Psych Ch 5

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________ _ ______was the first psychologist to systematically investigate animal learning and how voluntary behaviors are influenced by their consequences.

Edward L. Thorndike

____ ____ demonstrated that classical conditioning involves more than learning the simple association of 2 stimuli. (did study with 2 groups of rats and electric shocks and second group got double shocks)

Robert Rescorla

Skinner believed that shaping could explain how people acquire a wide variety of _____ and ____. Athletic coaches, teachers, parents, and child care workers all using shaping techniques.

abilities, skills

Learned helplessness was learned on _____. Psychologists were trying to find out if classically conditioned responses would affect the process of _____ conditioning in dogs.

accident, operant

Positive reinforcement involves following an operant with the _____ of a reinforcing stimulus. A response is _____ because something is ____ or _____

addition, strengthened, added, presented (ex. return a tennis ball thats fast and slow and your coach says that was excellent)

Extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to _____ behavior, desensitization to _____, _____, and fears of being ____. Some viewers are _____ _____ to the negative effects of media violence.

aggressive, violence, nightmares, harmed, highly susecptible

The best method to reduce a problem behavior is to reinforce an _____ behavior that is both constructive and incompatible with the problem behavior.


Negative reinforcement ____ ____ the likelihood that an operant will be repeated in the future. Punishment ____ ____ the future performance of an operant

always increases, always decreases

Research says that because snakes, spiders, reptiles, etc have been ____ with danger throughout the evolution of mammals, there is an ____ fear module in the brain that is highly sensitized to such evolutionary relevant stimuli.

associated, evoked

Skinner was also a _____. He believed that psychology should restrict itself to studying only phenomena that could be objectively _____ and _____ and outwardly observable behavior and environmental events

behaviorist, measured, verified

_____ ____ or a _____ reinforcer is one that has acquired reinforcing value by being associated with a primary reinforcer. ____ is classic example.

conditioned reinforcer, secondary, money

______ is the process of learning associations between environmental events and behavioral responses.


Watson believed that all human behavior is a result of ______ and ______ due to past experience and environmental influence.

conditioning, learning

Punishment may ____ a response but it doesn't necessarily ___ or ____ a more appropriate response to take its place. Punishment that is intense may produce ____ results such as ____ or ____. Also the effects are ____.

decrease, teach, promote, undesirable, fear, anxiety, temporary

Psychologists study learning by _____ and _____ the learning experiences of animals in carefully controlled lab situations. Using animal subjects, they can precisely control the conditions where a _____ behavior is learned. The goal is to identify the _____ ____ of learning that apply across a ____ range of species.

observing, recording, particular, general principles, wide

On a ____ ___ schedule, a reinforcer is delivered for the first response emitted ___ the preset time interval has elapsed. Typically produce a ___ shaped pattern of responding in which the number of responses tends to ____ as the time for the next reinforcer draws near. (studying schedule)

fixed interval, after, increase

With a ___ ___ schedule, reinforcement occurs after a fixed number of responses. They typically produce a ___ rate of responding that follows a ____ ___ ___ pattern. It is reflected in any activity that requires a precise number of responses in order to obtain _____. Piecework - being paid $1 for every 100 envelopes you stuff is an example of FR-100 schedule.

fixed ratio, high, burst pause burst, reinforcement

Skinner's most radical belief was that ___ ___, self ____ and ____ choice are just illusions. He argued that behavior is not simply influenced by the environment but it is _____ by it. He was charged with advocating a ______ state

free will, determination, individual, determined, totalitarian

Pavlov discovered that the more ____ the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus were paired, the _____ was the association between them. He also discovered that the ____ affected the strength because it was more effective if the conditioned stimulus was presented _____ ___ the unconditioned stimulus. He found that ___ __ ___ was the optimal time interval but it could also vary. (rarely more than a few seconds)

frequently, stronger, timing, immediately before, half a second

______ advocated turning daily life into a kind of virtual reality game, in which points or other conditioned reinforcers are awarded to reward healthy or productive behaviors.


An ____ ____ or ____ ___ is a small cage with a food dispenser.

operant chamber, skinner box

Skinner used the word ____ to describe any active behavior that operates upon the environment to generate consequences. It explained how we acquire the wide range of ____ behaviors that we perform daily.

operant, voluntary

The conditioned stimulus (US) is the stimulus that is _____ ____ but comes to elicit a reflexive response. The sound of the bell.

originally neutral

It's common for responses to be reinforced only sometimes a pattern called ____ ____

partial reinforcement

____ is an extreme, irrational fear of a specific object, animal, or situation. Once believed they were acquired through _____ _____ (Little Albert)

phobia, classical conditioning

___ ___ ______ is when a conditioned stimulus could itself function as an unconditioned stimulus in a conditioning trial. In this, the new conditioned stimulus has ____ been paired with the unconditioned stimulus. The new conditioned stimulus acquires its ability to produce the conditioned response by virtue of being ___ with the first unconditioned stimulus.

higher order conditioning (second order conditioning), never, paired

Punishment is more effective if it ____ follows a response than if it is ____. Its also more effective if it _____ follows a response.

immediately, delayed, consistently

Skinner found that the most efficient way to strengthen the response was to ____ reinforce ___ occurrence of bar-pressing which is called ____ ______

immediately, every, continuous reinforcement

_____ ____ occurs when an individual has a psychological and physiological reaction to what is actually a fake treatment or drug.

placebo response

____ reinforce the behaviors that you want to _____

positively, increase

____ _____ is one that is naturally reinforcing for a given species. Even if an individual has not had ___ ____ with the particular stimulus, the event still has ____ _____. Examples are ____ and ____

primary reinforcer, prior experience, reinforcing properties, food, water

Operant conditioning explains learning as a ___ in which behavior is shaped and maintained by its _____

process, consequences

According to Rescorla, classical conditioning depends on the ______ the conditioned stimulus provides about the unconditioned stimulus. For learning to occur, the conditioned stimulus must be a ____ ____ that predicts the presentations of the unconditioned stimulus.

information, reliable signal

Natural behaviors interfered with the operant behaviors the scientists (Brelands) were attempting to condition - phenomenon called _____ _____. These behaviors prevented the animals from _____ in the _____ behaviors that would result in _____

instinctive drift, engaging, learned, reinforcement

___ ___ ___ says responses followed by a satisfying state of affairs are strengthened and more likely to occur again and responses followed by an unpleasant or annoying state of affairs are weakened and less likely to occur again.

law of effect

_____ _____ is a phenomenon in which exposure to inescapable and uncontrollable aversive events produces passive behavior (mostly any animal species) Has played a role in ______

learned helplessness, depression

The conditioned response (CR), which is the _____ reflexive response to a previously ____ stimulus. The dog's salivation to the sound of the bell.

learned, neutral

______ is a process that produces a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of an individual's experience


Taste aversion research emphasizes that the study of ____ must consider the ___ behavior patterns and capabilities of different species

learning, unique

Thorndike did a study of cats where they would try to get out of the cage and get food. During the first trial the cats would engage in ___ different behaviors to escape and would ____ pull on the rope and open the cage. Once the cat figured out how to open the cage it ___ made any more errors.

many, accidentally, rarely

______ ______ had an explanation of the dog's passive behavior of not escaping the electric shock. During the tone-shock pairning in the classical conditioning setup, the dogs had learned that shocks were _____. No active behavior they engaged in would allow them to avoid or escape the shock.

martin seligman, inescapable

____ _____ are neurons that fire both when an action is performed and when the action is simply perceived. They _____ the observed actioon as though the observer were actually carrying out the action. They don't simply reflect ____ _____ but are involved in mentally ______ and ______ the actions of others. (groups rather than single)

mirror neurons, imitate, visual processing, representing, interpreting

Adolescents who visited sexual websites were more likely to have ____ ____ and have used ___ or ____ during sex experience

multiple partners, drugs, alcohol

According to Darwin's theory of evolution by ___ ____, both the physical characteristics and the natural behavior patterns of any species have been shaped by ______ to maximize _____ to the environment.

natural selection, evolution, adaptation

If the dog is salivating in response to a ____ stimulus that was not acquired through learning, the salivation is an ______ response. If the dog has learned to salivate to a _____ stimulus that doens't normally produce the automatic response, the salivation is a ______ response.

natural, unconditioned, neutral, conditioned

_____ ____ is the loss or withdrawal of a reinforcing stimulus following a behavior. The behavior's consequence is the loss of some ____, possession, or other ____ object. (speeds through red light, gets license suspended)

negative punishment (punishment by removal), privilege, desirable

To Skinner, the most important form of learning was demonstrated by ____ behaviors that were actively _____ by the organism

new, emitted

Tolman concluded that reward is ___ ______ for learning to take place. Rewards seem to affect the _____ of what has been learned rather than learning itself. Tolman used the term ____ ______ to describe learning that is not immediately demonstrated in overt behavior.

not necessary, performance, latent learning

______ ___ takes place through observing the actions of others. Humans develop the capacity to learn through observation at an age of ___ ___. ____ _____ is psychologist most strongly associated with this. (did study with children watching movie with adult who kicks doll and had 3 different endings)

observational learning, 2-3 days old, albert bandura

The first step is effectively applying extinction is to ____ the behavior carefully and identify the ____ that is maintaining the behavior. Then eliminate the _____

observe, reinforcer, reinforcer

______ is a process in which a behavior is followed by an aversive consequencew that decreases the likelihood of the behavior's being repeated


_____ a largely involuntary, automatic response to an external stimuli


In operant conditioning, when a learned response no longer results in ______, the likelihood of the behavior's being repeated gradually ______.

reinforcement, declines

_____ is said to occur when a stimulus or an event follows an operant and increased the likelihood of the operant being repeated. Reinforcing stimulus is usually something ____ or ____

reinforcement, desirable, satisfying

Negative reinforcement involves an operant that is followed by the ____ of an aversive stimulus. A response is _____ because something is being ____ or _____. Aversive stimuli involves physical or psychological ____ that an organism seeks to avoid.

removal, strengthened, subtracted, removed (make backup copies of an imp paper to avoid losing the data if computer crashes), discomfort

A consequence of partially reinforcing behavior is that it tends to be more ____ to _____ than are behaviors conditioned using continuous reinforcement. This is called _____ ___ _____

resistant, extinction, partial reinforcement effect

An example of a discriminative stimulus is a ____ ____ that sets the occasion for a particular response - picking it up and speaking

ringing phone

Skinner found that specific preset arrangements of partial reinforcement produced different patterns and rates of responding. Different reinforcement arrangements are called ______ _ ______

schedules of reinforcement

John B. Watson advocated that psychology should be redefined as the ____ ___ __ ____ which unlike mental processes, could be objectively _____. He founded ______

scientific study of behavior, observed, behaviorism

Adolescents who watch large amounts of TV shows containing _____ content were ____ as likely to being engaged in sex in the following years.

sexual, twice

_____ involves reinforcing successively closer approximations of a behavior until the correct behavior is displayed. The researcher will reinforce the rat with a food pellet whenever it moves to the half of the box were the bar is located.


Another strategy involves setting a ____ ___ ___ after which the individual is reinforced if the unwanted behavior has ___ occurred.

specific time period, not

The reappearance of a previously extinguished conditioned response after a period of time without exposure to the conditioned stimulus is called ____ _____. Demonstrates that extinction is ___ _____ which means the learned response may disappear, but is not eliminated or erased.

spontaneous recovery, not unlearning

_____ ______ occurs when a particular conditioned response is made to one stimulus but not to the other, similar stimulus. (dog stops salivating when you shake bag of cat food)

stimulus discrimination

_____ ____ occurs when stimuli that are similar to the original conditioned stimulus also elicit the conditioned response, even though they have never been paired with the unconditioned stimulus. (dog drools when you shake a bag of dog biscuits and cat food - doesn't know the difference)

stimulus generalization

A procedure called ___ ___ from positive reinforcement, the child is removed from the reinforcing situation for a short time so the access to reinforcers is ______. The child is sent to the area when they perform the _____ behavior.

time out, eliminated, undesirable

The unlearned, reflexive response is _____ _____ or the dog's salivation.

unconditioned response (UCR)

The natural stimulus that reflexively elicits a response without prior learning is ______ ____ or the food in the dog's mouth.

unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

_______ _____ involves a response being followed by the presentation of an aversive stimulus. (dog jumps on visitor, hit dog on nose)

Positive punishment (punishment by application)

American youth witness _____ rapes, murders, and assaults on TV annually. Violent behavior is not _____ and is often perpetrated by the ____ or other ____ ___ and most shows do not show the _____ ___ _____q

1000, punished, heros, good guys, long term consequences

_____ _____ was a physiologist who entered psychology after a result of an observation he made while investigating the role of saliva in digestion, using dogs as his experimental subjects.

Ivan Pavlov

Watson did ____ ____ experiment and after only ___ pairings of the loud noise and the white rat, the white rat alone triggered the conditioned response of ___. Stimulus _____ took place because Little Albert was now afraid of other furry animals or objects.

Little Albert, seven, fear, generalization

____ ____ noticed that phobias seem to be quite selective. Extreme, irrational fears of snakes, spiders, heights, and small enclosed areas are common. People don't have phobias of stairs, ladders, electrical outlets even though they are more dangerous.

Martin Seligman

Classical conditioning is a process of learning an ______ ____ __ _____. It involves pairing a ____ stimulus with an _____ or _____ stimulus that automatically elicits a reflexive response. If the two stimuli are repeatedly paired, eventually the ____ stimulus elicits the same basic reflexive response as the ____ stimulus even in the absence of the ____ stimulus.

association between 2 stimuli, neutral, unlearned, natural, neutral, natural, natural

Bandura suggests that you must pay _____ to the other person's behavior. You must ______ the other person's behavior so you can perform it at a later time. (form and store a mental representation of the behavior). You must be able to transform this mental representation into actions that you are capable of _______. These 3 factors (_____, ______, _____) are necessary for learning to take place through observation. Lastly, must have ______ to imitate behavior.

attention, remember, reproducing, attention, memory, motor skills, motivation

Serial dramas motivate individuals to adopt new _____ and behavior by modeling behaviors that promote family ____, stable ______, and a _____ environment

attitudes, health, communities, sustainable

Dysfunctions in the mirror neuron system may contribute to ____ and other disorders that are associated with impaired _____ _____

autism, social functioning

If you're feeling more awake _____ blood levels of caffeine rise, it's probably because you've developed a classically conditioned response to the sight, smell, and taste of coffee


______ ______ is the application of learning principles to help people develop more effective or adaptive behaviors. It involves applying the principles of _____ conditioning to bring about changes in ______. Been used to reduce public smoking, improve social skills, etc. ____ also use it by allowing employees to choose their own reinforcers.

behavior modification, operant, behavior, businesses

______ _____ is the idea that an organism is innately predisposed to from associations between certain stimuli and responses. If the particular stimulus and response combination is __ one than an animal is biologically prepared to _____, then the association may ___ occur or occur with _____.

biological preparedness (explained Garcia's findings), not, associate, not, difficulty

______ (____) conditioning deals with behaviors that are elicited automatically by some stimulus. The stimulus doesn't produce a ____ behavior by rather causes an _____ behavior to occur. Almost always involves a _____ behavior. When dogs started salivating to Pavlov's footsteps, a ____ stimulus elicited the salivary response.

classical (pavolvian), new, existing, reflexive, learned

When Pavlov did the study with the bell and the dogs, the dog was ____ ____ to salivate to the sound of the bell alone. That is, the dog had learned a ____ _____ between the sound of the bell and the presentation of food.

classically conditioned, new association

According to Rescorla, animals use ____ ____ to draw inferences about the signals they encounter in their environments. Classical conditioning seems to involve ____ __ _____ ____ _____

cognitive processes, learning the relationships between events

Edward C. Tolman believed that ____ processes played an important role in the learning of complex behaviors. They could still be experimentally ______ and inferred by careful ________ of outward behavior. Believed the rats he did a study on built a ____ _____ of the maze or a mental representation of its layout.

cognitive, verified, observation, cognitive map

Another component of operant conditioning is ______ _____ is the specific stimulus in the presence of which a particular operant is more likely to be reinforced.

discriminative stimulus

In the presence of a specific environmental stimulus (the _____ _____), we emit a particular behavior (the ____), which is followed by a consequence (_____ or _____). If the consequence is either positive or negative reinforcement, we are ___ likely to repeat the operant when we encounter the same or similar discriminative stimuli in the future. If the consequence is some form of punishment, we are ____ likely to repeat the operant when we encounter the same or similar discriminative stimuli in the future.

discriminative stimulus, operant, reinforcement, punishment, more, less

Garcia demonstrated that the particular conditioned stimulus that is used __ make a difference in classical conditioning.


In Skinner's view, individual behavior is determined by _____ stimuli and the person's _____ history in that environment.

environmental, reinforcement

Behaviors are said to be negatively reinforced when they let you ____ aversive stimuli that are already present or ___ aversive stimuli before they occur.

escape, avoid

Pavlov called this process of decline and eventful disappearance of the conditioned response _____


Watson identified 3 emotions that he believed represented inborn and natural unconditioned reflexes-- ___, ___, and ___

fear, rage, and love

____ ____ is when you avoid eating a food and you feel queasy whenever he smelled anything related to it and ____ ____ came up with them. This does not require ____ ____ and also the time span between the two stimuli was ____ ____ (violate basic principles of classical conditioning)

taste aversion, John Garcia, repeated pairings, several hours

On a ____ ____ schedule, reinforcement occurs for the first response emitted after an ____ amount of time has elapsed, but the interval varies from trial to trial. Produces ____ but _____ rates of repsonding, especially when the average interval is relatively short

variable interval, average, moderate, steady

With a ___ ___ schedule, reinforcement occurs after an ____ number of responses which _____ from trial to trial. Produce ____, ____ rates of responding with hardly any ____ between trials or after reinforcement. ______ is classic example bc each toss of the dice or purchase of lottery ticket could be the big one, and the more often you gamble, the more chances you have to win.

variable ratio, average, varies, high, steady, pausing, gamblingq

If the conditioned stimulus was repeatedly presented _____ being paired with the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned response seemed to gradually _____.

without, disappear

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