Psych 341 final: social psychology

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Although Quan believes that child safety is important, he often forgets to use a car seat when taking his toddler to day care. What does this best illustrate about the relationship between attitudes and behavior? A. Attitudes are sometimes poor predictors of behavior. B. Attitudes and behavior are sometimes balanced. C. Sometimes behavior is a good predictor of attitudes. D. Attitudes often prime behavior.

A. Attitudes are sometimes poor predictors of behavior.

Who is most likely to be influenced by peripheral cues when processing a televised message from an antilittering campaign? A. Doug, who is distracted by a conversation he is having with his roommate B. Sam, who is passionate about environmental issues C. Linda, whose best friend works for the antilittering campaign D. Josh, who is paying careful attention to the message

A. Doug, who is distracted by a conversation he is having with his roommate

Which of the following advertising strategies BEST illustrates an attempt to persuade people through the central route? A. Research is presented demonstrating that a particular moisturizing lotion is more effective than other products. B. An attractive woman is shown eating a gourmet brand of chocolate. C. An upbeat song is played during a car ad. D. A famous actor claims he loves drinking a particular brand of soda.

A. Research is presented demonstrating that a particular moisturizing lotion is more effective than other products.

________ is the rule and ________ is the exception where the formation of relationships is concerned. A. Similarity; complementarity B. Similarity; proximity C. Complementarity; similarity D. Complementarity; proximity

A. Similarity; complementarity

All of the following are examples of social influence EXCEPT A. a woman choosing not to participate in an event that goes against her moral beliefs. B. a college student buying the same brand of jeans that her friends wear. C. a soldier obeying orders. D. a child cleaning his room because he knows it will make his parents happy.

A. a woman choosing not to participate in an event that goes against her moral beliefs.

When researchers use a Likert scale to assess participants' attitudes, they A. ask participants to use numbers to indicate the extent to which they agree with a particular statement. B. record participants' response latency to a question about their attitudes. C. code the content of participants' spontaneous speech. D. obtain participants' descriptions of how they would behave in a particular situation.

A. ask participants to use numbers to indicate the extent to which they agree with a particular statement.

A social norm that reflects how things are typically done is considered ________, whereas a social norm that reflects what behaviors are approved is considered ________. A. descriptive; prescriptive B. prescriptive; descriptive C. normative; informational D. informational; normative

A. descriptive; prescriptive

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the phenomenon of social loafing? A. exerting minimal effort on a group project B. showing minimal concern over other people's desires or problems C. avoiding social interactions that require complex thought D. losing one's motivation to be liked by other people

A. exerting minimal effort on a group project

Glenda has just heard a compelling statement from Rhonda about why she should fasten her seatbelt. Glenda believes Rhonda's statement is accurate and fastens her seatbelt as a result. This type of conformity is a form of ________ social influence. A. informational B. educational C. automatic D. normative

A. informational

A hypothesis ________ , whereas a theory ________. A. is tested by a specific study; encompasses a body of related research B. encompasses a body of related research; is tested by a specific study C. is tested scientifically; is not tested scientifically D. is not tested scientifically; is tested scientifically

A. is tested by a specific study; encompasses a body of related research

Research on gender and conformity shows that compared with women, men are A. more likely to conform in stereotypically female domains (e.g., child rearing). B. more likely to conform during face-to-face social interactions. C. less likely to conform when the judgment at hand is ambiguous. D. more likely to conform in stereotypically male domains (e.g., cars).

A. more likely to conform in stereotypically female domains (e.g., child rearing).

Parker has just been named Employee of the Month at the grocery store where she works and is delighted. Coincidentally, her younger brother, Marty, decides to ask her for $20 so he can take his girlfriend to the movies. Compared to any other day, Parker would be ________ likely to comply with his request today, because ________ compliance. A. more; positive mood increases B. less; negative mood increases C. just as; mood state has no influence on D. less; only reason-based requests increase

A. more; positive mood increases

According to self-verification theory, people with negative self-views tend to remember ________ feedback more. In contrast, people with positive self-views tend to remember ________ feedback more. A. negative; positive B. positive; negative C. inaccurate; accurate D. accurate; inaccurate

A. negative; positive

In an independent culture, a person's sense of self tends to be based largely on A. personal achievements. B. bringing credit to his or her family. C. political or religious values. D. group membership.

A. personal achievements.

When asked what I want to be when I grow up, I say that I want to be a professional cyclist but I really should be more realistic. What self, according to self-discrepancy theory, reflects wanting to be a cyclist? A. Actual Self B. Ideal Self C. Ought Self D. Goal Self

B. Ideal Self

All of the following people are likely to resist persuasive attempts to adopt a different brand of soap EXCEPT A. Tanya, who loves the way her soap smells. B. Jack, who does not have a vested interest in any particular brand of soap. C. Kelly, who has previously made public commitments to her favorite brand of soap. D. Rafael, who is knowledgeable on the subject of soap.

B. Jack, who does not have a vested interest in any particular brand of soap.

In Boring's (2017) study, she found that male professors were evaluated more positively than female professors on what type of Student Evaluation questions? A. Questions that were related to domains in which women stereotypically excelled B. Questions that were related to domains in which men stereotypically excelled C. All types of questions in the Student Evaluations of Teaching D. None of the questions in the Student Evaluations of Teaching

B. Questions that were related to domains in which men stereotypically excelled

Which of the following statements about the IAT is NOT true? A. The IAT does not have good test-retest reliability B. The IAT is a strong predictor of an individual's behavior C. Scores may indicate awareness/knowledge of cultural stereotypes D. Whether a person is left-handed or right-handed does not impact their IAT score

B. The IAT is a strong predictor of an individual's behavior

According to the social psychologists, which of the following statements most accurately defines groups? A. Groups are easy to define since everyone has an intuitive understanding of what makes a group. B. The degree of "groupness" depends on the amount of interdependence between members. C. Groups form anytime people share a common space. D. A small interdependent tribe or band is a worse representation of a group than a nation.

B. The degree of "groupness" depends on the amount of interdependence between members.

________ is the tendency to believe you could have predicted an outcome accurately after it has already happened. A. The confirmation bias B. The hindsight bias C. External validity D. Internal validity

B. The hindsight bias

Which group receives the poorest scores on student evaluations of teaching, in general? A. white professors B. black professors C. hispanic/latino/a professors D. asian professors E. all non-white professors

B. black professors

Janet has a minority opinion about dorm curfew and is afraid she will feel pressured to conform to the majority opinion at an upcoming dorm meeting. To resist conformity pressure, Janet should A. express strong negative emotions during the meeting. B. bring an ally to the meeting. C. bring cookies to the meeting. D. adopt an interdependent mind-set right before the meeting.

B. bring an ally to the meeting.

According to the contingent self-esteem, a person's self-evaluations A. are stable across situations and time. B. depend on success and failure in important life domains. C. are learned through principles of classical conditioning. D. are a direct result of parenting styles.

B. depend on success and failure in important life domains.

Barbara wants Jason, her new coworker, to like her. All of the following could increase the likelihood that Jason will like Barbara EXCEPT A. being physically attractive in Jason's eyes. B. disagreeing with Jason so that he will see she can think for herself. C. working in an office that is closer to Jason's. D. voicing similar opinions during casual conversations with Jason.

B. disagreeing with Jason so that he will see she can think for herself.

According to research on informational social influence, Anton is more likely to agree with the recommendations of others on the best tax-preparation company to use if he A. is in a bad mood. B. does not know much about tax preparation. C. wants to be liked. D. has internalized cultural norms.

B. does not know much about tax preparation.

The mind processes information in two different ways in a social situation. Automatic processing is often based on ________, whereas controlled processing is often based on ________. A. careful thought; emotional factors B. emotional factors; careful thought C. dispositional factors; situational factors D. situational factors; dispositional factors

B. emotional factors; careful thought

Researchers should make use of ________ when assessing attitudes that people may be unwilling or unable to report. A. Likert scales B. implicit measures C. questionnaires D. surveys

B. implicit measures

After comparing their exam grade to a classmate's exam grade, Alex felt experiences a boost to their self-esteem. Based on this, we can assume that the classmate's grade was ____. A. We are unable to assume anything about the classmate's exam grade B. lower than Alex's exam grade C. higher than Alex's exam grade D. the same as Alex's exam grade

B. lower than Alex's exam grade

According to ________, people have a tendency to like things when they are exposed to them more often. A. functional distance B. mere exposure effect C. exchange theory D. classical conditioning

B. mere exposure effect

Evolutionary psychology predicts that women (relative to men) ought to be ________ selective in their choice of mates because their levels of parental investment (relative to men's) are ________. A. less; high B. more; high C. less; low D. more; low

B. more; high

Zajonc and colleagues (1969) found that the mere presence of others tends to facilitate performance ________, but to hinder performance ________. A. on novel tasks; on well-learned tasks B. on well-learned tasks; on novel tasks C. among women; among men D. among men; among women

B. on well-learned tasks; on novel tasks

Callie, a college student, believes that all male professors think alike, act alike, and look alike. Callie is demonstrating the ________ effect. A. paired distinctiveness B. outgroup homogeneity C. group generalization D. subtyping

B. outgroup homogeneity

Andrew thinks that all New Yorkers are "rude jerks." This is an example of A. discrimination. B. stereotyping. C. modern racism. D. hostile racism.

B. stereotyping.

Recall that Zajonc and colleagues (1969) placed cockroaches in either a complex maze or a simple maze. They created three other conditions as well. Any given cockroach was induced to navigate the maze (a) entirely alone; (b) in the presence of an "audience" of cockroaches; or (c) simultaneously with another cockroach (but without an audience). The audience condition (b) permitted Zajonc to demonstrate whether A. audiences pay attention to competitors. B. the mere presence of others can facilitate or hinder performance. C. complex tasks are performed less well than simple tasks. D. competitive situations are preferred over solitary situations.

B. the mere presence of others can facilitate or hinder performance.

When do participants show a racial bias in hiring decisions that favor white candidates? A. when candidates have strong qualifications B. when candidates have ambiguous qualifications C. when candidates have weak qualifications D. participants always show a racial bias in hiring that favors white candidates, regardless of qualifications

B. when candidates have ambiguous qualifications

When is the better-than-average effect most likely to occur? A. when people use objective, concrete measures of performance to assess their abilities B. when people assess their abilities on subjective or ambiguous traits that can be construed in different ways C. when men are rating their performance compared to women D. when people are rating themselves on negative traits

B. when people assess their abilities on subjective or ambiguous traits that can be construed in different ways

According to Festinger's Social Comparison Theory, comparing myself to a similar other is the best way to achieve what type of information about the self? A. Improving B. Enhancing C. Accurate D. Verifying

C. Accurate

Attitudes are made up of three components; which of the following best describes the relative weight or impact of each on an attitude? A. Cognition makes the largest contribution to an attitude B. Behavior makes the largest contribution to an attitude C. Affect makes the largest contribution to an attitude D. The three components equally contribute to an attitude

C. Affect makes the largest contribution to an attitude

In which of the following ways do the results of the Milgram experiments parallel the events in Nazi Germany leading up to the Holocaust? A. In both situations, perpetrators largely took responsibility for their own actions. B. In both situations, perpetrators had no opportunity to exercise choice or free will. C. In both situations, harmful actions occurred in an incremental, step-by-step manner. D. In both situations, most perpetrators had sadistic dispositions and enjoyed harming others.

C. In both situations, harmful actions occurred in an incremental, step-by-step manner.

Which model predicts when implicit attitudes will predict behavior and when explicit attitudes will predict behavior? A. Attitude & Behavior Specificity B. Tripartite Model of Attitudes C. MODE Model D. Multiple Act Criterion

C. MODE Model

Technological advances such as long-range missiles mean that countries can inflict harm on each other from great distances. Research conducted by ________ suggests that these advances make it considerably ________ likely that people will be willing to inflict harm. A. Asch; more B. Asch; less C. Milgram; more D. Milgram; less

C. Milgram; more

________ exemplifies a message characteristic, whereas ________ exemplifies a source characteristic. A. The credibility of a communicator; the attractiveness of a communicator B. A logical argument; the content of a speech C. The content of a speech; the credibility of a communicator D. The attractiveness of a communicator; a logical argument

C. The content of a speech; the credibility of a communicator

Attitudes do a good job predicting behavior when A. there is discord among the affective and cognitive components of the attitude. B. attitudes are measured with Likert scales. C. attitudes and behavior are measured at the same levels of specificity. D. introspecting about an attitude that is hard to pin down.

C. attitudes and behavior are measured at the same levels of specificity.

Jason is getting ready to give the first lecture of his teaching career. As he steps up to the podium and looks out at the lecture hall, he is struck by the fear that he will appear incompetent in front of his students. Jason is experiencing A. social facilitation. B. deindividuation. C. evaluation apprehension. D. groupthink.

C. evaluation apprehension.

Vivica finds Dion physically attractive. Judging from his appearance, she assumes that he is also outgoing and honest. Vivica is displaying the A. complementarity hypothesis. B. mere exposure effect. C. halo effect. D. counterbalancing principle.

C. halo effect.

Jamie is the sort of person who likes to think, puzzle, ponder, and consider multiple perspectives. Compared with people who do not like these activities, Jamie is A. more likely to be influenced by the tangential aspects of a persuasive communication. B. equally likely to be influenced by peripheral aspects of a persuasive communication. C. less likely to be influenced by peripheral aspects of a persuasive communication. D. less likely to be influenced by the quality of the arguments used in a persuasive communication.

C. less likely to be influenced by peripheral aspects of a persuasive communication.

Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with confirmation bias? A. we give more weight to our existing beliefs B. interferes with our ability to be objective C. makes it easier to change beliefs D. increases our confidence in our existing beliefs

C. makes it easier to change beliefs

Hank attends a focus group where he and five other men are asked to rate three lawn mowers. Hank knows a lot about lawn mowers and is certain that lawn mower A is superior and deserves the highest rating. However, the rest of the men say that lawn mower B is the best. If Hank ends up publicly agreeing with the rest of the group, he has probably succumbed to A. the autokinetic effect. B. informational social influence. C. normative social influence. D. the chameleon effect.

C. normative social influence.

Recall that Sherif (1936) showed participants a point of light in a completely darkened room and asked them to judge the light's movement. The results from this study suggest that people A. rarely experience conflict when their own judgments differ from those of other people. B. adopt more extreme judgments with the passage of time. C. often change their own judgments in accordance with others' judgments. D. often ignore others' judgments, even when these judgments are obviously accurate.

C. often change their own judgments in accordance with others' judgments.

Stacie listens to a radio commercial for toothpaste. She finds the soothing voice of the announcer appealing, so she buys the toothpaste he advocates. She was persuaded via the ________ route. A. central B. distinct C. peripheral D. indirect

C. peripheral

The strongest support for the claim that we have a need to belong comes from the finding that A. when we lose a friendship, we do not seek out new friendships. B. only humans form long-lasting relationships. C. relationships are vital to our physical and mental well-being. D. relationship styles vary among cultures.

C. relationships are vital to our physical and mental well-being.

Social psychology can be defined as the ________ study of the ________ of individuals in social situations. A. rational; feelings, thoughts, and behaviors B. rational; science C. scientific; feelings, thoughts, and behaviors D. behavioral; thoughts and feelings

C. scientific; feelings, thoughts, and behaviors

Which of the following statements most accurately represents the factors that encourage social loafing among groups instead of social facilitation effects? A. the ability to evaluate what members are contributing to a task B. evaluation apprehension among all group members C. the belief that one's effort is not mandatory for the group's success and that individual contributions cannot be assessed D. when no member of the group is an expert, with the result that the effort and effectiveness of each member are reduced.

C. the belief that one's effort is not mandatory for the group's success and that individual contributions cannot be assessed

Going into a group meeting at work, you are concerned that you will end up conforming to the rest of the group on decisions, even when you disagree. Which of the following factors could influence whether you conform? A. feeling uncertain about the topic at hand B. recognizing that other group members have more status than you do C. having to share your opinion with group members D. All of the answer options are correct.

D. All of the answer options are correct.

Recall that Carl Hovland and his colleagues broke down persuasive messages into three components. Which of the following questions emphasizes the component called source characteristics? A. Are people more likely to take a trip to Florida if they are in college? B. Are people more likely to buy a car if they know how its engine works? C. Are people more likely to buy a cleaning product if they are in a good mood? D. Are people more likely to buy a brand of aspirin that is recommended by the American Medical Association?

D. Are people more likely to buy a brand of aspirin that is recommended by the American Medical Association?

Which of the following statements is NOT consistent with the evolutionary perspective? A. People share many practices and institutions with animals, especially higher primates. B. Behavioral propensities are subject to selection pressures. C. Physical characteristics are subject to selection pressures. D. People will inevitably do what they are biologically predisposed to do.

D. People will inevitably do what they are biologically predisposed to do.

________ is the fear that one will confirm the stereotypes that others have regarding one's own group. A. Self-fulfilling prejudice B. Scapegoating C. Prejudice D. Stereotype threat

D. Stereotype threat

Which of the following reflects a theory rather than a hypothesis? A. Homicides in response to insult are more common in the American South than in the North. B. Aggressive responses to threats to the home and family are endorsed at higher rates in the American South than in the North. C. Southern men show larger increases in testosterone after an insult than Northern men. D. The American South is more of a culture of honor than the North.

D. The American South is more of a culture of honor than the North.

While sitting in a restaurant with a friend, John looks across the street and sees a black man and a white man fighting. Research suggests that if John is white, he is likely to assume that the A. white man made a racist remark. B. black man made a racist remark. C. white man was behaving aggressively. D. black man was behaving aggressively.

D. black man was behaving aggressively.

Luciana has been working hard to earn a promotion at work. Her wife, Victoria, has been actively supporting Luciana's efforts at work by cooking dinner and paying the bills before Luciana comes home from work. Victoria's efforts to support Luciana represent evidence that they have a(n) ________ relationship. A. secure B. exchange C. avoidant D. communal

D. communal

Consider the following quote from the writings of Joseph Stalin: "The death of a single Russian soldier is a tragedy. The death of a million soldiers is a statistic." This quote illustrates the idea behind the ________ effect. A. vivid image B. abstract statistic C. "Baby Jessica" D. identifiable victim

D. identifiable victim

Kari is practicing lines for a school play. Under what conditions will the presence of others detract from her ability to learn the lines? A. if the other people are blindfolded B. if Kari finds the task easy C. if Kari knows the lines well D. if Kari finds the task difficult

D. if Kari finds the task difficult

Which of the following is true about hostile and benevolent sexism? A. men and women have similar scores on hostile sexism B. men have lower hostile sexism scores than women C. men have higher benevolent sexism scores than women D. men and women have similar scores on benevolent sexism

D. men and women have similar scores on benevolent sexism

Unlike trait self-esteem, state self-esteem can be influenced by A. stable, long-term feelings about the self B. complex weather patterns. C. ambient light levels. D. momentary changes in mood or self-evaluations.

D. momentary changes in mood or self-evaluations.

Right Wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation are __________ associated with prejudice, such that as scores on each increase, prejudice _________. A. negatively; decreases B. negatively; increases C. positively; decreases D. positively; increases

D. positively; increases

Sam told a culturally insensitive joke to their friends and no one laughed. Not making their friends laugh serves as ________, and Sam is unlikely to tell this joke again. A. an unconditioned stimulus B. a conditioned stimulus C. reinforcement D. punishment

D. punishment

Recall that through either photographic or computer technology, researchers can make a composite (or "averaged") face out of any number of individual faces. When people are asked to rate the attractiveness of composite faces relative to individual faces, A. men tend to prefer composite faces, but women tend to prefer individual faces. B. men tend to prefer individual faces, but women tend to prefer composite faces. C. regardless of sex, people tend to prefer individual faces. D. regardless of sex, people tend to prefer composite faces.

D. regardless of sex, people tend to prefer composite faces.

Which of the following is a "pro" of using explicit measures to assess attitudes? A. more difficult for participants to control their responses B. more difficult to administer to participants C. the meaning of the results may be unclear at times D. they make it easy to collect data

D. they make it easy to collect data

According to Glick & Fiske's (1997) model of ambivalent sexism, benevolent sexism refers to beliefs about women that are actually positive for women because women receive benefits that are not available to men. True or False


Men tend to endorse benevolent sexism more than women. True or False


One function of the self is to help us adjust out behavior in order to pursue our goals. True or False


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