Psychology Chapter 7

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Silvia is a Parkinson's disease patient taking the medication called L-dopa. As a result, she has developed a problem with compulsive shopping and has extended her credit cards to their maximum limits. Her behavior is the result of: too little dopamine. too much norepinephrine. too little serotonin. the reward prediction error.

the reward prediction error.

Zarita's instructor wants students in the class to choose a laboratory partner. Zarita's friends tell her that Theo is very trustworthy and that he will not slack off during the class. The research on trustworthiness suggests that Zarita will continue to view Theo as _____ regardless of his behavior. untrustworthy trustworthy friendly neither trustworthy nor untrustworthy


When a conditioned stimulus is presented without the _____, extinction will gradually occur.

unconditioned stimulus

Teachers can improve students' attention during lectures by: giving an unannounced quiz at the beginning of class. announcing that there will be a quiz at the end of class. giving an unannounced quiz at the end of class. announcing that there will be a quiz at the beginning of class.

announcing that there will be a quiz at the end of class.

Many professions include observational learning as a training mechanism so that people can learn: through reinforcement. by associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus. by watching the actions of others. through punishment.

by watching the actions of others.

Superstitions can be explained by operant conditioning as mistakenly inferring a(n) _____ relationship between a specific behavior and a reinforcer.


Advertisers often use pictures of attractive people with their products, with the expectation that people will respond positively to the product. They believe that this reaction will occur based on: operant conditioning. the human sex drive. classical conditioning. people's unconscious minds.

classical conditioning.

Ariel ordered pizza from a national pizza chain and became very ill immediately after eating it. Years later, Ariel still feels queasy when she sees an advertisement for the pizza chain or drives by one of its establishments. In this example, the pizza establishment is the _____.

conditioned stimulus

According to the text, there would be no learning without: memory. experience. emotion. consciousness.


The research on judgments of learning shows that people often mistake _____ for understanding.


Extinction could have been used to eliminate Little Albert's fear of a rat by: punishing Little Albert when he cries and crawls away from the rat. giving Little Albert candy when he sees the rat. presenting the rat repeatedly to Little Albert without the loud noise. exposing Little Albert repeatedly to the loud noise in the absence of the rat.

presenting the rat repeatedly to Little Albert without the loud noise.

Based on the principle of _____conditioning, one should be able to pair any neutral stimulus with a conditioned stimulus and still elicit the conditioned response.


If a person learns a statistical technique but does not use it for two semesters, and then successfully uses it, that person may have demonstrated: latent learning. generalization. cognitive maps. problem solving.

latent learning.

Xenon does things that make her feel good and avoids things that make her feel bad. Her behaviors are consistent with Edward Thorndike's _____.

law of effect

Research suggests that as many as _____ percent of all college students rely on cramming. 50 25 33 75


Which scenario BEST exemplifies extinction? Alexis is a former cocaine user. Now that she no longer uses cocaine, her hands no longer shake and her heart no longer pounds when she hears a car pull into her drive, such as the way they did when her dealer used to pull into her drive in his car. Alexis uses cocaine. She no longer feels quite the same rush as she did when she first began using cocaine. Alexis is a former cocaine user in recovery. After a relapse, though, her hands shake and her heart pounds when she hears a car pull into her drive, such as the way they did when her dealer used to pull into her drive in his car. Alexis uses cocaine. When Alexis's dealer pulls into her drive, her hands shake and her heart pounds, even though she has not consumed the drug.

Alexis is a former cocaine user. Now that she no longer uses cocaine, her hands no longer shake and her heart no longer pounds when she hears a car pull into her drive, such as the way they did when her dealer used to pull into her drive in his car.

A rat in a Skinner box is trained to press a bar for food pellets. The rat is then placed on an intermittent reinforcement schedule, receiving pellets every 5 minutes. This is a(n) _____ schedule of reinforcement.

Fixed interval

Edward Tolman suggested that rats in a maze do not simply produce behaviors without using any previous spatial information, but instead develop a _____ of the maze. latent cognition cognitive map generalization latent response

cognitive map

Which was the critical result in Edward Tolman's latent learning experiments? Rats that were never reinforced never learned to run the maze. Rats that began to receive reinforcement halfway through the experiment rapidly matched the performance of rats that had been reinforced from the beginning of the experiment. Rats that began to receive reinforcement halfway through the experiment never learned to run the maze. Rats that were never reinforced still learned to run the maze.

Rats that began to receive reinforcement halfway through the experiment rapidly matched the performance of rats that had been reinforced from the beginning of the experiment.

Which statement about John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner's Little Albert study is FALSE? The results are still relevant because Watson and Rayner showed how fear responses could be produced through classical conditioning. The methods of Watson and Rayner are in compliance with today's ethical standards for the treatment of human participants. The results are still relevant because Watson and Rayner showed how complex reactions could be produced through classical conditioning. At the time, Watson and Rayner's methods were considered ethical.

The methods of Watson and Rayner are in compliance with today's ethical standards for the treatment of human participants.

B.F. Skinner found that bar pressing in the Skinner box was not a natural behavior for rats, so he reinforced the rats for approaching the bar, getting closer to the bar, touching the bar, etc. Skinner was reinforcing successive _____ to the desired behavior of bar pressing.


_____ conditioning can be used to explain why experienced drug users may overdose when taking the same amount of their usual drug but in a novel environment.


In classical conditioning, stimuli that are initially neutral: are paired with the conditioned stimulus. remain neutral throughout. come to elicit the conditioned response. come to elicit the unconditioned response.

come to elicit the conditioned response.

Observational learning challenges the _____ explanation of learning because it involves no direct reinforcement.


The same principles that explain why experienced heroin users may overdose when they take the same dose of the drug in a new place can also be applied to the treatment of the addiction. This type of treatment is called _____ therapy. cognitive setting dependent implosion cue exposure

cue exposure

The same principles that explain why experienced heroin users may overdose when they take the same dose of the drug in a new place can also be applied to the treatment of the addiction. This type of treatment is called _____ therapy. implosion cue exposure setting dependent cognitive

cue exposure

A teacher originally wanted to increase class participation, so she positively reinforced the asking of questions with dimes. After a few days, students had stacks of dimes on their desks and were asking far too many questions. To reduce question-asking, the teacher could simply stop giving students dimes anymore whenever a student asked a question, a process known as _____.


Dandrea trained a rat to run up a set of miniature steps whenever she plays the theme song to a specific movie by giving the rat treats at the same time as the song is playing. After acquisition, if Dandrea were to present the song but no longer provide the treats, the rat's behavior would show _____.


Just as in classical conditioning, operant behavior will undergo _____ if reinforcement stops. generalization overjustification extinction discrimination


In one company, associates sell a consumer product over the telephone. After every tenth sale, associates receive a $100 cash bonus. The bonus is delivered on a _____ schedule. fixed-interval fixed-ratio variable-interval variable-ratio


In Ivan Pavlov's famous studies, the _____ was the unconditioned stimulus, and the salivation was the unconditioned response.


Ivan Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate to a 1000-hz tone because of its pairing with food. After this training, it was found that the dogs would salivate to a 900-hz tone but not to a 500-hz tone. The dogs' salivation to the 900-hz tone is an example of _____.


Dana, a 6-year-old, was recently bitten by her grandmother's poodle. Dana sees a different kind of small dog in the park a week later and begins to cry. Most likely Dana is exhibiting: discrimination. a phobia. spontaneous recovery. generalization.


A rat is foraging in the country for food. On Tuesday, the rat finds food in Farmer Brown's barn. A researcher using an evolutionary perspective might predict that on Wednesday the rat would: go to a neighboring barn. return to Farmer Brown's barn. not be hungry. steal food from another rat.

go to a neighboring barn.

Landon's best friend frequently speaks Spanish around him. Landon barely knew Spanish before he met his best friend and one day realizes that he has followed a simple exchange between his best friend and their waiter. Landon's ability to pick up some rudimentary Spanish without consciously trying to do so is a good example of _____ learning.


Learning that occurs mostly without awareness of both the process by which the information is learned and the consequences of knowing the information is called _____ learning. observational operant conditional implicit


Because of implicit learning, a person can correctly follow rules of grammar or identify culturally important people even though that person is NOT explicitly _____ of how he or she learned these things.


Implicit learning occurs mostly without _____ of both the process by which the information is learned and the consequences of knowing the information.


Todd, a 3-year-old, enjoys taking baths and is always willing to get into the bathtub. Todd hates to have his fingernails clipped and will run and hide if he sees a parent with the nail clippers. Edward Thorndike would explain his behaviors using the _____.

law of effect

Newton ordered pizza from a national pizza chain and became very ill immediately after eating the pizza. Years later, Newton still feels queasy when he sees an advertisement for the pizza chain or drives by one of its establishments. Newton has developed a(n): learned food aversion. unconditioned food aversion. fear of pizza. bad attitude.

learned food aversion.

Little Albert developed a fear of a rat because it was paired with a(n) _____.

loud noise

According to the text, if an experienced male heroin user takes the same dose of the drug in a new place, he _____ because of the role of classical conditioning. should experience the same drug effect should experience a diminished drug effect should experience effects similar to a completely different drug may overdose

may overdose

Joella watches her older brother twirl his pasta around his fork using a spoon. Joella then attempts to twirl her pasta in the same way. Joella's older brother is serving as a(n) _____ for Joella.


Joey watches his older brother twirl his pasta around his fork using a spoon. Joey then attempts to twirl his pasta in the same way. Joey's older brother served as a _____ for Joey. mentor model reinforcer punisher


People often confuse the terms _____ reinforcement and punishment because both sound like something undesirable.


Jayson can make his sister Maddy give him her toys or candy by whistling. Maddy hates the sound so much that she will give Jayson whatever he wants to make him stop. When Jayson stops whistling, it serves as _____ for Maddy.

negative reinforcement

Classical conditioning occurs by pairing a(n) _____ to produce a response. neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus conditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus unconditioned response with an unconditioned stimulus conditioned response with an unconditioned response

neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus

Unconditioned stimuli _____ require learning to produce the _____ response. always; unconditioned always; conditioned never; unconditioned never; conditioned`

never; unconditioned

Many professions include _____ as a training mechanism so that people can learn by watching the actions of others. observational learning operant conditioning classical conditioning latent inhibition

observational learning

Observational learning challenges the operant conditioning explanation of learning because: observational learning does not produce a change in behavior. observational learning involves no direct reinforcement. observational learning only works with humans. nothing is classically conditioned.

observational learning involves no direct reinforcement.

Georgia likes to make tuna sandwiches for lunch. She uses her electric can opener and then usually gives the can with a few bits of tuna left inside to the cat. Georgia recently noticed that the cat comes running into the kitchen every time she uses her can opener to open anything. The cat's behavior is a result of: operant generalization. respondent generalization. latent learning. implicit memory.

operant generalization.

In a study conducted by James Olds, rats would continue to press a bar to receive stimulation of their brain's _____ centers even when it meant that they could not eat or drink.


A hug is an example of a(n) _____ reinforcer.


Extinction could have been used to eliminate Little Albert's fear of a rat by: giving Little Albert candy when he sees the rat. punishing Little Albert when he cries and crawls away from the rat. exposing Little Albert repeatedly to the loud noise in the absence of the rat. presenting the rat repeatedly to Little Albert without the loud noise.

presenting the rat repeatedly to Little Albert without the loud noise.

B.F. Skinner expanded on the work of Edward Thorndike by focusing on reinforcement and _____.


Positive and negative _____ decrease(s) the likelihood of the behavior occurring again.


Baby Donna is whining. Her mother lightly spanks her, and her whining increases. For Donna, spanking seems to have acted as a(n): conditioned stimulus. reinforcer. punisher. unconditioned stimulus.


Any consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior is a _____, and any consequence that decreases the likelihood of a behavior is a _____. punisher; reinforcer positive reinforcer; negative reinforcer reinforcer; punisher positive punisher; negative punisher

reinforcer; punisher

Ivan Pavlov paired a tone with a black square, and the dogs began to salivate in response to the black square. The black square could elicit salivation because of _____ conditioning. second-order counter classical operant


Based on the principle of _____, a person should be able to pair any neutral stimulus with a conditioned stimulus and still elicit the conditioned response. discrimination second-order conditioning extinction operant conditioning

second-order conditioning

The mere sight of a needle is enough to make Aimee wince, as if in pain. Aimee even squirms when she is in a hospital or clinic because these settings are associated with needles. This example BEST illustrates: shaping. negative reinforcement. second-order conditioning. stimulus discrimination.

second-order conditioning.

The pattern of learning during the acquisition phase of classical conditioning can be described as beginning _____ and then accelerating before tapering off.


By repeatedly presenting the rat without the loud noise, one could use extinction to eliminate Little Albert's fear of a rat. However, a day later, Albert might show fear of the rat again because of _____.

spontaneous recovery

B.F. Skinner found that bar pressing in the Skinner box was not a natural behavior for rats, so he reinforced the rats for approaching the bar, getting closer to the bar, touching the bar, etc. Skinner was reinforcing _____ to the desired behavior of bar pressing. successive approximations superstitious behaviors ratio responses intermittent reinforcements

successive approximations

Peyton's always-angry supervisor wears a particular type of aftershave. One day, Peyton was at the mall when he smelled the same aftershave. The smell produced a momentary feeling of uneasiness. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus is the _____.


After being surrounded by roses at her grandmother's funeral, Rosalyn feels sad when she is given a bouquet of roses for Valentine's Day. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus is: feeling sad. the bouquet. Valentine's Day. the funeral.

the funeral.

Researchers observed that rats that found food in one arm of a maze on one day would run down the other arm of the maze on the next day. This finding is: in agreement with what operant conditioning would predict. inexplicable. the opposite of what operant conditioning would predict. irrelevant.

the opposite of what operant conditioning would predict.

In classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response because of its association with a(n) _____. _ blooms: Remembering

unconditioned stimulus

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