Psychology Exam 3

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Which of the following ages is considered the period of adolescence?

12-19 years

Sterilization laws beginning in the early 1900s remained on the books in the United States until the __________.


In the 1980s, political scientist James Flynn observed that the IQs of Americans were rising at a rate of about __________ point(s) per decade.


Twelve-year-old Arnold received an IQ score of 75. What is his mental age?


Which of the following findings is one of the lines of evidence suggesting that schooling has a causal influence on intelligence?

Dropouts have lower IQs later in life than graduates, even if they started out with the same IQ.

Environmental influences on intelligence exist, such as poverty, malnutrition, or exposure to lead. However, it is often difficult to disentangle the effects of such influences. Why is that?

Environmental factors, such as poverty, malnutrition, or exposure to lead, tend to be correlated with one another.

The average IQ of the population has been rising by about three points per decade. This phenomenon, named for the researcher who discovered it, is called the

Flynn effect

Which of the following statements about marital satisfaction appears to be true?

It may reach its highest level during late adulthood.

is most famous for his theory that all children go through a series of sequential intellectual stages


Which of the following is the correct order for Piaget's four stages of cognitive development?

Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, formal operations

Which of the following statements is true?

Some critics question the universality of the Kubler-Ross model.

The concept of generalized intelligence is largely based on the theories of


A man beat up two men who had raped his daughter. If you were asked, "Was the old man right to do this?," which answer would be HIGHEST according to Kohlberg's level of moral development?

The man was right according to his belief that his daughter had been unjustly wronged, and he was correcting this wrong

Which of the following is true of newborns?

They absorb and process information from the outside world almost as soon as, or even before, they enter it.

Men experience __________ in testosterone levels between the ages of 48 and 70

a gradual decline of between 30 and 40 percent

Adjusting behavior or thoughts to fit new environmental demands is called


According to Erikson, a conflict of identity vs. role confusion occurs during


An identity crisis is most likely experienced, according to Erikson, at which of the following stages?


John, a 43-year-old father dying of cancer, makes frequent nasty remarks to his wife such as, "You can't wait until I die so you can get the insurance money and live it up, can you?" This illustrates which of Kubler-Ross' stages?


Piaget attributed cognitive development to the interaction of what two processes?

assimilation and accommodation

Erikson's theory of social development viewed the ages of two to three, his second stage, as being characterized by the major challenge of

autonomy versus shame and doubt

According to Piaget, what are the ages for the formal operational stage?

beyond age eleven or twelve

A researcher tries to reconstruct a person's past by interviewing the person and by consulting various other sources that relate to the person's life. This method of conducting research is called the _______________ approac


A committee has been set up to identify young people who are likely to become great Olympics skaters. In addition to physical skills, the committee believes that an understanding of one's emotions is a plus because it will help the skaters through training and competitions. Using Howard Gardner's types of intelligences, which two should be the focus of their search?

bodily kinesthetic and intrapersonal

Jean Piaget is noted for his theory of

cognitive development

According to Piaget, children learn to retrace their thoughts, correct themselves, see more than one dimension to a problem, but cannot yet handle abstract concepts during the __________ stage.

concrete operational

Most young adolescents are at the level of thinking which Piaget described as

concrete operational

Although IQ tests assess how efficiently we process information, they do not measure our ability to process information scientifically. For instance, measures of IQ barely correlate with measures of

confirmation bias

Katherine is nice to Sally, even though she doesn't like Sally at all, because most of her friends like Sally. Katherine is in which stage of moral development according to Kohlberg?


The shift to formal operational thought sets the stage for moral reasoning at the __________ level.


Marvis, the manager of a large business, always says, "Those are all great ideas, but now we need to pick the best one." What aspect of thought is Marvis focusing on?

convergent thinking

Which of the following couples are MOST likely to have a happy, stable marriage, all other factors being equal?

couples who get married in their 20s or 30s

Psychologists have found that __________ is easier to identify than define.


Researchers have discovered that during specific periods in one's life, certain abilities must develop or they will not develop later. These are known as

critical periods

Dr. Cross is studying whether the psychological trait of dependency vs. independence changes as one gets older. He collects data from first, fourth, and ninth graders. Dr. Cross is studying the relationship between age and dependency/independence using _______ research.


Dr. Halk is studying the influence of getting older on intelligence. He tests a group of first graders, a group of third graders, and a group of sixth graders. They are all tested in one day. This is an example of _______ research.


The five stages of dying postulated by Kubler-Ross is

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

The visual cliff was developed to measure

depth perception

The study of psychological and physical changes from conception to death is _______ psychology.


A person starts from one point and comes up with many different ideas or possibilities based on that point. The person is engaging in __________ thinking.


According to Erikson, the last stage of development involves the crisis of:

ego-integrity vs. despair

The ability to understand our own feelings as well as those of other people is a component of __________.

emotional intelligence

Which movement was Hitler's rise to power and his quest to produce the master race analogous to?


Which term refers to an early 20th-century movement to encourage people with "good genes" to have more children and to stop those with "bad genes" from doing so?


Researchers told teachers that 20 percent of children who had taken an IQ test were "bloomers" who would soon reach their full intellectual potential, even though in reality those children were no different from the other children in the group. Later in the year, when these "bloomer" children were tested, they scored four points higher than the rest of the group. This outcome is an example of __________.

expectancy effects

George, at age 42, lost his job, was divorced by his wife, and couldn't seem to keep friends for very long. George came more and more to feel that he was accomplishing nothing with his life. According to Erikson, George is probably

experiencing feelings of stagnation

George, at age 42, lost his job, was divorced by his wife, and couldn't seem to keep friends for very long. George came more and more to feel that he was accomplishing nothing with his life. According to Erikson, George is probably:

experiencing feelings of stagnation.

If a child can tell you what "Y" is equal to when you give her the equation X = Y + 10, then she is in the _______ stage of cognitive development.

formal operations

Which of the following states has as a main theme the ability to consider many possible solutions to a problem and the ability to systematically test those possibilities?

formal operations

Mary's physician is trying to test her visual perception. She shows six-month old Mary a picture of a boat until Mary no longer pays any attention to it. Then she shows Mary a picture of a house and immediately Mary begins to stare at the picture in entranced curiosity. Mary's physician was using the _______________ to test her visual perception

habituation technique

Sir Francis Galton conducted extensive research to determine whether __________ correlated to higher intelligence.

having better sensory capacities such as exceptional vision or hearing

The observation that infant attachment occurs in a variety of cultures supports the idea that ______ play(s) a role in attachment


How one develops is determined by continuous interaction between _________ and __________.

heredity; environment

What number reflects the amount of differences in a population attributable to genetic influences?


The Binet-Simon scale was originally developed to __________

identify children who might have difficulty in school

When someone challenges our beliefs, especially about something important to us such as religion or politics or the existence of elves, our __________ raises our defenses against evidence that contradicts our views. Oddly, this is more of a problem for people with higher IQs.

ideological immune system

Which of the following phenomena is most closely associated with the concept of critical period?


What score indicates how one individual compares to others on an intelligence test?

intelligence quotient

Corrie is well liked by all her classmates. She has lots of friends and is always one of the first people chosen whenever there are group projects. According to Gardner, at which type of intelligence does Corrie likely excel?


The deviation IQ score

is an IQ relative to one's same-aged peers

In humans, the machinery for perceiving the world

is pretty much ready at birth

The FIRST major event in the family cycle is

leaving the parents home

An approach which is concerned with description and explanation of changes within an individual and between individuals from conception until death is call the _______ approach

life-span developmental

Although many types of studies show that IQ is heritable (that is, it runs in families), there is one situation in which this does not appear to be the case. This is for people, especially children, who __________.

live at or below the poverty line

A developmental psychologist believes that increased TV watching by young children is responsible for a decline in reading scores when these children enter school. To explore her hypothesis, she records the TV watching habits of toddlers in a suburban community. She examines these habits again when the children enter kindergarten and once more when they complete first grade. This method is


Comparing the same group of people on the same measure(s) over a lengthy time period defines _______ research


Cultural and historical influences are BEST controlled using _______ research.


Dr. Halk is studying a group of 25 youngsters from the time they are born until they reach school age. This is known as _______ research


Erikson's intimacy vs. isolation crisis would most likely be associated with which event in the family cycle?


Before puberty, males do not produce sperm, even though their genitals are physically equivalent to a man's. This illustrates which of the following?


The Binet and Simon intelligence test measured children on what new concept?

mental age

Generativity or stagnation are two feelings that may dominate a person's life during

middle adulthood

When adults are surprised by a loud noise, they often show the startle reflex. In infants, the same reflex is called the ________ reflex


According to Howard Gardner's model of __________, someone with interpersonal intelligence would be better able to understand other people and interact with them effectively.

multiple intelligences

A newborn baby is called a


According to Piaget, which of the following is crucial to cognitive development at the sensorimotor stage?

object permanence

During late adulthood, husbands and wives

often have high marital satisfaction

During prenatal development, the organism depends on the ________ to exchange food and waste products with the mother's blood stream


A typical statement of someone in the _______ level of Kohlberg's moral development would be, "I'm not going to steal because I'll probably be punished if I do."


According to Kohlberg, children interpret behavior in terms of concrete consequences at the __________ level of moral development.


Kohlberg found that the typical responses of seven-year-old children to the moral dilemmas he presented them were at the _______ level


What part of the brain did investigators note was "highly g-loaded" for reasoning tasks?

prefrontal cortex

The mother of a young child who didn't like to drink milk was trying to coax him to drink some. Taking the glass of milk, she poured it all into a smaller cup and said, "There! Now you won't have to drink so much." She would never have fooled the child if he had not been in the __________ stage.


Which of the following is directly concerned with reproduction?

primary sexual characteristics

Creativity is the ability to

produce novel or unique ideas or objects

On Monday, Sal took a test developed to measure levels of sensation seeking and obtained a score of 13; he took the same test one week later and obtained the same score. Based on this information, you can most accurately conclude that the test is likely to be:


Traits which are typical of a sex but not directly concerned with reproduction are called

secondary sexual characteristics

Thurstone's definition of intelligence includes __________

seven distinct mental abilities

Gloria was born prematurely. Gloria may be able to live out of her mother's body if

she was born less than 2 months before she was due. she had passed her age of viability. she was in the 7th or later month of her prenatal development.

Kenneth is especially skilled when it comes to chart reading, map reading, and graph reading tasks. According to Howard Gardner, Kenneth's skills reflect __________ intelligence.


Sal is being evaluated as a possible candidate for the space program. On which of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences would we expect him to excel if he is a good candidate?

spatial reasoning

When we fear that we may confirm a negative stereotype about the group to which we belong, we are experiencing the feeling of

stereotype threat

Toxic substances such as alcohol and nicotine that cross the placenta and may result in birth defects are called


The term "convergent thinking" is defined as

the ability to find the single best answer to a problem

The most obvious change ushering in adolescence is

the growth spurt

Fifteen-year-old Harriet has begun to write an impassioned novel about growing up in America. In her novel she describes her experiences in a way that portrays herself as unique and special, such that no one has ever thought such deep thoughts or experienced such ecstasy before. Harriet's writings most clearly reflect

the personal fable

The first stage of Erikson's Personality Theory is known as:

trust vs. mistrust

Which of these might be an example of a performance item on the Wechsler tests of intelligence?

using blocks to make a design like one shown in a picture

A psychological test that measures what we intend it to measure is said to be


Investigations of other dimensions of intellect reveal that measures of intelligence are only moderately correlated with measures of


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