Psych Exam 4

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B lymphocytes release ________that fight bacterial infections.

antisocial tendencies

Behaviors exhibited by a child such as purposely setting fires and repeatedly torturing animals predict:

the patient's belief that therapy will help

Clinical researchers believe that the key "placebo" effect in therapy is


Considering the greatest range of factors that may contribute to the process of healing is most clearly facilitated by a ________ approach to therapy.

the DSM-5

A current authoritative scheme for classifying psychological disorders is known as


According to a recent poll, ________ percent of Americans viewed the nation as divided.

seeking social support

In comparison to pessimists; optimists tend to cope with stress by


In the early stages of a loving relationship; sexuality and infatuation are common. These dimensions characterize which type of love?

even more convinced that the death penalty should be abolished

Individuals who believe that the death penalty should be abolished meet to discuss the issue. Research on group interaction suggests that after discussion the individuals will be:


Lakeshia does not like to dance. Yet, she dances at her friend's wedding reception. Due to __________ she may claim that she danced only because everyone else was dancing.


Over time, Heather has begun to feel a strong emotional attachment to her therapist, treating him like a father figure. This represents the process of:


Practitioners of Freudian therapy are typically considered

higher; higher

Suicide rates in the United States are ________ among Whites than Blacks and ________ among men than women.

biological factors put someone at risk of schizophrenia, but environmental stressors are required to convert the potential.

The diathesis-stress hypothesis states that

the destructive obedience of participants in the Milgram experiments

The impact of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon is most clearly illustrated by:

bipolar disorder

Women are more likely than men to develop all of these psychological disorders EXCEPT:

confront the fear by gradually increasing exposure to the feared object or event

A highly effective way to reduce the fear associated with specific objects and eventually overcome a phobia is to:


A marked, persistent, and excessive fear and avoidance of specific objects, activities, or situations is termed _____ disorder.

an indirect

A person is using _____ tactic to reduce dissonance when the discrepancy between the attitude and the behavior is left intact, but the negative feelings generated by the dissonance are reduced.


A recent replication of Milgram's experiment that was conducted in Poland found that ________ percent of participants did not comply up to the 150-volt point.

learned helplessness

A researcher continually gives electric shocks to a rat in a cage, which the rat cannot escape. Later, the researcher continues to shock the rat but also opens a door to the cage allowing the rat to escape. The rat just sits in the cage, continuing to be shocked, and does not try to escape. In this example, the rat is displaying ____ .

sense a lack of personal control over their lives

According to the social-cognitive perspective, women are more vulnerable to depression than men because they are more likely to:

more aggression when provoked

According to the text, people who have low MAOA gene expression tend to demonstrate

reduced NK cell count

After enduring the stress of a flood that destroyed her home and most of her possessions, Ashley's cancer began spreading more rapidly. This may have been due, in part, to her

the feel-good, do-good phenomenon

After receiving exciting news about the birth of a healthy grandson, Mr. Haney was easily persuaded to contribute a generous sum of money to a neighborhood church. This best illustrates


Alan's friends all smoke. Alan has never wanted to smoke and his friends have never asked him to smoke. However, Alan still feels compelled to start smoking. The force pushing Alan to start smoking is known as

secondary appraisal

Alex is visiting in Southern California when she has the unfortunate experience of being in her first earthquake. She is unprepared and terrified and begins asking herself what she can do to best ensure her safety. At this moment, Alex is experiencing the phenomenon of

catatonic schizophrenia

An individual would most likely remain frozen in a stupor for long periods of time if he suffered with


An overactive immune system is most likely to contribute to


Angela sits down in history class and the teacher comes out with a pop quiz. Angela is stressed and likely considers the quiz a _____ because she has not yet read the chapter she is being quizzed on.

are high-achieving and protective

Anorexia patients are most likely to have parents who:

peripheral route persuasion

Aruna needs a new car. When she sees her favorite movie star in a car commercial, she decides to purchase the car advertised in the commercial. Aruna's decision making illustrates

behavior therapy

As a result of hearing stories of people finding bears in their closets, you have developed an irrational fear of bears. What sort of treatment would be most helpful for eliminating your fear?

the use of alcohol or drugs, brain damage, and a history of previous violence are all better predictors of violent crime than mental illness.

Based on current research, what would be a correct response to the notion that most people who suffer from mental illness should be institutionalized in order to reduce gun violence?

interprets the cancer diagnosis as a challenge to be overcome

Bea was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Bea will be least likely to feel depressed over this stressor if she

challenge; threat

Because Estevan had studied well ahead of time, he regarded the final exam as a(n) _____ instead of a _____.

the placebo effect

Because she mistakenly believes that the herbal remedy she is using will help her lose weight, Mrs. Redding is feeling a considerable reduction in her appetite. This best illustrates

blaming the victim

Before Mark had even heard the details of Allison's car accident, he commented, "Allison is so absentminded, I'm sure it happened because she was probably talking on her cell phone and not paying attention." Mark's response illustrates

elevated blood cholesterol level

Ben is a self-employed accountant who works overtime during the first two weeks of April to finish his clients' tax forms before the filing deadline. During this time, Ben is most likely to show a(n):

she is sleep deprived

Brenda exercised regularly. Which of the following is probably NOT true of Brenda?

alarm reaction

Cameron, a 50-year-old electrician, opens his pay envelope and, to his surprise, finds a pink slip inside indicating that he has been fired from his job. Which phase of the general adaptation syndrome is John most likely experiencing?

interpreting the meaning of patients' resistance to therapeutic procedures

Classical psychoanalysis most clearly involves

agoraphobia; anxiety

Claudia has not left her house in ten years. If she steps on the front porch, she becomes so uneasy that she has to return inside. Claudia is most likely suffering from ___________, which is a(n) ____________ disorder.

more rational

Cognitive dissonance motivates people to make unpleasant experiences seem

systematic persuasion

The president of a college justifies a proposed tuition increase to the students by describing how the projected revenue will not meet the costs associated with operating the college. The president is attempting to use _____ to convince the students that the tuition increase is necessary.

the benefits and costs of cooperation

The prisoner's dilemma game illustrates:

childhood events

The psychodynamic approach to therapy generally focuses on exploring _____ to develop insight into an individual's psychological problems.

decreased; increased

The results of the laboratory study of bystander intervention indicated that the likelihood of intervention __________ as the number of bystanders __________.

self-blaming attributions

The social-cognitive perspective has emphasized that depression is perpetuated by:

phase 3

The threat to one's immune system is greatest during ________ of the GAS.

genetics plays virtually no role in the appearance of schizophrenia

The vulnerability theory of schizophrenia suggests all of the following except that

Bipolar disorder

Thirty-year-old Jeremy has extreme, recurring mood swings in which he experiences severe bouts of depression and then becomes extremely agitated and euphoric for no apparent reason. Jeremy is suffering from

37 times

Those who have been drinking heavily are ________ more likely to attempt suicide.

generalized anxiety disorder

Those who suffer from ________ often become fixated on potential threats.

problem-focused coping

To reduce the stress of making monthly payments on her high-interest credit card debt, Marci secured a low-interest bank loan and an extra part-time job, which enabled her to quickly pay off her debts. Marci's actions best illustrated

you know you would feel terribly guilty for refusing their request

Two classmates ask you to spend a couple of hours helping them prepare for a chemistry test. According to social exchange theory, you would be most likely to help them if:

with the social influence of a peer who first models obedience

Variations of Milgram's research have concluded that the obedience effect is made stronger

social phobia

Victor has become increasingly withdrawn during social gatherings. He is so afraid he will do or say something embarrassing that he has started to avoid social events altogether. Victor may be developing:

commitment, control, challenge

What are the three characteristics that have been associated with psychological hardiness?

relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority

What did Milgram conclude in applying his research results to the Holocaust?

focusing on increasing activity

What is a beneficial stress management technique for trying to eat wisely?


What is the approximate percentage of the population that has a diagnosable psychological disorder at some point in their lifetime?


What is the approximate percentage of the population that has a diagnosable psychological disorder each year?


What neurotransmitter has been implicated in playing a role in the development of schizophrenia?

Experimenter in the same room with the subject. Subject has an authoritarian personality. The learner is in a different location from the subject. The research is conducted at a prestigious university.

What sort of factor would produce an increase in obedience in Milgram's study?

most participants, regardless of demographic characteristics, complied with the experiementer

What was the surprising finding in the Milgram studies


When Mi Kyung's therapist told her that her pattern of forming relationships with abusive men is based on her ambivalent feelings toward her father, she became very angry and refused to pay for the session. Her therapist might regard Mi Kyung's reaction as


When our roommate makes a request of us and we then change our behavior, this would be defined as

diffusion of responsibility

When there is a large group of bystanders, individuals are likely to experience

a type A personality

When you observe someone in your study group exhibiting a pattern of impatient, competitive, and hostile behavior, you are likely to conclude that they are exhibiting


Which brain part is most responsible for panic attacks?

deciding how someone is likely to act in a situation

Which is the best example of social cognition?

develop anxiety hierarchy, practice relaxation, associate relaxation with anxieties

Which is the correct sequence of steps in systematic desensitization?

operant conditioning

Which of the following approaches requires that maladaptive behaviors be clearly identified along with the reinforcers that maintain the behaviors, as well as efforts to change the environment such that reinforcers for the maladaptive behaviors are no longer provided?

exaggerated self-importance

Which of the following characteristics is most likely to be exhibited by a person with narcissistic personality disorder?

interpretation of dreams

Which of the following is NOT one of the primary features of client-centered therapy?


Which of the following is not a stage associated with General Adaptation Syndrome?


Which of the following psychological disorders does not have a gender difference in incidence rates?

Birds of a feather flock together

Which of these sayings is most strongly supported by research on interpersonal attraction?

a psychoanalyst

Who would be most likely to anticipate that patients are often motivated to resist specific therapeutic instructions?

the form of therapy that is best depends on the type of problem being treated

With regard to the relative effectiveness of various forms of psychotherapy; it is most likely to be the case that

emotion focused coping

You just took a final exam that determines a large percentage of your grade. You think that you failed the exam and it is too late to do anything to improve your grade. Which coping strategy would make you feel better?

Be patient, it may be 4-6 weeks before you notice any improvement in symptoms. Consider starting psychotherapy to go along with the medication. If he wants the fastest improvement in his symptoms he should try electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Biff should not bother switching to a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), as they are no more effective than tricyclic antidepressants.

Your friend Biff complains to you that, although he has been taking a tricyclic antidepressant for two weeks, he has not noticed any improvement and is still depressed. What advice would you give Biff in this situation?

type A behavior pattern

Your roommate is achievement oriented, impatient, aggressive, and time-pressed. Your roommate's behavior fits the

passionate; companionate

_____ love occurs rapidly and ends within a few months, whereas _____ love develops more slowly and can continue throughout the rest of the life span.

psychodynamic therapy; family therapy

________ aims to reduce anxiety through self-insight, whereas ________ aims to heal relationships.

T lymphocytes

________ are often released to help fight viral infections.


__________ therapies, which are sometimes called talk therapies, try to help patients understand the thoughts, emotions, and motives that underlie their difficulties.

She has good communication skills

Danielle engages in nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior. Which of the following is NOT likely to be true of Danielle?


Dr. Mendez uses antidepressants and ECT to treat clients diagnosed with severe depression. Dr. Mendez is a


Drugs such as Thorazine, Haldol, and Clozaril are successful in treating the __________ associated with schizophrenia.

social role; norms

Due to situational demands, behavior is due to both the __________ of the individual, and the __________ of the group.


EMDR was originally developed for the treatment of

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Each day, Wayne felt he had to lock and unlock his door 11 times both before he left and then again from the outside. Wayne could not leave without doing this ritual because otherwise he would repeatedly think about his door being unlocked. Wayne most likely has:


Edith, a 45-year-old journalist, alternates between extreme sadness and lethargy and extreme euphoria and overactivity. The drug most likely to prove beneficial to her is:

stronger immune functioning

Feeling liked and encouraged by intimate friends and family members has been found to promote

introspecting about the structure of consciousness

Freud suggested that patients are able to gain insight into their unconscious through each of these techniques EXCEPT:

low on distinctiveness

Hank seems to be angry every time that you see him. He's angry when you see him on State Street, angry when you run into him at the Union, he's even angry when you see him walking across campus, and this past Saturday you saw him yelling at a vendor at the Farmer's Market. You are likely to conclude that Hank has an angry personality because his behavior is


Helen has stopped menstruating and she has very little body fat. Everyone tells her that she needs to put on weight; but she perceives herself as overweight. Helen is most likely


If a patient suffers uncontrollable seizures, physicians can destroy specific nerve clusters that cause or transmit the convulsions. This best illustrates a procedure known as

no others were pulling with them

In a study of social loafing, blindfolded students were asked to pull on a rope as hard as they could. The students tugged hardest when they thought

psychosurgery; drug therapies

In terms of biomedical therapy to treat psychological disorders, ________ involves the removal of brain tissue, whereas ________ alter(s) brain chemistry.

unconditional positive regard

In the course of therapy, Dr. Smith takes great care to let her clients feel that they are good people no matter what they say or do. Dr. Smith is demonstrating


Jan's roommate, Thelma, is always bragging about how well she is doing in her classes, about how much her professors admire and respect her, and about how she is destined to be a great criminal defense attorney. When Jan points out Thelma's poor writing skills, Thelma starts yelling that Jan doesn't appreciate her immense talents. If Thelma has a psychological disorder, it is most likely ______________ personality disorder.

group polarization

Jared has always held anti-abortion views. However, after joining several chat rooms with people who share his views, he has become more extreme and uncompromising in his views. His more extreme views are the result of


Jennifer lives her life as if she is "onstage." She dresses flamboyantly, flirts excessively, and is overly dramatic in her displays of emotion. Today, she sobbed at her desk for hours because she had a headache. Jennifer probably could be diagnosed with which personality disorder?

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Jenny is always worried that she might have picked up some germs from touching something unclean. As a result, she washes her hands 10 times an hour. A likely diagnosis would be


Jeremiah believes that the lead psychologist at the institution is actually an alien from Neptune. He further believes that this alien has implanted a chip into his brain to record his thoughts. Each day, Jeremiah wonders how many of the other patients are actually aliens in disguise and whether any of them are trying to poison his food. Jeremiah is experiencing:


Jimmy goes to therapy because of a fear of rats. His therapist puts him in a bathtub and lets 5 rats crawl all over him for the entire session. This procedure is known as:

consensus and distinctiveness are high, and consistency is low and consensus, consistency, and distinctiveness are all high

Kelley suggests that we are most likely to attribute another's behavior to external causes when

the mere-exposure effect

Kelly is a graduate student who is studying relationships. After interviewing more than 100 dating couples, she noticed that a large number of these couples had actually grown up together in the same neighborhood. This is not surprising to you because of your understanding of

cognitive behavioral therapy

Koby went into therapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Her therapist asked her to create a list of things that made her anxious, and then assigned rewards to be earned if she confronted and successfully dealt with these things. Each week, she was assigned an event on the list as homework. During therapy sessions, Koby discussed her weekly progress, and her therapist was careful to detect and challenge irrational beliefs about her anxiety and replace them with more realistic beliefs. Koby received _____ therapy.

antisocial personality disorder

Kyle is extremely manipulative and can look anyone in the eye and lie convincingly. His deceit often endangers the safety and well-being of those around him, but he is indifferent to any suffering they might experience as a result of his actions. His behavior best illustrates

communicate about their clients. comprehend the underlying causes of psychological problems. choose the most effective course of treatment.

Last week, Becky read that labels can bias perceptions, so she does not support placing diagnostic labels on psychological problems. If you were trying to convince her that these types of labels do have benefits, you might tell her that mental health professionals use labels to

the rest of the group unanimously says the bowl is blue

Laurie is sitting in a room full of people who are all asked to judge the color of a bowl. Laurie believes that the bowl is red; but others are saying it's blue. Which of the events below would increase the likelihood that Laurie will conform and say that the bowl is blue?

anorexia nervosa

Lindsey is extremely afraid of becoming obese even though she is underweight. She often checks her body in the mirror for any signs of fat and refuses to eat most foods because she insists they are fatty or high in calories. Lindsey most clearly demonstrates symptoms of

the fundamental attribution error

Ling just watched as someone darted their car in front of her while she was driving. Ling tells her passenger that the other driver is an inconsiderate idiot. Ling's explanation is due to

systematic desensitization

Lisa's therapist helped her overcome her fear of enclosed spaces by having her imagine being in gradually smaller and smaller rooms while she kept her body relaxed and her breathing slow. Lisa was probably undergoing

normative social influence

Luella publicly agrees with her seventh-grade classmates that parents should allow 13-year-olds to date. Later that day, she writes in her diary that she actually believes parents should prohibit kids from dating until they are at least 15 years old. Luella's public conformity to her classmates' opinion best illustrates the power of:

a panic attack

Lynae is terrified of going into elevators. The last time she was in one, she experienced intense heart palpitations, pressure in her chest, sweating, and dizziness. Lynae most likely had

antidepressant drugs

MAO inhibitors and tricyclics are two important types of


Marcus sees a comment on Twitter about his college basketball team, and he immediately tweets negative and verbally insulting comments. This in turn causes others to tweet nasty comments. The virtual anonymity provided by Twitter creates a loss of self-awareness and self-restraint called

outgroup homogeneity

Marshall, who is not a college athlete, thinks that all college athletes behave the same and have the same attitudes toward nonathletes. Marshall's thinking illustrates

a hallucination

Michael constantly hears the devil telling him to do evil things. He screams in order to block out the sound, but the devil's voice cannot be silenced. Michael is experiencing:


Mr. Santo has not left his home for 10 years for fear of having a panic attack. When he does think of leaving his home, he begins to hyperventilate, shake, and experience chest pains. Mr. Santo has the symptoms of


Mrs. Higgins believes that aliens from another planet have removed her stomach and are watching her to see how long it takes her to grow another one. Mrs. Higgins is most likely suffering from


One of the least effective ways to cope with stressful situations is through _____ coping.

both physical and emotional responses

Our reaction to a stressor can include

free association

Phani's therapist asks her to report everything that comes to mind no matter how trivial or bizarre it may seem. Phani's therapist is using


Psychoanalysis is considered to be one of the __________ therapies.


Psychoanalysts believe that the ego blocks problems from reaching consciousness by utilizing

the bystander effect

Recently, in a NYC subway tunnel, a man was pushed into the path of an oncoming subway train and no one helped him climb out. Instead, many people took pictures and video of the scene while he was killed. This societal breakdown is yet another example of which psychological phenomenon?


Research by Stone and colleagues (1994), in looking at conditions encouraging safe sex, found that students in the _____ group purchased condoms more than students in the other groups.

worse than

Reuben is a skilled violist who has been playing the viola for many years. When playing an audition for just his concertmaster, Reuben will most likely play _____ when he plays for an audience in a concert hall.


Rima always hated giving class presentations because she felt like the students in class were judging her. For her next presentation, she decided to focus on her ability to teach the class something, and she ended up enjoying her assignment. This example BEST illustrates what type of stress management?


Ron is a 22-year-old mechanic who suffers from claustrophobia. The most effective way to treat Ron's problem would involve ________ therapy.


SSRIs were originally created to treat

panic attacks

Several times in the past two months, Petra has experienced a racing heart, intense fear that something horrible is about to happen, and an inability to breathe. Petra most likely suffers from


Sheldon's therapist uses free association, resistances, dream analysis, and transference in an effort to get Sheldon to gain insight into the unconscious causes of his depression. Sheldon's therapist is applying

superordinate goals

Sherif planned a disruption of the water supply in a Boy Scout camp in order to observe how social relationships are influenced by:

out of sight, out of mind

Someone who believes the principle of proximity believes which of the following?

iatrogenic illness

Sometimes during treatment, a client develops a(n) _____, in which the therapist induces a disorder or symptom because the therapist becomes convinced that the client has the disorder, which in fact the client does not have.

perceptual confirmation

Stereotypes can be perpetuated by people seeing what they expect to see in different situations. This is called______.

romantic love

Sternberg claimed that __________ has much passion and intimacy, but little commitment.

exposure therapy

Systematic desensitization is a form of

posttraumatic stress disorder

Taryn, who was assaulted in a parking lot, experiences frequent nightmares and has withdrawn from her family and friends. Since the attack, she has had difficulty sleeping and can no longer hold down a job. Taryn's symptoms indicate that she has

one's thoughts, actions, and feelings

The "split" in schizophrenia involves a split between

biological predispositions plus an aversive environmental event will trigger an anxiety disorder

The diathesis-stress model of an anxiety disorder states that __________.

behave consistently

The foot-in-the-door technique is effective because of the pressure on individuals to

the correspondence bias

The fundamental attribution error is also referred to as

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