PSYC 3347 Chapter 13

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Cognitive therapy is...

a cognitive restructuring therapy that emphasizes empirically testing the validity of maladaptive beliefs

Thought stopping is...

a simple, straightforward procedure used to treat persistent and intrusive disturbing thoughts by interrupting them and substituting pleasant thoughts instead

Think-aloud approaches to assessing cognitions have clients verbalize their thoughts (typically into a voice recorder) while engaging in...

a simulated task or role-playing situation

Decatastrophizing is...

a specific form or reattribution that is useful when clients anticipate dire consequences

What is rational emotive behavior therapy? (REBT)

a well-known treatment that primarily employs cognitive restructuring to change the irrational thoughts that cause psychological problems

Psychological problems are maintained by irrational beliefs that come from faulty reasoning or logical errors, such as...

absolute thinking, overgeneralizing and catastrophizing

An activity schedule provides a structure that encourages clients to engage in ________ throughout the day, which is also a key component of behavioral activation

active behaviors

Who designed rational emotive behavior therapy? (REBT)


What is cognitive processing therapy?

an adaptation of cognitive therapy for clients who have experienced trauma and are suffering from stress disorders

What type of hallucinations predominate in schizophrenia?

auditory hallucinations, which typically involve hearing nonexistent voices that are extremely disturbing

Beck refers to maladaptive (irrational) cognitions as...

automatic thoughts

What is self-talk?

behavior therapists often operationally define cognitions as self-talk, what people say to themselves when they are thinking

What is the mastery and pleasure rating technique?

it provides clients with feedback about a sense of accomplishment and pleasure they actually experience

What is attention narrowing?

it restricts the client's focus and thereby reduces the stimulus overload often experienced in schizophrenia

Much of our thinking involves the explicit use of ____


What are psychological problems, specifically?

negative emotions and maladaptive behaviors

________ of the client's problem is central in cognitive therapy and allows the treatment to be modified based on the client's progress

ongoing assessment

_______ involve the thoughts that people are following, plotting against and wanting to harm the client

paranoid delusions

Using a rating scale encourages clients to recognize ____ accomplishments and ___ pleasure

partial, small

Epectatus' statements says that...

people are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them

Potentially, rational emotive education could prevent _______ but longitudinal studies have not been carried out to evaluate this possibility

psychological disorders

Cognitive processing therapy was initially used to treat adult victims of...


Thought stopping gives clients _____ that they can generalize to other problems

self-control skills

Cognitive therapists help clients recognize dysfunctional beliefs through...

socratic dialogue (also called guided discovery)

Musturbatory statements are irrational because...

there are only a few behaviors that people must do

What are graded task assignments?

they involve clients engaging in a series of small sequential steps that lead to a therapeutic goal, which essentially is shaping

What is an important potential limitation of think-aloud approaches?

they may miss highly relevant but low-frequency thoughts that are likely to occur only in vivo

(T/F) According to Beck's theory, psychological disorders occur when people perceive the world as threatening


(T/F) Active disputing of irrational beliefs is the key element that distinguishes REBT from other cognitive restructuring therapies


(T/F) Becoming aware of how one's emotions (both positive and negative) are influenced by one's thoughts is central for rational emotive education and REBT


(T/F) Besides changing clients cognitions directly, cognitive therapy changes clients overt behaviors


(T/F) Clients frequently use what voices say as "evidence" to support the source of the voices


(T/F) Delusions are described as frightening, threatening and bizarre


(T/F) Imagery rescripting may be particularly helpful for clients who experience recurrent distressing thoughts related to prior traumatic experiences


(T/F) People with little training can practice cognitive processing therapy


(T/F) The focus in cognitive-behavioral therapy is on inner, verbal language


(T/F) The majority of cognitive processing therapy consists of challenging clients maladaptive thoughts and beliefs concerning the trauma using Socratic questioning and replacing them with more adaptive cognitions


(T/F) The words must, have to, should and ought to are all examples of musturbation


(T/F) Therapists sometimes introduce thought stopping to clients with a dramatic demonstration of its effect

true. for example, when a client starts talking about a disturbing thought, the therapists interrupts saying "stop!" to startle the client

Cognitive therapy has the client...

view beliefs as tentative hypotheses then the client tests the validity of these hypotheses of gathering evidence that refutes or supports them

Can cognitive therapy be effective in reducing delusions and hallucinations?

yes, along with the conjunction of antipsychotic medication

Delusions are blatantly _____ people steadfastly hold in the face of contradictory evidence

false beliefs

What is absolute thinking?

it is viewing an event in an all-or-none, black-or-white fashion

Rational emotive education is...

- an adaptation of REBT for children and adolescents - although it can be used to treat problems, it is typically used to prevent them

What are the coping strategies that are used in addition to the basic cognitive therapy procedures for delusions and hallucinations?

- awareness training - attention switching - attention narrowing - self-instruction - activity scheduling

What is an activity schedule?

- is a written plan of a client's daily activities and is especially useful for clients who are anxious or depressed

What are the common problem areas for trauma victims?

- safety - trust - control - esteem - intimacy

Self-reports are...

- the only way to gain direct information about another's thoughts - give the therapist a general idea about the type of thoughts the client is having

What are the goals of cognitive therapy?

- to correct client's faulty information processing - to modify client's dysfunctional beliefs that maintain maladaptive behaviors/emotions - to provide clients with the skills and experiences that create adaptive thinking

What are the three particular overt behavioral interventions commonly used in cognitive therapy?

1.) activity schedules 2.) mastery and pleasure ratings 3.) graded task assignments

What are the 6 common cognitive distortions (or logical errors) that are frequently in the thoughts of people experiencing psychological distress?

1.) arbitrary interference 2.) overgeneralization 3.) selective abstraction 4.) personalization 5.) polarized (dichotomous) thinking 6.) magnification or minimization

What are the 4 steps in rational emotive education?

1.) identifying emotions and differentiating them from thoughts 2.) learning how thoughts (rather than situations) influence these emotions 3.) recognizing rational and irrational thoughts 4.) dealing with common difficult situations with these concepts and skills

What are the 2 phases involved with thought-stopping?

1.) interrupting the disturbing thought 2.) focusing on a competing adaptive thought instead

What are the 4 basic methods used to assess client's cognitions?

1.) interview 2.) self-recording 3.) direct self-report inventory 4.) think-aloud procedures

What two themes did Ellis identify as irrational ideas that lead to psychological problems?

1.) personal worthlessness (a specific form of overgeneralization associated with failure) 2.) sense of duty (using the words must, have to, should and ought to in speech and thoughts)

What are the 5 distinct advantages that think-aloud approaches have over direct self-report inventories?

1.) think-aloud approaches have an open-ended response format 2.) it eliminates problems associated with retrospective reporting 3.) it can be customized for each client 4.) audio recorded responses are more emotionally landed compared to written ones 5.) anybody, no matter the age, is capable of responding to think-aloud approaches

What are the 5 different dimensions of the 4 basic methods that are used to asses clients' cognitions?

1.) timing 2.) degree of structure 3.) mode of response 4.) nature of the stimulus 5.) source of evaluation

What are the 3 steps in REBT?

1.) to identify the thoughts based on irrational beliefs 2.) to challenge the irrational beliefs 3.) to replace irrational thoughts with rational thoughts

As much as ___ of the therapy session involves the client challenging their thoughts (the second step)


_____ is an anxiety-related disorder for which cognitive therapy is employed with such diverse traumatic precipitants as war and sexual assault

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Who developed cognitive processing therapy?


Cognitive therapy for auditory hallucinations involves _____ the interpretations and content of hallucinatory voices


Reattribution of responsibility is helpful when...

clients believe they have more control over potentially negative outcomes than they actually do

Which are the two specific techniques used in cognitive therapy to change clients dysfunctional thinking?

cognitive interventions and over behavioral interventions

One of the main differences between cognitive therapy and REBT is that...

cognitive therapists ask clients a series of easily answerable questions that lead clients to recognize dysfunctional beliefs and automatic thoughts for themselves rather than directly pointing out such beliefs to clients, as it is done in REBT

Although Beck's cognitive therapy is widely used for anxiety and other disorders, it is often part of a ___________

cognitive-behavioral treatment package

What does Beck call the process of designing homework "experiments" to test the clients hypotheses?

collaborative empiricism

To help identify specific delusional beliefs, the client maintains a ____ of his or her delusions that includes a measure of the clients ______ that the delusion is true, rated on a 0 to 100 scale

daily log, strength of conviction

_____ and _____ are the hallmark of schizophrenia and can be treated with cognitive therapy

delusions and hallucinations

REBT primarily relies on...

direct instruction, persuasion and logical disputation to challenge distorted beliefs

Cognitive interventions, which are based on cognitive restructuring, change clients cognitions ___


Both cognitive therapy and REBT rest on the fundamental assumption that psychological disorders are maintained by _____ cognitions, and they share the goal of _____ these cognitions

distorted, modifying

Cognitive therapy is more ___ based, whereas REBT tends to be more ____ based

empirically, philosophically

Cognitive processing therapy includes _____ and _____ components, is typically structured into ___ sessions and can be administered individually to in groups

exposure and cognitive components, 12

Combined with _____, cognitive therapy is an effective treatment for social phobia and can be as effective as medication

exposure therapies

(T/F) Pleasure refers to a sense of accomplishment (though not perfection as the word connotes) and mastery refers to feelings of enjoyment or satisfaction while performing a task

false, it is the other way around mastery refers to a sense of accomplishment (though not perfection as the word connotes) and pleasure refers to feelings of enjoyment while performing a task

(T/F) Establishing a good therapeutic relationship is not considered a prerequisite for effective treatment

false. in fact, a positive relationship between the therapist-client (or therapist-patient) is a key element in cognitive therapy

(T/F) Thought stopping is almost never part of a treatment package

false. in fact, it is usually a part of a treatment package

(T/F) Irrational beliefs are only made through a biological factor

false. irrational beliefs are influenced by a complex interaction of biological, developmental, and environmental factors

(T/F) Ellis' theory holds that our behaviors towards events are what make us angry, frustrated, annoyed, upset and depressed

false. it is our beliefs (not the event itself) that make us angry

(T/F) Rational emotive behavior therapy is used primarily with children

false. it is primarily used with adults

(T/F) Anxiety disorders are the most frequent problem that cognitive therapy is used to treat

false. it is the second most frequent

(T/F) Treatment of delusions proceeds in a backwards fashion

false. it proceeds in a stepwise fashion

(T/F) Once clients in cognitive therapy learn to challenge the validity of the dysfunctional beliefs, the sessions have been completed

false. the clients are then taught to replace them with adaptive beliefs

(T/F) Thought stopping is only meant to help the client reduce disturbing (irrational) thoughts momentarily

false. the ultimate goal of thought stopping is to help clients replace (and eventually, eliminate) their irrational thoughts for a lifetime

What is the first step during cognitive restructuring therapy?

for the client to become aware of their self-talk especially before, during and after their problem behaviors occur

_______ is a crucial aspect of cognitive restructuring

generating alternative interpretations

How are hallucinations described as in cognitive therapy?

hallucinations are sensory perceptions that have no external stimulus and that people experience as real

Cognitive therapy requires client's active participation, including completing ________ that are considered an integral part of the treatment

homework assignments

________ is used to treat recurrent nightmares by having clients rescript them into a more positive light and then, while awake, reverse the rescripted dream

imagery rehearsal therapy

According to Ellis' rational emotive theory, psychological problems are maintained by the ____ people make of the events in their lives


What is attention switching?

it changes the client's focus from a delusion or hallucination and to an alternative stimulus (such as a pleasant scene)

What is imagery rescripting?

it has the client modify the disturbing thought, image, or belief so that it is more tolerable (and maybe even pleasant)

What is awareness training?

it helps the client attend to the onset of a delusion or hallucination and allow the client to engage in active coping strategies

What is activity scheduling?

it increases the clients activity level, which is important because clients are most likely to experience delusions and hallucinations during periods of inactivity

What is catastrophizing?

it involves seeing minor situations as disastrous

What is self-instruction?

it involves specific adaptive self-statements (such as "I don't need to be afraid")

What are automatic thoughts?

it is a term that emphasizes how clients experience their distorted thinking

What is overgeneralization?

it is drawing the conclusion that all instances of a situation will turn out a particular way because one or two did

Does cognitive therapy for schizophrenic delusions involve the same basic procedures used to treat depression and anxiety?

yes. first, cognitive distortions are identified second, evidence for their validity is sought third, adaptive cognitions are substituted for the distorted cognitions (irrational thoughts)

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