Psychology exam 3

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Deep brain structures involved in movement and the formation of our procedural memories for skills are the:

basal ganglia

Deep brain structures involved in movement and the formation of our procedural memories for skills are the———

basal ganglia

A potential source of irrationality is———-our tendency to cling to our beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence.

belief perseverance

rather than problem-focused, coping strategies when they:

believe they cannot change a stressful situation

A health psychologist would be MOST likely to conduct research assessing the relationship between

cancer and stress.

As cognitive psychologists define it, a concept is a(n)


The misinformation effect highlights the:

changeability of memory

If Serena goes to a new restaurant she will probably recognize some of the objects as chairs though she may have never seen that particular style of chair before. This is because she has an existing———— of chairs


When one groups similar objects, events, ideas, or people in the mind, one has formed a(n)


————thinking involves narrowing available problem solutions to the single best solution


Raul is very skilled at taking aptitude tests and finding solutions to math and science problems. Raul's skills illustrate:

convergent thinking

A person who can effectively identify the best possible answers to multiple-choice test questions is using:

convergent thinking.

Studying for a psychology test requires——- . It takes attention and conscious work, but pays off with lasting and accessible memories.

effortful processing

When Lisa earns a perfect score on a ( n )———- test in history , she passes a ———test of memory

essay; recall

B lymphocytes is to T lymphocytes as is to

fighting bacterial infections; attacking viruses

Some of our memories of an emotionally significant moment or event are vividly clear. These are known as —————memories.


A(n) ————is a simple thinking strategy for solving a problem quickly and efficiently.


People overestimate the frequency of school shootings because such events are highly publicized when they do occur. This illustrates:

the availability heuristic.

Lara is trying to remember events from her life as an 18-month-old. However, as hard as she might try, she has no conscious memory of anything that occurred before her third birthday. This is likely due to the fact that her———which is involved in storing explicit memories, was not fully developed at that age.


Some patients with anterograde amnesia have learned how to spot hard-to-find figures in the Wheres Waldo? series without any conscious awareness that they can do so. This BEST illustrates their retention of ————-memories.


The hippocampus and brain cortex display simultaneous activity rhythms during sleep. This supports the process of

memory consolidation.

Gina sat quietly in her room and paid attention to her internal emotional and physical state without judging. This is called-

mindfulness meditation

In the psychology of health and stress, Hans Selye is associated with the study of

the general adaptation syndrome

If one has NOT studied well for a test, in which format is one likely to get a higher score?


It's evening and we're mentally replaying the day's events. We picture our facial expressions as we listened to a friend's tale of woe. Because we were unable to see these expressions at the time, our recall necessarily illustrates:


Dana is suffering from————when she fails to remember events preceding traumatic brain injury.

retrograde amnesia

Sometimes one is prone to judge an individual based on one's notion of the category of people he or she most closely resembles. When this happens, one falls prey to

the representativeness heuristic.

When people learn something while in one state (for example, when they are feeling joyful or sad), they are better able to recall that thing while in the same state. This is known as:

state-dependent memory

A woman, alone in a house, ignores the creaking sounds she hears and experiences no stress. Another woman might hear the same sounds, suspect an intruder, and thus become alarmed. These different reactions illustrate the importance of

stress appraisal

Sean is under an extreme amount of stress. He is battling with his boss about a failed projiect. In this time of stress. Sean turns to his friends for support and colleagues and spends as much time with his children as possible. Some would say that Sean is demonstrating a(n) —— —-response to stress

tend or befriend

The interdisciplinary field that integrates and applies behavioral and medical knowledge to health and disease is

Behavioral medicine

Ways of measuring retrieval

Free call, cued recall, and recognition

Explicit long term memory is processed in the


Retroactive interference is

Information youve learned learned more recently interferes with your retrieval of older information

Sensory memory, working/ short term memory, ________

Long term memory

The primacy effect Is due to the fact that people typically rehearse items at the beqinning and end of the list ultimately moving these items into..

Long term memory

Which of the following memory structures can hold the most information?

Long term memory

The prolonged strengthening of potential neural firing that is believed to be the basis for learning and memory is known as

Long term potentiation

In the eyewitness testimony Study by Loftus and Palmer (1974), people who were asked how Fast the cars were going when they "smashed" gave higher speed estimates than people who were asked how fast the cars were going when they "hit". This finding is an example of_________, which is a process related to ___________

Memory construction; retreival


Methodical procedure that garantees a solution

In general, religiously active people have______ socially supportive relationships and ________ lifestyles than those who are not religiously active

More; healthier

Remebering the beginning of the list because you rehearsed it

Primacy effect

————occurs when something you learned previously interferes with your recall of something you learn later

Proactive interference

Remembering the end of a list because because its fresh in your mind

Recency effect

Effortful processing includes

Rehearsal, imagery, and mnemonic devices

Memory process step 3


The Inability to remember events that occured before a severe trama is called

Retrograde amnesia

_______ , working/ short term meomory, longterm memory

Sensory memory

Memory process step 2


Set effect

Tendency to approach a problem in a way that has worked in the past

Functional fixedness

Tendency to think of objects only in terms of their usual functions


The process of responding to events (stressors) we perceive as threats or challenges


Using rules of thumb or educated guesses to find solutions

Christy moved from her home state so that she could attend graduate school in her desired field of study. She did not know anyone when she moved and spent the money she had saved for the move very quickly. Things cost much more than she had expected. She received little support from her family to pursue her college education. Still, she progressed and quickly earned her degree. She graduated at the top of her class. With respect to Sternberg's facets of creativity, Christy has a(n)————personality


Proactive interference is

What youve learned in the past interferes with your retrieval of new information

Researchers using the ______ report technique concluded that the capacity of visual sensory memory is very limited, but researchers using the _______ report technique concluded that the capacity is much larger than originally thought

Whole, partial

Sensory memory,_________________, long term memory

Working/ short term memory

Anterograde amnesia

You forget what happened after trauma occured

Retrograde amnesia

You forget what happened before the trauma occured

A systematic problem solving method that guarantees a solution, provided that one exists is a(n)


Don incorrectly believes most defendants who use the insanity defense gat lenient sentences or never go to jail. If he believes this because he easily recalls a recent case in which this appeared to be true, he is using the

Availibility heuristic

Process is to event as- ——is to—-

stress; stressor

SQ3R is a method for:

improving memory

Martha is studying the chapter on personality for her psychology exam. In order to make it easier to remember the Big Five traits (openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) she uses the first letter of each trait to spell OCEAN. Martha is using a(n) ———-device.


Mindful people show more activation in the———- cortex .


In the process on retrieving a specific memory from a web of associations a person needs to activate one of the strands that leads to it. This is known as


The unconscious activation of associations in memory is called


an effort to recall his early life experiences, Aaron forms vivid mental images of the rooms in his childhood home. Aaron is engaged in the process of


People more quickly recognize that a dog is a mammal than that a whale is a mammal because a dog more closely resembles their————of a mammal.


The field that studies mind-body interactions is called:


The correct order of the general adaptation syndrome is an alarm reaction,———-1and exhaustion


Chad is puzzling over a difficult question on a multiple-choice sociology test; however, as he rereads the response options he remembers the correct answer. Chad has made use of

retrieval cues

Aplysia is a(n):

sea slug.

Our tendency to recall the last and first items on a list is known as the ———effect.

serial position

Serafina is preparing a lecture on the benefits of exercise and she will highlight that exercise orders up mood boosting chemical such as


Feeling liked and encouraged by intimate friends and family is called ———-It promotes happiness and health.

social support

Recalling something that you had once merely imagined happening as something you had directly experienced BEST illustrates -—-amnesia .


Based on the ———-effect, ———-practice leads to better learning than ———- practice does

spacing; distributed; massed

Sensory memory is to as long - term memory is to .

fleeting; permanent

Implicit long term memory is processed in the


Memory process step 1


Remebering something related but was never said

False memory

long enough to type it into the password After Maya gave her friend the password to a protected website, the friend was able to remember it only box. In this instance, the password was clearly stored in her friend's ———memory


George Miller's research on short-term memory capacity indicated that we can only storein short term memory

about seven bits of information

Sonya is trying to remember events from her life as an 18-month-old. However, as hard as she might try, she has no conscious memory of anything that occurred before her third birthday. This is likely due to the fact that her hippocampus, which is involved in storing explicit memories, was not fully developed at that age. This inability to remember events when she was 3 years old and younger is called

infantile amnesia

An effortless , immediate , automatic feeling or thought is called .


James has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is not able to remember verbal information, but retains the ability to recall visual designs and locations. He may have suffered damage to his:

left hippocampus

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