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Abraham Maslow in the challenge of self actualization

Freud wrote that people are basically motivated to gratify biological drives and that their perceptions are distorted by the psychological needs. The humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow argued that people also had a conscious need for self actualization. Because people are unique, they must follow unique paths to self actualization. People are not at the mercy of unconscious, primitive impulses. Rather, the main thread to individual personality development is controlled by other people. We must each be free to get in touch with and actualize ourselves. But self actualization requires taking risks. Mini people are comfortable with the familiar. But people who had hair to the tried and true may find their lives slipping into monetary and mediocrity.

Psycho analysis

Freud's method of psychotherapy. It aims to provide insight into the conflicts that are presume to lie at the roots of a persons problems. Insight means many things, including knowledge of the experiences that lead to conflict and maladaptive behavior, recognition of unconscious feelings and complex, and conscious evaluations of one's thoughts feelings and behavior. Helps the client expressed feelings and urges that have been repressed. by doing this it spilled forth the psychic energy that had been repressed by conflicts and guilt

Social skills training

A behavior therapy method for helping people in their interpersonal relations that utilize self monitoring behavioral rehearsal, and feedback. Social skills training has been used to help formally hospitalize mental patients maintain jobs in apartments in the community. For example a worker can rehearse asking a supervisor for assistance, a tenant can rehearse asking your landlord to fix the plumbing in an apartment.


A behavior therapy technique in which a client observes and imitate a person who approaches and copes with feared objects or situations. Albert Bandura found it. Some examples are handling snakes.

gender schema theory

A cognitive view of gender typing that proposes that once girls and boys become aware of their anatomic sex, they begin to blend their self expectations and self-esteem with the ways in which they fit the gender roles prescribes in a given culture

Oedipus complex

A conflict of the phallic stage in which the boy wishes to possess his mother sexually and perceives his father as a rival in love. Resolved at the ages of five or six

token economy

A controlled environment in which people are reinforced for desired behaviors with tokens that may be exchange for privileges. Used with schizophrenia by helping patients activity in collaboration. They've also been used to modify the behavior of children with conduct disorder's.

Wavy flexibility

A feature of catatonic schizophrenia in which people can be molded into postures that they maintain for quite some time

Humanistic therapy's

A form of psychotherapy that focuses on the clients objective, conscious experience in the here and now.

Cognitive therapy

A form of therapy that focuses on how clients conditions lead to distress and maybe modified to relieve the stress and promote adaptive behavior. They aim to foster self insight, but they mainly aim to help make people more aware of their current cognitions. They also aim to directly change maladaptive thoughts in an effort to reduce negative feelings and help client solve problems.

Carl Jung (1875-1961)

A neo Freudian. A Swiss psychiatrist who had been a member of Freud's inner circle. He fell into disfavor with Freud when he developed his own psychodynamic theory analytical psychology. In contrast to Freud J Downplayed the importance of six which he saw is just one of several important instincts. He believe that we not only have a personal unconscious but contains repressed memories and impulses, but also a collective unconscious.

unconditional positive regard

A persistent expression of Esteem for the value of a person but not necessarily an unqualified acceptance of all of the persons behaviors


A person who defines herself for himself in terms of personal traits and give priority to his or her own goals


A person who defines herself for himself in terms of relationships to other people and groups and gives priority to group goals


A phase of psychosexual development characterized by repression of sexual impulses

Ego analysts

A psycho dynamically oriented therapist who focuses on the conscious, coping behavior of the ego instead of the hypothesized. Unconscious functioning of the ID.

Projective tests

A psychological test that presents ambiguous stimuli onto which they test your projects his or her own personality and making a response.

Delusional disorder

A psychotic disorder characterized by persistent false beliefs


A systematic interaction between a therapist and client that bring psychological principles to Bear on influencing the clients thoughts, feelings, or behavior to help the client overcome psychological disorders, adjust the problems in living, or develop as an individual.

A man cancels an important business trip to the mountains because he cannot control his fear of heights he goes to a psychologist to discuss the problem what diagnosis is the psychologist likely to consider


Ego identity

Affirm sense of what one is and what one stands for

Rational emotive behavior therapy or REBT

Albert Ellis's form of therapy that encourages clients to challenge incorrect irrational expectations and maladaptive behaviors. The REBT methods are active and directive. He urged clients to seek out their irrational beliefs which can be unconscious do not as deeply buried as Freud believed. When Ella saw clients behaving according to irrational beliefs he refuted the beliefs by asking where is it written that you must? What evidence do you have?.

Self actualization

And humanistic theory, DNA tendency to strive to realize once potential


And psychological testing, the process by which one obtains and organizes test scores from various population groups, so that the results of a persons completing a test can be compared to those of others of his or her gender, and his or her age group, and so on.

Modern therapist

BRIEFR and less intense and makes treatment available to clients we do not have the time or money for long-term therapy. Some continue to focus on revealing unconscious material and breaking through psychological defenses. They differ from traditional psychoanalysis and that the client and therapist usually sit face-to-face. They are usually directed as well. They suggest helpful behavior instead of focusing on inside alone. Finally, there is more focus on the ego as the executive of personality and less emphasis on the ID.

Psychodynamic therapy's

Based on thinking of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychodynamic theory. These therapies assume that psychological problems with reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts.

anal stage of freud's theory

Begins in the second year. Gratification is obtained through contraction and relaxation of the muscles that control illumination of waste products. Illumination, which is reflexive during most of the first year, comes under voluntary muscular control, even if such control is not reliable at first. During the anal stage, children learn to delay the gratification that comes from illuminating whenever they feel the urge. The general issue of self-control may bring conflict between parent and child. Anal fake stations may stem from this conflict and lead to either of two sets of traits in adulthood. Anal retentive Traits involve excessive use of self-control, perfectionism and exaggerated neatness or cleanliness. Anal expulsive Treats on the other hand let it all hang out they include carelessness messiness and even sadism.

What is best described as a systematic application of the principle of learning to the direct modification of the client problem behaviors

Behavior therapy

Hans Eysenck Trait Theory

British psychologist. Focused much Of his research on the relationships between two personality traits: introversion Extroversion and emotional stability and stability. Carl Jay was the first to distinguish between introverts and extroverts. Hans added the dimension of emotional stability instability to introversion extroversion. He catalog various personality traits according to where they are situated along these dimensions. For example, an anxious person would be high in both introversion and neuroticism That is preoccupied with his or her own thoughts and emotionally unstable. Hans acknowledge that his scheme is similar to The hippo man. According to Hans is dimensions, the choleric Type would be extroverted and unstable, the sanguine type extroverted and stable, the phlegmatic type is introverted and stable and the melancholic type introverted and unstable

(In response to the fight or flight reaction or alarm reaction)The hypothalamus secretes corticotrophin

CRH causes the pituitary gland secretes adrenocticotrophic hormone ACTH. ACTH Causes the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol and others. Corticosteroids help protect the body

Client centered therapy

Carl Rogers is a method of psychotherapy, which emphasizes the creation of warm therapeutic atmosphere that frees clients to engage in self exploration and self-expression. Carl believe that we have natural tendencies towards health growth and fulfillment. Psychological problems arise from roadblocks placed in the path of self actualization that is what Rogers believed was an inborn tendency to strive to realize one's potential. Client centered in therapy is non-directive. An effective client centered therapist has several qualities. Practiced widely in college and university counseling centers helps with anxieties, depression, and making decisions.

Martin Seligman

Conducted the dog learned helplessness experiment shark dogs until they stopped doing things

Freud's theory rise that the human mind is composed of three parts namely

Conscious pre-conscious and unconscious

Karen Horney

Criticized by the New York psychoanalytic Institute because she took issue with the way in which psychoanalytic theory portrayed women. Early in the 20th century psychoanalytic theory taught that a woman's place was in the home. Women who sought to compete with men in the business world were assumed to be suffering from unconscious penis envy wow. Psychoanalytic theory taught that little girls feel inferior to boys when they learned that boys have a penis and they do not. But horny argued that little girls do not feel inferior to boys and that these views were founded on Western cultural prejudice not scientific evidence. She agreed with Freud that childhood experiences are important in psychological development. Like other neo Freudians however she started that unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses are less important than social relationships. She also believe that genuine and consistent love can alleviate the effects of Trumatic childhood.


Derives from St. Mary's of Bethlehem, do you want an asylum to open his gates in 1547. Within its walls unfortunate people with psychological disorders were chained whipped in allowed to lie in their own ways. Philippe pinel discovered most patients profited from kindness and freedom after he unchained some patients.


Design for use by clinical and counseling psychologist to help diagnose psychological orders. Accurate measurement of an individual problems should point to appropriate treatment. The MMPI is the most widely use psychological test in clinical work and is widely used in psychological research.

Gestalt therapy

Fritz Perls's form of psychotherapy, which attempts to integrate conflicting parts of the personality through directive methods designed to help clients perceive their whole selves. Unlike psychoanalysis focuses on the here and now. Exercise is heightened clients awareness of their current feelings and behavior. The therapist lead client through planned experiences to hide in there where in us of inner conflict and take responsibility for their behavior

In the contacts of psychosurgery in blank six physicians been streams of radiation deep into the school, destroying spots of tissue believe to be over active and severe obsessive compulsive disorder

Gamma knife surgery

Mental hospitals

Gradually replaced asylums. In the mid-1950s more than 1 million people resided in state county veterans administration or private facilities. The mental hospitals function is treatment, not warehousing. Still because of high patient populations and understaffing, many patients receive a little attention. Even a day when someone improve conditions, one psychiatrist Maybe responsible for the welfare of several hundred residents over the weekend, when other staff or absent


Guidance and advice

According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development which of the following is an oral trait



Hans selye, The good kind of stress and example is when we begin they sought after job or are trying to choose the color of an iPad

Moron Adler

He believe that self-awareness plays a major role in the formation of personality. He spoke of a creative self. Because each person's potential is unique his views have been termed individual psychology.

Virtual therapy

Helps people face the past. Using the technology be fine video games programs mimic Trumatic settings and events. The idea behind the treatment is to systematically expose the patient two aspects of their experience in a graded fashion so that they can confront their fear of the trauma

Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy

His methods of cognitive therapy focus on arguing clients out of beliefs that are making them miserable and exposing them to situations avoid because I've been irrational fear. Encourages clients to become their own personal scientist and challenge feelings and believes that make no sense. Also encourages clients to see the rationality in their ways of thinking. Example is depressed people tend to minimize their accomplishments and to assume that the worst will happen.

Evaluation of the humanistic existential perspective

Humanistic existential theories have tremendous appeal for college students because of their focus on the importance of self or personal experience. We tend to treasure our conscious experiences. For most non-humans to live is to move, to process food, to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, and to produce. But for humans sense of oneself as progressing through space of time. Ironically, the primary strength of the humanistic X essential approaches is also their main weakness. Conscious experience is private and subjective. Therefore the Valdity Of formulating theories in terms of consciousness has been questioned. Humanistic existential theories like learning theories have a little Cisse about the development of traits and personality types. They assume that we are all unique but they do not predict the sorts of treats abilities and interest we will develop

Traditional psychoanalysis

I wanna of therapists encourage you to talk about anything that comes to mind no matter how crazy or personal. They avoid interfering with your self exploration may have a little to say.

And client centered therapy what refers to the recognition of a client experiences and feelings


Eric Erickson is credited with developing the psychosexual stages of development


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor's would be prescribed for people who are suffering from agitation and delusions and hallucinations



Feedback from others about how one is doing

Adversive conditioning

If behavior therapy technique in which undesired responses are inhibited by pairing re-pungent or offensive stimuli with them

Electra complex

In conflict of the phallic stage in which the girl longs for her father and resents her mother. resolves at the ages of five or six

Successive approximations

In operant conditioning, A Series of behaviors that gradually become more similar to a target behavior. For example, do you want to study three hours each evening but can concentrate for only half an hour. Rather than attempting to increase your study time all at once, you could do so gradually by say adding five minutes each evening. Every hour or so of studying you could reinforce yourself with five minutes of surfing the net or people watching watching


In psychoanalysis the expression of repressed feelings and impulses to allowed release of psychic energy associated with them. Provide release by alleviating some of the forces assaulting the ego. Freud also sought to replace impulsive in defense of behavior with coping behavior. In this way for example a man with a phobia for knives might discover that he had been repressing the urge to harm someone who had taken advantage of him. You might also find ways to confront the person verbally.

Free association

In psychoanalysis, the uncensored altering of all thoughts that come to mind. In this, the client is made comfortable. No thought is to be censored. And the analysis as their clients to wander freely from topic to topic, but they do not believe that the process occurring within the client as will be free. Repressed impulses clamor for release.

Psychosexual development

In psychodynamic theory, the process by which will be no energy is expressed Through different erogenous zones during different stages of development


In psychological testing the consistency or stability of test scores from one testing to another. A reliable IQ test should provide scores during childhood that remain reasonabaly similar to that in adulthood


In psychological testing, the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. For example a test of hyper activity might be compared with a teachers reports about whether or not children in their classes are hyperactive.


Increased blood flow to an injured area of the body, resulting in redness, warmth, and then increase supply a white blood cells

Attributional styles

Internal - Involves self blame External - places blame on someone else Stable - suggest a problem that cannot be changed such as it's my personality Unstable - suggest a temporary condition such as it was because I had a head cold Global - suggest the problem is quite large such as I have no idea what to do when I'm with other people Specific- drops the problem down into a manageable size such as I have problems making small talk at the beginning of a relationship

Stages of psychosexual development

Freud believed that sexual feelings are closely linked to children's basic ways of relating to the world, such as nursing and moving their bowels. Freud believed that a major instinct, Eros, aims to preserve and perpetuate life. Eros Is fueled by psychological, or psychic, energy, which Freud labeled libido. Libidinal energy involves sexual impulses, so Freud considered it to be psychosexual. As a child develops, this energy is expressed through sexual feelings in different parts of the body, or erogenous zones. To Freud, human development involves the transfer of libidinal energy from one erogenous some to another. He hypothesize five periods of psychosexual development oral anal phallic latency in general.

Dream analysis

Freud consider dreams the Royal Road to the unconscious. He believed that the content of dreams is determined by unconscious processes as well as by the events of the day. Unconscious impulses were expressed in dreams as wish for filament. Wish fulfillment, and dreams the acting out of ideas and impulses that are repressed when one is conscious

Which of the following is an advantage of group therapy used by psychotherapists

It allows the therapist to work with several clients at once

Instrumental aid

The material supports and services that facilitate adaptive behavior

Genital stage

The mature stage of psychosexual development, characterized by preferred expression of libido through intercourse with an adult of the other gender. Adolescent males again experience sexual urges toward their mother, and adolescent females experience such urges towards their father however the incest taboo causes them to repress these impulses and displaced them on to other adults or adolescence of the other gender. Boys might see girls similar to their mom and girls might be attracted to boys that resemble their fathers. People in this stage prefer to find sexual gratification through intercourse with a member of the other gender in Freud's review oral or anal stimulation masturbation and sexual activity with people of the same gender all represent pre-genital fixations and immature forms of sexual conduct. We need to emphasize here however that there is no acceptable evidence that homosexuality is related to the Theoretical conflicts of a phallic stage or that it represents the expression of immature romantic or sexual interests.

Gender typing

The process by which males and females come to display behavior patterns consistent with stereotypical masculine them Feminine gender roles


The process of adaptation in which immigrants in native groups identify with a new dominant culture by learning about that culture and making behavioral and attitudinal changes.Research evidence suggest that people who do not fully surrender their traditional backgrounds have relatively higher self-esteem and those that do. On the other hand, Latin American an Asian American immigrants who are more proficient in English are less likely to be anxious and depressed as they navigate within their new cultures.


The psychic structure present at birth that represents physiological drives and is fully unconscious. The ID is present at birth. It represents biological drives and is entirely unconscious. Freud described the ID as a chaos a cauldron of seething excitations. The conscious mind might find it inconsistent to love and hate the same person, but such conflicting emotions can dwell side-by-side in the ID. In the ID, one can hate ones mother for failing to gratify immediately all of one's needs while also loving her. The idea followed with Freud termed the pleasure principle. It demands instant gratification without consideration for law, social custom, or other people


The reasonably stable patterns of emotions motives and behavior that distinguish one person from another


The second psychic structure to develop characterized by self-awareness planning and delay gratification. The eagle begin to develop during the first year of life, largely because a child's demands for gratification cannot all be met immediately. The ego stands for reason in good sense, for rational ways of coping with frustration. Ego is guided by the reality principle. It curbs the appetites of the ID and six ways to find gratification your avoid social disapproval. The ID informs you that you are hungry, but the ego decides to microwave enchiladas. The ego takes into account what is practical along with what is urged by the ID. The ego also provides the conscious sense of self

Creative self

The self-aware aspect for personality that strives to achieve its full potential

Bio feedback training BFT

The systematic feeling back to an organism of information about a bodily functions that the organism can gain control that function. Therapist attaching clients to devices that measure bodily functions such as a heart rate. Electronic signals are used to indicate changes like for a slower heart rate or something like that. Also helps clients voluntarily regulate functions once thought to be beyond conscious control, such as heart rate and blood pressure.


The tendency to block the free expression of impulses and primitive ideas, a reflection of defense mechanism of repression.

super ego

The third psychic structure, which functions as a moral guardian and sets forth high standards for behavior. The super ego develops as The child incorporates the moral standards and values of parents and other members of the community. The child does so through identification, by trying to become like these people. The super ego functions according to the moral principle. It holds up shining models of an ideal self and monitor is the intentions of the ego, handing out judgments of right and wrong. It floods the ego with feelings of guilt and shame when the verdict is negative. Freud believed that a healthy personality has found ways to gratifying most of the ideas demands without seriously offending the super ego. Most of these demands are contained or repressed, if the ego is not a good Problem solver, or of the super ego is too stern The ego will have a hard time of it

Phallic stage

The third stage of psychosexual development, characterized by shift of libido to the phallic region

Socio-cultural perspective

The view that focuses on the roles of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status and personality formation, behavior, and mental processes

Collective unconscious

J hypothesized store of vague memories that represent the history of humankind. Containing primitive images or archetypes. Examples of archetypes are the all powerful God, the young hero, the for tile and nurturing mother, the wise old man, the hostile brother, fairy godmother's, wicked witch's, and themes of rebirth or resurrection. Archetypes and souls remain unconscious but Jay believed they affect our thoughts and feelings and calls us to respond to culture of themes in the media

Analytical theory

J psychodynamic theory, which emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes.

Cognitive positive regard

Judgment of another person's value on the basis of the acceptance of the person's behaviors

Although most of the ego is conscious some of its business is carried out unconsciously. For example, the ego acts as a sensor that screens the impulses of the ID. When the ego sense is that improper impulses are rising into awareness, it may use Psychological defense is to prevent them from servicing. Repression is one search psychological defense, or a defense mechanism


Behavior reading skills assess behavior and setting such as classrooms or mental hospitals. Good behavior writing skills train observers usually check off each occurrence of the specific behavior within a certain timeframe say 15 minutes.


Carl Rogers defined the self as the center of experience. Your self is your ongoing sense of who and what you are, your sense of how and why are you react to the environment and how you choose to act on the environment. Your choices are made on the basis of your values, and your values are also part of yourself. Rogers cell theory focuses on the nature of the self and conditions that allow the south to develop freely. Two of his major concerns are the self-concept in the self-esteem. Our self concepts consist of our impressions of ourselves in our evaluations of our adequacy. Rogers believe that we all had unique ways of looking at ourselves in the world that is unique frames of reference. It may be that we each use a different set of dimensions in defining ourselves and that we judge ourselves according to different sets of values. To one person, achievement failure may be the most important decision. Do you know the person the most important dimension may be a decency indecency. A third person may not even thinking these terms


Coronary heart disease or heart attacks is the most common death in America


Current trait theories assume that trades are irritable and are in bedded in the nervous system. These theories rely on the mathematical techniques of factor analysis developed by Charles Spearman to study intelligence, to determine which traits are basic to others. Early in the 20th century Gordon Alport and a colleague catalog some 18,000 human traits from a search through Wordlist and dictionaries. Somewhere physical traits such as short week in brunette. Others were behavioral traits such as shy and emotional. So others were Moral traits such as honest. This exhaustive list has served as the basis for personality research by many other psychologists


Death rates from cancer or higher in such nations as the Netherlands Denmark England Canada and the United States where average rates of daily fat and take her hi


Each around around 10,000 college students attempt suicide. College students are more common to commit suicide than those of the same age that do not attend college


Each year 44,000 people in the United States to their own lives it is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-olds


First year college students are now in encountering at all record level of stress over the past 30 years


Freud concluded that the human mind is like an iceberg. Only the tip of an iceberg rises above the surface of the water, the great mass of it lies hidden in the deaths. Freud came to believe that people, similarly, are wearing only a small part of the ideas and impulses that dwell within our minds. He argued that a much greater portion of the mind one that contaminated our deepest images thoughts and fears in urges remains beneath the surface of conscious awareness we're a little light illuminates them


Freud labeled the region that pokes in the light of awareness the conscious part of the mind. He called the regions below the surface the preconscious and the unconscious. The pre-conscious mind contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them the unconscious mind is shrouded in mystery. It contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression. Some unconscious urges cannot be experienced consciously because mental images and words cannot portray them in all their glory. Other unconscious urges may be kept below the surface by repression because they would create anxiety


Freud's book and mental or psychic structures to describe the clashing forces of personality. Psychic structures cannot be seen or measure directly but their presence is suggested by behavior Express thoughts and emotions. Freud believed that there are three psychic structures the id the ego and super ego


Hassles occur regularly where is life changes occur at your regular intervals


Imbalances in the Nero transmitter serotonin apparently play a role in bipolar disorder


In his early career as a therapist Freud found that Hipnosis allowed his clients to focus on repressed conflicts and talk about them. He also discovered that some clients to 90 accuracy of this material once they were out of the trance. Others found that the memories that were suddenly brought out into the open to be premature and painful. He therefore turned to free association


In psychoanalytic theory identification is the key to gender typing, it leads children to play the gender roles of the parent of the same gender and to internalize his or her values. Sexual feelings toward the parent of the other gender are oppressed for several years when the feelings re-emerge during adolescence they are displaced or transfer to socially appropriate members of the other gender. The pressures of the complex is caused them to repress all sexual urges. In doing so they enter the period of latency


In the unconscious mind primitive drives seek Expressions while learned values try to keep them in check the conflict can arise emotional outburst and psychological problems to explore the unconscious mind Freud uses a form of mental detective work called psycho analysis. For this reason his theory of personality is also referred to as psychoanalytic theory. In psychoanalysis people are encouraged to talk about everything that pops into their mind or they remain comfortable and relaxed.


Listening to music exercise or walking was a common method for coping with stress other methods mentioned recently included watching TV surfing the Internet praying napping eating drinking and smoking


Nearly 1,000,000 deaths each year in the United States are preventable


The trait perspective dates at least to the Greek position Hippocrates. Hippocrates Believe that treats were in bedded in bodily fluids,. And his view a persons personality depends on the balance of four basic fluids or humors in the body yellow bile is associated with choleric or a quick tempered disposition, blood with a warm cheerful one, phlegm with a phlegmatic sluggish calm cool disposition and black bile with melancholic gloomy pensive temperament. Disease was believed to reflect in imbalance among the humerus. Depression for example represented an excess of black bile. Methods such as bloodletting in vomiting were recommended to restore the balance. Although hippoman theory was speculative he got a few words right.


Today concepts such as the ID and libido strike mini psychologist as unscientific but Freud was fighting for the idea that human personality and behavior are subject to scientific analysis. He developed his theory at a time when many people viewed psychological problems as signs of possession by the devil or evil spirits. Freud are you that psycho logical problems stem from psychological disorders not spirits. Mini argue that the psychic structures are today to measure scientifically nor can they be used to predict behavior. Nor have the stages of psychosexual development escaped criticism.


Traits are reasonably stable elements of personality that are inferred from behavior. If you describe your friend as shy it may be because you have observed anxiety or withdrawal and that person social encounters. Traits are assumed to account for consistent behavior in different situations. You probably expect your shy friend to be retiring in most social confrontations. The concept of traits is also found in other approaches of personality. Through link development of certain traits to children's experiences in each stage of psychosexual development


stress eventually exhaust us because stimulates are the production of steroids the persistent secretion of steroids decreases inflammation and interferes with the formation of antibodies as a result, we become more vulnerable to infections including the common cold


Death rates from cancer or lower nation such as Tyland the Philippines in Japan were fat and take his lower

True p

Bobby spilled water accidentally on his father's computer contrary to Bobby's expectations he did not get grounded his father acknowledged that it was a mistake in assured Bobby that he still loved him despite the unfortunate accident Bobby's father's response and his example of

Unconditional positive

What is associated with client centered therapy

Unconditional positive regard

Approach avoidance conflict

When the same goal produces both approach and avoidance motors cheesecake may be delicious but the calories are very high goals that produce mix mode is Macy more attractive from a difference but undesirable up close


White blood cells, they look for things that shouldn't be in your body and get them out of there

Systematic desensitization involves

Wolpes Method for reducing fears by associating a hierarchy of images of fear revoking stimuli with deep muscle relaxation. About 10 to 20 stimuli such as slides are arranged in a sequence or hierarchy according to their capacity to trigger anxiety. And imagination or by being shown photos the client travels gradually up through this hierarchy counterconditioning anxiety with relaxation step-by-step as he or she approaches the target.

TAT consist of drawings that are open to various interpretations. Individuals are given the cards one at a time and asked to make up stories about them. Used in research on motivation and in clinical practice.


Depersonalization D realization disorder

disorder in which one feels detach from one soap or the one surroundings are not real. Like walking through a drain or just going through the motions like a robot


that people are capable of free choice, self-fulfillment, and ethical behavior. Humanists and existentialists dwell on the meaning of life. As a counterpoint to the predominant psychodynamic and behavioral models, it puts self-awareness at the center of consideration and argues that people are capable of free choice, so fulfillment, and ethical behavior. Humanism also has represented a reaction to the rat race Spohn by industrialization and automation. The humanistic views of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers emerged from these concerns. Existentialism in part reflects the horrors of mass distraction of human life through the war and genocide frequent events in the 20th century. The European existentialist philosophers Jean Paul S and Martin H so human life as trivial in the grand scheme of things. But psychiatrist like Victor Frank, Ludwig be, and MEDRD boss argued that seeing human existence as meaning les could give rise to withdrawal and apathy even suicide. Psychological salvation therefore requires giving personal meaning to things and making personal choices

Evaluation of the learning perspective

Learning theorist have contributed to the scientific understanding of behavior, but they have left some psychologists dissatisfied. Psychodynamic theorist and treat theorist propose the existence of psychological structures that cannot be seen in measure directly. Learning theorist particularly behaviorist have dramatic sized the importance of referring to publicly observable variables, or behaviors, if psychology is to be excepted as a science. Similarly, psychodynamic theorist have trait theorist focused on internal variables such as unconscious conflict and traits to explain and predict behavior. LearningTheorists emphasize the importance of environmental conditions, or situational variables, as determines of behavior. They have also elaborated on the conditions that foster learning, including automatic kinds of learning. They have shown that we can learn to do things because of reinforcements and that mini behaviors are learned by observing others. Social cognitive theory does not account for self-awareness, and, like it's intellectual for bear, behaviorism, it may not pay enough attention to genetic variation in explaining individual differences in behavior

Approach approach conflict

Least stressful type of conflict each of the two goals are desirable and both are within reach like deciding what you want for dinner or were you want to go on vacation

People who have higher self efficiency

Less prone to be disturbed by adverse events more likely to lose weight quit smoking and control their alcohol intake they are better able to function in spite of being in pain

Peggy blake

Life change units a unit that measures the impact of life changes among college students revealed that death of a spouse was considered the most stressful change or 90 for life units academic failure with 77 units graduating from college with 68 units positive life changes such as academic success made 54 units going going on vacation was 30 units

Emotional concern

Listening to peoples problems and expressing feelings of sympathy caring understanding and reassurance

Which of the following is an illustration of the defense mechanism of repression

Mary witnessed the death of her sister when she was young but cannot remember it now


Merce should re-creation even going shopping with someone

Perennial stressors for two Americans out of three included

Money at 62% and work at 61%. Health is an ongoing concern at 46% as our intimate relationships at 58% for the first time nearly 2/3 of American or 63% so that the future of the nations a significant source of stress siding social diverse of nurse 59% healthcare at 32% trust in government at 32% hate crimes 31%


Monitors muscle tension. It has been used to increase control over muscle tension in the forehead and elsewhere there by alleviating insomnia anxiety stress and headaches.

The big five the five factor model

More research suggests that there may be five basic personality factors, not to. These include the two found by Hans extroversion and Neuroticism along with conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience.Mini personality theorist especially Robert MC and Paul TC Junior, played a role in the development of the five factor model. Cross cultural research has found that these five factors appear to define the personality structure of American German Portuguese is really Chinese Korean Japanese in Philippine people. Are you study of more than 5000 German British Czech and Turkish people suggests that the factors are related to peoples basic temperaments, which are considered to be largely inborn. The researchers interpreted the results to suggest that our personalities tend to mature overtime rather than be shaped by environmental conditions, all the expression of personality traits is certainly affected by culture. The fire factor model also known as the big five model is fueling a great deal of research. CNMC constructed a questionnaire to measure the factors (the NEO5 factor inventory) in studies using the inventory our correlating scores on the five factors with various behavior patterns, psychological disorders, and kinds of personalities. Consider driving: significant negative correlations have been found between the numbers of traffic citations people receive in the absence they get into, on the other hand, in the factor of agreeableness on the other. In other words, it's safer to share the freeway with agreeable people. People who are not judge mental who will put up with your every whim tinder to score low on conscientiousness in high on agreeableness. Despite the stereotype that are older people, especially men, are crotchety assessments of 65 to 100-year-olds she just that people especially men become more agreeable as they grow older. Numerous studies find that political liberals tend to score higher on openness to experience whereas political conservatives tend to score higher on conscientiousness. Binge drinker's are likely to be higher in Neuroticism and extroversion but lower in conscientiousness then those who drink more moderately. People who have reported greater feelings of happiness and well being are likely to score more highly than other people on the scales that measure emotional stability agreeableness conscientiousness and extroversion. The author of the study suggest that happiness may be good for your personality

Erik erikson

Neo Freudian because he plays too much emphasis on sex. He believed that social relationships between a parent and a child are more important determinants of personality than sexual urges. He also believes that to a large extent we are the conscious architects of our own personalities. He is known for devising a comprehensive theory of personality development. But whereas Freud proposed stages of psychosexual development he proposed stages of psychosocial development. Rather than label stages of various zones , He labeled them for the traits that might be developed during the stages. The first stage of psychosocial development is labeled the stage of trust versus miss trust because two outcomes are possible: a warm loving relationship with the mother and others during infancy might lead to a sense of basic trust people in the world; or a cold and gratifying relationship with the mother and others might generate a general sense of miss trust. For him the goal of adolescence is the attainment of ego identity not genital sexuality. The focus is on who we see ourselves as being and what we stand for not as sexual interests

Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

Neo Freudian. Felt Freud had place too much emphasis on sex. He Believed that people are basically motivated by an inferior Tori complex. And some people feelings of inferiority may be based on physical problems and they need to compensate for them. He believes however that all of us encounter some feelings of inferiority because of our small size as children and that these feelings give rise to a drive for superiority. As a child he was crippled by rickets and suffered from pneumonia end it may be that History developed in part from his own striving to overcome his illness

The news just reported that a hurricane is headed towards your home. You feel anxious and can't decide what to do first to repair this response is indicated of

Normal behavior

Observational learning

One of the foundations of social cognitive theory. Refers to acquiring knowledge by observing others. For operant conditioning to occur in organism must first engage in a response from that response must be reinforced. However observational learning occurs even when the learner does not perform the observed behavior. Directory enforcement is not required either. Observing others extends to reading about them or seeing what they do and what happens to them and books, TV, film, and the Internet


Openness and honesty in responding to the client. Client centered therapy must be able to tolerate different nurse because they believe that every client is different important ways.


Originated in European monasteries. They were the first institutions intended primarily for housing people with psychological disorders. But their function was warehousing, not treatment. Their inmate populations mushroomed until the stress is created by noise overcrowding and disease aggravated the problems the asylums were meant to ease. Inmates were frequently beaten and chain.

Albert Ellis

Our beliefs about events can be stressors like if a person is fired from a job and is anxious and depressed about it it may seem logical that losing the job is responsible for misery but Ellis pointed out how the individuals beliefs about the loss compounded his or her misery

Sophie efficiency expectations

Our beliefs that we can bring about desire changes through our own efforts-this affects our ability to withstand stress

Dopamine theory

People with schizophrenia over utilize dopamine, although they may not produce more of it. This is because they have increased concentrations of dopamine at the synapsis in the brain and also larger numbers of dopamine receptors.

schizoid personality disorder

Personality disorder characterized by social withdrawal.

Individual psychology

Psychoanalytic theory, which emphasizes feelings of inferiority and the creative self


Psychologically Hardy executives are high in perceived control over their lives psychologically Hardy people want to to have work psychologist Julian be a writer termed and internal locus of control


Psychologically hearty executives believe that change rather than stability is normal in life they appraise change as an interesting incentive to personal growth not a threat to security

Thoughts feelings and behaviors

Psychotherapy influences clients thoughts feelings and behaviors. It can be aimed at any or all of these aspects of human psychology

Systematic interaction

Psychotherapy is a systematic interaction between client and therapist. The therapists theoretical point of you interacts with the clients problems to determine how therapist and client relate to each other

Psychological principles

Psychotherapy is based on psychological theory and research in areas such as personality learning motivation and emotion

Psychological disorders adjustment problems and personal growth

Psychotherapy is often used to treat people who have psychological disorders. Other people seek help in adjusting to problems such as shyness, weight problems, or loss of life partner. Still other clients want to learn more about themselves and to reach their full potential as individuals in relationships and as creative artists

Do you was surprised at how much her therapist challenged her beliefs concerning her social anxiety. Her therapist kept having her make counter arguments against many of us thought she had pertain to hurt anxiety. Jill's therapist is practicing what approach

Rational emotive behavior therapy

A patient stop the use of anti-anxiety drugs and after two weeks the patient complained about anxiety symptoms becoming worse what is the patient experiencing

Rebound anxiety


Recognition of clients experiences and feelings. Therapist be the world through the clients frame of reference by setting aside their own values and listening closely

Epstein-Barr virus

Remains dormant and 90% of people who recover from an episode stress elevates blood levels of cortisol and adrenaline and heightens the probability that the virus will be reactivated. This can be found when students are stressed of exams so it depresses the immune system

Biology and TRAITS

Researchers have also been investigating biological factors that are connected with, and Minnie rise to, personality traits. For example researchers estimate that the heritability of extroverted personality is 40% to 60%. Research suggests that brain levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine tend to be higher in extroverts and introverts. Researchers have also found evidence that genetic factors are part of a child's basic temperament and are involved in shyness and behavioral inhibition. The antisocial personality characterized by frequent conflict with society and lack of feelings of guilt or anxiety is the other side of the coin when it comes to personality. Where is Shia children ready we acquire fears and are highly reactive distress, children who are on the path to developing antisocial personality is so low responses to threats and stressors. As children, they show a pattern of deceit callous regard for their feelings of others, and lack of interest in conforming their behavior to social rules. As adults they're likely to become involved in criminal activity. Adrian twine Has extensively studied the intersection of biology and antisocial personality. And review of the literature he found a number of brain impairments that are related to the development of an antisocial personality in the ventral prefrontal cortex and the amygdala .


Responding to one person (such as a psycho analysis) anyway similar to how one responded to another person such as a parent, in childhood. For example, a young woman client might respond to him as a father figure and displays her feelings toward her father into Freud, perhaps using affection and wisdom. Analyzing and working through transference has been considered a key aspect of psycho analysis

Self-esteem and positive regard

Rogers assumes that we all develop a need for self regard, or self-esteem. At first, self-esteem reflects the esteem in which others hold us. Parents help children develop self-esteem when they show them unconditional positive regard. Rogers was optimistic about human nature. He believe that people are basically good, and that when they develop in the atmosphere of unconditional positive regard, they will become generous and loving not selfish. Bow and parent show children conditional positive regard that is children may develop conditions of worth. Therefore children may come to think That they have merit only if they behave as their parents wish them to behave. Because each individual has a unique potential, children to develop conditions of worth must be somewhat disappointed in themselves. They cannot fully live up to the wishes of others and be true to themselves. Children and some families learned that is bad to have ideas of the room, especially about sexual, political, or religious matters. When they perceive their caregivers disapproval, they come to see themselves as rebels and label their feelings are selfish, wrong, or evil. If they wish to retain a consistent self-concept and self-esteem, they may have to deny their feelings or disown parts of themselves. In this way, their self-concept becomes distorted. According to Rogers anxiety often stems from recognition that people have feelings and desires that are inconsistent with they are distorted self-concept. Because anxiety is unpleasant, people may deny the experience of their genuine feelings and desires. Writers believe that the path to self actualization requires getting in touch with our genuine feelings, excepting them, and acting on them. This is the goal of Rogers his method of psychotherapy, client centered therapy. Rogers also believe that we have mental images of what we are capable of becoming. These are termed self ideals. We are motivated to reduce the difference between our self concepts and our self ideals.

Cognitive errors

Selectively perceiving the world as a harmful Pl., overgeneralize on the basis of few examples, magnify or blow out of proportion the importance of negative events, engage in absolutist Thinking pg 342

And humanistic theory the unit tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called

Self actualization

Psychodynamic theories

Sigmund Freud's perspective, which emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts as forces that determine behavior

The community mental health movement

Since the 1960s efforts have been made to allow people with serious psychological disorders to remain in their communities. Community mental health centers attempted to maintain new patients as outpatient and to serve patients who have been released from mental hospitals. Today, most people with chronic psychological disorders live in the community, none hospitals. Social critics note that most people who had resided in hospitals for decades or suddenly discharge to home communities that seemed foreign in for bidding to them. Many do not receive adequate follow-up care. Some become homeless

adrian raine

Specific genes leads to this impairment and also predispose people to antisocial behavior. Rapid heartbeat is the center of anxiety, and it may be that a lower heart rate than average is associated with less fear of consequences among children and adolescents who are contemplating antisocial behavior

Conditions of worth

Standards by which the value of a person is judged


Substances that stimulate the body to mountain immune system response to it (Short for antibody generator)

Behavior therapy

Systematic application of the principles of learning to the direct modification of clients problem behaviors. They rely heavily on principles of conditioning and aspirational learning. To help clients discontinue self-defeating behavior pattern such as overheating smoking and phobic avoidance of harmless stimuli.

Evaluation of the TRAIT perspective

TRAIT theorist have focus much attention on the development of personality tests. They have also given rise to theories about the fit between personality and certain kinds of jobs. The qualities that suit a person for various kinds of work can be expressed in terms of abilities, personality traits, and interests. One limitation of trait theory is that it has tended to be more description then explanatory. It has historically focused on describing traits rather than on tracing their origins or seeking ways to modify maladaptive personality traits and behavior. Trait theory focused on enduring personality characteristics that were generally presume to be embedded in the nervous system. Learning theorist tend not to theorize in terms of traits. They focus instead on behaviors and presume that those behaviors are largely burned. That which is learned is also, in principle, capable of being on learned. As a result, learning theory and personality theory may not be a perfect fit. Nonetheless learning theorist both behavioralists and social cognitive theorist have contributed to the discussion of personality.

Objective tests

Test who's items must be answered in a specified limited manner, tests who's items have concrete answers that are considered correct. Forced choice format, asked to indicate which of two or more statements is more true for them or which of several activities they prefer, Frequently used in interest inventories,.


The approach that recognizes there is no simple or single answer to why people become ill or why they suffer from certain illnesses.


The automatic ejection of anxiety invoking ideas from awareness. People forget many ugly experiences and some research evidence suggests that people might repressed them. Other investigators allow that forgetting and distortion of memory occurs, but view the Freud and concept of repression as a little more than a myth.

General adaptation syndrome or gas

The body's response to different stressors shows certain similarities what it is or is a bacterial invasion perceive danger or a major life change. Hans Selye. The three stages are in alarm reaction a resistance stage and then exhaustion and stage these changes mobilize the body for action and like that alarm that goes on ringing can eventually wear out the body


The demand made on an organism to adapt cope or adjust some stress is healthful and necessary to keep us alert and occupied

Antisocial personality disorder

The diagnosis given a person who is in frequent conflict with society, yet who is undeterred by punishment and experiences little or no guilt and anxiety. It is more common among men than women


The feeling of being pulled in two more directions by opposing motives which is stressful

Health psychology

The field the psychology that studies relationships between psychological factors such as attitudes and beliefs situational influences in behavior patterns in the prevention and treatment of physical illness. They investigate how people decide whether or not to seek healthcare and psychological interventions such as health education like nutrition smoking and exercise how is stress and pathogens and direct influence the immune system

Alarm Reaction Stage

The first days of gas which is triggered by the impact of a stressor and characterized by simple thetic activity

Social cognitive theory

Developed by Albert b, In contrast to behaviorism, which focuses on observable behavior in the situations in which behavior occurs, social cognitive theory focuses on learning by observation and on the cognitive process that underlie personal differences. Social cognitive theories differ from behaviorist in that they see people as influence their environment just as their environment affects them. Social cognitive theory is agreeing with behaviorist that discussions of human nature should be tied to observable behavior, but they assert their variables within people or personal variables, must also be considered if we are to understand people. Situational variables include rewards and punishments. Personal variables include knowledge and skills, ways of interpreting experience, expectancy's, emotions, and self regulatory systems and plans. We cannot predict behavior from situational variables alone. Whether a person will behave in a certain way also depends on the person's expectancy is about the outcome of the behavior and the perceived or subjective values of those outcomes. There are various kinds of expectancies. Some are predictions about what will follow what. For example, people might predict other peoples behavior on the basis of body language such as tight lips or shifty eyes. Self efficacy Expectations are beliefs that we can accomplish certain things, so she's doing a backflip into a swimming pool or solving math problems. People with positive self EFFIcacy expectations tend to have higher self-esteem and achievement motivation. Self Efficiency and drawing from five factor theory, Conscientiousness and emotional stability combine to make powerful predictors of academic success. Psychotherapy often motivate people to try new things by changing their self efficiency expectations from I can't to maybe I can

Harry says at one time that playing a musical instrument is a waste of time however on other occasions harry plays the guitar like a professional on these occasions Harry says that he is another person call Joe what does Harry exhibit

Disassociative identity disorder


Disease causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses

Oral stage

During the first year of life a child experiences much of his or her world through the mouth. If it fits into the mouth it goes. Freud are you that oral activities, such as sucking and biting, give the child sexual gratisfaction as well as nourishment. Freud believed that children encounter conflict during each stage of psychosexual development. During the oral stage, conflict centers on the nature and extent of oral gratification. Early weaning Like less breast-feeding can lead to frustration. Excessive Gratification, on the other hand, can we get an infant to expect that it will Routinely obtain anything at once. Insufficient or excessive gratification in any stage could lead to fixational in that stage into the development of traits that are characteristic of that stage. Oral traits include dependency, gullibility, and excessive optimism or pessimism. Freud theorized that adults with oral fixation could experience exaggerated desires for oral activities, such as smoking over eating alcohol abuse and nailbiting. Adults With oral fixation's made desire clingy dependent relationships

phallic stage

During the third year. The major erogenous zones is the phallic region. Parent child conflict is likely develop over masturbation, to which parents may respond with threats or punishment. During the stage children may develop strong sexual attachments to the parent of the other gender and begin to view the parent of the same gender as a rival for the other parents infections.


The views of Watson and Skinner largely ignored the notions of personal freedom, choice, and self direction. Most of us assume that our once originate within us. Watson and Skinner suggested that environmental influence such as parental approval and social customs shape us into wanting certain things and not wanting others. In his novel Walden to skinner described a utopian society in which people are happy and content because they are allowed to do as they please. From early childhood however they have been trained or conditioned to be cooperative. Because of the reinforcement histories, they want to behave in decent kind in unselfish ways. They see themselves as free because society makes no effort to force them to behave in particular ways. The American poet Robert Frost wrote "you have freedom when you're easy in your harness". Society in Skinners Walden to make children easy in their harnesses but the harnesses were very real. Some object to behaviorist notions because theyPlay down the importance of consciousness and choice. Others argue that humans are not blindly ruled by reinforcers. In some circumstances, people have rebel against the so-called necessity of survival by choosing pain and hardship over pleasure, or death over life. Many people have sacrificed their own lives to save others. The behaviorist defense might be that the apparent choice of pain or death is force handsome just as conformity to social custom is forced on others

The Socio cultural perspective evaluation

These socio-cultural perspective provides valuable insights into the rules of ethnicity gender culture and socioeconomic status and personality formation. And enhances our sensitivity to cultural differences and expectations and allows us to appreciate the richness of human behavior and mental processes. Positions have an easy time of it measuring heart rate and blood pressure. Psychologist biologist and neuroscientist find it easier to measure electricity in the brain or substances in the blood then to measure psychological concepts such as intelligence, depression, extroversion or emotional stability. It may take time, money and expertise to develop and operate the proper instruments but once you have them the measurements tend to be accurate enough.


To interpret negative events as being disastrous and to blow it out of proportion this raises blood pressure and impairs the coping ability


Psychologically hearty executives tended to involve themselves in rather than feel alienated from what they were doing or encountering

Stresses compile up until we can no longer cope with them like daily hassles which are regularly occurring experiences that can harm her well-being including our sex lives


la belle indifference

A French term descriptive of the lack of concern for their (imagined) medical problem sometimes shown in people with conversion disorders. Like a woman with a large family being paralyzed in the legs but with no medical findings


A condition in which the senses, thoughts, and movement or adult this could be strange gestures her facial expressions

Conversion disorder

A disorder in which anxiety or unconsciousness conflicts are converted into physical symptoms that often have the effect of helping the person cope with anxiety or conflict

Bipolar disorder or manic depressive disorder

A disorder in which the mood alternates between two extreme polls elation and depression. Maybe argumentative, show poor judgment, destroy property, make huge contributions to charity, or give away valuable possessions often very abrasive

Paranoid personality disorder

A personality disorder characterized by a persistent suspiciousness but not involving the disorganization of paranoid schizophrenia

Borderline personality disorder

A personality disorder characterized by instability in relationships, self image, mood, and lack of impulse control. Often uncertain,

Avoidant personality disorder

A personality disorder in which the person is unwilling to enter into relationships without assurance of acceptance because the fears of rejection and criticism. Do you have feelings of warmth towards other people and interests

Schizotypical personality disorder

A personality sorter characterized by oddities of thoughts and behavior but not involving bizarre psychotic behaviors. Excessive fantasies and suspiciousness

Learned helplessness

A possible explanation for some depressive behavior, based on finding the organisms in adversive situations learned a show in activity win their behavior is not reinforced

Illness anxiety disorder

A somatoform disorder characterized by persistent believe that one is ill despite lack of medical findings it is based off of a very minor physical sensation

Cognitive factors

Contrary to depression, perfection and set themselves up for depression by making a rational demands of themselves they often fall short of the expectations and get depressed as a result

Most investigators today favor the biopsychosocial model

According to this model genetic factors create a predisposition toward or vulnerability to schizophrenia. Genetic vulnerability to the disorder interacts with other factors such as complications of pregnancy and birth, stress, quality of parenting, and social conditions to give rise to the disorder.


Addresses the relationship among psychological factors, the nervous system, the endocrine system, immune system, and disease what is major concern to see effective stress on the immune system. Research shows that stress suppresses the immune system, as measured by the presence of substances in the blood that make up part of the immune system

somatoform disorders

Disorders in which people complain of physical (somatic) problems even though no physical abnormally can be found. Like illness anxiety disorder and conversion disorder

Personality disorders

Enduring patterns of the maladaptive behavior that are sources of distress to individuals or others. Some examples are paranoid antisocial borderline and avoidant personality disorders


Establish colonies every in the body it appears that our bodies develop cancerous cells frequently however these are only destroyed by the immune system

Alberta Bandura

Exposed participants two fearful stimuli and the monitor the levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline in their blood streams as they did so this made the heart rate increase and released excess amounts of glucose in the liver this is tested self efficiency


Genetic predisposition's interact with the environment to express themselves genetic factors are involved in breast cancer however rates of breast cancer among women who have recently immigrated to the United States from rural Asia are similar to those in their countries of origin and nearly 80% lower than the rates among third-generation Asian American women because rays are similar to those of European American women one's lifestyles also connected with the risk of breast cancer and most other kinds of cancer

Psychological hardiness

Helps people resist stress. Suzanne koboasa, studied business executives who seem to be able to resist illness despite stress researchers found that the psychologically hearty executives had three key characteristics commitment challenge in control. They can handle stress cause they chose to face it and example is seeing a conference with a supervisor as an opportunity to persuade the supervisor rather than risk their position

Type a behavior pattern or coronary prone behavior pattern

Highly driven competitive impatient hostile and aggressive they are prone to getting in the auto accidents they often feel rushed and pressured thank you when I glued to the clock often early and on time to events they eat walk and talk rapidly they get restless when others work slowly find a difficult surrender controller share power reluctant to delegate authority in the workplace thus increasing their own work clothes

Which group of psychologist would be most likely to criticize standardize personality test for not accounting for individual personality

Humanistic theorists

The exhaustion stage

If the stressor is still not dealt with adequately, we may enter the exhaust and stage of gas when the muscles become fatigued in the body is depleted of the resources required for combating stress our heart rate and respiration rate slow down in many aspects of sympathetic activity are reversed

Rapid flight of ideas

Rapid speech and topic changes, characteristic of manic behavior


Is a flicks nearly 1% of the population worldwide. Characterized by disturbances and thought in language, perception in attention, motor activity, and mood, as well as withdrawal from absorption and daydreams or fantasy. Positive symptoms- The inappropriate kind of behavior we find in schizophrenic people Like agitated behavior, vivid hallucinations, unshakable delusions, disorganized thinking, and nonsensical speech.Negative symptoms are those that reflect the absence of appropriate behavior. Examples are flat emotionalless Voices, blink faces, rigid, motionless bodies, and mutism or refusal to talk. Schizophrenics have delusions. In the case of delusions of grandeur, a person may believe that he is a famous historical figure such as Jesus or a person on a special mission. People with delusions of persecution may believe they are sought by the CIA, FBI or some other group. Paranoid individuals tend to jump to conclusions that people intend to do them harm based on little evidence. People with delusions of reference erroneously believe the other people or talking about them or referring to them like coded information in new stories

Which one of the following is a criticism of Freud psycho analytic theory

It was too day to scientifically measure the psychic structures

Ellisis ABC approach

Losing the job is an activating event or a eventual outcome or consequence is C which is misery. between the activating event a and the consequence see however why beliefs be such as this this job was the most important thing in my life but a no good failure I am my family will starve I'll never find a good job there's nothing I can do about it these kinds of beliefs create their own misery foster helplessness and divert us from planning and deciding what to do next


May maintain unusual, sometimes difficult postures four hours, even as their limbs grow swollen or stiff. He's psychotic condition characterized by striking motor impairment

Carcinogenic genes

May remove the breaks from cell division allowing cells to multiply wildly or they may allow mutations to accumulate unchecked

Avoidance avoidance conflict

More stressful because you are motivated to avoid each of two negative goals however avoiding one requires approaching the other you may be fearful of visiting the dentist but you're also afraid that your teeth will DK if you don't go both outcomes are undesirable

Type B people

Relax more readily and focus more on the quality of life they show a lower blood pressure then type a they are less ambitious less impatient and paste themselves even though ANB are equal in intelligence A still probably gets higher grades


Substances formed by white blood cells that recognize and destroy antigens. Anybody's attach themselves to antigens, deactivating them and marking them for destruction the immune system remember is how to battle the antigens.

According to Freud's psycho analytic theory the _______ functions according to the moral principle

Super ego

Major depressive disorder

The person Mushu loss of appetite, psycho motor retardation, and impaired reality testing. Effects 5 to 7% of America

Locus of control

The place or locus to which an individual attributes control over the receiving or reinforcers either inside or outside the self

Resistance stage

The second stage with gas, characterized by prolonged sympathetic activity in an effort to restore lost energy and repair damage. Also called the adaptation stage. This occurs when the alarm reaction mobilize the body and the stressor is not removed. The person feels tense and the body remains under a heavy burden

About one in every six Native Americans has attempted suicide which is higher than other Americans. One and a Latin Americans have attempted suicide. European Americans have 8% at Tipton. African-Americans are least likely to send suicide 6.5%. About three times as many females as males attempt suicide, but about five times as many meals succeed.


People who develop illness anxiety disorder are particularly sensitive to bodily sensations and tend to ruminate about them


People who remain depressed have lower self-esteem or less likely to be able to solve social problems in of less social support


People with dissociative disorders have learned not to think about bad memories or disturbing impulses to void feelings of anxiety guilt and shame disassociative memories help people get disturbing memories out of their head


People with schizophrenia generally have less gray matter than other people suggesting deficiencies in attention, working memory, abstract thinking, and language. They have smaller brains and a smaller pre-frontal region of the cortex. It runs in families. Children of schizophrenics have a 6% chance of being diagnosed with it.Mothers of schizophrenics often have complications during pregnancy and birth like having the flu. They're also more likely to be born during winter.


Somatoform disorders have much to do with what we focus on like social and financial issues or your body


Some socio-cultural theorist that believe the treatment to schizophrenia requires an illumination of poverty in other social ills rather than changing people whose behavior is deviant some say suggest that low socioeconomic status may be a result rather than a cause of schizophrenia


Stress predicts physical and psychological health problems such as heart disease is cancer anxiety and depression mini respondents reported physical and psychological symptoms of stress nearly half 45% reported that stress made them irritable or angry and more than two and five Americans made him tired more than 1/3 reported having a headaches 11 and four had indigestion and almost 1 and four felt tense about one and third felt depressed or as though they could cry


Students who had a greater sense of humor and were capable of producing humor in the stressful experimental conditions were less affected by the stress than other students researchers leader found out that showing the students humerus videotapes raise their levels of immunoglobulin


The pre-conscious mind contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them


Multiple approach avoidance conflict

Very complex form of conflict each of several alternative courses of action has a pluses and minuses and example is choosing to study or going to see a movie each alternative has both positive and negative aspects like studying is boring but I won't have to worry about flunking I'd love to see the movie but I just worry about how old you tomorrow

Fight or flight reaction

Walter Buchanan argued that the alarm reaction was similar to this. It is an innate adaptive response to perception of danger. It kicks the endocrine cardiovascular and musk Culo skeletal system is in the action to enable survival

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