Psychology Exam 3 Review Guide

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obsessive-compulsive related disorder

30-year-old Armand feels compelled to save objects that others might throw away. He is afraid that he will discard something he later will need, so his home is filled with old newspapers, empty boxes, worn-out clothing, antiquated computer equipment, and even the seeds from the fruit and vegetables he has eaten. Armand's neighbors have complained to the homeowner's association because, out of space inside, he has been storing some things outside his home. He is embarrassed by his need to hoard objects, but he is overcome by dread if he tries to throw things away. Based on this information, Armand may have a(n)

She is suffering from body dysmorphic disorder.

30-year-old Samantha is married with a son and lives in Chicago. One day she wakes up in strange room with no recollection of getting there. She walks outside and sees many palm trees and has no idea what city she is in. Try as she might, she can't remember how she got there or when. Which of the following best explains what happened to Samantha?


A deficiency in which neurotransmitter has been implicated as a potential cause of generalized anxiety disorder?

someone who has training in helping but lacks formal training as a therapist.

A paraprofessional is

aversive conditioning

A person who is trying to quit smoking wears a rubber band around her wrist. Every time she has a craving to smoke, she snaps the rubber band. In what type of therapeutic technique is she engaging?

post-traumatic stress disorder

A soldier who survived a bloody battle finds that she has recurrent nightmares, avoids her military friends, and jumps when she hears a loud noise. Based on these symptoms, what disorder does she most likely have?

that stranger is a rude person

A stranger goes straight to the front of a long line waiting to speak with a customer service representative at a department store. In applying the fundamental attribution error, you would most likely think

look at your behavior

According to the self-perception theory, if you're not sure how you feel about something, how can you find out?

behavior therapy.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an example of


Amelia often treats her depressed clients with drug therapy in hopes of adjusting the levels of serotonin in the brain. Amelia was most likely trained in the ________ perspective.

prejudice; discrimination

An employer who thinks that members of a specific group are inferior is an example of ________; the employer's refusing to hire members of that group is an example of ________.

door-in-the-face technique

As Theo leaves his grocery store, woman at a table near the door asks him to donate $10 to a cause that Theo has heard of but in which he has no personal investment. Theo politely declines; $10 feels like a lot of money to give to a charity that has no particular meaning for him. The woman asks if he'd be willing to give one dollar instead, and Theo pulls some change out of his pocket and drops some quarters into the bucket on the table. The solicitor used the

illogical thoughts.

Beck's cognitive therapy focuses on

in treating severe depression, especially if there is a high risk of suicide.

Dr. Henry Clerval is a proponent of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), though he believes it should only be used in the most extreme circumstances. Historically, ECT was applied to a wide range of disorders, but today it is only used


Dr. Jones often uses the principles of learning theory when treating his clients. Dr. Jones is relying on which type of therapy?

with the conscious realization you are doing so.

Explicit bias is defined as favoring or disfavoring a group


Feeling nervous, worried, jittery, afraid, and dreadful are all ways to describe ________, which is an unpleasant feeling that can impact an individual's ability to function.

clients can interact in a genuine relationship, which is more like real life than individual therapy

Group therapy can be helpful for clients because

Generalized anxiety disorder involves anxiety about a large variety of things, whereas phobic disorder involves anxiety about a specific thing.

How are generalized anxiety disorder and specific phobic disorder different?

aversive conditioning.

If a therapist gives an alcoholic a drink laced with a nausea-inducing drug so that she or he will become ill after drinking the alcohol, the therapist is using

active discrimination against individuals.

Implicit bias is measured by a person's

automatic stereotyped associations.

Implicit bias is typically defined as

two weeks

In order for a person to be classified as having major depressive disorder, he or she must experience a depressive episode that lasts at least

a reward structure based on race.

In order to improve interactions among students from different ethnic backgrounds, a teacher would be best advised to use


In the sociocultural approach to psychological disorders, the criterion of ________ to describe behavior as being abnormal suggests the importance of society, culture, and context in disorders.

a social phobia

Individuals who suffer from ________ have an intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations.

panic disorder

Ken's heartbeat was rapid, and he felt short of breath and sweaty. He went to the emergency room fearing he was going to die from a heart attack. When the physician examined Ken, she was unable to find anything physically wrong with him. When she questioned Ken further, he told her that is has had these feelings of terror before without warning and cannot identify a cause. If there is no physical cause, which of the following is a possible explanation for Ken's symptoms?

the risky shift phenomenon.

Khalid and some of his friends have decided to pool their money together to invest in the stock market. Individually, each of them is usually a relatively conservative investor, but as a group they wound up making some very daring investment choices. This illustrates the concept of

Shirley's boyfriend can have bipolar disorder AND still be a great guy. People with psychological disorders have strengths and weaknesses, just like everybody else.

Laverne (a psychologist) is talking to her friend Shirley, whose boyfriend was just diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Shirley says, "There's no way he's mentally ill! After all, he's a great guy!" How should Laverne reply?


Lithium is an effective ________ drug.

There may be a physiological cause for this weight loss, but there is nothing to indicate that she should be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.

Lori-An has recently lost a lot of weight. She is now unhealthily skinny. She is concerned by this, and has gone to see her doctor. What diagnosis might her doctor make?


Members of some hate groups cover their faces and sometimes their entire bodies while they mistreat their targeted group. This can also happen if the hate group is extremely large or a "mob mentality" forms. In these situations, people find it easier to participate in crimes they would not normally commit due to


Neuroleptics are most often used to treat

a stranger.

People are most likely to apply the fundamental attribution error to

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft are what type of antidepressant drugs?

Sigmund Freud

Psychodynamic therapy developed out of the work of which theorist?

vulnerability-stress hypothesis

Psychologists recognize that some people may be more at risk than others for certain disorders. Often called the ________, this model suggests that a person's susceptibility plus increased stress can lead to the development of a psychological disorder.

individuals; groups

Social psychology is more interested in studying ________ in social situations, whereas sociology is more interested in studying ________ in similar situations.


Sometimes soldiers will commit acts of violence against others because they were ordered to do so by superior officers. This is an example of

systematic desensitization

Takeshi is seeing Dr. Shakar to help her deal with her social phobia. Early in treatment, they built a list of 15 steps beginning with low-anxiety scenarios and ending with high-anxiety scenarios. Over time, they have conquered many of the situations on the list, and it is time for Takeshi to try staying relaxed while walking down a busy street. The approach Dr. Shakar is using with Takeshi is called


The assumption that ethnic outgroups are not only different, but that other groups are inferior to your group, is called

deficits in the individual's theory of mind.

The cognitive approach to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) emphasizes


Though Dr. York has never experienced many of the things his clients have, he is committed to putting himself "in their shoes" and trying to understand the world from their perspective. This is called

psychodynamic; humanistic

Though some of Masato's graduate school professors taught him that a therapist should probe and question clients extensively to help them understand their unconscious conflicts, Masato prefers to provide a warm, supportive environment where clients can improve their self-concept and gain insight into their problems. Masato's professors were probably ________ therapists, while Masato is probably a ______ therapist.

self-serving bias.

Tori did well on her first exam in psychology. She congratulated herself for studying hard and being naturally gifted. When she failed her second exam, she became angry at the professor for creating an unfair test and for not explaining the concepts well. Tori's reactions are an example of


Two key assumptions of the ________ approach to therapy are that psychological disorders are learned in exactly the same way as normal behaviors are and that they can be treated by applying the basic principles of learning.

Have them work on group projects, where no group can succeed without everyone working together.

Two schools, formerly rivals, recently merged. Needless to say, many of the students are not happy about being in the same school. The school officials want to help the two groups to get along better. Which of the following techniques is likely to be most effective?

No, if Tyrone is not distressed by his behavior, it would not be considered abnormal.

Tyrone is not from Scotland, but he likes to wear a kilt. Is his behavior abnormal?

cognitive dissonance.

Tyrone is supportive of same-sex marriage. However, the political candidate for whom he plans to vote opposes same-sex marriage. Tyrone is likely experiencing

the fundamental attribution error.

When many people first learn of the classic conformity and obedience studies, they often believe that the participants in these studies are weak-minded people and they tend to underestimate the power of the social situation. This is an example of


When the Enron Corporation went bankrupt in 2001, the collapse was the largest corporate failure in history, and the name has since become synonymous with corporate fraud. Enron's board of directors failed to monitor, question, or analyze Enron's management and business practices, and billions of dollars' worth of unscrupulous activities were conducted to make Enron look more financially stable than it was. Though the board had access to evidence that something was wrong with Enron's business practices, a culture had developed in which conformity was encouraged and diverse views were not acceptable. In other words, Enron fell prey to


Which approach to therapy focuses on the early stages of psychosexual development to provide insight into understanding the causes of a person's disorder?

deficits in social communication and restrictive repetitive behaviors

Which of the following are characteristic of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Human behavior ranges from normal to abnormal on a continuum.

Which of the following best describes human behavior?

Martha says she likes actors with British accents better than actors with American accents.

Which of the following best illustrates explicit bias?

Morton was quicker at identifying male surgeons than female surgeons.

Which of the following best illustrates implicit bias?


Which of the following classes of drugs are NOT considered antidepressants?

Anabeth is so afraid of snakes that she has difficulty going out and getting into her car to go to work in the morning because she fears that there may be a snake on the path to her car. She is running out of sick days.

Which of the following examples demonstrates behavior that is dysfunctional?

It does not allow for consist diagnosis.

Which of the following is NOT a valid criticism of the DSM?


Which of the following is a class of anti-anxiety drugs?

Psychodynamic therapy

Which of the following perspectives views abnormal behavior as the result of unresolved unconscious conflicts?

Individuals who hold stereotypes or prejudices always engage in discrimination.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? A stereotype is a generalized belief about a group. A prejudice is a negative attitude about a group and its members. Acting on a prejudice is discrimination. Individuals who hold stereotypes or prejudices always engage in discrimination.

Genetic heritage causes a predisposition to mental illness, but environmental and cognitive/emotional factors must be present for mental illness to develop.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the biopsychosocial model?

Depression is related to neurotransmitter deregulation, genetics, and cognitive processes.

Which of the following statements is most correct?

Therapists take an eclectic approach to therapy, relying on a variety of techniques from multiple orientations.

Which of the following statements is true regarding most therapists' approach to therapy?

"I can't believe she's so overweight. She must be a very lazy person."

Which of the following statements would indicate that the speaker is making an internal attribution?

unconditional positive regard

Which of the following techniques is most associated with humanistic therapy?

applied behavior analysis

Which of the following therapies represents the application of operant principles to psychological disorders?


Which of the following would be classified as a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

the peripheral route

Which type of persuasion relies more on emotion or cues outside the message to influence?

uses facts to present the message; appeals to the audience's emotions

While the central route to persuasion ________, the peripheral route ________.

They reflect something added above and beyond normal behavior.

Why are hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders, and disorders of movement considered to be positive symptoms of schizophrenia?

individuals possess the capacity to heal themselves.

You are a humanistic therapist. A potential client is unfamiliar with your school of therapy and asks you to sum it up. You tell him the primary premise of humanistic therapy is that


________ is a severe psychological disorder that is characterized by highly disordered thought processes.

Borderline personality disorder

________ is characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotions, and of marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in various contexts.

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