured interviews have been found to be less biased and better predictors of successful job performance.

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