PSY 4049 module 5 psychology exist assessment quiz on avoiding plagiarism in APA style OBOJOBO assignment review/study guide

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What is the best way to summarize text?

Briefly restate the main ideas of the text, add a parenthetical citation and add the source to your References page. Correct. When you summarize, convey the main points presented in the original source, include a parenthetical citation, and include the details about the source in the reference entry.

Buying a Paper or Using a Friend's Paper

Buying a paper or using a friend's paper and turning it in as your own work represents blatant plagiarism. If you turn in someone else's words or ideas, you're deceiving your readers by allowing them to think the work is original.

reference entry example in APA

Friedman, J. (2005). Cosmetic surgery. CQ Researcher, 15(14), 317-344. Retrieved from http://frnjfnjnr.asp.

Learning Objective - What you will learn:

Given examples that include the following, students will be able to identify what constitutes plagiarism in their academic work and how to avoid the common causes of plagiarism when they use: direct quotes, paraphrased text, or summarized text.

Citing sources is typically a two-step process. To cite sources using APA style:

Step 1 -- Create a References page, which should be added at the end of your paper, to list all of the required details about each source. Depending on the citation style you use, this page may be titled Works Cited or Bibliography. Step 2 -- Add a parenthetical citation within the body of your paper wherever you include a direct quote, paraphrased text or ideas, or summarized text or ideas from outside sources. Parenthetical citations (sometimes called in-text citations) refer readers to a specific entry listed on your References page.

Detecting Plagiarism

Students are expected to know and follow academic standards by citing the outside sources used in their work. Some UCF instructors utilize, an online search tool. The turnitin software checks papers for originality by comparing a student's paper with papers submitted from other institutions and with content found on the web. After a paper is submitted, a report is sent that indicates if an author's work was properly used in the paper.


Summarizing a source is similar to paraphrasing, but summarizing doesn't include as much detail. When you summarize, use your own words to briefly restate the main ideas presented in the original source.

Reusing a Paper

Using your own work for more than one assignment violates the expectation that your work is original, and it is considered by some to be "self-plagiarism" ( Reusing a paper and not letting your readers know that the information appears elsewhere misleads readers.

Which answer describes information that is common knowledge that you are not required to cite?

the names of U.S. presidents

Choose the answer that shows the correct way to include a direct quote in a paper?

"The most challenging aspect of research today is finding too much information on a topic" (Stebbins, 2010, p. 2). Correct. This quote includes quotations and a parenthetical citation.

When you paraphrase:

convey details about ideas presented in the source using your own words, include a parenthetical citation, list the source on your Reference page, and don't make the mistake of paraphrasing "too lightly" by changing only a few words, copying exact phrases, or using the same sentence structure as the original source.

example of how to include the direct quote with APA parenthetical citation

(Friedman, 2005, p. 319).

Read the text below and determine which answer gives the best example of how to paraphrase text. This study also showed that boys are more likely than girls to use 'cheats' to learn games. In classroom learning, frequent collaboration and use of outside resources as shortcuts can be considered dishonest, unless the activity is specifically designed with collaboration in mind. It is important to note that such practices are sometimes considered acceptable strategies in the gaming world, and students may not understand the differences between ethics in the gaming world and those of the classroom unless these are directly taught. Hamlen, K. R. (2011). Children's choices and strategies in video games. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 532-39. Retrieved from

A recent study by Hamlen (2011) found that using cheats for online games is more common in boys than in girls with this kind of strategy being recognized as acceptable and ethical. In the classroom these practices, like collaborating with others or using shortcuts, would be considered cheating therefore, some students may need to have this distinction clearly taught Correct. This example properly restates information from the original source and includes a parenthetical citation to cite the source.

Choose the answer below that indicates the best use of direct quotes in your paper.

Use direct quotes sparingly to highlight a point or when the original wording is unique and cannot be improved upon. Correct. Use direct quotes sparingly since too many quotes may make it appear your writing relies too heavily on the ideas of others. Also, be sure to include quotations and properly cite the source.

What are the two elements needed to avoid plagiarizing someone else's work?

a parenthetical citation and the source listed on the References page Correct. Citing is a two-step process that consists of using a parenthetical or in-text citation and a corresponding reference entry for the source.

Academic Integrity

This module is designed to help you recognize the common causes of plagiarism and show you how to avoid them.

which answer is an example of plagiarism?

using song lyrics in a report about cultural music Correct. Using someone else's words or ideas without citing them is plagiarism.

When you summarize:

convey the main points presented in the source, include a parenthetical citation, and list the source on your Reference page.

Copying and Pasting Text

Because text, images and other types of media are so accessible on the web it may seem that online sources are free for anyone to use, but that isn't true. Copying and pasting text verbatim from a web site or using images or media with the intention of turning them in as your own work is known as cyber-plagiarism. To avoid cyber-plagiarism, you must indicate any text or ideas that are not your own by including a parenthetical citation and a reference entry. Requirements for using images or media that are found online are determined by intellectual property restrictions or Terms of Use policies, which are often established by the original author. Terms of Use and Copyright policies explain how you are permitted to use text, images or other media that you find online. To avoid cyber-plagiarism, read and follow these policies before using any content. Keep in mind also that if you are allowed to use content, images or media, you still need to properly cite the source. Finally, some sites may not include policies. When this occurs, you may need to request permission to use content, images, or media or find another site.

Read the text below and determine which answer gives the best example of how to summarize text. A total of 14 intersections (nine camera sites, three non-camera sites, and two control sites) were studied. Overall, the red light violation rate was reduced approximately 42% several months after the enforcement program began. Increases in driver compliance were not limited to the camera-equipped intersections but spilled over the non-equipped intersections as well. Results of public opinion surveys conducted approximately 6 weeks before, 6 weeks after, and 6 months after the camera enforcement began indicated that nearly 80% of Oxnard residents support using red light cameras as a supplement to police efforts to enforce traffic signal laws. Rettig, R. A., Williams, A. F., Farmer, C. M., & Feldman, A. F. (1999). Evaluation of red light camera enforcement in Oxnard, California. Accident Analysis and Prevention 31(3), 169-74.

In one study red light cameras reduced violations by 42% with compliance spreading to intersections without cameras as well, with residents overwhelmingly supporting the program (Rettig, Williams, Farmer, & Feldman, Correct. This example briefly restates the original source by conveying the main points and it properly cites the source.

Common Knowledge: Facts and Dates

Information such as facts and dates that are readily available from a number of different sources and are generally known by most people are considered common knowledge. Since information that is considered common knowledge isn't the result of individual or unique research, you aren't required to cite it. For example, if you write in a paper that Canada borders the United States, which is a well-known fact to most people, you don't need to cite it. But keep in mind that deciding whether information is truly common knowledge can be tricky. Often, it depends on your audience and on the context in which the information is used. Although most people will know that Canada borders the United States, if you write that the mail isn't delivered in Canada on Saturdays, (a somewhat obscure bit of information) you need to consider whether your audience is likely to know that (Canada Post). Therefore, if you aren't sure if the information you're providing qualifies as common knowledge, always cite the source.

Recognizing how to avoid plagiarism and the requirements for citing sources can be complicated. The overview provided in this module is designed to help you learn some of the key issues and how you can correctly and ethically integrate outside information into your writing. If you have questions about using APA styles, identifying and locating sources or using research tools, please contact the library for assistance.

Library hours are posted on the library web site ( To get assistance at the library, you can also: Consult library Research Guides - guides list suggested resources by subject areas ( Stop by the Research & Information Desk - librarians provide in-person assistance in the Knowledge Commons at the main library Schedule a research consultation - one-hour appointments can be scheduled with a librarian to answers research questions ( Contact the Ask A Librarian service - ask questions via chat, text, email or by phone (

The information you include in the parenthetical citation will vary since it directly relates to the type of source you are citing and how you introduce the quote. For example, if you do not mention the author's name when you introduce a quote, the parenthetical citation should include the author's last name, article's publication year and the relevant page number(s) where the quote can be found. However, if you do mention the author's name when you introduce the quote, the parenthetical citation should include the

article's publication year and relevant page number(s) where the quote can be found. Typically, parenthetical citations are added at the end of a sentence or as near as possible to the quoted text and they should be enclosed in parentheses and added before the final punctuation.

Which answer describes how to avoid cyber-plagiarism when you paraphrase or summarize text or use images found on a web site?

follow the Terms of Use policy and cite the source Correct. Always follow the site's policies about how you may use any content.

Getting Help from a Friend

Getting help from a friend (excluding group work) to write a paper is also a form of plagiarism. A major goal of academic writing is to contribute and develop your own unique point of view and original ideas. If you need help with a paper, consider scheduling an appointment with the staff at the UCF Writing Center. When you're working on group projects also be sure you know how information sharing and writing should be handled. If you're not sure, check with your instructor.

You are writing a paper about the farmland needed to grow corn for ethanol production and you found this picture on a web site. Choose the answer that describes how you can properly include the picture in your paper.

You can look on the web site for a statement that explains how you can use the picture. Correct. Before you use pictures or other images you find on the web, you must find out what the policy is for using an image. Otherwise, you may be violating copyright.

Paraphrasing is

another way to include outside information in a paper. To paraphrase, use your own words to restate ideas presented in the original source. The example on the right shows the original text of an encyclopedia entry. Click the links at the bottom to see an example of how to paraphrase the text, add the parenthetical citation, and view the reference entry.

To avoid plagiarism,

cite all outside sources you use in your writing.

Direct Quotes Use a direct quote when you want to

include an author's exact words in your writing. It's common to include direct quotes in a paper to highlight a point or support an argument, but keep in mind that quotes must include quotation marks and be properly cited. Also, use quotes sparingly. If you add too many quotes or quote large sections of text, it may appear your writing relies too heavily on the ideas of others.

To include a direct quote in your paper, begin by

making a statement, add the quote supporting the statement, put quotation marks around the quote, and add a parenthetical citation at the end of the quote.

To avoid plagiarism, give credit to authors whose ideas or text you include in your writing by adding...

parenthetical citations and reference entries Correct. Both of these elements are required to properly cite sources and credit original authors. Also, add quotations for any direct quotes you use in a paper.

Which statement is NOT a form of plagiarism?

restating text found on a web page and citing the source Correct. Applying ideas from outside sources by quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing text, following the terms of use on web sites and properly citing sources contributes to the development of new knowledge.

The UCF Rules of Conduct, published in The Golden Rule Student Handbook 2012-2013 notes on page 16

that "In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else's language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers" (Council of Writing Program Administrators). Violating academic standards by plagiarizing can have serious consequences that may include receiving a failing grade for an assignment or a course -- or suspension or expulsion from the university.

Which answer lists the correct way to paraphrase to avoid plagiarism?

use your own words to convey details from a source Correct. Conveying details from a source in your own words and citing is the correct way to paraphrase.

Causes of Plagiarism Common causes of plagiarism include:

using a direct quote without adding quotations and citing the source, paraphrasing or summarizing someone else's words or ideas without citing the source, submitting your own paper for more than one assignment, getting a friend to help you write a paper, borrowing or buying a paper, and other practices that may be identified by your professors or instructors.

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