psych 4-6

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Spontaneous recovery

After a hurricane warning across the television, young Eli became terrified of the alarm sound that signaled a severe weather warning. Over the next few months he heard it several times when the required monthly test came on the television, and his fear faded away. One day the alarm sad and Eli jumped up and ran out of the room. This return of a previously extinguish response is called __________.

binocular disparity

Akeelah extended her arm in front of her and then extended one of her fingers. She focused on that finger. Next, she closed her left eye without moving her head; then she opened her left eye and closed her right eye without moving her head. She noticed that her finger seemed to shift as she alternated between the two eyes because of the slightly different view each eye had of her finger. What is illustrated by this example?


Allie is aware of his feelings, emotions, and thoughts. He is also aware of his surroundings, the warmth of the sun, and the sound of nearby traffic. Allie is in a state of ___________.


In a person whose eyes work in the usual fashion, the ________ will focus images perfectly on a small indentation in the back of the eye known as the ________.


Petra walks into a brightly lit Psychology lab to participate in an experiment involving the ability to perceive the colors of the rainbow. Which photoreceptors will be most useful during this experiment?


Stage one is characterized by predominance of ___________ wave activity in the brain

Conditioned response

Stanley was diagnosed with lymphoma and had to undergo several months of chemotherapy. During this time he would become very nauseated as a side effect, and unintentionally came to associate with a nausea with his favorite grilled cheese sandwich. Now, years later, even thinking about a grilled cheese sandwich makes him sick. In this example, Stanley's nausea reaction to a grilled cheese sandwich is the _________.

Psychological dependence

Tariq depends on cigarettes to relieve his stress, those who smoke so frequently that he experiences no significant, noticeable physical symptoms when he is not smoking. What is this exemplify?

Crest; trough

The amplitude of the wave is the highest of a wave as measured from the highest point on the wave ______ to the lowest point on the wave _______.


The auditory cortex, in which sound stimuli are processed for perception, is located in the ________ lobe.

Suffers from chronic sleep deprivation

Victoria has accumulated a large sleep debt. This means that she __________.


Wesley is in a movie theater with no windows—the only light is low illumination from the emergency lights on the floor. Which photoreceptors will be most useful to Wesley as he attempts to leave the theater?


What do psychologist call a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience?

Receptors on different portions of the basilar membrane are sensitive to sounds of different frequencies.

What does the place theory of pitch perception suggest?

In laboratory setting, people can process and respond to information outside of their awareness.

What has research shown about processing subliminal messages?

Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments.

What is the main idea of operant conditioning?

One can learn new behaviors by observing others.

What is the main idea of social learning theory?


What term describes the continuation of a visual sensation after removal of the stimulus?


Which nerve carries visual information from the retina to the brain?

The people of your eye contracting in the presence of bright light

Which of the following is an example of a reflex?

the basilar membrane

Which of these is not one of the structures that comprises the outer ear?

They have sensory receptors that respond to molecules in the food we eat or in the air we breathe.

Why are olfaction and gustation called chemical senses?


_______ Siri suggests that when people are hypnotized they have voluntary divided their conscious: 1/2 aware of reality and the other half tune in to the Hipnosist.

higher; louder

________ amplitudes are associated with ________ sounds.


________ disparity refers to the slightly different view of the world that each eye receives, and is a distance cue that allows us to perceive the depth of a given visual stimulus.

Perception; sensation

________ refers to the way that sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced; ________ refers to what happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor.


_________ Reinforcers have an a reinforcing qualities.

darkness; light

melatonin release is from the Pineal gland is stimulated by ________ are inhibited by ________.


most people are awake during the day and asleep at night because there ________ Cycles are aligned with the outside world.

inattentional blindness

participants were instructed to focus on either white or black objects, disregarding the other color. Wanna red cross pass across the screen, about 1/3 of the subjects and not notice it. This research protocol demonstrates which concept?


sarit Is it a bar full of music, chatter, and laughter. He gets involved in an interesting conversation with a woman named Mona, and he turns out all the background noise. Sarit's friend, Karen, top some on the shoulder and ask what song just played on the jukebox. Sarit says he doesn't know, even though he sitting right next to the jukebox and it's over at the popular music. this illustrates the role that ____________plays in what is since versus what is perceived.


dymesha watches her older sister do handstands. dymesha Falls over when she attempts to do a handstand herself. She watches her older sister more carefully, and she knows that her sister leans backwards slightly complete your hands in. dymesha is then able to do a handstand herself. Which type of learning is this?


the _________ theory explains that the media association involved in a condition taste aversion or a result of Adaptation that helps us learn to avoid foods that are potentially harmful

They increase neurotransmitter activity within certain areas of the brain associated with the impulse control.

what can antihistamines be used to treat ADHD in children?

Both our respiration and heart beat slow down.

what occurs during stage one sleep?


what stage of sleep are you most likely experiencing if an EEG of your brain activity showed sleep spindles and K-complexes?

Kicking and punching while asleep

which of the following is a symptom of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)?

Babs saw Martin receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list because she saw bar and get a reward for doing it

which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?

Rosalind Cartwright

which researchers believe that dream simply reflect life to events that are important to the dreamer.


which term best describes rewarding successive approximations of a target in behavior?

top- down

which type of processing involves the interpretation of sensations and is influenced by available knowledge and expectancies?

Stimulus generalization

you are a big fan of your grandmothers chocolate chip cookies. Just the smell of them causes you to feel hungry. One night she is making chocolate chip oatmeal almond cookies, a variation of her usual recipe. You smell the baking cookies and even though it is different than her usual cookie sent you still suddenly feel hungry for a treat then sinister is the classical conditioning principle of _______.


your ears receive sound waves and convert this energy into neural messages that travel to your brain and are processes sounds. This is an example of _______.


classical and operant conditioning's are forms of __________ learning


Bev likes to be up late at night and sleep in; Caleb likes to wake up with a sign and go to bed early. A psychologist would say they have different ________.


cocaine is considered a drug _____ because It tends to increase overall levels of neural activity


Gabrielle watches her father put batteries into her toy phone, and she is then able to put the batteries into the toy found her self without further instruction from her father. In this example, Gabrielle's father is a ______.

Variable ratio

Gambling at a slot machine is an example of which of the reinforcement schedule

Fixed interval

Guess receives a paycheck at the end of every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this


Learning that occurs but is not observable and behavior until there's a reason to demonstrate it is called _________ learning

cornea; pupil

Light waves are first transmitted through the ________ at the front of the eye and enter an opening called the ________ before shining onto the retina.


Marlo wakes up from a dream about his teeth falling out. He looks in a dream dictionary and find losing teeth is usually dream symbolism for anxiety. Marlowe is focused on the ________ content.


Mescaline is considered a ______ drug because it results in profile and alterations in sensory and perceptual experience.


Mohammed is sleeping. His eyelids are quivering because his eyes were darting around. Mohammed is probably experiencing _________ sleep.


Molly attempts to condition her puppy to greet her when she enters the house. She apparently pairs her injury to the house with a treat for the puppy. The puppy eventually acquires his ability, And Molly realize how irritating it is for the puppy run up to her every time she enters the house. She attempts to make a puppy dog, and eventually the puppy no longer feels motivated to greet her when she enters the house. The puppy no longer grading her when she enters the house is an example of__________.

And individuals airway becomes blocked during sleep.

Objective sleep apnea occurs when _________.


a state of _______, as shown by EEG recordings of new practitioners, is not an altered state of consciousness; however, patterns of the brain waves exhibited by expert practitioners may represent a unique state of consciousness.


alcohol is considered a ________ because it tends to suppress central nervous system activity.


cataplexy is a symptom associated with _________.

Neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus

in classical conditioning, the association that is learned is between a ________.

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