PSY201 Quiz 4 - Ch. 6

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Which of the following is true of continuous reinforcement in operant conditioning?

In continuous reinforcement, a behavior is reinforced every time it occurs.

Negative reinforcement in operant conditioning is defined as:

an increase in the frequency of a behavior because it is followed by the removal of something undesirable.

In operant conditioning, generalization occurs when:

an organism performs a reinforced behavior in a different situation.

In operant conditioning, discrimination occurs when:

an organism responds appropriately to stimuli that signal that a behavior will or will not be reinforced.

_____ is the type of learning that occurs when an organism makes a connection between two events.

associative learning

As the subject of an experiment for treating cigarette addiction, John is being given a chemical agent that makes him feel nauseated every time he smokes a cigarette. This experiment is most likely a(n) _____ experiment.

aversive conditioning

Five minutes are deducted from Frankie's recess hour every time he misbehaves in class. In the context of operant conditioning, his teacher is using _____ to discipline Frankie.

negative punishment

Caleb, the owner of a small garage, is particular about paying his employees more than they ask for. He believes that this action will prevent his employees from leaving the organization due to job dissatisfaction. In this scenario, Caleb is using _____ in operant conditioning to ensure a desired outcome.

negative reinforcement

Gary, a high-school student with no interest in academics, has started to study for four hours every week to avoid getting poor grades in school. This scenario is reflective of _____ in operant conditioning.

negative reinforcement

Liam is studying in his room for an exam but is disturbed by the loud music from his neighbor's house. He closes the window so that he can no longer hear the loud music. In this scenario, Liam's behavior demonstrates _____ in operant conditioning.

negative reinforcement

Extinction in classical conditioning is:

the weakening of the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is absent.

Observational learning occurs _____.

through the process of watching and imitating another's behavior

Jill decides to study harder in class after seeing her teacher praise her classmate, Ricky, for doing well on a test. In the context of observational learning, this scenario best exemplifies learning through _____.

vicarious reinforcement

Experience with unavoidable negative stimuli can lead to a particular deficit in avoidance learning called _____.

learned helplessness

Andrea, an avid golfer, imitates a professional golfer's swing after watching him play golf on television. Andrea's act of imitation represents the _____ element of observational learning.

motor reproduction

Jacob, a police officer, wants to train his new dog, Rover. Jacob buys a "zap collar" that delivers a low intensity shock to the neck of the dog whenever it pulls on the leash. After wearing the collar for a few days, Rover recognizes that the shock is an undesirable result of pulling on the leash. Consequently, Rover stops pulling on the leash. In this scenario, which of the following methods has most likely been used to discipline Rover?

Aversive conditioning

Which of the following is an example of a primary reinforcer in operant conditioning?

Being treated to a good meal

Wendell always gets anxious before taking a math test because he is not good with numbers and formulae. When his science teacher announces a physics test that requires him to apply numerical formulae, Wendell begins to feel anxious, even though he enjoys physics. Which of the following is Wendell most likely demonstrating in this scenario?

Generalization in classical conditioning

Boris uses classical conditioning to teach his goldfish to swim to the surface of its tank to eat whenever Boris turns on the aquarium light. He drops food into the tank and then turns on the light. After several such trials, the fish shows no more inclination to swim to the surface when the light is turned on than it did on the first trial. In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following should Boris do to improve his training technique?

He should turn on the light before he drops the food into the tank.

Dan gets a shock every time he hugs his wife when she wears her cotton red sweater with the pink violin on the front. This thursday he came home and was wearing a red sweater. According to classical conditioning, which of the following would Dan do?

Hesitate before he hugs her because he was conditioned to get a shock.

Which of the following statements best describes classical conditioning?

It is a learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response.

Which of the following is true of classical conditioning?

It occurs without awareness or effort, based on the presentation of two stimuli together.

Which one of the following examples contradicts the law of effect? a. Joe gets an A after studying a lot so he continues to study a lot. b. Bill gets high when he uses drugs so he becomes a drug addict. c. Alison keeps running into the street after her mother spanks her for doing it. d. None of these examples contradict the law of effect.

None of these examples contradict the law of effect.

John, a six-year-old boy, loves dogs. However, after being bitten by one, he starts to fear dogs. Which of the following is true in the context of classical conditioning?

The dog becomes a conditioned stimulus after it bites John.

Learning is defined as:

a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.

Millie feels sick every time she travels by air. She associates flying with physical illness and, as a result, hates air travel. She also finds it difficult to watch movies with airplanes or read books about airplanes because they make her feel unwell. In this scenario, Millie is demonstrating learning through:

classical conditioning

In John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner's demonstration of the role of classical conditioning in the development of fears, little Albert learned to fear a white rat. In this study, the white rat was the _____.

conditioned stimulus

In operant conditioning, a punishment is a consequence that _____.

decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur

Jenna receives a bonus for performing well. Instead of buying herself something nice, she invests her money with the intention of buying a house after a few years. In the context of reinforcement and punishment schedules, Jenna demonstrates _____ in this scenario.

delayed reinforcement

Yolanda dislikes going to the doctor for her illness because every time she does, she is prescribed medicines, which ruin her appetite and make her feel nauseated. She associates doctors with feelings of nausea. However, she is not afraid of visiting dentists. In this scenario, Yolanda's behavior best exemplifies _____ in classical conditioning.


t/f Learned helplessness occurs when an organism learns that by making a particular response, a negative stimulus can be altogether avoided.


Operant conditioning is a form of learning that _____.

focuses on the association between behaviors and the stimuli that follow them

Classical conditioning _____.

focuses on the association between two stimuli

All Asians are good at math.


Jennifer was stung by a bee several days ago and was in pain for many days. As a result of the painful experience, she cries out whenever a flying insect gets too close to her. Jennifer's reaction to flying insects best illustrates the concept of _____ in classical conditioning.


After the study of little Albert was over, Albert seemed to be afraid of Santa Clause white beard. This is because he ___________ his fear of the color white.


Janet scolds her daughter, Kelley, each time Kelley pinches her little brother. After two weeks, Janet notices that Kelley has stopped pinching her little brother. In this scenario, scolding Kelley is an example of _____ in operant conditioning.

positive punishment

Spanking Whitney to decrease her crying in the cereal isle at BiLo is a form of:

positive punishment

Jennifer accidentally plays a radio channel that she has never heard before. She loves the music it plays and as a result, she plays only that channel whenever she wants to listen to music. In this scenario, Jennifer's behavior has most likely been learned through _____ in operant conditioning.

positive reinforcement

Four-month-old Simon quickly learns that he will be fed milk every time he cries. From a behaviorist perspective, the milk that Simon receives when he cries is a _____.

primary reinforcer

Tina's eyes water every time she chops onions. Her response is an example of a:


In the context of operant conditioning, _____ refers to rewarding slight changes in behavior a little at a time to achieve an overall change.


Watching Superman get rewarded for being aggressive tends to affect children though:

social (observational) learning

Marcia and John were married for eleven years before John passed away. Following his death, Marcia left her home and city because everything reminded her of John. Many years later, Marcia happened to meet a man, her new colleague, who smelled of the cologne that John always wore. Even after so many years, Marcia was drawn to this man because he reminded her of John. In this scenario, Marcia's reawakened feelings are an example of _____ in classical conditioning.

spontaneous recovery

Positive reinforcement in operant conditioning is a learning process in which:

the frequency of a behavior increases because it is followed by a desirable stimulus.

In Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning, prior to associating the sound of the bell with the food, the dog's salivation in response to the food was the _____.

unconditioned response

A slot machine rewards people some of the time. This type of schedule is called:

variable ratio

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