PSY200 Exam 2

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A 2 month old child has swatted their mobile. They are interacting with their environment. Around 8 months, they begin to develop separation anxiety. This environment establishes which critical aspect? A. Self in infancy B. Self in toddlerhood C. Self in early childhood


A child has realized that in order to use a word she has learned, she has to obey the grammatical rules and use it correctly. Which level of syntactic development is she in? A. Syntax B. telegraphic C. overgeneralization


A child is constantly pointing at things and naming the object or the person. This type of word learning style demonstrated is BEST identified as A. referential B. expressive


A child is placed in their play room while mom is seated 20-30 feet away on the couch. As the child plays, every now and then, the child looks up at mom to check her facial expression to feel reassured. What is this BEST identified as? A. secure base B. safe haven C. dynamic equilibrium


A child is presented with 2 glasses (1st: tall and skinny 2nd: wide and short). When asked which holds more liquid, the child says the 1st one. What is the child demonstrating a lack of? A. conservation B. animism C. centation D. egocentrism


A child seems to become distressed when their parent changes their physical appearance. ie- putting on sunglasses, new haircut, etc. According to Rothbart and Bates, this can best be described as A. fearful distress B. irritable distress C. attention span and persistence


A child was presented with a marshmallow and was told if they were to wait, they would receive two marshmallows. Before the instructor left the room, the child ate the marshmallow right away. Which category of inhibitory control would her behavior be classified as? A. hot (limbic system) B. cold (prefrontal cortex)


A child's mother has left the room and the child becomes distressed. Upon mom coming back, the child is soothed and comforted when mom returns. This attachment style is BEST classified as A. secure B. avoidant C. resistant/ambivalent D. disorganized. disoriented


A mom is pouring herself a glass of milk and says "I'm pouring myself some milk, yes im thirsty for milk." The child understands what their mom is referring to and they understand that milk is what is filling their mom's glass. This understanding is BEST identified as A. Comprehension B. Production


A parent is at the store with their child. The child points at the basket of oranges and the parent picks it up and states "that's an orange." This is best identified as A. Joint attention B. Fast Mapping C. Mutual Exclusivity


A picture is shown to child of both milk and orange juice. The child is asked to identify the picture of the milk. The child points at the picture of milk. This identification is best referred as A. Receptive Vocab B. Productive Vocab


A universal, longlasting, close emotional tie is classified as a A. attachment B. bond C. relationship


An 18month old has participated in the Rouge Test. Did they pass or fail a test at 18 months? A. Pass B. Fail


An infant sleeps at regular times and eats on a set schedule. They seem to be in a positive mood and respond well to stimuli. Thomas and Chess would best classify this baby as A. easy B. difficult C. slow to warm up


As a typically developing participant, where do you think Sally will look for her marble? A. basket B. the box


As long as a child has its basic needs met (ie safety, food) then the child will develop an attachment to the parent. This idea is best classified as a A. behaviorist perspective B. intermediate perspective C. nurturing perspective


Chomsky, 1960, believed that everyone can understand the grammatical aspect of language by following his tree diagram. We always use an adjective to modify certain verbs a subject. For example "colorless green ideas sleep furiously". His theory is called A. universal grammar B. universal lingustics C. universal dialoge


During this stage of development, Bowlby states that children are indifferent towards the type of caregiver. For instance, a child would cry and they could be comforted by any caregiver such as mom, nurse, dad. A. Preattchment B. attachment in the making C. clear-cut attachment


Hart and Risley 1995 study inferred that what contributing factor lead to the increase or decrease in language acquisition? A. Socioeconomic Status B. Speech sounds C. environment


Heather can point to a tiger when shown a picture of one, but she cannot say "tiger." Therefore, "tiger" is in Heather's receptive vocabulary. A. True B. False


How old is a child when they enter the first stage of phonological development (cooing)? A. 2 months B. 6 months C. 7-8 months


Identify this type of bond: child to caregiver A. attachment B. bond C. extension


If a child notices the red dot on their forehead in the Rouge Test, did they pass or fail the test? A. pass B. fail


Jake and Amy find a puzzle box that requires Bothe handles to be turned simultaneously. Jake cannot reach the other handle. Both Jake and Amy want to see what's inside the puzzle box. They each turn the handle.What does this scenario BEST demonstrate? A. cooperation B. Altruism


Kat's mom reports that Kat often cries or screams when relatives she never met come to visit. Rothbart and Bates would MOST likely rate Kat high in which of the following dimensions? A. fearful distress B. irritable distress C. activity level D. rythmicity


Mark is able to discriminate the word "book" from the word "look" in pronunciation. What language development stage does this BEST represent? A. phonological development B. semantic development C. syntactic development D. pragmatic development


Mateo is very upset when his mom leaves the room, but when she returns he quickly calms down, seeks her out, and then goes about exploring his surroundings. Which of the following attachment styles is most applicable? A. secure B. avoidant C. disorganized D. resistant


The Harlow study apposed the behaviorist perspective. A. True B. False


The looking time that a child exhibits when analyzing specific tasks can be classified as a A. implicit task B. explicit task


The word to identify a dog is different in other languages. In French, it is called chain, in English its called dog and in arabic its called Kalb. We are unsure of how the beginnings of these words were. This is an example of which characteristic of the human language? A. arbitrariness B. systematicness C. communicating concrete and abstract ideas


Two 6 months olds are playing independently with their toys. They are not playing together but they look up every so often at the other kid. This play can best be identified as A. parellel B. simple social C. cooperative


Two deaf individuals communicating with hand signals is a form of human language? A. true B. false


When a child begins to understand the different meaning between two words such as "lucky" and "unlucky" they demonstrate the linguistic development of A. semantic development B. phonological development


When a child can differentiate between two words by their sound such as /k/i/&/l/ and /k/i/&/s/, they are mastering which compoment of language development? (phoneme) A. phonological development B. semantic development C. syntactic development D. pragmatic development


When does Bowlby state that reattachment occur? A. birth- 6 weeks B. 6 weeks- 8 months C. 8months- 18 months


When does semantic development begin? A. 1 year old B. 2 years old C. 8 months


You and your boyfriend are playing a gam called overcooked. You are usually relaxed and calm when you play the game however, your boyfriend is frustrated with the remedial tasks. You are both exposed to the same stimuli but you produce different responses. Which component of emotion is this encompassing? A. subjectivity B. Physiological response C. behavioral response


A child at 15mon old can learn about 3 words/ week, while children 18mon old can learn up to 10 words/week. This process of learning words in a short amount of time can BEST be identified as A. Joint Attention B. Fast Mapping C. Intonation


A child cries when they are waiting to be fed or to be changed. According to Rothbart and Bates, this can best be classified as A. fearful distress B. irritable distress C. attention span and persistence


A child is asked to identify what they can see on their side of the diagram. There is big volcano that is blocking the view on the opposing side. The child can see more things than you can. When asked to identify what the I can see, the child names every in the blind spot of the researcher. This can best be classified as A. preoperational B. egocentrism C. concerte operational D. conservation


A child is placed in their play room. A wasp enters the playroom and the child becomes frightened and runs straight to mom (their attachment figure). What is this best an example of? A. secure base B. safe haven C. dynamic equilibrium


A child that learns words through phrases such as "give me that" and "yes" and "no" is best described as which type of word learning style? A. referential B. expressive


A child was presented with a marshmallow and was told if they were to wait, they would receive two marshmallows. The child waited as long as they could and resisted temptations. Which category of inhibitory control would her behavior be classified as? A. hot (limbic system) B. cold (prefrontal cortex)


A child was thirsty and asked their mom for a glass. A child tells his mom "give milk". This is an example of A. Receptive Vocab B. Productive Vocab


A child was trying to communicate to his mother that "John kicked the ball" however, he said "John kick the ball". He ignored the correct tense. The child demonstrated which level of syntactic development? A. Syntax B. telegraphic C. overgeneralization


A child's mother has left the room and the child has become distressed. Upon mom coming back, the child is not interested in mom upon return. This attachment style is BEST classified as A. secure B. avoidant C. resistant/ambivalent D. disorganized/disorented


A young child around the age of 2 months has began their first step in phonological development. They demonstrate by elongating vowel sounds such as "aaaaa" and "oooo". Identify this stage. A. babbling B. Cooing C. intonation


A young infant around the age of 6 months has entered the second stage of phonological language development. Their mother is over the moon because they said "maaa" and she hopes within the next few months, the child says "mama". Identify this stage. A. cooing B. babbling C. intonation


Allsion knows unpleasant is composed of two meaningful units. This BEST represents A. phonological development B. semantic development C. syntactic development D. pragmatic development


Amy has her hands full and needs to open a door. Jake, waling to the cafeteria, sees Amy and proceeds to open the door for her. What does this scenario BEST demonstrate? A. cooperation B. Altruism


An infant does not seem to follow a set feeding and sleeping schedule. The seem to be in a negative mood and pull back when introduced to new things. Thomas and Chess would best classify this baby as A. easy B. difficult C. slow to warm up


Between the ages of 2-7 a child has the ability to engage in pretend scenarios. For example, "This mouse toy I hold up to my ear is a phone". According to Piaget, this stage is best classified as A. sensorimotor B. preoperational C. concrete operational D. formal operational


During this language developmental stage, a child is learning the different aspect of how to use the language. For example, when we wave, it could mean hello or goodbye. They also change the way they speak and words they use depending on the person they're with. ie mom or friends. What stage is this child in? A. syntactic development B. pragmatic development C. Phonological development


During this stage of development, Bowlby states that the child begins to discriminate between who can comfort them. For instance, the child's dad and mom can comfort the child but not the nurse. Identify this stage. A. Preattchment B. attachment in the making C. clear-cut attachment


Emma, an undergraduate psychology major, watches Mary's 3-month-old sone when she runs errands. Upon Mary's return, Emma goes on and on about how Mary's son threw a dit when she was gone and chalks the infant's behavior up to separation anxiety. Mary, a developmental psychology professor familiar with Bowlby's theory, is MOST likely to agree. A. true B. false


Henry, a 2-year-old, runs, jumps, and climbs a lot. He will be more active than other children later because of his temperament. A. true B. False


How old is a child when they enter the second stage of phonological development (babbling)? A. 2 months B. 6 months C. 7-8 months


Identify this relationship type: The relationship a parent shares with a child A. Attachment B. bond


In Harlow's research, A. the monkeys did not show any preference between the wire mother and the soft mother B. favored the soft mother for comfort and went to the wire mother for sustenance C. favored the wire mother for comfort and went to the soft mother for sustenance D. none of the above


It is raining outside. The child you're babysitting states "its raining because the clouds must be sad. He is giving human traits to inanimate objects. This is an example of A. conservation B. animism C. centation D. egocentrism


Maria is learning English and is a native Spanish speaker. She states, "I saw a flower red last night." Her statement BEST represents an error at which of the following levels. A. pragmatic B. syntactic C. phonological D. semantic


Mark, a 3-month-old, herders to be held by his mother or father's workmates come over for dinner. Bowlby would most likely state Mark is in which of the following stages? A. preattachment B. attachment in the making C. clear-cut attachment D. reciprocal relationships


Mike returns to his mother's side after being frightened by a loud crashing noise. This BEST demonstrates secure base behavior. A. True B. false


Of the following questions, which was MOST likely used by the researchers to test theater children had a theory of mind? A. Where is the marble really? B. Where will Sally look for her marble? C. Where was the marble in the beginning?


Photo recognition and independent goals are crucial for which self identification level? A. self in infancy B. self in toddlerhood C. self in early childhood


The phrase "I love dogs" is grammatically correct; however "dog I love" is not. This is an example of which characteristic of the human language? A. arbitrariness B. systematicness C. communicating concrete and abstract ideas


This is a dialogue between two children. CA: I like lemonade CB: I have a purple truck CA: sometimes my mom puts it in a special cup for me CB: The wheel broke off yesterday What does this demonstrate? A. preoperational B. egocentrism C. concerte operational D. conservation


This reasercher developed a lab based method to assess attachment. It is known as a "strange situation". Identify this researcher A. Bowlby B. Ainsworth C. Erickson D. Whinnington


Two children aged 15 and 16 months are playing with toy cars. They are not dependent on another person's role but they are sharing similar social cues like "my vehicle goes here". This play can best be identified as A. parellel B. simple social C. cooperative


When a child can differentiate between the smallest unit of meaning such as "unlucky" and "lucky", they are demonstrating a mastering of what component of language development? (morpheme) A. phonological development B. semantic development C. syntactic development D. pragmatic development


When did Bowlby state that Attachment in the making occurs? A. birth- 6 weeks B. 6 weeks- 8 months C. 8months- 18 months


When do typically developing children begin passing theory of mind tasks? A. 3 years old B. 4-5years old C. 6 years old D. 7 years olD


When does photo recognition occur? A. 18 months B. 2 years C. 16months


When you ask a child to point or identify an object in a simulation, the task can be classified as a A. implicit task B. explicit task


You are at the doctors office. You are usually scared to go to the doctor. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase. This response best encompasses which competent of emotion? A. subjectivity B. Physiological response C. behavioral response


A child has been developing strong speaking patterns. The family was passing by a field on their roadtrip and she spotted a heard of deer. The child stated, "Mama! Look at the deers!" Which syntactic developmental level is she in? A. Syntax B. telegraphic C. overregulazation


A child is asked to identify a dax. On the table, there seems to be a wooden spoon, a dog figurine, and an object they've never seen before. They pick up the object they have never seen before, assuming it is the Dax. This is BEST classified as A. Joint attention B. fast mapping C. mutual exclusivity


A child uses their mother as a base of exploration, meaning they can go out and explore on their own; however, they never want to leave mom's side. This balance can best be classified as A. secure base B. safe haven C. dynamic equilibrium D. attachment equilibrium E. internal working model


A child was asked to describe themselves. They say "I have blue eyes, I am nice, I play basketball, I am Sarah's friend, I am really strong." What stage of self identification are they at? A. self in infancy B. self in toddlerhood C. self in early childhood


A child's mother has left the room and the child has become distressed. Upon mom's return, they are not comforted by the return of mom despite efforts to comfort the child and lash out. This attachment style is BEST classified as A. secure B. avoidant C. resistant/ambivalent D. disorganized/disoriented


A question asked "how often does your child stay engaged with a certain toy they like for more than 10 minutes." According to Rothbart and Bates, this question can be classified as A. fearful distress B. irritable distress C. attention span and persistence D. Activity Level


A scientist at NASA has begun to discover the theory behind a black hole. He is trying to illustrate to his coworkers this. This is an example of which characteristic of the human language? A. arbitrariness B. systematicness C. communicating concrete and abstract ideas


During this stage of development, Bowlby states that child actively seeks out their caregiver when they are in distress. For instance, if the child is in distress, they head straight for mom but they can also be comforted by dad. Both mom and dad are preferred over the stranger. Identify this stage of attachment A. Preattchment B. attachment in the making C. clear-cut attachment


A young child is trying to imitate the way their mother answers the phone "Hell-ooo". The child stresses certain syllables and varies their pitch. Identify this phonological developmental stage. A. cooing B. babbling C. intonation


In the beginning stages of the infant's life, they seemed to not follow a set schedule and pull back from stimuli. However, as the child got older, they began following a set schedule and responding positively to stimuli. Thomas and Chess would best classify this baby as A. easy B. difficult C. slow to warm up


Jakes is pretending to be a cop and Sam is pretending to be a criminal. Jake and Sam are engaging in ______ play. A. parellel B. simple social C. cooperative


James, a young language learner, runs to his parents and says, "That dog bited me!" James' utterance is BEST categorized as which of the following? A. underextension B. overextension C. overregularization D. morpheme


Jessica often uses "LOL" in emails with her friends but would not dare to do so with her boss. This BEST illustrates ________ development. A. phonological B. semantic C. pragmatic D. syntactic


Lily applied for her dream job and got rejected. She frowns and scowls. Which comment of emotion is most involved in this situation? A. subjectivity B. Physiological response C. behavioral response D. emotion regulation


Mark knows when describing the cookie he must say " the cookie is small" instead of "the small is cookie." This BEST represents A. phonological development B. semantic development C. syntactic development D. pragmatic development


Mom has dropped off their 15month old child at daycare. At the moment of drop off, the child becomes extremely distressed and begins to actively search for their primary caregiver. This is BEST an example of A. attachment B. bond C. separation anxiety


Of the following, which human language trait is MOST supports human social cognition development? A. Arbitrary B. Systematic C. Communicating both concrete and abstract ideas


Please select one correct description about the graph from the Kaushanskaya &Marian 2009 memory testing study that demonstrates an advantage for bilingual speakers. A. monolinguals demonstrated better recall accuracy than bilinguals. B. English-Spanish bilinguals recognized the stimuli more accurately than English- Mandarin bilinguals in the memory test C. Bilinguals' recognition performance was better than the monolingual's D. All participant groups preformed better in recognition accuracy in immediate testing than in delayed testing


Sonia cries when her mom drops her off at daycare. Bowlby would MOST likely place Sonia in which of the following attachment stages? A. preattachment B. Attachment in the making C. clear-cut attachment D. Reciprocal relationships


Susan, Trey's mom, serves as the reference point for all of Trey's explorations (e.g, Trey looks back every so often at Susan when he's exploring a new environment). This BEST demonstrates which of the following? A. safe haven B. internal working model C. secure base D. dynamic equilibrium


What treat of human language does the picture indicate? (2 men pointing at snake and yelling snake, man in back is singing tune and another man is selling wine and cheese) A. arbitrariness B. systematicness C. communicating concrete and abstract ideas


When a child can not identify the difference in liquid volume, the failure is due to A. conservation B. animism C. centation D. egocentrism


When did Bowlby state that clear cut attachment occur? A. birth- 6 weeks B. 6 weeks- 8 months C. 8months- 18 months


Which stage did Bowlby state that separation anxiety became apparent in the child? A. Preattchment B. attachment in the making C. clear-cut attachment


You are hanging out with your friend and you guys are having a great time. She states a joke and you being laughing because you are happy and engaged. This response best encompasses which component of emotion? A. subjectivity B. Physiological response C. behavioral response


A child is beginning to learn language. He hears his mother say "look! Mary is jumping." He associates that the -ing following the word jump is used to signify the action and now knows what "jump" means. This is best classified as A. joint attention B. fast mapping C. mutual exclusivity D. sentence cues


A child is talking to his older sister on his parents' cellphone. He asks her what she thinks of his new haircut. Piaget would MOST likely state the child is demonstrating A. conservation B. animism C. centration D. egocentrism


A child's mother has left the room and the child has become distressed. Upon mom's return the child is comforted by her return then lashes out at her then becomes uninterested in the situation. This can be BEST classified as A. secure B. avoidant C. resistant/ambivalent D. disorganized/disoriented


A mother has told her child to go to bed. The child has answered back and said "no mom, I do not want to go to bed." This interaction best fits which category of Bowlby's attachment theory? A. Preattchment B. attachment in the making C. clear-cut attachment D. reciprocal relationships


A question asked by Rothbart and Bates asks "how often does your child wave thier arms around when they laying dow?" This question can be classified into which category? A. fearful distress B. irritable distress C. attention span and persistence D. Activity Level E. Positive Affect


Around what age do children begin to demonstrate their desire to fulfill independent goals such as grabbing an apple when they're hungry or moving across the room to grab their toy? A. 18 months B. 16 months C. 1 years old D. 1.5-2 years


Dr. Morgan's team at UC Berkley divided participants into 5 groups (individual work- no communication, watching and learning from 1st subject, working and showing each other, gesturing and pointing, talking) to develop a flake. Which group(s) was most successful making the flake? A. Group 1 (individual week with samples) B. Group 2 (work with peer modeling) C. Group 3 (work together but without communication in language) D. Group 4&5 (woking together with gesturing and talking)


How old is a child when they enter the 3rd stage of phonological language development? A. 2 months B. 4 months c. 6-8 months D. 8-11 months


In the Kaushanskaya & Marian 2009 study, who tested better in immediate and delayed memory testing? A. monolinguals B. English-Spanish bilinguals C. English- Mandarin bilinguals D. B and C


It is rude to talk over someone. This rule falls under the linguistic developmental period? A. phonological development B. semantic development C. syntactic development D. pragmatic development


Jameson thinks it's normal for attachment figure to soothe their young. This BEST demonstrates A. secure base B. safe haven C. dynamic equilibrium D. internal working model


Julia begins to understand when her mom is feeling bas and she asks her if she is okay. Bowlby would MOST likely place Julia in which of the following attachment stages? A. preattachment B. Attachment in the making C. Clear-cut attachment D. Reciprocal relationships


Myra has a regular eating and sleeping schedule. She is usually happy and smiling. She sticks to her own favorite food. Every time her mom giver her new food she refuses. Thomas and Chess would MOST likely put Myra into which of the following category? A. easy B. difficult C. slow to warm up D. uncategorized


When do reciprocal relationships occur, according to Bowlby's theory of attachment? A. birth- 6 weeks B. 6 weeks- 8 months C. 8months- 18 months D. 18months +


Which of the following is the BEST example of joint attention? A. Joey points to a Blue Jay and labels it B. Greg points to his nose then picks it C. Tim points to an orange after his parent labels it D. Frank points to a tomato, looks to mom, and she labels it for him


Who is/were the researchers that influenced Bowlby's theory of attachment? A. Freud (early experience matters) B. Lorenz (evolutionary adaptive) C. Skinner (it develops in stages) D. A and B


You use a different tone and cadence when you speak with your friend vs your professor. This unwritten rule of linguistics falls under which developmental period? A. phonological development B. semantic development C. syntactic development D. pragmatic development


A child has grown up in a loving environment where all of their needs are usually tended too. They see another infant crying and assume that the attachment figure will go and comfort the infant. This assumption is best classified as A. secure base B. safe haven C. dynamic equilibrium D. attachment equilibrium E. internal working model


A question asked by Rothbart and Bates asks "how often does your child smile when approached and engaged by others?" This question can be classified into which category? A. fearful distress B. irritable distress C. attention span and persistence D. Activity Level E. Positive Affect


A child has a laboratory retriever at home and classifies the lab as a dog. The child is in public and sees a German Shepard and does not know what it is. What is this best an example of? A. overextension B. naming errors C. underextension D. underdevelopment E. B and C


A child has a laboratory retriever at home and identifies it as a dog. He is encountered with a cat and labels it incorrectly as a dog. What is this best an example of? A. overextension B. naming errors C. underextension D. underdevelopment E. A and B


What is/are the contributing factors to word learning? A. Quality of life B. language learning environments C. phonological memory D. amount of exposure E. B and C


A question asked by Rothbart and Bates asks "how often does your child ask for food outside of their feeding schedule?" This question can be classified into which category? A. fearful distress B. irritable distress C. attention span and persistence D. Activity Level E. Positive Affect F. Rhythmicity


Mary's mom leaves the room and she quickly becomes vey upset. Despite her mom's best efforts, Mary is not comforted when her mother returns. Mary demonstrates signs of an avoiding attachment. A. True B. False


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