Psych of Aging Exam 2

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The lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder is estimated to be ____%.


A large-scale survey of adults from MIDUS showed that ______% indicated they had experienced a "midlife" crisis, though the ages associated with that crisis showed a wide range.


In 2010, a woman marrying for the first time at 30 years of age would be approximately ___________ compared to the median woman in the U.S. for age at first marriage

4 years older

According to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), what type of behavior by an employer would explicitly be prohibited?

Asking a job interviewee for his or her age.

In the Type A behavior pattern, high scores on hostility seem strongly related to which health outcome?

Cardiovascular disease

Because most adults in our society have internalized society's norms about what's right and wrong but do not necessarily have a true conscience, personality theorist Loevinger believed that they fall into the _______________ stage of ego development.


A 67-year-old former embezzler out on parole sees a court-ordered therapist each week. The therapist observes in her notes that he seems to be a good example of the maturation hypothesis. This means that the former convict shows which behavior?

Losing interest in becoming involved in illegal activities involving theft.

A 63-year-old man has never felt that he could settle on a career, and has explored three completely different areas of work since completing his medical degree at age 30. This man would fit which life pathway as described from research on the RALS?

Meandering Way.

Symptoms of depression in persons over the age of 65 are more likely to take which form compared to symptoms shown in younger adults?

Physical complaints

Which of the following is an appropriate modification that clinicians should use when assessing older adult clients?

Taking physical limitations of the client into account such as arthritis.

An older woman becomes so enraged at what she believes is poor service that she storms out of a restaurant and vows never to eat there again even though she's gone there for years, and there was nothing different about the way she was treated. What would a psychologist need to know in order to consider whether her behavior fits the criteria for abnormality?

Whether she really was treated poorly or not.

Psychologists may fail to recognize the symptoms of major depressive disorder in an older adult because they mistakenly assume that:

aging is naturally accompanied by greater feelings of sadness.

Of the following, which category of disorders has the highest lifetime prevalence?


Men who become most confident about their roles as fathers are those who:

are regarded as competent by their wives.

A 34-year-old woman is struggling to overcome her extreme anxiety that her friends will desert her, so she tends to stay away from making new friendships. According to the attachment style perspective, she would be considered to be _________ in her attachment style.


Individuals who feel that their occupation is a(n) ____________ are likely to feel the most personal meaning in their work.


Reaching a point in your vocational development where you no longer feel that you are growing might keep you at the:

career plateau

A 67-year-old woman is constantly organizing and re-organizing her kitchen cabinets, wanting every cup, plate, glass, and utensil to be in exactly the "right" place. Her behavior causes her distress, and although she would like to stop, she can't help herself. This behavior would be considered to be what type of psychological symptom?


After several years at his current job as a sales manager, a 50-year-old man decides he would rather remain a sales manager than do anything else because it suits his personality and interests. Based on the RIASEC model, you would expect that his score on a measure of career _________ would therefore be higher than would someone else's score who did not desire a career change.


The ________________ principle would predict that, over time, a highly agreeable person would be more liked by other people, which would further increase that person's agreeableness over the years of adulthood.


In Whitehall II, workers in lower employment grades had higher ___________ levels, beginning in the morning and continuing through the end of the day, supporting the idea that their stress was related to poor sleep as well as their experiences at work.


A major emphasis of psychodynamic theory is understanding the use of ________________ in adulthood.

defense mechanisms

Found to contribute to major depressive disorder in older adults, which condition might be overlooked by psychologists conducting an assessment?

dental problems, including tooth loss

The situation in families when parents and their adult children no longer want to be with each other and, in fact, no longer value the relationship is known as a(n):

developmental schism

A 62-year-old woman was told by her physician, much to her own distress, that she needs to lose 15 pounds in order to reduce her risk of developing diabetes. Instead of following the physician's advice, though, she instead tries to make herself feel better by minimizing the importance of what she's just heard. This way of coping with stress is known as:


When mental health parity for Medicare was passed in 2008 by the U.S. Congress, this meant that older adults could receive which benefit?

equal copayments for mental health and medical services.

According to a survey on elder abuse in the U.S., which is the most frequent form of elder abuse committed by others to the older adult?


Researchers and clinicians use the Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) to study the _____________ model of personality in adulthood.

five factor

The phenomenon known as doing _________ occurs after the transition to parenthood, when men and women adopt more stereotyped roles in the household.


A 45-year-old man Is concerned because his 70-year-old mother seems unusually restless, tense, irritable, and prone to worrying. It is possible that his mother has developed which psychological disorder?

generalized anxiety

A large meta-analysis of studies on aging and job satisfaction showed that older workers were more satisfied with their jobs if they:

had longer job tenure

In a test of the intergenerational solidarity model, researchers found that siblings were likely to exchange more help with each other when their parents:

had poor relationships with all of their children

The sibling relationship in later adulthood is unique because siblings typically:

have known each other longer than anyone else in their lives.

A scuba instructor greatly enjoys his work, especially the fact that he can spend much of his day underwater exploring the reefs. He also likes the activity of teaching especially when he can introduce someone new to the pleasures of the sport. He is high on which type of work factor motivation?


A 25-year-old man with a bachelor's degree in English recently started working in a publishing firm that specializes in news magazines. In Super's theory, he would be characterized as being in the Establishment stage because he:

is at the beginning of a publishing career.

Research shows that lesbian and gay couples experience more emotional difficulties in raising children when they:

live in states that do not favor same-sex parental adoption.

Generalized anxiety disorder tends to affect a higher percentage of _____________ compared to the general population

medical patients

A couple in their 30s is thinking of getting married. One partner is very outgoing and sociable, and the other is introverted and shy. According to the ____________ hypothesis on long-term relationships, they should be very happy together.

need complementarity

The greatest degree of filial _________is likely to be experienced by Asian American families.


A mental status examination of an older adult typically includes a measure of ______________, or knowledge of the time, the place, and the person's own identity.


The 6 types in the RIASEC model can be condensed into the two dimensions of data/ideas vs.


In longitudinal research on ego development in women conducted by Helson and her colleagues at Mills College, the results showed that during the years of adulthood, women decreased in:

perceived femininity

Based on socioemotional selectivity theory, members of a couple in a long-term relationship should show which pattern of social interaction in relation to their friends and social network?

prefer to spend more time with each other.

Adults 65 and over are most likely to abuse what type of illicit substance?

prescription drugs

The quality of resilience, in terms of coping, refers to an individual's ability to:

recover from stress

The idea that people are able to draw on their physical, psychological, and social capabilities to allow them to adjust to retirement is referred to as the ________ model.


Super's theory, unlike Holland's, assumes that people strive to express their __________ in their vocation


The major source of income for retirees is:

social security

According to the correspondence principle, personality __________ is enhanced over adulthood because people selectively experience life events that reinforce their existing personalities.


A marriage therapist working from the social exchange theory of interpersonal relationships would attempt to assess whether the partners in a distressed couple feel that:

the rewards of the relationship outweigh the costs.

People who use problem-focused coping are most likely to try to change ____________ when faced with a stressor.

the situation

The ___________ effect refers to the fact that widows are more likely to die after losing their spouse.


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