Psych Ch4 Quiz

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Darryl thinks that playing peek-a-boo is hilarious! He does not know where his mom goes during the game, but it excites him when he sees her face again. Darryl is most likely in Piaget's _______ stage of development.


One-year-old Jerome is in the __________ stage of cognitive development. Thus, when his mother shows Jerome a ball and then hides it behind her back, we would expect him to __________.

sensorimotor; appear to lose interest in the ball and not look for it

A classic example of sexual reassignment and the social and emotional impact this may have on a person is the case of Bruce Reimer, who was surgically and hormonally reassigned to a female identity (Brenda). Bruce's situation highlights the fact that there is NOT always a match between _______ and _______.

sex; gender identity

While being put to bed, two-year-old Tommy says to his mother, "go potty... drink water..." which is his way of saying he needs to go to the bathroom after drinking water. Tommy's statement best demonstrates

telegraphic speech.

Brooke is a developmental psychologist at USA College. Which of the following is Brooke most likely to study?

the ways in which children differ from adults in their thought processes

Gretchen is excited when her son Brian demonstrates that he has developed theory of mind and will now be able to

understand that his mom has intentions that guide her actions.

Sheila is a life coach who has helped numerous adult clients in varying stages of life. In order to promote positive outcomes in her clients, she is likely to suggest all of the following EXCEPT

wait to start exercising until your 40s.

Jonathan has noticed that even though he lifts the same amount of weights each week, he is losing muscle mass and putting on a few extra pounds. Jonathan is most likely _______ years old.


Baby Resa is able to stand while holding on to something for support, but can't crawl or walk yet. According to what is known about average ages of the acquisition of motor skills, about how old is Resa?

9 months

Abrahim, a sophomore in college, is in Erikson's "identify versus role confusion" stage. According to Erikson's theory, which of the following behaviors might we expect Abrahim to exhibit?

He might change his major every few months.

Quincy is four years old, and he has mental retardation and a slightly misshapen face. What most likely happened during Quincy's prenatal development?

He was exposed to a teratogen.

Justin's mother believes that Justin, a 9-month-old, is still in Piaget's sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. To test this belief, which of the following could she try?

Hide his favorite toy underneath a couch cushion and see whether he looks for it.

Shayne works as a researcher conducting studies in developmental psychology. Which of the research questions is Shayne LEAST likely to address in his work?

How is auditory information processed in the brain?

Among the following people, who is likely to experience the greatest life satisfaction and the best health?

Moses, who is happily married

Olivia begins menstruating at age eight. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this occurrence?

She has been living in a stressful, unstable household.

Lila is not an alcoholic and never drinks to excess. However, she does have wine with dinner every evening. When Lila is two weeks pregnant, she asks you whether this can injure her baby. What correct response can you give her?

She should stop drinking wine completely until after the baby is born.

Elizabeth is going to decorate her newborn's room and wants the baby to be able to see the decorations. Which of the following should she use to decorate?

a wall hanging with a large pattern black-and-white checked fabric

Baby George's mother leaves him sitting in the grocery cart as she goes around the corner searching for cake mix. George screams as she leaves, reaches for her when she returns, but then pushes her away. George's behavior is most consistent with a(n) _______ attachment style.


A baby who shows little interest in her caregiver would likely be classified as having a(n) __________ attachment style.


Zandra's mother brings her 2-year-old daughter to a new dentist. Zandra's mother leaves the room and Zandra is momentarily alone with the dental hygienist, whom Zandra smiles at and plays with. When Zandra's mother returns, Zandra barely glances up and continues to play patty-cake with the dental hygienist. Zandra would most likely be classified as having a(n) _______ attachment.


Your best friend had a baby two weeks ago. She is excited because the baby smiled at birth, and she believes that the smiling indicated attachment. You know the truth is that

babies typically do not show social smiles until 4 to 6 weeks of age.

Peipei has a great group of American friends, is active in her school's theater, and works at a restaurant. Peipei also spends time helping out her extended Chinese family, who only speak Mandarin, by taking them to doctor appointments and translating for them. Peipei has successfully developed a

bicultural identity.

Kara explains to her roommate why Harry Harlow's experiments were so important to explaining an infant's socio-emotional development. Kara correctly says that his results demonstrate that

comforting touch is more important than food, particularly when an infant is stressed.

Joey needs to use his fingers to add and subtract. Joey can sort blocks based on both their shape and color at the same time. Based on this information, you know that Joey is most likely in the _______ stage of development.

concrete operational

When trying to explain Piaget's theory of development to his roommate, Martin correctly states that development

consists of a series of qualitatively different stages of cognitive ability.

Damian is a new driver and likes to speed, but he usually abides by the posted speed limit because he doesn't want to get a ticket or lose his driving privileges. What level of moral reasoning is Damian working from?


Eddie's neighbor Marjorie steals a laptop computer from another student in their dorm and makes Eddie promise not to tell on her. After campus police come to the dorm and question him, Eddie decides to tell them that Marjorie stole the laptop because Eddie knows that Marjorie broke the law. According to Kohlberg, Eddie is exhibiting _______ moral reasoning.


Phil has been having trouble remembering where he left his keys, glasses, and favorite book. Now he also forgets to brush his teeth, comb his hair, and put clothes on in the morning. Phil is most likely experiencing


Ernst is jealous that several of his friends are going through puberty but he has not started yet. He eagerly keeps checking for signs that his body is changing. Ernst knows he should be experiencing all of the following EXCEPT

development of a more rounded jaw.

Morris is 85 years old. Which of the following tasks would you expect him to have the most difficulty with?

driving while listening to the radio

According to the text, what is the most important prenatal phase of development for organ formation?

embryonic period

Claudia has been feeling ill for a couple of weeks and finds out she is two weeks pregnant. Up to this point, her baby has been in the ______ period of development, and the _______ has begun to form.

germinal; placenta

Ralph is very upset. His infant daughter was born with a preventable birth defect because she was exposed to a teratogen. Ralph's daughter may have all of the following EXCEPT

high birth weight.

Nicholas is an infant researcher and wants to use the strange-situation test in his work. Nicholas is most likely interested in seeing

how infants respond to separation and reunion with their caregivers.

Andre is writing an introductory psychology essay on Piaget's theory of cognitive development. He should criticize the original theory for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

infants do not learn about the world through their senses.

After a series of semiserious intimate relationships, 25-year-old Stacy is seriously considering finding a life partner. According to Erikson's theory, we would expect her to be at the __________ stage of psychosocial development.

intimacy versus isolation

John and Danielle want to get a stimulating mobile for their newborn son Luke's crib. If they want Luke to see the objects, what should they attach to the strings?

large black-and-white shapes

Thirteen-year-old Sasha has a hard time getting along with her siblings because she often feels emotional and acts irrationally. She knows that she overreacts to their teasing, but she cannot help it. Sasha's feelings are most likely due to activation in her

limbic system

Ming is learning English and today learned that the word talking is made up of two units of meaning: talk and ing. Ming is learning about


Janice is learning about the alphabet and how to read, but she is struggling to make the s and z sounds. Janice is having difficulty with


According to the text, the interaction of what three developmental domains shapes human development?

physical, cognitive, socio-emotional

In deciding whether or not he should return a wallet he found in the street to its owner, Timmy thinks, "Wow, there's $50 in this wallet. No one will even know if I just take the money and throw the wallet in the river." Timmy's thinking about what action to take suggests he's at which stage of moral reasoning?


Kane and MJ are sitting across from each other drawing pictures of their family room. When asked to draw the family room from MJ's perspective, Kane draws a picture of what he can see himself. Kane is likely in the ________ stage of cognitive development.


Ken, now in his seventies, finds all of the following tasks more difficult than when he was younger, except

remembering events that occurred when he was a child.

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