PSYCH 101: Exam #1-Syllabus

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MPR Option #2: The SONA System - ____ points for each ____ minutes - ___ point per ____ minutes for face-to-face studies - when does SONA close ?

- 1/2, 10 - 1, 10 - Thursday November 30th at 5 PM

Mandatory Participation Requirements (MPR): - How much points ? How ?

- 10, 5 points will translate into 10

Lab: - ___ points per lab, ___ points total, ___ labs, ___ lab will be dropped - Meet each _____, instead of ______ Day and _______ Holiday - Points will be awarded for what ? - Arrive on ____ and be _____

- 10, 80, 9, 1 - Friday, Veteran's and Thanksgiving - attendance and discussion/quizzes - time, prepared

Extra Credit: - Maximum Points?

- 12

MPR Option #3: Non-Research/Non-Counseling - Submit a ___ page, _____ spaced, ____ inch margins, _____ summary of a research/article/book/etc - Summary must contain what 3 things ? - No credit for summaries less than how many pages ? - Submit on canvas by when ?

- 2, double, 1, typed - summary of article, 1 or 2 paragraphs relating the article to course, personal reflection - 2 - Friday December 1st by 5 PM

Course Requirement: - ___ of ___ exams ( ___ exam is dropped, all exams are taken on ___) - Attendance and participation in ___ of ___ labs ( ___ lab is dropped) - Completion of all lab _____ and ______ - Completion of MPR, what stands for MPR ?

- 4 of 5, one - 8 of 9, one - readings and assignments - Mandatory Participation Requirement

Exams: - ___ points each, for a total of ___ points - Possibility to do a makeup exam ? - All exams will be taken where? - The final exam contains ___ questions, ___ point each - Exams will be ___ minutes, the Final exam will be ___ minutes - Exams are available between ____ to ____ on ____ day

- 50, 200 - no - Respondus Lockdown Browser - 100, 1/2 - 40, 80 - 8:00 AM, 11:30 PM, Exam

Iclicker: - Registered by when ? - Must register online before using it in ____ - Where can i check my points ? - Bring clicker to ___ class - Clicker points range from ____ and ____ points for the entire quarter - You will receive ___ point for using the clicker in class and ____ point for getting answer correct

- 9/29 - class - canvas - each - 40, 80 - 1/2, 1/2

Lab Assignments: - Listed where ? - Assignments are worth ___ to ____ points - Assignments are due the ____ period - Must submit a _____, hard copy for credit - Peer Reviewed article summaries must be submitted to where ?

- canvas - 10, 30 - next - typed - TurnItIn

On-line Exam Policy: - Professor strongly advises to take all exams where ? - Professor or GA will drop what ? and when ? - Available on where from what time to what time ? - Available to review when ? - See all exam score/points on where ?

- computer labs on campus - lowest score at end of quarter - canvas, 8:00 AM to 11:30 PM - 24 hours after exam is closed - canvas

The Final Exam: Cheating #3: Respondus Lockdown Browser

- locks down any other browsers while exam is active

Not Allowed In Class:

- no electronics unless its okay by professor, no e-cigarette, no tobacco, no talking during lecture/lab, no feet on furniture

Make-up Exam Policy:

- no make-ups, if you have to miss an exam your final will be your make-up

The Final Exam: Cheating #2: Question Pools

- random questions - may get two similar questions

MPR Option #1: Counseling Participation - Where is it ? - How to register ? - If you miss the second session what will happen ? - Counseling sessions last how long ? and are worth how many points ? - Completed by ?

- room 118 Psychology Building - SONA system - you will be blocked by the system - 50 minutes, 3 points - Thursday, November 30th by 5 PM

The Final Exam: Cheating #1: Timed Exams

- timed exams, answer questions quickly

Course Requirement #2: Talking/Apology

-if talking during lecture, professor or GA will stop lecture and ask for student to leave -written apology will be submitted to the professor and lab GA


-lecture text: Exploring Psychology. 10th Edition. Author: David Myers. ISBN: 1429238267 -Iclicker -lab text: Forty Studies That Changed Psychology. 7th Edition. Author: Hock. ISBN: 9780136035992

Course Requirement #1: Test/Study Guide

-never ask if info will be on test -will receive a study guide before each exam, may not be posted until the evening before exam -study guide is just a study guide

Course Description and Purpose:

An introduction to the science of human behavior, including fundamental principles and processes.

Course Requirement #4: Emailing Professor/GA

include your lecture/lab section number

Course Requirement #3: Cellphone

no cellphone use

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