Psych Midterm

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Even some of our memories and our basic motivations are not always accessible to our conscious minds

Freud's subconscious

Researchers start with an observational field study to identify an effect in the real world, follow up with lab experimentation to verify the effect and isolate the causal mechanisms, return to field research to corroborate their experimental Findings

Full-cycle Psychology

A study that follow the same people over a long period of time (Weeks, months, etc)

Longitudinal Studies


Lorna is a romantic relationship with Nicki. She often worries that Nicki doesn't really want to be with her and that her desire to be close to her is scaring her away. Based on the "Attachment Through the Life Course" reading, which of the following BEST describes Lorna's attachment style in adulthood?

a lack of nurturing results in low IQ and slow emotional development

Romanian orphan study of the 1960's-1990's proves

a voltage-dependent Na+ channel to open

When the cell becomes depolarized and reaches the ToE, this causes


adolescence is associated with a surge of hormones, due to..

Starting with puberty, ending with transition to adulthood (10-20)

adolescence is defined as

risky behaviors

adolescence is synonymous with

Produce hormones, sit above kidneys, 6-7 years old, DHEA, Responsible for some or earliest puberty changes, sweat/odor

adrenal glands

the hypothalamus

both puberty hormonal processes are regulated by


bpa mimics the effects of


cell membrane not very permeable to ____ at rest

potassium, chloride

cell membrane very permeable to _____ at rest

the brain and spinal cord

central nervous system is made up

a lifelong tendency to overreact to a threat

chronic early exposure to vasopression could create...

influenced by amount of daylight to which you are exposed, work and activity schedule

circadian rhythm

Process of Learning Any skill, knowledge, or behavior that you require from experience

classical conditioning


classical conditioning ____ a response while operant conditoning ____ a response


classical conditioning refers to ___ behavior while operant conditioning refers to ____ behavior

Hour governs the beginning and end of activities

clock time

fluid-filled, Snail-shell-like bone structure containging auditory hair cells


division of the vestibucochlear nerve

cochlear nerve

-1 to 1

correlation is a number that ranges from...

Largest part of brain, Wrapping around side of brain


vision processing in primary visual cortex, Some for faces (fusiform face area), Some or body parts (extrastriate body area)

cortical regions

Type of Glucocorticoid, Steroid hormone, Carb metabolism, Stress response


stress hormone, primes body to respond to threat/stress



creation of the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi)

Abilities that develop and accrue through experience/schooling - ( Environment knowledge, Vocabulary, Relationship similarities)

crystalized intelligence

significant sensory information, a stimulus that has a particular significance to the perceiver


force on molecules to move from areas of high concentration to low concentration



diffusion pushes Cl- ____ inside because of high concentration outside


diffusion pushes K+ ____ of cell because of high concentrations inside

inside, outside

diffusion pushes Na+ ___ cell because of high concentration ____


disadvantage of longitudinal studies

objects that are further away on the ground are higher up in the field of view, up to the horizon

height in the field of view cues

part of limbic system, Related to formation of new memories / Short term to long term memory / Still developing in early childhood / Takes until 3 or 4 to remember


Individuals have explore options and made identity commitments

identity achievement

Adolescents neither explore nor commit to any identities

identity diffusion

it must be close

if an object is very different between one and the other,

get out of bed when you can't sleep!

if you have insomnia, it's best to _____

you're probably pretty good at others

if you're intelligent in one area/at one skill..

higher social skills and creativity

imaginary friends are correlated with....

one of the ossicles, the hammer


Financial independence, Marriage, parenthood

markers of the end of adolescence

the detailed study of the shape and size of the cranium as a supposed indication of character and mental abilities


franz gall

phrenology was founded by

large fundamental change

qualitative changes

timbre, Complexity of a sound wave, (Bright/dull)


Scientific discipline in which similarities among individuals are analyzed based on how biologically related they are

quantitaive genetics

gradual incremental changes

quantitative changes

Assigning participants to receive different conditions of an experiment by chance, Makes groups, on average, similar on all characteristics except where Manipulated, ONLY difference between groups should be independent variable

random assignment

experience poor parental monitoring and supervision, aspects of parenting that become more salient during adolescence

those who experience aggresion and antisocial behavior later in life are theorized to...


those with _____ attachment style will spend less time on facebook

unipolar, bipolar, multipolar

three main categories of neurons

body fat (better nutrition, body can change earlier), artificial light (hormones ramped up), clear plastic water bottles (BPA mimics effects of estrogen)

three theories for why puberty happens earlier these days

keep a dream journal by the bed

to become more aware of dreams....

auditory hair cell organization, organization according to frequency responded to

tonotopic organization

motor fuinction malfunction

too little dopamine is associated with


too much dopamine is associated with

Released from presynaptic terminal button, travel across the synaptic gap, activate ion channels on postsynaptic spine by binding to receptor sites

what do synaptic vesicles do

pctorial, linear perspective, height in field of view, familiar size, shadows

what cues allow us to detect 3 dimensions

Taking in information from other neurons/cells (skin, ears, eyes, etc)

what do dendrites do

Place at which axon of one neuron comes in close contact to the dendrite of another neuron


Package together groups of chemicals (neurotransmitters)

synaptic vesicles

developing a dislike for a taste/odor after getting sick from it

taste aversion conditioning

physical exercise, learning new things

techniques to "deter" aging

secure, anxious-resistant, avoidant

the attachment patterns

at greater risk for long-term antisocial behavior that extends to adulthood

those who begin aggresion and antisocial behavior early are...

Hormones can influence behavior, Behavior can sometimes influence hormone concentrations

what does it mean that hormones/behavior are bidirectional

breath, heart beat, food response, rest, sleep, no conscious awareness\

what does the cerebellum do

separates the cell from surrounding extracellular fluid

what does the neural cell membrane do

forms synapses with spines (protrusions) on the dendrites of other neurons

what does the terminal button do


who is more susceptible to pathological behavior following a lack of early love

ethan thorndike, bf skinner

who is responsible for instrumental/operant conditioning

ethan thorndike

who is responsible for the law of effect

Graded events that maky take seconds, minutes, hours to occur, Mediate long term processes (Growth, Development, Reproduction, Metabolism)

why are Hormonal messages are analog

interests of academic psychologists

APA represents...

adenosine triphosphate, cell energy


The participant's mood rating on a 10-point scale after the experiment.

If a nutritionist conducted a study examining the effects of sodium on mood, which of the following would be the DEPENDENT variable?

computer reaction time test that measures a person's automatic associations with concepts

Implicit associations Test (IAT)

behavior getting closer and closer to the behavior you want

Successive approximation

We respond strongly to multimodal stimuli than to the sum of each single modality together

Superadditive effect of multisensory integration

Questionnaires, Lower cost. Typically for correlational research


a junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter


Subscribing to a regular bedtime routine.

Tamir hasn't slept well in months. According to the "ABCs of ZZZZs" which of the following would be the BEST thing for him to try?

Sweet Salty Sour Bitter Umami (savory)

Tastants contained in foods

Taste buds are small divots around "buds" on tongue

Taste Receptor cells


a lack of exposure to androgens early in life which leads to ____ of the brain

People who retain memory ability, Brain gets smaller at a slower rate


Suite of responses in body that regulate arousal (Dilated pupils, Heart beating faster, Blood and sugar to muscles), Nervous system reactions that upregulate arousal When we're under stress

sympathetic nervous system

out of the spinal cord, in the rest of the body (not brain and spinal cord)

the peripheral nervous system is located

decision-making, Planing, Inhibition, Social interaction, Understanding others, self-awareness

the prefrontal cortex is involved in

3-4 months/decade

the puberty age has decreased at a rate of ____ since the 19th ce

-70 mV

the resting membrane potential is charged at approximately

Research on animals and how they might try to escape puzzle boxes, Cats



use of drugs (heroine, cocaine) desensitizes neurons to



protein/peptide hormones, Increases water reabsorption in kidney and affects learning/memory



vasopressin is neccessary for ....

Named after James Flynn, When waves of people are asked to take older tests, they outperform the original sample from years ago on which the test was normed

"Flynn Effect"

influenced by current value of associated goal

"Goal directed" behavior

Charles Spearman proposed idea that intelligence was one thing, a general factor. Observed that people who perform well in one intellectual area (verbal ability) perform in another (reasoning)


1832 - 1920 promoted idea that psychology could be an experimental field, 1875 - university of liepzig, 1879 - ESTABLISHES SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY WITH LAB EXPERIENCE, trains students to offer self-reports, INTROSPECTION, goal to ID elements of consciousness Mental Chronometry - reaction time 1883 - First Psych Lab in US

1832 - 1920 promoted idea that psychology could be an experimental field, 1875 - university of liepzig, 1879 - ESTABLISHES SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY WITH LAB EXPERIENCE, trains students to offer self-reports after listening to a ticking clock, INTROSPECTION, goal to ID elements of consciousness Mental Chronometry - reaction time 1883 - First Psych Lab in US

reproductive, surivavl

2 large classes of evolutionary adaptations

how much do we nature/nurture, are there qualitatively distinct stages

2 main q's at the heart of each cognitive development theory

intrasexual competition, intersexual selection

2 processess of sexual selection theory

rods and cones

2 types of eyeball cells

Monozygotic (single zygote), dizygotic (two eggs, two sperm)

2 types of twins

Strata i, ii, iii

3 levels of Carroll's intelligence

dendrites, soma, axon

3 main parts of a neuron

attention, retention, initiation, motivation

4 aspects of social learning theory

1. systematic observation 2. observation leading to testable hypotheses 3. science is democratic 4. science is cumulative

4 elements of science

frontal (front) , occipital (back) parietal (top of head) , temporal (near ears)

4 lobes of the cortex

1. Informed Consent 2. Confidentiality 3. Privacy 4. Benefits (participants should be aware of risks involved) 5. Deception (if deception necessary, participant must be de briefed)

5 elements of psychology code of ethics

Age of Identity Explorations, age of instability, self-focused age, age of feeling in-between, age of possibilities

5 features of emerging adulthood

Past Negative - aversion orientation towards past, Past Positive - nostalgia, Present Hedonistic - party today!, Present Fatalistic - helpless attitudeFuture - planning for the future, Future transcendental - recognizing the future is beyond death

6 temporal frames (Zimbardo and Boyd)


Androgens promote more ____ behavior

People living in remote, rural areas.

A New York City-based researcher recruits participants for her study by advertising on the subway. Her results are probably LEAST generalizable to:

testing predictions/hypotheses

A key aspect of psychological research is:

People who are less aggressive eat more pickles than do people who are more aggressive.

A researcher discovers a NEGATIVE correlation between the number of pickles eaten and aggression. Which of the following can she conclude?

A decreased sensitivity to strong light.

A scientist injects lab mice with a chemical that targets and destroys bipolar neurons. Based on the "Neurons" reading, which of the following symptoms would the mice MOST likely exhibit after being injected?

a channel that opens, allowing ions to enter or exit the cell, depending upon when the cell reaches a particular membrane potential

A voltage-dependent ion channel

those in education, industry, consulting, clinical work

AAAP serves...


APA and AAAP merged after

Sandra, who has a high IQ and lives in an affluent apartment building with a gym and organic grocery store allowing for healthy habits.

According to In the Expert's Chair with Dr. Elliot Tucker-Drob, which of the following is an accurate illustration of the impact of lQ on later health?

Mijka, who knows the meaning of many obscure words.

According to the "Intelligence" reading and lecture, which of the following individuals LEAST exhibits a high level of fluid intelligence?

It duplicates all their happy genes so they have extra pairs.

According to the "Leaving your Lamarck" podcast and the Expert's Chair with Dr. Champagne, which of the following is the LEAST accurate description of the effect of mother's licking on their pups?

Tapping a key as soon as you see an approaching stimulus enter your field of peripheral vision.

According to the "Sensation & Perception" reading, which of the following is the BEST example of signal detection?

A rapid, brief electrical current that pulses down the length of an axon to transmit a nerve impulse Either have signal or don't

Action Potential

100 mV

Action potential change in voltage

dreams are totally random, brain firing randomly

Activation Synthesis Model

easiest opportunity to observe how genes/environment work together, Genes not coming from environment/parentsr

Adoption Study

Who knows you better than you? You actually know how you feel, Versatile(Psychological states, beliefs, IQ, knowledge, etc.)

Advantages of the self report

primary somatosensory cortex

After Mechanoreceptors, touch signals sent through thalamus to

Alarmingly low levels of testosterone.

After a skateboarding accident, an MRI reveals Monish has damage to his hypothalamus. According to "The Brain and Nervous System," which of the following symptoms is he MOST likely to display following this brain injury?

Which traits his genes code for, which can then be used to predict his behaviors

After seeing this week's Psychology in the News segment, Matthias wants to have his genetic information analyzed. According to Psychology in the News, which of the following will he MOST likely learn from his saliva test?

It will likely have a positive impact on her performance both in her current class and next semester physics class as well.

Agatha is taking a physics class and her professor has decided to utilize repeated testing. Based on the Learning Lecture's Psychology in the News, which of the following best describes how this will likely affect Agatha's performance?

loss of ability to perceive visual stimuli, due to damage to cortical regions



Alcohol mimics the effects of

1857-1911, Developed modern intelligence tests, Goal was to develop a test that would identify schoolchildren in need of educational Support

Alfred Binet

Created individual test items with partner Theodore Simon to test intellectual capacity, First IQ test (intelligence quotient), Binet-Simon test, Divide child's mental age by chronological age to create overall quotient

Alfred Binet

Having her teammate reward her with a high five every time she makes a shot.

Aliza is using observational learning to improve her basketball jump shot. According to the Conditioning and Learning reading, which of the following is NOT an important part of this learning?

A mother scolds her 3-year-old for knocking his plate off the table.

All of the following activities are associated with the production of the neuropeptide oxytocin EXCEPT:

redesigned cockpit controls of aircraft to make them less confusing and easier to respond to

Alphonse chapanis

ECG, blood pressure, "sweat response" machine

Ambulatory Assessment

part of limbic system - FEAR response (ptsd, anxiety disorder)


hormone receptors

Any hormone can influence only cells that have specific


Applied Psychologists organized to create standards for education, training, licensure

something that's approximately the behavior you want


enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens


Low levels of sympathetic nervous system activity, indicating a low level of stress while he gave his answers.

Arthur took a lie detector test and it was determined that he was telling the truth. Based on What's Cooking in the Lab?, what was MOST likely to have been observed?

In one condition, students were NOT multitasking.

As a result of the in-class experiment, we were able to conclude that multitasking has a negative effect on attention. Which of the following study design elements contributed MOST to this causal determination?

John Bowlby, Notices that child explores/plays from secure base (Around mother)

Attachment System

The process of shining a spotlight on one thing so that we can make sense of it, enter into abstract thought, use info


Someone saying her name across the room

Aubrey is engaged in a conversation at a party. According to What's Cooking in the Lab on the cocktail party effect, which of the following is MOST likely to catch her attention and make her turn around?

An example of error management theory People overestimate how close objects are when sound is moving toward them)

Auditory looming bias

Long extension coming out of body, Connects to next neuron (or other cell, muscle cell, etc.), Can be some of the longest cells in the human body, Brain to spine down leg to toes


Flicka, a 13-year-old who has registered for the studio art, computer science, and volleyball electives so she can explore multiple hobbies.

Based on the "Adolescent Development" reading, which of the following examples of identity development BEST describes the MORATORIUM status?

Being able to symbolically represent the family, house, and pets in a handmade drawing.

Based on the "Cognitive Development in Childhood" Reading, which of the following BEST exemplifies the preoperational reasoning Piagetian stage?

Elliot, a father who agrees to let his teenage son go out on a weeknight as long as he is back by 11 PM.

Based on the "Developing Parent" reading, which of the following individuals BEST exemplifies the interdependent stage of parenthood?

Claudia, who identifies herself as a very spiritual being; her goals are designed with her soul's eternal well-being in mind.

Based on the "Time and Culture" reading, which is the best example of "Future Transcendental" temporal orientation?

Olga, who is mobile and has fallen off a swing multiple times.

Based on the Psychology in the News segment on fear maturation, which baby would have the STRONGEST fear response to being on the edge of a cliff?

Malone, who didn't steal a bike because he had no use for it.

Based on the Psychology in the News segment on moral development, who is 5-year-old Saskia likely to judge as MOST moral?

Trina, a 14-year-old girl who is good at following directions.

Based on what you learned about conscientiousness during What's Cooking in the Lab?, who would find it MOST difficult to inhibit their impulses and think before they act?

unconditioned + unconditioned

Before Conditioning there's a(n) ____ stimulus that elicits a(n) _____ response

Scientific study of the interaction between hormones and behavior

Behavioral Endocrinology

Science of how genes and environments work together to influence behavior

Behavioral Genetics

Early 20th Century, John B. Watson (1878-1958), & B. F. Skinner (1904-1990), Rejected any reference to mind and viewed overt and observable behavior as the proper subject matter of psychology, Hoped that laws of learning could be derived that could predict/control behavior, Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) Classical conditioning Supported idea that learning & behavior controlled by events in the environment and could be explained without reference to mind or consciousness, Dominated American Psych for decades


Studying external behavior and trying to look at objective parts


all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a process called conditioning. Thus, behavior is simply a response to environmental stimuli.

Behaviorist Psychology is the theory that....

more trustworthy

Bigger sample =

At the age of 25, Blake is the most conscientious that he will ever be.

Blake is 25 years old, and realizes that he is more responsible and goal-oriented than he was when he was 20. Which of the following is LEAST likely true?

animal learns to associate one CS with US - Bell paired with presentation of foodSecond stimulus (light) added alongside Bell w/ fod, Animal already learned bell association, doesn't learn light -> food, Bell BLOCKS light


The first time you eat or hear a band, When we build up to perception from individual pieces

Bottom-Up Processing

1949, Launched doctoral training in psych, Produced Scientist-Practitioner model of training

Boulder Conference on Graduate Education in Clinical Psychology

1867-1927 Student of Wundt's, Brought brand of experimental psych to America STRUCTURALISM - Interested in the contents of the mind Studied Adult Minds (Excluded mental deficiencies, children, animals)

Bradford Titchener

model of selective attnetion, Donald Broadbent, People select info on basis of physical features (sensory channel, pitch, color or font of visual message), Certain info doesn't make it past the filter, into analysis/short term memory

Broadbent's Filter Model

left side of brain, related to speech

Broca's Area

Type of Estrogen ("female" hormone), Steroid Hormone, Uterine and female tissue development, Sexual motivation and performance


not really, because Reliability is the first step

Can something be valid without being reliable?

Qualitative Design - Intensive examination of specific individuals in specific contexts, FREUD!, Hopefully what is learned from one individual can help others

Case Studies

He has experienced trauma and is able to dissociate easily.

Cedric made an appointment with a hypnotist to treat his chronic pain. Which of the following BEST explains why he was able to find relief from hypnosis?

target cells

Cells that have receptors for a hormone are called

Made up of the brain and spinal cord, Portion of nervous system encased in bone (brain protected by skull, spinal cord by spinal column), Sends electrical signals through neurons

Central Nervous System

Back of brain, Movement and posture, Coordinates unconscious awareness


Cerebral Cortex, "Newest" and most advanced portion of the brain, Cerebral hemispheres in charge of properties we are aware of (Speaking, Planning)


Spatial attention

Chad is on a hunting trip. He first scans the field in front of him, and then he looks up to the sky. According to the "Attention" reading, which of the following aspects of attention is Chad MOST reliant on as he searches for his prey?

reward / punishment

Children really sensitive to _____ , less so to _____

Homogametic mammals (XX), Heterogametic (XY)

Chromosomal Sex

Her limited cognitive resources were devoted to a memory task.

Clarissa is studying for her midterm at a coffee shop. As she quizzes herself on her notes, she fails to notice a clown walk right in front of her. Based on the "Failure of Awareness" reading, which of the following BEST explains why she didn't see the clown?

Learning an association between a stimulus and another stimulus

Classical conditioning

6/7-11/12, Children can think logically but cannot engage in systematic scientific reasoning

Concrete Operational Reasoning Stage

decrease impact of drug on body, body more sensitive to pain

Conditioned Compensatory Responses

Color/fine detail in bright light, Highest concentration in fovea (central region of focus)


Things that could undermine ability to draw causal inference (Placebo effect, Participant demand, experimenter expectations)


a statistic that measures how strongly associated are 2 things, If one thing goes up, does the other go up?



Correlation coefficient


Correlation does not equal

No intervention of behavior, Identify patterns of relationships, Usually cannot infer what causes what, ONLY 2 VARIABLES AT A TIME

Correlational Designs

Researchers measure variables as they naturally occur and compute the degree to which the two go together\

Correlational study

Seeing when and how he switches topics.

Cory spends 10 minutes journaling whatever comes to mind. Based on what you learned in lecture about free association, what from his writing would be MOST enlightening?


Creation of the AAAP (American Association for Applied Psychology)

preganancy, hormones often involved in mediating maternal behavior

Estrogens/progesterone concentrations elevated during

Personality is completely determined by experiences.

Dr. Patterson studies MONOZYGOTIC twins who were separated at birth and finds that they score exactly the same on a personality test. According to the "Nature-Nurture Question" reading, which of the following conclusions is the LEAST likely?

method for measuring electrical activity in brain


Negative reinforcement

Damon wants his sister to pick up after herself. He tells her he will stop teasing her once she starts being neater. What strategy is Damon using?

Conditioned stimulus

Dan eats Cheese Nips in bed every night before going to sleep. Yesterday, he ate Cheese Nips with his sandwich at work and found himself unusually sleepy afterward. In this example, what are Cheese Nips NOW?

Participants report retrospectively on a previous reconstructed day

Day Reconstruction Method (DRM)

Tree-like projections out of neuron, Antenni, aggregated in cell body


Humans have associated rats with infectious diseases.

Deniz, like many people, is afraid of rats that scurry on city streets. Based on the What's Cooking in the Lab segment about evolutionary learning, why is this?

Process by which peers reinforce problem behavior by laughing/showing other signs of approval that then increase the likelihood of future problem behavior

Deviant Peer Contagion

Participants complete a questionnaire about thoughts, feelings, behavior of the day at the end of the day

Diary method

Two different messages to different ears

Dichotic listening

Genetic factors that make individuals more/less responsive to environmental experiences

Differential Susceptibility model

Smallest difference needed in order to differentiate two stimuli

Differential threshold (difference threshold) or just noticeable difference (JND)

High temporal/spatial resolution, Infrared light to the brain, Light properties change as they pass through oxygenated blood and through active neurons

Diffuse Optical Imaging (DOI)

Poor Spatial Resolution (Not accurate with regards to specific location)

Disadvantage of EEG

Bias (You are delusional! About yourself) Requires us to use possibly limited cognitive ability, Social desirability factor

Disadvantages of self report

stimulus controlling operant response, "Sets occasion" for operant response

Discriminative Stimulus

the pattern of variation

Distribution of a variable

Domhnall is likely to migrate to many different states throughout his life.

Domhnall has scored in the top percentile of his class on an intelligence test. According to Psychology in the News on migration and intelligence, which of the following is MOST likely true of Domhnall (compared to those who did less well on the test)?

Don's hoarding behaviors

Don and Betty are expecting their first child together. Based on the parental investment theory, what would Betty LEAST likely perceive as a threat to her evolutionary goals?

Neither participant nor experimenter knows which condition participant is in (CONFOUND)

Double-blind procedure

Participants typically have the best insight into their private behavior.

Dr. Fortaleza is conducting a study on personal hygiene and plans to ask participants to give self-reports of their bathing habits. Which of the following is an advantage to using self-reports?

Students are randomly assigned to one activity or the other.

Dr. Gonsalves is studying whether the use of coping strategies reduces test anxiety. After listening to music OR running on the track, students are asked to report their anxiety an hour before each of their exams. Dr. Gonsalves can be MOST confident that activity type impacts anxiety if:

Informed Consent

Dr. Gosling is collecting surveys from people in a park. He is careful to let the participants know that the surveys are part of a research project and that they are free to not do the surveys if they don't want to. According to the "Why Science" reading, this step reflects a concern with:

Quasi-experimental, because relationship status cannot be randomly assigned.

Dr. Padir is interested in relationship status and self-esteem. She recruits individuals who are either single or in long-term, committed relationships, and asks them to rate their self-esteem. This research design is an example of:

Reliable, because his tool gave him the same measurement every day.

Dr. Zykaunas has developed a special tool for measuring BMI. He is sure it is working, because he measures his own BMI every day and gets the same number. When he goes to the nutritionist, however, he realizes his tool is off by 5 points. Dr. Zykaunas's tool is:

Decartes, Idea that the mind and the soul (spiritual) separate from the body (natural world)


Electroencephalography, Measures britain activity instead of blood flow, Electrodes on scalp


for studying electrical acitivty in brain, electrodes placed on skull


.1 to 40 mV

EPSPs and IPSPs change in voltage from

the degree to which an effect has been obtained under conditions typical for what happens in everyday life

Ecological Validity

Methodologies that repeatedly sample participants' real-world experiences, behavior, and physiology in real time

Ecological momentary assessment

optic nerve

Electrical signal sent through layer of cells in retina, travelling down

Small recorder used to capture snippets of ambient sounds

Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR)

idea that all knowledge comes from experience


How genes/environment interact


1800's, German scientist, conducts several experiments meant to investigate how people perceive the world via their own bodies, Placed 2 dots far apart on skin of a volunteer, Far apart? Easily distinguish between the two, Closer? Harder to distinguish "Just Noticeable Differences" depend where on the body you are (Back less sensitive than face)

Ernst Weber

researched releationship between mental/material PSYCHOPHYSICS: methods for measuring relationship between physical stimuli and perception, BASIS for psychology

Ernst Weber & Gustav Fechner

EMT predicts that whenever uncertain situations present us with a safer versus more dangerous decision, we will psychologically adapt to prefer choices that minimize the cost of errors

Error Management Theory (EMT)

1907-1996 1957- publishes "The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual", Proves no psychological differences between straight and gay men, De-pathologized homosexuality, Led to decision by APA to remove homosexuality from DSM in 1973

Evelyn Hooker

Scheduling determined by the flow of the activity, begin/end when participants "feel" time is right, social, Move by consensual feeling, Less punctual

Event Time

How have selection pressures shaped our DNA? (Conditions in environment (that may no longer be present) have shaped the psychology we have today)

Evolutionary psychology

A depolarizing current that causes membrane potential to become more positive and closer to the threshold of excitation, Strength dependant on EPSP

Excitatory Postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs)

Deciding where to devote mental/physical resources, Do all of one thing, then do all of another

Executive attention

Participants report momentary thoughts, feelings, behaviors at different points in time over the course of a day

Experience-sampling method

Researchers make changes to one variable and watch for changes in the other, Allow for CAUSAL INFERENCES

Experimental studies

When researcher's expectations influence outcome of a study (CONFOUND)

Experimenter Expectations

degree to which a study ensures that potential findings apply to settings and samples other than the ones being studied

External Validity

people associate cues with panic or other emotional trauma

Fear Conditioning

nation after WWII

Federal government urged AAAP and APA to work together to meet mental health needs of ...

People who are aware that their thoughts or behavior are being influenced by an undue, outside source, can correct their attitude against the bias

Flexible Correction model

11/12-death, Reasoning power of educated adults, Tends not to occur without exposure to formal education

Formal Operational Reasoning stage

1895-1954, first African American to earn PhD in Psychology, mentored by G. Stanley Hall

Francis Cecil Sumner

Pioneered psychological measurement, Measured various physical characteristics but also psychological attributes, Believed intelligence was inheritable, Tracked cambridge students' family trees, Established intelligence as a variable that could be measured

Francis Galton

cousin of darwin's, tested people's ability to distinguish between colors, invented self-report questionnaire, coined term nature-nurture

Francis Galton

1886-1969 Explored idea of constructive mind, recognizing that people use past experiences to construct frameworks in which to understand new experiences

Frederic C. Bartlett

Blood flow, Measures changes in levels of naturally occurring oxygen in blood, Brain becomes more active, requires more oxygen

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

theory that mental states are constituted solely by their functional role, which means, their causal relations with other mental states, sensory inputs and behavioral outputs


focuses attention on the utility and purpose of behavior that has been modified over years of human existence

Functionalist Psychology is the theory that....

1844-1924, FIRST PSYCH LAB IN AMERICA 1883 @ Johns Hopkins, FIRST PSYCH JOURNAL IN AMERICA 1887 American Journal of Psychology, 1892 - founded APA, 1909 - HOSTED FREUD at Clark University, only time Freud visited America, Interested in process of adaptation and human development, influenced by evolutionary theory, used surveys and questionnaires to study children

G. Stanley Hall

Major inhibitory neurotransmitter


Genes better able to encourage reproduction have an advantage over competing genes

Gene Selection Theory

1920-2012, Working memory research, The Magic Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information, Number of bits of information the average human can hold in working memory is 7 +/- 2

George Miller

Gamma waves during REM sleep

Georgina wants to experience lucid dreaming. Based on Psychology in the News, she should sign up for a study that activates:

Her executive system made visual information a priority, thereby allowing her to ignore distracting noises.

Gerta is babysitting two 5-year-old brothers. As they play loudly with their Legos, Gerta remains absorbed in watching her favorite TV show. Based on the "Think You're Multitasking?" reading, what BEST explains why Gerta was able to tune out the boys' noise?

Began in Germany by Max Wertheimer (1880-1943), Kurt Koffka (1886-1941), Wolfgang Kohler (1887-1967), Kurt Lewin (1890-1947), Studying the whole of any experience richer than studying individual aspects of the experience because Mind processes information simultaneously, not sequentially, Explored Learning and Thinking Developed further in america after jewish psychologists freed Nazi Germany, Precursor to rise of COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY in America

Gestalt Psychology

organisms perceive entire patterns or configurations, not merely individual components.[8] The view is sometimes summarized using the adage, "the whole is more than the sum of its parts."

Gestalt Psychology is the theory that....

non-neural brain cells

Glia Cells

excitatory neurotransmitter, our brains GO molecule


Harry Harlow placed young monkeys in cages that contained 2 surrogate "mothers" , One wire mother with food, One soft, caring cloth mother, Strong emotional bond that infants form with primary caregivers is rooted in something more than whether the caregiver provides food, "Contact comfort"

Harlow's research on contact comfort

1874-1947 Early 20th Century - examined assumption that women were overemotional

Helen Thompson Woolley

1866-1957 Introduced Binet's test to the US

Henry Goddard

Varying from 0 to 1Single measure of genetics' influence of a trait, Measures how strongly differences are related to genes

Heritability Coefficient

1821- 1894 measured speed of the neural impulse, explored physiology of hearing and vision, SENSES CAN DECEIVE US! NOT A MIRROR OF THE EXTERNAL WORLD, proved that mind could be measured using methods of science, there is a psychological reality and a physical reality

Herman von Helmholtz

1930's began studying action potential (large axon in squid), nobel prize in medicine 1963

Hodgkin and Huxley

Adolescents who are similar to one another choose to spend time together and influence each others' behavior


Organic chemical messengers produced and released by specialized glands called endocrine glands into blood, where they travel to act on target structures some distance from origin


Influence systems so that specific stimuli are more likely to elicit certain responses, Hormones change probability that a particular behavior will be emitted in the appropriate situation

Hormones do not cause behavioral changes, but they...


How did emotions and expressions of emotions help your ancestors survive? According to the "History of Psychology" reading, this question best reflects a/an _________ perspective.

Attentional system makes use of extra areas of the brain (long term memory, working memory), Use short term/long term memory to help attentional systems out, Top-down systems/resources for attention!, Switching turbo on for situations when we need it

How do you make yourself pay attention in high-stress situations?


How many psych labs in the US in 1900?

1863-1916 Harvard, Employee selection, eyewitness testimony, psychotherapy

Hugo Munsterberg

30 miles

Human eye capable of detecting candlelight from ____ away in the dark

Hvitserk's prefrontal cortex is still undergoing development.

Hvitserk is 17 and is obsessed with extreme sports that routinely put his life in danger. Based on "The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain," which of the following is the MOST likely explanation?

manipulated by the researcher

Independent variable

muscles involved in movement of neck, eyes, etc

Info sent from vestibular system through vestibular nerve To

Somebody else reporting on an individual

Informant report

A hyperpolarizing current that causes the membrane potential to become more negative and further away from the threshold of excitation, How much depends on strength of IPSP

Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP)

Learning an association between a behavior and its effect/outcome

Instrumental conditioning

degree to which a study allows unambiguous causal inferences

Internal Validity

Russian Physiologist, Interested in digestion - how does saliva work with stomach, etc, Dog study, How do dogs produce saliva? Dogs would salivate when Pavlov appeared without food present , Classical Conditioning (Pavlovian conditioning)

Ivan Pavlov

1860-1944, PhD with Wundt, Assessment of individual differences, Influenced by Galton, Believed mental abilities (intelligence) inherited and could be measured, Believed smarter people should reproduce (Eugenics), developed Columbia psych dept, functionalist

James McKeen Cattell

Her depth perception will be impaired.

Janine is trying to navigate a maze with one eye open and one shut. Which of the following BEST describes how using one eye will affect her?

Coined word biology, 1800's, What a person does in lifetime could be directly passed to kids (Blacksmith swinging hammer all day, Passes strong arm on to children)

Jean-Baptite Lamarck

1915-2016 1950's - studies on cognitive aspects of sensation and perception

Jerome Bruner

that classical conditioning is not responsible for mother-child attachment, warmth & nurturing is necessary for development

John Harlow's Rhesus monkey experiment proved..

promoted empiricism (idea that all knowledge comes from experience), emphasized role of the human observer and the primacy of the senses in defining how the mind comes to acquire knowledge, taught until 1800's

John Locke and Thomas Reid..

Cocaine is a dopamine agonist that, over time, decreases the brain's responsiveness to rewards.

Jolene, a cocaine addict, reports a loss of interest in pleasurable activities such as having sex or enjoying meals. According to the Expert's Chair with Dr. Dominguez, this is MOST likely because:

A pre-registered study that yielded the same results with a bigger sample size.

June reads an interesting study on parapsychology but is skeptical of its findings. Which of the following replication studies would INCREASE her confidence in the original study's results?

Growth mindset

Keith is learning a new programming language and has been struggling with his code. However, he knows that as long as he keeps working hard at it, it will get easier over time. Based on the expert's chair segment with Dr. Yeager, this is an example of:

model of selective attention, Response selection model, Deutsch and Deutsch, All information in unattended ear processed on basis of meaning, not just selected/highly pertinent info, Only info relevant for task response gets into conscious awareness

Late Selection Models

If some action brings about a positive outcome, it will be more likely to be repeated

Law of effect

When a behavior has a positive (satisfying) effect or consequence, likely to be repeated in the future, When a behavior has a negative (painful/annoying) consequence, less likely to be repeated

Law of effect

1886-1939 Found that menstruation did not impact cognitive or motor abilities

Leta S. Hollingworth

Emphasizes how other people and the attitudes, values, and beliefs of the surrounding culture influence children's development

Lev Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory of cognitive development

1877-1956 Standardized Binet's test at Stanford

Lewis Terman

Ability of eyes to adjust to light, Rods/Cones bleached at once (blinded by light), almost instantly

Light Adaptation

1867-1956, PhD with Wundt, Returned to UPenn & Opened WORLD'S FIRST Psych Clinic 1896, Founded clinical/school psychology

Lightner Witmer

1878-1972, Industrial psychology, Engineering psychology, Designed kitchen appliances (Pop-up trashcan, Refrigerator door shelving)

Lillian Gilbreth

Highly specialized neural structure, emotion regulation, Forebrain and hindbrain regions (Amygdala, thalamus, hippocampus, insula cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex) (Hunger, sleep-wake cycle, sexual desire, fear and aggression, memory)

Limbic System

studying online behavior - Word frequency count, extracts grammatical/psychological info

Linguistic Analyses

the self-focused age

Lupita just got a well-paying job and is living on her own for the first time. She spends her weekends shopping, taking pilates classes, and networking. Based on the "Emerging Adulthood" reading, which feature of emerging adulthood does this BEST exemplify?

Studied psychology of race, Demonstrated ways in which school segregation negatively impacted self-esteem of African American children, Influenced 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling!

Mamie Phipps Clark & Kenneth Clark

Foreclosure, Identity diffusion, moratorium, identity achievement

Marcia's Four Identity Stati

1871-1939 First Doctoral Student of Titchener, First woman to earn PhD in Psych in America in 1894, 2nd Woman elected president of APA in 1921

Margaret Floy Washburn

Roughly 1/sqrt(sample size)

Margin of error

An increase in worry about her personal safety.

Margot is injected with a shot of cortisol. Based on lecture and the "Hormones and Behavior" reading, which of the following behaviors is she MOST likely to exhibit?

1863-1930, Student of William James' at Harvard, Harvard REFUSED to grant diploma because woman, first woamn elected president of APA in 1905

Mary Whiton Calkins

Allow for conversion of one kind of energy into form brain can understand


Like experimental research, No random assignment or variable manipulation, Cannot reasonably draw same conclusions you can as with experimental design

Quasi-Experimental Designs

Dreaming necessary to consolidate our memories - Filtering out unimportant stuff

Memory Consolidation Model

the study of reaction time in perceptual-motor tasks

Mental Chronometry

Testing varying intensities of a sense (louder beep test), Effort to determine point/threshold at which person begins to sense stimulus

Method of limits test

He experienced spontaneous recovery.

Mikhail was afraid of spiders. He gradually exposed himself to pictures of spiders, followed by videos of spiders, until he was no longer fearful of spiders. Last week, however, Mikhail saw a spider in his shower and his fears returned! Which of the following BEST explains Mikhail's recent reaction to spiders?

a state of higher consciousness that includes an awareness of the thoughts passing through one's head


Minh's attention will be constantly switching from one task to the other.

Minh is driving and simultaneously texting his friend to let him know that he's running late. According to our expert in the chair, Dr. Markman, which of the following is TRUE?

One activity at a time. Linear sequence

Monochronic Time (M-Time)

Recall what she ate for lunch earlier.

Morgan suffered a blow to the head that damaged her hippocampus. Which of the following would she find MOST difficult to do?

One sense has potential to influence how we perceive info from another

Multimodal Perception

model of selective attention, Stage at which selection occurs can change depending on task Johnston and Heinz, Some conditions, we can select what to attend to at a very early stage, Late selection possible, requires more effort, We have flexibility to change how we deploy our attention

Multimode Mode

brain & spinal cord cells


rising or depolarizing phase of action potential

Na+ that rushes inside the cell is responsible for

Qualitative design -Study of stories and personal accounts of people, groups, or cultures, Examine people's personal testimonies, Study what is said and how it's said

Narrative Analysis

Funding made available that allowed APA, Vet Admin, PHS to work together to develop training programs that would produce research into the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders.

National Mental Health Act of 1946

take away something aversive in response to unwanted behavior

Negative Reinforcement

As one variable goes up, the other goes down

Negative correlation

The interface between the endocrine system and nervous system


Organization for economic cooperation and development


industrialized countries

OECD countries are the

learning by watching

Observational Learning

His tertiary, science-based education allowed him to use logic on abstractions.

On an IQ test, Jiraf successfully answers questions that require him to use logic when manipulating abstract symbols. Based on James Flynn's TED talk, what BEST explains why Jiraf is able to complete this task?

cancel each other out

One small EPSP and one small IPSP,

"Operates"the environment, Voluntary action

Operant Behavior

Choice, Response always requires choosing one behavior over others

Operant Conditioning Involves _____

Taking a concept, turning into a number - X as measured by Y, Speed as measured by Number of Seconds to get from A to B

Operational Definition

color vision theory that Cones send info to retinal ganglion cells, Respond to pairs of colors (red-green, blue-yellow, black-white), Cells compute difference between 2 colors

Opponent-process theory

20% of all sleep, dreaming

REM sleep

Idea that men and women have a minimum amount of effort person must make to pass genes on to someone

Parental investment theory

Participants try to behave in a way they think the experimenter wants them to behave (CONFOUND)

Participant demand

Qualitative design - Researcher embeds themself into group to study dynamics (Usually no knowledge of being studied)

Participant observation

1880's / studied dead friend's brain who had lost power of speech

Paul Broca

Toad guy, claims to have bred quickly to mate in water, pads on hands

Paul Kammerer

will have different shaped heads/brains (lumps)

People with different abilities - because abilities are rooted in the brain ...

Process of making sense of the world


Complex network of nerves that travel to every part of the body / Carries signals necessary for body to survive / Some voluntary actions / Some involuntary

Peripheral Nervous System

Muscles of missing limb clenching

Phantom Limb Pain

frequency of a sound wave


Several activities at once, Strong involvement with people

Polychronic (P-Time)

both variables go up together

Positive correlation

Records metabolic activity in brain by detecting amount of radioactive substances, Injected into blood stream, Allows us to see how much an individual uses a particular part of the brain while at rest, not performing a task

Positron Emission Topography (PET)

idea that an organism's evolutionary history can make it easy to learn a particular association


Readily activating certain concepts and associations from one's memory (Activation of certain thoughts/feelings that make them easier to think and act upon)


Less likely to benefit from additional cues from other modalities if the initial unimodal stimulus is strong enough

Principle of inverse effectiveness

1925-1997, Studied language and memory "Flashbulb memory" Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

Roger Brown

Investing in a brain training app membership and engaging in daily practice.

Priyanka wants to improve her cognitive functioning. Based on the "Brain Training" reading, which of the following will LEAST likely improve her cognitive abilities?

type of progestin


protein/peptide hormone, Reproduction, water balance, parental care


inability to recognize faces


Manipulation and intrusion into adolescents' emotional and cognitive world through invalidating adolescents' feelings and pressuring them to think in particular ways

Psychological Control

social action and change, Challenge assumptions, stereotypes, stigma

Psychologists - agents of ...

the branch of psychology that deals with the relationships between physical stimuli and mental phenomena.


used to reduce a behavior


Paticipant observation, case studies, narrative analysis

Qualitative designs

effectiveness of a reinforcer at strengthening operant response depends on amount of reinforcement for all alternative behaviors

Quantitative Law of Effect

Increased attention span

Rajita stays up for three days straight, relying on energy drinks to keep herself awake during midterms. According to the Expert in the Chair, Dr. Schnyer, which of the following symptoms is she LEAST likely to experience?

Gives every member of the population an equal chance of being selected, Number every member or population, randomly select numbers

Random Sample

an outcome that increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring


animals will perform a behavior depending on how much they currently want—or "value"—its consequence

Reinforcer Devaluation Effect

how much a measurement will give you a consistent answer time and time again


After extinction, if CS is tested in a new context, CR can return. Extinction may just inhibit rather than erase learned behavior

Renewal Effect

Responsible for our ability to see in dim light, Highest concentration in periphery


1911, concluded discrete individual neurons are the structural and functional units of the nervous system (Based on drawings he did did on Golgi-stained tissue by Camillo Golgi), examined full anatomical structure of individual neurons for first time determined distinguishable processing units, not continuous structures

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

This is a great university and I know you're smart enough to be here.

Sasha is a first-generation college student and is struggling with his coursework. Based on "How to Motivate Students," which of the following statements from a professor would be the LEAST motivational to keep working at his classes?

She highlighted all of the relevant sections in her textbook, and re-read the information 5 times.

Satine did not do well on her exam. Which of the following study strategies did she MOST likely use?

systematic observation in order to acquire knowledge


others being able to reproduce findings

Scientific claims gain credibility by

Some information attended to, while other information is intentionally blocked out, Ability to select certain stimuli in the environment to process, while ignoring distracting information

Selective attention

easiest type of psychological measure, Asking people


Our receptors stop responding to unchanged stimulus

Sensory Adaptation

Ovum (X Chromosome) fertilized by sperm bearing either Y or X chromosome

Sex Determination

Individual asked to repeat audio as it's presented


rewarding intermediary steps - "Jonah, take a bath" Stop playing with toys, Go upstairs, Turn on water, Take off clothes, Sit in bathtub


A specialized large magnet

Shreya is designing an fMRI experiment to study memory. Which of the following will she need for the experiment

the method used to measure absolute thresholds, Present stimuli of varying intensities to research participants in order to determine level at which he/she can reliably detect stimulation in a given sense

Signal Detection

Sigurd will try to follow his mother out the door.

Sigurd is distressed when his mother leaves him with his nanny. If his attachment is secure, how is this MOST likely going to affect him?

we conclude that the study provides evidence for Something

Small p-value means

Albert Bandura - Individuals can learn novel responses via observation of key others' behavior

Social Learning Theory


Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)

Transduces physical stimuli into electrical potentials that can be processed by the brain


Physical stimulus for audition

Sound Waves

Refers specifically to how we focus on one part of our environment and how we move attention to others

Spatial attention

falling asleep (theta waves)

Stage 1 of sleep (NREM 1/N1)

light sleep, sleep spindles, high intensity brain waves, associated with processing memories, 55% of all sleep

Stage 2 - NREM 2/N2

20-25% of all sleep, delta waves

Stage 3 - NREM 3/N3

developed by Binet for Stanford

Stanford-Binet test

Idea that mental access to a particular stereotype can have real-world impact on a member of stereotyped group, If you are told that you will do worse on math exam because of who you are (woman), you will do worse

Stereotype Threat

when operant behavior is controlled by a stimulus that precedes it

Stimulus control

Lab task for studying infant-parent attachment, 12 month old infants and parents are brought to lab, over period of 20 minutes, systematically separated from and reunited with one another

Strange Situation

theory that implies that elements of human culture must be understood by way of their relationship to a broader system.


it is possible to break down mental processes into the most basic components

Structuralist Psychology is the theory that....

She will spend about two hours around midnight each night in a conscious but meditative state.

Taylor volunteers for a study in which she lives in the wilderness for three months, only experiencing natural light. Based on the "How to Sleep" TED Talk, which of the following is MOST likely to happen to her sleep schedule?

how we regard our past, present, and future

Temporal Orientation

Parents evaluate entire experience, prepare for child's departure

The Departure Stage of parental development

The important role that observing behavior plays in psychological science.

The main purpose of the Candid Camera video of students' reactions to attractive teachers was to show:

sexual differentiation

The process of becoming male or female is called

membrane potential neuron must reach to initiate an action potential, Typically around -50 mV

Threshold of excitation

protein/peptide hormone Increases Oxidation rates in tissues and affects neural development


When stimuli we've experienced in our past influences how we process new stimuli

Top-Down Processing

State of consciousness characterized by the experience of "out of body" possession, less voluntary control over behaviors and actions

Trance States

process by which specialized cells in body convert physical energy (lightwaves, sound waves, touch/pressure) into electrical signals that can be sent from one neuron to another


model of selective attention, Anne Treisman, We do monitor unattended information to some degree on basis of meaning, Selection starts at physical/perceptual level, unattended info not blocked completely , weakened/attenuated

Treisman's Attenuation Model

color vision Theory that cones prefer green, red, blue, Doesn't explain afterimages (19th century)

Trichromatic Theory

second X chromosome missing/damaged

Turner Syndrome

one large EPSP

Two small EPSPs at the same time result in

Intrasexual competition

Tyler C. auditions to be on a TV show where a group of men compete to get romantic attention from a single woman. Based on the "Evolutionary Theories in Psychology" reading, what is this situation MOST similar to?

1973 - Proposed scholar-practitioner model, Psy.D. Degree, Emphasizes clinical training/practice

Vail Conference on Professional Training in Psychology

how much a measurement measures what we're interested in and not something else


Reinforcement of others in a social model that affects our own behavior

Vicarious Reinforcement

An example of error management theory (People will overestimate the distance when looking down from a height)

Visual Descent Illusion

Psychology of advertising and marketing

Walter D. Scott & Harry Hollingworth


We share 88% of DNA with

bigger stimuli require larger differences to be noticed

Weber's Law

David Wechsler sought to create superior measure of intelligence, Critical of Binet's reliance on verbal ability, Test tapped wide range of intellectual abilities, Remember, compute, understand language, reason well, process info quickly

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

ocular motor cue, brain's awareness of hiow much muscles in eye are having to make les thick/thin


positively charg4ed at +40mV

When Na+ rushes inside of the cell, the inside of the cell becomes _____


When at resting potential, ion channels are


When did Tichener organize the Society of Experimental psychology?


When did psychologists turn to cognitive psychology

enzymatic pathways, gene activation, protein synthesis

When hormone interacts with target cells, Lead to activation of ___ or turns on/off ____ that regulates ____

Na+ rushes inside of the cell

When ion channels opened, because of diffusion and electrostatic pressure forces


When was the American Psychological Society founded?

we stop paying attention to it

When we experience a sensory stimulus that doesn't change over time....

One of Roxanne's neurons just "fired," suggesting a sufficient amount of GABA was taken in by this neuron.

Which of the following examples is the LEAST accurate in describing the effects of different neurotransmitters?

Choosing a new recipe to make and buying ingredients for it.

Which of the following experiences is NOT an example of top-down processing?

Sadness as measured by feeling blue.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an operational definition of sadness?

Elevated blood pressure in doctors' offices but not elsewhere

White Coat Hypertension

1842-1910, Principles of Psychology (1890) - Proposed that consciousness is ongoing and continuous, Cannot be isolated/reduced to elements, Consciousness helped us adapt to our environment, Choice making/personal responsibility

William James

match groups (compare like with like)

Without random assignment, you need to


Zora is developing prosthetic eyes for her robot. These "eyes" convert light waves to electrical signals, which get sent to a computer. What function are these eyes performing?


_____ has restorative, healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties


a better developed frontal lobe makes us better at

our genetics greatly influence our makeup, despite our developmental environment

a twin study can prove that

Minimum amount of stimulation needed to detect a stimulus 50% of the time

absoluite threshold

process of associating the neutral stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus


signal carried down axon to another neuron

action potential

transient electrial current conducted down the axon, all or nothing response that occurs when there is a change in the charge or potential of the cell from its resting membrane potential (-70 mV) in a more positive direction, which is a depolarization

action potential

saltatory conduction

action potential jumping from node of ranvier to node of ranvier is called

increases the likelihood that you have survived and reproduced so that your genes have passed onto next generations


lower cost

advantage of surveys

Perhaps less bias

advantages of the informant report

72 hrs

after ____ hrs without sleep, we start to freak out

conditioned + conditioned

after conditioning, a(n) ____ stimulus elicits a(n) _____ response

cochlear nerve

after the cochlea, sound sent down


after the cochlear nerve, sound is sent to the


after the optic nerve, electrical signal passes through

primary visual cortex

after the thalamus, the electrical signal passes through the

feature of emerging adulthood, Not adolescent, not adult, Late twenties, early thirties, finally adult

age of feeling in-between

feature of emerging adulthood, People explore various possibilities in love and work as they work towards making enduring choices, Develop more definite identity, Understanding of who they are, What capabilities and limitations are, Beliefs/values, How they fit into society

age of identity explorations

feature of emerging adulthood, Unstable lives, Moves from one residence to another

age of instability

feature of emerging adulthood, Many different futures remain possible, Little about direction has been decided for certain, High hopes and great expectations

age of possiblities


alcohol can disrupt


alcohol's disruption of _____ results in memory loss

nucleotides in a certain order

all of dna is made up of

8-13 hz

alpha sleep frequency

edge of sleep, visualization and meditation

alpha sleep is

intensity of a sound wave (Loudness)


inability to feel pleasure


negatively charged ions


loss of smell


self-affirmation before threat occurs

antidote to stereotype threat

Incredibly distraught when caregiver leaves, Can't be comforted when caregiver returns, Less good social and emotional functioning later in life

anxious attachment style


apart from the ability to dissociate, ____ makes people susceptible to hypnosis


are familiar size cues monocular or binocular


are height in the field of view cues monocular or binocular


are infants afraid of heights


are linear persepective cues monocular or binocular


are pictorial cues monocular or binocular


are shadow cues monocular or binocular

no! a finite number

are there infinite neurotransmitters?


are we more likely to attend to meaningful or trivial information


are we more likely to notice simple or complex

objects in motion

are we more likely to notice still or moving objects

a sense of safety

at the heart of the benefits of love is...


at what BAC do we risk death

10 years old

at what age are boys the most neurotic


at what age are we the worst at conscientiousness

15 years old

at what age are women the most neurotic


at what age does distinction between reality/fantasy appear?

3 to 8

at what age(s) do kids come to figure out which things are real and which aren't

all stages!

at what stage of sleep do we dream

a motivational system designed by natural selection to regulate proximity to an attachment figure - Like a thermostat, consistently monitors proximity to attachment figure

attachment behavioral system

1940's by John Bowlby

attachment theory

social learning theory - pay attention to what we're observing


in cochlea, Arranged on basilar membrane according to frequency they respond to (Tonotopic oorganization)

auditory hair cells

automatic systems, like heart beating, breathing

autonomic nervous system

Child would be nonchalant if caregiver leaves, Play may be affected, Caregiver returns, might ignore, Less good social and emotional functioning later in life

avoidant attachment style

sensing the world and perceiving the world around you


Main source of output of the neuron, Process that extends far away from the soma and carries an important signal


bottom (spinal cord) up, inside out

basic structure of the brain


because drug use causes dopamine release, it's similar to


before conditioning there's a(n) ______ stimulus that elicits no conditioned response

Behavior could be explained in terms of environmental factors


13-40 hz

beta sleep frequency


beta sleep is

cues that require 2 eyes

binocular cues

Two eyes have different locations, image focused on each retina slightly different angle, Provides us with our perception of 3D space (binocular vision)

binocular disparity

one axon, one dendrite

bipolar neuron structure

Perception of light in the retina of the eye, Help acquire and pass SENSORY INFORMATION to various centers of the brain

bipolar neurons

kids who observed violent behavior acted more violently with doll

bobo doll experiment

the 20s

brain (frontal lobe) continues to develop until

2 percent

brain is about what percent of our weight


brain processes colors in

Most basic structure of brain, Located at top of spine, bottom of brain, "Oldest" part of brain - lizard brain, "Life support" functions (Breathing, Digestion, Heartbeat)

brain stem


caffeine stimultes ___

serotonin system

caffeine suppresses ____


can we multitask?


can we use our genes to predict personality/behavior?

postiviely charged ions


corpus callosum

cerebral hemispheres connected by.a thick bundle of axons called

cortex, limbic system


high, outside

chloride in ______ concentrations _____ cell

Shift from concrete to more abstract and complex thinking, Improvements in attention, memory, processing speed, metacognition (ability to think about thinking and therefore make better use of strategies like mnemonic devices), c hanges in brain's dopaminergic system contribute to, Increases in sensation-seeking and reward motivation, Brain's cognitive control centers in prefrontal cortex develop, increasing adolescent's self-regulation and future orientation, More risk taking during middle adolescence, Driving, smoking, drinking, No impulse control

cognitive changes during adolescence

development of thinking across the lifespan

cognitive development

black/white, yellow/blue, red/green

color opposites

decreasing (earlier)

compared to history, the age that men and women go through puberty is

in the center of the retina

cones are only located

Associated with inhibiting impulses Thinking before you act


10 to 14

conscientiousness is at its worst in children ages

frontal lobe

conscientiousness is attributed to the

late teens

conscientiousness levels rise rapidly in children in their

what we feel like in the moment, what we are deciding to do


a dimmer switch that can be turned up and turned down

consciousness can be thought of as

brain is opposite sided (left stuff on right side)


ocular motor cue, brain's awareness of how much the eyeballs are converging


EPSP summation depolarizes membrane, if threshold of excitation is reached, action potential initiated, action potential travels down axon away from soma, until terminal button, action potential initiates release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic terminal button into synaptic gap, EPSPs and IPSPs caused by neurotransmitters in dendritic spines of next cell, neurotransmitters bind with ionotrtopic receptos in lock-and-key fashion, ion channels open, allowing some ions to enter/exit the cell, cycle continues

cycle of neuron communication

The ability for eyes to adjust to low levels of light, 10 minutes, Rods become bleached in normal light conditions, require time to recover, Red light does not cause rod bleaching

dark adaptation

Examine the mental processes that produce thinking at any one time and the transition to processes that lead to growth in that thinking

david klahr's information processing theory

deep sleep

delta sleep is

Processes that extend outward from the soma (cell body) of a neuron and typically branch several times, receive information from thousands of other neurons, are the main source of input of the neuron


observed/measured by the researcher

dependent variable

periods during which children reasoned similarly about many superficially different problems, occuring in a fixed order

developmental stages

Poor Temporal Resolution (Cannot tell us exactly when brain activity occurred, takes several seconds for blood to arrive at a portion of the brain working on the task

disadvantages of PETs and fMRIs

Results might not be in touch with reality, however, because of lab setting, Do results even apply to everyday life/Can we generalize results to the real world

disadvantages of lab experiments

Maybe more costly, Less access to internal experience

disadvantages of the informant report

Separation of one's awareness from everything besides what one is centrally focused on



do boys go through puberty later than girls


do children need to develop attachment to a MATERNAL figure?

no, they are probabilistic, not deterministic

do early attachment styles shape our adult attachment styles?


do placebo effects influence the brain shape in addition to imagination?


do rods or cones provide info about color


do we have more voluntary control over neural or hormone signals


do we stop growing brain cells when we reach adulthood?


does alcohol kill brain cells?


does brain training make you smarter?


does frequent testing help learning

no, hypnsosis makes people more suggestable and ready to say whatever comes to mind

does hypnosis aid if uncovering forgotten memories?

not much

does subliminal messaging affect our purchasing

reward neurotransmitter, feeling good is associated with the production of dopamine


vision "where" pathway

dorsal pathway

neutral and unconditioned

during conditioning, there's an repeated assocation between ____ stimulus and ____ stimulus


during puberty, testosterone levels increase...


during puberty, women's ovaries produce


during the hypothetical 2 hour meditative sleep hour, there;'s a surge of


early steroid hormone treatment causes relatively irreversible and permanation ___of rodent behavior

sleepy, relaxed, slurred speech,

effects of GABA

outside, outside

electroastatic pressure pushes Cl- ____ cell because - charge is attracted to + charge ____ cell

inside, inside

electroastatic pressure pushes K+ ____ cell because + charge is attracted to - charge ____ cell

force on two ions w/ similar charge to repel and force of two ions with opposite charge to attract

electrostatic pressure

inside, inside

electrostatic pressure pushes Na+ ____ cell because + charge attracted to - charge ____ cell

Research demonstrating limits/unreliability of eyewitness testimony/memory

elizabeth loftus


endocrine glands release

changes that occur due to environment, not genes


cues to suggest that something is fantastical rather than real

evidence (in terms of development)

wrinklier, to increase surface area of the brain

evolution has caused the surface of the brain to get ...

babies born too early, Compared to other species, human brains bigger relative to body than any other species. More adaptive learners

evolutionary psychology theory of development

flashcards, diagramming, quizzing yourself

examples of active learning strategies

increase chance that subsequent neuron will have action potential

excitatory neurotransmitters...


exposure therapy helps to cause _____ of a conditioned response

a conditioned response getting weaker over time


magnet measuring blood flow (iron in blood), measures which parts of brain are active


We are familiar with the size of something, so we can tell how far something is if the size is standardized compared to another

familiar size cues

both taste and smell

flavor is produced by

Manipulate abstract information in mind

fluid intelligence

Individual commits to identity without exploring options


.5 - 3.0 hz

frequency of delta sleep

20 Hz - 20kHz

frequency of sound waves humans can detect

"Royal road to the unconscious", Psychological problems result from people being unaware of/repressing some dark, dangerous drives, Threatening, so we repress, We get glimpse through dream analysis

freud's model of dreaming

Behavioral motor plans, Speech, language, creative problem solving, planning, organization, Primary Motor Cortex (Strip running along side of brain, Voluntary movements)

frontal lobe

most awake, heightened perception

gamma sleep is

nodes of ranvier

gaps in myelin sheaths are called


gene Mutations that are ____ have been passed on

A series/sequence/section of nucleotides that together code for something that the cell wants to make (a protein, for example)


Belief that a person is who they are because of their biology (Incorrect - we know from a lot of research that just because something has a genetic influence doesn't mean that it necessarily is immutable)

genetic essentialism

all of the instructions that cells need to carry out functions of daily life

genome contains

At larger risk for anxiety and depression

girls who experience puberty early


glutamate is necessary for

Sex determined by ovaries/testes

gonadal sex

Gonads, testosterone, Bigger, muscles, hair, 10 fold more testosterone, WOMEN HAvE TOO! For sexual problems, doubling over course of adolescence, Estrogens, Woman's ovaries produce estradiol, MEN HAVE TOO!


belief that ability can improve with practice (intelligence is mutable)

growth mindset

the belief that improvement is possible

growth mindset

Chemical messengers (like neurotransmitters), Travelling throughout entire body (not just neurons) / Variety of effects


5 nm thick

how big is the synaptic gap (synaptic cleft)

give a stressed response to every question

how do you trick a lie detector

Learned knowledge, School, vocabulary, Keep getting better until ages 65/70

how does crystalized intelligence change over the lifetime

Children get better and better with age, Peak late adolescence, early adulthood, 20 years old, Declining fluid intelligence until old age

how does fluid intelligence change over the lifetimem

Specialized cells within our sense organs (eyes, skin, ears, etc)

how does the brain know what's going on

1 mm-2 meters

how far do hormones travel

20-30 nanometers

how far do neurotransmitters travel


how is a correlational study displayed

8 seconds

how long is the american attention span


how many colors are the cones sensitive to

6.75-8 hrs

how many hours of sleep is optimal

100 billion

how many neurons in the human brain

23 pairs

how many pairs of chromosomes in genome

5 perecent

how much do brains shrink every decade after 40

20 ft

human ear Can hear a ticking of watch in quiet environment ____ away

Mental State characterized by reduced peripheral awareness and increased focus on a singular stimulus, Results in an enhanced susceptibility to suggestion



hypnosis works better on those who can ____

part of limbic system, Regulator for hormones in body, Sends signals to rest of body saying "up regulate cortisol/testosterone", Partly responsible for switching between para/sympathetic nervous system, Gateway between body and brain


revealing, because things are linked/associated in your mind in some way, points to EMOTIONAL content involved

in free association, switching from topic to topic is

Influence odds for survival and reproduction in organism they are in OR Influence the organism to help other organisms who also likely contain those genes ("Genetic relatives", "Inclusive fitness")

in what 2 ways can genes boost own replicative success

when you are blind to something because you're paying attention to something else

inattentional blindness

one of the ossicles, the anvil



infants of traumatized/stressed parents may be chronically exposed to

resource availability, ethics

influences on experiment style

decrease chance that subsequent neuron will have action potential

inhibitory neurotransmitters...

social learning theory - learner must be able to execute learned behavior


Occurs when a behavior (as opposed to a stimulus) is associated with the occurrence of a significant event

instrumental/operant conditioning

An individual's cognitive Ability to acquire, process, recall, and apply information


ability to profit from experience - Can you learn from your environment? Ability to navigate a complex environment - Think abstractly


process sensory input from our environment into meaningful representations, plan appropriate response, connect to motor neurons to execute behavioral plans


Members of oppostie sex are attracted to certain qualities in mates, Humans have mutual choice, Men and women have equal say in choosing mates

intersexual selection

choice in which future outcome is altered

intertemporal choice

When members of one sex compete against each other, Winner gets to mate with a member of opposite sex, Whatever qualities lead to success in intrasexual competition are then passed on with greater frequency due to association with mating success

intrasexual competition

of course not

is cramming effective?


is it okay to wake up sleep walkers/talkers


is there one gene for anything psychological?

classical conditioning of emotion, american scientist, infants as subjects for conditioning, taught infants to fear rat by presenting a fear-inducing stimulus alongside

john watson

Planning (how long is the study? how many people?), Examining Data (what is relevant/appropriate/valid? any patterns?), Inferring the Data (what does the data tell us), Drawing Conclusions (is it possible to?)

key components to a statistical investigation

Our experiences come to influence children and children's children - Epigenetics might influence how you are (Grandmother's experience)

lamarckian inheritance


language is located on which side of brain

Responses learned by trial and error strung together in a sequence only looks clever

learned behavior

protein/peptide hormone


remove part of brain, see what happes - electrical probe in head

lesion studies

typically .05, We often compare p-value to some cut-off value, If p-value smaller than cut-off, we reject hypothesis that only random chance is at play

level of significance


light enters the eye through the

Center/core of brain, Level up from lizard (Dog's brain), Basic memory, Response to feeling/aggression, Regulated body temperature

limbic system

We can only attend to or be consciously aware of a small amount of information at any given time

limited capacity

Idea that we know from our experience in the world that parallel lines get closer together as they go off into the distance, like Edges of a road, We don't perceive a road getting further away as a flat triangle

liner persepective cues

Middle of prefrontal cortex, More active in adolescents when they make social decisions, Decreases during period of adolescence

medial prefrontal cortex

hormone associated with drowsiness/sleep


distributing throughout the brain through many neurons after forming

memories are resistant to being lost by

franz mesmer, Go around country trying to show technique of getting to people to fall into hypnosis, Magnets passing over people, attracting animal spirits, Induce trance-like state, Finds hands work like magnets & Concludes that he is a magnet (Animal Magnetism)


thinking about thinking



meth blocks re-uptake of ____ in the brain, creating euphoria/alertness

Laboratory experiment

method of choice for psych science

glial cell types

microglia & astrocytes


middle of cell is the

State in which adolescents actively exploring options but have not yet made commitments



most effective learning strategies

pyramidal (triangular/pyramidal shape of soma)

most prominent multipolar structure

social learning theory - to engage in observational learning


allow us to initiate movement and behavior

motor neurons

Communicate sensory and motor information in the brain, Firing causes muscles to contract

multipolar neurons

one axon, many dendrites

multipolar structure

Axon covered in an insulating substance

myelin sheath

Body's communication network that consists of all nerve cells

nervous system

Makes decision, Am I going to fire? Based on information I'm taking in, If yes...Sends signal down Axon

neuron cell body

to transmit information to other cells/neurons, to muscle cells, as quickly and efficiently as possible

neuron purpose

Tendency to feel anxious/stressed by things




excitatory or inhibitory

neurotransmitters can be broadly classified as...

incapable of eliciting a response without learning


Our body's way of sending us a signal that something is wrong/needs attention


Particular tests have been administered to large number of people - 1 test can be compared to whole population - percentiles


new, unfamiliar

novel information

Located in the soma, Contains genetic info, Directs protein synthesis, Supplies energy & resources neuron needs to function


recognizing something exists even if we can't see it

object permanence

Back of cerebral cortex, Visual area of brain

occipital lobe

convergence and accomodation

ocular motor cues

where odorants bind with olfactory receptors

olfactory epithelium

type of glial cell


occipital lobe

one reason for blindness is damage to the


opiates/narcotics cause ____ production in the brain

are often wrong

optical illusions prove that our perceptions...

3 smallest bones in body, malleus, incus, stapes


switch on/off

our environment might serve to ______ genes

Protein/Peptide hormones, Stimulates milk letdown and uterine contractions during birth, Promotes social bonding




Central role in reproduction by helping to expel the big-brained baby from the uterus, ejecting milk and sealing a selective and lasting bond between mother and child

oxytocin's role in childbirth

probabilty value, Tells you how often a random process would give a result at least as extreme as what was found in the actual study, assuming there was no other than random chance at play


Down regulating arousal Getting ready for sleep, Digesting food, Not dealing with immediate threat

parasympathetic nervous system

the image-making stage, the nurturing stage, the authority stage, the interpretive stage, the interdependent staqge, the departure stage

parental development stages

Upper back of cerebral cortex, Touch and taste

parietal lobe

the process of making sense of the physical stimuli


Awareness of compounds within words, crucial skill in learning to read, good indicator of reading ability later in life

phonemic awareness

high, inside

potassium in ___ concentrations _____ cell

sensorimotor, preoperational reasoning, concrete operational reasoning, formal operational reasoning

piaget's 4 stages

Theory that development occurs through a sequence of discontinuous stages: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages

piaget's stage theory

represented in a picture, when things overlap, the object in front is closer

pictorial cues

external part of ear that you can see, funnels sound waves


located on spine, neuron receiving signal

postsynaptic membrane/dendritic spine

chance that a conditioned stimulus won't lead to the expected outcome, necessary for classical conditioning

prediction error


prefrontal cortex changes the most during

Children can represent objects through drawing and language but cannot solve logical reasoning problems

preoperational reasoning

neuron sending the signal

presynaptic terminal button

frontal lobe

primary motor cortex is located in the

somatotopic map

primary somatosensory cortex organized in

Where information about light orientation and movement come together

primary visual cortex

used to investigate the pattern of results that would occur in the long run in random chance were the only factor

probability model

ion channels

proteins that span the membrane form ____

Body's changes that get you from childlike state (unable to reproduce) to ability to reproduce


tiny opening behind cornea, regulates the amount of light entering eye by contracting or dilating


allow particular ions to pass between intra/extracellular fluid

purpose of ion channels

Digest debris of dead neurons, Carry nutritional support from blood vessels to neurons, Help regulate ionic composition of extracellular fluid

purpose of microglia & astrocytes

Allows signal and communication of one neuron to travel rapidly to another neuron

purpose of myelin sheath

forms myelin sheaths, Wrap dendritic processes around axons of neurons many times to form Sheath

purpose of oligodendroglia


released in response to acutely stressful situations, hormonal "insurance" against overwhelming stress

Baseline electrical charge inside the cell compared with outside the cell, Based on collective drive of force on several ions

resting membrane potential


social isolation increases expression of the gene for _______ peptide

social learning theory - to lean, one must be able to retain the behavior he/she is observing in memory


thin layer of cells in back of the eye


neurotransmitter taken back into prsynaptic terminal button


social time

rules of _____ is the silent language


social isolation reduces expression of the gene for the _____ receptor


secure attachment style

feature of emerging adulthood, Establish a more independent lifestyle than they had, Develop knowledge, skills, and self-understanding needed for adult life

self-focused age

physical process during which our sensory organs respond to external stimuli


birth-2yrs, Children represent enduring reality of objectsm, Children's thinking largely realized through perceptions of world and physical interactions with it

sensorimotor stage

help us receive information about the world around us

sensory neurons


sex excitement increases the production of which neurotransmitter

charles darwin, we evolve for mating advantage

sexual selection theory

Proposes that humans have evolved a list of different mating strategies, Short-term, Long-term, vary depending on culture, social context, etc (better safe than sorry)

sexual strategies theory

used to light sources coming from above

shadows cues

theory that Different odorants binding to different receptors based on shape

shape theory of olfaction

stress management (coping)

social engagement helps with ______

high, outside

sodium in ___ concentration ____ cell

uses neuron's energy (ATP) to pump 3 Na+ ions out of cell in exchange for bringing 2 K+ ions inside

sodium-potassium pump

cell body


conscious control, like hand waving

somatic nervous system


someone with a secure attachment style is more likely to end up with someone with a _____ attachment style

primary auditory cortex

sound input travels from the thalamus to the

when corpus callosum severed so two halves of brain cannot easily communicate with one another

split brain

sudden reemergence of a fear response

spontaneous recovery

one of the ossicles, the stirrup


developed by mary ainsworth, measures child attachment, If securely attached, distressed if caregiver leaves, Easily comforted by caregiver when caregiver returns

strange situation task

HONDA CIVIC Inductive reasoning, Verbal comprehension, Visual memory, Sound localization, Word fluency, Reaction time

strata i

SEDANS Fluid intelligence, Crystalized, Visual/auditory perception, Broad retrieval, Processing speed

strata ii

CAR General intelligence factor "g"

strata iii

Underside of cerebral cortex, Where sounds and smells are processed

temporal lobe

ability to tell where specifically brain activity occurs

temporal resolution

End of axon

terminal button

provided in certain european governments, Assist young people in finding jobs, Provide unemployment Housing support

tertiary education

conservation problems (Glass of water poured into taller, thinner glass, child might say there is more water)

test of preoperational reasoning stage

Object permanence task

test of sensorimotor stage

Type of androgen ("male" hormone), Steroid Hormone, Sperm production/male secondary sexual characteristics, Sexual motivation and behavior


hormone, goes up when in situations of competition, Risk taking


pathological behavior

the absence of developmental love can lead to...

2-5 years old, How much authority should I exert?, How strict should i be?

the authority stage of parental development

amplify the sound waves before entering the cochlea

the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and ossicles serve to


the genetic/epigenetic dichotomy is about

Stage during pregnancy when parents begin to plan for changes and consider what it means to be a parent, Evaluate relationships with own parents

the image-making stage of parental development

Teenagers, Redefine authority, Parents still limit complete autonomy

the interdependent stage of parental development

Children entering preschool/kindergarten, Parents interpret children's experiences as children are increasingly exposed to the world outside the family, Parents answer questions

the interpretive stage of parental development

Birth of baby, develop attachment relationship, adapt romantic relationships and relationships to other children and parents, Reconcile expectations of baby with actual baby, Reshape idea about identity, Most demanding responsibilities

the nurturing stage of parental development

frontal lobe

the part of the brain associated with conscientiousness is the


the way an individual thinks about their own performance is predictive of

4-7 hz

theta sleep frequency

deep mediation and dreaming

theta sleep is

internal over external

traditionally ____ validity is prioritized over ____ validity

eardrum, Thin, stretched membrane that vibrates against 3 smallest bones in body

tympanic membrane

sensory neurons, motor neurons, interneurons

types of brain cells

G, C, T, A

types of nucleotides

learning isn't necessary, just happens

unconditioned refers to

one neurite (axon), no dendrites

unipolar neuron structure

Structured in such a way ideal for relaying information forward, Involved in transmission of PHYSIOLOGICAL INFO from BODY'S PERIPHERY (Communicating body temperature through spinal cord up to brain)

unipolar neurons


vasopressin or oxytocin: Immobility without fear, Relaxed states that permit birth, lactation, consensual sexual behavior, May make it easier for a woman to be less anxious around newborn


vasopressin or oxytocin: Physical and emotional mobilization, Vigilance and behaviors needed for guarding a partner, Self-defense, Protects against physiologically "shutting down" in face of danger

vision's What pathway, area of specialized regions for visual recognition

ventral pathway

Tells bodies where we are in space Sea sickness/motion sickness/drunk spins

vestibular sense

Three semicircular canals, Fluid-filled bone structures containing cells that respond to changes in head orientation in space

vestibular system

information is taken from the world, processed, etc.

vision a good model for how...

abstractly, hypothetically

we are better now at thinking _____ than we were many years ago

baker's yeast

we are least genetically similar to

baker's yeast

we share 18-20% of our dna with


weakeast possible correlation

sympathetic and parasympathetic

what are the 2 parts of the autonomic nervous system

Input systems (sensory systems), Integrators (central nervous system), Output systems (muscles)

what are the 3 interacting hormone components

he beacme more impulsive, emotional, and disorganized, worse at planning due to injury to the frontal lobe

what happened to phineas gage after his injury

cognitive decline, difficutly with emotional regulation

what happens when you dont get enough sleep consistently

40 hz

what hz stimulation is more likely to cause us to lucid dream

Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), Chloride(Cl-), Anions (A-)?

what is intracellular/extracellular fluid of neurons composed of

lipid bilayer of fat molecules

what is neural cell membrane made up of

the brain

what is the biggest part of the central nervous system

Time when separating from caregivers, Beginning to be interested in/involved in reproducing/finding a mate, Need to be detaching from parents, trying new activities, competing with others

what is the purpose of adolescence?

vestibular sense

what is the sixth sense

the color/word reading test

what is the stroop test

self-regulation, when you take control of what you're doing it gives you agency!

what makes something an effective learning strategy?

the frontal lobe

what part of the brain is tested by the stroop test

1 percent

what percent of our dna accounts for our humanity

20 percent

what percent of our oxygen/calories is consumed by the brain


what was pavlov's conditioned response


what was pavlov's neutral/conditioned stimulus


what was pavlov's unconditioned response`

dog food

what was pavlov's unconditioned stimulus

after 40

when do brains start to shrink

11-12 years old

when does puberty begin for boys

10-11 years old

when does puberty begin for girls

ages 18-29

when is emerging adulthood

have temptation but ignore it

when it comes to donut theft, adults believe it's more moral to

not have temptation whatsoever (heart purity)

when it comes to donut theft, children believe it's more moral to


when was the APA established?

you get worse at both

when you try to do more than one things at the same time...

back of eye (retina)

where are rods and cones located

where neurons leave the eye (blindspot)

where are there no rods and cones

the temporal lobe

where is the primary auditory cortex

smell and taste

which are the chemical senses

frontal lobes

which area of the brain helps us pay attention to our own performance

frontal lobes

which area of the brain helps us switch tasks


which hormone is responsible for reward response


which is the most common type of neuron

vagus nerve

which nerve transmits signals of love

sympathetic (arousal)

which nervous system is measured by a polygraph


which neuropeptide may be increased in the face of threat for males without early developmental love


which operate over a greater distance and over a much greater temporal range hormones/neurotransmitters


which part of the brain is our "lizard" brain

lower parts (lizard brain), brain stem

which parts of the brain are the most common with other species


which sex has better fluid reasoning, math and science, perceptual tasks that involve moving objects, tasks that require transformations in working memory such as mental rotations of physical spaces


which sex has better motor skill, acquired knowledge, reading comprehension, decoding non-verbal expression, higher school grades

All or none events, Rapid onset/offset, Take place in milliseconds, Regulates immediate food intake, directs body movement

why are neural messages digital

Predicts real world things, & is index of family background

why do we care about intelligence?

restorative, cell growth, immune function highly at work, muscles resting

why do we sleep?

Use train in travel plans as long as tracks exist, Neural messages can travel only to destinations along existing nerve tracts

why is Communication in nervous system analogous to traveling on a train

Can drive anywhere, roads or not, More roads than train tracks (Circulatory system - Any cell receiving blood is potentially able to receive a hormonal message)

why is Hormonal communication like traveling in a car

something to compare manipulated group to

why is a control group important

A controlled setting is different than a real world setting

why is it difficult to achieve internal/external validity at the same time

because primarily responsible for processing new sensory information and sending to peripheral nervous system for action

why is it the central nervous system

If differences in Dependent variable, due to manipulation, Eliminates possibility of other variables affecting experiment

why is random assignment important

Predictive for performance in less skilled labor, predictive of high levels of achievement

why might we use intelligence tests to select workers?

"off time"

with puberty, boys are sensitive to being

2x a night

without any artificial light at all, we would sleep...

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