psychology exam

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46. IQ is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean IQ of 100 and a typical standard deviation of about: a. 10. b. 15. c. 20. d. 30.


What "magic number" did Miller find to be the capacity of short-term memory? a. 11 b. 9 c. 7 d. 5


38. Anna never feels there is enough time to study, even though she has straight A's. She finds it hard to relax because she always feels she should be studying. What personality type is Anna? a. A b. B c. C d. H


33. The area of the frontal lobe that is devoted to the production of fluent speech is ________ area. a. Korsakoff's b. Gall's c. Wernicke's d. Broca's


49. Which of the following is a machine designed to record the brain wave patterns produced by electrical activity of the brain's cortex, just below the scalp? a. EEG b. CT scan c. deep lesioning d. ESB


The first list of traits that make up personality was compiled by: a. Raymond Cattell. b. Carl Jung. c. Carl Rogers. d. Gordon Allport.

Gordon Allport

41. ________ was denied a Ph.D. because she was a woman. She went on to achieve many professional accomplishments, including becoming the first female president of the American Psychological Association in 1905. a. Margaret Washburn b. Mary Whiton Calkins c. Mary Cover Jones d. Anna Freud

Mary Whiton Calkins

The acronym _____ can be used to remember the core personality trait dimensions of the Big Five model. a. RICE b. OCEAN c. HOMES d. CUP


34. Mary suffered a head injury in a car accident last week. Since that time, she is able to speak fluently but uses the wrong words when expressing herself. Mary may be exhibiting ________ aphasia. a. Broca's b. Wernicke's c. Gall's d. Korsakoff's


Francis Cecil Sumner

Who was the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in psychology?

the first psychological laboratory was overseen by

Wilhelm Wundt

Who was an early proponent of functionalism Max Wertheimer William James Wilhelm Wundt Ivan Pavlov

William James

Which of the following statements is correct concerning correlation coefficients? a. A correlation of +.89 is strong and -.89 is weak. b. Correlation coefficients are indicators of cause and effect. c. A correlation of +.89 and -.89 are both strong and equally so. d. A correlation of +1.5 is very strong.

a correlation of +.89 and -.89 are both strong and equally so

Which of the following is an example of androgyny? a. A newlywed couple agrees that the man will do all the yard work and the woman will do all the house cleaning. b. When her sink starts leaking, rather than try to fix the problem herself, a woman calls her husband and demands that he come home from work immediately to fix the sink. c. A mother gets a call from school saying that her son got into a fight with another student. She tells her husband, "You deal with it. I can't understand all this male aggressive behavior." d. A father does all the clothes shopping for his baby girl because he prides himself on his ability to put together beautiful outfits, and he also enjoys working on his car.

a father does all the clothes shopping for his baby girl because he prides himself on his ability to put together beautiful outfits and he also enjoys working on his car

After reading about the possible causes of schizophrenia, a scientist thinks that a virus is the most likely cause. What term most accurately describes the scientist's idea? a. hypothesis b. extraneous variable c. experimental estimate d. dependent variable

a hypothesis

44. Erikson believes that during late adulthood, people engage in a process called: a. indulgence. b. materialism. c. libero. d. a life review.

a life review

13. One might expect that classical conditioning was discovered by a psychologist. However, it was discovered by a ________. a. physician who was studying the age at which children start to walk b. physiologist who was studying memory processes in monkeys c. physiologist who was studying digestion d. dog trainer who was trying to come up with the best way to reward animals for their performances in his shows

a physiologist who was studying digestion

Which of the following statements is correct? a. An M.D. and a Ph.D. are pretty much the same thing. b. Psychiatric social workers can prescribe medication. c. A psychiatrist generally goes to graduate school, not medical school. d. A psychologist has no medical training.

a psychologist has no medical training

A group of randomly selected subjects for a study that matches the population on important characteristics such as age and sex is called ________. a. a control group b. volunteer bias c. an experimental group d. a representative sample

a representative sample

47. Intelligence testing began in France because French educators wanted: a. a way to identify gifted students. b. a way to identify students in need of more help with learning. c. a way to categorize their schoolchildren. d. to find out if their teaching methods were effective.

a way to identify students in need of more help with learning

Which of the following is a "relate" style of communication? a. A woman is talking to her friend about her frustrations with disciplining her two year old. Her friend says, "I know how you feel. I went through that with my daughter, too." b. A man talking to his boss says, "Did you see in the paper what's going on with that healthcare bill?" c. A man watching a football game with a group of his buddies begins to talk over the person who's talking to insert his own comments about the game. d. When a man learns his friend has cancer, he calls him to tell him he's heard the news, but instead of discussing the diagnosis, the two men discuss current events. At the end of the conversation, the man offers to mow his friend's lawn.

a woman talking to her friend about frustration with discipling her two year old. her friend says " i know how you feel. I went through that with my daughter too."

29. When adolescents move into Piaget's final stage of formal operations, what becomes possible? a. Introspection b. emotional maturity c. abstract thinking d. conventional thinking

abstract thinking

25. A child may see a dog and say, "Cat!" because both have fur. When corrected, the child may change her scheme for cat to "furry" and "pointy ears." This is: a. irreversibility. b. conservation. c. assimilation. d. accommodation.


Personality may be defined as the sum total of who you are and the unique ways that you think, feel, and: a. act. b. value. c. morally evaluate a situation. d. dream.


33. When Wes learned that his wife had been diagnosed with cancer, his heart rate and blood pressure increased, he experienced a burst of energy, and he felt nauseous. These symptoms describe the ______ phase of the general adaptation syndrome. a. Shock b. Alarm c. Resistance d. Exhaustion


Jamie's child has facial deformities, a smaller than normal head, heart defects, learning difficulties, and delayed growth. If these defects can be traced to a teratogen used by Jamie when she was pregnant, which was she most likely abusing? a. Cocaine b. Heroine c. Alcohol d. Nicotine


One of the most important studies of human sexual behavior was conducted by __________________. a. Joseph LoPiccolo b. Alfred Kinsey c. Sigmund Freud d. Sandra Bem

alfred kinsey

29. The peripheral nervous system is made up of: a. the parietal lobes and the frontal lobes. b. all the nerves and neurons that are not contained in the brain and spinal cord. c. the cerebellum and the hippocampus. d. the brain and the spinal cord.

all the nerves and neurons that are not contained in the brain and spinal cord

45. Which of the following brain structures is located near the hippocampus and is responsible for fear responses and memory of fear? a. fornix b. hippocampus c. amygdala d. hypothalamus


According to Sternberg's theory, ____________ intelligence is measured in academic achievement tests. a. Creative b. Analytical c. Mathematical d. Practical


30. The decision to go back to school to get a new degree in order to begin a new career, with the positive and negative points to consider, is an example of which type of conflict? a. approach-approach b. approach-avoidance c. avoidance-avoidance d. double approach-avoidance

approach avoidance

31. Juliana decided to have chocolate cake for dessert, but when the waiter mentioned apple pie, she was torn between the two. What type of conflict was Juliana experiencing? a. approach-approach b. approach-avoidance c. avoidance-avoidance d. double approach-avoidance


13. Terman determined that gifted people: a. normally possess an IQ of 160 or above. b. are usually socially maladjusted. c. are more resistant to mental illnesses than those of average intelligence. d. are typically below average in height and weight.

are more resistant to mental illnesses than those of average intelligence

In an effort to understand what it means to be a girl, Maria creates the schema that all girls have long hair. When Maria meets Jared, a boy in her preschool who has long hair, Maria becomes confused. Maria's confusion may be due to a process Piaget called ______. a. Accommodation b. Habituation c. Assimilation d. Socialization


Prejudice is to ____ as discrimination is to _______. a. experience; attitude b. feelings; attitude c. behavior; attitude d. attitude; behavior

attitude behavior

29. The phrase "out of the frying pan, into the fire," describes which type of conflict? a. approach-approach b. avoidance-avoidance c. approach-avoidance d. multiple approach-avoidance

avoidance avoidance

A test can fail in validity and still: a. measure what it's supposed to measure. b. accurately determine IQ. c. be reliable. d. be a good test.

be reliable

John B. Watson believed that psychology should involve the study of ________. a. the mind b. consciousness c. the brain d. behavior


10. Kelly is sexually attracted equally to both males and females. Kelly is: a. androgynous. b. bisexual. c. transsexual. d. intersexual.


33. Dominique has green eyes, even though her mother and father each have brown eyes. What might that indicate about Dominique's parents? a. At least one of her parents has a recessive gene for eye color. b. Both of her parents have a recessive gene for eye color. c. Only one of her parents has a dominant gene for eye color. d. Both of her parents have a dominant gene for eye color.

both of her parents have recessive gene for eye color

Lance has been under a great deal of stress at work for six months. He used to be an easygoing, positive person, but lately his friends have noticed a marked negative attitude, an unwillingness to get out of bed and participate in activities, and a frequent display of signs of depression and lack of motivation. Lance is experiencing: a. burnout. b. withdrawal. c. resistance. d. pessimism.


The destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, is an example of a(n): a. stressor. b. distress. c. catastrophe. d. eustress.


Skinner was to rats as Thorndike was to ________. a. Cats b. Rabbits c. Dogs d. Pigeons


50. Tracey has been unable to participate in her gymnastics class and has become very uncoordinated since she was involved in an accident where she suffered a head injury. As a result of the accident, she was likely to have suffered damage to her ________. a. cerebellum b. hypothalamus c. cerebral cortex d. medulla


21. Which of the following ailments are commonly associated with the stress of hassles? a. heart disease b. type 2 diabetes c. weakened immune system d. Colds


44. Chunking is a means of _________. a. immediately forgetting irrelevant details b. combining information into meaningful units c. arranging details into a hierarchy from most to least important d. storing long-term memories

combing information into meaningful units

28. The learning of phobias is a very good example of which certain type of classical conditioning? a. instinctive drift b. innate learning c. conditioned taste aversion d. conditioned emotional response

conditional emotional response

23. Pavlov placed meat powder in the mouths of the dogs, and they began to salivate. Pavlov's student noticed that after a few days the dogs began to salivate at the sound of the student's footsteps. The salivation to the sound of the footsteps was a ________. a. primary reinforcer b. positive reinforcer c. conditioned response d. secondary reinforcer

conditioned response

33. A farmer is being troubled by coyotes eating his sheep. In an attempt to solve the problem, he kills a sheep and laces its body with a nausea-inducing drug. He leaves the sheep out where he knows the coyotes roam. He hopes they will learn to not eat the sheep. The farmer is attempting to apply the principle of _________ to accomplish this. a. observational learning b. latent learning c. instrumental conditioning d. conditioned taste aversions

conditioned taste aversions

Adoption studies have: a. confirmed what twin studies have shown about genetic influences on personality. b. not had the same results as twin studies. c. proven the clinical usefulness of defense mechanisms. d. not been extensive enough to confirm trait theories.

confirmed what twin studies have shown about genetic influences on personality

In Asch's line experiment, participants: a. always stuck with their individual answer. b. conformed to the group answer slightly more than one third of the time. c. conformed to the group answer consistently regardless of the number of confederates. d. begged to stop participating in the experiment

conformed to the group answer slightly more than one third of the time

When a person changes his or her own behavior to more closely match the actions of others, this is: a. rationalization. b. conformity. c. stereotyping. d. compliance


28. Endorphins help the body: a. control pain. b. regulate growth. c. regulate hormones. d. stave off depression.

control pain

30. A child who criticizes his parent for speeding because speeding is against the law is demonstrating ________ morality. a. Preconventional b. Conventional c. Unconventional d. Postconventional


In Festinger and Carlsmith's study, the students who were only paid $1 for doing a very boring task: a. believed that the task really was boring. b. convinced themselves that the task was interesting. c. became angry that they received only $1. d. returned the dollar 50 percent of the time after learning that other students received $

convinced themselves that the task was interesting

27. The venom of a black widow spider causes neurons to release a flood of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This can cause: a. relaxation and sleepiness. b. vomiting and diarrhea. c. convulsions and possible death. d. paralysis and shock.

convulsions and possible death

32. The thick band of neurons that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres is called the ___________. a. corpus callosum b. cortex c. cerebrum d. cerebellum

corpus callosum

A(n) ________ is a measure of how strongly two variables are related to one another. a. correlation b. dependent variable c. experimental effect d. independent variable


10. The Dove Counterbalance General Intelligence Test was designed to highlight: a. analytical intelligence. b. emotional intelligence. c. cultural intelligence. d. cultural bias.

cultural bias

25. Messages from other cells are received by the: a. soma. b. nucleus. c. axon. d. dendrites.


Theresa found out after being denied a job opportunity that she had no chance of ever getting the job. It was leaked through an anonymous source that the company had planned to hire a man from the start, and that they would only interview women to make the company look fair and equal. Theresa's experience is a goodexample of _ _______. a. stereotyping b. discrimination c. prejudice d. group polarization


26. Sam, a preschooler, overheard his parents fighting loudly after he went to bed. The next day at school, Sam got into a fistfight with one of his friends. This is an example of: a. aggression. b. displaced aggression. c. persistence. d. withdrawal.

displaced aggression

John's boss yells at him. As John walks meekly out of the boss's office, Dana walks past him and says, "Hello!" John yells at Dana and proceeds to berate her for the job she did on the last contract. Freud would say John is using ________ as a way of dealing with his stress. a. rationalization b. projection c. identification d. displacement


Women who take fertility drugs to assist in becoming pregnant have increased chances of giving birth to: a. monozygotic twins. b. a Down syndrome child. c. dizygotic twins. d. a Turner's syndrome child.

dizygotic twins

23. ________ is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are tallied. a. Field research b. The double-blind study c. Correlational research d. The single-blind study

double blind study

26. Three-year-old Kara loves Barbie dolls, so she decides to give one to her mother for Christmas. This is: a. animism. b. irreversibility. c. egocentrism. d. centration.


37. You are learning a list of items for a test by relating the items to each other and to information that you already have stored in memory. Which type of rehearsal are you using? a. Condensed b. Permanent c. Maintenance d. Elaborative


23. The ultrasound report tells Shaniqua and Charles that their developing infant is about one inch long and has eyes, a nose, lips, little arms and legs, and a beating heart. Given this information, the current period of prenatal development is the ________ period. a. Germinal b. Preoperational c. end of the fetal d. Embryonic


45. The coping method that involves changing the way you feel or emotionally react to a stressor is known as ________. a. a defense mechanism b. problem-focused coping c. self-focused coping d. emotion-focused coping

emotion focused coping

Samantha does really well with managing her own emotions, as well as recognizing and understanding the emotions of others around her. It could be said that Samantha has a high level of _______. a. emotional intelligence b. "book smarts" c. self-esteem d. Optimism

emotional intelligence

Most people have difficulty actually recognizing the correct image of the Lincoln penny. The most likely cause of this problem is _________. a. Interference b. memory trace decay c. encoding failure d. Repression

encoding failure

_________ memory is constantly updated. a. Procedural b. Declarative c. Semantic d. Episodic


One way to reduce prejudice is to promote personal involvement with people from other groups that is cooperative and occurs when all groups are equal in terms of power or status. This is known as: a. equal opportunity. b. equal status contact. c. the "jigsaw" technique. d. social interaction theory.

equal status contact

28. Dropping out of school or quitting a job are forms of: a. escape or withdrawal. b. regression. c. failure. d. frustration.

escape or withdrawal

27. Ross does not do well in school, so he spends his time surfing. Which coping method is Ross using? a. escape or withdrawal b. Denial c. Rationalization d. Displacement

escape or withdrawl

Which of the following is correct concerning cross-cultural studies on trait theories? a. No evidence has been found to support these theories. b. Research in this area is too new to report any findings. c. Evidence for the five trait dimensions has been found in several cultures. d. Most cultural research methods are too vague to be validated.

evidence for the five trait dimensions has been found in several cultures

14. Michael and Janice start to feel different as they continue to kiss and caress each other. Their breathing quickens, their pulse rates increase, their nipples harden, and their genitals begin to swell. Michael and Janice are in the _____ stage of Masters and Johnson's sexual-response cycle. a. Plateau b. Excitement c. Resolution d. Orgasm


34. The prolonged secretion of stress hormones during the ______ phase of the general adaptation syndrome can lead to the most harmful effects of stress on the body. a. alarm b. resistance c. exhaustion d. primary


49. What causes Down Syndrome? a. a genetic mutation on the X chromosome b. extra chromosome material or an extra chromosome on the 21st pair c. prenatal exposure to a virus, most likely to a strain of influenza d. the cause is presently unknown

extra chromosome material or an extra chromosome on the 21st pair

20. The process by which an egg cell (or an ovum) and a sperm cell unite is called: a. implantation. b. conception. c. fertilization. d. unionization.


24. The functioning, but not the structure, of the central nervous system is vulnerable throughout the _____ period. a. Germinal b. Fetal c. Critical d. Embryonic


43. During the intimacy versus isolation stage, Erikson saw the primary task to be: a. maturing one's cognitive abilities. b. finding a mate. c. becoming self-sufficient with a job. d. establishing a home separate from one's parents.

finding a mate

According to Freud, unresolved conflicts can cause _____ in a certain stage of development. a. fixation b. anxiety c. compensation d. premature movement


14. A monthly paycheck best represents a ________ schedule of reinforcement. a. fixed interval b. variable interval c. fixed ratio d. variable ratio

fixed interval

35. Which schedule of reinforcement tends to get the highest response rate? a. fixed interval b. variable ratio c. variable interval d. fixed ratio

fixed ratio

11. Your memory of the moment you heard about the planes crashing into New York's Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 would be most appropriately termed a(n) _________ memory. a. Episodic b. Autobiographical c. Flashbulb d. Repressed


________ is the ability to adapt and deal with new problems or challenges the first time you encounter them. a. Emotional intelligence b. Practical intelligence c. Analytical intelligence d. Fluid intelligence

fluid intelligence

The psychodynamic perspective: a. is based on theories of learning. b. focuses on conscious experiences. c. focuses on the unconscious mind. d. has been discredited over the years

focuses on the unconscious mind

The psychodynamic perspective: a. is based on theories of learning. b. focuses on conscious experiences. c. focuses on the unconscious mind. d. has been discredited over the years.

focuses on the unconscious mind

27. Piaget suggested that children become able to deal effectively with abstract concepts during the ________ stage. a. preoperational b. formal operations c. concrete operations d. sensorimotor

formal operations

12. Kareem has always been told that as a man, he will be expected to "wear the pants in the house" by making all of the decisions for his family and providing for everyone financially, physically, and educationally. The expectations by which Kareem has been told to live are called _______. a. gender roles b. gender identities c. gender types d. gender personalities

gender roles

Jenna's mother speaks in a soft, gentle voice and her father speaks very loudly. Jenna notices that many of her female teachers speak in a softer voice as well. Jenna therefore believes that all females speak in soft voices and does so for the rest of her life. She is now teaching her daughter to do the same. This is an example of: a. gender schema theory. b. social learning theory. c. sexual stereotyping. d. benevolent sexism.

gender schema theory

A man arrives for a job interview and notices that the person he'll be interviewing with is a woman. He walks out, deciding he doesn't want the job; he could never work for a woman because they are so emotional, flighty, and illogical. This is an example of: a. androgyny. b. gender identity. c. benevolent sexism. d. gender stereotyping.

gender stereotyping

The sequence of physiological reactions that the body goes through in response to a stressor is described by the: a. general adaptation syndrome. b. cognitive mediational theory. c. psychoneuroimmunology theory. d. health psychology theory.

general adaptation syndrome

15. Daria has an IQ score of 160. Based on her IQ score alone, Daria could be considered to be ______. a. a genius b. weird c. socially awkward d. emotionally challenged


35. Tashera is at a point in her pregnancy when the zygote is moving down her uterus, and the placenta and umbilical cord are beginning to form. Which period of prenatal development is Thashera currently experiencing? a. Embryonic b. Fetal c. Germinal d. Placental


"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" is a statement associated with the perspective of ________. a. functionalism b. Gestalt psychologists c. psychoanalysis d. introspection

gestalt psychologist

22. In a survey on the sources of hassles, children aged 3-5 rated _____ as the biggest daily hassle. a. fighting with their siblings b. getting in trouble c. getting teased d. not being able to eat what they wanted

getting teased

Invulnerability, where members of a group feel they can do no wrong, is a characteristic of: a. obedience. b. conformity. c. prejudice. d. groupthink.


In the behaviorists' view, personality is simply a set of: a. traits. b. genes. c. habits. d. experiences.


49. Tad seems to thrive when faced with difficult challenges and usually feels in control of his life. He would probably be labeled a ________ personality. a. Stressed b. Type B c. Type C d. Hardy


A negative correlation means that ________. a. low values of one variable are associated with low values of the other b. high values of one variable are associated with high values of the other c. high values of one variable are associated with low values of the other d. there is no relationship between the two variables

high values of one variable are associated with low values of the other

16. Bella is sexually attracted to females, but has only dated men to whom she has never been sexually attracted. Bella could be considered ______. a. heterosexual b. bisexual c. homosexual d. metrosexual


Stanley Milgram set out to learn: a. how far people would go in obeying the command of an authority figure. b. if people would conform in judging the length of a line on a card. c. if he could cause blue-eyed students to be prejudiced against brown-eyed students. d. how easy it is to persuade peop

how far people would go in obeying the command of an authority figure

Which of the following groups of children is most likely to have the most similar IQ scores? a. identical twins reared apart b. same-sex fraternal twins c. siblings reared together d. identical twins reared together

identical twins reared together

According to Freud, the desired outcome of the phallic stage of psychosexual development is: a. an anal expulsive personality in dealing with others. b. identification with the same-sex parent. c. identification with the opposite-sex parent. d. an anal retentive personality.

identification with the same sex parent

38. Towanda recently noticed that she has a small pimple on her forehead. She now refuses to go out in public, fearing that everyone will notice her pimple and laugh. Towanda's egocentric behavior is an example of _____. a. personal fable b. identity confusion c. preconventional morality d. imaginary audience

imaginary audience

20. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale measures the amount of stress: a. in a person's life resulting from life events over a one-year period. b. in a person's life resulting from life events over a five-year period. c. college students endure during their first year of college. d. associated with adolescent stressors.

in a persons life resulting from life events over a one year period

45. Reinforcement is to punishment as: a. decrease is to increase. b. increase is to decrease. c. positive is to negative. d. giving is to receiving.

increase to decrease

48. The method in which the minority person tries to maintain a sense of original cultural identity, while also trying to form a positive relationship with members of the dominant culture, is called ________. a. Integration b. Assimilation c. Separation d. Marginalization


14. Jeremy was diagnosed with lead poisoning at about 4 years old. As a result of his condition, he has an IQ score of 55, he has trouble doing most things for himself, and he shows a number of deficits in his mental abilities. Jeremy most likely has _______. a. fragile X syndrome b. a sex-linked disorder c. Down syndrome d. intellectual disability

intellectual disability

________ is the ability to learn from one's experiences, acquire knowledge, and use resources effectively for solving problems. a. Divergent thinking b. Creativity c. Intelligence d. Linguistics


11. Though raised as a female by her parents, Jasmine has a rare condition in which she has both ovary and testicle material in her body. Jasmine is referred to as being _______. a. transsexual b. intersexual c. bisexual d. homosexual


26. The charged particles inside and outside the cell are called: a. membranes. b. ions. c. axons. d. nuclei.


31. In Erikson's view, unfinished issues of identity lead to ______ in young adulthood. a. Stagnation b. Isolation c. identity crisis d. Egocentrism


49. Learning is said to be a relatively permanent change in behavior because ________. a. it is thought that learning changes the nerve fiber patterns in your muscles b. once you learn something, you will never fail to remember it or carry out the correct action c. it is thought that when learning occurs, some part of the brain physically changes d. memory processes, unlike learning processes, are not permanent

it is thought that when learning occurs some part of the brain physically changes

________ occurs when there is an extra sex chromosome in the 23rd pair. a. Fragile X syndrome b. Down syndrome c. Klinefelter's syndrome d. Turner's syndrome

klinefelters syndrome

18. According to psychology research, the act of ______ has many stress-relieving and health benefits, such as increasing levels of beta-endorphins, decreasing levels of cortisol, enhancing the immune system, and lowering blood pressure. a. laughing b. crying c. deep breathing d. screaming


To minimize the possibility of groupthink: a. leaders should remain impartial. b. the group should vote on issues by a show of hands. c. the group should keep discussions among themselves. d. each group member should hold individual responsibility for his or her own decisions.

leaders should remain impartial.

27. ________ is any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice. a. Learning b. Adaptation c. Memory enhancement d. Muscle memory


28. Which one of the following is an example of Vygotsky's concept of scaffolding? a. Little Jenny can do math problems up to second-grade level on her own, but she needs help doing problems at fourth-grade level. b. Little Jenny understands that a ball of clay contains the same amount of clay when flattened as it did in the original ball shape. c. Little Jenny's mother works one-on-one with her on a new task but gradually helps less and less, and Jenny becomes more skilled and capable. d. Little Jenny works alone on a task until she masters it.

little jennys mother works one-on-one with her on a new task but gradually helps less and less and Jenny becomes more skilled capable

29. Which of the following is an example of punishment by removal? a. receiving harsh criticism for lying to your parents b. losing telephone privileges for breaking curfew c. getting stung by a bee when walking barefoot outside and stepping on the bee d. getting pepper-sprayed for making a lewd comment to a stranger

losing telephone privileges for breaking curfew

Nick wanted his friend Jason to go skiing with him for the day. Jason didn't want to go because he said it would cost too much money. Nick said it would just cost $20. When they got there, lift tickets cost $20 as Nick had said, but Jason also had to pay for parking, ski rentals, and rental insurance. Nick used the: a. that's-not-all technique. b. door-in-the-face technique. c. norm of reciprocity. d. lowball technique.

lowball technique

22. Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel cannot be separated because they share a: a. pair of lungs. b. lower body. c. stomach. d. heart.

lower body

You try to remember a phone number by repeating it over and over to yourself. What type of rehearsal are you using? a. condensed b. permanent c. elaborative d. maintenance


Individuals who choose to neither maintain contact with their original culture, nor join the majority culture, are considered ________. a. Separated b. Acculturated c. Integrated d. Marginalized


Standard deviation is the average variation of scores from the: a. highest to the lowest. b. mean. c. lowest to the highest. d. median.


46. Which of the following is a mental series of exercises meant to refocus attention and achieve a trance-like state of consciousness? a. meditation b. biofeedback c. relaxation response d. progressive relaxation


Binet decided that a key element in testing intelligence was a child's: a. standard deviation. b. mental age. c. emotional intelligence. d. practical intelligence.

mental age

32. The generativity versus stagnation developmental crisis occurs during the ________ stage. a. adolescence b. early adulthood c. middle adulthood d. late adulthood

middle adulthood

12. Dovorah has deficits in her cognitive functioning. These limitations were not really recognized until she got to school and her learning difficulties became apparent. As an adult, she is a fairly concrete thinker, although she is capable of living independently with a small amount of regular assistance. Dovorah is probably best described as suffering from ________ intellectual disability. a. Mild b. Moderate c. Severe d. Profound


50. When a baby throws its arms outward and arches its back it is called the ___ reflex. a. Rooting b. Babinski c. Palmar d. Moro


30. Alicia accidentally touched a hot curling iron on her dresser and quickly jerked back her hand. Which neuron is responsible for carrying the message from Alicia's spinal cord to the muscles in her arm, causing her hand to yank away from the hot curling iron? a. reflex neuron b. motor neuron c. interneuron d. sensory neuron

motor neuron

Which research method involves watching behaviors as they occur without intervening or altering the behaviors in any way? a. case study b. experiment c. naturalistic observation d. correlational studies

naturalistic observation

36. Fred is afraid of spiders. He won't even watch a nature show on TV about them. When he sees a picture of a spider, he has a panic attack, but when he avoids looking at the image, his panic goes away. Fred's avoidance of spiders is being ________. a. extinguished, because he feels anxious after doing so b. recovered spontaneously, because he will never get better c. positively reinforced, because he is rewarded by his anxiety going down d. negatively reinforced, because he is rewarded by his anxiety going down

negatively reinforced because he is rewarded by his anxiety going down

24. What is the name of the cell that sends and receives messages in the nervous system? a. myelin b. axon c. dendrite d. neuron


Jim constantly worries that he will get bad grades, that he will be late for work, or that something bad will happen to his loved ones. He is often edgy and snaps at his friends. He is likely to be a high scorer on which dimension of the Big Five? a. extraversion b. pessimism c. neuroticism d. projection


Gardner theorized that there are ____ types of intelligence. a. two b. four c. nine d. countless


Oscar wants to feel accepted by his classmates, so when they all decide to skip school to have a party, he conforms by joining in. Oscar's need to conform is the result of ________. a. normative social influence b. compliance c. informational social influence d. groupthink

normative social influence

Researchers examining Milgram's work have: a. found that more sadistic people will obey in studies such as Milgram's. b. not fully studied what makes people obey. c. found that more timid people will obey in studies such as Milgram's. d. not found any one trait or group of traits that will predict obedience in situations such as in Milgram's study.

not found any one trait or group of traits that will predict obedience in situations

Taylor is a member of the United States Marines. When told by his command to shoot, he shoots. Taylor is demonstrating _______. a. groupthink b. obedience c. conformity d. social impairment


By the end of Piaget's sensorimotor stage, infants have fully developed a sense of: a. animism. b. altruism. c. object permanence. d. abstract concepts.

object permanence

Social cognitive learning theorists hold that ___________ can lead to the formation of patterns of personality. a. observational learning b. heredity c. developmental stages d. parenting styles

observational learning

Roger went to McDonald's to observe people eating in fast-food restaurants. He brought a camera crew and bright lights, and they all wore yellow jump suits. Roger said he wanted to do a naturalistic observation but may have had some problems because of ________. a. observer effects b. participant observation c. room crowding d. eating McDonald's food

observer effects

38. Kelsey just told her family a really funny joke that she made up herself. In order to use a primary reinforcer to encourage her in her joke-telling, Kelsey's dad might ________. a. offer her money b. applaud her appropriate behavior c. offer her praise for a job well done d. offer her a piece of candy

offer her a piece of candy

26. Olivia is punished for spilling her cereal. Her parents give her a spanking and send her to her room where she cries. Later, her puppy makes a mess on the floor. Olivia kicks her puppy and puts it out in the yard where it whines sadly. Which of the following statements explains her behavior toward the puppy? a. Olivia is correctly applying Skinnerian principles of negative reinforcement to change her dog's behavior. b. Olivia is using negative punishment on her dog and it will change the dog's behavior. c. Olivia is modeling the aggressive behavior her parents demonstrated to her. d. Olivia's parents probably think that the best way to raise kids is "spare the rod, spoil the child."

olivia is modeling aggressive behavior her parents demonstrated on her

50. The kind of learning that applies to voluntary behavior is called ________. a. operant conditioning b. classical conditioning c. effective based learning d. spontaneous recovery

operant conditioning

46. John has decided to start to learn how to wrestle. On his first day at practice, a seasoned wrestler slams the back of his head to the mat. John was shaken and reported to the trainer that he "saw stars" after he hit his head. As a result of "seeing stars," John's ______ was temporarily affected as a result of the slam. a. corpus callosum b. occipital lobe c. parietal lobes d. somatosensory cortex

optical lobe

17. Information is simultaneously stored across a network that stretches across the brain in the _________. a. Craik and Lockhart model of memory b. multistore model of memory c. information-processing theory of memory d. parallel distributed processing model of memory

parallel distributed processing model of memory

47. The ________ lobes are located at the top and back of each cerebral hemisphere, containing the centers for touch, body position, and temperature. a. temporal b. parietal c. occipital d. frontal


30. What kind of reinforcement is used if Sally's parents give her $10 every time she accumulates six A's on her tests? a. gradual reinforcement b. sporadic reinforcement c. continuous reinforcement d. partial reinforcement

partial reinforcement

48. Which of the following is a function of the right hemisphere? a. perception, recognition of emotion, and recognition of patterns b. speech, handwriting, and calculation c. sense of time and rhythm d. language processing in most individuals

perception, recognition of emotion, and recognition of patterns

If a jury member voted "guilty" because the defendant had "shifty eyes" and not because of any of the evidence presented, he or she is demonstrating: a. peripheral-route processing. b. central-route processing. c. aggression. d. cognitive dissonance

peripheral-route processing

What is typically the first reaction people show when they are unable to reach a goal? a. Withdrawal b. Aggression c. displaced aggression d. Persistence


0. When assessing personality, trait theorists are most likely to use: a. interviews. b. projective tests. c. personality inventories. d. behavioral assessments.

personality inventories

40. Which of the following is NOT a social factor that causes stress? a. acculturation b. personality type c. poverty d. job stress

personality type

Sternberg's three types of intelligence are analytical, creative, and: a. practical. b. theoretical. c. productive. d. spatial.


11. One thing IQ tests do well is: a. predict one's later success in life. b. predict academic success. c. measure emotional health. d. test the intelligence of children across all cultures.

predict academic success

23. When people feel that they must work harder, faster, or do more, they are experiencing a type of stressor known as: a. uncontrollability. b. pressure. c. frustration. d. conflict.


34. When given a list of items to remember, people tend to do better at recalling the first items on the list than the middle of the list. This is known as the _________. a. phi phenomenon b. recency effect c. chunking effect d. primacy effect

primacy effect

32. A ________ reinforcer is any reward that satisfies a basic, biological need, such a hunger, thirst, or touch. a. Primary b. Negative c. Positive d. Secondary


37. Cho realized at midnight that she had a paper due the next day that she had completely forgotten about. She immediately panicked and commented to her roommate that she couldn't fail one more assignment or she'd fail the class. According to Lazarus, Cho is in the _____ phase of reacting to the stressor. a. primary appraisal b. secondary appraisal c. biological response d. Rationalization

primary appraisal

44. Working a second job to pay off credit cards is an example of ________. a. problem-focused coping b. emotion-focused coping c. Distraction d. Reappraisal

problem focused coping

24. Which type of long-term memory is most resistant to loss with Alzheimer's disease? a. Procedural b. Semantic c. Episodic d. none of these


51. What is the name of the stress reduction technique experienced in class? Worth 4 points a. Cognitive meditation b. Progressive muscle relaxation c. Stress breathing d. Tension relaxation technique

progressive muscle relaxation

Which treatment approach did Sigmund Freud develop for treating his patients? a. drug therapy b. clinical psychology c. psychoanalysis d. neuropsychology


17. Marty has low self-esteem, anxiety over sexual performance, self-consciousness about his body image, and depression. Marty is suffering from several examples of _______ that can lead to sexual dysfunctions. a. social influences b. cultural influences c. psychological stressors d. organic factors

psychological stressors

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes


46. A stimulus presented to a person or animal that decreases the probability of a particular response is known as ________. a. punishment by application b. punishment by removal c. negative reinforcement d. negative expectation

punishment by application

When the number of responses is important to a schedule of reinforcement, that schedule is called a ________ schedule. a. ratio b. interval c. conditioned d. time-delayed


18. Genes that tend to fade into the background when paired with a more dominant gene are called: a. autosomes. b. recessive. c. behavioral. d. PKU.


15. Rashid has just had an orgasm. However, his partner is still excited and wants Rashid to continue his sexual activity. Unfortunately, Rashid has lost his erection. Rashid is probably now in the ________. a. plateau stage b. orgasm stage c. refractory period d. male menopause period

refractory period

47. In operant conditioning, ________ is necessary to create the association between the stimulus and the repetition of a voluntary response. a. Reinforcement b. the Law of Negative Effect c. conditional emotional linkages d. a long time delay


Marjorie took a personality test in April. She took the same test in June and December, receiving a very similar score. This test can be considered: a. reliable. b. objective. c. subjective. d. valid.


A negative reinforcer is a stimulus that is ________ and, thus ________ the probability of a response. a. removed; increases b. removed; decreases c. presented; increases d. presented; decreases

removed, increases

Whenever Ali invites his male friends over to his "man cave," they all sit around and talk about sports, cars, and politics, with Ali and one or two others frequently interrupting and attempting to dominate the conversation. This style of communication is referred to as _______ talk. a. relate b. report c. aggressive d. rapport


42. Malcolm, aged 35, is severely depressed. Because of this, he is given electroconvulsive therapy. After treatment, he is sent home and does much better. However, his TV-watching behavior is strange. Malcolm thinks that last year's episodes of his favorite series are new. Malcolm is showing signs of _________. a. anterograde amnesia b. retrograde amnesia c. childhood amnesia d. senile dementia

retrograde amnesia

40. When you touch an infant's cheek, he will turn toward your hand, open his mouth, and search for the nipple. This is known as the ________ reflex. a. Moro b. Sucking c. Rooting d. Startle


Which personality test relies on the interpretation of inkblots to understand personality? a. MMPI b. 16PF c. TAT d. Rorschach


Terry exhibits extraordinary musical ability. According to Spearman, this is an example of ____________ intelligence. a. g factor b. s factor c. analytical d. practical

s factor

_______ is a system used for reducing bias and error in the measurement of data. a. The scientific method b. Checks and balances c. The double-blind method d. Statistics

scientific method

36. Marc is worried about his upcoming job interview, but he has practiced interview questions and researched the company, so he feels he will be able to handle the stress. According to Lazarus, Marc is using: a. secondary appraisal. b. rationalization. c. primary appraisal. d. identification.

secondary appraisal

25. Bethany is trying to focus on a conversation across the room during a party she is attending. This is because she thinks she heard her name above the din of the conversation. Her ability to hear her name is due to the mechanism of _________. a. Broadbent's forgetting theory b. the homecoming queen party phenomenon c. selective attention d. Intimacy

selective attention

You are about to undergo delicate brain surgery that requires great skill on the part of the surgeon. As the surgical team wheels you into the operating room, you hope the surgeon has a high level of _______. a. ego b. extraversion c. self-efficacy d. superego


43. General knowledge, language, and concepts are seen as parts of ___________. a. episodic memory b. procedural memories c. declarative memories d. semantic memory

semantic memory

22. The three parts of the information-processing model of memory are _________. a. sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory b. CS, UCS, UR, and CR c. encoding, storage, and retrieval d. shallow, medium, and deep processing

sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory

47. Pepe moved from Argentina to France. He chose not to learn to speak and write French, continues to maintain his old culture's styles of dress and customs, and lives in a neighborhood where only people from Argentina live. Pepe has used which method of entering the majority culture? a. Integration b. Assimilation c. Separation d. Marginalization


Suppose Tamika looks up a number in the telephone book. After getting a busy signal, a minute or so later she tries to call again—but has already forgotten the number! This example illustrates the limited duration of _________ memory. a. sensory b. short-term c. echoic d. implicit

short term

The duration of iconic memory is _________ than echoic memory, but iconic's capacity is probably _________. a. shorter; larger b. longer; larger c. longer; about the same d. shorter; about the same

shorter larger

42. The saclike structures found inside the synaptic knob containing chemicals are called ________. a. receptor sites b. synapses c. axon terminals d. synaptic vesicles

snyaptic vesicles

Fred would always hear his dad talk about how women are naturally weak and indecisive, and could never do certain jobs, such as construction or running a country, as well as men. Now, Fred has developed the attitude that women are only good for having children, caring for others, and looking good. Which of the following theories best explains the nature of Fred's prejudice toward women? a. social cognitive theory b. realistic conflict theory c. social identity theory d. stereotype vulnerability theory

social cognitive theory

Tyonna hates to exercise. However, when she does go to the gym and others are there exercising around her, she becomes completely motivated. Tyonna's change in behavior could be due to the effect of ______. a. social loafing b. social facilitation c. group polarization d. conformity

social facilitation

Each student in Dr. Boyd's class was assigned to a group to complete a service learning project. Dennis, who believed the task to be overwhelming, decided not to participate as much as the other group members. As a result of his lack of group participation, Dr. Boyd required Dennis to work alone, which actually caused him to work harder. Dennis' behavior can be best characterized as ______. a. social loafing b. social facilitation c. group polarization d. deindividuation

social loafing

is the study of behavioral and mental processes in the context of the world in which we exist, as we are surrounded by others to whom we are connected and by whom we are influenced. a. Sociology b. Social psychiatry c. Social psychology d. Anthropology

social psychology

43. People with a good ________ are less likely to die from illness or injuries than those without it. a. Occupation b. Camaraderie c. Income d. social support system

social support system

If you are interested in how patterns, beliefs, and customs influence behavior, you are interested in the ________ perspective. a. behavioral b. cognitive c. sociocultural d. psychodynamic


42. The visual cliff experiment showed that babies have: a. excellent vision. b. a stepping reflex. c. some depth perception. d. the ability to follow verbal cues.

some depth perception

While taking the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Vince notices that it contains certain questions that are asked several times in different ways. He asks his daughter, who is a graduate student in psychology, why that is. What is his daughter likely to say? a. Truly psychotic individuals expect to find "strange" items on tests. b. Those items contain hidden content that is not apparent to normal people. c. Some items are used to determine if test takers are trying to "fake" the test by not reading. d. The MMPI contains a number of experimental items that are used in developing

some items are used to determine if test takers are trying to "fake" the test by not

If an environmental group is trying to persuade the public to join its cause, it needs to focus on the: a. timing, message, and target audience. b. source, message, and target audience. c. cost, source, and message. d. polls, natural resources, and message.

source message and target audience

Introversion is an example of a: a. source trait. b. surface trait. c. defense mechanism. d. fixation.

source trait

What did Raymond Cattell call the underlying traits that direct surface traits? a. source traits b. secondary traits c. background traits d. subordinate traits

source trait

15. The reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred is called ________. a. Counterconditioning b. instinctive drift c. spontaneous recovery d. stimulus discrimination

spontaneous recovery

Carl knows that his boss, Judy, has a stereotyped opinion of him because of his race. The effect on Carl of this knowledge is: a. prejudice. b. self-fulfilling prophecy. c. stereotype vulnerability. d. social comparison.

stereotype vulnerability

31. The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus is called ________. a. stimulus generalization b. stimulus adaptation c. response generalization d. transfer of habit strength

stimulus generalization

Self-actualizing tendency refers to: a. a person's subjective feeling that a particular behavior will lead to a reinforcing consequence. b. one's perception of what one should be or would like to be. c. the image of oneself that develops from interactions with important, significant people in one's life. d. striving to fulfill one's innate capacities and capabilities.

striving to fulfill ones innate capacites and capabilities

31. Just as Khalif approaches the podium to give his speech, he realizes that his heart is racing, his mouth is dry, his breathing is faster, and his mind is completely blank. The division of Khalif's nervous system that has just been activated is the _____. a. sympathetic division b. central division c. parasympathetic division d. somatic division

sympathetic division

When Jane Elliot divided her class into two groups based on eye color: a. the children were not willing to discriminate against their own classmates. b. the test scores of the out-group increased. c. there was no change in the test scores of the in-group or out-group. d. the test scores of the out-group dropped.

test scores of the out-group increased

A researcher is investigating the effects of exercise on weight. What are the independent and dependent variables in this experiment? a. The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise. b. The dependent variable is amount of exercise; the independent variable is calories consumed. c. The independent variable is weight; the dependent variable is calories consumed. d. The independent variable is calories consumed; the dependent variable is diet.

the dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise

You're in the process of buying a home. You see one that you like and are told that the asking price is $350,000. You decline. The seller of the home then comes back to you with a lower, more reasonable offer of $300,000, to which you agree. The strategy used by the seller is called ______. a. the door-in-the-face technique b. the foot-in-the-door technique c. the lowball technique d. the that's-not-all technique

the door in the face technique

Temperament refers to: a. the intelligence that a person is born with. b. the enduring characteristics with which each person is born. c. value judgments made about a person's morals or ethical behavior. d. the moral center of personality.

the enduring characteristics with which each person is born

The tendency of an interviewer to allow the positive attributes of a client to influence how they view the client's behavior is called: a. the butterfly effect. b. the halo effect. c. projection. d. the impression effect

the halo effect

In Rogers' view, problems arise when: a. the ideal self is impossible to attain. b. the real self and the ideal self are too similar. c. a person is fixed within a certain stage. d. a person is out of alignment with the persona.

the ideal self is impossible to attain

What is the relationship between a person's ability to control a stressful situation and the degree of stress they experience? a. The less control a person has, the less stress he or she may experience. b. The more control a person has, the more stress he or she may experience. c. There is no relationship. d. The less control a person has, the more stress he or she may experience.

the less control a person has the more stress he or she may experience

10. You decide that you are going to condition your dog to salivate to the sound of a metronome. You give the dog a biscuit, and then a second later you sound the metronome. You do this several times, but no conditioning seems to occur. This is probably because ________. a. the metronome was not a distinctive sound b. the metronome should have been sounded before the dog ate the biscuit c. you should have had a longer interval between the metronome and the biscuit d. Pavlov found that the CS and UCS must be only seconds apart in order to condition salivation

the metronome should have been sounded before the dog ate the biscuit

Which of the following is NOT true about a woman in the orgasm phase? a. Contractions occur in the uterus. b. A woman can experience several orgasms in this phase. c. This is the shortest phase of the sexual-response cycle. d. The muscle contractions of the vaginal wall trigger the release of the egg from the ovary.

the muscle contractions of the vaginal wall trigger the release of the egg from the ovary

19. Researchers now define eustress as: a. the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging. b. the optimal amount of stress a person needs to promote health and well-being. c. events that cause a stress reaction. d. the stress that occurs when people experience unpleasant stressors.

the optimal amount of stress a person needs to promote health and well being

48. In a conditioning experiment, a sound is paired with a brief puff of air to the eye of the rabbit. After several pairings, the rabbit ultimately blinks its eye when it hears the sound. Which of the following is true? a. The blinking of the eye serves as stimulus. b. The puff of air serves as the unconditioned stimulus. c. The puff of air serves as the conditioned stimulus. d. The blinking of the eye serves as the conditioned stimulus.

the puff of air serves as the unconditioned stimulus

________ is an experiment in which participants do not know if they are in the experimental or the control group, but the experimenters do know which participants are part of which group. a. The double-blind study b. Correlational research c. Field research d. The single-blind study

the single blind study

35. According to Lazarus's cognitive mediational theory, what is the main influence on how much stress a person experiences in response to a stressor? a. the strength of a person's immune system b. a person's history of depression c. the levels of DHEA in a person's system d. the way a person thinks about and appraises the stressor

the way a person thinks about and appraises the stressor

Evolutionary psychology might suggest that certain cognitive strategies and goals are built into the brain because: a. they are the result of memories we have inherited from our ancestors. b. they are the result of learning that has taken place over many centuries. c. human brains are similar to the brains of the higher primates. d. they help humans adapt to their natural environment.

they help humans adapt to their natural environment

What was controversial about Masters's choice of subjects for his study? a. They were all prostitutes. b. They were his students and he gave them extra credit for participating. c. Several of his subjects were under the age of 18. d. He did not obtain parental permission for his subjects to participate in the study.

they were all prostitutes

16. Which of these individuals is the most typical person involved in a case in which memories of past childhood abuse are recalled later in life? a. thirty-year-old Charlotte, who sought therapy for anxiety, depression, and recent weight gain with a therapist who uses hypnosis b. thirty-year-old Steve, who sought therapy for symptoms that developed after serving in Desert Storm c. ten-year-old Willard, who was referred by a pediatrician for symptoms that appear to meet the diagnostic criteria for hyperactivity d. fifty-year-old Agnes, who fell, hit her head, and suddenly began remembering that her brother abused her sexually when she was eight years old

thirty year old charlotte who sought therapy for anxiety, depression, and recent weight gain with a therapist who used hypnosis

"If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated." This is a statement of ________. a. the Law of Positive Reinforcement b. Rescorla's cognitive perspective c. Thorndike's Law of Effect d. Garcia's conditional emotional response

thorndikes law of effect

Sarah has always felt that she is a man trapped in a woman's body. She decides to have surgery to become the man she's always believed herself to be, and she receives hormone injections to change her physical attributes. Sarah would be a(n) _______ individual. a. hermaphrodite b. intersexual c. androgynous d. transsexual


17. The sex chromosomes for a female are: a. two X chromosomes. b. an X and a Y chromosome. c. the first pair of chromosomes. d. also called autosomes.

two x chromsomes

Seira is very pleasant and likes to keep the peace. She finds it difficult to express emotions and internalizes her anger. She has few friends and spends a lot of time alone. According to research, Seira ________. a. is at high risk for coronary heart disease b. is a hardy personality c. is a Type B personality d. is a Type C personality

type c personality

Rogers believed that ______________ was vital to a person's ability to achieve selfactualization. a. conditional positive regard b. emotional regard c. unconditional positive regard d. negative regard

unconditional positive regard

12. Normally, when food is placed in the mouth of any animal, the salivary glands start releasing saliva to help with chewing and digestion. In terms of Pavlov's analysis of learning, salivation would be referred to as ________. a. an unconditioned response b. a voluntary response c. a conditioned response d. a digestive reflux

unconditioned response

Freud believed that there was a portion of the mind that remained hidden from the individual except in symbolic form in dreams and other behaviors. This portion of the mind is called the: a. preconscious. b. conscious. c. unconscious. d. id.


Interviews in which the interviewer asks questions about any material that comes up and asks follow-up questions whenever appropriate are known as ______ interviews. a. unstructured b. structured c. global d. wide-focus


Encoding specificity refers to _________. a. using physical surroundings or emotions as retrieval cues for specific memories b. particular codes, such as Morse code, that transform information into bits c. the discrete and specific links that occur in a Collins and Quillan network d. none of these

using physical surroundings or emotions as retrieval cues for specific memories

If a test measures what it is supposed to measure, that test has: a. reliability. b. validity. c. objectivity. d. consistency.


18. It is even possible to become classically conditioned by simply watching someone else respond to a stimulus in a process called ________. a. vicarious conditioning b. conditioned emotional responses c. stimulus generalization d. higher-order conditioning

vicarious conditioning

19. Micah is trying to remember the specific route he took to the library the night before. What part of working memory is he accessing? a. the articulatory loop b. the visual sketchpad c. the internal executive d. the control sequence

visual sketchpad

Iconic memory is to echoic memory as _________. a. implicit is to explicit b. auditory is to visual c. visual is to auditory d. quick is to slow

visual to auditory

The "learner" in Milgram's study: a. administered shocks. b. was an actor following a carefully prepared script. c. purposely incited groupthink. d. did not know that there was no actual shock being given.

was an actor following a carefully prepared script

Which of the following criteria helps to increase the effectiveness of punishment? a. when it immediately follows the undesirable behavior b. when it is inconsistent c. when it is given with classical conditioning d. when it is vicarious

when it immediately follows the undersirable behavior

The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. "I'll take Pioneers in Psychology for $50." The revealed answer is "Focused on unconscious factors." Just before the buzzer sounds, what will you say? a. "Who are the humanists?" b. "Who is B. F. Skinner?" c. "Who are the behaviorists?" d. "Who is Sigmund Freud?"

who is sigmund freud

The group most likely to become a scapegoat is the group: a. with the least power. b. currently holding governmental power. c. with the most social influence. d. that is strongest economically.

with the least power

41. In the curve of forgetting developed by Ebbinghaus, the greatest amount of forgetting occurs _________. a. within the first hour after learning new material b. within the first day after learning new material c. near the end of the retrieval period d. near the middle of the retrieval period

within the first hour after learning new material

Which of the following is true about the resolution phase of the sexual-response cycle? a. Women, as well as men, experience a refractory period. b. Men can still experience an orgasm during this phase. c. Women can still experience an orgasm during this phase. d. Blood pressure and heart rate increase during this time.

women can still experience an orgasm during this phase

Which of the following situations best illustrates the placebo effect? a. You throw up after eating bad meat. b. You have surgery to repair a defective heart valve. c. You drink a nonalcoholic drink and become "intoxicated" because you think it contains alcohol. d. You sleep because you are tired.

you drink a nonalcoholic drinks and become intoxicated because you think it contains alcohol

34. An ovum that was released from Tonya's ovary into her fallopian tube was fertilized four days ago, resulting in pregnancy. At this stage of her pregnancy, the developing organism that Tonya is carrying is called _____. a. a chromosome b. an embryo c. a fetus d. a zygote


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