psych 9+10+11

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In the context of motor development of children, which of the following statements is true of activities like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, creeping, walking, and running?

most infants engage in these activities in the same sequence

Which of the following hassles is an example of environmental hassles?


Which of the following is consistent with Erikson's stage of ego integrity versus despair?

people focus on letting go and accepting their place in the place in the sweep of history

__________is a process in psychological testing that checks per the scores, validity, and reliability of a test with people of various ages and from various groups.


__________is best described as the process of responding to a new stimulus through existing cognitive structures.


Which of the following is true of Carl Jung's psychodynamic theory—analytical psychology?

it emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes

Which of the following is true of social cognitive theory?

it focuses on learning by observation

Which of the following is true of the social cognitive theory?

it pays less attention to genetic variation in explaining individual differences in behavior

Some animals become attached to the first moving object they encounter. The formation of an attachment in this manner is therefore called__________.


Feeling lonely and being socially isolated are examples of _____.

inner concern hassles

Which of the following is true of adolescents?

the concept of imaginary audience may drive the intense adolescent desire for privacy

Which of the following situations best describes Watson and Skinner's beliefs regarding behaviorism?

a teenager keeps his room clean because his parents appreciate it

In the context of cognitive development,__________is the creation of new ways of responding to objects or looking at the world.


In the context of the general adaptation syndrome, the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are secreted by the__________.

adrenal medulla

The__________is a sac within the uterus that contains the embryo or fetus.

amniotic sac

Which of the following is Hans Selye's term for stress that is healthful?


_____ are best described as people who perceive the ability to attain reinforcements in stressful situations as being largely outside themselves.


Serena has an internal locus of control. This means that she:

feels in the control of her own life

__________is best described as the mental flexibility shown in learning rapidly to solve new kinds of problems.

fluid intelligence

The__________is the first stage of prenatal development, during which the dividing mass of cells has not been implanted in the uterine wall.

germinal stage

While conducting experiments to study the effect of humor on stressed students, it was found that exposing students to humorous videotapes raised the level of__________in their saliva.

immunoglobulin A

According to Ainsworth, securely attached children:

seek interaction with their mother upon reunion after separation

In humanistic theory, the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called__________.

self actualization

Erikson labeled the first stage of psychosocial development in his theory of personality development as the stage of _____.

trust versus mistrust

Which of the following is a difference between Type A people and Type B people?

type a people are more likely to continue to strive for more and more compared to type b people

The embryo is connected to the placenta by the__________.

umbilical cord

In psychological testing,__________refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure.


__________engage in search-and-destroy missions in which they "recognize" and eradicate foreign agents and unhealthy cells.

white blood cells

According to Erik Erikson, _____ is the stage of intimacy versus isolation.

young adulthood

In the context of the general adaptation syndrome, which of the following is true of the fight-or-flight reaction?

It stems from a period in human prehistory when many stressors were life threatening.

According to Jung's hypothesis, which of the following refers to the primitive images contained in the collective unconscious?


__________are simple, inborn responses elicited by specific stimuli.


According to Piaget, children in the formal operational stage of cognitive development:

have the ability yo hypothesize

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the__________functions according to the moral principle.


In boys, pituitary hormones stimulate the testes to increase the output of__________, which in turn causes enlargement of the penis and testes and the appearance of body hair.


__________is the feeling of being pulled in two or more directions by opposing motives.


__________is characterized by the development of abnormal, or mutant, cells that may take root anywhere in the body.


Eysenck focused on the relationships between two personality traits:__________and emotional stability-instability.


__________can be positive or negative, occur at irregular intervals, and create stress.

life changes

Which of the following is an illustration of the defense mechanism of repression?

mary witnessed the death of her sister when she was young but cant remember it now

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which of the following is true of children in the concrete operational stage?

the center on the motives of wrongdoers as well as on the amount of damage done when assessing the blame

_____ can be defined as the reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another.


__________allows us to brace ourselves for the inevitable and, in many cases, plan ways of coping with it.


According to Piaget, the__________is the second stage of cognitive development in children.

preoperational stage

In the context of Piaget's stages of cognitive development of children, the__________is characterized by egocentrism.

preoperational stage

Many health problems are affected by__________such as attitudes, emotions, and behavior.

psychological factors

__________is best defined as a cluster of traits that buffer stress and are characterized by commitment, challenge, and control.

psychological hardiness

According to Selye's theory, if the alarm reaction mobilizes the body and the related stressor is not removed, we enter the__________stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). This stage precedes the last stage of the GAS.


__________are beliefs that we can accomplish certain things.

self efficacy expectations

In Piaget's stages of cognitive development of children, the__________comes to a close with the acquisition of the basics of language at about age two.

sensorimotor stage

During the embryonic stage of prenatal development, the:

sex organs start to differentiate

Observational learning is one of the foundations of__________.

social cognitive theory

One of the similarities between views of Karen Horney and Erik Erikson is that both believed that:

social relationships (such as that between a parent and child) are more important determinants of personality than sexual urges.

Which of the following Freudian psychic structures is present in a person at birth?

the ID

Which of the following tests is an example of an objective personality test?

the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

According to Albert Ellis, _____.

the belief that one must be preoccupied by threats is a prescription for perpetual emotional upheaval

According to a study by the UCLA Higher Education Research Institute, which of the following is true of first-year college students?

they are now encountering a record level of stress

Which of the following is true of corticosteroids?

they combat allergic reactions

__________are reasonably stable elements of personality that are inferred from behavior.


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