PSYC 148 Exam 2

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object unity is typically achieved at

2 months

Baby Jamal watches as a parent puts his stuffed bunny repeatedly in a certain location and retrieves the stuffed bunny from that location. Next, the parent puts the stuffed bunny in the same location, but then moves the stuffed bunny to another location while Jamal watches. Jamal continues to search for the stuffed bunny in the first location. This is an example of

A-not-B error

Thomas and Chess's temperament profiles were clustered into which three categories?

Easy, Difficult, Slow-to-warm-up

Which accurately represents what is known about basic emotions in infancy according to Darwin?

Infants from all cultures display basic emotions such as happiness and sadness early in infancy

What do modified A-not-B experiments that involve manipulations of infants' posture demonstrate?

The impact of sensory feedback is an important consideration when conducting A-not-B experiments

Imagine there is a language that does not have a word for violence. And imagine a study finds that people who speak this language are more likely to interpret an ambiguous and potentially violent act as an accident, whereas those who speak English are most likely to interpret this act as violent. What concept would this support?

Whorfian hypothesis

Schemas, according to Piaget, are

a piece of knowledge

Which of these scenarios best illustrates the concept of perceptual narrowing?

an infant raised only by her father is better at discriminating between male faces than female faces

Statistical learning provides evidence that preverbal infants are able to

detect grammatical speech patterns

What skill are 3-month-old babies better at than 2-year-old toddlers?

discriminating between phonemes of a foreign language

Jackson's mother presented him with a new toy, a colorful rattler. At first, Jackson stared intently at the toy, but after attending to it for a few minutes, he began to look away, and eventually did not show interest in the toy at all. Jackson's behavior would signal that he had

habituated to the toy

One explanation advanced for the "attractiveness effect" in young babies is that

infants prefer "attractive" faces as they resemble the "prototype" face that would result from averaging many faces.

Jayanthi stayed close to her mother upon entering a new home and became extremely upset when her mother left the room. Even when her mother returned to the room, Jayanthi was not easily comforted. The type of attachment relationship expressed by this behavior is most likely

insecure resistant

Henry is being fed by his mother. Each time her mouth moves, he hears sounds ("Open wide! This is yummy!") and then feels the cold, smooth texture of the food in his mouth. After each bite of food, he hears the spoon lightly tapping against the applesauce container as his mother prepares another bite of food for him. Henry's integration of these experiences into an understanding of being fed is an example of

intermodal perception.

The _______ view asserts that infants have greater innate cognitive ability than Piaget assumed.


To control for evocative effects, the second study of the Romanian orphanage used

random assignment

Which sense tends to be the most underdeveloped at birth?


An experiment in which caregivers interact naturally with their infants for a brief period, followed by maintaining an unresponsive face for several minutes is known as the

still-face experiment

The case of Genie provided evidence that

there is a critical period in language acquisition

According to Chomsky, since children are able to correctly produce the question-- is the man who is tall is happy? suggests that

there is universal grammar that is independent of experience

Core knowledge proposes

we are born with a specific set of knowledge about the world

Which of the following is NOT a critique of Piaget's theory of development?

babies do not actively try to make sense of the world

Jade positively responds to having regular routines, has a pleasant disposition, and adapts easily to new experiences. Thomas and Chess's model of temperament would identify Jade as a(n) _______ child.


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