PSYC 101 Exam 2

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Which of the following shows the correct ordering of factors from most predictive to least predictive of happiness?

1st: Love and marriage 2nd: Work 3rd: Health 4th: Intelligence

Reinforcement and punishment are important operant conditioning concepts. What is the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment?

A. Negative reinforcement increases behavior and punishment decreases behavior.

In a news story about steel drum competitions, a steel drum player said that during the height of competition season, he often dreams about playing. When describing those dreams, he said, "I'm actually seeing my sticks hitting every note. It's like I'm playing a video game. I'm playing every note in my head and I'm seeing it." This description of his dream experience is consistent with which research finding regarding sleep and dreams?

A. Neuron activity that occurred during the day is replayed during REM

This item continues with Daniella from the previous question. Given the type of reinforcement schedule that Daniella has, what pattern will she show in her work behavior of making sales calls?

A. She will show a variable rate of the behavior. Early in the week, she probably will not make a lot of calls. As she approaches her deadline, her rate of calling will increase a great deal. She will show the highest rate of behavior (fastest calling, most calls completed) right before her deadline. Immediately after she gets paid, she is not likely to make many calls.

There has been a great deal of research on the effects of sleep deprivation and sleep restriction. Which of the following has been found in this research?

A. Sleep deprivation impairs thought processes, including our ability to pay attention and to think logically. B. Sleep deprivation reduces reaction time and physical coordination; these explain why we are more accident-prone when we don't get enough sleep. C. Sleep deprivation disrupts memory processes, making it more difficult to memorize new information and to retrieve information that was learned earlier. D. The primary sign that you are sleep deprived is excessive daytime sleepiness. If you have difficulty staying awake throughout the day, then you are not getting enough sleep at night.

A circadian rhythm involves a biological cycle that fluctuates across

A. a 24-hour period

An external goal that has the capacity to motivate behavior is referred to as

A. an incentive

In the first half of the 20th century, research on consciousness declined due to the influence of John Watson and B.F. Skinner. These psychologists were important developers of which psychological perspective?

A. behavioral

When a neutral stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus, the process is called

A. classical conditioning

The order of the basic memory processes in which information enters our memory system and is used later is

A. encoding then storage then retrieval

Daniella works for a telemarketer, and she is required to make a certain number of sales calls every week. The deadline for making all of her calls is 5:00 PM on Thursday in order to get paid at 12 Noon on Friday. Daniella knows exactly when she will get paid for her work, and she knows exactly what the rewards are. If she meets her quota, then she gets a full pay check. If she fails to meet quota, then she gets only half of her pay. This arrangement is specified in her work agreement, and it never changes. What type of reinforcement schedule is Daniella experiencing?

A. fixed

The misinformation effect and source monitoring error help to explain

A. how people can believe they have memories of events that never actually happened

When a conditioned response shows spontaneous recovery, the renewed response typically

A. is weaker than the previously conditioned response

A manager says that she plans to use positive reinforcement to motivate her employees. She says she is going to set up a rewards program in which employees who meet performance goals are given prizes at the end of each month, such as gift cards, extra time off, and cash bonuses. This manager is going to be most successful in motivating her employees if the work they do involves

A. manual tasks that require little thought

In the video, which need is described as "the urge to get better at stuff?"

A. mastery

The most common sleep disorder is

A. occasional insomnia

Michelle Bachman opposes legislation that would protect gay people from harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Her argument is that if gay people have workplace protections, then the next thing to happen is "Our children will be forced to learn that homosexuality is normal and natural and that perhaps they should try it, and that'll be very soon in our public schools, beginning in kindergarten." What fallacy is Bachman illustrating in her argument?

A. slippery slope

An EEG is used to monitor

A. the electrical activity of the brain

John Watson, one of the founders of behaviorism, is infamous for an unethical experiment he did with a boy named Albert. In the experiment, Watson paired a white rat with a loud, startling noise. Following the experiment, poor little Albert had a startled response at the mere sight of the white rat. In this experiment, what is the unconditioned stimulus?

A. the loud noise

Which schedule of reinforcement tends to generate steady response rates as well as resistance to extinction?

A. variable

Gambling behavior is reinforced according to a schedule of reinforcement while use of vending machines is reinforced according to a schedule of reinforcement.

A. variable; fixed

Albert Bandura conducted experiments using Bobo dolls, role models, and children. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the saying "Do as I say, not as I do" is useless because

A. we are very likely to imitate what we see other people do, especially if their behavior was reinforced and/or not punished

What is the implication of the change in the sleep cycle described in the previous item?

B. As the night wears on, you will have more dreams and/or longer dreams.

Burt spent about 10 hours studying for the learning topic that would be featured on his psychology exam. For him, studying involved copying key words from each chapter and copying their definitions. He also copied these onto notecards and flipped through them several times until he could recite each one. In addition, he copied key words from PowerPoint slides onto notecards. When Burt took the exam, he had to answer eight items about learning. Two items on definitions seemed easy to him. However, the other six items were about examples and applications, and Burt was confused by these. He could narrow the answer choices down to the key terms he recognized, but then could not figure out how to choose among them. Why was Burt's studying NOT effective?

B. Burt's studying involved shallow processing of the material. Memorizing terms and definitions does not require much thinking, and that is why he did not develop a real understanding of the meaning of the material.

The primary attention problem caused by alcohol is

B. alcohol causes attention to be even more severely limited than it already is

The study of classical conditioning and operant conditioning is most closely tied to which psychological perspective?

B. behavioral

While she was smelling a rose, Veronica was stung on the nose by a bee. The sting was very painful and scary for Veronica. Now Veronica feels anxious whenever she sees a rose. This is an example of what type of learning?

B. classical conditioning

Your romantic partner always uses the same shampoo. Soon, the smell of that shampoo makes you feel happy. What would be the correct label for your reaction of feeling happy when you smell the shampoo?

B. conditioned response

Robert developed a conditioned response of fear and anxiety to hearing music by Mozart. If he were to have the same response to any classical music, it would be called

B. generalization

What type of individual experience is most likely to be shaped by classical conditioning?

B. involuntary reflexes, such as salivation or blinking

If you wish to apply what you learned about sleep and dreams to improve your memory of the material you are studying for an upcoming exam, then you should

B. make sure you are well-rested prior to studying D. after studying, make sure you get a good night of sleep with repetitions of full sleep cycles in order to allow for memory consolidation

For the example above, focus on Juliette's behavior of crying and saying bad things. What consequence does Juliette experience for that particular behavior?

B. positive reinforcement

Myra was in a car accident in which she suffered a head injury. Because of the trauma to her brain, she is unable to remember events from her past. However, she is able to learn new information and remember it later. Myra is showing symptoms of which type of memory loss?

B. retrograde amnesia

Taryn was given a list of words as part of a memory test and that included the words "dog, pail, and hate." Later, she recalled these words as: "puppy, bucket, and loathe." Taryn's errors in recall suggest that she encoded the original word list

B. semantically

According to the problem-solving view of dreaming, there is considerable continuity between waking and sleeping thought. What does this mean?

B. the things we dream about are often the same things we think about when we are awake

A progressive decrease in one's response to a drug with repeated and prolonged use is called

B. tolerance

When does a larger reward lead to poorer performance?

B. when the task involves cognitive skill, such as conceptual, creative thinking

Imagine that you have had insomnia for several nights and your family doctor gives you a prescription for a sleeping pill. You take a pill each night for about two weeks. Because you've been able to sleep each night and feel caught up on your sleep, you stop taking the pills. What is likely to happen to your sleep?

B. you are likely to have some difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep, and you may have even worse insomnia than you did before you started taking the pills

The theorist who proposed that dreams were a form of wish fulfillment was

C. Sigmund Freud

When given a choice among tasks, individuals with a high need for achievement will choose which type of task?

C. a moderately difficult task

A conditioned stimulus is

C. a previously neutral stimulus that, through conditioning, acquires the capacity to elicit a conditioned response

Research has revealed that most dreams are

C. about normal, every day concerns and occurrences

The video described a very successful initiative at Atlassian Software Company in which employees are given a 24-hour period to work on anything they want with whomever they want. When employees share their work in a fun meeting at the end of this day, they reveal many great ideas for fixes and new products. This company's success is an example of the benefits of using which factor to improve performance and satisfaction among their software developers?

C. autonomy

Which theory of hypnosis would be best able to account for research findings that an individual can be consciously telling a researcher that placing one's hand in ice-cold water isn't painful while simultaneously tapping a button that indicates they are experiencing pain?

C. dissociation

Alfred Kinsey is famous for the work he did on sexuality in the 1950's and 1960's. After collecting information from many individuals, he proposed that homosexuality and heterosexuality are

C. end points on a continuum of sexual orientation

Nolan has learned to drink a cup of coffee whenever he gets a tension headache because the pain of the headache goes away after he drinks coffee. For Nolan's behavior of drinking coffee, this is an example of

C. escape learning

In studying the process of retrieving information from long-term memory, research finds that

C. getting information from long-term memory involves getting a few bits and pieces of information, filling in the missing information, and reconstructing the past

The current research evidence shows that most memories are consolidated in the and stored in the .

C. hippocampus; cerebral cortex

For the example above, focus on the mother's behavior of saying she will take Juliette to the mall. What consequence does the mother experience for saying that?

C. negative reinforcement

Before this experience, Veronica had no particular reaction to the sight of a rose. The appropriate term for the rose BEFORE this experience is

C. neutral stimulus

Jaime, a senior economics major in his final semester of college, is taking a core course for biology majors as an elective. He doesn't expect a high grade because the exams are extremely difficult. He says that even if he gets a good grade, it doesn't really matter to him because he has already secured a job as an analyst at a financial services firm. Given the research on achievement motivation and the factors that influence it, how hard would you expect Jaime to work in this class?

C. not hard because the probability of success and the incentive value of success are both low in this situation

After realizing how much time he wasted on facebook, Pat deactivated his facebook account. For the next couple days, he felt more and more lonely, anxious and bored until he gave up on deactivating his facebook account. To analyze this as an example of operant conditioning, focus on DEACTIVATING as the response. The appropriate label for the pattern of change in the behavior of DEACTIVATING is

C. punishment

A drive is an internal state of

C. tension that is motivating

Multifactorial causation of drug effects means that

C. the effects of a drug on an individual depend on the dosage as well as the individual user's personal characteristics and experiences.

Which of the following statements about REM is TRUE?

D. Brain activity during REM resembles the pattern and frequency of brain activity that occurs during stage 1 or wakefulness.

What do the EEG recordings of hypnotized people show?

D. Brain activity during hypnosis looks just like brain activity during normal waking consciousness.

The nominal fallacy is a logical error that involves circular reasoning. Someone who makes this error attempts to explain a behavior by simply naming the behavior. Which of the following is not an example of the nominal fallacy?

D. Collin drinks a lot because he is trying to fit in with a group of guys who drink a lot.

Which statement best describes changes in sleep that occur as we repeat the sleep cycle?

D. Each time the cycle is repeated, we spend more time in REM and less time in the deepest stages of slow-wave sleep

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

D. Enrique's roommates make fun of him for not drinking. At a recent party, Enrique got a red cup and pretended to drink, and his roommates stopped teasing him. Now Enrique holds a red cup and pretends to drink at most parties.

The video described the role of money in motivation. What's the best use of money as a motivator?

D. Pay people enough to get the issue of money off the table and so people are thinking about their work, not about money

According to this theory of motivation, the three fundamental needs that must be met for you to achieve the highest level of self-motivation are autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

D. Self-determination theory

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

D. The dentist has been lecturing Anita for years about flossing. At every appointment, the dentist criticizes Anita for not flossing. Anita begins flossing, and then the dentist stops the lecturing and criticism. Now Anita flosses every day.

A stage hypnotist is sometimes successful in getting people to partially disrobe in public. What is the best explanation for this phenomenon?

D. When hypnotized, some people are able to convince themselves that they cannot be held responsible for their actions and this frees them to do something they would not normally do.

What is the psychological term for a splitting of mental processes into two separate, simultaneous streams of awareness?

D. dissociation

Review the motivational theories and concepts covered at the beginning of the chapter, and then complete the analogy: Drive is to incentive as

D. internal is to external

Which of the following is NOT an effect of hypnosis?

D. involuntary loss of personal control

After flying long distances, the general rule for readjusting your body's internal clock is that it will take approximately

D. one day per time zone crossed

Broaden-and-Build Theory is an important set of principles regarding positive emotion. In this framework, what does the term broaden refer to?

D. positive emotions cause a greater number of thought-action tendencies to come to mind

Robert had a serious car accident while Mozart was playing on his stereo. Now, every time Robert hears a Mozart song, he feels frightened and panicked. What is the unconditioned stimulus?

D. serious car accident

Which of the following does NOT illustrate the effects of the ironic processes of control?

E. Students given a string with a pendulum on it and told to simply hold it still are more unsteady than when they are told to prevent the pendulum from moving in a particular direction.

Studies of sleep in different cultures show that

E. culture has a big impact on sleeping arrangements and practices, such as if and when adults take naps

Distributed practice refers to which approach to studying?

E. dividing up total study time into separate study sessions that are spread out over time (such as studying 2 hours on Sunday, 2 hours on Tuesday, 2 hours on Wednesday, and 2 hours on Thursday for a test on Friday)

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model shows the connections among memory processes and memory stores. We discussed this model in class and noted that there are some errors in the textbook's drawing of this model of memory. The correct location for the process of storage is

E. inside long-term memory

Research on the effects of meditation shows that

Research on the effects of meditation shows that

Gavin recently went deep-sea fishing with some friends. Unfortunately, Gavin was extremely seasick the entire time he was on the boat, and now when he sees boats, he feels queasy. In this situation, the conditioned stimulus is


In an attempt to get us to buy their products, advertisers frequently pair their products with stimuli that seem likely to elicit positive emotional responses. For example, they pair a laundry detergent with a cute, cuddly bear. Or, they pair a credit card with a warm, loving family scene. What type of conditioning are these advertisers using to get you to learn positive emotional responses to their products?


Which type of memory is made up of temporally dated recollections of personal experiences?


The group of practices that attempt to train attention, heighten awareness, and bring mental processes under voluntary control are known as


Juliette asks her mother to take her to the mall. Mom says she wants to stay home. Juliette throws herself into a chair, starts crying, saying she hates her mother, and that she wants to kill herself. Mom says, "Fine, I'll take you to the mall." Juliette stops all of the bad things she is doing, jumps up and runs to get her purse. The next time Juliette asks her mother to take her to the mall, she begins to cry and whine a little. Her mother immediately says yes. Focus on the mother's behavior of saying she wants to stay home. What consequence does the mother experience for that behavior? TIP: The key is to focus on the mother. Her behavior is saying she wants to stay home. What consequence follows that response and what is the effect of that consequence on her behavior of saying she wants to stay home? Does she repeat the behavior? Does it increase or decrease?


Taryn was given a list of words as part of a memory test and that included the words "dog, pail, and hate." Later, she recalled these words as: "puppy, bucket, and loathe." Taryn's errors in recall suggest that she encoded the original word list


The process of selectively reinforcing responses that are closer and closer approximations of some desired response is called


Which schedule of reinforcement tends to generate steady response rates as well as resistance to extinction?


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