psychology exam 4

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At what point did researchers begin to consider the implications of attachment styles in adulthood?


According to the US Department of Labor (2011), the average full-time employee works 8.1 hours a day during the week, and ______ hours a day during weekends and holidays.


In research conducted by Hazan and Shaver (1987), approximately ____ percent of adults who participated chose a reading paragraph that would classify them as being secure in their attachments to others.


What is "O*Net"?

A vast database of occupational information containing data on hundreds of jobs.

Why does proximity seem to promote relationships between people?

Because proximity promotes familiarity.

Which of the following individuals is acting in a "practitioner" capacity in the scientist-practitioner model of industrial/organizational psychology?

Charmaine, who is working on applying a new schedule that rotates employee responsibilities to eliminate boredom.

How do attachment figures tend to differ from children to adults?

Children's primary attachment figures are usually parents; adults' primary attachment figures are usually a romantic partner.

Many people find that online relationships, including friendships and romances, are easier to establish and maintain than they would have predicted. From a social psychology perspective, what makes these relationships so 'real'?

Functional distance: There is a high amount of interaction between the individuals involved.

One of the earlier pioneers of I/O psychology, Frederick Taylor, is noted for having studied how workers shoveled coal. Which of the following was not one of the results of his analyses?

He implemented a policy where workers were paid based on the total weight of coal they shoveled in a shift.

Oscar is an 18-year old high school senior who is moderately overweight and has been for most of his life. According to research by Crandall (1991) which of the following might be a consequence of his lower level of body attractiveness?

His parents may be less likely to pay for his education than they would be for a more physically fit sibling.

Jacqueline is trying to decide what occupation will be best for her. She wants to gather information about what knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed for various careers, as well as learning about the responsibilities and tasks of those jobs. Which resource should she explore?


When researchers invited business executives to a social mixer and tracked their interactions, what did they find?

People spent the most time with others who they already knew.

Antoine responds to his mother in a way that describes an anxious-resistant attachment patterns. Based on the work of Ainsworth, what might you predict about the way Antoine's mother responded to him as an infant?

She may have been insensitive to or inconsistent in responding to his needs.

When she comes to work, Janelle notes that her boss has changed the chair that is at her desk after she complained that she had been having back pain. Janelle feels more satisfied and happier at work now. According to the Hawthorne Effect, what explains Janelle's increased sense of positivity at work?

The knowledge that her boss has paid attention to her.

In research published by Richardson and colleagues (1961), children were shown pictures of other children with many different physical limitations or flaws. Which picture did the children in the study consistently rate as being the least attractive?

a picture of an overweight child

Dirk has small eyes, an overbite, and a weak chin. Most people think he is unattractive. They also believe he is not very intelligent. Which of the following explains the way that people use low-but not high-- attractiveness as an accurate indicator of traits?

anomalous face overgeneralization

Juanita wants to be closer to her boyfriend of 3 weeks, but she often feels that if she lets him get too close she will get hurt. So she spends time with him but pushes him away when it feels like he's trying to get to know her better. Her relationship is an example of ________ attachment, which may exist among about 20% of adults.


When Bradon is placed in his crib, he watches as his father leaves the room. Although he is tired Bradon does not want to sleep yet. He begins to whine and soon cries loudly until his father comes back in, sits and rocks him for a bit, and then puts him down to sleep. Bradon's action are an example of ________.

attachment behaviors

A person's willingness to stay in a relationship no matter what - to "stick it out" even in hard times" - is related to which component of love, according to Robert Sternberg?


In the model of Robert Sternberg, what kind of love is marked by passion, commitment, and intimacy all at the same time?

consummate love

In the study that Harry Harlow conducted examining the attachment patterns of macaque monkeys, which factor predicted the highest amount of attachment between a monkey and a surrogate "mother?"

contact comfort

People have the tendency to use low attractiveness as an indicator of negative traits and mistakenly use high attractiveness as an indicator of high health or intelligence. This attractiveness halo effect is a by-product of low _________.


In a village in northern Spain, women tend to find men who are more robust (that is, they are a bit bigger in the stomach) as being far more attractive. Slim men with a "six pack" are actually seen as being unattractive. Larger men are thought to have better genetic traits. This reflects the ________ hypothesis.

good genes

The tendency to associate physical attractiveness with a variety of positive traits, such as sociability, intelligence, competence, and health, is called the attractiveness ________ effect.


A child who has a(n) ________ attachment style with his parents and other important figures in her life is more likely than others to be seen as a bully as she gets older.


Industrial/organizational psychology is a social science. This means that:

its findings will always be less exact than the physical sciences.

Denita is a very ardent, right-wing conservative and always votes for Republican candidates. She recently met Troy, who she thinks is interesting and very attractive. Once she finds out that he is a very liberal individual who prefers Democratic candidates, she may no longer want to date him. This change in her opinion demonstrates the ________ hypothesis.


Lielle studies the jobs at the company for which she works, and explores whether they provide adequate growth opportunities for the employees. Which principle of happiness at work does Lielle's job focus on?

meaningful engagement

The ________ effect refers to the tendency of people to prefer stimuli that have been seen before over brand new stimuli.

mere exposure

A face or other image that has been transformed by a computer program so that it is a mixture of multiple images is called a(n) ________.


Dr. Milan is conducting research on attractiveness. She uses a computer program to design a face that is a combination of many different facial features. The resulting face is called a(n) ________ and can be changed in small ways by the researcher.


The ________ component of love is comprised of physiological and emotional arousal. It can include physical attraction, emotional responses that promote physiological changes, and sexual arousal.


An individual's sense that others are available, willing to help, and ready to take action when assistance is needed is called ________ support.


Collin and Valencia are both first-year college students, and they live in the same dormitory. They see each other several times a day, and have begun having romantic feelings toward each other. The factor of physical nearness that predicts their attraction to each other is called ________.


Jada and Will have been dating for 3 weeks and are feeling very emotionally close to each other. They have begun a satisfying sexual relationship and each feels a need to be around the other at all times. Neither of them has thought about whether the relationship has a future; they are both enjoying the present. In Sternberg's model, this might demonstrate ________ love.


Nicoletta is an I/O psychologist who works with a major social networking company. She conducts research to determine whether employees are doing their jobs efficiently, focusing on such details as the work environment, schedules, and job responsibilities. Her work is then used by others to make changes in the workplace. Nicoletta is operating as one half of the ________ model in I/O psychology.


The fact that attractive men tend to have more short-term partners while attractive women tend to have more long-term partners is explained by which concept?

success for men depends on short-term mating opportunities, while success for women depends on long-term mating opportunities

According to research published by Oldmeadow and colleagues (2013), people are most likely to use Facebook to connect with others when:

they are experiencing negative emotions.

According to British psychoanalyst John Bowlby, what is the primary function of an attachment behavioral system?

to regulate proximity between a person and their attachment figure

In Europe, industrial/organizational psychology is commonly referred to as ________ psychology.

work and organizational

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