Psych Test 3, psych final exam (Huber), test 1 psych of adjust practice tests, Psych of Adjust test 1 chapter 1-3, Exam 2 Psych of adjust 4,5,6, psych exam 3 chpt 7,8,9, Psych Final, PSYC 305 - Ch. 16, PSYC 305 - Final Exam Review, PSYC 305 - Ch. 15,...

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A negative (or positive) evaluation of a particular group and its members


A prediction, stemming from a theory, stated in a way that allows it to be tested.

Which of the following conflicts would be MOST stressful?

An approach-avoidance conflict

Professor Smith is notorious for his cumulative final exams. Everything from when he walked into the classroom on day 1 all the way to his last remarks while handing out the final are fair game and could be on the exam. You have been diligent in your reading and note taking in class but are dreading the final (as are the rest of your classmates). You worry that you missed something and that you will fail the final! Which type of stressor are you and your classmates experiencing?


___________ are the most frequently prescribed class of medication in the United States.

Antidepressant drugs

Valium, Xanax, and other tranquilizers are most likely to be used to treat which of the following disorders?

Anxiety Disorders

___________ coping is aimed at changing a person's interpretation of events considered stressful.


Betty is having a hard time deciding whether she should buy a coat. On the one hand, it is a name brand coat on sale for a great price. On the other hand, it is an ugly mold-green color. Betty is experiencing what type of conflict?


Which of the following will not help you build higher self-esteem?

Approaching others with positive expectations

_______________________ is the area of research that attempts to trace hereditary influences on personality.

Behavioral genetics

According to Maslow, which of the following is not characteristic of self-actualizing persons?

Being uncomfortable with solitude

The finding that males exhibit more cerebral specialization than females supports which of the following biologically based explanations for gender differences?

Brain organization

Which of the following statements BEST reflects the nature of scientific psychology?

Conclusions are based on systematic observation.

Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions Rogers felt was necessary for a positive therapeutic climate?

Conditional free association

Behavior modification approaches are based on which research tradition?


Research has shown that which of the following is moderately correlated with happiness?

Good social relations

Which of the following statements about gratitude was NOT discussed in your text?

Gratitude can be related to personality.

Which of the following statements regarding group therapy is NOT accurate?

Group therapy is best for non-social disorders.

Suppose you are interested in researching positive emotional styles and health. Which of the following measures of positive emotions would be MOST consistent with those summarized in your text?

Happy selfies posted to social media

Which of the following would be a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

Having virtually no friendships

Which synopsis MOST accurately summarizes the findings of the Spotlight on Research study discussed in your text (Cohen et al., 2015)?

Hugs reduce the negative effects of stress.

A mood is

Less distinct than an emotion

Which of the following statements BEST reflects the body of research on the Type A personality and heart disease?

Linkages between Type A personality and heart disease are not as strong or consistent as predicted.

Which of the following "homework assignments" is MOST likely from a therapist who employs cognitive-behavioral therapy?

Log thoughts in a diary and look for negative beliefs.

Which of the following was NOT one of the critiques of drug therapy voiced by your textbook authors?

Long-term personality changes can be produced by most prescribed drugs.

Research has demonstrated that self-efficacy is related to all EXCEPT which of the following?

Marital satisfaction

Which of the following is the best description of the way that men and women tend to get their social needs met?

Men are more likely to display collective interdependence, and women are more likely to display relational interdependence.

Bill's use of the word "broad" in conversation when referring to women offends Betty and makes it hard for her to follow his meaning. This type of miscommunication is called?


The clinical usage of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) peaked in the ___________ before effective drug therapies were widely available.

1940s and 1950s

Northrup and colleagues (2012), in an international sample, found that nearly _______ of men in their research experienced "love at first sight."


Roberta was diagnosed with hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. Based on this diagnosis, you inform her that noncompliance rates for conditions like these are approximately ___________.


Twin studies cited in your text provide which of the following estimates of genetic contribution to personality?


One quick strategy people can use to find out if self-help books are based on published research is to

look for references at the end of chapters or at the end of the text.

Jack and Liz have been dating for two years. They are a good example of the matching hypothesis. This means that they are matched on the basis of


Moods are _____________ feelings that last for ___________.

low-level; a long time

David Buss

maintains that the Big Five traits are present across a variety of cultures because they had significant adaptive value for humans

Kirsten is extremely sad and has been that way for the entire semester. She rarely leaves her dorm room and no longer attends the events on campus she really enjoyed. Kirsten is probably suffering from ____________________.

major depressive disorder

what CANT hypnosis be used for

making someone do what they wouldn't normally do

Michael gambles nearly every day, completely neglecting his family and his job. His behavior best satisfies which of the following criteria of abnormality?

maladaptive behavior

what the most commonly used hallucinogen?

marijuana 35%

Overdose and physical dependence are not problems with __________________, but the potential to __________________ still exists.

marijuana; create psychological dependence

Holland's theory of occupational choice emphasizes

matching personality traits and job environments.

which of the following elements is NOT a key source of information in person perspective?

material posessions

Truc and Hiroshi have plenty of financial resources. In their marriage, arguments about money

may be common.


meaningless speech like sounds made by children

Despite the growing body of research on the determinants of happiness, people should be cautious because ________________.

most of the data are correlational

______ is an incurable side effect marked by chronic tremors and involuntary spastic movements sometimes caused by antipsychotics.

Tardive dyskinesia

scientific method

The approach through which psychologists systematically acquire knowledge and understanding about behavior and other phenomena of interest

efferent neurons

motor communicate info tom the nervous system to muscles and glands

Compared to European workers, American workers receive

much less paid vacation time

Aggression in response to self-esteem threats is more likely to occur in people who are


unconditioned stimulus

naturally brings about a particular response without having been learned - a dog salavating at meat

well-defined problem

nature of the problem and the info needed to solve are clear

ill-defined problem

nature of the problem and the info needed to solve are unclear

Experiencing depression ___________ a person's likelihood of developing heart disease.

nearly doubles

The strengthening of a response tendency by virtue of the fact that the response leads to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is

negative reinforcement.

Suppose you are sharing a dorm room with a classmate who is much tidier than you are. If you clean your side of the room just to put an end to your roommate's nagging, your dorm cleaning has been _______________.

negatively reinforced

what are neurons

nerve cells, the basic element of the nervous system

Adam is speaking very rapidly as he gives his oral presentation in class. His paralanguage most likely conveys his _________ in front of class.


A polygraph machine does NOT measure which of the following?

neural activity

what is familial retardation

no apparent biological defect exists, but there is a history of retardation in the family

correlational research

no cause and effect, sees relation of two things

Elena is very caring toward her friend Monique. She spends a lot of time texting with her, especially when Monique was going through a rough time in her marriage. When Monique forgave her husband for bad behavior, Elena felt despair and anger with Monique for giving in. These feelings exemplify?

The paradox of close relationships

Which of the following is not offered in the text as a criticism of self-help books?

The topics they cover are often quite narrow.

Jung's Analytical Psychology

Unconscious comprised of Personal Unconscious and Collective unconscious

Margaret earned a C on her psychology paper. She became discouraged when she found that Alicia earned an A. But later Margaret became motivated to reach Alicia's level of writing. This is an example of which strategy for self-enhancement?

Upward comparison

Which of the following BEST summarizes the position of theorists on the relationship between social skills and depression?

When people lack social skills, they are often unable to earn various reinforcers in life.

In which of the following cases are people most likely to follow the instructions they receive from health-care professionals?

When they like and understand the health-care professional

Which of the following statements is true regarding infidelity?

Women are more distressed by emotional infidelity, while men are more distressed by sexual infidelity.

cause and effect

an action causing a reaction

Aaron exhibits both masculine and feminine personality traits. According to gender identity theory, he would be classified as


chlorpormazine, is what class of drug?

anti-psychotic medication

Which of the following statements regarding the role of a therapist's profession is accurate? a. Only a clinical psychologist can prescribe drugs for disorders that merit drug therapy. b. There is no reliable association between a therapist's professional background and therapeutic efficacy. c. Psychologists are generally considered more effective therapists than either counselors or social workers. d. Health insurance policies that cover psychotherapy generally specify that treatment must be provided by a psychiatrist.

b. There is no reliable association between a therapist's professional background and therapeutic efficacy.

when do girls and boys experience a growth spurt in adolensece

btwn 12-16yr - girls (11-14) -boys (12-16)

what are behavioral treatment approaches?

build on the basic processes of learning, such as reinforcement and extinction, to reduce or eliminate maladaptive behavior

Suppose your friend sends you a text when she is outside your dorm building. In this case, the element of communication being demonstrated is ________________.


The process of coping ___________.

involves efforts to tolerate stress, and may take healthy or unhealthy forms

Recent research that examines the effects of pressure on task performance among normal participants revealed that ___________.

choking under pressure is a common phenomenon

The greatest threats to health in our society today are

chronic diseases

In terms of process, client-centered therapy emphasizes


Your friend's cat not only sprints to the kitchen when it hears a can of wet food being opened, it also tends to follow your friend any time she walks into the kitchen. The cat is demonstrating the process of _________________.

classical conditioning

Anxiety responses can be established through ________________ and sustained through _____________.

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

According to the DSM-IV, mood disorders would be classified on the axis that includes

clinical Syndromes


cluster of fibers at one end of a neuron that receives messages from other neurons

Balcetis and colleagues

collectivism may promote greater self insight than individualism, at least when people contemplate whether they will engage in socially desirable behaviors

Courtney has decided to postpone starting graduate school for a year or two so that she can help out at her family's bakery. This action is characteristic of people from a(n) _____________ culture.


Most therapists are found in ___________.

community health centers

Taking the body of research as a whole, gay and lesbian relationships are ___________ those of heterosexuals.

essentially the same as

Which of the following BEST represents the main critique of Milgram's obedience studies?

ethical considerations

Secondary appraisal refers to

evaluation of coping resources and options for dealing with a stressful event.

According to work by Pronin and Jacobs (2008) on mental motion, people feel a more positive mood when thoughts are ___________.

fast and varied

According to therapists who practice cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), depression is caused by ___________.

faulty thinking

Research findings on gender and self-disclosure suggest which of the following?

in an other-gender relationship, self-dsiclosure is relatively equal for men and women

Researchers suggest that avoidance and withdrawal tactics are effective strategies for coping with communication apprehension, but ONLY

in the short term

naturalistic observation research

in which an investigator observes some naturally occurring behavior and does not make a change in the situation.

According to Rogers, disparity between one's self-concept and actual experience is referred to as


Time management experts suggest that the key to better time management is ___________.

increased effectiveness

Speculation by Gentile and colleagues is that ____________ explains women's __________ self-esteem for physical appearance since 1980.

increased media focus; lower

An experiment is a research method in which the investigator manipulates the____ variable and observes whether changes occur in a (an) _____ variable as a result.

independent; dependent

Positive Correlation

indicates that as the value of one variable increases, we can predict that the value of the other variable will also increase. if you study you do well... up, up

psychoactive drugs

influence a persons emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. - alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens

Women's same-gender friendships are typically based on _______ ; men's are typically based on _________.

intimacy and self-disclosure; shared activities

For the last month, Tenisha has stayed up all night thinking through how angry she is at Larry for his staying out late nights with his boys, the years and effort she has put into their marriage, as well as her increasingly nice and handsome co-worker. Which phase of Duck's theory of relationship dissolution is being described here?


who do psychologists study the mind

introspection- a procedure used to study the structure of the mind in which subjects are asked to describe in detail what they're experiencing when they're exposed to a stimulus

In Milgram's obedience studies, participants were

intrusted to deliver electric shocks to a learner

longitudinal research

investigates behavior as participants get older


two or more people who interact with one another, percieve themselves as part of a group, and are independent

defense mechanisms

unconscious strategies that people use to reduce anxiety by distorting reality and concealing the source of the anxiety from themselves.

Even when people are discussing the same unhealthy behaviors, they have a tendency to ___________ the risks associated with their own behaviors, and ___________ the risks that root from the unhealthy behaviors of others.

underestimate; accurately perceive

Fredrickson, Joiner, and Levenson have supported the ____ which posits that positive emotions aid the mind and the body by recovering a sense of balance and flexibility following an episode experience of _____ emotion.

undoing hypothesis; negative

what are archetypes, according to Carl Jung

universal symbolic representations of particular types of people, objects, ideas, or experiences

negative reinforcement

unpleasant stimulus, removal leads to an increase in the probability that a preceding response will be repeated

In cases where self-esteem is _________, it is probably not a good idea to try and build self-esteem.

unrealistically high

If a psychological test is found to measure the construct that it was designed to measure, then it is justifiable in calling it a __________ assessment tool.


Luz took a personality assessment that was supposed to tell her how extroverted she is. This new measure of personality was created by a graduate student at her school. Luz was taken aback by the result of "low socialness" as she has always been considered very outgoing or extraverted. One week later, she took the short version of the Big Five Inventory, and the Hogan Personality Inventory. On both those measures, she scored in the high end of the extraversion range. Because Luz scored similarly on the two established extraversion measures, but differently on the graduate student's new measure, this may indicate a lack of _________________.


which are considered cues of paralanguage?

volume, accent, grunt

An assessment of a potential __________ is most likely to be made using a snap judgment.


Research (e.g., Diener & Seligman, 2004) suggests a ______________ relationship between income and happiness.

weak positive

The primary aim of systematic desensitization is to ___________.

weaken the association between the conditioned stimulus and conditioned response


week 8 to birth, fetal period, age of viability @22 weeks, could survive if born early

Asch found that group size had little influence on group conformity ______________.

when just one accomplice failed to go along with the rest of the group

People in a state of mindlessness perform action ___________.

without much cognition

In the beginning stages of a relationship with a person of the same sex, _______________.

women typically disclose more than men

Which of the following statements about attractiveness standards appears to hold across differing countries, cultures, and ethnic groups as MOST accurate?

women with neonate qualities consistently gain high ratings of attractiveness

Peterson's guidelines for keeping a list of good things includes

write down the reasons that your choices for the list are good things for you and your life.

Research by James Pennebaker and his colleagues suggests that wellness is promoted by

writing about one's traumatic experiences.

what is a glial cell

part of a neuron, provide nourishment to neurons and insulate them, help to repair damage, support neutral functioning

whats the main function of the thalamus

part of the brain located in the middle of the central core that acts primarily to relay info about the senses


part of the neuron that carries messages destined for other neurons


part of the personality that contains the memories, knowledge, beliefs, feelings, urges, drives, and instincts of which the individual is not aware

Selye exposed lab animals to various stressors and found that

patterns of physiological arousal were similar, regardless of the type of stress.

Which of the following BEST describes the process of person perception?

people prefer to exert as little cognitive effort as necessary

Two subtypes of pressure include ___________.

pressure to conform and pressure to perform

Sigmund Freud

psychodynamic theories; theoretical models derived from Freud. Psychodynamic theorists: Freud, Jung, Adler


psychological techniques used o help a person overcome psychological difficulties and disorders

correlation coeffiecient

represents the strength and direction of the relationship between 2 variables

Voluntarily sharing personal information in a conversation with another person is referred to as ______________.


A woman who describes herself as "frank and honest" but actually lies frequently is manifesting her ____________________.


Illusions of control and the "better than average effect" are examples of ________________.


One application of terror management theory is an attempt to explain _________________.


The tendency to sabotage one's performance to provide an excuse for possible failure is called ________________.


When people engage in pseudolistening, it is usually due to


Taken as a whole, gender differences in verbal abilities are

small and favor females

terminal buttons

small bulges at the end of axons that send messages to other neurons

Inferences that people draw about the causes of events, their own behavior, and others' behavior are called

snap judgements

The notion that people play an active role in their learning is characteristic of ________________.

social cognitive theory

The intensity of savoring is affected by all of the following except

social disconnection.

Which of the following is not a problem associated with the male role?

the marriage mandate

Cognitive dissonance

the mental conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts, discovered by Leon Festinger

Which of the following is not a component of the interpersonal communication process?

the monitor

Suyin considered herself a good friend to Valerie, and was there for her through family strife and alcoholism. They did not see each other too often when Suyin moved to another state for her job. But they confided in one another over FaceTime and frequently texted to maintain their strong friendship. Suyin first felt betrayal and later primal rage when Valerie shared some very personal details of her sexual history with a male friend. This phenomenon can be described as __________.

the paradox of close friendships

Technological advances have not led to perceptible improvement in our collective health and happiness. This statement defines

the paradox of progress.

The transition to parenthood tends to be easier when

the parents have realistic expectations

People in a state of mindfulness are focused on ___________.

the present moment

The main concern with antipsychotic drugs is ___________.

the side effects

The key take-home point from Milgram's obedience study is that

the situation is a stronger indicator of behavior than the kind of person

The key take-home point from Milgram's obedience study is that ________________.

the situation is a stronger indicator of behavior than the kind of person

cell body

the spherical part of the neuron that contains the nucleus

stage 4 sleep

-30% - deepest sleep -least responsive to outside stimulus

d. Medical

Thomas Szasz.

stage 1 sleep

-30% -rapid, low-amp brain waves - state of transition between wakefulness and sleep

stage 3 sleep

-30% -slow brain waves with high peaks and lower valleys of waves than stage 2

The process of seeking medical treatment includes the following stages:

(1) A determination that symptoms indicate illness, (2) that the illness warrants medical attention, and (3) the making of arrangements.


Behavior directed toward individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group

what can hypnosis be used for

-controlling pain -reducing smoking -treating psych disorders -assisting law enforcement -improving athletic performance

mental image

- representation in the mind of an object or event

what percentage of mentally retarded are considered 'mildly retarded'?

-2% - score of 55-69

Suppose you have a younger sibling who saw you reading this chapter. Which of the following would NOT be good advice for fostering self-esteem in your sibling?

"Always compare yourself to the best."

Which of the following remarks best demonstrates a clearly identified problem?

"I need to buy a planner to manage my time better!"

Which of the following depicts irrational thinking, according to Ellis?

"My heart is pounding harder, so I should probably lie down now."

Over the years, which of the adages below has garnered the most empirical support within psychology?

"birds of a feather flock together"

Percent of high schoolers that use drugs

- 60% use alcohol -35% use marijuana -15-20% use cigarettes

what is anxiety

- a feeling of worry, nervousness, typically about an event or outcome

what is transference?

- a situation where the feelings, desires, and expectations of one are redirected and applied to another person - most commonly feelings are transferred to therapist


- ability to generate original ideas or solve problems in novel ways - preference for elaborate, intricate, and complex stimuli and thinking patterns - divergent thinking, cognitive complexity

whats the difference between abnormality as a legal concept, and abnormality as a sense of personal discomfort

- behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives, such as deviation from the average, is abnormality as a personal discomfort - as a legal concept the law states that you are mentally incompetent and unable, crazy etc

REM sleep

-20% - rapid eye movement sleep - high BP, high HR -erections -dreaming

whats a 'treatment group' in research? what type of research uses this?

- experimental research - treatement/ manipulation implemented by the experimenter group that receives treatment is the experimental group - ex: they take the drug experiment

How psychians communicate with patients

- female primary care physicians provide more patient specific care than males - people often prefer same sex doctor

what is cognitive psychology?

- focuses on the study of higher mental processes - language, thinking, memory, problem-solving, knowing, reasoning, judging, and decision making

How prejudice and discrimination can be reduced

- increase contact between the target of stereotyping and holder of stereotype - make values and norms against prejudice more conspicuous - provide info about the targets of stereotyping - increase the sense of social belonging of ethnic minority students

proactive interferance

- info learned earlier disrupts the recall of newer material - progrsses in time

retroactive interferancfe

- material that was learned later disrupts the retrieval of info that was learned - regresses in time

process of learning

- operant conditioning (learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable response) - Thordikes Law of effect ( if you like something you'll continue doing it)

what are the effects of narcotics?

- pain relief - relaxation

whats the function of the limbic system

- part of the brain that controls eating, aggression and reproduction - plays important role in learning and memory


- part of the personality that provides a buffer between the ID and the outside world - reality principe - executive perosnality

Super ego

- personalty structure that harshly judges the morality of our behavior - includes the consciousness that prevents us from behaving in a morally improper way

what are the main anxiety disorders

- phobic diorder - panic disorder - generalized anxiety disorder - OCD


- reabsorption of neurotransmitters by a terminal button - chemical recycling - retrieves chemicals that were not received by the next neuron - cleans up what is left and uses it later

what is cochlea?

- sensing sound -apart of the inner ear -coiled tube in the ear filled with fluid that vibrates in response to a sound

what do clinical psychologist specialize in? can they prescribe drugs?

- specialize in the assessment and treatment of psychological difficulties - can prescribe drugs in some states

in regards to the 'fight or flight' response, which system is responsible for this?

- symatheitic (gets excited) - peripherial nervous system - autonomic division (involuntary)

whats the main advantage of DSM5 edition compared to prior ones

- system devised by the american psychiatric association - used by most professionals to diagnose and classify abnormal behavior

what 'forgetting' function did Ebbinghaus discover?

- the forgetting curve - shows the decrease in memory it time without any effort to retain it

what does frauds psychoanalytic theory say about repressed memories?

- the primary defense mechanism in which the ego pushes unacceptable or unpleasant impulses out of awareness - when someone isn't conscious of unwanted, disturbing memories


- when an egg becomes fertilized by the sperm, resulting in a one cell entity (1st 2 weeks, germinal period)

how are women psychologists represented in the field?

- women outnumber men -75% are women

stage 2 sleep

-50% - slower and more regular wave pattern - momentary interruption of sleep spindles

what are the success rates of therapy treatment

-70-80% -client centered (76) -psychodynamic (80) -systematic (87) -behavioral (79) -cognitive (80)

what were traditional intelligence tests designed to assess?

-Binet devised 1st intelligence test which was designed to identify the "dullest" students in the paris school system in order to provide them with remedial aid

Increased mortality salience has been hypothesized to foster which of the following actions?

-Giving larger rewards to people who uphold cultural standards -Showing respect for cultural icons, such as flags -Doling out harsher penalties to those who break moral cultural traditions

Humanistic theory has been criticized for which of the following?

-Poor testability of hypotheses -Inadequate evidence -An unrealistic view of human nature

whats the most commonly used IQ test in the US

-WAIS-IV (adults) -WISIC-IV (kids)

what is the 'threshold' required for a stimulation to be sensed by a person?

-absolute threshold/ smallest intensity of a stimulus that must be presented for it to be detected

what drug is most abused by highschoolers

-alcohol/ 62%

example of stimulants

-cafeinne - nicotene - amphetimenes - cocaine

what is intelligence

-capacity to understand the world -think rationally - use resources effectively when faced with challenges


-decrease in functioning - disturbances of thought and speech - deusions - hallucinations - innappropraite emotional displays - withdrawl

Barry Schwartz (2004) argues that

-life choices have increased dramatically in modern society. -an abundance of choices can lead to choice overload. -choice overload often leads to rumination and postdecision regret.

what is stimulus generalization

-occurs after a stimulus has been conditioned to produce a particular response - stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus produce the same response

what is psychotherapy

-psychological techniques are used to help a person overcome physiological difficulties and disorders - treatment of mental disorders by psychological rather then by medical means

what do health psychologist think of the 'mind-body issues'?

-quesiton of whether the mind and body are the same thing or different - helath psych believe that they aren't exactly the same, but are closely related to each other


-raw, unorganized, inborn part of personality - sole purpose is to reduce tension created by primitive drives - pleasure principle

bodily kinesthetic

-skills in using the whole body or various portions of it in the solution of problems or in the contraction of products or displays, exemplified by dancers, athletes, actors and surgeons

spatial intelligence

-skills involving spatial configurations, such as those used by artists and architects

whats a bell curve? what a standard deviation? what percentage of a population makes up the standard deviation?

-the avg score 100 - 68% of ppl score btwn 85-115

steps of the scientific method

1- identify question 2- formulate explination, specify theory, and develop hypothesis 3- carry out research 4- communicate findings

what is the order of stages of prenatal development

1- zygote 2- embryo 3- fetus

Estimates presented in your textbook reveal that the health risks associated with smoking decrease and finally reach a normal level after approximately _____ years of not smoking.


Approximately ___ of autistic individuals are able to live independently in adulthood.


how many intellectually gifted people are there in the population



2-8wks, embryonic period, develops thru intricate pre-programmed process of cell-division, grows 10,000 times larger by 4 weeks at this point it has beating heart and organs

REM Sleep


how many pairs of chromosomes does a zygote contain

23 pairs, 46 total

whats the philiac stage accruing to freud

3-5 years - intrest in the genitals, coming to terms with oepidal conflict leading to identification with same-sex parent

How many participants in the Millgram experiment were willing to deliver the maximum shock level

40 or 65%

A study discussed in your text (Olfson & Marcus, 2010) reported that nearly ___ of mental health patients were treated with medication only. This was an increase from nearly a decade earlier.


About of patients with anorexic and bulimic disorders are female.

90% to 95%

Which of the following would be considered a behaviorist definition of personality?

A collection of response tendencies that arise in various stimulus situations

informed consent

A document signed by participants affirming that they have been told the basic outlines of the study and are aware of what their participation will involve.


A learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of conciousness

In order to be consistent with Herbert Benson's (1975) suggestions for effective practice of the relaxation response, which of the following should NOT be utilized?

A soothing playlist


A trance-like state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others 1- person is made comfortable 2- hypnotist explains what will happen 3- person asked to concentrate on specific object 4- hypnotist makes suggestion that the person interprets as being produced by hypnosis

Which of the following is not included in McCrae and Costa's five-factor model of personality?


study on conformiity

ASH, guards v prisoners by philip zimbardo, illustrated, engaging in behavior in ways that are atypical under the influence of social roles

___________ is often a significant cause of stress for those who have recently immigrated.


___________ is a disorder characterized by the gradual weakening of the immune system and later disabling by the human immunodeficiency virus.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

__________ refers to the psychological processes through which people manage or cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life.


_____ involve(s) a person's judgment that his or her goals can be achieved and _____ refer(s) to beliefs that successful plans can be crafted to reach the goal.

Agency; pathways

Rob's friends describe him using the following adjectives: "sympathetic," "trusting," "cooperative," and "straightforward." Which of the following Big Five traits would best describe him?


Why do people tend to act in self-destructive ways?

All of the above

Increased mortality salience has been hypothesized to foster which of the following actions?

All of these actions are true. (Giving larger rewards to people who uphold cultural standards, showing respect for cultural icons such as flags, doling out harsher penalties to those who break cultural traditions)

Humanistic theory has been criticized for which of the following?

All of these are true (poor testability of hypotheses, inadequate evidence, an unrealistic view of human nature

Which of the following technologies for the delivery of therapeutic services have empirical support?

All of these have some empirical support. (phone, videoconference, software programs)

Imagine you have a professor who tells you about a correlational study he read. It reported that the total number of hours studying at the end of the semester is positively correlated with the total number of points earned for the course. Based on this information, which of the following conclusions would be safest to make?

As the number of hours studied increase, the total number of points earned should increase.

Expressing your thoughts directly and honestly without trampling on other people is a description of which communication style?


Which of the following statements about routes to persuasion is TRUE?

Attitudes formed through the central route are longer lasting than those formed via the peripheral route.

Which disorder is characterized by profound impairment in social interactions and communication and by severely restricted interest and activities, apparent by age 3 years?

Autistic spectrum disorder

Jenna tends to keep her distance from others and is unconcerned about social rejection. She would be classified in which of the following attachment styles?


Which of the following statements regarding self-disclosure in online communication is accurate?

Because online communication is anonymous, people take greater risks in online self-disclosure.

Which of the following statements is the MOST accurate reflection of current research findings on catharsis theory?

Behaving aggressively tends to fuel more anger and aggression.

Which of the following can an individual do to reduce the likelihood of being victimized by date rape?

Beware of excessive alcohol and drug use

Robert McCrae and Paul Costa

Big Five Personality Traits - Extraversion, Neuroticism, Openness to new experiences, agreeableness, conscientiousness

Job stress has been found to lead to all but which of the following negative effects?

Bipolar disorder

Lithium is most frequently used in the treatment of individuals with which of the following disorders?

Bipolar disorder

Which of the following is NOT a category of negative self-talk described by Beck?

Blaming one's parents for personal troubles

Each day, Charlie goes to the neighborhood bar right after work to take advantage of the happy hour deals. He also spends the whole day there drinking on Saturdays since, as he notes, craves the taste of alcohol. On Sundays, if he does not drink a Bloody Mary or mimosa at brunch, he always finds himself shaking and sometimes he experiences seizures. Based on this description, Charlie is MOST likely demonstrating which of the following?

Both physical dependence and psychological dependence

A dramatic increase in diagnoses of autism has been observed since the mid-1990s. Which is the BEST explanation for this phenomenon, according to most experts?

Broader diagnostic criteria and greater awareness

Which of the following was NOT suggested by Dunn and Norton (2013) as a way to gain more happiness when spending money?

Buying material goods

Which of the following was not among the suggestions for prosocial spending to enhance happiness?

Buying more large pleasures and fewer small ones

____________________ is the branch of psychology concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders.

Clinical Psychology

root processing

Central- occurs when a persuasive message is evaluated by thoughtful consideration of the issues and arguments used to persuade Periphrial- occurs when a persuasive message is evaluated on the basis of irrelevant or extraneous factors

___________ is the term used in positive psychology for the process of sharing good news with others.


Client-centered therapy was developed by

Carl Rogers.

Research by Seery (2011) has uncovered a curvilinear relationship between lifetime adversity and mental health. Which of the cases below would you predict to demonstrate the BEST mental health?

Case B, who experienced a moderate level of lifetime adversity

A psychologist collected background information about a psychopathic killer, talked to him and people who knew him, and gave him psychological tests. Which research method was she using?

Case study

Which of the following adages best conveys the experience of an avoidance-avoidance conflict?

Caught between a rock and a hard place.

___________ was the first effective antipsychotic drug.


Phobic responses tend to be acquired through ______ and maintained through ______.

Classical conditioning; operant conditioning.

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate about the current state of classical psychoanalysis?

Classical psychoanalysis is not widely practiced anymore.

____________________ is the branch of psychology concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders.

Clinical psychology

Which of the following BEST reflects, theoretically, how clinicians and counselors differ?

Clinicians treat severe disorders and counselors treat everyday adjustment problems.

Imagine you run into a classmate whom you have not seen all semester. You would like to catch up, but she declines your offer to eat at the cafeteria. She mentions repeatedly, "If I gain one pound, I'll go on to gain enormous weight." Her remark is consistent with which of the following factors in the etiology of eating disorders?


Paulina studies 3 hours per day, 5 days a week. She only misses school when she is truly sick and is almost never late for class. In the rare instance that she is ill or tardy, she tends to be embarrassed and apologetic. On which of the following Big Five traits would she likely receive a high score?


The coping and stress literature has NOT identified which of the following themes in constructive coping?

Constructive coping involves, at times, excessive self-deception in order to act adaptively.

Imagine that your best friend took Duckworth and colleagues' (2007) Grit Scale. She mentioned that she scored high on Grit. As a result, it would be MOST likely your friend would act in which of the following ways?

Continued effort toward a long-term goal despite experiencing adversity

______________ research methods allow researchers to investigate topics and research questions that would be impossible with __________________ approaches.

Correlational; experimental

Latoya is a reporter for the campus newspaper and is interested in political events. She enjoys talking with people about current events, thinking about societal issues, and writing opinion pieces. Knowing this, which approach should you take if you seek to persuade her?

Craft a high-quality argument

Which of the following statements BEST reflects the approach of most "positive psychologists"?

Create optimism across situations and life circumstances

A man is orally stimulating his female partner. In which of the following is he engaging?


Suppose you have a co-worker who, on break, tells you about a relative who is normally rather quiet but has two alternate personalities that diverge greatly. One is a violent and aggressive identity and another is a flirtatious, sexualized one. The relative has not experienced any trauma and has lived a very comfortable, privileged life. Based on what you read in the chapter about dissociative identity disorder (DID), which of the following would be most accurate to tell your co-worker?

DID is a controversial diagnosis and little is known about causes.

Clinicians use several criteria when making diagnoses about abnormal behavior. Which of following criteria was NOT discussed in the text?

Danger to self

Richard is a clerk who works at a music store. He believes that the CIA can pick up his thoughts using the frequency on the store radio. Richard is exhibiting ____________.


Kenny believes that his dog often tells him important messages from God about how to prepare his food. The dog's orders are not a problem for Kenny to carry out and Kenny does not seem to mind the extra trouble. Under which criteria could Kenny's behaviors be considered a disorder?


Which of the following statements is MOST consistent with Thomas Szasz's perspective?

Disease can affect only the body, and so there can be no mental illnesses.

One of your classmates, Jace, tends to keep to himself and does not respond to much in class. When he does speak, he tends to find violent and disturbing subject matter hilarious and exhibits scattered thinking when called upon in class. Jace appears to be demonstrating symptoms consistent with what was formerly the _____________ subtype of schizophrenia.


Michael survived a hurricane, but when he appeared at the shelter he could not remember his name or other personal details. In time, however, he recovered his memory. Based on this information, which of the following did Michael appear to suffer from?

Dissociative amnesia

_______________ is an extensive and sudden loss of important personal information; whereas, _________________ is the coexistence of two or more personalities within one person.

Dissociative amnesia; dissociative identity disorder

People who lose contact with portions of their consciousness or memory and experience disruptions in their sense of identity, would most likely be considered as having which of the following types of disorders? a. Schizophrenia b. Anxiety disorders c. Dissociative disorders d. Somatoform disorders

Dissociative disorders

Which of the following research findings provides the STRONGEST evidence against cramming for tests?

Distributed practice leads to better memory than massed practice.

Tenisha earned a C on her psychology paper. She began to reassure herself that at least she did not get a D like Barry. This is an example of which strategy for self-enhancement?

Downward comparison

You are in your classroom an hour early before Professor Smith's infamously difficult cumulative final. You have been diligent all semester—reading all the assigned pages, taking copious notes, and even dropping by office hours when you need clarification. As a result, you are not at all stressed about the final, and you even feel a bit sleepy although you have had adequate rest. Suppose you follow the predictions of the inverted-U hypothesis. What would you be MOST likely to do next in order to perform your best on the challenging final?

Drink a caffeinated drink and run back to class


Drugs that increase relaxation and relieve pain and anxiety.


Drugs that slow down the nervous system. ex- alcohol

______ is a therapeutic approach that involves borrowing ideas, insights, and techniques from a variety of sources while tailoring the intervention strategy to the unique needs of the client.


Wanda works at a software firm. Today, her boss unfairly blamed her for the fact that a new program is way behind schedule. The unjustified public criticism embarrassed Wanda. Later that evening, she went for a long run to get her anger under control. Wanda is engaging in which category of coping?

Emotion-focused coping

_____ are powerful, largely uncontrollable feelings, accompanied by physiological changes.


__________ is the premise that knowledge should be acquired through ________.

Empiricism; observation

Which of the following was NOT suggested as an example of the paradox of progress?

Employers now expect college degrees for occupations that what were once considered entry-level.

Which of the following statements BEST reflects current thinking regarding the etiology of personality disorders?

Environmental factors implicated in particular disorders vary widely.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the therapeutic treatment of ethnic minorities?

Ethnic minorities overutilize therapeutic services.

Stacy is in the initial phase of sexual arousal. Her muscles are tense and her heart rate and blood pressure are elevated. She is in which phase of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle?


Which of the following is an emotion-focused coping strategy that provides an outlet for frustration, a distraction from the stressor, and benefits to physical and psychological health?


___________ is generally considered a warning sign of alcohol dependence.

Experiencing alcohol blackouts

The first stage of development in stepfamilies is __________.


Which of the following traits did Eysenck focus upon the most?


___________ physicians tend to be more patient-centered, spend more time with patients, ask more questions, and make more effort to establish a behavioral partnership with their patients than their ___________ counterparts.

Female; male

Which of the following risks is not typically associated with narcotics use?


Don just completed writing a ten-page report. When he tried to save it, the computer crashed and he lost all his work. What type of stress is Don experiencing?


Which of the following perspectives proposes that to be fully human, people need to move beyond gender roles as a way of organizing their perceptions of themselves and others?

Gender-role transcendence

Hans Seyle

General Adaptation Syndrome: alarm, resistance, exhaustion

Which of the following statements MOST accurately reflects research on the etiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Generalized brain enlargement is associated with ASD.

After schizophrenic patients return home from a hospital stay to families high in expressed emotion, research suggests they are at a higher risk for relapse relative to families low in expressed emotion. How has this tendency been interpreted?

High expressed emotion is a source of stress.

According to Robert Karasek, occupational stress is most likely to occur under which of the following conditions?

High psychological demands and low decision control

Which of the following behaviors is NOT consistent with research on high self-monitors?

High self-monitors control their emotions poorly.

Which of the following is not an aspect of nonverbal communication?


____ is a positive individual trait that refers to people's expectations that their goals can be achieved in the future.


Which of the following has not been implicated in the etiology of anxiety-related disorders?

Hormonal dysfunctions

In the DSM-IV axes _____________ and ____________ are used to diagnose disorders.


Implicit association test

IAT, is an ingenious measure of prejudice that permits a more accurate assessment of people's discrimination between members of different groups.

Tomiko tries to take the perfect selfies and most beautiful landscape shots so that she can present herself on Instagram as always having fun and going to exciting places. Her strategy would be considered which of the following?

Impression management

Which of the following statements regarding disclosure among men and women is NOT true?

In the United States, females tend to disclose less within the same gender friendships relative to males

Which of the following was NOT one of Carl Rogers's conditions for client-centered therapy?


Which of the following characteristics in young children is related to maternal employment?

Increased prosocial behavior

In the Spotlight on Research Study, Balcetis and colleagues (2008) hypothesized that people in individualistic cultures tend to engage in self-enhancement behaviors (such as overestimating their own generosity). Those raised in collectivist cultures, however, do not have these tendencies within their groups. Thus, Balcetis et al. believed collectivists would be more accurate in their predictions of their future behavior. In this case, "generosity" is defined as money donated. Based on this hypothesis, which of the following patterns of data SHOULD result?

Individualistic participants' predicted donations should exceed their actual donations.

Preliminary findings of research on thought speed-based interventions for mood disorders suggest which of the following?

Induce fast thinking

Psychologists who study human behavior in the workplace are called _____________ psychologists.


Brett thinks he failed his math test because his brain just isn't built for math. Which type of attribution is he practicing?


Ross is going through a painful breakup. He is ruminating about his dissatisfaction, the costs of his relationship, and his alternatives. Steve Duck would say Ross is going through which of the following?

Intrapsychic processes

Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is true?

It can be developed by persevering through failure until one achieves success.

Which of the following statements is not true about the self-concept?

It is composed of one dominant belief about the self.

The benefits of group therapy include all of the following EXCEPT _____________.

It is less effective than individual therapy

Which of the following statements about condoms is true?

It's okay to use water-based lubricants with latex condoms.

Which of the statements regarding therapy is NOT accurate?

It's the therapist's responsibility to change your behavior

Systematic desensitization was devised by

Joseph Wolpe.

Which of the following is a good tip for preparing an effective résumé?

Keep it short

According to proxemics research, the personal—space zones of men appear to be _______ _______ those of women?

Larger than

The traditional female role consists of three major mandates: the ___________mandate, the __________ mandate, and to work outside the home.

Marriage; motherhood

Which of the following elements is NOT a key source of information in person perception?

Material Possessions

Robert was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI). After he worked through the frustration with himself, he was grateful that his carelessness did not hurt another or himself. He even came to realize that he was a problem drinker who needed help. Robert is demonstrating which type of coping?


Which of the following is NOT identified as a common barrier to effective health care provider-patient communication?

Media depictions of doctors and nurses create unrealistic expectations about communication.

The _______________ model proposes it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease.


Which of these models of abnormal behavior became the dominant way of thinking during the 19th and 20th century? a. Physiological b. Bio-neurological c. Psychosocial d. Medical


Which of the following is not a theme in person perception?


Suppose a classmate is looking to lose 35 pounds and keep off that weight indefinitely. Evaluate the following approaches to weight loss. Which would be most in line with the recommendations of experts?

Moderately decrease caloric intake and moderately increase cardiovascular exercise

___________ is a technique not typically associated with social skills training.


Which of the following has been supported by research on intimate relationships among gay men and lesbians?

Most gay men and lesbians desire a stable, long-term relationship.

Which of the following is not a work-related trend?

Most new jobs will be in the manufacturing sector.

___________ put(s) users at a high risk of psychological and physical dependence; and, once users are dependent, they often develop a drug-centered lifestyle.


Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem is NOT consistent with the empirical evidence?

Objective data gathered from peers indicate that people with high self-esteem are more likable and make better impressions than those with low self-esteem.

Four-year-old Rachel seems to pay particular attention to what her mother and her older sister do, and she often imitates them. What is taking place?

Observational learning

Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory

Observational learning occurs when organism's responding is influenced by observation of others (models); stressed importance of self-efficacy

Which of the following must be kept in mind when one interprets the results of research on self-esteem?

One cannot draw causal conclusions regarding self-esteem based on the research.

According to research, why does optimism tend to promote a variety of desirable outcomes?

Optimism fosters more adaptive coping strategies.

Which of the following is the correct order of Freud's psychosexual stages?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Explaining the behavior of out-group members on the basis of the characteristic that sets them apart is known as the?

Out-group homogeneity effect

Which of the following statements regarding the advantages and disadvantages of experimental research is LEAST accurate?

Participants in experiments can choose either the experimental or control group.

Imagine that you conducted a follow-up study to Schachter's (1959) work on the need for affiliation among female college students. You decide to include both male and female college students in your pilot study. Suppose that after assigning participants to the experimental groups you found that all your male participants were put in the high-anxiety group, and females into the low-anxiety group. Which of the following considerations is MOST important when you do conduct your experiment?

Participants in the experimental and control groups should be as similar in all important aspects as possible.

Which of the following is not a basic principle of self-perception?

People are "cognitive spenders."

The authors of your textbook discuss individual differences in happiness. Despite the several factors that are important to happiness, self-reported well-being can vary widely among people. Which of the following statements BEST accounts for this phenomenon?

People evaluate their subjective realities relative to those around them.

Which of the following statements MOST accurately captures the cognitive view on anxiety disorders?

People with anxiety disorders tend to exhibit inattentional blindness when faced with threat.

Your grandfather cautions you that in college "stress lies in the eye of the beholder." What does he mean by this?

People's appraisals of what constitutes a stressful event can differ significantly.

__________ threats to one's in-group are much more likely to cause hostility between groups than __________ threats.

Perception of; actual

__________ is the process of forming impressions of others.

Person perception

The anxiety disorder brought on by specific stimuli is

Phobic Disorder

Which of the following is NOT a criterion for abnormal behavior?

Physical discomfort

According to Maslow, which of the following categories of needs must be first met, prior to others?


Which of the following assertions about the cathartic effects of media violence is supported by research?

Playing violent video games is related to increased aggression.

Which of the following was NOT provided as a reason why members of ethnic minority groups are less likely to seek treatment, relative to whites?

Poorer medical benefits

___________ is a social and intellectual movement within the discipline of psychology that focuses on human strengths and how people can flourish and be successful.


The broaden-and-build model proposes that _____________ people's outlooks and then builds on subsequent learning to develop future emotional and intellectual resources.

Positive emotions broaden

According to Holmes and Rahe (1967), how could a positive life event produce stress?

Positive events produce change

According to Holmes and Rahe (1967), how could a positive life event produce stress?

Positive events produce change.

_____ dedicated to studying beneficial human strengths and competencies and how they can be advanced, evaluated, and managed as a means to improve worker performance in businesses and organizations.

Positive organizational behavior is

Of positive psychology's three lines of inquiry, which one deals with psychological processes that promote favorable moods and emotions?

Positive subjective experiences

Hallucinations and delusions are classified as ____________ of schizophrenia.

Positive symptoms

Gina left an abusive marriage and continues working on her addictions while living with her mother. She has reevaluated her life's purpose and prioritizes furthering her education. In fact, she is enrolling at the state college this fall. Her goal is to help women who are experiencing what she endured. Gina is MOST likely experiencing which of the following?

Posttraumatic growth

Three years ago Eric left his fiancée, Melina, the morning of the wedding. What's more, he left on the honeymoon with the maid of honor. Melina now claims that Eric's leaving her at the altar was the best thing that ever happened to her. Melina's statement BEST exemplifies which of the following?

Posttraumatic growth

People are more likely to develop phobic responses to snakes and spiders than to hot irons or electrical outlets. This finding is most consistent with which of the following concepts? a. Neuroticism b. Preparedness c. Classical conditioning d. Observational learning


Khalid is a psychology major who is about to graduate after the fall semester. Since he will be taking the GRE and applying to graduate schools starting in October, he is taking on extra shifts and saving as much money as possible this summer. Khalid is utilizing which type of coping strategy?


Suzanne earned an F on her first Psychology of Adjustment quiz. She went to see her professor during office hours, but he was with already meeting with another student. Instead of waiting in the hallway, Suzanne booked an appointment with her professor online. She is going to discuss study strategies with her professor. Which constructive coping tactic is Suzanne utilizing?


If you are like most college students, you hold the belief that you work best under pressure. According to your text, which of the following about procrastination is NOT true?

Procrastination positively impacts work quality.

Research supports which of the following assertions about procrastination?

Procrastinators tend to focus less on the future than nonprocrastinators.

Susan's psychologist tells her the probable course of her depression. In the medical model this is called


__________ is a forecast about the probable course of an illness.


__________ require people to respond to ambiguous stimuli. The analyst then draws inferences about a person's needs, emotions, and personality traits from the responses.

Projective tests

Which of the following approaches to psychotherapy is based on the theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers?

Psychoanalytic therapy

Taylor and colleagues (2011) have questioned whether Cannon's fight-or-flight response is applicable to both males and females. Instead they argue that females often exhibit a "tend and befriend" response to stress. Their criticism is MOST consistent with which of the following explanations?


Felicia bothers her friend Craig until he provides her a joint of marijuana. She says that she needs it to get through the day. Based on this description, Felicia is MOST likely demonstrating which of the following?

Psychological dependence but not physical dependence

Which of the following is one of the text's suggestions for enhancing your sexual relationships?

Pursue adequate sex education.

You're feeling guilty after your third bowl of ice cream. You tell yourself it's all right because yesterday you skipped lunch. Which defense mechanism is at work?


Which of the following is a social trend that is undermining the traditional model of marriage?

Reduced premium on permanence in marriage

Which of the following, according to Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000), would not be considered one of positive psychology's three lines of inquiry?

Repairing psychological damage

archival research

Research in which existing data, such as census documents, college records, online databases, and newspaper clippings, are examined to test a hypothesis.

survey research

Research in which people chosen to represent a larger population are asked a series of questions about their behavior, thoughts, or attitudes.

correlation research

Research in which the relationship between two sets of variables is examined to determine whether they are associated, or "correlated.

Bonita's mother pointed out that Bonita and Ahmad tended to be negative and slightly sarcastic to each other and that this was going to cause problems in the future if they got married. Bonita, an attentive psychology student, believes _______________.

Research supports her mother's statement

Which of the following possibilities is NOT associated with playing the "sick role"?

Responsibility for one's condition

Which of the following best summarizes the textbook authors' suggestion for how to reward your studying behavior?

Reward yourself with a tangible payoff after you finish your study session.

Which of the following is a cause of prejudice?

Right-wing authoritarianism

Research has uncovered personality traits that contribute to the development of eating disorders. Suppose a classmate was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Based on the research, which of the following personality traits would you predict contributes to your classmate's condition?


Which of the following people is MOST likely to have reduced immune system functioning?

Rosa, who cares for her autistic son

Joseph kept thinking about the argument that he had the day before. He found himself feeling more and more worried that he had spoken too harshly, replaying the conversation over and over in his mind, thinking about what else he might have said. He is engaging in something called _______________


Based on trends in the data, which of the following couples has the greatest likelihood of marital success?

Ruth and Randy, who had a long courtship

Experts on the practice of savoring claim which of the following?

Savoring involves attention and appreciation.

________ _________ central nervous system activity and behavior while __________ ________ central nervous system activity and behavior.

Sedatives decrease; stimulants increase

__________ are seemingly intentional actions that thwart a person's self-interest.

Self-defeating behaviors

Richard feels sure that he failed his calculus exam and that he will have to retake the course. He is very upset. When he gets home, he orders a jumbo-size pizza and drinks two six-packs of beer. Richard's behavior illustrates which of the following coping strategies?


The textbook authors characterize most self-realization programs as harmless scams. Which of the following is MOST consistent with the authors' evaluation of these programs?

Self-realization programs give participants an illusory sense of purpose.

Which of the following is a problem unique to research on sexuality?

Sex studies are especially susceptible to participant bias.

Which of the following statements about sexual orientation is true?

Sexual orientation is complex and malleable.

Maliq is trying to improve his study skills. In particular, he wants to increase the amount of time that he spends studying in one sitting. He does not want to cram; rather, he would like to get in a regular habit of reading for a total of 3 hours after his afternoon classes. Maliq tells you that he can study for about 15 minutes right now, and cannot do much more than that. Which of the following behavior modification strategies would be the BEST first step for Maliq?


Which of the following has not been found to be a mode of transmission for AIDS?

Sharing food or a food utensil

Which of the following is NOT considered a factor of the persuasion process?


Which of the following conditions would be MOST likely to lead to the greatest likelihood of compliance with a self-modification program?

Signing the behavioral contract in front of friends and family

Lamar was asked by his therapist to first practice his pick-up lines with his sister and her friends and ask for feedback. After doing this for a week leading up to his session, his therapist then asked him to try out his pick-up lines at a nightclub and then report back at their next session. Lamar's therapist is utilizing which of the following treatment approaches?

Social skills training

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate regarding the broaden-and-build model?

Some people are more prone to positive emotions than others.

Which of the following statements BEST reflects current thinking about clinicians' theoretical approaches and therapeutic outcomes?

Some theoretical approaches work better for some disorders than others.

According to research, which of the following cues is associated with dishonesty?

Speaking with a higher than normal pitch

Which of the following reasons for cohabitation is associated with greater relationship commitment and satisfaction?

Spending time together

Which of the following statements about dissociative identity disorder is true?

Starting in the 1970s, there was a dramatic increase in the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder.

Which of the following is NOT an element of the Type A personality?

Steady working

___________ plays the largest role of all the factors that contribute to the development of prejudice.


Work on stress and the human immune system have uncovered which of the following trends?

Stress is related to decreased levels of immune activity.

A recent meta-analysis of MRI studies cited in your text showed that schizophrenic patients had smaller subcortical areas relative to control patients. Of the following statements regarding brain abnormalities, which would be MOST accurate?

Structural abnormalities may be caused by schizophrenia or may contribute to the illness.

Brainstorming is associated with which of the following appraisal-focused coping strategies?

Systematic problem solving

Which of the following BEST conveys researchers' explanations for why testing is so beneficial to long-term memory?

Testing forces people to retrieve information.

Which of the following is not a potential source of cognitive distortion in perception?

The bystander effect

Which of the following was one of your textbook authors' critiques of biological approaches to personality psychology?

The complicated interactions of heredity and environment

Consuelo was informed by his physician that his depression is treatable without medication. In fact, the physician just recommended an hour of cardiovascular exercise per day to elevate his mood appreciably. Based on this information, which inference about Consuelo's health is safest to make?

The prognosis appears good.

When charities send prospective donors free address labels and the like, which of the following social influence principles are they manipulating?

The reciprocity principle

operational definition

The translation of a hypothesis into specific, testable procedures that can be measured and observed.... ex: depression, something like "an individuals answers on a 42 item depression questionnaire"

independent variable

The variable that is manipulated by an experimenter.

Suppose you found out that some of your psychology classmates are "Internet famous," with thousands of Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter followers. Based on the paradox of progress, what would you expect?

They did not feel any happier or more socially connected as their followers increased.

How do cultural worldviews diminish anxiety, according to terror management theory?

They provide answers to universal, existential questions.

Which of the following is not a virtue found within positive institutions?


Thuy has low self-esteem. A friend urged Thuy to join Facebook to help her reconnect with friends from high school and form new connections with others. Which of the following is most likely to happen, based on the chapter you read?

Thuy's self-disclosure will be too high in negativity and lead to undesired reactions

Of the following statements regarding positive individual traits, which is the MOST accurate?

Traits can be taught and ultimately developed by people.

Some short-term risks of alcohol consumption include all but which of the following?

Transient anxiety from endorphon-induced flashbacks

Which of the symptoms below is NOT characteristic of occupational burnout?

Traumatic stress

In client-centered therapy, the therapist must demonstrate a complete, nonjudgmental acceptance of the client as a person. This approach is most consistent with which of the following conditions of therapy? a. Empathy b. Genuineness c. Conditional free association d. Unconditional positive regard

Unconditional positive regard

Will is driven to make partner at his law firm. In the morning he often loses his temper when he has to wait in line for his morning espresso. He will often insult the baristas for no reason other than his impatience and need to get working in his office before the rest of the firm arrives. Will is demonstrating which personality?

Type A


Victims of major catastrophes or strong personal stressors feel long-lasting effects that may include re-experiencing the event in vivid flashbacks or dreams

Based on their case description, which of the following people is MOST likely to develop a stress-related illness?

Xu (lives by himself, works at home, and prefers to keep to himself)

Phyllis believes her work with the guild is meeting the needs of the workers in her community and serves a social purpose. She most likely sees her job as

a calling

Type B personality

a cluster of behaviors characterized by a patient, cooperative, noncompetitive, and non-agressive manner

Carol heard a sound in the dark bushes behind her psychology building as she went to her car one evening. She began to feel fear. She was experiencing

a negative emotion.


a person's response to events that are threatening or challenging

sleep apnea

a persons breathing starts and stops throughout sleep, sudden infant death syndrome

whats a hypothesis

a prediciton, stemming from a theory states in a way that allows it to be tested

Sergio has just entered treatment for bipolar disorder, and he is informed that most patients respond to drug treatment within a month. This information represents

a prognosis

Suppose that during "syllabus week" you find that two of your psychology classes feature pop quizzes. That is, you will not be given advance notice by your professors when a quiz is to occur at the beginning of class. Over the weekend you begin transferring your reading schedules and due dates from the new syllabi to your planner. When you are done you feel as though can cope with the challenges of the semester. According to Lazarus and Folkman (1984), you have engaged in ___________.

a secondary appraisal

Stage 3 sleep

a sleep characterized by slow brain waves, with greater peaks and valleys, in the wave pattern than in stage 2 sleep....30%

Stage 2 sleep

a sleep deeper than that of stage 1, characterized by a slower, more regular wave pattern, along with momentary interruptions of "sleep spindles"... 50%

Research on depressive disorders and brain structures has found ____________.

a smaller hippocampus in depressed people

Stress is defined as ___________.

a stimulus-response transaction in which threat, loss, or harm is experienced

Regarding overall marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction, research indicates there is

a strong relationship

Fear appeals and the level of arousal that results are likely to be effective when _____________.

a workable solution to the problem is provided

Which of the following has been identified as a major factor in the etiology of schizophrenia? a. Excess dopamine activity b. Observational learning c. Exposure to high-anxious peers at an early age d. An extensive number of avoidance-avoidance conflicts

a. Excess dopamine activity

Some of the aspects of posttraumatic growth include a. perceptual change. b. changing friends. c. focusing on personal weaknesses. d. all of these.

a. perceptual change.

Positive emotions broaden people's cognitive responses by promoting new and beneficial _____ in which established ways of positive thinking are associated with particular acts or behaviors. a. thought-action tendencies b. emotion-eliciting tendencies c. specific-action tendencies d. neutral emotional state tendencies

a. thought-action tendencies

The second step in the process of systematic desensitization is to a. train the client in muscle relaxation. b. help the client build an anxiety hierarchy. c. have the client works though the hierarchy and try to remain relaxed. d. expose the client to mild anxiety-arousing stimuli.

a. train the client in muscle relaxation.

The genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders can be characterized as a. weak to moderate. b. moderate to strong. c. strong to very strong. d. non-existent.

a. weak to moderate.

Dana is annoyed by Monique's habit of squeezing the middle of the toothpaste tube. When Dana confronted her to share her feelings of displeasure, Monique lost her temper and argued that "it is such a trivial matter" that she cannot believe she didn't even out the tube herself. Dana gave in and apologized because she did not want Monique to be upset with her. Dana's behavior demonstrates the _____________ style of managing conflict.


crystallized intelligence

accumulation of info, knowledge and skills that people learn thru experience and education


activation of the sense organs by a source of physical energy

Paraphrasing is an important aspect of

active listening

Conversion Disorder

actual physical disturbance such as the inability to use a sensory organ or the complete pr partial inability to move limbs

Your friend Raj studies for his psychology exams at the student union. The times he usually buckles down to study, 9-11 p.m., are usually rather quiet and so can be focused and productive. Unfortunately, just after 9:30 p.m., a bunch of sorority members begin rehearsing for their Greek Week skits. They are loud and boisterous, but fortunately for Taj, the skits begin at 10 p.m. in the auditorium. Raj is experiencing a(n) ___________ stressor.


The experience of minor hassles reveals that the effects of these stressors are ___________.


The adaptation of animals when environments change is similar to______ in humans.


Feelings are also called


Hae has been told that she has a great sense of humor. She often uses puns, knock-knock jokes, and "groaners" such as her favorite, "Three deer walked into a bar. The duckling ducked." Hae's shtick would be considered ___________ humor.


kosakoffs syndrome

afflicts long-term alcoholics; tendency to repeat the same story

Antonio values his friendship with Bryce because Bryce is handsome and attracts many good-looking girls. Antonio has, on occasion, hooked up with some of these attractive girls because Bryce was not interested. According to Hall (2012), which friendship standard is being demonstrated here?


According to Snyder, goal-directed expectations have two components of

agency and pathways.

Mismatches between one's actual and ought selves result in lower self-esteem and

agitation-related feelings

Research shows that individuals from a variety of cultures

agree on the facial expressions that correspond with six basic emotions.

Research by Cohen has shown that people who are ___________ are at lower risk of contracting a cold after virus exposure.


The first stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome is ___________, the second is ___________, and the third stage is _____________.

alarm, resistance, exhaustion

who developed the first real intelligence tests?

alfred binet

Physical crowding and loud noise are considered sources of ___________ and are linked to the incidence of increased stress hormones.

ambient stress

In general, prejudice is__________ and discrimination is __________.

an attitude; a behavior

Contributing factors to ________ personality disorder include dysfunctional family structure, parental neglect, and erratic discipline.


to the revised model of the flow state, _____ exists when challenge is high and skill is low.


Meghan is obsessed with her new boyfriend, Sanjay. She ruminates about his leaving her. This tendency, according to attachment styles research, is an example of a(n) ___________ adult.


According to one model of flow, when the challenge of an activity is low and the skill required is low, the person is most likely to feel


The five-factor model of personality ____________ in non-Western cultures.

applies with some differences


are drugs that produce hallucinations or other changes in perception. ex- marijuana

Compared to attitudes formed via the peripheral route, those formed via the central route

are more enduring and harder to change.

Research suggests that men ____________________.

are more romantic than women

Sexually transmitted diseases

are most common among people younger than age 25.

One strength of behaviorism lies in its thorough explanation of why people ____________.

are only moderately consistent in their behavior

Sexual fantasies

are quite normal.

Night terrors

are sudden awakenings from non-REM sleep that are accompanied by extreme fear, panic, and strong physiological arousal.... stage 4

Daniel Nettle

argues that the traits themselves are products of evolution that were adaptive in ancestral environments

Actively seeking help is viewed ___________.

as a disruption to group harmony by collectivist cultures

The DSM classification system is said to be "multiaxial." This means that the system

asks for judgments about individuals on a number of distinct dimensions.

____________ is acting in your own best interests by expressing your thoughts and feelings directly and honestly.


Behavioral disengagement is ___________.

associated with increased distress

Suppose you are asked to give a guest lecture in your school's orientation program for new students. Which of the following is NOT likely to promote effective listening, and should thus be avoided by students?

assuming a body posture with arms and legs crossed

Sharice just accepted a job offer from an intriguing company. It encourages video game play on breaks to build camaraderie among co-workers, happy hours to get to know team members, and emphasizes "giving back" through community service once a month in their neighborhood. Based on this information, and what you know from this chapter, you would conclude that Sharice is employed ___________.

at a positive institution

Findings on education and earnings show that

at all levels of education, men earn more than women.

Research on relationship dissolution has NOT found which of the following?

attachement style predicts relationship dissolution better than relationship factors

problem focused coping

attempts to modify the situation

Which of the following statements about routes to persuasion is TRUE

attitudes formed through the central route are longer lasting than those formed via the peripheral route

Some experts have predicted that a new class of antipsychotic drugs, called ______, will almost completely replace conventional antipsychotic medications in the near future with fewer serious side effects.

atypical antipsychotics

Imagine that you have a snarky professor who wears a T-shirt on the first day of class that reads, "It's in the syllabus." He often wears a different color version of the shirt during the first week of classes and points to it when students have a question that could be answered by the syllabus. In terms of running his classes, Dr. Snark is very critical of students and gives student feedback little consideration. When asked why he does not read student comments, he remarks, "Why would I? They don't know anything, and more importantly, it's MY class. I'm in charge." If you were to apply the parenting styles literature to Dr. Snark's teaching practices, it would be MOST accurate to characterize his teaching as _________________.


Dr. Sanchez believes students should be allowed to express themselves at all times during class. If you were to apply parenting styles research to teaching, Dr. Sanchez's students are likely to have lower academic self-esteem than those students exposed to a(n) ____________ teaching approach.


Suppose you have been driving now for at least 5 years. Driving is no longer a new task for you, and you are more confident behind the wheel than you were when you were practicing on a learner's permit. Nowadays, driving a car to work in normal traffic conditions is an example of a cognitive task that is done mainly by _____________.

automatic processing

Research supports the notion that shifting from ________to ________ can reduce stereotyping and prejudice.

automatic processing; controlled processing

Helen hates it when Celia doesn't replace the empty roll of toilet paper, but she's never told her this, because she doesn't want to make waves in their relationship. Besides, she hopes Celia will eventually realize the toilet paper is out when she most needs it. Helen's behavior exemplifies which of the following styles of managing conflict?


The conflict style that reflects low concern for self and low concern for others is


In order to stop trying to control life, when it is full of inevitable change, Buddhism advocates

awareness and detachment.

what is consciousness?

awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced at a given moment - types: waking conciousness, altered state of conciousness


awareness of the sensations, thoughts, feelings being experiences at any given moment

About _________ percent of people with schizophrenia enjoy a full recovery. a. 5-10 b. 15-20 c. 25-30 d. more than 35

b. 15-20

Which of the following has been treated successfully with aversion therapy? a. Schizophrenia b. Alcohol dependence c. Dissociative identity disorder d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

b. Alcohol dependence

Lithium is most frequently used in the treatment of individuals with which of the following disorders? a. Schizophrenia b. Bipolar disorder c. Bulimia nervosa d. Multiple-personality disorder

b. Bipolar disorder

A young woman who says to herself, "I must be thin to be accepted," is demonstrating which of the following factors in the etiology of eating disorders? a. Cultural b. Cognitive c. Biological d. Evolutionary

b. Cognitive

Which of the following personality types is most closely associated with the tendency to develop somatoform disorders? a. Avoidant b. Histrionic c. Dependent d. Narcissistic

b. Histrionic

Which of the following statements best reflects the current view of psychologists on the issue of recovered memories? a. Most psychologists accept recovered memories at face value. b. Psychologists tend to be sharply divided on the issue of repressed memories. c. Most psychologists blame psychiatrists for "creating" the controversy in the first place. d. There is very little controversy on the subject.

b. Psychologists tend to be sharply divided on the issue of repressed memories.

In psychoanalysis, free association is used to a. overcome resistance. b. explore the unconscious. c. modify maladaptive habits. d. clarify clients' feelings about their self-concept.

b. explore the unconscious.

The first step in the process of systematic desensitization is to a. train the client in muscle relaxation. b. help the client build an anxiety hierarchy. c. have the client work though the hierarchy and try to remain relaxed. d. expose the client to mild anxiety-arousing stimuli.

b. help the client build an anxiety hierarchy.

According to Langer, to become more mindful, people need to do all of the following except a. resist the impulse to reduce or control uncertainty in daily life. b. ignore novel features in their situations and environment. c. become less prone to evaluate themselves and others. d. try to override their propensity to perform automatic behavior.

b. ignore novel features in their situations and environment.

The authors discuss note taking using a laptop versus taking notes by hand. They cite research by Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014) that showed lower test scores for students who took notes exclusively by laptop. This finding most likely occurred because __________.

b. laptop note takers are less likely to put lectures into their own words

Carl's therapist is helping him recognize his strengths and forgive others who have wronged him. His therapist is most likely practicing a. client-centered therapy. b. positive psychology. c. psychoanalysis. d. none of these.

b. positive psychology.

Evidence on systematic desensitization generally indicates that it is an effective procedure for eliminating

b. specific anxieties.

Research indicates that insight therapy is a. superior to biomedical therapy. b. superior compared to undergoing no treatment. c. only temporarily effective. d. requires years for any noticeable change.

b. superior compared to undergoing no treatment.

In ______, clients relate to their therapist in ways that mimic key relationships in their lives. a. congruence b. transference c. interpretation d. free association

b. transference

Paul's father was always very competitive with Paul. Lately, in therapy, Paul has been trying to prove that he makes more money and is smarter than the therapist. Paul is showing a. resistance. b. transference. c. over-interpretation. d. free association linkage.

b. transference.

Research findings indicate that the ______ larger in schizophrenic patients than in normal control subjects. a. thalamus is b. ventricles are c. adrenal gland is d. frontal lobes are

b. ventricles are

what is the critical period of language acquisition

babbling - 3 months to a year

Peterson (2006) argued that ___________________ would be the most telling indicator of positive psychology's success.

balance between positive and negative aspects of psychology

Receivers who are forewarned that someone will try to persuade them will most likely

be more resistant to persuasion.

Flow is the state of being in which a person

becomes fully involved and engaged in the present time by some interesting, challenging, and intrinsically rewarding activity.

Positive psychologists' research has found all of the following except

being in the right place at the right time accounts for most of someone's happiness because it influences both personality factors and choices people make.

Holmes and Rahe

believe both positive and negative life changes can be stressful; developed Social Readjustment Rating Scale to measure life change as form of stress

April's boyfriend broke up with her, unexpectedly, after what she believed was a good relationship over the past 4 years. When asked about how she was feeling, she said that she learned a great deal about herself and about men. April is demonstrating ______________.

benefit finding

Critics of the psychodynamic perspective often refer to the approach as _______________________.

biased against females and difficult to test

The authors explain that the concept of adjustment was originally modeled after the ________ concept of ________

biological; adaptation

The authors explain that the concept of adjustment was originally modeled after the ________ concept of ________.

biological; adaptation

Bryce's psychiatrist has prescribed both an antidepressant and lithium for him. Bryce's diagnosis is probably

bipolar disorder

Yan has called you to go out every night this past week, and every morning afterward he posts pictures of the night before on social media. Over the years this pattern of social activity is regularly followed by extreme sadness and Yan's rarely leaving the apartment. Yan is probably suffering from ________________.

bipolar disorder

After several months during which he was always gloomy and dejected, Mario has suddenly perked up. He feels elated and energetic and works around the clock on a writing project. He has also started to bet heavily on sporting events over the Internet, which he never did previously. Mario's behavior is consistent with

bipolar disorder.

Old-fashioned discrimination is _____ ; modern discrimination is ______ .

blatant; subtle

Those suffering from _______________ personality disorder tend to have unstable relationships, act moody, and are prone to impulsive behavior.


Lazarus criticized positive psychology as

both an oversimplification and creating theoretical and practical problems in psychological research.

School satisfaction is composed of

both cognition and affect.

Active listening consists of ______________________.

both paying careful attention and mindful processing

Salvador works as an art director at an advertising agency. His boss overloads him with responsibility but never gives him any credit for all his hard work. He feels worn down, disillusioned, and helpless at work. Salvador is probably experiencing


Which of the following is generally NOT considered an advantage of group therapy? a. Clients come to realize that their unhappiness is not necessarily unique. b. Group therapy is less expensive for clients. c. All types of problems are well suited to it. d. Clients can practice their social skills in a safe environment.

c. All types of problems are well suited to it.

Aversion therapy is most closely associated with which of the following processes? a. Self-actualization b. Operant conditioning c. Classical conditioning d. Observational learning

c. Classical conditioning

Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions Rogers felt was necessary for a positive therapeutic climate? a. Empathy b. Genuineness c. Conditional free association d. Unconditional positive regard

c. Conditional free association

Which of the following statements regarding the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is accurate? a. ECT is a rare form of therapy. b. ECT is used primarily for the treatment of schizophrenia. c. ECT involves the use of electrical shock to produce a cortical seizure accompanied by convulsions. d. All of these statements are accurate.

c. ECT involves the use of electrical shock to produce a cortical seizure accompanied by convulsions.

Although Cari always feels high levels of dread, worry, and anxiety, she still manages to meet her daily responsibilities. Which of the following conclusions regarding Cari's behavior is appropriate? a. It should not be considered abnormal, because her adaptive functioning is not impaired. b. It should not be considered abnormal, because everyone experiences worry and anxiety on occasion. c. It can be considered abnormal, because she obviously feels great personal distress. d. It can be considered abnormal, because the behavior meets the three criteria of the medical model.

c. It can be considered abnormal, because she obviously feels great personal distress.

One of the disadvantages of the use of lithium to treat mood swings is that a. it doesn't work for older patients. b. it causes mania. c. it can be toxic. d. it is not as effective as antipsychotics for this purpose.

c. it can be toxic.

Which of the following concepts is least closely associated with psychoanalytic treatment? a. Dream analysis b. Free association c. Negative thinking d. Unconscious conflict

c. Negative thinking

The main goal of behavior therapy is to a. alter the client's brain chemistry by prescribing specific drugs. b. change the client's thought patterns so that negative emotions can be controlled. c. alter the frequency of problem behaviors using conditioning techniques. d. identify the early childhood unconscious conflicts that are the source of the client's symptoms.

c. alter the frequency of problem behaviors using conditioning techniques.

experimental research

cause and effect, variables are manipulated to see the reaction of one on the other

Insight therapy provides a. positive effects for a minority of clients. b. a unified approach to psychotherapeutic mechanisms of action. c. diverse approaches with common factors. d. little evidence of any effective treatment.

c. diverse approaches with common factors.

Which of the following statements best reflects the relationship between stress and anxiety disorders? a. High stress may help precipitate the onset of anxiety disorders. b. People with anxiety disorders tend to be unaffected by stress. c. The relationship between stress and anxiety disorders is largely a myth. d. Stress appears to exert its influence on the severity, rather than the onset, of anxiety disorders. Psychosomatic diseases involve a. the deliberate faking of physical illness. b. a pseudo-illness caused by psychological factors. c. genuine physical ailments caused in part of psychological factors. d. a tendency to misinterpret minor body changes as indicative of serious illness.

c. genuine physical ailments caused in part of psychological factors.

The third step in the process of systematic desensitization is to a. train the client in muscle relaxation. b. help the client build an anxiety hierarchy. c. have the client works though the hierarchy and try to remain relaxed. d. expose the client to mild anxiety-arousing stimuli.

c. have the client works though the hierarchy and try to remain relaxed.

The prognosis is poorer for schizophrenics who return to families characterized by ______ expressed emotion. a. no b. low c. high d. erratic

c. high

According to the client-centered approach to therapy, personal distress and neurotic anxieties are usually caused by a. conflicts centering on sex. b. conflicts centering on psychosocial issues. c. incongruence between self-concept and reality. d. maladaptive habits that have been previously reinforced.

c. incongruence between self-concept and reality.

Research on negative effects of drugs a. is conducted exhaustively before FDA approval. b. is rarely funded by drug companies. c. is influenced by drug companies. d. is conducted to determine long-range effects.

c. is influenced by drug companies.

Isen and colleagues found that people who saw a funny film before solving a problem creatively were ______ than those seeing a neutral film. a. slower at solving the problem b. faster at solving the problem c. more likely to solve the problem correctly d. solved the problem faster, but incorrectly

c. more likely to solve the problem correctly

Common factors in therapy most likely a. are responsible for nearly all of progress made in therapy. b. combine with specific procedures to benefit the client. c. play a significant role in insight therapy. d. do none of these.

c. play a significant role in insight therapy.

The view that therapy has historically focused too much on pathology and suffering instead of health and resilience represents a. psychoanalytic psychology. b. client-centered psychology. c. positive psychology. d. behavioristic psychology.

c. positive psychology.

Seligman's learned helplessness model a. is based primarily on human research. b. posits active giving up as a cause of depression. c. posits that pessimistic explanatory style is related to depression. d. is all of these.

c. posits that pessimistic explanatory style is related to depression.

The current classification system for psychological disorders (DSM-IV) a. avoids giving people potentially stigmatizing diagnostic labels. b. contains fewer disorders than previous systems, making it easier to use. c. recognizes the importance of information other than a traditional diagnostic label. d. provides specific criteria that allow therapists to classify individuals simply as normal or abnormal.

c. recognizes the importance of information other than a traditional diagnostic label.

Likelihood of recovery from schizophrenic disorders is increased for all of the following except a. onset of the disorder was sudden. b. later age of onset. c. the proportion of negative symptoms is high. d. the patient has a healthy family situation.

c. the proportion of negative symptoms is high.

The use of sedatives may result in personal injury because they

cause motor coordination to deteriorate

According to behavior therapists, pathological behaviors

can be modified directly through the application of established principles of conditioning.

Which of the following statements BEST reflects Lazarus's (2003) criticisms of positive psychology? Positive psychology ______________________.

can introduce both theoretical and practical problems into psychological research

Interpersonal conflict ____________________.

can lead to variety of good outcomes

Although Sue always feels high levels of dread, worry, and anxiety, she still meets her daily responsibilities. Sue's behavior

can still be considered abnormal because she feels great personal distress.

Sharing good news about our lives with those we are close to is known as


According to Albert Ellis, problematic emotional reactions to stressful events are caused by ___________.

catastrophic thinking

Generally, the most productive style for managing conflict is


A past criticism of the behavioral approach was that __________________.

cognition is not directly observable behavior

In ______ clients learn how to change their automatic negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs.

cognitive therapy

The MOST effective approach to conflict management is ________


One explanation for the small correlation between wealth and happiness may lie in people's tendency to ____________________.

compare themselves to others

cross-sectional research

compares people of different ages at the same point in time

Tracey's personal standard of what constitutes an acceptable balance of rewards and costs in a relationship is termed

comparison level

According to Adler, ____________ occurs when people work to overcome their actual or perceived inferiorities.


When people change their outward behavior but not their private beliefs, _____ is operating.


Suppose you run into a psychology classmate, Rebecca, at the coffee shop. You strike up small talk while in line. You find out that she is interested in cognitive psychology and neuroscience and is perversely excited about learning a new statistical software package. You also find out that Rebecca likes pumpkin spice lattes. The next time you run into Rebecca on campus, you utter a silly remark about "spicy pumpkins" but failed to remember her interest areas in psychology or her geeking out on statistics. This is MOST likely an example of _________________.

confirmation bias

Hernani wants to change his assertive script. He has decided to talk about rewards and punishments with his partner, who is helping Hernani change his behavior. In this case, Hernani is focused on the rules of ____________________.


The right coping strategy is _________________.

considered adaptive if related to enhanced well-being

Which of the following is NOT considered a cue of paralanguage?


According to the revised model of the flow state, _____ exists when challenge is moderate and skill is high.


Latoya is a reporter for the campus newspaper and is interested in political events. She enjoys talking with people about current events, thinking about societal issues, and writing opinion pieces. Knowing this, which approach should you take if you seek to persuade her?

craft a high quality argument

Ryan is a successful real estate agent. He has been selling real estate since he graduated college, and is a friendly, fun-loving individual. Ryan is also an expert on state laws related to residential properties and has the "inside scoop" on tax benefits and obscure federal programs for first-time homebuyers. Ryan possesses which set of characteristics?

credibility and likability

A way to raise self-esteem is to ________________.

cultivate the habit of a positive, supportive outlook when you approach others

The finding that 90%-95% of individuals with anorexia nervosa and bulimia are female suggests that these disorders can be attributed to _______________.

cultural pressures

Psychoanalysis, Freudian style, usually takes a. less than 6 months. b. 6 months to 1 year. c. 1 to 3 years. d. 3 to 5 years.

d. 3 to 5 years.

Studies suggest that about ______ of psychotic patients respond favorably to antipsychotic medication. a. 10% b. 30% c. 50% d. 70%

d. 70%

All but which of the following is a most widely cited common factor at the core of various therapies? a. An alliance with a professional helper b. Emotional support and empathy from the therapist c. Plausible methods for alleviating problems d. Adjusting to old patterns of behavior

d. Adjusting to old patterns of behavior

Behavior therapy emerged from research fostered by which of the following individuals? a. B.F. Skinner b. Hans Eysenck c. Joseph Wolpe d. All of these

d. All of these

Which of the following statements regarding neurochemical and neuroanatomical factors in the development of mood disorders is accurate? a. Correlations have been found between mood disorders and levels of several neurotransmitters in the brain. b. Most of the drugs that are effective in the treatment of mood disorders are known to affect the availability of specific neurotransmitters. c. Depression has been correlated with reduced hippocampal volume. d. All of these statements are accurate.

d. All of these statements are accurate.

Which of the following adages best conveys the experience of an avoidance-avoidance conflict?

d. Caught between a rock and a hard place.

Which of the following terms refers to a psychoanalytic technique involving spontaneous expression of thoughts with as little censorship as possible? a. Resistance b. Transference c. Interpretation d. Free association

d. Free association

Imagine that you conducted a follow-up study to Schachter's (1959) work on the need for affiliation among female college students. You decide to include both male and female college students in your pilot study. Suppose that after assigning participants to the experimental groups you found that all your male participants were put in the high-anxiety group, and females into the low-anxiety group. Which of the following considerations is MOST important when you do conduct your experiment?

d. Participants in the experimental and control groups should be as similar in all important aspects as possible.

Which of the following groups of psychological disorders is characterized by irrational thinking, poor reality contact, disturbed emotion, and hallucinations? a. Mood disorders b. Anxiety disorders c. Somatoform disorders d. Schizophrenic disorders

d. Schizophrenic disorders

______ is a behavior therapy used to reduce clients' anxiety responses through counterconditioning.

d. Systematic desensitization

Which of the following statements regarding the prevalence of bipolar disorders is accurate? a. Bipolar disorders are seen more frequently in women than in men. b. Bipolar disorders are much more common than unipolar depression. c. Research indicates that bipolar disorders affect about 20% of the population. d. The peak of vulnerability for bipolar disorders is between the ages of 20 and 29.

d. The peak of vulnerability for bipolar disorders is between the ages of 20 and 29.

Which of the following is NOT among the major approaches to therapy discussed in your textbook? a. Insight therapies b. Behavior therapies c. Biomedical therapies d. Transpersonal therapies

d. Transpersonal therapies

The neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia is supported by increases in schizophrenia incidence with all of the following except a. viral infections in 1957 Finland of women in their second trimester. b. prenatal malnutrition in a 1944 Netherlands famine. c. obstetrical complication studies with often visible slight anatomical defects. d. all of these support the hypothesis.

d. all of these support the hypothesis.

Charles has decided to keep track of his blessings, or good things that happen during the week. According to Peterson, for the best results, he should a. limit the number to about three a day. b. write the list toward the end of the day. c. jot down reasons that these constitute good things in his life. d. all of these.

d. all of these.

People studying the themes of positive psychology include a. Rogers. b. Maslow. c. ancient philosophers. d. all of these.

d. all of these.

Peterson offers that the success of positive psychology will be determined a. if a balance of positive and negative aspects of psychology lessen the need for the label of positive psychology. b. if research can address why people do not always seek out what makes them truly happy. c. if research identifies which activities enable people to lead a good life and apply those findings. d. all of these.

d. all of these.

The founding of positive psychology has been attributed to a. a five-year-old who pointed out that if she could stop whining, her father could stop being a grouch. b. a past president of the American Psychological Association. c. an epiphany about how we raise children by nurturing their strengths. d. all of these.

d. all of these.

A best part of gratitude is that a. it is easy to express. b. it is a virtue. c. it can be performed almost anytime or anywhere. d. it is all of these

d. it is all of these.

The cost of psychotherapy is a. prohibitively expensive. b. higher than other professionals such as dentists. c. rarely partially covered by insurance. d. none of these.

d. none of these.

All of the following are lines of inquiry in positive psychology except a. positive subjective experiences. b. positive individual traits. c. positive institutions. d. positive objective experiences.

d. positive objective experiences.

Some of the criticisms of positive psychology include all of the following except a. while it may be a reorganizing of how we think about positive feelings and behaviors, it is not necessarily a paradigm shift. b. it is destined to be a fad. c. parsing psychology into positive and negative spheres is an oversimplification. d. there is no way to research the field.

d. there is no way to research the field.

avoidant coping

dealing w the problem w drugs, or escape routes


decrease in response to a stimulus -occurs over repeated presentations of the same stimulus

what is heritability

degree to which a characteristic is related to genetic, inherited factors

Humanists' main critique of behaviorist psychology and psychodynamic theories was that these approaches were _______________________.


D'Angelo was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in March 2015, and again in July 2016. When asked about his drinking, he remarks that he does not have a drinking problem—instead, he blames the local police for profiling him. D'Angelo is MOST likely using _______ as a way of coping.


In the Spotlight Study on awe and prosocial behavior, Piff and colleagues (2015) randomly assigned participants to a condition in which they gazed at tall trees or another in which they looked at a tall campus building. The ___________ was then the number of pens a participant gathered after the experimenter's staged accident.


Given the nature of the experimental method, any differences observed in the _________________ must be due to the _________________.

dependent variable; manipulation of the independent variable

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used to treat ___________.


The most frequently reported reason(s) for seeking mental health treatment is/are ___________.

depression and anxiety

The medical model suggests that it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a ___________.


mood distrubances

disturbances in emotional experience that is strong enough to intrude on everyday living

Critics of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's food pyramid argue that one problem is that it ___________.

does not distinguish between different sources of protein

The ______ technique involves making a large request that is likely to be refused just to increase the chances of being granted a smaller request later.


Keisha is upset when a textbook is stolen, but she feels better after she hears that a classmate's book bag, including her cell phone and wallet, was stolen. This is an example of

downward comparison

Roger believes in a higher power and is part of a faith community. He worships on a weekly basis, and expresses his gratitude to this higher power. As a result of his spirituality, Roger is likely to ___________.

draw upon his spiritual beliefs in adaptive coping

Adler's Individual Psychology

drive is strive for superiority, not sexuality

Pederson and colleagues (2007) note that a key problem in chronic loneliness appears to be _________________.

early negative social behavior that leads to rejection

Time management experts report that people tend to work on _______ tasks first and put off tasks that are ______________.

easier; more difficult

Dr. Chan is not wedded to a particular theoretical orientation. Rather, she borrows the best techniques from different approaches, and often uses multiple interventions with a single client. Dr. Chan's approach could be described as ___________.


In Norcross and colleagues' (2002) study of therapists' theoretical orientations, nearly one-third of them characterized their approach as ___________.


counseling psychologist

educational, social, and career adjustment problems

Research presented in your text reports that for heterosexual relations, male-to-female transmission of the HIV virus is estimated to be ______________ relative to female-to-male transmission.

eight times more likely

whats an 'eclectic' approach to therapy

electroconvlsive therapy

Research suggests that forgiving others, a(n) ___________-focused coping strategy, is related to adjustment and well-being.


Meijer and Verschuere (2015) note that although the polygraph is called a "lie detector" by many, it is really a(n) ________________.

emotion detector

Which of the following types of self-disclosure is most likely to lead to feelings of intimacy between individuals?


DeShaun and Holly's romantic relationship contains a high level of commitment; however, both passion and intimacy are lacking. Sternberg's triangular theory of love would consider their relationship as ___________.

empty love

Individualistic cultures tend to ____________ as a conflict management strategy.

encourage direct confrontations

Research suggests that there is an association between schizophrenia and

enlarged brain ventricles

In order to gain maximal benefits from exercise, which of the following is a necessary consideration?

exercise on a regular basis, aerobic exercise, and self- control

Which of the following does NOT belong with the other three?


If you think that someone's behavior was caused by situational factors, you are making a(n) __________.

external attribution

The empirical evidence between psychological factors and the onset of cancer has been found to be ___________.

extremely weak


falling asleep randomly and uncontrollably

Family-centered positive psychology (FCPP) presumes that _____ are better at determining family needs than _____.

families themselves; professionals

Because of the changes in structures of families in the past 30 or 40 years, with increased divorce rates and expanded career opportunities for women, for example,

families, like institutions, should focus on existing and developing strengths.

The self-presentation strategy of ingratiation involves trying to make others

fear you

The most likely reference group for a first-year psychology major would be _____________.

first-year psychology majors

Positive subjective experiences tend to be

focused in the present.

Miguel visits his therapist three times a week. During his visits he lies on a couch, looks up at the ceiling, and shares whatever comes to mind with the analyst. This is the process of ___________.

free association


freuds psychotherapy in which the goal is to release hidden thoughts and feelings from the unconscious part of our mind in order to reduce their power in controlling behavior

The state of flow is characterized by _________________________.

full engagement in the present moment

GABA (Gamma amino botanic acid), function

function is eating, aggression, sleeping

Shonda is able to see the dire consequences of waiting until the last minute to write her literature review. Shonda is ___________.

future oriented

The idea that individuals can move between gender identities is referred to as

gender fluidity

Parents tend to respond negatively to __ behavior, especially in ___ .

gender inappropriate; boys

Joan has a personal disposition marked by commitment, challenge, and control. She appears to be stress tolerant. This disposition is referred to as


Psychosomatic diseases are ___________.

genuine physical ailments caused in part by psychological factors

in what country did psychology originate


what are the goals of psychology?

goals of psych are scientific, make predictions and explanations for why things happen

what is an immersion program for language

going to another country and immersing yourself into the culture/ language in order to learn the language

With regard to self-disclosure, it is best to

gradually share information about yourself.

The evidence suggests that the negative effects of divorce on former spouses' physical health and mortality are

greater for men than women

Nolen-Hoeksema (2001) argues that the higher prevalence of depressive disorder in women (relative to men) may be due to ____________________.

greater rumination

The Asch studies demonstrated that __________ and __________ were key determinants of conformity.

group size; group unanimity

Instead of losing her temper on any of her colleagues, Meredith tends to bottle up her emotions and not let them out for anyone at work to see. As a result, Meredith is more likely to ____________ about events at work.

harbor negative feelings, ruminate, become depressed.

Nonverbal cues are most informative when they are accompanied by verbal messages and are ________________.

in a familiar context

Overall, self-indulgence ___________.

has marginal adaptive value

Evolutionary psychologists have argued that manifestations of Big Five personality traits reveal themselves across a variety of cultures because these traits ___________________.

have had significant adaptive implications

A sociocultural explanation for the finding that women emphasize economic potential more than men in choosing partners is that women

have historically had less economic power than men.

Twin studies and other behavioral genetics research suggest that

heredity accounts for 60% or more of the variation in weight.

If a researcher fails to determine the sexual orientation of her research participants and reports her findings without any mention of homosexuals, her study suffers from


In the world as a whole, the HIV virus is transmitted most commonly through _________________; whereas, in the United States, one principal mode of HIV transmission is __________________.

heterosexual sexual contact; through shared drug needles

Recent research found that IQ moderated the effect of genetic vulnerability in the development of schizophrenia. If low IQ increases the genetic risk, it would be reasonable to expect that _______________________.

high IQ decreases genetic risk

A key difference between narcissists and individuals with high self-esteem is that __________________.

high self-esteem individuals moderate rather than exploit self-enhancement opportunities

Dave is very strategic in his workplace attire. On some days he wears a full three-piece suit, other days a shirt and tie (no jacket), while other days he wears an oxford shirt and khakis (no tie). When asked about his stylishness and variations in his wardrobe during the week, he explains that he dresses according to the type of meeting he has on the schedule that particular day. That is, full suit for meeting with executive staff, shirt and tie for with faculty, and no tie for student meetings. Dave's attire strategy likely indicates he is a ________________.

high self-monitor

The human expectation that goals can be met in the future is primarily associated with


Snyder (1994) argued that __________, judgment that a goal is achievable, and ___________, beliefs that a plan can be crafted to reach that goal, are involved in "waypower."

hope; resilience

Empirical evidence shows that ___________ is associated with an elevated risk for heart attacks.


Occupational interest inventories are designed to predict

how satisfied a person is likely to be in a job.

As a social and intellectual movement within the larger discipline of psychology, positive psychology is concerned with

human strength, how people can flourish, and creating a balance between the challenges and pleasures of daily life.

According to Linley (2009), which area of psychology has long pursued questions that seem similar to those now asked by positive psychologists?


Type D Personality

insecurity, anxiety, and the negative outlook puts them at risk for repeated heart attacks

With regard to studies of the efficacy of various treatments, research suggests that

insight therapy is superior to no treatment or placebo treatment.

Linley and colleagues suggest that positive psychology will have a bright future if the subfield

integrate cultural, social, and neuroscience into analyzing positive phenomena.

mental retardation has been replaced with what term

intellectual disability

Ramirez and colleagues (2015) reported a curvilinear relationship between the amount of communication online and the quality of the initial face-to-face date. Being aware of this empirical finding, what would you suggest to your friend who would like to have a good initial date after first interacting on a dating site?

interact a moderate amount online so the first date will involve intimacy and still some information seeking

When you were in high school you remarked to a good friend that it seems as though people do not break up until something rather predictable occurs. That is, the emergence of another romantic replacement or a more attractive love interest. Which of the following principles BEST explains this phenomenon?

interdependence theory

Close relationships are defined as important, _______________, and long lasting.


A person reared in a collectivist culture is likely to have a(n) ___self-view, whereas a person reared in an individualistic culture is likely to have a(n) ___ self-view.

interdependent; independent

Isabella believes she failed her stats midterm because she is "right-brained." She says that her brain is just not wired for math. Which type of attribution for her performance is she demonstrating?


A self-defeating attributional style associated with loneliness involves attributing loneliness to

internal,stable factors

Finkel and colleagues (2012) did NOT argue which of the following about the unique advantages of internet dating?

internet allows virtual personas to try out new dating strategies

Type A personality

is a cluster of behaviors involving hostility, competitiveness, time urgency, and feeling driven

The therapeutic efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy

is a matter of debate.

Resilience ___________.

is a way of coping with adverse life events

Flow is a state of being in which a person

is fully engaged in an interesting, challenging, and rewarding activity.

Finding physical activities that you find enjoyable ___________.

is important because it increases likelihood of regular exercise

After reading the Application section on ways to boost happiness, one should conclude that enhancing one's own happiness ___________.

is relatively simple


is the awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings we experience at a given moment

what is personality

is the pattern of enduring characteristics that produce consistency and individuality in a given person

dependent variable

is the variable that is measured in a study.

The principal advantage of experimental research is that

it allows the researcher to draw cause-and-effect conclusions.

A good reason for taking notes in your own words, rather than verbatim, is that

it forces you to assimilate the information in a way that makes sense to you.

The Wagner and colleagues' (2014) study on the efficacy of Internet cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) revealed that ________________ for treating depression.

it is just as effective as in-person therapy

Wrzesniewski and colleagues (1997) found that, for a variety of job types, workers tended to view their occupations in three ways: ___________.

just a job, a career, a calling

According to research by Wrzesniewski, people view their chosen occupations in the following ways:

just a job, a career, a calling.

who was the first feminist psychologist

karen horneye

The authors discuss note taking using a laptop versus taking notes by hand. They cite research by Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014) that showed lower test scores for students who took notes exclusively by laptop. This finding most likely occurred because __________.

laptop note takers are less likely to put lectures into their own words

Many intimate relationships among ___________ begin as friendships, progress to romance, and then, to a sexual relationship.


Research by Little and colleagues (2014) appears to demonstrate a context in which the mere exposure effect does not hold. Men who were exposed to female faces a second time rated them as ___________ at the second viewing.

less attractive

Luisa has been reminded by her adviser that she is the most competent member of the sorority leadership. As a result, she often does more than her share of the work and expends a great deal of time during the week. Luisa may find that ___________.

letting others take on some of the work will end up wasting her time

The aspect of posttraumatic growth that involves greater willingness to take life easier is called

life priority change.

In order to deal constructively with an interpersonal conflict, one should do which of the following?

limit complaints to the present situation

Susan, a person suffering from mood swings, goes to see a psychologist. The psychologist tells Susan his first step will be to diagnosis her disorder; after that, he will provide her with a prognosis. Most likely, this psychologist subscribes to the _________ model of abnormal behavior.


flashbulb memory

memories related to a specific, important or surprising event that are recalled easily and with vivid imagery

Glutamte, function


Research with recreational ecstasy (MDMA) users has demonstrated:

memory impairments and poor performance on learning tasks.

what is the formula to determine IQ score

mental age/ chronological age X100

mental concept

mental groupings of similar objects, events, or people

According to your text, the ___________ is an increase in positive feelings toward something (or someone) new—just based on being frequently exposed to it.

mere exposure effect

The authors of your textbook highlighted various factors believed to have an impact on happiness. The empirical literature they covered reveals that _______ has little association with happiness, but __________ has been shown to have a much stronger linkage with subjective well-being.

money; work

Being placed in a positive mood has been shown to make people

more creative

Graphs of the inverted-U hypothesis depict one take-home point. The optimal level of arousal depends, in part, on task complexity. So, as tasks become ___________, the optimal level of arousal for peak performance __________.

more difficult; tends to decrease

When insight therapies are compared against medication, ___________.

no significant differences are seen between therapies

When your professor is talking to you about your midterm grade, you see one of your very attractive classmates outside. All of a sudden it is difficult for you to follow your professor's explanation of the rubric. This type of miscommunication is called



not being able to sleep

Research has ___________ between therapists' professional background and clients' therapeutic outcomes.

not found reliable associations

Which of the following is not associated with elevated coronary risk?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

People who repeatedly perform senseless rituals to overcome their anxiety are said to have a(n)

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

what is extinction

occurs when a previously conditioned response decreases in frequency and disappears


occurs when one is presented with a stimulus and asked whether he/she has been exposed to it previously or is asked to identify it from a list of alternatives

conditioned stimulus

once neutral stimulus that has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus - sound of bell triggering dog salivation

Self-efficacy is

one's belief about one's ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes.

Your textbook authors note that no matter how people view the subfield of positive psychology, it is safe to say that _____________ whether it will remain and influence psychology as a whole.

only time will tell

If you have ever felt anxious because you knew that you should have visited family rather than going out with friends, psychologists have an explanation for this conflict. According to the self-discrepancy literature, you experienced disconnect between your actual self and your __________ self.


Jeff read in the campus paper that a group of rogue sorority members kidnapped a pledge of a rival sorority, tied her up, and left her face down in an elementary school playground overnight. After reading the article, Jeff texted his girlfriend, "Keep an eye out. All sorority girls are violent savages and should be stopped! [scared emoji]" Jeff's text message is an example of the

out-group homogeneity effect

When studying defensive illusions, Taylor and Brown found that "normal" people's self-images tend to be ________ ; depressed people's tend to be ________ .

overly favorable, more realistic

The type of disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety that usually occurs suddenly and unexpectedly is called

panic disorder

Which of the following is NOT consistent with explanations provided for how proximity can increase attraction?

people who are nearby tend to be of a similar background

Cross-cultural research that investigates national character with the Five Factor Model of personality reveals that __________________.

people's beliefs about national character are usually inaccurate stereotypes

A concordance rate indicates the

percentage of twin pairs or other relatives who exhibit the same disorder.

__________ threats to one's in-group are much more likely to cause hostility between groups than __________ threats.

perception; actual

Dissociative Identity Disorder

person displays characteristics of 2 or more distinct personalities (formerly known as multiple personality disorder)

__________ is the process of forming impressions of others.

person perception

When people make internal attributions about the behavior of others, they attribute behavior to ________ factors.


A therapist's theoretical approach is not nearly as important as his or her

personal characteristics and skills.

Internal attributions ascribe causes of behavior to _____________________.

personal dispositions

Variations in the effectiveness of psychotherapy appear to depend on individual therapists' ______ rather than on their theoretical orientation.

personal skills

Which of the following has been shown, in the literature, to be very important to subjective well-being?


Eysenck's Theory

personality as hierarchy of traits; special interest in explaining extraversion-introversion variations

People often use adjectives, such as "outgoing" and "sociable," to describe people who are extroverted. Adjectives like these represent what psychologists refer to as _____________________.

personality traits

People who attribute their setbacks to internal, stable, and global factors are exhibiting a(n) _____________ explanatory style.


which of the following elements are a key source in information in person perspective?

physical appearance, physical actions, nonverbal communication

Patients tend to show the highest levels of adherence to prescribed treatments when ___________.

physicians engage in regular follow-ups with their patients

Critics and skeptics of positive psychology sometimes argue that

positive psychology's message is not new and may be nothing but a fad.

Jose received his Organic Chemistry midterm back in class, and he earned one point out of twenty-five possible. A classmate asked how he did on the midterm. Jose remarked, "At least I didn't spell my name wrong!" Jose is using ______________ to cope with his poor grade.

positive reinterpretation

Pat is very organized and high in self-control. Pat is someone who works to achieve particular ends. Pat is said to possess

positive traits.

A beneficial change in personal relations following some stressful event, such as developing closer bonds with one's family, is an example of

postraumatic growth.

A negative attitude held toward a particular social group is defined as _


A negative attitude held toward a particular social group is defined as ________________.



progressive brain disorder that leads to gradual and irreversible decline in cognition

mylein sheath

protective coat of fat and protein that wraps round the axon

There are no nonverbal cues in computer-mediated communication as there are in face-to-face conversations. Therefore, it is important to do which of the following when composing a professional email?

provide clarifying details, choose words carefully, and describe feelings

Miriam is seeing a therapist who encourages her to let her mind ramble and say whatever comes up, regardless of how trivial or irrelevant it may seem. The therapist explains that she is interested in probing the depths of Miriam's unconscious mind. This therapist appears to practice ______ and the technique in use is _____ .

psychoanalysis; free association

The authors suggest that even when the advice dispensed has been scientifically validated, consumers should be careful with self-help books because

publishers sometimes include unreasonable promises to drive book sales.

According to Peterson, the virtuous qualities that can be found in positive institutions include

purpose, humanity, and dignity.

mind body issue

question of whether the mind and body are the same thing or different things. health psych believe that they are not exactly the same, but are closely related to each other

According to law, the two types of sexual harassment are

quid pro quo and hostile environment.

Sara's supervisor implied that she would get a promotion if she would go out on a date with him. This is an example of

quid pro quo harassment

Which factor explains the tendency for us to like people who demonstrate that they like us?

reciprocal liking

A classmate excitedly tells you of what he believes to be a good deal. He goes on and on about signing up for a free 30-day trial of ad-free music on your smartphone. You decline the offer because you have seen deals like these before. You explain that while he might be enjoying the new Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus tracks now, he needs to be sure to cancel before the trial is up. The music company is hoping that you will feel indebted to them for all the free music that was streamed and allow the payment to process. This is one application of the

reciprocity principle

A classmate excitedly tells you of what he believes to be a good deal. He goes on and on about signing up for a free 30-day trial of ad-free music on your smartphone. You decline the offer because you have seen deals like these before. You explain that while he might be enjoying the new Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus tracks now, he needs to be sure to cancel before the trial is up. The music company is hoping that you will feel indebted to them for all the free music that was streamed and allow the payment to process. This is one application of the _______________________.

reciprocity principle

what does an EEG do?

records electrical activity of the brain

How have researchers explained the finding that wearing the color red increases a woman's perceived sexual attractiveness?

red clothing is an evolutionary artifact related to sexual receptivity

Which of the following summaries BEST reflects key findings of the Spotlight on Research study by Young (2015) on the effect of red on males' perceptions of female attractiveness?

red enhances ratings of attractiveness

Research on terror management theory has shown that increased mortality salience leads to all of the following except

reduced respect for cultural icons.

fluid intelligence

reflects the ability to reason abstractly

Going out on dates, sending good morning texts, working hard to remember birthdays without Facebook reminders, and traveling to visit childhood friends are all examples of ___________ strategies.

relationship maintenance


relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience

Enhancing your own well-being and happiness is

relatively simple.

In psychological testing, consistency of results over repeated measurements refers to


Benny scored a 105 on an online test claiming to measure intelligence. A week later, he took the same online test and earned a score of 107. Three weeks later he took it again and earned 103. This pattern of scores provides some evidence that this online intelligence test is ______________.



remembering things presented at the end of the list


remembering things presented first in a list

Yesenia betrayed Maria's trust by posting an unflattering video of an intoxicated Maria to Snapchat without her knowing. In the morning, Maria received numerous texts about the incident. Maria called Yesenia, but she failed to pick up her phone. Maria asked for an explanation as to why this embarrassing situation occurred. According to Cahn's (2009) friendship repair ritual, which step is being demonstrated here?


experimental research

requires, then, that the responses of at least two groups be compared. determines cause and effect

what are our receptor cells in our eyes that sense light called?

rod and cones


rule that if applied appropriately, guarantees a solution to a proble, - ex: -a^2+b^2=c^2


rule that the neurons are either on or off, no in-between

Alex works for an institution that protects members from dangers and exploitation. According to Peterson, his company practices the virtue of


In positive psychology, the term _____ refers to the power to focus on, value, and even boost the enjoyment of almost any experience.


Your favorite electronics company sends you emails every morning with a "daily deal." Often the email will have a timer that shows how much time is left before the deal ends. This time you were intrigued by a refurbished smartphone on sale, and you clicked through to the website. Underneath the "deal ends in" timer, you see a red box that reads "ONLY 38 left!" Which of the compliance tactics does this company utilize?



scary dreams, experience often

what IQ score defines an intellectually gifted person

score greater than 130

The following steps of the __________ involve more direct communication between the brain and endocrine system: ___________.

second pathway; the pituitary gland secretes ACTH

Suppose that during "syllabus week" you find that two of your psychology classes feature pop quizzes. That is, you will not be given advance notice by your professors when a quiz is to occur at the beginning of class. Over the weekend you begin transferring your reading schedules and due dates from the new syllabi to your planner. When you are done you feel as though can cope with the challenges of the semester. According to Lazarus and Folkman (1984), you have engaged in ___________.

secondary appraisal

The mere exposure effect refers to an increase in positive feelings due to

seeing someone often.

emotional focused coping

seeks to change how one feels

Which of the following is likely to be LEAST effective in initiating a conversation with a stranger?

select on obscure topic

Prozac, which is commonly used to treat depression, belongs to a class of antidepressants called

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Keith likes to talk about himself and is famous for "being in love with the sound of his voice." In conversation with him, it is a challenge to take the spotlight off him and all the great things he is accomplishing in school. When analyzing his communication strategically, it is MOST accurate to say that the barrier to effective communication is Keith's _____________.

self- preoccupation

Low self-esteem is associated with

self-concept confusion.

Defense mechanisms involve the use of ___ to guard against negative ___.

self-deception, emotions

Ned has been told that he has a great sense of humor. He often remarks about how little he gets paid for teaching, how he wears sweatpants from 1986 to first dates, and that his mother abandoned him because he was an ugly baby. Ned's shtick would be considered ___________ humor.


Emotions are

stronger subjective experiences than a mood.

Darryl has been studying for his statistics class all week and is quite tired. Yet, he feels as though he needs a bit more study time to master the concepts. He is torn between putting in another couple hours at the library and taking a break at the local coffee shop. This dilemma represents ______________.


What you believe to be true about yourself is called your ____________________.



sense of smell is sparked when the molecules of a substance enter the nasal passage


sense of taste, taste buds

afferent neurons

sensory, transmit info from the perimeter of the body to the central nervous system

telegraphic speech

sentences in which only essential words are used

The best way for parents, teachers, and coaches to instill high self-efficacy in children is to ____________________.

set high, attainable goals and encourage children to persevere until they succeed and learn from their mistakes

Clinicians who are convinced that dissociative identity disorder (DID) is an actual disorder note that most cases showed _____________________ in childhood.

severe emotional trauma

major depression

severe form of depression that interferes with concentration, decision making and sociability

Which of the following is NOT considered a factor of the persuasion process?


Individuals' career choices are often

similar to those of their parents

whats the g-factor of intelligence

single, general factor for mental ability assumed to underlie intelligence in some early theories of intelligence

The results of Milgram's (1963) study imply that

situational factors can exert tremendous influence over behavior.

a polygraph measures what?

skin conductance, blood pressure, and respiration


sorting out, interpretation, analysis and integration of stimuli - carried out by sense organs and brain

what are considered factors of the persuasion process?

source, message, receiver


space between 2 neurons where the axon of a sending neuron communicates with the dendrite of a receiving neuron by using chemical messages

Among the following traits, the largest gender differences are found in

spatial abilities


specific piece of info must be retrieved

Behavioral reactions with survival value are also called emotionally linked

specific-action tendencies.

An attributional style that explains one's loneliness as ___________ is most likely to contribute to the experience of chronic loneliness.

stable, and due to external causes

In the United States, women tend to gaze at others more than men do. However, these gender differences in eye contact are often confounded by _____________.


___________ plays the largest role of all the factors that contribute to the development of prejudice.


The paradox of progress suggests that despite the countless time-saving devices we have at our disposal, most of us

still lead hurried and rushed lives

The paradox of progress suggests that despite the countless time-saving devices we have at our disposal, most of us _____________________.

still lead hurried and rushed lives

retreival cue

stimuli that assist in memory retrieval

positive reinforcement

stimulus added to the environment that brings about increase in a preceding response

Stress is defined as ___________.

stimulus-response transaction in which threat, loss, or harm is experienced

___________ place more emphasis on physical attractiveness than __________ do.

straight and gay men; women

According to Adler,_____ is a universal drive to adapt, improve oneself, and master life's challenges.

striving for superiority

Emotions are _____________ feelings that last for ___________.

strong; a short time

Positive psychologists want to help people flourish. Currently, however, Carmella is ______________; she has high well-being but also a high level of mental illness. Her husband, Tony, is __________________. He has a low level of well-being and a high level of mental illness.

struggling; floundering

Research on multitasking (e.g., Chew, 2014) indicates _____________________.

students greatly overestimate their ability to multitask effectively

whats developmental psych

studies how people grow and change from conception to death

in language, what is phonology

study of the smallest units of speech called phenomes

clinical psychologist

study/ diagnosis of mental disorders

___________ communication involves giving in to others at one's own expense; ____________ communication involves getting what one wants at the expense of others' rights or feelings.

submissive; aggressive


sudden awareness of relationships among various elements that had previously appeared to be independent of one another - Wolfgang köhler: exposed chimps to challenging situations

what is the 'drive reduction' motivation?

suggest that lack of some basic biological need (such as lack of water) produces a drive to push an organism to satisfy that need (in this case, seeking water)

What are 'incentive approaches' to motivation?

suggest that motivation stems from the desire to attain external rewards, known as incentives - ex: grades, money, effect ion, food, and sex

what does the 'medical perspective' say about the root cause of psychological disorders?

suggests that when an individual displays symptoms of abnormal behavior, the root cause will be found in a physical examination of the individual - hormonal imbalance - chemical deficiency - brain injury

Stress can____ the functioning of the immune system.


Which of the following does belong with the other three?

survey, naturalistic observation, and case study

Which of the following possibilities is MOST LIKELY to occur, and demonstrates how heterosexism could affect the findings of research conducted on romantic love?

surveys form non-heterosexual participants are often collected but not reported in research articles

The fight-or-flight response is mediated by the

sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

what type of therapy is a 'hierarchy of fears' utilized in?

systematic desensitization

Martin Seligman has suggested that specific phobias are most amenable to treatment with

systematic desensitization.

Capitalization in positive psychology refers to

telling other people about whatever good things are happening in your life.

Negative Correlation

tells us that as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other decreases. the more absences the worse your grade... up, down

reprocity of liking effect

tendency to like those who like us or who are like us.

test validity

tests actually measure what they are supposed to, valid

test reliability

tests measure consistently what they are trying to measure, repeat

In looking for therapeutic services, it is important to keep in mind

that community mental health centers are good sources of information.

One reason that online relationships develop successfully is ____

that shared values are more important that in face-to-face relationships.

Stage 4 sleep

the deepest stage of sleep, during which we are least responsive to outside stimulation... 30%

whats the flynn effect? be able to describe it

the average person today gets more items correct than the average person did several exertions ago on IQ tests - reasons: challenges people face in a day-to-day life has changed, better nutrition and parenting, improvements in social environment, including education

diffusion of responsiblity

the belief that responsibility for intervening is shared, or diffused, among those present..... by bibb lantane and john darley... ex: if someones falls out and theres only 5 of you you are more likely to help than if there's 500 people.


the capacity to understand the world, think rationally and use resources effectively when faced with challenges

The optimal level of arousal for a task appears to depend in part on

the complexity of the task at hand.

Positive psychology is MOST at odds with which of the following therapeutic approaches?

the disease model

Unlike the vast majority of her co-workers who indulged in the delicious cheesecake, Sharon resisted the temptation to overeat at the departmental luncheon. After the luncheon, employees were assigned to groups and asked to discuss and report back on some strategic planning tasks. The likelihood that Sharon would give up more quickly in her group than her co-workers is consistent with ____________.

the ego depletion model of self-regulation


the factors that direct and energize the behavior of humans and other organisms

Normative influence occurs when people conform to social norms due to

the fear of negative social consequences

Normative influence occurs when people conform to social norms due to

the fear of negative social consequences.

The root of communication apprehension is thought to be _________

the interpretation of one's own psychological reactions

Stage 1 of sleep

the state of transition between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by relatively rapid, low-amplitude brain waves... 30%

Regarding the seeking of medical treatment, the biggest problem is

the tendency of many people to delay seeking treatment.

Self serving bias

the tendency to attribute personal success to personal factors and to attribute failure to factors outside oneself

Endogamy refers to

the tendency to marry within one's social group.

The elaboration likelihood model states that

the thoughts about a message rather than the content of the message determines whether an attitude will change

The elaboration likelihood model states that

the thoughts about a message rather than the content of the message determines whether an attitude will change.

A researcher wants to determine whether a certain diet causes children to learn better in school. In this study, the independent variable is

the type of diet.

Poor people are sometimes blamed for their plight by being told that they should just work harder and be able to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps." Myths like these discount the impact of situational factors, and illustrate ________________________.

the ultimate attribution error

According to Albert Ellis, people's emotional reactions to life events result mainly from

their beliefs about events

If identical twins exhibit more personality resemblance than fraternal twins, it's probably due mostly to

their greater genetic overlap.

what is graders intelligence theory called

theory of multiple intelligences: proposes that their are 8 different spheres of intelligence

A strong ________________________ has been shown to foster better therapeutic outcomes, regardless of the therapist and client's ethnic backgrounds.

therapeutic alliance

Your authors note that it is not accurate to offer a conclusion about the efficacy of behavior therapies as a whole because ___________.

there are a variety of procedures for differing purposes

Research by Troisi and Gabriel (2011) on comfort foods found that ___________.

they can remind us of meaningful relationships

Drug therapies have been criticized on the grounds that

they temporarily relieve symptoms without addressing the real problem. many drugs are overprescribed and many patients are overmedicated.


thinking strategy that may lead to a solution, but may sometimes lead to errors

Positive emotions can broaden people's cognitive responses by promoting beneficial

thought-action tendencies.

Obsessions are __________; whereas, compulsions are ___________.

thoughts; actions

According to your text, positive psychology pursues _____ lines of inquiry.


According to Peterson and Seligman, the answer to whether positive psychology is more of a fad than a genuinely new area of empirical inquiry

time to see if it has staying power and ongoing influence in the wider discipline of psychology.

A system providing for symbolic reinforcers is called a (an)

token economy.

When there is only one woman or minority person in a workplace setting, that person becomes a symbol of his or her group and is referred to as a


what is hypnosis

trancelike state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others

Because Suzanne has an unconscious sexual attraction to her father, she behaves seductively toward her therapist. Suzanne's behavior is most likely a form of


Jessica has been discussing her overbearing and domineering husband in therapy. Recently, Jessica has become unusually quiet and compliant to her therapist. It is possible that this patient-therapist dynamic is the phenomenon of ___________.


Alex and his partner are preparing to relocate to Europe for a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity next month. While they are excited for the prospects of career advancement, they are having difficulties accepting that they will be leaving their closest friends behind. What type of loneliness are they currently experiencing?

transitional loneliness

night terrors

trauma related, usually PTSD, nightmares

Positive psychology has been said to be a change in the _____ for the discipline of psychology.


The term ____ refers to a timely intellectual state of mind that many people contribute to and share.


Suppose you are interested in the relationship between the number of Facebook friends people have and the number of close, intimate real-life friendships they report. You hypothesize a strong negative correlation between the variables. Which of the following correlation coefficients would be the best supporting evidence for your prediction?


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