PSYC 2013, FINAL EXAM, Chen, Auburn

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According to Rotter's expectancy theory, Peter is classified as having an internal locus of control. What is Peter most likely to say upon receiving a failing grade on a paper?

"I should have put more effort into the assignment."

Which of the following is a message that might be sent by the id?

"I'm hungry and I've got to eat a whole 12-inch sub sandwich right now!"

Identify the instances of altruism that could be explained by inclusive fitness.

-A man goes into a burning building to rescue his infant daughter, who is inside. -An elderly woman runs into the street to grab her young nephew before he is hit by a car.

Which of the following are characteristics of borderline personality disorder?

-A patient may exhibit impulsive behaviors like promiscuity, fighting, binge eating, self-mutilation, and attempted suicide. -People with borderline personality disorder may be manipulative in relationships. -Episodes of depression, anxiety, anger, or irritability can last from a few hours to a few days

Which of the following scenarios would promote a person's psychological health, according to Carl Rogers?

-A single parent praises his son's efforts in school, regardless of how well or poorly the boy does on tests and homework. -Two parents encourage their daughter to follow her dream of being a professional athlete and avoid telling her how few would-be athletes reach that goal. -A therapist listens sympathetically to a child whose parents are in the middle of divorce and accepts the client's view of his situation.

Identify the ways in which people's personalities and environments jointly determine behavior, according to interactionism.

-A situation, such as a funeral, would make people's personalities less apparent. -People's behavior influences their social environments. -People's social environments influence their behavior.

Identify the statements about the prevalence of psychopathology as either true

-About 1 in 4 Americans over age 18 has a psychological disorder in any given year. -Nearly 1 in 2 Americans will develop a psychological disorder at some point in their lives. -The most common disorders are depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and substance abuse disorder.

Identify the following statements about prejudice as either true.

-An example of modern racism is the belief that admitting lots of Asians to top-tier schools is negatively affecting the student culture at those schools. -Our tendency to sort people into ingroups and outgroups may help explain why we hold prejudices and practice discrimination. -White study participants were more likely to misidentify tools as guns after seeing black faces.

Which of the following are some biological factors in the development of schizophrenia?

-An increase in dopamine is associated with an increase in schizophrenia symptoms. -A child whose parents both have schizophrenia has a 40 to 50 percent chance of developing the disorder. -People with schizophrenia have three to four times the number of DNA mutations as people without schizophrenia do. -People with schizophrenia have larger brain ventricles and less brain tissue in the frontal and temporal lobes.

Which of the following are some consequences of the "what is beautiful is good" stereotype?

-Attractive people are given lighter sentences for -crimes. -Attractive people have greater career opportunities. -Attractive people are paid more for doing the same work.

Identify the statements about the effects situations have on people's personalities as either true or false.

-Being involved in a committed relationship can decrease neuroticism. -Participants in an experiment who practiced cognitive tasks showed an increase in openness to experience. -Students who studied abroad show an increase in openness to experience and agreeableness and a decrease in neuroticism.

Identify the following statements about our interest in people's faces and facial expressions as either true.

-By age 7, children can make judgments about a face's trustworthiness that match adults' judgments. -Our facial expressions can unintentionally reveal our thoughts. -Politicians whose faces were rated as looking more competent win more often.

Which of the following are factors associated with the development of anxiety disorders?

-Children who demonstrate an inhibited temperament are more likely to develop anxiety disorders later in life. -Anxiety can be contagious. -Anxiety has a biological basis.

Positive Symptom

-Daisy is convinced that her colleagues are conspiring against her, even though she has zero evidence. -May sees everyone around her as walking corpses, with black hollows where eyes should be. -Calvin, a chemist, rambles incoherently about having superhuman strength and wanting to become a veterinarian.

Identify the statements about dissociative identity disorder as either true

-Diagnosis often occurs when someone has difficulty accounting for his time. -Different parts of the brain light up for different personalities.

Identify the statements about dissociative identity disorder as either true or false.

-Diagnosis often occurs when someone has difficulty accounting for his time. -Different parts of the brain light up for different personalities.

Which of the following were Sherif's findings in his study on competition and cooperation among boys at a summer camp?

-Engaging in athletic competitions against each other caused hostility and tension between groups. -Both groups set aside their animosity when they had to work together to achieve a goal.


-Every time Leonardo sees a chewing gum spot on a sidewalk, he feels driven to step on it with his right foot. -Nikola walks through every doorway three times (forward, back, forward) and on meeting new people shakes their hand three times. -Katy, determined to prevent tooth decay, brushes her teeth either exactly six or exactly twelve times in any a given day.

Which of the following are some contemporary criticisms of Freud's theories?

-Freud's theory is not scientifically testable. -Freud's views on women are misogynistic.

Which of the following temperamental differences exist between young boys and girls?

-Girls exhibit stronger ability to control attention. -Boys are more active. -Girls exhibit less impulsivity. -Boys exhibit more intense pleasure.

Which of the following examples might the sociocultural model use to describe the causes of disorders?

-Growing up in a society that values thinness can contribute to developing anorexia. -Low socioeconomic status makes being diagnosed with a disorder more likely. -Having many friends who do drugs contributes to substance abuse problems.

Which of the following might we expect from an adult who was diagnosed with ADHD as a child?

-He may struggle academically. -He may reach a lower-than-expected socioeconomic status.

Which of the following are some environmental factors in the development of schizophrenia?

-Heavy marijuana consumption during adolescence increases the risk of schizophrenia for those with genetic vulnerability. -People whose mothers may have had the flu during their second trimester of pregnancy could be at a higher risk for schizophrenia. -Contracting a virus may play a role in the development of schizophrenia.


-Howard refuses to get a haircut, due to fear of injury from the barber's clippers. -Cameron has overwhelming anxiety about catching an illness from contact with objects other's have touched.

Which of the following examples reflect the diathesis-stress model's explanation of the onset of psychopathology?

-Individuals may have an underlying predisposition to psychological disorder, but this alone is not enough to cause the disorder. -Either biological or situational factors can make someone vulnerable to developing a disorder. -Undergoing stressful circumstances may cause someone to develop a disorder if he is already vulnerable.

Negative Symptom

-Leo is slow to answer when spoken to, often gives only fragmentary replies, and does not make eye contact -Lincoln's car is about to crash into a tree, but he can barely rouse himself to avoid the collision.

Which of the following are characteristics of psychopathy?

-Many of the characteristics of psychopathy are similar to APD, but more extreme. -Psychopaths display characteristics like grandiosity, shallow affect, cunning or manipulativeness, and glibness. -Psychopaths are often seen as charming and intelligent.

After a hurricane breaks all store windows on Main Street, under which of the following circumstances is Mark likely to start looting due to deindividuation?

-Mark is emotionally aroused by the devastation of the storm. -Mark sees other people already in stores looting goods. -The town is large and Mark doesn't know many people there.

Which of the following factors may lead to the development of a dissociative disorder?

-Most people diagnosed with DID are women who report being severely abused as children. -Children develop DID to cope with abuse by pretending it is happening to someone else. -A person may periodically enter a trancelike state to dissociate her mind from her body, and over time this state takes on its own identity.

Identify how our genetics have an effect on our personalities.

-Multiple genes interact with our environment to produce our dispositions. -One's behaviors and attitudes are shaped in part by genetics.

Based on the bystander intervention effect, in which of the following situations are people likely to offer help?

-One person approaches another and asks for a dollar to buy a bus ticket home. -A person on an isolated hiking trail falls and asks the next hiker who walks by to help him to his car. -There are only two people in a parking lot and one of them is having trouble starting his car.

When someone observes a member of his ingroup suffering, which of the following changes will occur in his brain?

-Pain regions will become more active. -His brain will respond differently than if the suffering person was a member of an outgroup.

Many researchers are skeptical about the existence of dissociative identity disorder (DID). Which of the following findings contribute to their skepticism?

-People can believe they have DID because a therapist suggested it. -A diagnosis of DID often occurs after someone has been accused of committing a crime.

Identify the statements about cross-cultural studies of personality as either true or false.

-People from East Asia rated themselves lower in extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, and higher in neuroticism. -Cultural stereotypes were not held up in the research findings. -People from Africa rated themselves as more agreeable, more conscientious, and less neurotic.

Which of the following are some challenges with cross-cultural personality studies that rely on self-reports?

-People from Eastern cultures might answer a question about their family or group, whereas people from Western cultures might answer about themselves. -Different types of people may go to university in other countries, so convenience samples are different. -People rate themselves in comparison with others of their culture, which can make it difficult to discern patterns relating to the whole group.

Identify the accurate statements about how people from Eastern and Western cultures differ when making attributions about people.

-People from Western cultures rely more on personal factors than situational factors when making attributions. -People from Eastern cultures rely on a broader range of information when making attributions. -People from Eastern cultures are more likely to believe behavior is the result of both personal and situational factors.

Which of the following accurately explain how situational and cognitive factors lead to the development of depression?

-People who are experiencing many negative events believe they are powerless to avoid them, so they have no motivation to make positive changes. -People's negative thoughts about themselves, their situations, and the future influence each other and contribute to depression. -When a person's friends stop hanging out with her because she is a "bummer," this may make her depression worse.

Identify how self-esteem relates to life outcomes.

-People who consider themselves to be smarter or more attractive do not necessarily exhibit these traits objectively. -People with higher self-esteem report being much happier. -Violent criminals and bullies often have very high self-esteem.

Identify the following statements about ingroup favoritism as either true or false.

-People will try to prevent members of an outgroup from receiving resources. -People will distribute more resources to members of their ingroup.

Identify the statements about the relationship between early childhood temperament and adult personality as either true.

-Socially inhibited children are more likely to become anxious and depressed, have less social support, and be unemployed as adults. -Childhood temperaments persist into adulthood. -It is possible to predict whether a 6-week-old baby will be shy later in life based on the baby's reactions to new situations.

Which of the following statements accurately describe how psychological disorders vary by culture?

-Some psychological disorders only exist among people of a certain culture. -Cultural factors can determine how a disorder is expressed and how an individual will respond to treatment. -People of different cultures may use different words to describe their distress and have different explanations for the cause of a disorder.

Identify the following statements about stereotypes as either true.

-Stereotyping occurs automatically. -As cognitive processes, stereotypes are inherently neutral, though they can contain positive or negative information.

Identify the statements about the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) as either true

-The DSM describes disorders in terms of observable symptoms. -A patient must meet specific criteria to be diagnosed.

Which of the following factors make a message more persuasive?

-The argument appeals to the listener's emotions. -The person delivering the message is good-looking. -The person delivering the message is credible. -The person delivering the message is similar to the receiver.

Which of the following criteria do psychologists consider to determine whether a behavior is psychopathological?

-The behavior deviates from cultural norms. -The behavior is self-destructive, threatening to others, or causes personal distress. -The behavior is maladaptive. -The behavior causes discomfort and concern to others.

Which of the following statements accurately describe how nonverbal behavior, even behavior we only watch for a few seconds, help us make quick decisions about people?

-The body language of judges as they give instructions to juries can predict whether a jury will find the defendant guilty or not. -People are able to gauge others' sexual orientation from a distance, based on nonverbal cues.

Sherif's autokinetic effect study

-The correct answer was ambiguous. -Participants demonstrated informational influence.

Asch's comparison line study

-The correct answer was obvious. -Participants demonstrated normative influence.

Which of the following are results from twin and adoption personality studies?

-The correlations of personality traits between identical (monozygotic) twins are higher than the correlations for fraternal (dizygotic) twins. -Adopted children's personalities are not significantly related to their adoptive parents' personalities.

A group of movie executives is deciding on whether or not to produce an action movie. Which of the following factors would contribute to groupthink and therefore the decision to produce a movie that most of the executives think is terrible?

-The executives are hoping for a quick meeting with little discussion. -The company is under pressure from investors to produce a hit.

Which of the following demonstrate how a depressed person might think?

-The first date went well because of luck. -Nothing I do makes a difference. -I missed my plane because I am poor at planning. -My pizzas never come out perfectly, so I shouldn't waste time making them.

A group of campers is talking about sneaking into another cabin and covering everything with toilet paper, even though the majority of the campers are cautious by nature and think it's a bad idea. According to group polarization, which of the following are likely outcomes?

-The group will settle on whatever action it was initially leaning toward. -They will all eventually decide that the mission is definitely too risky and abandon it.

Identify the statements about neuropsychological tests as either true

-The tests assess the client's coordination, memory, and ability to plan. -The tests are followed up with an MRI or PET to identify potential regions of brain damage. -The tests can assess problems with a particular brain region based on areas where the client performs poorly. -The tests may include copying a picture, drawing something from memory, categorizing cards based on their features, placing blocks into slots while blindfolded, and tapping fingers rapidly.

In which of the following circumstances will Ronald's friend's description of him be more accurate than Ronald's description of himself?

-The trait being described is important to Ronald. -The friend knows Ronald very well.

Which of the following findings from a 2014 speed-dating study were true of men whose faces had higher width-to-height ratios?

-Their facial structures indicated cues that they could provide resources for offspring. -Women perceived them as more dominant. -Women were more likely to seek a second date with them.

Which of the following can we expect from a couple who has been married for two years?

-Their relationship is based on social support, friendship, and intimacy. -They will have sex about half as frequently as they did in their first year of marriage.

Identify the circumstances in Asch's conformity studies under which the participants were less likely to conform to the group.

-There were only one participant and two confederates in the group. -At least one confederate dissented.

Which of the following factors would make two people more likely to develop attraction and friendship?

-They come into contact frequently. -They look familiar to one another. -They find each other physically attractive. -They have similar attitudes and backgrounds. -They are both kind and trustworthy.

Which of the following are characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder?

-They focus on trivial details rather than social aspects of their surroundings. -They may exhibit repetitive behavior that can at times be harmful. -They do not make eye contact or use their eyes to direct others' attention. -They show severe impairments in both verbal and nonverbal communication.

According to findings from Schachter's Johnny Rocco experiment, if there is one member of a group who does not agree with the others, which of the following will occur?

-They will attempt to ostracize him. -They will attempt to persuade him to change his mind.

How would psychologists using an idiographic approach assess life history data to understand personality?

-They would adhere to the notion that personality unfolds as people react to their circumstances. -They would pay attention to people's personal myths. -They would assess personality through interviews and biographical information.

Social psychologists Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) had study participants perform a boring task and then offered them money, either $20 or $1, to lie to someone else about how boring the task was. Which of the following were the results of the study?

-Those paid $1 to lie experienced cognitive dissonance. -Those paid $20 to lie later still acknowledged they found the task boring. -Those paid $1 to lie later rated the task as more enjoyable than those paid $20 did.

Which of the following factors play a role in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

-Those with PTSD often have chronic tension, anxiety, and health problems. -People with certain genetic markers linked to serotonin may be more likely to develop PTSD. -The memory of a traumatic event for people with PTSD is "overconsolidated" so the person is always on the alert to experience a similar situation.

Which of the following are cognitive patterns associated with anxiety?

-Threatening events are recalled more easily than nonthreatening events, and excessive attention is focused on perceived threats. -Ambiguous stimuli are interpreted as threatening.

Identify the statements about cultural and gender differences in depression as either true

-Twice as many women as men suffer from depression. -Playing multiple roles, at home and at work, is more likely to lead to depression for women than it is for men.

Identify the following statements about the evolutionary development of group membership as either true or false.

-We are motivated to form groups because living in social groups helped our ancestors survive. -Humans have the largest group size of all primates and also the largest prefrontal cortex. -Humans developed more cognitive resources to deal with the many challenges that come from living in large groups.

In Milgram's laboratory study, professionals predicted that 1 in 1,000 people would follow the orders of an authority figure even when it appeared that following these orders would harm another person. Which of the following were the actual results?

-When the participants were in the same room as the confederate receiving the shocks, obedience decreased. -When the authority figure ordered the participants to administer extremely high-voltage shocks, nearly two-thirds of them followed his orders. -When the authority figure gave orders over the phone, participants were less obedient.

Identify the statements about self-schemas as either true.

-When we process information about ourselves, the middle frontal lobes light up. -A self-schema helps us quickly organize and interpret information about the self.

Which of the following examples of beliefs are within normal range?

-Will thinks he is somewhat more handsome than the average man his age. -Georgie is confident she will get the job she just interviewed for. -Lalita thinks her matchmaking is the reason Balraj and Jaya got married.

Which of the following types of faces might we perceive as attractive?

-a composite image of 30 normal faces averaged together -a symmetrical face the face of a biracial person -a composite image of 10 attractive faces averaged together

three basic characteristics can be considered temperaments

-activity level -emotionality -sociability

Which of the following methods of diagnosing a psychological disorder are examples of evidence-based assessment?

-assessing clients for comorbid conditions that have been identified by research -conducting a structured interview using standardized questions that are derived from DSM criteria

Which of the following qualities apply to narcissists?

-become angry when challenged -view themselves in grandiose terms -manipulative -feel entitled to special treatment

Which of the following nonbiological factors can lead to aggression?

-being raised with a culture of honor -watching violence in the media or in real life -feeling uncomfortable or afraid

Identify how parents influence their children's personalities.

-by the environment in which they raise their children -by their response to their children's display of talents and abilities -by the genes they pass on to their children

According to personality researchers, which of the following types of traits can we use to predict behavior?

-central traits -the average of one's behaviors over time

Which of the following are some biological factors in the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

-childhood streptococcal infection -family history of OCD -genes that control glutamate, a neurotransmitter that causes increased neural firing in the brain

therapy for depression

-cognitive-behavior therapy


-conformity to social norms -self-concepts determined by social roles -obedience to authority -connections to family and social groups

personality trait

-consists of a disposition to respond in predictable ways in certain situations -may be altered by life experiences


-consists of general tendencies to feel or act in certain ways -represents the innate biological structure of personality -is normally quite stable from birth through adulthood

Which of the following factors often contribute to depression?

-deficiency of neurotransmitters that regulate emotion -genetics

Which of the following factors may put a person at risk for developing borderline personality disorder?

-experiencing abuse or observing extreme violence -being raised by caregivers who encouraged dependence -being raised by unavailable or unreliable caretakers

Which of the following symptoms may occur in a person suffering from an anxiety disorder?

-experiencing difficulty concentrating -feeling tension -feeling apprehension about the future -feeling fear in the absence of a threat -experiencing difficulty sleeping

Which of the following are the dimensions in Hans Eysenck's biological trait theory?

-extraversion/introversion -high constraint/low constraint -emotionally stable/neurotic

Which of the following are biological bases for autism spectrum disorder?

-faulty wiring in brain areas associated with social interaction -inheriting genes for autism -abnormal antibodies in the womb -abnormal brain growth patterns

Which of the following are characteristics of agoraphobia?

-fear of panic attacks in public -avoiding open or crowded spaces -fear of crowded shopping malls or subways

Typical of the Peripheral Route of Persuasion

-forming attitudes that are weaker and more likely to change -acting impulsively -influenced by attractiveness or status of the person making the argument -forming attitudes quickly

Typical of the Central Route of Persuasion

-forming strong attitudes that persist over time -thinking carefully and deeply about an argument -considering all information relating to an argument -using rational cognitive processes


-impulsively seek out new emotional experiences -perform better in noisy settings -chronically underaroused

Which of the following are characteristics of ADHD?

-impulsivity and hyperactivity -inattentiveness -restlessness

Which of the following are biological bases for autism spectrum disorder?

-inheriting genes for autism -faulty wiring in brain areas associated with social interaction -abnormal antibodies in the womb -abnormal brain growth patterns

Identify the following as either idiographic or nomothetic approaches to evaluating personality.

-interested in traits that make people stand out -focus on individual lives

behavioral inhibition system (BIS)

-linked to anxiety -experiencing negative emotions -linked to neuroticism -avoiding danger or pain

Which of the following are aspects of happy relationships?

-overlooking bad behavior in one's partner -expressing concern for each other while disagreeing -attributing good outcomes to each other and bad outcomes to the situation

Which of the following are some ways that prejudice can be reduced?

-participating in explicit training on typical stereotypes -a minority group sharing their experiences -imagining friendly intergroup interactions -intergroup cooperation in the pursuit of superordinate goals -a majority group trying to see things from the perspective of a minority group

Which of the following characteristics of attitudes most strongly predict one's behavior?

-personally relevant -easy to remember -formed through direct experience

Which of the following factors are linked to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

-poor parenting and social disadvantage -dysfunction in the basal ganglia -impaired connection between the frontal lobes and limbic system


-pursuit of personal success -diversity -self-expression -rights and freedoms -self-concepts determined by being distinct from others

behavioral approach system (BAS)

-seeking pleasure and rewards -linked to extraversion -experiencing positive emotions

According to various cognitive psychologists, which of the following types of cognition would lead to someone having a studious personality?

-the expectation that studying will lead to good grades -a personal construct that the more one studies, the better one does in school -an internal locus of control -a high value on academic success

bystander intervention effect

-the failure to offer help by those who observe someone in need. -a person is less likely to offer help if other bystanders are around.


-typically above optimal levels of arousal -more sensitive to stimuli including sourness and pain -distracted by noisy environments

Place in order from earliest to latest Freud's stages of psychosexual personality development.

1. oral 2. anal 3. phallic 4. latent 5. genital

antisocial personality disorder

A personality disorder in which the person (usually a man) exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family members. May be aggressive and ruthless or a clever con artist.


A state of reduced individuality, reduced self-awareness, and reduced attention to personal standards; this phenomenon may occur when people are part of a group

cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

A therapy that incorporates techniques from cognitive therapy and behavior therapy to correct faulty thinking and change maladaptive behaviors.

Which of the following examples most accurately describes the relationship between relationship length and frequency of sex?

After an initial period of frequent sex, there is a negative correlation between relationship length and frequency of sex.

Dhat syndrome

Anxiety, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, and other bodily complaints: typically observed in young males who believe their symptoms are due to loss of semen (South Asia).


Attributing unacceptable qualities of the self to someone else

Bandura's studies

Bobo Doll Studies Children viewed a film of an adult interacting with the Bobo Doll After viewing aggressive acts by an adult, more than twice as likely to act aggressively towards the doll

A person sorts statements according to how much he relates to each one.

California Q-Sort

unconditional positive regard

Carl Rogers

unconditional positive regard

Carl Rogers; parents should accept and prize their children no matter how the children behave

person-centered approach

Carl Rogers; personality is influenced by how we understand ourselves and how others evaluate us, which leads to conditions of worth or unconditional positive regard


Channeling socially unacceptable impulses into constructive, even admirable, behavior

projection example

Competitive person describes others as supercompetitive.


Concocting a seemingly logical reason or excuse for behavior that might otherwise be shameful

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


real-world behavior agrees with Big Five traits



Excluding source of anxiety from awareness

The results of Demetrius's personality test showed that he scored high on introversion and low on unstable emotions. Demetrius's personality test was most likely based on _____.

Eysenck's biological trait theory

True or false: Psychological research shows that high self-esteem is critical to life success and has no negative side effects.


psychodynamic theory

Freudian theory that unconscious forces determine behavior; unconscious forces—such as wishes, desires, and hidden memories—determine behavior

behavioral approach system (BAS)

Gray; brain structures that lead organisms to approach stimuli in pursuit of rewards. This is the "go" system

behavioral inhibition system (BIS)

Gray; the "stop" system, sensitive to punishment, the BIS inhibits behavior that might lead to danger or pain

biological trait theory

Hans Eysenck; personality is composed of traits that occur in three dimensions: extraversion/introversion, emotionally stable/neurotic, and high constraint/low constraint (originally called psychoticism)

Anderson is glib and manipulative. He demonstrates extreme disregard for others, a grandiose sense of self, and a willingness to kill in order to satisfy his needs.

He would likely be classified in the DSM as having antisocial personality disorder, but with the more extreme traits of psychopathy

p factor

Higher scores on the p factor were associated with more life impairment, such as suicide attempts, psychiatric hospitalizations, and criminal behaviors. High p scores also predicted a worsening of impairments over time

foot in the door

If you agree to a small request, you are more likely to comply with a large request.

door in the face

If you refuse a large request, you are more likely to comply with a smaller request.

denial example

Ill person ignores medical advice.

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

In TMS, current flows through a wire coil placed over the scalp where a brain area is to be stimulated. The stimulation interrupts neural function in that region. TMS is used mainly to treat severe depression.

Taijin Kyofusho

Intense fear of interpersonal relations; belief that parts of the body give off offensive odors or displease others (Japan)

Which of the following is a potential drawback of applied behavioral analysis?

It is labor-intensive and can last for years.

locus of control

Julian Rotter

Latané and Darley's experiments

Likeliness to go for help 1.Participant alone 2. Participant with naive confederates 3. Participant with calm confederates

gene that controls the release of serotonin and that in one mutated form increases the risk of antisocial behavior


includes validity scales to detect when respondents are not being truthful


Efren gets people to vote for him by making promises he knows will be impossible to keep.


Trevor convinces people to buy his product by telling lies about his competitors.


A person fills out a self-report questionnaire.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

repression example

Person fails to remember an unpleasant event.

George Kelly

Personal Construct Theory; people constantly test their theories by observing ongoing events, then revisiting those theories based on what they observe; personal constructs develop through experiences and represent each individuals interpretations and explantations for events

Which of the following statements is suggested by research on the genetic basis of personality?

Probably thousands of genes are involved in personality, and epigenetic mechanisms can cause environmental events to affect the expression of these genes.

dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

Promising treatment for borderline personality disorder that involves exposing the client to stressors in a controlled situation, as well as helping the client regulate emotions and cope with stressors that might trigger suicidal behavior.


Psychological disorders commonly overlap. For instance, substance abuse is common across psychological disorders, and people with depression (or a milder form known as persistent depressive disorder) often also have anxiety disorders (such as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder).

has a built-in procedure for identifying central traits



Raymond Cattell

Imagine that you have a friend, Stephanie, who seems to be seriously underweight. You wonder if she has an eating disorder and tell her your concern. If Stephanie indeed has an eating disorder, what is the defense mechanism used by her if Stephanie spends a lot of time discussing her love of food with you?

Reaction formation


Refusing to acknowledge source of anxiety

does a poor job of diagnosing psychological disorders and finds many normal people to be disturbed


A person describes what an ambiguous image appears to be.

Rorschach inkblot test

Which statement below about Shelly, who is very attractive, is most consistent with the "what is beautiful is good" stereotype?

Shelly is easily the happiest person I know!"


Shifting the attention of emotion from one object to another

psychosexual development

Sigmund Freud

Identify the relatives who are likely to have either similar or different personalities.

Similar: -identical twins Different: -biological siblings of different ages -father and adoptive son -mother and biological daughter -fraternal twins

reliably predicts how likely people are to seek approval and support from others


Based on the results of the Treatment of Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS), how should the doctor of an adolescent approach the issue of medication for depression?

The doctor should prescribe Prozac but inform the patient that one of the risks of taking the drug may be an increase in suicidal thoughts.


The evaluative aspect of the self-concept in which people feel worthy or unworthy

social brain hypothesis

The hypothesis that the human brain has evolved, so that humans can maintain larger ingroups.

social identity theory

The idea that ingroups consist of individuals who perceive themselves to be members of the same social category and experience pride through their group membership.

Social facilitation

The idea that the presence of others generally enhances performance.

Diathesis-stress model

The onset of psychological disorders can be seen as resulting from the interactions of a diathesis and stress. The diathesis may be biological (e.g., genetic predisposition), environmental (e.g., childhood trauma), or both.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about Philip Zimbardo and Chris Haney's classic Stanford prison experiment.

The study assigned undergraduates to act as prisoners and guards in a mock prison. The students, all male, had been deemed psychologically stable. Their assignment as prisoner or guard was based on chance. The study, designed to last two weeks, was halted after six days due to the surprising brutality of the guards.

Which of the following is a reason why using placebos in experiments that test the effectiveness of psychotherapy is more complicated than in experiments that test the effectiveness of drug therapies?

The therapists know if they are providing the treatment or control therapy.

A person tells a story about an ambiguous picture.

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)

These drugs inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, but they act on other neurotransmitters to a significantly lesser extent; Prozac; antidepressant

You are a clinical psychologist with four patients. Which patient has a personality disorder that is part of Cluster B, with dramatic, emotional, or erratic behavior?

Tina, who overreacts to everything and needs to be the center of attention

Ataque de nervios

Uncontrollable trembling, shouting, intense crying, heat in chest, dizziness - stress-induced. (Carribean and South American Latinos)

Reaction formation

Warding off an uncomfortable thought by overemphasizing its opposite


When you agree to buy a product for a certain price, you are likely to comply with a request to pay more for the product.


Xanax and Ativan; increase the activity of GABA, the most pervasive inhibitory neurotransmitter

Anti-anxiety drugs (anxiolytics)

a class of psychotropic medications used for the treatment of anxiety


a class of psychotropic medications used for the treatment of depression; also used to anxiety disorders

cognitive restructuring

a clinician seeks to help a person recognize maladaptive thought patterns and replace them with ways of viewing the world that are more in tune with reality

Maladi Moun

a cultural explanation that sickness has been sent by people to harm their enemies; visible success makes one vulnerable to attack; causes various illnesses including psychosis, depression, and social failure (Haiti)

client-centered therapy

a humanistic therapy, developed by Carl Rogers, in which the therapist uses techniques such as active listening within a genuine, accepting, empathic environment to facilitate clients' growth. (Also called person-centered therapy.)

Clara, Tess, and Fiona are roommates. On the last day of finals, Clara and Tess both give Fiona Christmas presents. Fiona has no gift for Clara or Tess, so she immediately goes to the mall to buy them presents. Fiona feels she should buy Clara and Tess presents because of ________.

a normative influence

Hugh experiences periods of intense anxiousness, wherein his heart starts to race and he begins to sweat. He can never tell when, where, or why this happens, and so he worries that it will happen again. Based on these symptoms, Hugh is most likely to be diagnosed with ________.

a panic disorder


a person's mental picture of him or herself

Dave is a graduate student working on a degree in clinical psychology. For his clinical internship, he works with patients with schizophrenia at a psychiatric hospital. Dave notices one patient who is standing without moving. Three hours later, the man is still standing in the same spot. Dave knows that the patient is showing ________.

a positive symptom

deep brain stimulation (DBS)

a treatment procedure for depression in which a pacemaker powers electrodes that have been implanted in Brodmann Area 25, thus stimulating that brain area

Shenjing shuairuo

a weakness in the nervous system; mental fatigue, negative emotions, excitement, nervous pain, sleep disturbances; caused by stress, embarrassment, or acute sense of failure (China)

June asks people to watch a five-minute recording of a play in which two characters find themselves in a dangerous situation. Then she asks her research participants to write an ending to the story, which she codes to reveal features of each participant's personality. This proposed measure of personality can best be described as ________________ and ________________.

a. idiographic; projective

perspective taking

actively contemplating the psychological experiences of other people

Which of the following are the basic temperamental styles identified by Buss and Plomin?

activity level sociability emotionality

Wally believed the person who cut him off on the highway was inconsiderate and selfish, but he would cut someone off if he was in a hurry.

actor/observer discrepancy

using personal attributions to explain someone else's actions, but using situational attributions to explain one's own actions

actor/observer discrepancy

Royce takes swimming lessons at the community pool. He often arrives without all the things he needs for practice, such as his towel, a change of clothes, and goggles. As the teacher instructs the class, Royce often blows bubbles at the water's surface. And although he listens to what the teacher tells him about how to modify his swim strokes, he has difficulty using the suggestions. Based on this description, which of the following disorders does Royce most likely have?


characteristic adaptions

adjustments to situational demands. Such adaptations tend to be somewhat consistent because they are based on skills, habits, roles, and so on

fear of being in a situation from which one cannot escape


brain region that responds impulsively to threats


minimal group paradigm

an experimental paradigm in which researchers create groups based on arbitrary and seemingly meaningless criteria and then examine how the members of these "minimal groups" are inclined to behave toward one another

People are less likely to help when they blend into a crowd.


Sitting in his car in traffic, Jasper sees two people fighting on a bridge, but no one can see him, so he does not feel the need to help.


Amy hates public speaking. Unfortunately, her high school requires that she take a speech class. To help her deal with this problem, her doctor prescribes Xanax to temporarily reduce her worries before she makes a speech to the class. Based on this information, Xanax is probably a(n) _______ drug.


Therapy for Schizophrenia

antipsychotic drugs, family therapy, social skills

Carmen has no qualms about lying to clients or coworkers. She does not care about the consequences for others, and sometimes she lies on impulse without thinking through the consequences for herself either.

antisocial personality disorder

More Common in Men

antisocial personality disorder alcohol dependence conduct disorders externalizing disorders

Dr. Farahan helps children with autism behave in socially appropriate ways by rewarding them for behaviors that should be repeated. Dr. Farahan most likely uses the therapy technique of _____.

applied behavioral analysis

Which of the following examples of social norms marketing is likely to be the most effective?

b. "Eighty percent of the residents in your neighborhood recycle. Keep up the great work!"

Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes the research on how sex and culture influence personality?

b. Men tend to report and be rated as more assertive, while women tend to report and be rated higher on agreeableness and neuroticism.

Which of the following statements is a likely explanation for ingroup favoritism?

b. Outgroup members could be "foes," and so supporting them could be to the detriment of the ingroup.

psychodynamic therapy

based on Fruedian theory; a therapist aims to help a client examine her needs, defenses, and motives as a way of understanding why the client is distressed


behavior is determined jointly by situations and underlying dispositions

history of reinforcement



behaviors are determined more by situations than by personality traits

Khyal Cap

belief that a windlike substance may rise on the body and cause serious effects; acute panic, autonomic arousal, anxiety, catastrophic cognitions (Cambodians in the US and Cambodia)


belief that thinking too much can damage the mind and body; an explanation for anxiety, depression, and somatic problems indicating stress (Zimbabwe)

external locus of control

believe rewards—and therefore their personal fates—result from forces beyond their control

internal locus of control

believe they bring about their own rewards

levels of neurotransmitters, size and connectivity of brain structures, genetics, influences to a developing fetus, toxins, and malnutrition

biological factors


biological general tendencies to feel or act in certain ways; represent the innate biological structures of personality and are more stable

Carrie had been feeling very sad for several weeks. But suddenly feels as if she has limitless energy. Her thoughts are racing, and she cannot sleep. In an agitated state, she begins to write down all of her thoughts on the walls of her hotel room. Based on these symptoms, Carrie most likely has _______ disorder.

bipolar I

When Rufus was young, his father would periodically exhibit extremely elevated moods and take Joseph on long, wild road trips. After returning home from these binges, his father was exhausted for extended periods of time.

bipolar I

extremely elevated moods (manic episodes) lasting at least one week

bipolar I

Catherine experiences major depression. But she also has pleasurable periods where she has more energy, is very productive, and feels extremely creative. Based on these symptoms, Catherine most likely is experiencing _______ disorder.

bipolar II

alternating between mildly elevated mood for at least four days and extremely depressed mood for two weeks

bipolar II

Ricardo is extremely insecure at work and in social settings. He expresses this insecurity by demanding attention and affirmation from others. He is also prone to wild mood swings and violent outbursts.

borderline personality disorder

Two students visit the campus health center. Student A describes feeling constantly fearful and anxious. Student B describes feeling persistently agitated and often exhibiting violent outbursts. Student A's symptoms are consistent with an ________ disorder, which is more common in _____; student B's symptoms are consistent with an ________ disorder, which is more common in ______.

c. internalizing, females; externalizing, males

Therapy for Bipolar Disorder


important to the way individuals define themselves

central traits

externalizing disorder

characterized by disinhibition; alcoholism, conduct disorders, and antisocial personality disorder

borderline personality disorder

characterized by disturbances in identity, in affect, and in impulse control

internalizing disorder

characterized by negative emotions, and they can be grouped into categories that reflect the emotions of distress and fear; major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder

Dr. Chan is talking with a patient with schizophrenia when the patient says, "I can see that I am at sea, that I will get Cs in all my classes. . . . But there is the matter of the piano's high C and canned orange juice drink, and high seas . . . seven seas and . . . seize the day . . . and eat, drink, be merry for tomorrow we die, and konk out." The patient is displaying the symptom of schizophrenia called ___________.

clang associations

After Dylan's house was robbed while he was at home, he developed anxiety whenever he was in his house. His anxiety was a learned response due to ________________. He decided to check all the doors and window locks, and the relief that occurred after checking caused a reduction in his anxiety.

classical conditioning

Dr. Archana is a psychotherapist who believes the goal of therapy is to help her clients understand themselves so they can grow. Based on this information, you can conclude that Dr. Archana mostly engages in _________.

client-centered therapy

thought processes


Parveen knows that soda is bad for her, so she makes up a reason to justify buying it.

cognitive dissonance

disconnect between attitude and behavior

cognitive dissonance

Barry does not like psychology, but he is taking an introductory psychology course because his adviser told him he had to. Due to _______, Barry will probably like the class _______ by the end of the semester.

cognitive dissonance; more

therapy for panic disorder

cognitive therapy: educate patient about bodily senses, panic attacks. behavioral therapy: relaxation and deep breathing

therapy for ocd

cognitive-behavior therapy

learning, distorted thoughts, and maladaptive behaviors

cognitive-behavioral factors

Therapy for anxiety disorders

cognitive-behavioral therapy;

a strong commitment to care for and support a partner

companionate love

A waiter carrying a big tray of food politely asks a patron to step aside. The patron does so. This is..


agreeing to do things requested by others


Carmen thinks Levi's jeans are cool after seeing a great music video in which the band members are wearing Levi's.


A couple leaving a concert follows the rest of the crowd to find the exits. This is...


A middle-school boy wears his pants very low because all his friends are doing it. This is...


Atencio is 16 years old and has four very close friends, all of whom smoke. Atencio has never had any particular desire to smoke cigarettes, and his friends have never asked or told him to smoke. Nevertheless, he feels compelled to start smoking, which is most likely due to the influence of _____.


altering one's behaviors to match the behaviors or expectations of others


thoughts people are aware of


If an audience is skeptical or undecided about an issue, the most convincing argument is one that

considers both sides of an issue

Dorm A and Dorm B have a long-standing rivalry. Recently, the rivalry has intensified, resulting in destructive acts to property and harassment of outgroup members. A couple of students from each dorm encourage their fellow students to get together to brainstorm possible strategies for easing the tension. According to the ideas presented in this chapter, which suggestion would be most effective?

d. "We can hold an all-campus competition, where teams of dorms would compete for prizes. Dorm A and Dorm B could be on one team; Dorm C and Dorm D could be on the other team."

A new teacher's lesson is interrupted when the school principal drops in to observe. This would cause _________ performance.


Someone for whom Spanish is a second language tries to ask for directions in Spain while his family watches. This would cause _____ performance.


Jolene pretends she cannot hear the freshman computer science nerd when he asks her out; she considers him a member of a lower species.


false beliefs based on misperceptions of reality


Dana used her credit card to buy clothes even though her account was overdrawn and she had no money.


Within a few years, Joan's oldest son, her father, and her husband all died.



describes the intensity of emotional reactions

perspective giving

describing personal experiences of discrimination

Morgan has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. While no treatment is very effective for this disorder, the one that has been shown to be most effective is called ________.

dialectical behavior therapy

A blind woman needs help crossing a busy street in a crowded plaza, but the passers-by all think someone else will help her.

diffusion of responsibility

When many people are present, bystanders expect someone else to help.

diffusion of responsibility

unfair treatment of a person based on their group membership


unpredictable actions ranging from volatile to catatonic

disorganized behavior

failing to follow a normal conversational structure

disorganized speech

basic tendencies

dispositional traits determined largely by biological processes. As such, they are very stable

Daniel wakes up very confused. "Where am I? What is my name?" he thinks. He cannot remember anything about himself, but on a bedside table, he does see pictures showing him with other people. Based on this information, Daniel is most likely experiencing ________.

dissociative amnesia

memory loss of a block of time or event

dissociative amnesia

Freida, an ambitious CEO of a major banking corporation in Boston, experienced a major trauma. Then she vanished. Several months later, she was found by police officers in Illinois. She answered to the name Helen Price, and she worked at an amusement park selling balloons. Freida is most likely experiencing _______.

dissociative fugue

loss of identity and traveling to a new location

dissociative fugue

two or more distinct identities in one person

dissociative identity disorder

Jan refused to buy a $20 package of wrapping paper from the student fund-raiser, but then agreed to buy a $5 bar of chocolate.

door in the face

Victor has not started working on his psychology paper, which is due in 2 days. He calls his friend Christy and asks if she will write his paper for him. "No way!" she replies. Four hours later, Victor calls her back and asks if he can look at her paper to just get some ideas. This time, she says, "I guess so." Victor has just gotten Vicky to comply with his request by using the _______ strategy.

door in the face

Antipsychotics (neuroleptics)

dopamine antagonists that bind to dopamine receptors, thus blocking the effects of dopamine; used to treat schizophrenia and other psychosis disorders

novelty seeking

dopamine regulating gene

Phil tells people that he is the greatest poker player in the world. When people ask him why he is so good, he always tells them about all the really bad players he has beaten. Phil is basing his self-evaluation on ________.

downward comparison

psychotropic medications

drugs that affect mental processes

mindless repetition of words


reality principle


A person wears a device that provides behavioral data.

electronically activated recorder (EAR)

Why do people form groups?

enhanced capacity to obtain food and other resources b. fundamental need to belong c. to create a social identity


especially manipulative of others for their own gain and lack concern with conventional morality

contributing factors


Erika tells a friend that she likes Indonesian food.

explicit attitude

attitude we are conscious of

explicit attitude

People worry that in an ambiguous situation, if they seek help when help is not needed, they will look foolish.

fear of making a social blunder

Shelby sees a man lying on the sidewalk in a big city, but she doesn't help because she cannot determine whether the man is sleeping, drunk, or injured.

fear of making a social blunder

nomothetic approach

focus on characteristics that are common among all people but that vary from person to person; same metric for all people

A person signed a petition for her town to build a youth center. The next week, the same person agreed to help raise funds for the building.

foot in the door

Luisa asks for volunteers to sign a petition for a community center in need of more government funding. The following week, she asks those who signed the petition to come to the center once a month and tutor a child. Luisa is trying to gain compliance by using the _______ strategy.

foot in the door

inhibiting sterotypes

for instance, by presenting people with positive examples of negatively stereotyped groups

John believed the person who cut him off on the highway was inconsiderate and selfish.

fundamental attribution error

explaining a person's actions by his personality without considering the situation

fundamental attribution error


general state of vulnerability to stressful life experience; common symptoms include headaches, and "brain aches" as well as irritability and nervousness (Latinos in US and Latin America)


general tendency to affiliate with others

nearly constant anxiety not associated with one specific thing

generalized anxiety disorder

Group members believe something even more strongly after discussing it.

group polarization

Groups can make bad decisions based on pressure to maintain cohesiveness.


false sensory perceptions


The role of hereditary factors in autism spectrum disorders

has recently been confirmed by twin studies.

Dr. Malin suspected that his patient, Gary, had antisocial personality disorder when Gary confessed that _______.

he was not the least bit bothered when he accidentally drove his car into the neighbor's prized rosebushes

personal growth and self-understanding


pleasure principle



if Person A helps (or harms) Person B, then Person B will help (or harm) Person A. In other words, if you scratch my back, I will scratch yours.

How to prevent social loafing

if a group is working on a project, each person must feel personally responsible for some component of the project for everyone to exert maximum effort


illness attributed to a frightening event that causes the soul to leave the body; sadness, somatic complaints, lack of motivation, difficulty functioning in daily life (Latinos in US and Latin America)

Donald unthinkingly assumes his younger brother will agree with a plan of his.

implicit attitude

attitude we are unaware of

implicit attitude

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterized by

inattentiveness, restlessness, and impulsivity.

The evolutionary adaptive value of altruism can be seen by looking at transmission of genes, rather than simply at individual survival.

inclusive fitness

A high school team of champion senior athletes plays in an all-star game attended by a large crowd. This would cause ________ performance.


An athlete runs against other athletes to try to get her best time. This would cause ______ performance.


During lunchtime, Rolf noticed a long line of people at a food truck he had never seen before, and he joined the line. This is ________ influence.

informational influence

Morena was a few minutes late to class, but when she got to the building where her class was held, she noticed all of the other students in her class leaving, so she turned around and left, too. This is ________ influence.

informational influence

going along with the crowd due to the belief that others have a good reason for their behavior

informational influence

Jerome prefers hanging out with the rest of his debate team to being with other friends.


When one of her sorority sisters is struggling with math, Jolene offers to tutor her for free, though normally she charges for tutoring help.

ingroup favoritism

difficult to trust and depend on others

insecure attachment

Lastri does a small favor for her neighbor, whom she doesn't know very well, and justifies it by telling herself that she likes her neighbor.

insufficient justification

More Common in Women

internalizing disorders anorexia major depression panic disorder posttraumatic stress disorder

Electro convulsive therapy (ECT)

involves placing electrodes on a person's head and administering an electrical current strong enough to produce a seizure; used to treat major depression when medicine and psychotherapy is ineffective

If an audience is gullible or already agrees with the person delivering a message, the best argument is one that

is one-sided

Efram decides to drive an hour away to go to a restaurant, and once he gets there he thinks the food is much better than at restaurants closer to home.

justification of effort

Animals who help their blood relatives, with whom they share genes, increase the likelihood of passing on their genes.

kin selection

how to prevent groupthink

leaders must refrain from expressing their opinions too strongly at the beginning of discussions. The group should be encouraged to consider alternative ideas, either by having someone play devil's advocate or by purposefully examining outside opinions. Carefully going through alternatives and weighing the pros and cons of each can help people avoid groupthink.

After a man decides to buy a plane ticket for $300, he finds that the final amount including taxes and fees is $365, but he still goes ahead with the purchase.


For the past six weeks, Buzz has been feeling sad, exhausted, and utterly hopeless. He has been thinking about ending it all. His friends and family are alarmed at the steep decline in his mood. If you were a clinical psychologist treating Buzz, you should probably diagnose him as _______.

major depressive

You are a nurse in a psychiatric hospital. You see on one patient's chart that the psychiatrist recommended electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for treatment of her psychological disorder. Based on this information, you know that the patient has most likely been diagnosed with ________.

major depressive disorder

extremely depressed mood or loss of interest in pleasurable activities for two weeks, plus changes in weight or loss of sleep

major depressive disorder

interferes with functioning


For several weeks, Todd has been feeling very sad. He thinks nobody likes him and that he is worthless. Todd's family thinks he has a major depressive disorder. If this is true, what symptom would he probably NOT have?

manic episodes

Pilar used to hate sushi, but after eating it enough she developed a taste for it.

mere exposure effect

Excessive self-esteem causes a person to expect special treatment and to come into conflict with those who do not endorse one's self-opinion.


Jared berates his neighbor after she refuses permission for him to shoot a movie in her front yard.


Aaron's taekwondo skills are average at best, but he thinks he is somewhat better than average.

normally healthy high self-esteem

Clarence traveled to India, where the tradition is to eat with your hands. Out of respect for the tradition, Clarence also ate with his hands while he was there. This is _________ influence.

normative influence

Though it would be easier to pick our noses, we use tissues instead. This is ________ influence.

normative influence

going along with the crowd to fit in and avoid looking silly

normative influence

reasons people conform

normative influence and informational influence

A drill instructor orders a recruit to do fifteen push-ups. The recruit promptly does them. This is..


A woman moves her parked car by the request of a police officer clearing a parade route. This is...


You ask your doctor to examine your sore throat. Surprisingly, she demands that you remove your Chicago Bulls hat and coat. If you take them off as she asked, then you have displayed _______.


following the orders of a person in authority


Once Gilligan got back from the island, he thought it was a good idea to take an ocean cruise to Antarctica. This time, he wanted to be certain to go with people who were not annoying, so he created the Gilligan Compatibility Inventory. His friends answered questions about specific traits and patterns of behavior. Each answer was scored on a scale of 1 to 5. Gilligan's test was a(n) _______ of personality.

objective measure

Howie is frightened of germs and thinks about them a lot. He gets anxious about keeping his hands clean and will not shake hands with anyone. He washes his hands dozens of time each day to get rid of the germs. Based on these symptoms, Howie is most likely to be diagnosed with __________.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Xun experienced a streptococcal infection as a child.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

His compulsive behaviors were reinforced through ___________________, resulting in an increased probability that the checking behavior would be repeated in the future.

operant conditioning

Lily, a self-described science nerd, assumes that all the athletes in her chemistry class hate the teacher for being so tough.


Jolene thinks that members of a rival sorority are all dumb blondes, but members of her own sorority have varied and unique personalities.

outgroup homogeneity effect

sudden attacks of overwhelming terror

panic disorder

a state of intense longing and sexual desire

passionate love

better-than-average effect

people describe themselves as above average in nearly every way


people generally share their friends' opinions of other people. If Person A and Person B are friends, then if Person A likes Person C and dislikes Person D, then Person B will also tend to like Person C and dislike Person D.


people's characteristic thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors

Odetta and Jack are creating a TV commercial for Fiber Flakes, a new brand of cereal. Jack's idea is to have a famous actor say how much he loves Fiber Flakes. Odetta thinks the commercial should emphasize the cereal's nutritional value. Jack's approach to the commercial relies on the _______ route of persuasion, whereas Odetta's approach relies on the _______ route of persuasion.

peripheral; central

mild or moderate depressed mood most days for at least two years

persistent depressive disorder

rationalization example

person cheats on taxes because "everyone" does it

reaction formation example

person with unacknowledged homosexual desires makes homophobic remarks

displacement example

person yells at children after a bad day at work

idiographic approach

person-centered. They focus on individual lives and how various characteristics are integrated into unique persons; different metric for each people

explaining a person's actions based on his traits or personality

personal attributions

personal constructs

personal theories of how the world works

Yoskolo explains why many of his fellow Inuit don't care for the word "Eskimo."

perspective giving

Consuelo imagines what it would be like to be a white, male, unemployed drug addict.

perspective taking

Megan stepped on a beehive and got stung all over.


Adrienne decides to go on vacation to Cambodia rather than Thailand, and once she arrives in Cambodia she thinks about how much better it is than Thailand.

postdecisional dissonance

thoughts that are not currently in awareness but could be brought to awareness


brain region that controls impulsive behaviors and causes people to behave according to social norms

prefrontal cortex

negative feelings toward a person based on group membership


Which of the following major factors are identified in the diathesis-stress model for a high probability of onset of a psychological disorder?

presence of stressful events genetic predisposition childhood trauma


prevent or control seizures; can also stabalize moods for bipolar disorders

Alois accused his friend of being an alcoholic, when in reality, Alois drank every night.


Jamie is developing a new test to assess individuals' personalities. She asks people to draw a picture of their families. Then she interprets each drawing based on her opinion of what it reflects about the individual's personality. Jamie's test is a(n) _______ of personality.

projective measure

use ambiguous pictures or stories to examine unconscious processes

projective measures

People perform actions that benefit others, like doing favors.

prosocial behaviors

Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS Team, 2004)

provided clear evidence that the SSRI Prozac is effective in treating adolescent depression.

Claire has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She wants to see a health-care professional who can prescribe a psychotropic medication for relief of the symptoms related to schizophrenia. Claire should most likely seek treatment from a _____.


Joanne sees a clinical psychologist, Dr. Kelso, once a week. During these sessions, she lies on a couch with Dr. Kelso seated behind her. Dr. Kelso often asks about her dreams and tries to help her understand how they might reveal unconscious needs and conflicts. Joanne is most likely receiving _______ therapy.


unconscious forces


post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

psychological disorder that involves frequent and recurring unwanted thoughts related to the trauma, including nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks

Kirk pursues a carefully planned strategy of lies and manipulation to advance his professional agenda. When confronted, he convincingly claims innocence and feels no remorse whatsoever. He would, in fact, have no problem killing someone.

psychopathic personality

mind disorder


In some people, high self-esteem is associated with a lack of care for other's welfare, and with impulsive, reckless pursuit of their own interests.


Aino explained that she broke her dormitory's "no pets" rule because it was too cold for the cat to stay outside.


Jeanette picked fights with Tomás and told others he was a terrible person, but in reality, she was attracted to Tomás.

reaction formation

Animals who help those outside their gene pool increase the likelihood that when they need help, they will receive it.

reciprocal helping

Milo gives Ophelia a glowing letter of reference, thinking he will probably need her to do the same for him someday.


Critical conditions for group formation

reciprocity and transitivity

Your cousin is 22 years old and has just been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She says to you, "The late-night disc jockey on the radio knows all my favorite songs. He plays them just for me." Your cousin has just displayed the symptom of _______.

referential delusions

locus of control

refers to how much control people believe they have over outcomes in their lives

Our self-esteem is based on how we believe others perceive us.

reflected appraisal

Emily, mocked for caring more about books than boys, becomes a successful poet.


Carmen had no memory of her mother's death, which occurred when Carmen was seven years old.


People in groups tend to make bolder decisions than people on their own.

risky-shift effect

sublimination example

sadist becomes a surgeon or dentist

Autism spectrum disorder shares some symptoms and genetic mutations with which adult disorder?


considered to be less important or applicable to how individuals define themselves

secondary traits

easy to get close to others without the fear of fear being abandoned

secure attachment

everything one knows and believes about one's self


the evaluative aspect of self-concept


A group of high schoolers mocked as Asian punks decide to call themselves The Asian Punks.


integrated set of memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self


neurotransmitter that inhibits impulsive, aggressive behavior


emotional stability

serotonin regulating gene

Jan cut a person off on the highway but told herself it was justified because she was late to work.

situational attribution

explaining a person's actions based on the context or external factors

situational attributions

traumatic events, difficult family life, socioeconomic status, cultural expectations

situational factors

The bombshell theory Walter Mischel introduced in the field of personality psychology proposed that behaviors are determined mostly by ______.


Little Lauren goes swimming at a community pool. There are other children her age playing cheerfully in the pool. But Lauren keeps her distance from them, preferring to play by herself. This situation reveals the aspect of Lauren's temperament that is called _______.


As a child, Doona, who displayed an inhibited personality, overreacted to new situations by crying.

social anxiety

fear of being negatively evaluated by others in a social setting

social anxiety disorder

Rachel is nervous about singing in the dorm talent show. She sounds good when she practices alone in her room, but when she gets up to perform in front of the whole dorm, she does an amazing job. That Rachel sang better in her performance is best explained by _______.

social facilitation

Jolene's membership in her sorority is a major source of pride, and she considers herself to be in the same social category as her sorority sisters.

social identity theory

Individual effort decreases as group size increases.

social loafing

expected standards of conduct

social norms

Katelyn's whole family is vegetarian and her parents often talk about how terrible the meat industry is, so she also eats vegetarian.


Self-esteem functions to provide us with cues that we are placing ourselves at risk for social rejection, which is evolutionarily adaptive.

sociometer theory

fear of something that is disproportionate to the threat

specific phobia

Melanie and Yasmina are traveling to Europe for the first time. Melanie takes the lead in making arrangements; she is thoughtful and controlled. Yasmina thinks all their plans will fall through, and her emotions change from scared to excited. According to biological trait theory, Melanie probably is _______, while Yasmina probably is _______.

stable; unstable

mental shortcut for categorizing people


modern racism

subtle forms of prejudice that coexist with the rejection of racist beliefs.



Sabrina tells her therapist about her phobia of flying. Dr. Benoit replies, "I can help you, step by step, to extinguish it by imagining what you fear and teaching you to relax. Then you will be able to fly on a plane." Sabrina realizes that Dr. Benoit is using the treatment technique called ________.

systematic desensitization

therapy for phobia

systematic desensitization

hormone whose presence is correlated with higher levels of aggression and with situations of social dominance


Norwood blames his poor performance in a recent marathon race on his poorly fitted shoes. However, he believes that other runners who did poorly just did not practice enough. Norwood's reasoning illustrates ______.

the actor/observer bias

Neuropsychological method

the client performs actions such as copying a picture; drawing a design from memory; sorting cards that show various stimuli into categories based on size, shape, or color; placing blocks into slots on a board while blindfolded; and tapping fingers rapidly; might indicate problems w a particular brain region

Jeanine's mother has schizophrenia, a psychological disorder with a genetic component. This means that Jeanine is predisposed to also have schizophrenia. However, she is likely to show symptoms of the disorder only if she has stressful life experiences. In this situation, if Jeanine shows symptoms of schizophrenia, it is best explained by _______.

the diathesis-stress model

Ana takes an online personality test. The results say that she scores high on the extraversion dimension of personality and low on the conscientiousness dimension of personality. Ana most likely took a personality test that was based on _______.

the five-factor theory

Robert was frustrated because the driver in front of him was driving very slowly. This guy is a terrible driver! He shouldn't be allowed to drive at all, thought Robert. In actuality, the driver was driving slowly because he was transporting a cage with four hamsters in the back seat. Robert's explanation for the driver's behavior reveals

the fundamental attribution error

activity level

the overall amount of energy and of behavior a person exhibits

outgroup homogeneity effect

the tendency to view outgroup members as less varied than ingroup members

cognitive therapy

therapy that teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking and acting; based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions

family therapy

therapy that treats the family as a system. Views an individual's unwanted behaviors as influenced by, or directed at, other family members

how people differ in disposition


To that point, psychologists in his field had believed that ______ were responsible for a person's behavior.


Michael greets Tom with the words "Any friend of Sonny's is a friend of mine."


Heidi's son, Aiden, just stuffed a toy down the toilet and flooded the bathroom. Aiden is crying because he does not want to get in trouble. Heidi tells him that she loves him no matter what he does, but that he cannot put toys down the toilet. According to the person-centered approach, Heidi is helping Aiden's personality develop freely by creating ________.

unconditional positive regard

thoughts that are not easy to retrieve


defense mechanisms

unconscious mental strategies that the mind uses to protect itself from distress

Mrs. Kittridge is a teacher who always says that she is not as "cool" as other faculty. When Mrs. Kittridge says this, she is making a statement based on _______.

upward comparison

applied behavioral analysis (ABA)

used to treat autism spectrum disorder; based on principles of operant conditioning: Behaviors that are reinforced should increase in frequency. Behaviors that are not reinforced should diminish


used to treat bipolar disorder

systematic desensitization

used to treat phobia; client first makes a fear hierarchy: a list of situations in which fear is aroused, in ascending order, The next step is exposure, in which the client is asked to imagine or enact scenarios that become progressively more upsetting,

Misha decides not to intervene in a bar fight between two large men for fear of getting hurt.

weighing the risks and benefits of helping

The decision to help someone is partially influenced by how much harm one could incur by helping.

weighing the risks and benefits of helping

obsessive-complusive disorder (OCD)

which involves frequent intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions

immediate, limited information about the self

working self-concept

Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)

• rather than looking at symptoms, examines the underlying biological and psychosocial causes that may cause deficits in specific domains of functioning • relies less on understanding personal experience and more on neuroscience

dimensional approach

• recognizes that psychological disorders are extreme versions of normal feelings • places people on a continuum based on the severity of their symptoms


• uses a categorical approach to diagnose people based on symptoms • does not take into account that disorders can vary in severity and that some conditions are comorbid

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