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What is sexual behavior?

-Arousal of peripheral sex organs and nervous system, spinal cord, and brain. Activity within any ofthese areas may impair sexual function.

What are sexual aversions?

-Avoids sex due to overwhelming fear or anxiety

What is the modeling theory?

-A myth of sexuality -Children imitate gay or lesbian parents.

What is the poor parenting theory?

-A myth of sexuality -Gay men = domineering mothers, weak fathers' lesbian women = weak or absent mothers .

What is the "by default theory"?

-A myth of sexuality -Gays and lesbians unable to attract partners of opposite sex.

What was the seduction theory?

-A myth of sexuality -Gays and lesbians seduced in childhood by adults of same sex.

What is sexual orgasm?

-Activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

What is sexual arousal?

-Activation within parasympathetic nervous system, which allows blood flow to sex organs.

Who was masters and johnson?

-Among the first to use laboratory experimentation and observation to study the sexual response cycle (1950s-60s) -Measured physiological changes as they went through the sex act

Who was Alfred Kinsey?

-Among the first to use surveys and interviews to study sexual practices and beliefs (1940-50s) -Systematically studying human sexuality through surveys -Because Kinsey used the survey method, do you think he had difficulty in obtaining accurate information on what many would consider intimate information? Would he need to take this into consideration?

What is inhibited sexual desire?

-Apathetic or disinterested in sex

What is HIV positive?

-Being infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

What is sex?

-Biological male or female sex organs including chromosomal sex; also sexual behavior -Maleness or femaleness

What is androgyny?

-Combining characteristics typically male (assertive, athletic) with those considered typically female (yielding, nurturing); from Greek andro, meaning "male," and gyn, meaning "female" -The acceptance/opportunities of women in the workforce has changed greatly in regards to traditional male areas as has the acceptance/opportunities for men to stay at home in traditional female roles.

What is the current research on homosexuality?

-Critical period where hormones influence the brain -Genetics: twin studies suggest genetic influence on sexual orientation. -Prenatal hormones: affect fetal brain development and sexual orientation. -Note: Ultimate causes of sexual orientation unknown, but genetics and biology are believed to play dominant roles.

Facts about male and female external sex organs

-Early in development, humans have undifferentiated external sex organs.• The testis secretes testosterone which is metabolized into dihydrotestosterone in the external sex organs. This causes masculization and development of male structures. -Without the testosterone and MIS from the testicles, development is female. -Genetics determine male or females -Human behavior is only influenced by hormones, we love a lot of determinacy in our behavior -Absence of testosterone: female

What are male sexual problems?

-Erectile dysfunction(impotence--inability to maintain an erection firm enough for intercourse), can't form full erection -Premature ejaculation (rapid ejaculation beyond the man's control), men don't have control

What was masters and johnson sexual response cycle?

-Excitement(increasing levels of arousal and engorgement; male and female) -Plateau (leveling off of high arousal) -Orgasm (pleasurable release of tension) -Resolution (return to non-aroused state)

What is the performance anxiety?

-Fear of not meeting partners sex expectations

What is transsexual?

-Gender identity does not match gonads, genitals, or internal accessory organs

What is AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)?

-HIV destroys immune system's ability to fight disease -Note: Although AIDS is transmitted only through sexual contact or exposure to infected bodily fluids, many people have irrational fears of contagion.

What are sex differences in physical anatomy?

-Height, weight, body build, reproductive organs)

What are functional and structural brain differences?

-Hypothalamus -Corpus callosum -Cerebral hemispheres -Levay and homosexuality -Interstitial Nucleus of theAnterior Hypothalamus (INAH3) -The corpous callosum, the hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex have been reported to differ in women and men. -These differences are relatively small. Also notice the effect of testosterone on muscle development.

What does testosterone have to do with male development?

-In hyenas, circulating testosterones are elevated during development and are believed to masculize the female brain and clitoris. In humans, testosterone crosses into the brain and there is aromatized to estrogen so it is actually estrogen that masculizes the male brain. Females have high levels of Alpha-fetoprotein which binds circulating estrogen in the female, preventing it from crossing into the brain. -High levels circulating of testosterone, masculineness -Estrogen masculinizes the brain in humans: critical period/ sensitive period

What is a transvestite?

-Individuals who cross-dress for emotional and/or sexual gratification; from Latin trans, meaning "to change," and vestire, meaning "clothing"

What is the double standard with psychological factors in sexual dysfunctions?

-Male sexuality encouraged and female's discouraged; rule of 3! -Men are more likely to triple the number of women they've slept with

What are gender differences in cognitive abilities?

-Males and females are way more similar than we are different -Women score higher on verbal skills. -Men score higher on some math and visuospatial skills.

What are Early Misconceptions of Human Sexuality? Who discovered this?

-Masturbation and nocturnal emissions were unhealthy -Havelock Ellis--among the first physicians to scientifically study human sexuality -Found that nocturnal emissions were not dangerous -Emphasized reliable and accurate sex information. -The spermatic truss, patented in 1876, was designed to make erections impossible by binding the genitalia down. 21 years later, the designer changed the truss a bit, making erections possible. The only downside? An erection would now drive the genitalia against painful spikes.

Is there less variance in sex and more in gender?

-Math and science are traditionally considered masculine roles and the male-female difference is greater in industrialized countries emphasizing the role of society. -The notion of male as relating to the penis does not vary much across cultures

What is negative gender role training?

-Men aggressive and independent, women passive and dependent

What are gender differences in aggression?

-Men exhibit greater physical aggressiveness. -Women supposedly higher on relational aggression, but no clear differences.

What are psychological factors in sexual dysfunctions?

-Negative gender role training (men aggressive and independent, women passive and dependent) -Double standard (male sexuality encouraged and female's discouraged; rule of 3!) -Unrealistic sexual scripts (socially dictated "appropriate" behaviors limit sexual relations) -Performance anxiety (fear of not meeting partner's sex expectations)

What happens if there is an absence of androgens?

-One will develop as female

What is dyspareunia?

-Painful intercourse

What is sexual orientation?

-Primary erotic attraction toward members of same sex (homosexual, gay, or lesbian), both sexes (bisexual), or other sex (heterosexual)

What is the evolutionary perspective?

-Provides adaptive value. Men withmultiple partners maximize their genes' chances for survival, and a woman's genes' chances for survival increase with a good protector and provider.

What is gender?

-Psychological and sociocultural meanings added to biological sex -Not biological term, deterred through society and there is lots of variability

What are myths of sexuality?

-Seduction theory: gays and lesbians seduced in childhood by adults of same sex. -"By default" theory: gays and lesbians unable to attract partners of opposite sex. -Poor parenting: gay men = domineering mothers, weak fathers' lesbian women = weak or absent mothers . -Modeling theory: children imitate gay or lesbian parents.

What is gender identity?

-Self-identification as either a man or a woman

What was the social role approach?

-Sex differences reflect cultural roles and division of labor. Men are protectors and providers, women are child bearers and homemakers.

What is an STI?

-Sexually transmitted infections

What are biological factors in sexual dysfunctions?

-Social factos is a big deal with humans... cerebral cortex -Sexual behavior = arousal of peripheral sex organs and nervous system, spinal cord, and brain. Activity within any ofthese areas may impair sexual function. -Sexual arousal = activation within parasympathetic nervous system, which allows blood flow to sex organs. -Sexual orgasm = activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

What is the unrealistic sexual scripts?

-Socially dictated "appropriate" behaviors limit sexual relations

What are gender roles?

-Societal expectations for normal and appropriate male and female behavior -Gender roles can change over time

Facts about male and female sex behavior

-Studies show that early exposure to testosterone can cause adult female rats to act like male rats (they show mounting behavior)• Early castration of males results in adult males behaving like female rats (lordosis behavior).• Results dependent upon critical period -William Caldwell Young (1899-1965) Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in female pig -Rodent sex behavior is tightly 'controlled' by hormones. Studies show that human sex behavior is "influenced" by hormones and that social factors play a greater role in humans than in rats. Humans have the greater cortex which may account for this. -Androgen intensity syndrome= people can be born with xy genotype: born with taste but body doesn't look like male, only develops when testosterone develops at 12 -Females with testosterone would show more male behavior

What is the cognitive development theory?

-Suggests children form gender schemas (mental images or behaviors) that is correct for boys versus girls. -The traditional role of the man has been to open the door and pay the bill while on a date. -A way to do things/ a scenario over time

What is the social learning theory?

-Suggests gender roles develop as children -Receive rewards/punishments for gender role behaviors and attitudes. -Watch and imitate the behaviors and attitudes of others -Given less attention for punishments -Behavior starts through imitation or reinforcement and as it becomes amplified it gets increasing reinforcement

Facts about internal sex organs

-The internal and external sex organs originate from undifferentiated tissue which can develop into either the male or female form. The Glans of the penis is analogous to the Clitoris and the Scrotum is analogous to the vagina. Organs• Early in development, humans have an undifferentiated gonad and both the undeveloped male internal system (Wolfian) and the undeveloped female internal system (Mullerian).• The testis secretes both testosterone and MIS. -Wolfian is male and mulliarian is female, both are undifferentiated -The Testosterone causes development of the Wolfian system and the MIS causes the Mullerian system to wither. -Thus the male system is developed while the demale system goes away in a typical male. -First the genetics, then the gonad, then the organs -Female by default -When MIS is secreted from the taste, discourages development of mullein system. XY genotype causes gonad to turn into testes

Do cognitive differences between Men and Women reflect the evolutionary hypothesis of hunters and gatherers?

-Women score better at matching items and noticing if something is missing from a visual scene, and they score better on tasks of fine motor precision. Would this be useful for collecting and organizing small items while remaining at a base camp?Men score better on spatial tasks including imaging something in space and detecting an embedded stimulus within a visual scene. -Men also do better on directed motor skills like accurately throwing a spear. Would this be useful for leaving and returning to a base camp? And while out, for identifying a prey animal within the environment and producing a behavior which would kill the animal.

Why are men commonly believed to have greater sexual drive, interest, and activity than women? (Two theories)

1. EvolutionaryPerspective: Provides adaptive value. Men withmultiple partners maximize their genes' chances for survival, and a woman's genes' chances for survival increase with a good protector and provider. 2. Social Role Approach: Sex differences reflect cultural roles and division of labor. Men are protectors and providers, women are child bearers and homemakers. homemakers. -Note: Social role perspective fits better in cultures where women have less reproductive freedom and educational equality.

What are the sex dimensions?

1.Chromosomes 2. Gonads 3. Hormones 4. External genitals 5. Internal accessory organs 6. Secondary sex characteristics 7. Sexual orientation 8. Gender identity 9. Gender role -Gender identity is self-defined and there is universal M or F -Gender role is socially defined and there is significant variance -Androgens: male -Estrogen: female -We start out with undifferentiated gonads: genetics determine testies or ovaries

What are masters and john's sex therapy program founded on four principles?

1.Relationship focus 2.Integration of physiological and psychosocial factors. Not always physical stuff, mental stuff (cerebral cortex) 3.Emphasis on cognitive factors 4.Practice with specific behavioral techniques

Where are female sexual problems?

Orgasmic dysfunction (inability or difficulty in reaching orgasm) -Vaginismus (painful contraction of the vaginal muscles) -Outer 1/3 of vagina is more sensitive than inner 2/3. More innervation to outer 1/3. -Notice the age differences between men and women.

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