Psychology Exam 2

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Someone with a healthy personality has traits that are


Positive symptoms for DID include

fragmentation of identity, depersonalization and derealization

Schizophrenia is to _________, as Parkinson's disease is to _________.

increased dopamine activation; decreased dopamine activation

Lithium actually _____ the size of the hippocampus and the amount of gray matter in patients with bipolar disorder over time.


Mania lasting a full week.

Manic Episode

Experience hypo-depression.


Extreme emotions and the need to be the center of attention are characteristics of what kind of disorder?

histrionic disorder

Focusing on the addition of positive activities tot he life of a patient with depression is a behavioral technique known as:

behavioral activation

Someone who experiences four or more alternations between mild mania and major depression within a one-year time span would be classified as having:

bipolar II rapid cycling.

What estimated percentage of people who suffer from severe depression die by suicide?


During a manic episode, Angie tells her partner that she is getting a tattoo. Her partner tells her that they don't have any extra money for a tattoo, explaining that they need the money for food. Which response would be typical in a manic episode in this situation?

Angie ignores her partner's response to her idea and gets a tattoo anyways.

Which BEST supports the dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia?

Antipsychotic drugs often produce Parkinsonian symptoms

I may have hurt him, but he deserved it. He was too easily manipulated. He could have just not let me into the house, but he was too scared to offend me. He needed to learn his lesson.


Respond to warnings or expectations of stress with low brain and bodily arousal. Seem to feel less anxiety than other people.



Antisocial Borderline Narcissistic Histrionic

Some think doesn't exist.

Bipolar Disorder

Which has an earlier onset?

Bipolar Disorder

Don's self esteem is approaching grandiosity. He thinks very highly of himself. He feels like he is thinking faster than everyone around him and like he has the all the answers to life's biggest problems. He is filled with optimism and has a ton of energy. He things Facebook is going to pay millions for an app idea he came up with last night and everything is going to be ok.

Bipolar I

Has been hospitalized for mania.

Bipolar I

Has had at least 1 manic episode

Bipolar I

Is experiencing delusions.

Bipolar I

Tornado that wrecks one's life. You are then left cleaning up the damage. Credit card debt.... broken marriage...

Bipolar I

May be more chronic and persistent. May spend more time depressed than even someone with major depression.

Bipolar II

Some with this pattern accomplish huge amounts of work during their manic periods.

Bipolar II

We talked about which disorders having a strong genetic component?

Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia

"Their psyche almost has a little hole in the bottom so whatever they put in, it's coming right out. So they are always struggling with that sense of I need to feel whole and they look to the outside world to fill them."


Can look like DID


I hate you, don't leave me. The unloved child Abandonment issues All of this has to do with which personality disorder?


My relationships burn bright and burn out fast.


Self harm and suicidal attempts may be cries for help instead of attempts to die.


Experience severe mood swings in the course of one day or even within one hour.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Which is NOT a common focus of psychotherapy, as part of adjunctive therapy, for bipolar disorder?

Challenging clients' automatic thoughts

After this, 4 out of 6 severely depressed patients became almost depression-free within a matter of months. Although they are still in the early stages of research.

Deep brain stimulation

_________ is a treatment in which tiny holes are drilled into the skull through which electrodes are implanted into the brain.

Deep brain stimulation

Online I posted a video in which a poet who spoke about


The alternative model for personality disorders in the back of the DSM incorporates more of a ____________ perspective.


On January 17, 1887 Ansel Bourne drew 551 dollars from a bank in Providence with which to pay for a certain lot of land in Greene, paid certain bills, and got into a Pawtucket horsecar.

Dissociative Amnesia, with dissociative fugue

You've woken up in a house in strange city. People are calling you a different name and telling you, you have a job at some department store. You don't know where you are or what's going on. You are experiencing:

Dissociative Amnesia, with dissociative fugue

Similar to people struggling with OCD in that they are uncomfortable with unwanted thoughts, in this case memories of trauma.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

State-dependent learning helps us understand

Dissociative Identity Disorder

With this disorder, the psychodynamic view becomes especially relevant.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Psychodynamic treatment is the most viable option when it comes to treating this disorder.

Dissociative identity disorder

Devon is not the center of attention, so she creates a scene to draw the focus of attention to herself. Then she sees her doctor across the restaurant and proclaims "Oh it's my dear dear doctor! Jane how are you doing?" George says, "Geez it really seems like she fakes her emotions!"


Must be center of attention dramatic and theatrical life of the party inappropriately sexually provocative and seductive overly concerned with impressing others by their appearance strong opinions are expressed with dramatic flair, but underlying reasons are usually vague and diffuse, without supporting facts and details exaggerated expression of emotion individuals with this disorder often consider relationships more intimate than they actually are, describing almost every acquaintance as "my dear, dear friend"


Does not cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to necessitate hospitalization.

Hypomanic Episode

Mania lasting about 4 days.

Hypomanic Episode

Which statement accurately represents the "rational path to madness"?

I experience disturbing symptoms. I talk them over with others. Others say I am imagining things. I decide they are lying to me.

Select disorders that involve behaviors that violate the rights of others....

Intermittent Explosive disorder Oppositional Defiant disorder Conduct disorder

The person associated with the learned helplessness theory of depression is:

Martin Seligman

Created to address concern about overdiagnosis of and treatment for bipolar disorder in children.

Mood dysregulation disorder

Has temper outbursts 3 or more times per week. Mood between outbursts is chronically and persistently irritable or angry.

Mood dysregulation disorder

You don't like flowers, yet he repetitively buys them for you, even though you all don't have the money for the extra expense. Your friends and coworkers rave what a wonderful loving boyfriend he is.


We found the men!!! Select the disorders more men than women struggle with.

Narcissistic and antisocial

Which statement BEST describes treatment for narcissistic personality disorder?

No form of therapy is clearly better than the others.

A client is searching for the BEST treatment for borderline personality disorder. Will drug treatment be effective if it is the only intervention the client receives?

No. Drugs should be used along with psychotherapy, if used at all


Obessive-compulsive, avoidant, dependent

Which disorders does the alternative model for personality disorders recognize?

Obsessive-compulsive borderline avoidant schizotypal narcissistic antisocial

I am scared to confide in people, fearful they will use what I say against me.


Jill constantly thinks Joe is cheating on her, even though no one else sees any signs. She also feels like everyone at work is repetitively attacking her character and reputation, talking about her behind her back. Any time her boss gives her feedback she reacts angrily and counter attacks.


John: "I am going to leave early today. I hear it is going to rain and I want to be safe. Timing is such a funny thing. Don't want to ever get caught in the dark unprepared." Bill: Worried John was warning him of a threat to his safety, Bill holds his keys between his knuckles walking to the car that night.


Reminds me of a time a caught a fish on a wave. What is this called and which disorder is it associated with?

Perseveration and schizophrenia

While traditionally antisocial personality disorder is the diagnosis given to what lay people call psychopaths and sociopaths, we talked about the possibility that they can be differentiated from each other as:

Psychopath: born Sociopath: made

Stop reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine

SSRIs, tricyclics

Absolute disinterest and indifference when it comes to relationships with others.


Emotional coldness, detachments, flattened affectivity. Indifferent to praise or criticism.


Walter doesn't have any interest in sex with another person and takes pleasure in few activities. He lacks close friends and confidants other than 1st degree relatives. He almost always chooses solitary activities. He doesn't report sadness or psychomotor slow down or agitation or eating or sleeping difficulties.



Schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid

Jude doesn't have any interest in sex with another person and takes pleasure in few activities. He lacks close friends and confidants other than 1st degree relatives. He almost always chooses solitary activities. He doesn't report sadness or psychomotor slow down or agitation or eating or sleeping difficulties. You can often find him motionless and silent for long stretches of time. He thinks the FBI may be after him as he has figured out their telephonic communication codes.


Asked about arms.

Schizophrenia Loose associations

Downward drift is BEST reflected in which statement?

Schizophrenia causes people to fall into poverty and social disruption

It is amorition law. The children have to have this accentuative law, so they don't go into the mortite law of the church. What is this called and which disorder is it associated with?

Schizophrenia, neologisms

Odd erratic behavior. Weird dress. Unusual. Can't hold employment. Say weird things.


These individuals may be superstitious or preoccupied with paranormal phenomena that are outside the norms of their subculture. They may feel that they have special powers to sense events before they happen or to read others' thoughts. They may believe that they have magical control over others, which can be implemented directly or indirectly through compliance with magical rituals.


Matching time:

Serotonin: obsessive sense of grief Norepinephrine: psychomotor retardation Dopamine: absence of pleasure

Should people with bipolar disorder stay in psychotherapy or just take the medication?

Stay in therapy

Which of these is NOT consistent with the most common pattern of schizophrenia?

Women develop the disorder earlier and more severely than men.

Juan is currently experiencing a period of sadness that has resulted in almost total immobility. He sits in a chair all day and almost never moves. His wife has to assist him in getting into bed at night. Which type of major depression would he MOST likely be diagnosed with?


Numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms.

cyclothymic disorder

A person with schizophrenia says to you, "Jewels are the reason. They stole shoes you know. But now cooking is the best hobby. That's why my favorite color is blue."


According to Seligman's research, dogs that were initially exposed to inescapable electric shocks learned to ________ when given the opportunity to avoid subsequent escapable shocks.

do nothing

Disorders that involve the violation of the rights of others normally have an earlier or later onset?


A personality disorder requires an onset no later than ________

early adulthood

Adjunctive therapy to treat bipolar disorder commonly focuses on:

emphasizing the importance of taking the medication, even though the patients miss the creative and productive bursts they used to have.

Evidence suggests that restricted affect among those with schizophrenia may reflect the inability to _____ emotions, not the inability to _____ them.

express; feel

somatic hallucinations are:

feelings that something is happening inside the body.

A good way to describe a typical manic episode would be to say that it is like a:

flash flood-spreading out wherever there is room for it to go.

The statement "My girlfriend broke up with me because I am worthless" BEST reflects a(n):

internal attribution

A young woman believes that everything negative that happens to her is her own fault, that she ruins everything, and always will. The therapist diagnoses her as suffering from a learned helplessness-induced depression because she attributes negative events in her life to:

internal, global, stable factors.

The main difference between hallucinations and delusions is that hallucinations:

involve perception and delusions involve belief.

A woman in a middle-level manager's job is repeatedly not promoted, no matter how hard she tries, even though she seems as qualified as the men who are promoted. If she develops depression as a result of her work experiences, the theory that BEST easily explains the onset of her depression is:

lack of control theory.

Many victims of spousal abuse stay with their abusers, even though it is obvious to others that they should, and actually could, leave. A good explanation for their behavior is:

learned helplessness

Using past experiences to believe that one has no control over the reinforcements in one's life is called:

learned helplessness

Depression is more common in women because they experience more taxing life situations, such as poverty and menial jobs, than men. This is the:

life stress theory

Susie was assaulted on her 18th birthday. She now can't remember anything from that day. She is experiencing....

localized amnesia

What accurately describes the term psychosis?

loss of contact with reality

Many people with bipolar disorder _________ the mania.


Neurochemically, both unipolar depression and bipolar disorder are associated with:

low serotonin activity

Schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. However, it is MOST likely to be found in someone from a:

lower socioeconomic level

The link between dopamine and schizophrenia is supported by the finding that:

lowering dopamine activity helps remove schizophrenic symptoms

A person who is recovering from unipolar depression continues to take a tricyclic for several months after most symptoms are gone. What kind of therapy is this?


A state of breathless euphoria, or frenzied energy, in which individuals have an exaggerated belief in their own power, is characteristic of:


Mood stabilizers help more with the ___________ symptoms.


Slows the bodies breakdown of serotonin and norepinephrine

monoamine oxidase inhibitor

For those with major depression, the ______________ is often experienced as the worst part of the day.


"I am the greatest!" a famous boxer declared loudly and often. Hd he in fact acted throughout his adult life as though he were the greatest, the MOST appropriate diagnosis would be:

narcissistic personality disorder

The millennial generation is thought to be extremely self-centered, often posting photos of themselves online for others to admire. If this is true, a sociocultural theorist would predict a large-than-usual percentage of which kind of personality disorder among this generation?

narcissistic personality disorder

A client is initially very resistant to therapy, cannot acknowledge weaknesses, and ignores feedback. MOST likely, the client is experiencing:

narcissistic personality disorder and will not make much progress in therapy.

A person with schizophrenia who says, "I have 'triscatitis' because the angular shape of my foreffit is diskiltered," is experiencing:


Lithium appears to affect:

neuron's second messengers

Bipolar disorder has to do with

neurons firing too easily or stubbornly

Unlike unipolar depression, bipolar depression is associated with high ________ activity.


Most common with DID

one-way amnesic relationships

Tactile hallucinations are:

perceptions of tingling, burning, or electric-shock sensations

Since immediately after the birth of her son, Aubree has experienced a period of sadness that interferes with her ability to take care of him. She has never felt this way before, and this sadness has been going on for several weeks. With which type of major depression would Aubree MOST likely be diagnosed?


Quincy knows that her family is planning to kill her and sell her prized piano. She's heard them talking about her, and they've tried to tell her that she isn't feeling well when Quincy knows she's in perfect health. Quincy has known for years that everyone hates her piano and wants to get rid of it. Quincy is MOST likely suffering from delusions of:


Kevin sees huge, iridescent butterflies covering the floors. He also hears soft harp music at all hours, when no one is playing a harp or any music. The presence of these behavior illustrates __________ symptoms of schizophrenia.


Which is NOT a type of major depressive disorder?


The stage of the development of schizophrenia that is marked by deterioration of functioning and the display of some mild symptoms is called the:

prodromal phase

What kind of clinician would be MOST likely to say, "Tell me about any early losses you experienced," to a client?

psychodynamic clinician

Dissociative identity disorder treatment options we discussed

psychodynamic therapy, barbiturates, hypnotic therapy, amytal and pentothal - truth serums

the inability to move the limbs in catatonic schizophrenia illustrates ____ symptoms of schizophrenia


Ruminative responses are defined as:

repeatedly mentally dwelling on one's mood without acting to change it.

According to the developmental psychopathology perspective, moderate and manageable adversities that occur during childhood may make a person more ________ when faced with stressful events during adulthood.


Electroconvulsive therapy

results in a brain seizure that lasts 15-70 seconds and is conducted while the patient is under anesthesia or under the influence of muscle relaxers

Researchers found that phenothiazines reduced psychotic symptoms but also cause Parkinsonian symptoms, like tremors. This discovery suggests that:

schizophrenia is tied to excessive dopamine.

Although they may express unhappiness about their lack of relationships, their behavior suggests a decreased desire for intimate contacts.


What is considered the first line of treatment for schizophrenia?

second-generation antipsychotic medications

The difference between bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder is the:

severity of the manic episodes

People experiencing mania....

show poor judgement and planning

According to Martin Seligman's theory, which person would be MOST likely to develop learned helplessness?

someone who experienced uncontrollable negative events and then a controllable negative event

In lab studies, depressed people perform ________ nondepressed people on tasks of memory, attention, and reasoning.

somewhat more poorly than

Which structure is a distinct part of the depression-related brain circuit?

subgenual cingulate

When it comes to the "depression-related brain circuit," some think the most important part is the

subregion of the brain's anterior cingulate cortex

According to DSM-5, all of the following are considered symptoms of a manic episode EXCEPT:

suicidal ideation

Researchers have found that when an identical twin has unipolar depression, there is a 38 percent chance that the other twin has already had or will eventually have the same disorder. A fraternal twin is only 20 percent likely to have the same disorder. This finding:

supports the idea that people may inherit a predisposition for developing unipolar depression

According to the cognitive-behavioral view of schizophrenia, an early step in the "rational path to madness" is:

telling others about the unusual sensations and being told that the experiences aren't real.

The strongest evidence for the cause of bipolar disorders BEST supports which theoretical perspective?

the biological perspective

If you could "get inside the head" of a person experiencing auditory hallucinations, you would MOST likely find that:

the person actually produces nerve signals of sound in the brain.

Individuals with depression tend to hold negative views of


Which of the below have the most side effects


How long must depression last to be classified as a major depressive episode?

two weeks

To receive a diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder with dysthymic syndrome, an individual must have experienced symptoms for at least:

two years

A man diagnosed with unipolar depression exhibited his first diagnosable symptoms when he was about 40 years old. Among those experiencing unipolar depression, his case is:

uncommon; the average age of diagnosis is early adulthood and depression is more common in women.

Around ________ percent of people with bipolar disorder are initially misdiagnosed by a physician or psychologist.


When it comes to prevalence rates for major depression, which age group has the highest rates?


Average age of onset for unipolar depression


What is the average age of onset of unipolar depression?


Rapid cycling bipolar disorder

4 or more episodes in 1 year



Depressed people receive more social rewards as their mood declines and their loved ones work to provide support and care.


Psychotic delusions are only present with schizophrenia.


While people with DID may have many personalities, they don't differ too drastically from the host's core physiological and psychological abilities. They do not differ when it comes to blood pressure, allergies, and brain-activity for example.


With schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia is episodic along with depression or bipolar symptoms.


Some individuals are fearful of electroconvulsive therapy. Which steps would a clinician MOST likely take to alleviate that fear?

He would use anesthetics to put the person to sleep during the procedure.

People with this disorder care whaat other people think of them.

Histrionic, borderline, narcissistic

Which statement about unipolar depression is TRUE?

The vast majority of individuals with unipolar depression recover within 6 months, sometimes without treatment.

Which is the MOST accurate description of the symptoms of mania?

They don't include a sense of the impact of one's actions on others.

Which statement is TRUE regarding people experiencing mania?

They want excitement and companionship.

The alternative model for personality disorders incorporates a characterization of psychopathy.


On an impulse, Jaxson decides to throw a huge party. After four days of round-the-clock work to get everything ready, Jaxson welcomes more than 200 guests. When the police stop by because Jaxson has blocked a public road in order to have room for the party, he flies into a rage. It is MOST likely that Jaxson is experiencing:

a manic phase of bipolar I disorder.

Rosita swings between periods of bottomless depression and high-flying enthusiasm. She never hits the middle. Her physician is MOST likely to recommend treatment with:

a mood-stabilizing drug

Negative symptoms for DID include


Which of the following is the most important reason for the decline in the use of electroconvulsive therapy since the 1950s?

antidepressant drugs were developed

The MOST common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is:


A person with schizophrenia who hears all the animals around her making plans to get her ready for the ball, and comes to think of herself as Cinderella, is experiencing a(n) ______ hallucination and a delusion of _________.

auditory; grandeur

Which brain structure or region is NOT part of the brain circuits involved in unipolar depression?

corpus callosum

A milder pattern of mood swings that does not reach the severity of bipolar disorder but does include brief depressive and manic episodes is called ______ disorder.


Of the following disorders, psychotherapy plays a more central role in:

cyclothymic disorder

The disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms is called:

cyclothymic disorder

Leonardo believes that his favorite TV show is giving him a coded message and that the main character speaks directly and personally to him. He decides to go to the filming location to talk to the main character. Leonardo is suffering from:

delusions of reference.

Bipolar disorder

equal men and women

The psychodynamic model talks about depression being related to

grief, being unable to accept loss

Whenever Janice eats, her food always tastes incredibly sour. She believes someone is trying to poison her. Janice is most likely experiencing a(n) _________ hallucination.


Deidre is emotionless, even when she hears sad or happy news. She also complains about hearing voices telling her that the newly installed security system in her home is actually recording her.

hearing voices in her head

Darcy is at a friend's dinner party. She's captured the attendees' attention for most of the evening by telling jokes and dramatized stories, but everyone's attention turns away from her when someone else announces her pregnancy. Darcy bursts into dramatic and effusive congratulations to draw back some attention, but she grows angry when the other woman stays the center of attention. Finally, Darcy loudly lies that she had been pregnant and miscarried, and that hearing about someone else's pregnancy is extremely hurtful. Darcy is exhibiting characteristics of:

histrionic personality disorder

A benefit of adjunctive psychotherapy for bipolar disorder is that:

hospitalizations are reduced.

A person with schizophrenia who laughs when told sad news and screams in situations that most people see as warm and tender is experiencing:

inappropriate affect.

Unipolar depression and bipolar disorder share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

inappropriate rises in mood

A popular medication used to treat bipolar disorder


This normally breaks down or degrades serotonin and norepinephrine

monoamine oxidase

Often take medication for rest of life

schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

When depression is chronic with less severe and less disabling symptoms.

with dysthymic syndrome, persistent depressive disorder

_______________ are more likely to have depression


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