Psychology 110 Chapter 7, PSYCH HW CHAPTERS 6-9, Chapter 9: Psych

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connectionist network

parallel distributed processing

Wendell always gets anxious prior to taking a math test In science, his class has )ust started a section on physics which happens to indude many formulas and numbers. When the teacher announces a quiz in science, Wendell begins to feel anxious. What is Wendell demonstrating?

generalization in classical conditioning

negative reinforcement in operant conditioning

has nothing to do with "good" and "bad" behavior

Joel and Zeus watch a soccer game between team A and team B on T.V. Team A wins the match and Zeus exclaims, "I knew team A would win this match!" According to the biases and heuristics in decision making, it can be concluded that Zeus is employing _____ in this scenario.

hindsight bias

Marcia's Identity Statuses

identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, identity achievement

James Marcia proposed the concept of _______ to describe a person's position in the development of identity.

identity status

left frontal lobe

in the context of memory storage, which of the following structures of the brain is especially active when an individual encodes new information into memory?

As young Javier gets off his school bus, he runs to his mother and proudly shows her the book he read at school today. Which of the following Erikson's childhood stages is Javier demonstrating?

industry vs inferiority

Environmental influences on intelligence

-enrichment (reading, early education) -practice reasoning/problem solving -physical activity & diet -Flynn effect

Rank the prenatal developmental stages in the correct order.

1. Germinal Period 2. Embryonic Period 3. Fetal Period

Testosterone is part of the main class of male sex hormones, known as


7 +/- 2

As Mitch walks through the conference hall before his conference, he greets approximately 50 new people. Based on his short-term association with these people, Mitch will most likely remember the names of _____ individuals.

According to Piaget, when individuals incorporate new information into an existing schema this is called


explicit and implicit memory

At the top level, long-term memory is divided into the substructures of?

Miguel's son Lucas is fighting with his younger brother over a toy. Miguel gently explains to Lucas how he could have avoided the fight with his brother. Instead of scolding his son, he communicates his points in a calm and a peaceful manner in ways to end his fight with his brother. Miguel is most likely a(n) ____________ parent.


Which type of parenting involves encouraging the child to be independent but placing limits and controls on behavior?


Which of the following are attachment styles as defined by ainsworth?

Avoiding insecure attachment Anxious/ambivalent insecure attachment Secure attachment

a person's temperament is their

Behavioral style and characteristic way of responding

Which of the following is the best example of "nature" in the context of the nature-nurture influence?

Biological inheritance

deep processing

Fifteen-year-old Matt and his father are in an electronics store, looking at video game systems. Matt gives his father a complete breakdown of the pros and cons of each of the different video game systems on display. Which of the following is most likely the highest level of processing that has enabled Matt to accurately encode all of these details?

Madeline is 16 years old. She is able to think somewhat like a scientist, devising plans to solve problems and testing solutions. Which of Piaget's stages is Madeline most likely in?

Formal operational

the first and last candidates are more likely to be remembered

George, a fresh college graduate, is going to attend his first job interview. He has learned that he is one among six other candidates who have applied for the same job. Applying his knowledge of the serial position effect, George asks to be either the first or the last candidate interviewed. Why?

short term memory

Hank sees a car run a red light. Despite only seeing the car for a short amount of time, he is able to recall the licence plate. In this scenario, hank has most likely used his _____ to recall the licence plate.

Fixed ratio (FR)

In operant conditioning, it is when behavior is reinforced after a fixed number of responses.

decay theory

In the context of retrieval failures, the _______________ states that memories fade because the neurochemical memory trace disintegrates over time

A person's genotype can be best described as:

Inherited genetic material

Your 25 year old friend has met a lot of good friends in the past few years and is now dating someone special it seems that she is working through eriksons ___________ stage of psychosocial development very well

Intimacy vs isolation

Which of the following is true of short term memory?

It is a limited-capacity memory system.

implicit memory

It is related to nonconsciously remembering skills and sensory perceptions.

Which of the following statements are correct regarding Erickson's trust vs mistrust stage?

It occurs during the first 1.5 yrs of life The outcome depends on whether the infants caretaker meets its needs

the cerebellum

Jack doesn't need to look at his keyboard while typing. His fingers automatically move over the keys as he types information into the computer. In the context of memory storage, which part of Jack's brain is active when he is performing this?

Mental imagery

Jacob is a waiter at Alpines, a five-star restaurant. He is known for his excellent memory with regard to customer orders. He recalls each customer's order perfectly by associating the order with where the customer is seated and with the clothes the customer is wearing. In this scenario, which of the following encoding processes is Jacob most likely using to help him remember his orders?

sensory memory

Jane hears a strange sound coming from her attic. She wakes her husband and mimics the sound she just heard. In this scenario, Jane's _____ is responsible for her ability to retain the memory of the sound long enough to reproduce it.

episodic memory

John is at the hospital for his knee injury. To know more about the injury, his doctor asks him where and when he injured himself. In this scenario, John is most likely to use his _____ to answer this question.

formal operational stage (11-15yrs)

Lasts through adulthood Abstract and idealistic thought Hypothetical-deductive reasoning

Development in terms of biological processes involves which of the following changes?

Maturation, changes in motor skills, and hormonal changes

According to Baumrind, the _____ style refers to parents who are uninvolved in their children's lives


In the context of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, which of the following statements is true of the sensorimotor stage?

Object permanence is the biggest event of the sensorimotor stage.

Which of the following examples represent "nurture" influences?

Peer pressure Nutrition in early childhood

Which of baumrinds parenting styles describes a child rearing situation where parents let their children do pretty much what they want?


Which of the following is not one of the principles for a successful marriage according to gottmans research



The _______, part of the limbic system, is involved in emotional memories

Which of the following traits define the authoritative parent, according to baumrind?

The authoritative parent encourages independence, The authoritative parent places limits.

Janet has memorized one of John Keats's poems for an upcoming school play. The poem has four verses, and Janet can recite the entire poem verbatim. With reference to the serial position effect in memory retrieval, which of the following verses is Janet most likely to remember in the future?

The first and fourth verse of the poem

According to Piaget, conservation is ___________

The knowledge that certain attributes of objects remain the same despite superficial changes Part of the concrete operational stage

According to Piaget, conservation is

The knowledge that certain attributes of objects remain the same despite superficial changes.

Development refers to the pattern of continuity and change in human capabilities that occur

Throughout life


True or False according to the dual code hypothesis: Memory for pictures is better than memory for words

Which of eriksons stages occurs during infancy and involves feeling a sense of assurance toward the caregiver?

Trust vs mistrust

object permanence is when a child

Understands that something exists even if it cannot be seen

Vince will not remember how to ride his motorcycle

Vince injured his cerebellum in a motorcycle accident. Consequently, Vince's implicit memory was affected. In the context of memory, which of the following is most likely to happen?


When John was asked to memorize 15 alphabets in a particular order, he organized them into groups of three letters each and memorized them in the given order. In this scenario, John has used the tactic of

sensory memory

When compared with _______________ , short-term memory is limited in capacity

presenting the suspects to the witness in a sequential fashion, one at a time

Which of the following procedures, used by law enforcement officials, is most likely to reduce eyewitness errors?

prospective memory

While on her way to work, Rachel remembered that she forgot her phone at home. She then decided to paste a note on her house door to remind herself to take the phone. In this scenario, Rachel's plan to paste a note will be stored in her _____.

Alan Baddeley

Who proposed an influential model of working memory featuring a three-part system that allows individuals to hold information temporarily "in mind" as they perform cognitive tasks?


_____ is the method of improving short-term memory that involves the conscious repetition of information.

echoic memory

_____ refers to auditory sensory memory, which is retained for up to several seconds.


__________ improves short-term memory by making large amounts of information more manageable.

anterograde amnesia

____________ is a memory disorder that affects the retention of new information and events

moral development

the changes in people's sense of justice and of what is right and wrong, and in their behavior related to moral issues

Which of the following characteristics apply to the developmental period of emerging adulthood?

- It is characterized by experimentation and exploration - It is the transition period between adolescence and adulthood.

Which of the following best exemplifies an innate unconditioned stimulus-unconditioned response condition

A child sneezing after accidentally inhaling pepper

free radical theory

A microbiological theory of aging stating that people age because when their cells metabolize energy, they generate waste that includes unstable oxygen molecules, known as free radicals, that damage DNA and other structures.


A person's ability to recover from or adapt to difficult times

Which of the following is an example of longitudinal research?

A researcher studies the same group of the same people for 10 years

Which of the following statements is true regarding Piaget's theory of schemas?

A schema assists us in the making sense of experience A schema organizes information Schemas are expressed as various behaviors and skills

Cross sectional research is best represented by which of the following examples?

A study where elementary students in grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 are surveyed all at one time

soon after an individual learns something

According to Hermann Ebbinghaus's scientific research on forgetting, most forgetting takes place?

What is the main emphasis of Erik Erickson's theory of development?

Addressing various socioemotional tasks throughout the lifespan

Matt's school ends at three in the afternoon so whenever it becomes three in the afternoon he feels happy even if he's not in school. In this scenario Matt has learned to associate a fixed timing with happiness through

Classical conditioning

Henry loves animals and has always wanted a pet animal. However, when he met his neighbor's dog, it bit him. Now, Henry stays away from dogs. In this scenario, in the context of classical conditioning, Henry's fear of dogs is a(n)?

Conditioned response

sensorimotor stage (birth-2yrs)

Coordinates sensory information with bodily movements. Major accomplishment is object permanence. The understanding that an object continues to exist even when you cannot see or touch it.

quietly in the classroom in which he is going to take his exam.

David's roommate, Ryan, asks David for advice on how to study for his final exams. Applying his knowledge of context-dependent memory, David will be most likely to recommend that Ryan study

_______ refers to retention of information about to where, when, and what of life's happenings

Episodic memory


Process such as hormonal changes of puberty and menopause, changes in the brain, height and weight, and motor skills changes reflect the developmental role of biological processes and are referred to as

A key parental role is to be an effective manager. The managerial role includes

Providing guidance Making contacts Locating information

Which of the following are typical of puberty?

Rapid sexual maturation Hormonal changes Rapid skeletal maturation

Divided attention

Riley is trying to pay attention to her teacher while talking to her friend in class, illustrates?

retrograde amnesia

Ryan, a high-school football player, received a head injury during a game. After he recovered, Ryan was unable to remember anything that happened before the injury. However, he was able to form new memories. In the context of forgetting, Ryan's condition best exemplifies?

using chunking

Sheila is preparing for her end-of-semester tests. In the context of study tips from the science of memory, which of the following practices will help her encode information more effectively?

Attachment is

an emotional tie with another person; shown in young children by their seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress on separation

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory

analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, practical intelligence

What parenting style is exemplified by a rigid and punitive style?


concrete operational stage (7-11yrs)

beginning to think logically but still concrete

What type of development is characterized by the improved capacity to process information and understand the world due to advancing age and experience


Marissa is a college freshman who is involved in career exploration. According to Erikson's socioemotional theory, she is in the stage of identity vs. identity ____.


Caleb, an infant, can be taken just about anywhere and seems to adapt quickly to new surroundings. According to Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, which of the following temperaments best describes him?

easy child

The last period of prenatal development is called the ____ period.


According to Piaget, schemas are

people's frameworks for understanding their experiences

Frank and Wilma still consider themselves "hippies." They raised their children to be what Wilma calls "creative" and Frank refers to as "free to make their own decisions." Most likely Frank and Wilma subscribe to ____ parenting.


A person's observable characteristics are his or her:


Adrianne has recently entered menopause. In developmental terms, this is an example of _______.

physical change

Janet scolds her daughter, Kelley, each time Kelley pinches her little brother. After two weeks, Janet notices that Kelley has stopped pinching her little brother. In this scenario, scolding Kelley is an example of _____ in operant conditioning.

positive punishment

Jennifer accidentally plays a radio channel that she has never heard before. She loves the music it plays and as a result, she plays only that channel whenever she wants to listen to music. In the context of operant conditioning, Jennifer's behavior has most likely been learned through

positive reinforcement

Kohlberg's stages of moral development

preconventional, conventional, postconventional

While giving a cookie to Joe, Mathew drops it on the table, and the cookie breaks into several pieces. Joe starts to cry when he is offered the pieces of cookie instead of the whole cookie. According to Joe, since the sizes of the pieces are smaller than the whole cookie, he is being offered smaller quantity. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Joe is most likely in the _____ stage of development.


adolescent egocentrism

self-absorption that is characteristic of teenagers as they search for identity

Which of Piagets stages occurs from birth to 2 years age, during which time a child has little capacity to represent the environment with language or other symbols?


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