Psychology: Abnormal psychology

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according to the DSM-5 which of the following is not a schizophrenia spectrum or psychotic disorder

dissociative disorder

if a person says, "i must be perfect in every way. I'll be be a better person if I deprive myself of food" that person is engaging in

distorted thinking

strong empirically supported psychological treatments for insomnia include all but

electromyograph (EMG) biofeedback

strong empirically supported psychological treatments for insomnia include all but * cognitive behavioral therapy * electromyograph biofeedback * stimulus control therapy * relaxation training

electromyograph biofeedback

the elimination of urine in places that are not deemed socially appropriate and occur beyond appropriate developmental markers is referred to as


one of the most preventable causes of I.D. is


three specific monoamine neurotansmitters have been understood to be associated with the development of mood disorders


someone who has munchausen syndrom also, by definition has

a factitious disorder

cluster A includes all of the following except


NCD impairments in language production or fluency are often related to which of the following disorders


the disorder that is characterized by eating binges followed by forced vomiting is called

bulimia nervosa

the stimulant used by MORE people in the world than any other drug is


people who binge

can consume up to 10,000 calories during a binge

someone who fasts or exercise strenuously following a binge is engaging in

compensatory behaviors

when someone who is about to leave for work checks the stove 10 times to make sure it is turned off, that person is exhibiting a


which of the following is NOT included in the DSM-5 under the category of neurodevelopmental and elimination disorders

impulse control disorder

which is an example of malingering

intentionally faking a back problem to avoid military service

the insanity defense is actually used far ----- than people perceive that it is used

less often

lying about symptoms for an external incentive is best viewed as


how does bipolar 1 and bipolar II disorders primarily differ

mania in bipolar I must last longer, whereas bipolar II is characterized by hypomania, which can be shorter

eating disorders affects

men and women

which is a depressant


while it is a myth that all people with schizophrenia are violent, a subset of these individuals can be dangerous, especially those who experience ------ that are violent

paranoid delusions and command hallucinations

which is not found in the cognitive traid


which is NOT a compensatory behavior for someone with bulimia

preoccupation with food

which is not a severity specifier for depressive and bipolar disorders, according to the DSM-s


people who suffer from a variety of anxiety disorders may experience -----, a symptom by which they dwell on a specific course of thinking for extended periods of time


biological studies on individuals diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder have found brain similarities with individuals diagnosed with ----


hypersexuality is a term sometimes used synonymously with

sexual addiction

female orgasmic disorder and premature ejaculation are both examples of which category of disorders

sexual dysfunctions

what is the first type of food usually eliminated from the diet of a person who is developing restricting type anorexia


apneas are ----- which occur frequently during sleep for some people * the changing of dream types related to different sleep cycles * the cessation of airflow * the quick changing of sleep cycles * painful and uncomfortable feelings in ones legs

the cessation of airflow

the severity of an intellectual disability will often indicate

the degree to which a person can perform the activities of daily living and live independently

wave amplitude refers to: * the height of a brain wave * the number of times a wave reaches a particular height * the number of times a wave appears in a given point in time * all of the above

the height of a brain wave? test said was wrong

schizophreniform disorder is characterized primarily by

the same symptom profile as schizophrenia, albeit with a period of dysfunction less than six months

neurodevelopment disorders are termed such due to

their onset being related to early developmental stages

a transition from male to female or vice versa is referred to as


an identification with a gender incongruent with one's assigned gender/sex is best referred to as


what is the scientific name for "hair pulling disorder


delirium may be induced by substance intoxication or withdrawal, prescribed medications, or another medical condition such as a stroke


delirium may be induced by substance intoxication or withdrawal, prescribed medications, or another medical condition such as a stroke * true *false


neurocognitive disorders can be caused by traumatic brain injury


though personality disorders are pervasive and can be difficult to treat, this does not mean that they are -----

untreatable? NOT: all of the above

------ are two empty spaces or cavities in our brain, which have found to be larger in individuals with schizophrenia


waters et al. (2014) reported that 27% of individuals with schizophrenia experienced ------ hallucinations, whereas 59% experinecced ----- hallucinations

visual; auditory

a state in which one's body becomes habituated to a drug, such that in the absence of the drug, negative physiological and/or psychological symptoms occur is referred to as


people most likely to experience depression are in which group

young adults (age 18-29 years)

various research findings suggest that psychologists and counselors ----- compared to the general population *better at detecting deception * worse at detecting deception * may be about the same as or higher * none of the above

*not none of the above

brainwaves of rapid eye movement are most similar to which stage


in the final stages of life, it is estimated that ----- of individuals suffer from delirium * 16% * 43% * 68% * 83%


REM is which of the following * a sleep stage involving deep delta wave sleep * a sleep stage involving saccadic eye movements * a sleep stage generally occurring at the beginning of a sleep cycle * a really great band

a sleep stage involving saccadic eye movements

according to lilienfeld, defendents should only be considered "not guilty by reason of insanity" if they * do not have the metal capacity to understand the wrongfulness of their actions * have a mental disorder * were unaware of their actions or the moral consequences * all of the above

all of the above

psychologists and the practice of counseling are often portrayed in such ways by the media that they lead to a variety of myths. which of the following is an example of these protrayals

all of the above

risk factors for more severe delirium outcomes include which of the following * being inactive or immobile * repeated falls * premorbid depression * all of the above

all of the above

the use of DBT for the treatment of borderline personality disorder generally emphasizes which of the following

all of the above

which of the follow symptoms is typical of NCD due to alzheimer's disease * memory deficits * executive functioning deficits * language deficits * all of the above * both a and b

all of the above

which of the following can cause a child to have an intellectual disability

all of the above

which of the following has been used to promote eugenics

all of the above

which of the following medications have been used to treat cluster B personality disorders

all of the above

which of the following would be considered ancillary information

all of the above

which of the following is one of the americal psychological association's ethical principle of psychologists

all of the above are apa ethical principles

which of the following is not a common symptom of PTSD

all of the above are symptoms of PTSD

which of the following is a specifier of sexual dysfunction disorders

all of the above-- acquired, generalized, lifelong

the diagnosis for general personality disorder requires that a person exhibits an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior marked by deficits in which of the following possible area(s)

all of the aforementioned

dyssomnias can be defined as * alterations in the dreams that a person has * alterations in the position in which one sleeps * alterations in the quality, amount, or timing of sleep * alterations in the times one wakes up in the morning

alterations in the quality, amount, or timing of sleep

separate personality states are called


if a biochemical imbalance were the cause of a person's depression, the latest research would lead us to expect to find that person to have

an abnormality in the activity of certain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin and norepinephrine

significantly low weight is defined as a weight that is less than minimally normal is a feature of

anorexia nervosa

deception is a feature of which personality disorder


which of the following is a classification of medications designed to treat anxiety disorders


which of the following statements best describes which drugs affect sleep * depressants tend to affect sleep whereas stimulants do not * stimulants tend to affect sleep whereas depressants do not * any drug that crosses the blood brain barrier can affect sleep * any drug that specific leads to changes in the cerebellum can affect sleep

any drug that crosses the blood brain barrier can affect sleep

which of the following statements best describes which drugs affect sleep

any drug that crosses the blood-brain barrier can affect sleep

which personality disorder best describes seeing a therapist as being the greatest therapist who ever lived in one session, and in the next session, the worst of the 46 therapists with whom the patient has worked


many researchers believe that alzheimers disease is largely related to an increase of ----- in certain areas of the brain

both A and B

many researchers believe that alzheimer's disease is largely related to an increase of ----- in certain areas of the brain. * neurofibrillary tangles * beta amyloid plaques * proteinacious infection particle * all of the above * both a and b

both a and b

a woman eats cookies, cakes, ice cream, and almost anything else that is sweet. at some point during the binge, she takes a huge dose of a laxative to "empty out" the food. her taking the laxative, and the assumption underlying why she does it, would lead to a diagnosis

bulimia nervosa

which of the following psychotherapy treatments has been shown to have strong empirical support to help anthony with his symptoms

cognitive behavioral therapy

just before debuting at carnegie hal, the pianist suffered paralysis of her left hand. which BEST describes her disorder

conversion disorder

chronic switching between hypomanic symptoms and depression over an extended period of at least two years, or one year in children


milder forms of bipolar disorders are known as ----- disorder


needing the approval of others, desperately, is best seen to fit which personality disorder


a person's thoughts, actions, feelings, or impulses being in conflict with their core beliefs, personality, and/or self-image is called


memory related to the events of our daily lives

episodic memory

----- is a key technique in treating PTSD and dissociative disorders, and is characterized by attending to a memory or stimulus in order to extinguish negatively reinforcing escape/avoidance behavior


vicarious trauma occurs as a result of which of the following

exposure to another person's trauma

some research has demonstrated that psychotherapists hold a number of incorrect beliefs about deception, including endorsing the false belief that clients who lie are more likely to indicate their deception by a decrease in ----- * eye blinks * eye contact * shoulder shrugs * smiles

eye contact

forcing sleep is the best way to go to sleep


the use of the insanity plea has been found to lead to ----- people generally perceive that it does. * no more and no less acquitals than * the same amount of acquitals that * more acquitals than * fewer acquitals than

fewer acquiltals than

the use of the insanity plea has been found to lead to -----people generally perceive that it does

fewer acquitals than

medicolegal situations involve

forensic evaluations or legal contexts

the fact that anthony has experienced delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech for more than the required 1 month is best represented by which of the four Fs


distress in relation to incongruence between a persons sex (assigned gender) and expressed or experienced gender is referred

gender dysphoria

which of the following is NOT considered a trauma and dissociative disorder

gender dysphoria

continuous performance tasks can be used to help distinguish primarily between which symptoms of ADHD

hyperactivity and inattention

which of the following are not specifiers for alcohol use disorder

in an uncontrolled environment

though many people belief it to be the case, it is a common misconception that the term ----- is used by psychologists, and in reality, it is a legal, rather than a diagnostic, term * insanity * intellectual disability * impulse control disorder * none of the above


carl was ashamed to tell his therapist that he was extremely poor when he grew up, so he decided to simply leave that part of the story out when discussing his early life. this would be an example of

lies of omission

carl was ashamed to tell his therapist that he was extremely poor when he grew up, so he decided to simply leave that part of the story out when discussing his early life. this would be an example of * other oriented lies * duping delight * benevolent deception * lies of omission

lies of omission

generally, when working anthony and other individuals on the schizophrenia spectrum, his therapist will focus primarily on which of the following

life skills and disease management

anhedonia is a sympton of a variety of disorders and generally refers to

loss of pleasure in things once experienced as pleasurable

the DSM-5 suggests that 30%-50% of individuas with schizotypal personality disorder may have a comorbid diagnosis of -----

major depression

elevated or irritable mood, characterized a range of specific symptoms related to euphoria, grandiosity, and increased energy is referred to as


curtis and hart (2015) demonstrated that psychotherapists held a number of ----- toward clients who lie in therapy and toward discovering a clients lie. * positive attitudes * negative attitudes * inaccurate biases * accurate biases

negative attitudes

the term "borderline" derives from its early conceptualization as a disorder situated between -----

neurosis & psychosis

sleepwalking involves movement that occurs during which stage of sleep *stage 1 * stage 2 * REM sleep * non Rem sleep

non rem sleep

the dysfunctional neurological processes causing most NCDs almost never begin prior to what age * 40 * 50 * 60 * 70

not 50

which of the following is NOT categorized by the DSM-5 as an executive functioning deficit in some NCD * problems with decision making * deficits with task performance * difficulties with complex or novel tasks * difficulties retaining recent information

not deficits with task performance

recurrent and persistent thoughts that increase anxiety are called


for PTSD to be diagnosed, symptoms must persist for at least

one month

which of the following is a primary difference between factitious disorder and malingering

people who are malingering are motivated by attention from assuming a sick role and people with factitious disorder are not

which of the following is a myth of eating disorders

people with eating disorders do not eat? all of the above ***** is wrong

the symptoms recently experienced by anthony are sufficient for a diagnosis of schizophrenia. his ongoing belief that he has harmed people that he has, in fact, not harmed, are an example of

persecutory delusions

depressed mood that lasts almost all day long, more often than not, for at least 2 years (1 year for children and adolescent) is called

persistent depressive disorder

an intense, persistent, and irrational fear that is accompanied by a compelling desire to avoid the object of the fear to the point of interfering with the life of the person is called

phobic disorder

a student who turns pale and feels nauseated when called on to speak in class in experiencing a ----- response to stress


almost every night, cara wakes up terrified and screaming for the boys to get off of her. two years later she still can't get the gang rape out of her mind. the fear, anxiety, and depression are ruining her life. this is an example of a

posttraumatic stress reaction

memory related to the activities and habits that we learn * procedural memory * episodic memory * long term memory * short term memory

procedural memory

the most common biological treatment for ADHD is


schizoaffective disorder is characterized primarily by

schizophrenia plus a mood disorder (manic or depressive episode)

believing that stones have magical powers is best demonstrated in which personality disorder


the most commonly used form of treatment for a substance use disorder is

self help groups

the most commonly used form of treatment for a substance use disorder is hospital inpatient outpatient mental health center inpatient rehabilitation self help groups

self help groups?

euphoria or a lack of affect, hypervigilance and anxiety, differences in socializing, interpersonal sensitivity, anger, impaired decision making, and physiological changes such as increases or decreases in blood pressure and heart rate, dilation of the pupils, perspiration or chills, nausea or vomiting, weight loss, psychomotor changes and bodily weakness or pain are best representative of which drug intoxication


thought stopping is a way to * stop one's thoughts so as to interrupt problematic thought cycles * stop repetitive and ruminative thinking which sometimes makes it difficult for people to sleep * stop repetitive and ruminative behaviors which sometimes makes it difficult for people to sleep * all of the above * both a and b

stop repetitive and ruminative thinking which sometimes makes it difficult for people to sleep

a college professor's work performance recently has deteriorated, and his colleagues find him difficult to talk to. if this is due to a problem with drugs, the best description of this professor's behavior as detailed above would be

substance use disorder

wes has a drink in the morning on rising. he has a cocktail with breakfast. he usually sneaks a snort during the morning "just to get through the day" and then drinks during his lunch. when he leaves work, he goes to a singles bar and immediately has a drink to ease his nerves about approaching the women there. later, at home, he generally has a small dinner and then sits in front of the TV watching sports and drinking beer (as many as 12 cans). somehow he manages to get up and go to work the next morning. wes is displaying

substance use disorder

according to the DSM-5, all of the following are considered symptoms of a manic episode EXCEPT

suicidal ideation

wave frequency refers to

the number of times a wave appears in a given point in time

which of the following is a hair pulling disorder wherein a person pulls out hair from any area of their body


the lack of sleep can impair a person's functioning in a similar way to alcohol


gambling an be addictive and a disorder

true and can be a disorder

the tendency to assume that people are telling the truth is known as

truth bias

to be classified as a major depressive episode, depression must last for a period of at least

two weeks

anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have been found more frequently in women compared to men by what ratio


what percentage of teens with ADHD have multiple automobile crashes


to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, a person must experience symptoms for at least

6 months

in order to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, a person generally must have experienced symptoms for

6 months, meeting full criteria for the disorder for at least one full month

approximately ----- of individuals with parkinson's eventually meet criteria for a major NCD


in the final stages of life, it is estimated that ----- of individuals suffer from delirium


the effect that watching crime shows has on perceptions of forensic psychology has been termed the

CSI effect

the effect that watching crime shows has on perceptions of forensic psychology has been termed the * NCIS effect * law & order effect * CSI effect * criminal minds effect

CSI effect

which of the following is NOT an NCD (neurocognitive disorder) recognized by the DSM-5

NCD due to dissociative amnesia

salina was terrifed during the san francisco earthquake of 1989 who wouldn't be? for a couple of weeks after, she did not sleep well or feel comfortable inside a building. however, the fears gradually diminished, disappearing within a month. her reaction to the earthquake would MOST likely be diagnosed as

acute stress disorder

which behavior pattern is NOT listed in the DSM-5 as an obsessive compulsive related disorder


which of the following is an example of a depressant


autism spectrum disorder sometimes occurs in conjunction with

all of the above

researchers have found sleep disorders to be fatal in which of the following ways

all of the above

------ principles have been found to be successful for treating children with elimination disorders without biological sources


a person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia is experiencing

binge eating/purging type anorexia nervosa

a 35 year old woman hobbles into the office of a physician complaining of a debilitating illness that has robbed her of the use of her left leg and right arm. the physician finds no physical basis for her symptoms. she appears totally unaware that the cause of her symptoms may be psychological. the diagnosis would be

conversion disorder

involving a loss of functioning that is not better explained by another medical or mental disorder and causes distress and impairment in sensory or neurological functioning is best referred to as

conversion disorder

research findings suggest that 50%-83% of eating disorders could be accounted for by

genetic influence

when someone communicates some truth, but not the full truth, this is generally known as

half truth

which of the following medications would likely be most helpful to anthony before he would make much progress in psychotherapy


a sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness is best referred to as


curtis and hart (2015) demonstrated that psychotherapists held a number of ----- toward clients who lie in therapy and toward discovering a clients life

negative attitudes

which of the following would NOT be considered a "drug"


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