Psychology 101 final

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__________, a hormone that triggers feelings of sleepiness, is released at higher levels when you are in dark


Research into demographic differences in the rates of major depressive disorder, or clinical depression as it is often called, suggests that

men are less likely than women to be diagnosed with the disorder in the United States

Which type of neuron becomes active when we engage in observational learning?

mirror neuron

The general public is often misled by discussions of research in the media because

most reporters are not trained in understanding research or how to accurately communicate about it.

Using the criteria of Occam's Razor, a good theory is one that is the ________ explanation for the available data.

most simple

A researcher is interested in determining how frequently bullying behavior occurs in real-life settings. This researcher would best be advised to use the

naturalistic observation design

As the average daily temperature in Des Moines, Iowa, decreases the number of persons who are observed wearing sweaters in the workplace increases. This is an example of a ________ correlation.


When a stimulus is removed from a person or animal resulting in a decrease in the probability of response, it is known as __________.

negative punishment

A key characteristic of a pseudoscience is that incorrect theories are

never corrected or changed

What allows psychologists to know that only about 2.5% of people have an IQ above 130, but that about 66% of people have an IQ between 85 and 115?


The term statistical significance implies that the results are

not likely due to chance

Having a severe blow to the back of the head can result in cortical blindness. Which brain structure is damages when this occurs?

occipital lobe

The kind of learning that applies to voluntary behavior is called __________________.

operant conditioning

Many students when asked to predict how well they will do on a test will report a higher percent than what they actually end up getting on the exam. Which cognitive error does this represent?


The Oedipus (or Electra) complex is most likely experienced in the __________ stage.


Carter got straight As on his report card. His mother gave him $20 for earning good grades. His father told him he didn't have to mow the lawn this weekend, which made Carter very happy. What operant conditioning concepts, in order, are illustrated by the mother and the father in this story?

positive reinforcement; negative reinforcement

Amanda signed up with the army right after she graduated from high school. She was soon sent to Iraq. During her two years in Iraq, she witnessed many gruesome catastrophes. Upon returning home, she felt detached and estranged from her old friends, was easily startled, and had difficulties sleeping due to the vivid memories of the horrific events. Amanda displays the symptoms of

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Victims of sexual assault may experience strong stress reactions, intense anxiety, and flashbacks to their attacks from environmental cues that remind them of being attacked and helpless. If these become frequent, intense, and debilitating the person may be diagnosed as suffering from

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Charles is very good at woodworking and building. He is a master craftsman, however he has gone back to school and finds it very difficult to do well in his college math courses. He uses math all the time in his building. What type of intelligence does using Charles' math skills while building demonstrate in Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?


According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, "street smarts" is to _______ intelligence, as "book smarts" is to _________ intelligence.

practical; analytical

Darci wants to go to medical school. She has a 4.0 in her undergraduate coursework, but she is stressed with having to take the MCAT. To reduce this stress, she is taking steps to minimize this stress by signing up for MCAT prep classes. Darci is engaging in

proactive coping

high school, Deanna took three years of Spanish. Upon enrolling in college ten years later, she registered for a remedial French course. When required to speak in French during class discussion with her teacher and classmates, Deanna frequently responds with Spanish words instead of French words. This is one example of

proactive interference

Working a second job to pay off your credit card bills is an example of__________.

problem-focused coping

At a junior high dance, Mr. Holland tends to view boys and girls sitting together as "couples" regardless of whether they are actually dating. This illustrates the Gestalt principle of


Ward notices that as his supply of marijuana decreases he starts thinking more and more about where he can get another supply as well as feeling nervous and anxious. This is an example of __________.

psychological dependence

Pat is a psychologist who works with defense attorneys in formulating questions during jury selection. Many prospective jurors think Pat is an attorney because he is male, dresses in a three-piece suit, writes on a legal pad, and has a good command of language. What cognitive error did the prospective jurors use?

representative heuristic

Contrary to popular public opinion regarding hypnosis, people can

resist and oppose hypnotic suggestions at will.

The state during which a neuron contains more negatively charged ions inside the cell than outside the cell and is not firing is referred to as the__________.

resting potential

Following a car accident, Jane and Joan both suffer head injuries with resulting amnesia. Joan cannot remember events that occurred before the accident, while Jane cannot remember events that occurred after the accident. Joan suffers from __________ amnesia and Jane from __________ amnesia.

retrograde; anterograde

When Stewart wakes up at night and has to walk from his bedroom to the bathroom in the dark, he is most directly aided in this process by his


After he asked Rachel to be his girlfriend and she declined his request, Trey spent the next several days recounting the rejection in his mind. He thought about different ways he might have asked, reasons why she might have said no, and felt sure that everyone would be talking about him behind his back. Each time he thought of these unpleasant things he got a little more upset. Trey is engaging in a practice called ________.


Although you have never taken a class with Dr. Hua, you walk into class, sit down, open your notebook, and wait for the professor to begin his lecture. What concept is being illustrated?


The most severe psychological disorder is


This neurotransmitter is highly related to the disorder of depression. Any antidepressant drugs work to increase this neurotransmitter.


An animal trainer is trying to teach a lion to perform tricks for circus. First the lion is given food if he sits quietly on a chair. Next the lion is given food if he raises one paw. Finally the lion is given even more food if he gives the trainer a "high-five." In this example, the lion is being trained by


People who have ______ are afraid of being evaluated in some negative way by others, so they tend to avoid situations that can be embarrassing.

social anxiety disorder

After a particularly difficult psychology exam, you and your friends confide in one another about the test, comparing your answers and reactions to the test. This is known as Leon Festinger's

social comparison theory

Mike is a great football player. Last Saturday, his new girlfriend attended the game to watch him play, and Mike played even better than usual. Mike's enhanced performance demonstrates the phenomenon known as

social facilitation

Social psychology is best defined as the scientific study of

social influence

You and your group have had four weeks to complete a group project for your economics class. You are now four days away from the due date, and you and one other group member have been putting in all of the time and effort. The other two members come occasionally to group meetings and do the minimal work required. This unfortunate situation is

social loafing

Malaya's mother recently died and as the only child she finds herself responsible for making most of the end-of-life arrangements (funeral, final expenses, will, etc.). To help her cope she has been having morning coffee with her best friends for the last several weeks to talk about the situation and gain advice.

social support

As she walks out of the living room, Gloriann turns out the light. In this example, Gloriann's __________ nervous system is active.


As a child, Blaine was attacked by a goose and subsequently developed a severe fear of waterfowl. As he got older, the fear gradually faded until it was all but forgotten. Blaine is now in his early twenties and recently went strolling through a park by the river where he came across a flock of geese. The geese gave him a stare, and Blaine experienced a sudden surge of fear. Blaine's fear response is an example of__________.

spontaneous recovery

As we sleep during the night, we spend the majority of our time in ________ sleep.

stage two

When you took your college entrance exam, students across the country took the same test at the same time with the same instructions. What characteristic of a good psychological test do these similarities reflect?


Julio served in the war in Iraq and was severely traumatized when a rocket-propelled grenade exploded next to his Humvee. Recently, Julio was studying in the library and a large book fell off a high shelf and banged on the floor. The noise brought Julio instantly to his feet. In terms of classical conditioning, his response can best be explained by__________

stimulus generalization

As Molly is walking across campus, a car swerves toward her. Her heart races and sweat breaks out as she jumps out of harm's way. This mobilization of energy is due to the action of Molly's ______________.

sympathetic nervous system

Sarah is a pianist who reports that she sees musical tones as colors. This is one example of


Jamie has worked for Jones & Miller law firm for the past five years. The firm is in the process of downsizing and laying off employees. Jamie is afraid that she may lose her job. To help deal with this stressful situation, Jamie tends to rely on her social contacts for support, in addition to nurturing those around her. This is known as

tend and befriend.

When Kate read her horoscope for the day, she was amazed to find that it described her very well. She is probably a victim of

the P.T. Barnum effect

When people watch a debate, they often point out the internal contradictions, flaws in logic, and hypocrisy in positions they oppose while glossing over the same shortcomings for positions they support. This is an example of

the confirmation bias.

The "Flynn effect" refers to

the finding that IQ scores have steadily increased over the last decade.

Steve just joined a fraternity. He was introduced to 55 new "brothers." If asked to recall all of their names, which ones would he be most likely to struggle with?

the names of brothers in the middle of the group

People report feeling better after taking medication even though it hasn't had time to be effective. They are experiencing

the placebo effect

People living under stressful conditions tend to get sick more often than they would otherwise. How do researchers in psychoneuroimmunology explain this phenomenon?

the stress response reduces immune system functioning, thus making us more vulnerable to diseases

"I don't know what is wrong with me," says Lucy. "It used to take just a couple of drinks to get me 'going,' but now it takes four or five." What is Lucy exhibiting?


Contestants on the television show "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy!" are given category labels before each new puzzle or question. Providing these labels is intended to activate __________ processing.


Posttraumatic stress disorder is increasing in the military and leading to higher suicide rates?


You take a test that is supposed to measure clinical depression, but you believe that this test may also be measuring simply having a really bad week. You are questioning this tests


f you learn that selling illegal drugs is wrong because you see drug dealers getting sent to prison, you will experience

vicarious punishment

Nearly _______ of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are women?

. 75%

The __________ is the most extensively researched of all structured personality tests.


John has made a career of stealing older people's retirement money by taking advantage of their trust and selling them phony retirement investments. John explains that he has done nothing wrong-if these people were not so greedy, they would not be so eager to invest in his phony schemes. In his mind, his victims got exactly what they deserved. John's behavior and attitude are typical of someone with ______ personality disorder.

. antisocial

Although both Clive Wearing and a patient known as H.M. had severely damaged hippocampi or removed hippocampi, they both showed evidence of ________ memory.

. implicit

Sarah has just received her drivers' license and is now ready to drive to school. Although she's never driven to her school before, Sarah knows the way. The fact that Sarah can drive herself to school suggests that ________ has occurred.

. latent learning

After you finish reading this sentence, the information will remain in your ________ as you consider each of the answers below.

. short-term memory

Culture-fair tests attempt to measure ______.

. the intelligence of people coming from outside the culture in which the test was devised

A circadian rhythm is roughly______ hours long.


When a researcher tests his or her hypothesis, he or she is often hoping to gather information that is consistent with a particular theory. What, more specifically, allows a researcher to say that he or she has "proven" a theory?

A researcher is never able to say that he or she has "proven" a theory.

Regarding operant conditioning, which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

A student is exempted from a weekly quiz for exemplary homework

Which is a possible cause of autism spectrum disorder?

Abnormalities in brain structure

What theoretical explanation of dreams explains dreaming as resulting from random neural transmission and interpretation?

Activation-synthesis theory

Which of the following is a symptom of schizophrenia?

All options are possible symptoms of schizophrenia

Crystal is trying to study for her biology final tomorrow. She is exhausted but knows that she has to pass that test. She is desperate and wants to get her hands on the strongest upper she can. What drug is she likely to turn to?


Who is at most risk for causing an accident driving home?

Amy, who just left her job as a night nurse

Steven has just experienced one of the scariest movies he's ever seen. Which brain structure was likely highly active during the movie?


What is the main difference between an experiment and a correlational study?

An experiment involves the manipulation of variables, while a correlational study does not.

Which disorder is Dissociative Identity Disorder most often confused with?

Bipolar Disorder

Which psychological disorder has the strongest evidence for a genetic link?

Bipolar disorder

In the research comparing expert and novice chess players one of the conditions researchers placed the pieces on the chess board randomly, had the participants memorize the placement of the pieces, the researchers then removed the pieces and asked the participants to recreate the board. What were the results of this manipulation?

Both groups performed very poorly

Bill was admitted to the hospital last week after he fell. When Bill's son visited, he found his father was unable to get words out in a smooth, connected fashion. If Bill's difficulty speaking is due to brain damage, what is the likely location

Broca's area

Extinction occurs when the ________ no longer produces the ________.


Sarah, a graduate student in psychology, just heard about a five-year-old child who has already learned calculus. She is thinking about doing an in-depth study of the child for her dissertation because such early-life math skill is so rare. Sarah is considering which research method?

Case Study

Who has the highest IQ?

Cecilee, with a mental age of 9 and a chronological age of 7

This structure is involved in muscle coordination and balance.


The most common type of treatment for dissociative identity disorder is?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

What disorder are people who get diagnosed with antisocial personality as an adult, typically diagnosed with as a child/adolescent?

Conduct Disorder

When people experience intense emotions like fear, anger, or excitement, their hearts tend to speed up and pound. It would be easy to conclude that the heart is what is causing these emotions, but this would be incorrect. This lack of consistency between an apparent relationship between two events and the true course of events demonstrates which of the six principles of scientific thinking?

Correlation vs. causation

Professor Wagner is explaining to his subjects the purpose behind the experiment they just participated in, along with a general description of the results. He is engaging in what aspect of a research study?


According to the authors, schizophrenia is most often confused with which other psychological disorder?

Dissociative identity disorder

This neurotransmitter is often increased when many recreational drugs are used. It is considered part of the pleasure pathway in the brain.


Which of the following is true concerning Bandura's classic "Bobo doll" study?

Exposure to aggressive models led to increased aggression in nursery school children

Bob has learned that he can usually get what he wants from his parents if he keeps whining for something. One day Bob starts whining in the toy store because he wants a GI Joe action figure. His father refuses to give it to him and ignores his whining. What will happen?


Marques loves to go to parties, and while there he can have a conversation with just about anyone, whether he knows them or not. Which of the following Five Factors" would Marques probably rate highly on based on this information?


A man is more likely to experience depression than a woman.


Compulsions are thoughts, urges, or mental images that are unwanted or inappropriate and cause distress.


Psychotherapy is the only treatment option for major depression.


Julio is playing paintball with his friends. He is wearing his new camouflage suit, hoping that it will interfere with which Gestalt principle?


Which of the following situations is most likely to create a flashbulb memory?

Finding out that one or one's partner is pregnant

The situation of a student's final grade improving one letter grade for every three books read represents which schedule of reinforcement?

Fixed ratio

Which treatment method uses therapy that exposes clients to the highest stimuli of fear for a long period of time?


Our ability to have unique personalities and do complex problem solving and decision making are primarily due to this brain structure.

Frontal lobe

This neurotransmitter could be thought of as a 'braking system' for the brain.


Damage to this structure of the brain could result in the inability to make new memories.


On a hot day you are working outside and getting very thirsty. You find that you need to find something to drink right away. Which brain structure is likely guiding your behavior?


Which of the following is not a symptom of borderline personality disorder?

Lack of empathy and remorse

Damage to this part of the brain would likely result in death because it controls vital life functions such as heart rate and respiration.


Are men or women more likely to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?


This structure of the brain control many of the fine motor movements that you make such as typing and writing.

Motor Cortex

What general category of drug is used in the controlling of pain?


This neurotransmitter is related to the flight or fight response and may be involved in the experience of anxiety disorders


Of the following individuals, who is the most likely to develop somatic symptom disorder?

Old, Female, High School Diploma, Works at McDonalds, Poor

You notice your classmate Hannah chewing on her pencil as she takes her psychology final. Which psychosexual stage may not have been resolved?


Carla reported observing herself help a pedestrian who had been hit by a taxicab driver from atop a building awning 15-feet off the ground. This is an example of what altered state of consciousness?

Out-of-body experience

The ability to be aware of your body position in space is often located in this brain structure

Parietal lobe

What is the difference between bipolar I and bipolar II?

People go through stages of hypomania rather than mania in Bipolar II

What has research on social support and rates of mortality shown?

People with less social support have higher rates of mortality.

Cheryl is having difficulties with insomnia. Which brain structure might be involved in this problem?


A medical doctor believes that the presence of aromatherapy will reduce the anxiety of first-time mothers-to-be during labor and will increase their reported satisfaction with their care at his hospital. He randomly assigns mothers to give birth in a room either with or without aromatherapy. What is the independent variable in this example?

Presence or absence of aromatherapy

Which of the following situations is most likely to lead to the misinformation effect?

Professor Weiss asked his chemistry students how terrifying the explosion was.

__________ refers to a claim or statement that superficially appears to be scientific but is not.


Which theory of personality is most concerned with understanding people's unconscious motivations?


Obsessive compulsive disorder is treated with:

Psychotherapy and medication

During what stage of sleep are we most likely to experience a vivid dream?

REM Sleep

Hiram just finished the most difficult statistics exam he has ever taken. When asked the next day by his mother how the exam went, Hiram tells her that he cannot remember a single thing from the previous two days. This experience is most similar to which Freudian defense mechanism?


Who is most likely to obtain the top score on his or her vocabulary test?

Ryan, who has drawn a picture to illustrate each word



__________ involves the detection of energy by sense organs, whereas __________ involves interpreting sensory inputs.

Sensation; perception

The brief storage of perceptual information before it is passed to short-term memory is called ________ memory.


In this image you are likely to see a large triangle made up of circles surrounded by little triangles. Which Gestalt Principle explains why you see this pattern?


Jordan and her friends are in the front row for a rock concert. During the concert, the lead singer moves all around the stage but Jordan continues to perceive him as the same height even though the image received in her eye and brain constantly changes. This illustrates which type of perceptual constancy?

Size constancy

Which is NOT symptom of mania?

Sleeping too much

Which theory of hypnosis argues that hypnosis is not a trance state or a unique state of consciousness?

Sociocognitive theory

This brain structure is specifically involved in interpreting our sense of touch.

Somatosensory cortex

What type of therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder reduces symptoms by teaching the person to reduce anxiety while looking at their memories in a healthy way?

Stress Inoculation

Maria is a retired factory worker who lives with anxiety. Due to the fear of having anxiety attacks, she does not leave her house. This makes her feel trapped in her home, which creates an enormous sense of discomfort for Maria. Which criterion would be most appropriate in deciding whether Maria's case represents an example of abnormality?

Subjective distress

When you are listening to your favorite music, this brain structure is highly activated.

Temporal lobe

This part of the brain might be seen as the "Traffic Officer" directing different types of neural information to the appropriate brain structure to process.


Sarula recently completed a compatibility "quiz" from one of her favorite magazines, and although she and her boyfriend have been dating for nearly two years, the "quiz" results suggested they are not compatible. Luckily, Riley, one of Sarula's friends, is a student of psychology and suggested that the "quiz" may not be valid. What is her friend suggesting?

The "quiz" may not actually measure compatibility.

Six-year-old Danny has been hitting his head against the wall. As soon as he does this, his parents rush to comfort and hold him. A psychologist spent some time observing Danny and his parents in their home. After these observations, how might the psychologist explain the head banging?

The parents' attention reinforces the head banging

When Sam went looking for a new car, he met a beautiful saleswoman who described the beauty of the car and the flashiness, and how good Sam would look driving it. She did not mention the poor gas mileage, the exorbitant price, and the poor road performance. Sam made a snap decision to buy the car from the persuasive saleswoman. Sam was using which alternative pathway in making a decision?

The peripheral route

Coach Ezell wants her players to relax before playing important conference games. At the halfway point in the season, instead of the dance music she normally had playing in the locker room, she switches to classical music before the games. What is the dependent variable in this scenario?

The players' anxiety level

As you are preparing for your biology exam, you notice two of your classmates in the library. After going to talk with them, you discover they are planning to use a cheat sheet during tomorrow's exam. What part of your personality would cause you to feel ashamed or guilty if you also cheated on the exam?

The superego

What is the purpose of an institutional review board?

To help protect research participants from abuse

A critical factor for autism spectrum disorder is impaired social interaction


Professor Golder is studying hyperactivity in preschool age children. She is concerned that differences in child rearing, diet, and so forth may affect her results. To minimize these potential preexisting variables, she should be sure to do which of the following?

Use random assignment when forming her groups

Which of the partial schedules produces the highest rates of responding?

Variable ratio

You are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia if:

You have a close relative who is also diagnosed with schizophrenia

Which of these is the best example of classical conditioning?

Your dog salivates when you open a can of dog food

You wake up at three o'clock in the morning, craving a glass of water. You get out of bed and walk to the kitchen but you do not turn on the light. Your ability to successfully navigate the house in the dark is due to the presence of

a cognitive map

Which of the following is the best example of a well-defined problem?

a sheet of multiplication problems

Professor Clark gives her students an assignment to develop hypotheses on global warming. To be consistent with a scientific method, students should develop their hypotheses based on

a well supported scientific theory

If Sylvia is described as being very sociable and easy to get along with, then she probably is fairly high on the Big Five superfactor known as ________.


What is the correct sequence of stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

alarm, resistance, exhaustion

Which of the following drugs is categorized as a depressant?


Sally is enrolled in a high school geometry course, which she describes as "drawing figures and figuring drawings." In a typical class, students draw geometric figures and use a formula to calculate an aspect of the figure such as its area. Each time Sally uses a formula, she is making use of what psychologists call ___________.


Dylan believes that his hard work, rather than luck or chance, resulted in his promotion at work. Dylan probably has Select one:

an internal locus of control.

What three types of intelligence constitute Sternberg's Triarchic theory of intelligence?

analytical, creative, and practical

Drugs that decrease a neuron's receptor site activity are called


Often, promising herbal remedies

are little better than a placebo

When we attempt to explain the cause of someone's behavior, we are utilizing


After hearing about a horrible airline crash that killed 250 people, Jim cancels his airplane reservations because he feels it is too risky to fly. Instead, he decides to drive across the country. What decision-making process was involved in Jim's decision?

availability heuristic

Many errors in cognition could be avoided if people were aware of the actual statistics or probability of events. What is this information called?

base rate information

After being laid-off from her long-time job Jasmine begins to immediately look for any type of full-time or part-time work she can apply for. She plans to keep searching for a more permanent job even after getting a temporary part-time job.

behavioral control

Despite the fact that scientific research has found no support or basis for the belief of "the hot hand" in baseball, basketball, or golf, the idea still persists among athletes, sports commentators, and fans. This is a classic example of

belief perseverance

Imagine that you have just flunked a class. You evaluate this situation and decide that flunking a class is stressful and important enough to be upset about. Next you decide to repeat the class in summer school. You have made __________.

both a primary and a secondary appraisal

Correlational research designs are NOT appropriate for purposes of


The ________ nervous system is composed of the brain and the spinal cord.


Taste aversions seem to be specific examples of what type of learning?

classical conditioning

Many times when George is faced with difficult or stressful situations, he typically thinks to himself that each difficult time is a way to show his strength and resilience.

cognitive control

When she is not at the bar, Jayla preaches to everyone about the dangers of smoking. However, she does smoke an occasional cigarette when she is at the bar with her friends, although at those times she feels somewhat frustrated by her own smoking behavior. Jayla is likely experiencing ________ when she smokes.

cognitive dissonance

In opening her new private preschool, Mrs. Alvarez plans to only accept students who come from upper-middle income families, because she read that students who perform well come from higher socioeconomic families. Mrs. Alvarez is making the ________ error of critical thinking.

correlation vs. causation

If you are interested in examining the relationship between the number of class days missed and one's subsequent semester grade point average, you would be best served to use a(n) ________ to study this question.

correlational design

According to Freud, the ego is the

decision maker.

Mario has been struggling with his college classes as of late. He has been working many hours, taking care of his children, and trying to carry a full load of classes. This semester he wants to take classes that are known to be a bit easier, so he consults with his friends at the college to get an idea of which courses will be less challenging. Mario's plan of gathering information before selecting a class is a demonstration of __________.

decisional control

You are in a difficult and stressful major in college. One of the ways you attempt to reduce some of your stress one semester is to choose a professor that you know is easier for you to work with.

decisional control

Devoid of any retribution, thousands of fans at a football game swarmed the field, climbing on the goal posts, yelling, screaming, and taking their clothes off. This behavior of normally mild-mannered citizens is known as


Your teacher asks you to describe the sequence of parts of a neuron that the impulse travels during neural conduction. Which of the following sequences will you offer?

dendrites, soma, axon, axon terminal

At a crowded park, Kayla sees an old man clutching his heart and stumbling. If Kayla assumes that someone else will help the old man, she is experiencing the phenomenon known as

diffusion of responsibility.

After a day when all of his students complained about the way he graded their papers, his boss doubled his workload, and he got a speeding ticket on his way home, Nick yelled at his wife for leaving her toothbrush on the bathroom counter. This is an example of


The single most controversial psychological disorder is

dissociative identity disorder

When a teacher tells you to start studying weeks before the exam rather than waiting until the last minute, he or she is really advising you to use

distributed practice

The ________ seeks to find a resolution between the competing demands of the ________.

ego; id and superego

After a recent trauma, Felix's therapist asks him to write a daily journal to describe the different emotions that he feels during the day. He is instructed to be honest in writing about his emotions and to open up in his journal.

emotional control

Remembering that your father used to read The Cat in the Hat to you every night best illustrates which type of memory?


According to the authors, a skeptic is someone who

evaluates all claims with an open mind and insists on evidence before accepting a claim

According to Hans Selye, resistance to stress is lowest at the _____________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


Gianna was coming home from work and could not help but notice the young woman who seemed to be driving in a reckless manner. She immediately wondered if the girl was in an emergency or if something important was going on to make her drive like that. Gianna just made a(n)

external attribution

Vincent is designing a research study as part of his Master's thesis. He wants to do a laboratory study where he can control as many variables as possible, but he is concerned that his findings will not generalize very well from the laboratory setting to the real world. In technical terms, Vincent is concerned about the ________ of his study.

external validity

Seth loves to eat at McDonald's. Whenever he eats there, he always supersizes his meals. This is an example of

failure to control portion size

When discussing the upcoming Super Bowl, John and Kamran were talking about the strengths and weaknesses of each team. While Kamran anticipated that one team was going to win and then backed up his prediction, John made no such statement. Instead, John commented on each team and what they would have to do in order to win. After the game, John noted that he had correctly analyzed the game, noting why the winning team had triumphed. Because none of his statements could be disproven, which concept of a science was John violating?


Alan always turns the aquarium light on before putting fish food into the tank. After a while he notices that the fish swim to the top to look for the food as soon as he turns on the light. In this example, the __________ is the unconditioned stimulus.

fish food

You have a class in which you have a quiz every Friday. Your studying for quizzes is reinforced on what type of schedule?

fixed interval

Raoul wanted a new cell phone. One of the companies was offering free cell phones with a purchase of a two-year contract. Along with the offer came free text messaging for a month. Raoul purchased the contract. After the month he liked the text package so much he kept it at a rather hefty price. This is an example of the

foot-in-the-door technique

People with cancer tend to be more optimistic if their doctor says "You are 90% certain to survive" as opposed to "There is a 1 in 10 chance you will die." This is an example of __________

framing information

A loose screw on the visor causes it to drop down while Ben drives; however, he keeps forgetting to take a screwdriver out to the car to fix it. When he notices the visor drop again, he reaches into his pocket for a dime that he uses to tighten the screw holding the visor. What problem solving difficulty did Ben overcome?

functional fixedness

While sitting in the theater watching the latest Iron-Man movie, Michael hears a person behind him talking on his cell phone. "What an inconsiderate jerk that person is," Michael thinks to himself. He does not consider that the telephone call may have been some very serious emergency that required immediate attention. Michael has fallen prey to the ________ error.

fundamental attribution

According to Spearman, it is one's ________ intelligence that produces the positive correlations found between vocabulary, spatial ability, and verbal reasoning tests.


Mary was bitten by a dog. Now she fears the dog that bit her as well as other dogs. What aspect of classical conditioning is illustrated in what happened to Mary?


The primary purpose of the DSM-5 is to _____.

help psychological professionals diagnose psychological disorders

What problem-solving strategies are essentially mental shortcuts?


A science is defined by

its approach to dealing with evidence

A client tells his therapist about a dream in which he drives his wife to the airport where she boards a plane. As the plane takes off, he is smiling. The therapist says the dream suggests a desire for a divorce. The therapist's interpretation represents what Sigmund Freud called the dream's __________.

latent content

The behavioral theories of personality tend to focus on


If Darren's brain is like that of most people, then fine-tuned language skills will be handled by his ________.

left cerebral hemisphere

After being referred for testing, Angela scored 102 on an IQ test. Angela is now likely to be

left with no special placement

You are given the opportunity to take part in a national conference where you will be part of a panel of experts. You've never done this before or been to this conference, so you go about reading information about this conference and talking to other people who have done presentations like this to prepare yourself.

informational control

When information that you learned in your high school psychology class gets in the way of learning new information from your college-level psychology class, ________ has occurred.


Many people are familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. However, few students are knowledgeable about the fact that this popular personality assessment instrument has

low reliability and low validity.

The extent to which it is possible to draw cause-and-effect conclusions from a given research project describes the study's ________ validity.


Wendy is walking down the street when she suddenly falls down and lands squarely on her backside. A group of girls standing about 50 feet away start laughing hysterically, telling each other what a klutz that Wendy is. The unsympathetic girls in this group are making a(n) __________ attribution to explain why Wendy fell down.


Kayla has experienced a decrease in the need for sleep for the past three nights, is extremely talkative and creative, and has been very irresponsible with money during this time. Kayla is in the midst of a(n)

manic episode.

Coworkers in one office building noticed a foul odor outside and suspected it might be a terrorist plot using a biochemical weapon. Soon, a number of reporters covered the story and reports of foul odors were popping up everywhere. Despite the mayor and the sewer department stating that a line in the sewer had burst, workers were convinced of the possible attack. This phenomenon is better explained by

mass hysteria.

For several weeks Allen had to clean the men's restroom at the restaurant where he worked. The task always made him nauseated. He has since gone on to better things, but still cannot walk by the door to a men's restroom without becoming slightly queasy. For Allen, the door to the men's room has become a(n) __________

conditioned stimulus

Which type of receptor cell is associated with seeing colors?


ohn is trying to figure out what is wrong with his car. He thinks there is a problem with the fuel injection system so he hasn't checked if there might be another malfunction before he takes it to the dealer. Which error may John be committing?

confirmation bias

You get on an elevator. Everyone is facing to the right. You turn and also face to the right. This is an example of


The difference between conformity and obedience is

conformity is influence from peers or colleagues and obedience is influence from authority.

Dr. James advises that if you study for your next psychology exam in the same room where you take the exam, your score will improve. He is basing this advice on

context-dependent learning.

Which Type A personality characteristic is the key trait that is the most predictive of heart disease?


Which of the following would be best described as an "educated guess?"


A person who has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder is most likely to exhibit

impulsivity and unpredictability in his or her interactions with others

On Monday, Sal took a test developed to measure levels of sensation seeking and obtained a score of 13; he took the same test one week later and obtained the same score. Based on this information, you can most accurately conclude the ________ of this test is good


Psychological tests that yield relatively consistent results are said to be __________.


Jemele has decided to remain awake two hours more than normal so that she can study for her British Literature exam. She also plans to wake one and a half hours earlier than normal to resume studying. This change in her sleep pattern will have the biggest effect on the amount of ________ sleep she gets.


Initial reports in the media that listening to classical music made students more intelligent were followed by several failed attempts to reproduce the effects in the laboratories of other researchers. This is an example of the failure to


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