psych mind tap and book questions

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Which of the following is an example of the transference relationship?

. Ever since Dr. Phillips asked Marsha to tell him about her father, she has become quite hostile toward the doctor.

According to your textbook, the lifetime prevalence of borderline personality disorder is approximately ________ percent of the overall population.


In Milgram's original study of obedience, the percentage of participants who delivered what they believed the maximum electric shock of 450 volts was

65 percent

Which of the following individuals has the highest risk for committing suicide?

77 year old white male

The meta-analysis of over 400 studies of the effectiveness of psychotherapy conducted by Smith, Glass, and Miller (1980) showed that the average person receiving psychotherapy had a better outcome than


Anne, a Native American woman, has been raised in a traditional tribal home. When seeking therapy, she would probably be most comfortable with which of the following:

A behavior therapist who models appropriate behavior and expects her clients to say very little during therapy session

Which theorist conceived the inferiority complex?


Julio has suffered from a personality disorder for many years. He tends to have very stormy relationships with others, has dramatic mood swings, and finds it difficult to control his emotions. When he is asked "who are you inside," he has difficulty answering because his sense of self is so unstable. Julio is suffering from which personality disorder?


Mina has unstable relationships with other people, dramatic mood swings, and feels like she doesn't know who she is or what she wants to do with her life. Mina is exhibiting symptoms that are most typical of


Why have Stanley Milgram's experiments investigating obedience in human beings been criticized for having ethical problems?

Because of their use of deception and the emotional aftereffects of making people aware that they would engage in behaviors that would harm another person.

Why does your textbook refer to the social-cognitive theory of personality as a broader view than that of traditional behaviorists?

Because the more modern view attends to both cognitive and social aspects of behavior instead of focusing exclusively on the rewards and punishments to which people are exposed.

Which of the following conditions is commonly referred to as "multiple personality disorder" or "split personality?"


Although questions remain about its validity and reliability, the ________ (currently in its fifth edition) remains the most widely used diagnostic system for classifying and categorizing mental disorders.


When Mrs. Edelberg was told by her physician that her anxiety symptoms might respond very well to some minor tranquilizing medication, she was very reluctant to accept that prescription drugs were a good idea. She took the prescription that her doctor wrote for Xanax home, and did some research on the internet. If she accesses reliable and accurate websites, she will learn that such medications act primarily on the neurotransmitter ________ .


Chicken Little, a character in an old children's story, was hit on the head by a falling acorn. He didn't know the cause of his discomfort, so he came to believe that the sky was falling. He developed constant feelings of dread and foreboding, and ran around telling everyone he encountered, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" His symptoms are consistent with which anxiety disorder?


How do hallucinations differ from delusions?

Hallucinations are sensory perceptions that are not directly attributable to environmental stimuli, whereas delusions are false beliefs that are firmly and consistently held despite disconfirming evidence or logic.

Why did Carl Rogers refer to his theory of personality as "self-theory?"

He believed that the self is the executive part of the personality that organizes how one relates to the world around them.

Your textbook notes that irregularities in the serotonin system in the brain may contribute to suicidal behaviors. How does such a chemical effect lead to these actions?

Irregular serotonin functioning leads to a disinhibition effect, where we are more likely to engage in impulsive actions.

Why does the MMPI-2 report standard scores instead of a test taker's raw scores?

It allows for identification of abnormally high levels (over 65) on any one given clinical scale

Which of the following statements is false with regard to the phenomenon of social loafing?

It is more likely to occur when people are being individually evaluated

You are having a debate with some of your psychology classmates. The teacher calls you up to the podium and says, "Humanistic theory of personality. Criticisms. You have sixty seconds. Begin." What would be the first legitimate criticism of this perspective that you would mention?

It is not possible to measure one's unique sense of self, so the theory is not open to scientific examination.

Four students in Ms. Perry's fifth-grade class received an "F" as their final science grade. All four of them engaged in cognitive distortions as they walked home thinking about having to show their parents the report card. Which of the four was able to replace his irrational thought with a rational alternative?

John, who thought, "I feel like a stupid moron. But it happened because I didn't study at all.

In which of the following ways did the analytical psychology of Carl Jung differ from the psychodynamic theory of Sigmund Freud?

Jung divided the unconscious into two types (personal and collective) while Freud only noted one type.

Jimmy has recently had several administrations of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), during which a jolt of electricity is passed through his head that is strong enough to cause convulsions similar to a grand mal epileptic seizure. Jimmy has probably been suffering from the symptoms of


Which of the following psychologists believed that human beings have an innate desire to become all that they are capable of being?


The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), which involves a set of ambiguous pictures that require the respondent to tell a story about each scene, was developed in the 1930s by Harvard psychologist ________ .


Classical conditioning is to phobias, as negative reinforcement is to


Every morning, when George wakes up, he is nagged by upsetting thoughts that something terrible will happen today. When he gets dressed, he buttons his shirt, unbuttons it, and then buttons it again, always from the bottom to the top. He then sets out a bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast and he eats exactly twelve spoonfuls of it. At work, he strengthens the fringes on a rug every time that someone leaves his office, and he answers the phone only after three rings. George feels that he if he stops performing these rituals, in exactly the same way, something terrible will happen to him, his wife, or one of his three kids. George appears to be suffering from


If you want to remember the major components of the five-factor model (or the "Big Five"), you would most likely want to use the mnemonic ________ .


Recent research has found that genetics may influence one's tendency to experience anxiety disorders. What was the research finding that supports this statement?

People with anxiety disorders may experience an overreaction in their amygdalae, making them especially anxious or jumpy in response to threatening cues.

Of these four individuals who recently bounced a check, which one has the attributional style that has been found to be related to severe, long-lasting depression?

Perry, who says the check bounced because: "I'm just not good in math and other school stuff, never was and never will be.

The major difference between REBT and the cognitive therapy developed by Aaron Beck is that

REBT is more confrontational

Which of the following people is most likely displaying antisocial personality disorder?

Renaldo, a shrewd businessman, who has considerable charm, a high level of intelligence, and excellent verbal skills

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the concept of secondary gain?

The hysterical paralysis not only prevented Meredith from consummating her marriage, it also distracted her from thinking about how she really feels about her new husband.

Which of the following statements is the least accurate with regard to Carl Rogers's client-centered therapy?

The interpretation of a client's dreams provides important information that can be explored and dissected in a therapy session.

How is it that technology has been integrated into certain forms of behavioral therapy in recent years?

The use of virtual reality creates simulated environments in which people with a phobia can confront their trigger in a less threatening way.

In what way would Freud and learning theorists agree regarding the cause of conversion symptoms?

They both recognize that the symptoms serve a secondary gain of helping a person avoid painful or anxiety-evoking situations.

Which of the following statements might be the best cliché summary of the self-serving bias?

When I win, it's my fault. When I lose, it's your fault

While some attribute the higher rate of depression in women than men to hormonal differences, it is important to remember which of the following potential factors that contributes to this sex difference?

Women face considerable stressors that men do not, including higher rates of sexism, poverty, single parenthood, and physical and sexual abuse.

Even though it happened five years ago, Erica has been deathly afraid of getting into an elevator ever since she got stuck in one and had to wait for a half an hour for it to be repaired. Consequently, she has moved to a lower, less desirable apartment in her building, changed from a doctor she really liked to one that she does not much care for, and rides the escalator to and from her job on the twelfth floor of a department store every day. Erica is most likely to be suffering from

a specific phobia

Francis has been diagnosed by his psychiatrist as suffering from an anxiety disorder. He goes home to do some research on his condition, and he learns that his condition is the most frequently diagnosed of the anxiety disorder. With which anxiety disorder is Francis struggling?

a specific phobia

The "ABC" in Ellis's "ABC" approach stands for

activating events, beliefs, consequences

Mrs. Lewis went out to the store for the first time after she got over the flu. She still felt weak, so, while standing on line to pay, she started thinking about what would happen if she fell down right there and passed out. Then her heart started to race, she began to sweat and feel faint. She left her groceries in the store and hurried home. Since then, even though it's been several months and she's regained her strength, Mrs. Lewis has been staying at home, terrified that she might feel faint in public again. Mrs. Lewis is most likely to be suffering from


The use of modeling as a therapeutic technique to help people get over phobias was pioneered by

albert bandura

This theorist believed that Freud had underemphasized the role of the conscious In one's personality. He named this the creative self, which is the part of the personality that is aware of itself and organizes goal-seeking behaviors.


While speaking to his therapist, Juan says the following: "I just heard back today from the first graduate school I sent an application. They rejected me. I think it will be better if I just quit trying to get into grad school and go get a job." Which type of cognitive distortion is Juan demonstrating?

all or none thinking

Perhaps the best known model of how to overcome prejudice is the contact hypothesis, formulated in 1954 by psychologist ________ . He suggested that bringing groups into close contact with each other was the start of reducing negative, prejudicial feelings between the group members.


Valium, Librium, and Xanax are

anti anxiety drugs

Jerry has the delusional belief that he is the Secretary of State. He also has auditory hallucinations where he hears the President's voice. What type of drug would help to reduce Jerry's symptoms?


Marita has been a real handful ever since she was a child. Now, as an adult, she has a very disturbing pattern of behaviors. She consistently disregards the rights of other people, violates the rules whenever they are not to her liking, and frequently provokes fights with other people. She is known as a thief and a liar, and has no sense of remorse whenever her actions hurt another person. Marita is probably best diagnosed with ________ personality disorder.


Jung called the young heroes and nurturing mother figures of both ancient and modern literature


One of the general guidelines when faced with a friend who confides that he has been thinking about suicide is to

ask him if he has made any concrete plans, such as acquiring the weapon he plans on using

At the psychiatric hospital, the receiving doctor correctly guessed that Polly displayed catatonic behavior because she was the patient who

assumed a rigid kneeling position and was uncommunicative for the entire intake interview.

In ________ conditioning, a form of classical conditioning, stimuli associated with an undesirable response are paired with an unpleasant outcome - such as an electric shock or a nausea-inducing drug - so that the inappropriate responses will diminish over time.


The ethnologist, Konrad Lorenz, ascribed human aggression to

basic survival instinct

Which of the following best represents "stimulus pull"?

because the pictures were generally depressing, she only told sad stories

"What is your attitude with regard to television?" asked Murray. "I never watch it," said Sylvia. Which component of her attitude was Sylvia referring to?


The tendency to focus on people's personality traits and downplay ________ when explaining behavior is called the fundamental attribution error.


The diathesis-stress approach to schizophrenia represents which of the following conceptual models?


Baily has been having some very problematic symptoms as of late. He experiences dramatic shifts in mood that range from intense euphoria to periods of severe sadness and an inability to function. Based on the information provided in your chapter, which of the following diagnoses would seem to be most appropriate?

bipolar disorder

Christie first met Len when she arrived at the dorm in January. He asked her to join him for dinner. He also invited twenty-two other people that day. At dinner, he spoke excitedly, loudly, and at great speed. After he paid the bill, he excused himself, saying that he had to go train for a triathlon. A week later, Christie found Len lying dejectedly in his dorm room, unshaven, talking about quitting school, and about how nothing really mattered. She then realized that Len may suffer from

bipolar disorder

Dr. Phillips has a Ph.D. from UCLA. She has passed the State of California's licensing exam and, in addition to diagnosing and treating people with a wide range of psychological disorders, she also administers psychological tests. Dr. Phillips is a

clinical psychologist

Leonard believes that people should be kind, honest, and giving. As he walks down the street of his city and passes several homeless people politely asking for change, he tells himself, "if I give them money I am only encouraging them to stay homeless. It is better if I don't give them any spare change." Leonard seems to be going to some effort to reduce his sense of ________ .

cognitive dissonance

In which form of therapy are the thoughts and beliefs that precede anxiety and depression challenged?

cognitive therapy

Jung believed that the ________ is what accounts for similarities among diverse cultures in dream images, religious symbols, and artistic expression.

collective unconscious

According to recent research examining a group of college students in Utah, which of the following activities is likely to decrease a person's sense of self-esteem?

comparing Facebook profiles

________ are repetitive behaviors or rituals that a person feels obligated to perform again and again.


When Terri does not win the starring role in her high school's upcoming production of "The Wizard of Oz," she is very worried about what her mother will say to her. She knows that her mother was a star performer in high school, and that she tends to react negatively when Terri does not get the lead roles in productions. A humanistic theorist would suggest that Terri is being shown ________ by her mother.

conditional positive regard

On Peter's report card, the teacher wrote: "Peter is a sociable and enthusiastic child. He is conscientious when it comes to taking care of the hamsters and guinea pigs, but is otherwise very sloppy, forgetful, and disorganized." Which of the above refers to a secondary trait?


Heather is a very outgoing girl who enjoys every moment of her life. She surrounds herself with positive people, and has very little tolerance for people who complain. She often says, "I want to live a nice long life, because everything is an opportunity to have fun and to do good!" If Heather wants to maximize her longevity, she would want to have a very high score in which factor of the Big Five model?


The "Big Five" factors of personality are: agreeableness, extraversion, openness, neuroticism, and


Even though she claimed, nonchalantly, that she had suddenly lost her sight a week earlier, Stacy ducked when the therapist raised his hand as if he was about to throw a paperweight in her direction. The therapist suspected that Stacy had which of the following disorders?

conversion disorder

La belle indifférence (beautiful indifference) is seen in patients with

conversion disorder

The DSM-5 diagnosis of functional neurological symptom disorder was known by which (much shorter) name in previous editions of the DSM?

conversion disorder

Elizabeth is a professional who holds a doctoral degree in psychology and is licensed by her state. She provides psychotherapy services to people who have problems that would be describe as mild to moderate in severity. Treating a client with severe psychopathology is rather uncommon in her practice. Elizabeth is probably a(n):

counseling psychologist

teven's father died when he was 10 years old and his mother became overly dependent on him. Consequently, when Steven was growing up, he treated every female as a weak little girl in need of protection. Now that he's a therapist, Steven tries hard to avoid relating to his female patients in the same way. In other words, he is attempting to prevent


Research has supported the existence of which of the following Freudian concepts?

defense mechanisms

As a result of a social policy called ________ , the number of patients in state hospital in the United States has dropped from about 550,000 in 1955 to fewer than 40,000 today.


The notion that significant life stressors can interact with a genetic proclivity to develop an illness is called the ________ model.

diathesis stress model

Because Eileen saw animals, but not people, in every one of the 10 Rorschach cards, the examiner noted that she may

difficulties relating to other people

The fact that bystanders are less likely to intervene when the number of people present increases has been attributed to which of the following?

diffusion of responsibility

When a person makes an attribution that a given action was caused by some internal factor, such as a trait, need, or choice, (s)he has assigned a(n) ________ cause to that behavior.


Antipsychotic drugs affect the levels of which neurotransmitter(s) in the brain?


Antipsychotic drugs help to quell the positive symptoms of schizophrenia by restricting the activity of which neurotransmitter in the brain?


________ expectations refer to the predictions that one holds regarding their ability to perform tasks or behaviors that they set out to accomplish.


The reality principle is to the pleasure principle as ________ is to ________ .

ego, id

Lynnette has been referred by her employer for an MMPI-2 administration. She sits to take the self-report inventory, filling out the responses to the best of her ability. If Lynnette's profile demonstrates a clinical elevation on the third scale (hysteria), which personality traits would she likely demonstrate?

egocentrism, being naive, immaturity

Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) operates on ________ 's view that irrational or illogical thinking is at the root of emotional problems, and so challenging and gently attacking those cognitive errors is seen as the key to therapeutic improvement.


Aubrey has grown up in a typical middle income family in the United States. He says that he sees and talks to his grandfather, who has been dead for ten years. Aubrey enjoys these conversations. Which criterion of abnormality is LEAST applicable to Aubrey's behavior?

emotional distress

Avery has been experiencing a significant elevation in his anxiety in recent months, and he has been feeling very disturbed by this change. Although he is still able to meet his daily obligations at school and work, the evenings have become more and more problematic as he is alone with his worries. Avery's anxiety would probably be considered abnormal based on which criterion identified by your textbook

emotional distress

When asked how she feels about country music, Bianca's face lights up and she says, "I absolutely LOVE that music! I always feel so happy when I listen to it, even if it is a sad song!" Bianca's reaction speaks directly to the ________ component of an attitude.


Rob thinks that all women are only after him for his money. According to Mischel, that is an example of which of Rob's cognitive person variables?

encoding strategies

It is the year 457 A.D., and you have been developing the symptoms of a psychotic disorder. You have become convinced that you are an angel of God, and you are not shy about telling people that. When they doubt you, you warn them to be wary of your wrath, and that God will be angry if they don't accept your story. Which of the following treatments would you be likely to undergo during this time period?


Which of the following is a nonspecific factor in therapy?

expectation of improvement

Nick thinks that everything that happens to him is a matter of either good luck or bad luck. Nick has a(n) ________ locus of control.


Syeira has a Facebook account that she enjoys spending time on. She has over 500 friends on her account. She also has quite a few friends in real life, and enjoys socializing with them on a regular basis. According to the Big Five model, Syeira would probably have a high score on the ________ factor.


Phrenologists assessed intelligence and other personality traits by

feeling bumps on peoples head

People who attempt suicide more often are ________ . Those who are actually kill themselves are more likely to be ________ .

females, males

Compared to traditional psychoanalysis, modern forms of psychodynamic therapy

focus more on the ego

Eddie is three years old. According to Freud's theory of the psychosexual stages of development, in the next two years, Eddie's sexual energies will be

focused on his genitals

"I have to fly out of the airport next Saturday. Would you mind driving me so that I don't have to leave my car?" This question from Carey to her friend Drew seems innocent enough. When Drew agrees to the request, Carey follows it up with, "Oh yeah, I forgot, my flight is at 6 am so I'll need to get to the airport by 4. And when I get back on Monday, you can pick me up at around 3 pm." Which technique is Carey using to gain Drew's compliance with this very large request?

foot in the door

A psychoanalytic method in which the patient says whatever comes to mind without censorship is called

free association

Which of the following phrases would be most applicable to a person suffering from generalized anxiety disorder?

free floating anxiety

A toddler who had been running around the restaurant trips Shirley, a waitress carrying a tray filled with coffee cups and desserts. The toddler runs back to his mother while Shirley tries to clean up the mess. When Shirley's boss comes on the scene, he thinks, "That Shirley is just too clumsy. I'll have to let her go." Shirley's boss is demonstrating the

fundamental attribution error

In the movie The Majestic, actor Jim Carey plays a man who loses his memory of his own life. He cannot remember his name, his home, his friends, or any other detail of his own life. If this memory loss had been caused by some psychological trauma rather than a head injury, it might be categorized as a case of ________ amnesia.


Consistency between a therapist's feelings and her actions reflects


Amanda tells her therapist that she had a troubled relationship with her mother who died when she, Amanda, was only sixteen. Her therapist places an empty chair in front of her and tells her to imagine that her mother is sitting in it. He then instructs Amanda to tell her "mother" how she feels. Amanda's therapist takes which of the following approaches to psychotherapy?


"I would like to hear what the child in you would prefer to do on your birthday. Why don't you ask her?" said Dr. Schultz. Dr. Schultz is likely to be what type of therapist?

gestalt therapist

We tend to hold to the stereotype that "What is beautiful is also ________ ."


Wayne's father demonstrated conditional positive regard when he said,

good boys like to each vegetables

Everywhere she went, Rosie, a schizophrenia patient, thought she was hearing sleigh bells. Rosie was experiencing


One of the most frequently seen types of symptoms that show up with schizophrenia is the experience of ________ , which are perceptions that occur in the absence of an external stimulus.


Flint is attending a discussion of different personality theories that has been hosted by his college's Psychology Club. The speaker is discussing Albert Bandura's concept of reciprocal determinism. Which of the following would you not expect to hear during this particular speaker's presentation?

hedonic tone. you would hear: emotions, behavior, environment

Antidepressants work by ________ the availability of ________ in the brain.

increasing norepinephrine and serotonin

A person raised in a(n) ________ culture might be likely to define themselves In terms of their unique qualities or personal accomplishments. A person raised in a(n) ________ culture, on the other hand, might define themselves based on the social roles they assume or the groups to which they belong.

individualistic, collectivist

The primary symptoms shown by individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are

influciations in mood, interpersonal relationships and d self imaging

According to Martin Seligman, when explaining failures, the attributional style that is most likely to foster depression is

internal, global, stable

What is TRUE about the psychosurgery technique known as prefrontal lobotomy?

involved severing of the nerves in brains

Cognitive therapists believe that emotional problems result from

irrational or distorted thinking

Among some Native American cultures, it is considered normal for people to hear the voices of deceased relatives. This connection with the spirits of the dead is regarded as a normal event. This example is an important reminder that

it is essential to take in the cultural component when assessing as normal or not

Which of the following is not a clinical scale that is assessed by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)?

judging perception

Ben's mother has been very lenient with toilet training. Even though Ben is three years old, he's still wearing diapers. A Freudian therapist might warn her that Ben might grow up to be

lacking in self discipline

Peter is an 8-year old boy who loves to spend time with his friends. Though he tends to gravitate more toward other boys, he does occasionally play with girls from his neighborhood too. According to Freud, Peter is in the ________ stage of psychosexual development, which is when any sexual impulses he has will remain dormant.


Social-cognitive theorists, such as Albert Bandura, argue that aggressive behavior is

learned through observation

The areas of the brain that seem to be most affected in schizophrenia are the prefrontal cortex and the

limbic system

Julian has bipolar disorder. A drug that he could take that would probably help prevent both his depressive and manic episodes is


People with an internal locus of control are more likely than "externals" to

make positive health choices

When a behavior causes personal distress, is self-defeating, or is associated with significant health, social, or occupational problems it is referred to as ________ .


Which psychologist is noted for having developed the concept of learned helplessness and relating it to the emergence of depression symptoms in some individuals?

mark selligan

The role of the ego is analogous to that of a

mediator in a labor dispute

The belief that abnormal behavior represents an illness with a biological cause, rather than demonic possession, is called the

medical model

When Heather was in the market for a new cell phone, she chose the peripheral route when she focused on which feature of a commercial?

mellow voice of the announcer

Which of the following cognitive distortions linked to depression would be defined as the tendency to think that one disappointment will inevitably lead to another?

misfortune telling

After being bullied in school, Jason happened to see a movie about a kid who is bullied. The kid learns karate and triumphs. Jason promptly signed up for karate lessons. Now that he's able to defend himself, the bully prefers to steer clear of him. Jason's behavior change came about as a result of


Which of the following statements about major depression is TRUE?

more prevalent among women

Theodore has an internal locus of control. When he got an "A" on the chemistry test, he might have likely said,

my studying paid off

From an operant condition perspective, people often deal with their anxiety symptoms by avoiding the stimulus that causes them the anxiety. Their anxious behaviors are therefore sustained through ________ .

negative reinforcement

Which of the following is a personality trait that is found in both the Big Five theory and the model proposed by Hans Eysenck?


Why might one argue that the use of psychotropic medications is important, but not the "end all be all" of treatment for mental disorders?

not everyone responds favorably

Hassan is taking a paper-and-pencil personality test that consists of a hundred questions that ask him to rate his happiness in various areas of his life. Hassan is taking which type of personality test?


Delia, a European American, knew that there was great variation in the GPAs of her European American friends, but when an Asian American friend told her that she only had a 2.0 GPA, she was very surprised. She had assumed that Asian Americans always had high GPAs. Delia's belief is called

out group homogeneity

Sophia has been struggling with some very disturbing symptoms in recent months. She has sudden episodes of severe terror, and these periods are accompanied by physical symptoms like sweating, chest pain, trembling, and shortness of breath. Sophia may be suffering from ________ disorder.


Bruce recently moved from a small town to a large city. Everything was going well until the first time that he had to take the subway to a job interview. On the train, he started to feel very warm and sweaty. That was followed by wooziness. Next came a stabbing pain in his chest. He thought he was going to die. So when the train stopped, he ran off and was surprised to find that all of his symptoms disappeared. After that, he tried taking a bus to an interview, but the same symptoms recurred. Bruce is most likely to be experiencing

panic disorder

Of all of the following medications, which one would be classified as monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor?


When one experiences fatuous, or "foolish," love, which of the following combinations of components will occur?

passion and commitment but no intimacy

What is true about modern ECT treatments?

patient wakes with no memory of being shocked

Which of the following is not an accurate statement with regard to factors that influence helping behaviors?

people are most willing to help others when they aren't similar to themselves

The actor-observer effect happens because people

people have different perspectives depending on whether they are actors or observers

When it comes to disclosing personal information, which of the following is TRUE?

people who disclose a lot of information may be seen as insecure

People with ________ disorders show excessively rigid and maladaptive patterns of behavior that make it difficult for them to adjust to the demands they face in their daily lives and to form long-term, satisfying relationships.

personality disorders

The development of antisocial personality disorder has been linked to abnormal functioning in which area of the brain in some people?

prefrontal cortex

Svetlana has negative feelings about Americans. Her feelings toward Americans constitute


The most important Influence of the social-cognitive model is that it has

presented us with a view of people as active seekers and interpreters of information rather than passive responders to environmental influences.

One of the earliest trait theorists, Gordon Allport, differentiated three types of personality traits based on how much they impacted an individual's behaviors. Which of the following was not one of Allport's proposed trait types?

primary traits

Instead of admitting to herself that she had a crush on her best friend's boyfriend, Lola accused him of flirting with her. Lola is using which defense mechanism?


Jared and Kamryn recently worked together to cheat on one of their college assignments. The professor has not yet discovered their dishonesty, but Jared is feeling very guilty for what he has done and is considering turning himself and Kamryn in to the teacher. When Kamryn asks him what is wrong one day, Jared yells, "I know you're going to rat us out to Professor Phillips, and that just stinks!" Jared is experiencing a defense mechanism known as ________ .


The problem of stimulus pull - the phenomenon of certain stimuli evoking specific types of responses - would be a major concern for which type of test?

projective tests

The client does the most talking in which of the following therapies?


In Freud's psychodynamic theory, the ego is described as operating according to the ________ principle. This allows the id to get its basic needs gratified in a socially acceptable way that will be "approved of" by the superego.

reality principle

When one is trying to persuade a group of people to adopt a particular position, the characteristics of the audience may play a large role in how effective that persuasive argument will be. These characteristics are called ________ variables

recipient variables

Shane is surprised to find out from his friends that Jeanie has a crush on him. He has never really taken notice of Jeanie, since they run in different social circles. Now that he knows of her feelings, he finds himself paying more attention to her and he is developing some romantic feelings for her. This tendency to like people who like us back is called ________ .


In variations of the Asch experiment, the presence of a dissenting confederate

reduced the pressure to conform

Harry had a big fight with his mother the day before she died. At first, he felt tremendous guilt each time that he thought about it. Now, a month later, he has totally forgotten not only why they were fighting but that they ever argued at all. Harry is using which defense mechanism?


For the sixth time, Jonas shows up at his therapy appointment ten minutes late. When asked to talk about his relationships with his children, he abruptly changes the subject to discuss his workplace. If his therapist is a psychoanalyst, this behavior would indicate


Which of the following pairs of theorists are most widely recognized for their contributions to the humanistic perspective?

rogers and maslow

According to theorist ________ , people can either have an internal or an external locus of control. This refers to their belief in their own ability to control and/or contribute to the outcomes that they get in their own lives.


According to Albert Bandura, people's willingness to undertake challenges depends on their

self efficacy

Because their teacher expected that they would do very well on the test, the children in Mrs. Reynolds' class approached the test with supreme confidence and determination and did even better than she expected, surpassing every other class in the district. This is an example of

self fulfilling prophecy

individualistic cultures are to collectivist cultures as ________ is to ________

self sufficient, cooperation

Raiza is not particularly anxious, outgoing, conventional, or organized. She is, however, extremely sensitive to other people's needs. She would score HIGH on which of the "Big Five" factors?

sensitive to peoples needs

Why did the prefrontal lobotomy fall out of favor even though over 1,000 people underwent the procedure?

serious complications and death

Tanya, a bulimic teen, was prescribed an antidepressant drug that considerably reduced her desire to binge. The antidepressant worked its effect by increasing the level of which neurotransmitter in her brain?


The neurotransmitter that has been likened to a "behavioral seat-belt" in controlling violent impulses is


Psychologist C. Daniel Batson would classify which of the following acts as being motivated by altruism:

she remembered a time she was poor and hungry so she volunteered in a soup kitchen

How would Sigmund Freud explain the origins of a hysterical or conversion symptom?

sing of struggle of the opposing motives in ones unconscious

The tendency to focus on people's personality traits and downplay ________ when explaining behavior is called the fundamental attribution error.

situational variables

During practice, Ginny made many mistakes but when she competed in gymnastic meets, her performance was flawless. "I guess I need an audience to do my best," said Ginny. Ginny's superior performance can be explained in terms of

social facilitation

In camp, Roger played hard at "tug-of-war" so long as it was one-on-one. But as soon as other campers joined in, he relaxed. This tendency to work harder when alone than in the presence of others is called

social loafing

Ms. Taylor has assigned her fifth-graders to work on group projects in geography. She tells the students that each group will receive one grade for the project, in order that everyone will share equally in the credit. After a couple of days, she notices that many of her students, who are usually good workers on their own, are goofing off and contributing very little to their groups. This scenario describes the phenomenon known as

social loafing

The notion that people will obey the orders of a perceived authority figure if they see others behaving in the same way is called

social validation

Minority youth often face stressors such as acculturation, poverty, and discrimination. These phenomena may help explain findings that these individuals have higher rates of anxiety and depression. This would support the ________ model of abnormality.


The seminal studies of conformity that involved monitoring how people selected line sizes were conducted by ________

solomon asch

Lily is utterly convinced that there is something terribly wrong with her. She has been to her physician repeatedly, and has been told that the examination and blood tests are completely normal, but she is not comforted by these results. She then goes to several different doctors to get a different answer, and never receives it. Lily may be suffering from:

somatic symptom disorder

Margaret is a 63-year-old retired secretary who goes to see her doctor every three to four days, each time presenting with a new complaint. In the past two months, she had been convinced that she was suffering from pancreatic, lung, and colon cancer, cardiac problems, rheumatoid arthritis, and macular degeneration. Although none of her suspicions turned out to be true, her doctor has been unable to reassure her that she is basically a very healthy woman. Margaret appears to be suffering from

somatic symptom disorder

P.J. considers himself to be "slightly above average" in his looks. He does not think of himself as being very handsome, but also feels that he is not unattractive. According to the matching hypothesis, which of the following women would he be most likely to date?

something who he also thinks is a little more attractive than most girls

The term schizophrenia actually derives from the Greek roots meaning " ________ ."

split brain

Vanessa had the belief that all accountants are dull. She was, therefore, pleasantly surprised when her blind date, an accountant, turned out to be one of the most interesting men she had ever met. Vanessa's belief about accountants is a(n)


The leading contemporary view of love, postulated by ________ , suggests a triangular model. The three factors that comprise different types of love in this model are intimacy, decision/commitment, and passion.


Hyperactive children with limited attention spans and disruptive behaviors are sometimes treated with Ritalin, a ________ , which helps to ________ the activity level of dopamine in the brain.

stimulant; increase

Rosa told a good friend, "I want to teach high school biology and be seen as an active, caring instructor." According to Mischel's person-situation theory, Rosa has described her

subjective values

The Milgram experiment elicited the MOST obedience when the

subjects were merely instructed to give the shocks

Dr. Charles is teaching a class on personality assessment, and a very interactive discussion regarding the validity of the Rorschach test takes place. While he listens to the students discuss whether this projective test is or Is not clinically useful, he hears the students forget to note some important recent research. "Remember, ladies and gentlemen," Dr. Charles interjects, "some research studies have found that certain Rorschach responses can predict:

success is psychotherapy

Four people are listening to a political candidate. Which one of them is more likely to follow a central route to persuasion?

sue who is making sure they are pro choice like her

Most people find it easy to observe Jason's behavior and quickly determine that he is a friendly person. According to Cattell, Jason's friendliness is a ________ trait.


When Mae told her best friend Lena that she was going to commit suicide, Lena reacted correctly when she did all of the following things, EXCEPT for

telling her her sad news will pass

The hormone that is most strongly linked to aggressive behavior is


Which projective test asks the test-taker to tell a story about the scene depicted in a picture?

the TAT

When asked why his friend Alex often misses the school bus, Gregory said, "I guess he's lazy, he likes to stay in bed late in the morning." When asked why he himself sometimes misses the bus, Alex replied, "It depends. Sometimes my sister hogs the bathroom for hours. Sometimes my mom misplaces my school stuff and I have to look for it. Other times, there's no one else who has time to walk the dog in the morning, so I get stuck..." Alex is demonstrating

the actor observer effect

A child in a collectivist culture, unlike an American child, is likely to be taught

the nail that stands out its pounded down

Psychologist Gordon Allport suggested that in order for the contact hypothesis to work and reduce prejudice, four conditions must be met. In a school setting, one of those would be that

there be a one to one basis among students

From a social psychology perspective, why do you suppose that most politicians go out of their well to be very well-dressed and perfectly groomed whenever they make an appearance on television?

they are hoping to take the peripheral route processor

Which of the following is TRUE about Raymond Cattell's source traits:

they are measured on a continuem

Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding people suffering from borderline personality disorder?

they prefer to be left alone and are disinterested in social relationships

Why are social isolation, apathy, and a lack of facial expressions referred to as negative symptoms?

they represent behavioral absences or deficits

How would Sigmund Freud and other proponents of the psychodynamic model of personality explain an adult with anal retentive tendencies?

they were provided with too hard toilet training strategies

People are more likely to help others when

those who need help are woman than men

Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

thought disorder

Why was the MMPI-2 developed?

to help clinicians diagnose psych disorders

Every time Jimmy cleans his room, his parents give him a poker chip. As soon as Jimmy has ten poker chips, his parents take him to a movie. Jimmy's parents are using a method that is similar to which behavior modification technique?

token economy

Which of the following behavioral techniques is based on operant conditioning principles?

token economy

Which of the following would constitute the biggest and most legitimate criticism of the trait perspective to understanding human personality?

traits apply labels to behavior but doesn't explain why

Ralph told his client-centered therapist that he drove drunk one night, many years ago, smashed into a tree, and seriously injured his then girlfriend. Then, he confessed that, from time to time, he still drinks too much and gets behind the wheel of his car. Ralph's therapist listened without interrupting, evaluating, or giving advice. Instead, he let Ralph know that even though he does not approve of his behavior, he accepts that it is a part of him. The therapist was communicating

unconditional postive regard

Nigel is suffering from schizophrenia, and he goes to his physician who orders a series of brain imaging tests. When they are talking about the results afterward, the doctor says, "I see some hollow spaces in the brain that are abnormally enlarged. This is consistent with the diagnosis of schizophrenia." What are these hollow spaces called?


Wendy has a morbid fear of spiders. Her therapist had her wear a head-mounted display, which was connected to a computer. When Wendy was ready, the therapist turned on the system and it appeared to Wendy that she was out walking in a field of spiders. What type of therapy was Wendy experiencing?

virtual therapy

Dr. Marx suspected that Gary had an antisocial personality disorder when he confessed that

wasn't bothered when he drove into his neighbors bush

Brenda has been suffering from schizophrenia for many months now. Recently she has demonstrated a fixed and rigid physical posture that she will sit in for many hours at a time. When she is in this state others can walk up to her and reposition her limbs, and she will stay in this "molded" position until the episode ends. This is sometimes referred to as ________ .

waxy flexibility

Jamal is part of a focus group at work that is made up of 8 people, all of whom get along very well together. They have been assigned the role of coming up with ways of reducing costs, no matter what cuts they have to make. Jamal is worried that the group will rapidly decide to make spending cuts that are a mistake just because they are all friendly and nobody wants to disagree with the group. He should remember that such groupthink is most likely to occur when all but which of the following factors occur?

when they're all the same sex

Which statement about abnormal behavior is correct?

whether is is abnormal or not depends on the time and place in which it occurs

According to the research on attraction, Dobie, an average-looking guy, is most likely to establish a long-lasting relationship with

who lives close to him

Encarni is having a conversation with her advisor, who just happens to be personality theorist Walter Mischel. The two of them discuss the interaction of personal variables and situation variables. Mischel's description of person variables is similar to that of Julian Rotter, but Mischel adds others. Which of the following would Encarni probably not bring up in this conversation?

workable shift mechanisms

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