psych 101 ch 8

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On what assumption did Binet and Simon base their concept of "mental age"?

"Dull" children should perform as well as younger children on the tests, and "bright" children should perform as well as older children.

The sounds of infants' babbling begin to resemble household words when infants are about _____ months old.


Savion is 10 years old. His performance on a series of cognitive tasks is the same as that of the average 11-year-old child. Savion's intelligence quotient is:


In which part of the brain would a lesion MOST likely result in a disruption of language comprehension and expression?

Wernicke's area

According to the principle of belief perseverance, when faced with evidence supporting one's point of view on a controversial issue, one would MOST likely:

assume it is correct.

Juan is physically fit, tall, and extremely athletic. Based on the representativeness heuristic, which of the following would you assume is Juan?

basketball player

As cognitive psychologists define it, a concept is a(n):


Psychologists refer to the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating as:


When we use the acronym LGBTQ to refer to a category of people, we are using this word to denote a(n) _____.


When we use the term Latinx to refer to a category of people, we are using the word to denote a(n):


Which concept is accurately identified as an aid or an obstacle to problem solving?

confirmation bias, obstacle

Raul is very skilled at taking aptitude tests and finding solutions to mathematics and science problems. Raul's skills illustrate:

convergent thinking.

Syntax refers to the:

correct arrangement of words into grammatically sensible sentences.

Those who learn sign language as teens never become as fluent as children exposed to sign language from birth. This reflects that childhood is a(n) _____ for mastering aspects of language.

critical period

Dr. Milano compares the performance of a group of 20-year-olds, a group of 45-year-olds, and a group of 70-year-olds on several tests of fluid intelligence and several tests of crystallized intelligence. Dr. Milano's investigation BEST exemplifies a:

cross-sectional study.

Maggie, a graduate student at a local university, is interested in the impact of the No Child Left Behind legislation on intelligence. As a result of this, she gives an intelligence test to people ranging in age from 15 to 45. Maggie is conducting a(n) _____ study.

cross-sectional-compare people of different ages with one another.

Fluid intelligence _____ with age. Crystallized intelligence _____ with age.

declines; does not decline/ decreases; increases

Twenty-eight-year-old Melissa is a research psychologist. She is known for her creative research problem solving and the ability to interpret research data abstractly. Melissa is demonstrating:

fluid intelligence.

According to Charles Spearman, _____ underlies specific mental abilities, such that it is measured by every task on an intelligence test.

general intelligence (g)

Research indicates that individuals with a(n) _____ mindset tend to flourish when challenged in school.


Mary's bathroom scale always overstates people's actual weight by exactly 6 pounds. The scale has _____ reliability and _____ validity.

high; low

When we estimate the likelihood of events based on the ease with which we retrieve them from memory, we are demonstrating:

the availability heuristic.

Alex was an African Grey parrot who could:

indicate which of two numbers was greater.

Virtual twins are:

same-age children adopted as infants and raised as siblings.

Immortalized in the movie Rain Man, Dustin Hoffman's character performs mind-boggling feats of mathematical calculations yet cannot perform the simplest of tasks such as determining how much change he would receive when buying a candy bar. This is known as:

savant syndrome.

Sam does not do well in any of her classes, except math where she excels. Although she is performing at the first-grade level in all of her other classes, she is doing very well in college level algebra. This may be an example of:

savant syndrome.

Shelia says things like "me go," "mama bye," and "dada go." She is in the _____ stage.


Because of an automobile accident, Karen suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Karen is MOST likely to experience difficulty:

understanding others' speech.

_____ refers to the rules for combining words into grammatically sensible sentences in a given language.


Your brother is considering adopting an infant from an orphanage that has a reputation for minimal child-caregiver interaction. A 1-year-old boy is available for adoption, but he is passive and not speaking yet. What advice would you give your brother?

As long as the boy is provided with responsive caregiving, chances are good that he will learn to talk.

Your instructor has just asked the class, "What is intelligence?" Which statement embodies the spirit of psychology's simplest answer?

Intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure.

The widely used American revision of Alfred Binet's original intelligence test was developed by _____.

Lewis Terman

Which statement is NOT a criticism of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?

Low ability in one area is balanced by high ability in another.

Do current theories of intelligence differ from those offered earlier in psychology's history?

Yes. Contemporary theories propose that there may be many multiple forms of intelligence rather than just one.

A concept is:

a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, and people.

The formula "two parts oil to one part vinegar" is guaranteed to yield decent oil-and-vinegar salad dressing. In problem-solving terms, this recipe is a(n):


The hospital where Tom works has specific step-by-step procedures, or _____, for treating heart attack victims.


The sudden realization that we have solved a problem, is called a(n) _____.


The sort of problem solving that demonstrates "school smarts" is what researchers have historically assessed in their tests of:


Fourteen-year-old Francisco enjoys playing the piano and never needs prompting from his parents to practice. He writes music and plays the piano several times a day. He tells his parents that he plays because he enjoys creating music. Francisco plays the piano because of _____ motivation.


Fourteen-year-old Juliana enjoys playing the piano and never needs prompting from her parents to practice. She writes music and plays the piano several times a day. She tells her parents that she plays because she enjoys creating music. Juliana plays the piano because of:

intrinsic motivation.

Researchers in Scotland have been following the development of a sample of 11-year-old children since 1932. What type of study are they conducting?


When he was very young, William took an intelligence test as part of a research study. Decades later William is asked if he would be willing to take another intelligence test in order to test the stability of intelligence. By agreeing to take another intelligence test, William is engaging in a(n) _____ study.

longitudinal-restudy and retest the same people over a long period of time

Some athletes use mental practice to try to improve performance. A group of people threw darts 24 times at a target. Next, half of the group mentally practiced throwing 24 darts, while the remainder practiced physically throwing the darts. Finally, the entire group threw 24 more darts. Based on research described in the text, those who practiced mentally should show:

more improvement than those who practiced physically.

Sharon is just learning to speak. She says words like da-da, kitty, and ma-ma. This is not unusual because, whatever the language, when children begin to speak, they tend to use mostly:


An African Grey parrot at a pet store has been trained to "count" objects. For example, if you show him a tray of balls and ask him how many are red, he will answer correctly about 80 percent of the time. This parrot is displaying:

numerical skills.

At 18 months of age, Fernanda says "wada" whenever she wants a drink of water. Fernanda is MOST likely in the _____ stage of language development.


Mary believes she can complete an entire term paper, which was supposed to take six weeks according to her class schedule, in only two days. So she begins the paper two days before the due date. Once she begins the term paper, she realizes that it will more likely take five days or more to complete. Her failure to accurately determine how long the assignment will take BEST illustrates:


A researcher finds that children's scores on an optimism scale are strongly related to the scores of the same children on a resilience measure when they are adolescents. This finding BEST supports the optimism scale's:

predictive validity.

Manny has a psychology exam in a week. Manny spent five minutes each day imagining that he was studying effectively: reading the chapters, going over notes, eliminating distractions, and declining an offer to go out. The visual imagery Manny is using is called:

process solution

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