Psychology Midterm pt 4

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environmental influences affect language acquisition

According to psycholinguistic theory, _____. a. language acquisition devices hinder the process of language development b. language is acquired entirely through external factors c. environmental influences affect language acquisition d. the process of language acquisition is independent of parental reinforcement


According to the law of__________, there is a perceptual tendency to group together objects that are near one another. a. similarity b. proximity c. common fate d. continuity


Ned is feeling stressed because of his workload in office. He is also experiencing insomnia with rapid weight loss. Ned's condition is an example of a__________correlation. a. horizontal b. negative c. lateral d. positive


A(n) _____ is a system of symbols along with rules that are used to manipulate the symbols. a. prototype b. algorithm c. language d. exemplar

a woman's vocal cords are usually shorter and vibrate at a greater frequency

Amy and George were practicing a song for a cultural program. Their music teacher insisted that Amy sing the verses in a high pitch. Which of the following could be a reason for the music teacher's decision to select Amy for the high pitch sounds and not George? a. A woman's vocal cords are usually shorter and vibrate at a greater frequency. b. The pitch of a man's voice is usually too high to resonate. c. A man's vocal cords are shorter and therefore vibrate at a lower frequency. d. The pitch of women's voices is usually lower than that of men's voices.


Heredity defines one's _____, which is based on biological structures and processes. a. nature b. attitude c. environment d. status

Erik Erikson

Identify the neoanalyst among the following. a. Aristotle b. Erik Erikson c. B. F. Skinner d. Carl Rogers


If the__________is damaged, a person can form visual memories but not verbal memories. a. limbic system b. hippocampus c. thalamus d. optic nerve

active touching

Lisa is a fabric specialist. Recently, she was invited to an exhibition of Persian silks. Being an expert on fabrics, Lisa continuously moved her hand along the surfaces of different pieces of fabric to get the feel of them. This action is referred to as _____. a. subliminal stimulation b. active touching c. light adaptation d. sensory adaptation


Shannon is observing a painting. She perceives one object in the painting as a two-dimensional circle and another object as a three-dimensional sphere. Which of the following monocular cues can account for this effect? a. Convergence b. Shadowing c. Retinal disparity d. Shape constancy


The pain message is relayed from the spinal cord to the__________and then projected to the cerebral cortex, making us aware of the location and intensity of the damage. a. cerebrum b. medulla c. ganglions d. thalamus

sensory memory

The series of eye fixations that we perceive as visual sensations seem continuous, or stream like, because of _____. a. short-term memory b. saccadic eye movements c. sensory memory d. serial-position effect

the presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair

Which of the following causes Down syndrome? a. The presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair b. The presence of only 22 pairs of chromosomes c. The presence of more than 23 pairs of chromosomes d. The presence of an extra chromosome on the 23rd pair

a level of arousal similar to that of a person's waking state

Which of the following characterizes rapid eye movement (REM) sleep? a. A level of arousal similar to that of a person's waking state b. The absence of dreams c. High-amplitude brain waves d. Brain wave patterns similar to those of stage 3 sleep

sleep terrors usually occur during the first two sleep cycles of the night, whereas nightmares are more likely to occur toward morning

Which of the following is a difference between sleep terrors and nightmares? a. Sleep terrors occur during rapid eye movement sleep, whereas nightmares occur during non-rapid eye movement sleep. b. Sleep terrors are less severe, whereas nightmares are more severe in nature. c. Sleep terrors usually occur during the first two sleep cycles of the night, whereas nightmares are more likely to occur toward morning. d. Sleep terrors cause a fall in the heart rate, whereas nightmares result in a surge in the heart rate.

it dilates blood vessels

Which of the following statements is true of alcohol? a. It dilates blood vessels. b. It increases the chances of germ buildup on wounds. c. It increases inhibitions. d. It is classified as an amphetamine.

babies' babbling frequently combines consonants and vowels

Which of the following statements is true of prelinguistic vocalizations? a. Babies' babbling frequently combines consonants and vowels. b. During the second month, babies begin babbling. c. Crying is a representation of language. d. Unlike crying, babbling and cooing are prelinguistic.

algorithms invariably lead to solutions if they are used properly

Which of the following statements is true of problem solving? a. Heuristics guarantee a correct solution. b. Algorithms invariably lead to solutions if they are used properly. c. Algorithms permit more rapid solutions than heuristics. d. Heuristics require more scientific knowledge than algorithms

echoic memory

__________is the sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli. a. Iconic memory b. Elaborative memory c. Echoic memory d. Prospective memory

signal-detection theory

__________is the view that the perception of sensory stimuli involves the interaction of physical, biological, and psychological factors. a. Opponent-process theory b. Trichromatic theory c. Signal-detection theory d. Frequency theory

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