Psych Quizzes for Exam 2

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Based on research by Goldstein and colleagues (2008), which of the following techniques would be most effective in getting hotel guests to reuse their bath towels? Select one: a.putting a sign in the room stating that that majority of guests in this room reuse the towel b.putting a sign in every room stating "Help Save the Environment" with a cute endangered animal on it c.offering a free breakfast to guests who reused their towels two nights in a row d.having hotel clerks ask guests face-to-face to reuse towels

.a putting a sign in the room stating that that majority of guests in this room reuse the towel

________ refers to the dissonance aroused after we have chosen between two or more alternatives. a.Postdecision dissonance b.Justification of effort c.Decisional regret d.Insufficient justification

Postdecision dissonance

Dissonance theory helps us understand the apparently irrational behavior of cult members, such as those in the Heaven's Gate cult and at Jonestown who committed mass suicide. All of the following except ________ tend to increase dissonance and hence the extreme dissonance-reducing commitment to the cult or cause and the beliefs of the leaders. Select one: a. the negative self-concepts of many people who join cults b. the amount of hard work that is done on behalf of the cult c. giving up other friends and relationships outside the cult d. the sacrifice of money and possessions

a. the negative self-concepts of many people who join cults

Jay just found out that he was not accepted into his dream college. Based on information from the authors of your text about impact bias, which of the following best reflects how Jay will react? Select one: a.He will get over it rather quickly. b.He will become severely depressed. c.It actually will not bother him in the least. d.He will not go to college at all unless he can get admitted into his dream school.

a.He will get over it rather quickly.

Aronson and Mills (1959) performed an experiment in which college women were invited to join a discussion group about sex. In order to join the group, participants had to undergo either a severe initiation, a mild initiation, or no initiation. Which of the following best describes this study's findings? Women who underwent ________ initiation enjoyed the discussion the ________. Select one: a.a severe; most b.a severe; least c.a mild; most; most

a.a severe; most

According to Irving Janis (1972, 1982), groupthink occurs when groups value ________ over ________. Select one: a.cohesiveness and solidarity; a realistic consideration of the facts b.strong leadership; weak leadership; accuracy many alternatives as possible; a common goal

a.cohesiveness and solidarity; a realistic consideration of the facts

Attitude inoculation is the process of making people immune to persuasion attempts by Select one: a.exposing them to arguments against their position. b.exposing them to arguments in support of their position. c.encouraging them to feel positive about the position that they hold. d.encouraging them to keep an open mind.

a.exposing them to arguments against their position.

You are a little confused about how to address your new boss. Even though you are told that your new supervisor's name is Charlie Rose, you have noticed that everyone at work calls him "Boss." You, too, decide to start calling your supervisor "Boss." This decision is a product of Select one: a.informational social influence. b.normative social influence. c.compliance with authority. d.private acceptance.

a.informational social influence.

According to the tenets of cognitive dissonance theory, people are most likely to change their attitudes when they have ________ justification for an attitude-discrepant behavior. Select one: a.insufficient external b.insufficient internal c.ample external d.ample internal

a.insufficient external

Aicha's whole family loves the Red Sox. Recently, Aicha has begun rooting for the Yankees. When she's at home, she receives a lot of jokes and disapproval from her family. This reaction to her behavior is a(n) Select one: a.punishment b.implicit attitude c.reinforcement d.fear-arousing communication


A tobacco grower says, "I'm not the only one growing it. If I stop, someone else will be there." Assuming that the man was experiencing dissonance from the fact that he was making his living from a crop that is bad for people's health, he appears to be reducing this dissonance by Select one: a.self-affirmation in an unrelated domain. b.changing his cognitions. c.adding new cognitions. d.changing his behavior.

adding new cognitions

Lisa is a car salesperson. She has just gotten you to agree to a deal on a new car and to write out a check for the down payment. She takes this to her manager and comes back a while later saying that, because of taxes and fees, the price of the car will actually come out to $600 over what you agreed upon. According to the research on lowballing, which of the following is most likely to occur? Select one: a.You would decide to buy the car only if you are not excited by the anticipation of the event. b.You would decide to buy the car anyway because there is an illusion of irrevocability (i.e., you don't feel that you can reverse your decision). c.You would not buy the car because salespeople are generally ineffective at persuading buyers to do what they want. d.You would decide to buy the car anyway because you realize the decision is reversible.

b.You would decide to buy the car anyway because there is an illusion of irrevocability (i.e., you don't feel that you can reverse your decision).

Although social groups vary tremendously (e.g., families, sororities, sports teams, religious congregations), they are all alike in that Select one: a.they tend to be heterogeneous. b.actions are guided by norms. c.they convey competitive advantage. d.members share the same space at the same time.

b.actions are guided by norms.

You have been hired to help design a campaign to get people to conserve energy. Based on the research by Nolan and colleagues (2008), what is the most effective way to convince people to conserve? Select one: a.emphasize the money they would save b.tell them that their neighbors are doing it c.explain that they are protecting the environment d.explain the benefits to society

b.tell them that their neighbors are doing it

Why would Muzafer Sherif, a social psychologist, choose the autokinetic effect (a perceptual illusion) to study social conformity? He wanted Select one: study the influence of perceptions on social behavior. construct a situation that was ambiguous. c.participants to feel pressure to obey his instructions. use a dark room to foster a sense of cohesion in the group. construct a situation that was ambiguous.

According to research presented in the chapter, consumers' attitudes toward products such as perfumes and greeting cards are ________ based because they are informed by ________. Select one: a.behaviorally; past product purchases b.cognitively; logical appraisals of the product c.affectively; values and the self-concept d.cognitively; social identity concerns

c.affectively; values and the self-concept

Complete the following analogy: injunctive norm: ________:: descriptive norm: ________. Select one: a.culture; universal b.approval; disapproval c.approval; observed d.observed; common

c.approval; observed

According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, people who ________ are most likely to take the ________ route to persuasion. Select one: not pay close attention; central not care about the issue; central c.are motivated to pay attention; central d.are motivated to pay attention; peripheral

c.are motivated to pay attention; central

Consider the following destructive acts: soccer fans bludgeoning one another, fans at rock concerts trampling one another to death to secure good seats, and Klansmen lynching African Americans. All of these are examples of the dangerous effects of Select one: a.hysterical contagion. b.anti-social contagion. c.deindividuation. d.anti-social anonymity.


Baron (1986) has found that flashing lights can cause the same social facilitation effects as the presence of other people. These findings support the idea that ________ is the source of arousal that enhances performance on simple tasks. Select one: a.reactance b.increased vigilance c.distraction d.evaluation apprehension


For Halloween, Jeff wears a sheet and goes to a party as a ghost. How is this costume likely to influence his behavior? He will Select one: more likely to monitor his own behavior. b.focus more attention on himself, causing greater self-awareness. c.feel less personally accountable for his behavior. d.feel less like himself, causing him to reaffirm his own moral standards.

c.feel less personally accountable for his behavior.

Which of the following comparisons represents the strength dimension as defined by social impact theory (Latané, 1981)? Select one: a.a group of two acquaintances versus a group of ten acquaintances b.yielding to informational influence versus yielding to normative influence c.friends versus strangers with your family versus living 100 miles away

c.friends versus strangers

All of the following are characteristics of affectively based attitudes except that they are Select one: a.a central part of one's self. b.not a result of rational examination. c.governed by logic. d.often linked to values.

c.governed by logic.

As mentioned in the text, a Yale researcher (Cohen, 1962) paid some students relatively little and others relatively more to write an essay that contradicted their true beliefs about the local police. Results of his experiment demonstrated that Select one: a.the greater the external justification, the greater the shift in participants' attitudes toward the police. b.the size of the incentive changed students' attitudes only if they privately liked the police. the absence of large incentives, students changed their attitudes about the police. d.students who were paid little were more willing to ride along with the police. the absence of large incentives, students changed their attitudes about the police.

Both social facilitation and social loafing are examples of the influence that the presence of others has on our behaviors. These phenomena differ, however, in that presence of others ________ in social facilitation situations and ________ in social loafing situations. Select one: a.impairs performance on simple tasks; impairs performance on complex tasks b.decreases arousal; increases arousal c.increases arousal; decreases arousal d.enhances performance on complex tasks; impairs performance on complex tasks.

c.increases arousal; decreases arousal

The text described a recent situation in which novelist Stephen King began publishing a novel called The Plant in installments over the Internet, asking readers to pay $1 per installment. He indicated that if at least 75 percent of the people who downloaded the novel paid the fee, he would keep writing and posting new installments, but if fewer than 75 percent paid the fee, he would stop writing and people would never get the rest of the novel. King posed a ________ dilemma for his readers. Select one: a.polarization b.deindividuation d.transactional

Zajonc (1965) wrote an influential article in which he posited a theoretical explanation for the social facilitation effect. Elegantly simple, this explanation included two steps: Select one: a.performance of difficult tasks is arousing, and arousal impedes performance. b.the presence of others is distracting, and distractions make it more difficult to perform. c.the presence of others causes arousal, and arousal makes it easier to do simple things and harder to do difficult or new things. d.actors are concerned about evaluation, and the most dominant response is activated.

c.the presence of others causes arousal, and arousal makes it easier to do simple things and harder to do difficult or new things.

Based on work on deindividuation, in which context is Janine most likely to make offensive comments towards Harry, with whom she is angry? Select one: a.when she is being interviewed on camera by her therapist b.when she is writing a signed email to Harry c.when she is on an Internet chatroom anonymously d.when she is in front of her supervisor and face to face with Harry

c.when she is on an Internet chatroom anonymously

In a field study by Shultz and his colleagues (2007), several households in a neighborhood received weekly feedback about their level of energy consumption relative to their neighbors. Feedback about how much energy they used relative to their neighbors provided participants with ________ norms. Select one: a.prescriptive b.descriptive and injunctive c.injunctive d.descriptive

d. descriptive

________ attitudes are based primarily on people's beliefs about properties of attitude objects. Select one: a.Evaluatively based b.Intention-based c.Affectively based d.Cognitively based

d.Cognitively based

According to results of dissonance studies, who is more likely to believe that lying is truly a heinous, unconscionable, and unforgivable act? Select one: a.Julius, who knew he should tell the truth, but lied instead b.Dan, who has always told the truth c.Bill, who lies quite often d.Mark, who was tempted to lie, but told the truth instead

d.Mark, who was tempted to lie, but told the truth instead

André is not at all familiar with a presidential candidate's stand on the issues or with his proposed policies, but André likes "his" candidate and plans to vote for him anyway. This example illustrates that people's attitudes toward politicians are often Select one: a.behaviorally based. b.classically conditioned. c.cognitively based. d.affectively based.

d.affectively based.

During a drought, Lynne noticed that all of her neighbors had stopped watering their lawns even though there were no laws against it. Lynne was following a(n) ________ norm when she let her lawn turn brown, too. Select one: a.objective b.productive c.proscriptive d.descriptive


Execution teams who work at prisons tend to deny personal responsibility for the executions and state that they are just following orders. Such justifications for taking a human life illustrate that when people obey authority they can Select one: a.internally justify their actions. b.influence others to do so as well. c.control the situation psychologically. d.externally justify their actions.

d.externally justify their actions.

"Experts are always right" and "Expensive means quality" are some examples of how ________ can be used in persuasion. Select one: a.implicit attitudes b.affect c.systematic processes d.heuristics


According to the heuristic-systematic model of persuasion, when people use the peripheral route of persuasion, they rely on Select one: a.dissonance reduction. b.cognitive arguments. c.strength of the argument. d.heuristics.


According to Latané's (1981) social impact theory, as group size increases from two to three members, the impact will increase ________ if a group increases from twenty-nine to thirty members. Select one: a.exponentially b.substantially less than c.the same amount as d.more than

d.more than

According to a social comparison interpretation, group polarization tends to occur because individuals can present themselves in a more ________ light by taking slightly more ________ positions than the norm of the group. Select one: a.positive; cautious b.negative; risky c.positive; conservative d.positive; extreme

d.positive; extreme

A mother is trying to get her child to behave in the store and to stop running around, yelling, and grabbing things off the shelves. According to cognitive dissonance theory, if she wants to stop the child's behavior immediately for the time being, she should use a ________, but if she wants to more permanently change the behavior she should use a ________. a.large punishment; small punishment b.large punishment; large reward c.bribe; punishment d.small reward; large punishment

large punishment; small punishment

A person who supports gay marriage listens to a televised debate between two politicians on either side of the issue. According to dissonance theory, this person is likely to remember Select one: a.the best arguments on each side of the issue, regardless of who presented them. b.only the arguments presented by the person who was for gay marriage. c.only the arguments presented by the person who was against gay marriage. d.the most plausible arguments in favor of gay marriage and the most implausible arguments against it.

the most plausible arguments in favor of gay marriage and the most implausible arguments against it.

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