Psychology of Addictions 8&9

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What can caffeine protect against?

Alzheimer's Disease

What prescription medication contains the highest concentration of caffeine?


The effect of caffeine on Time stress accuracy:

- Extroverts: Increases - Introverts: Decreases

The effect of caffeine on Physical endurance (Bicycle ergometer):

- Fixed load: Increases - Progressive load: No effect

Which neurotransmitter receptors does alcohol affect? (4)

- GABA - Serotonin - Dopamine - Acetylcholine

What slows the process of caffeine metabolism and excretion?

- Liver disease, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, people who have been using caffeine for a shorter period of time.

The effect if caffeine on Accuracy:

- Low impulsives: increases in the a.m, decreases in the p.m - High impulsives: decreases in the a.m, increases in the p.m

The effect of caffeine on Vigilance (Visual):

- Night driving: Increases - Target Scanning: Low coffee users: Decreases High coffee users: No effect

The effect of caffeine on Motor skills:

- Rapidity and accuracy: decreases at higher doses and increases at lower doses - Eye-hand coordination: Decreases

The effect of caffeine on Reaction Time:

- Simple reaction time: decreases (speeds up) - Choice reaction time: Decision time: Increases (slows down) Motor time: Decreases

The effect of caffeine on verbal tests (Graduate Record Exam practice test)

- Speed and accuracy: Extroverts: increases w/ higher doses Introverts: first increases and then decreases w/ higher doses

Based on results of experiments studying alcohol's effects on "divided attention" tasks, several groups including the AMA have recommended that the legal level of intoxication be uniform across the U.S. at a BAC of ________.


At what BAC does an individual typically experience major impairment in gross motor functions like standing and walking?

0.15% or more

The legal level of intoxication in all 50 U.S. states is a BAC of __________.


Peak levels of caffeine after taking a dose occur in how much time

15-45 minutes after

The average adult would reach alcohol's LD-50 by drinking __________ standard drinks an hour.


At what mg do Caffeinism symptoms appear?

600 mg or higher

Lethal dose of caffeine for adults is equivalent to how many cups of coffee?

75 cups

The liver metabolizes alcohol quick, slow, or at a constant rate.

@ a constant rate

The half-life of caffeine

About 3-7 hours

- Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract - Drug quickly reaches the brain because it can pass thru the blood brain barrier - Half-life of caffeine in blood varies but is about 3-7 hrs. - Peak levels of caffeine occur 15- 45 minutes after taken but depends on the source

Absorption (Caffeine):

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase breaks alcohol down into __________.


- Muscle twitching - Rambling flow of thought and speech - Cardiac arrhythmia - Periods of inexhaustibility - Psychomotor agitation - Ringing in ears or seeing flashes of light

Acute toxic effects of caffeine:

Phosphodiesterase hypothesis or the Adenosine hypothesis (which one is used to explain caffeine's acute effects):

Adenosine Hypothesis is used to explain caffeine's acute effects

Why does prolonged use of alcohol result in the development of a "beer belly"?

Alcohol reduces amount of fat oxidized, causing an accumulation

What occurs with blackouts?

Ammenisa about any events when drinking even though there is no loss of consciousness

What high concentration energy drink contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Ammo (1 oz.)

- People diagnosed w/ generalized anxiety disorder are hypertensive to the effects of caffeine, and the drug may exacerbate the anxiety symptoms

Anxiety and caffeine:

Mixing alcohol and __________ is a common method of intended and unintended suicides.


Why has heavy drinking among college students been a serious concern in the U.S.?

Because it ends up in suicide, accidents, and other deadly/serious consequences

(Coffee, Tea, Coca-Cola, Pepsi- Cola, Mt. Dew, Dr. Pepper, Canada Dry Ginger Ale)


What lower-caffeine energy drink contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Bomba Energy (8.4 oz.)

(Java Water, Krank 20, Aqua Blast, Water Joe, Aqua Java)

Caffeinated Waters

- In general, tolerance probably does develop to caffeine's effect on renal function, sleep, and other physiological functions such as heart rate and blood pressure.

Caffeine Tolerance:

- Headaches and fatigue - Depression, decreased alertness, less contentment and relaxed mood, decreased activity and energy, greater sleepiness and drowsiness, increased irritability

Caffeine Withdrawal:

- Caffeine is very popular among young people, as reflected in the surge in children's consumption of high energy beverages. - Caffeine exposure in children is high compared to that of adults and little is known about the long term effects of children's caffeine use.

Caffeine and children (why is caffeine use among children a major concern):

Acute caffeine intoxication. Lightheadedness, tremulousness, breathlessness, headache, irregular heartbeat


What is the difference between light beer and regular beer?

Calories, lighter beer contains less alcohol (watered down more)

What are gray outs?

Can partially recall events that have occurred while drinking

- The FDA's position is that moderate doses of caffeine do not have negative effects on reproduction, although high consumption rate of caffeine when women are attempting to become pregnant maybe associated with lower conception rates - People w/ slow caffeine metabolism indicates that coffee intake is associated w/ an increased risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction - Two cups of coffee a day is associated w/ decreased mineral bone density, a measure of osteoporosis - Frequent coffee drinkers have a lower risk of dying from a variety of diseases, relative to people who drink little or no coffee - May provide some protection to the development of Alzheimer's disease

Chronic effects of caffeine use

What beverage contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Coffee (drip 8 oz.)

Mg. of caffeine associated with an increase in the risk of experiencing severe toxic symptoms:

Consuming more than 1,000 mg of caffeine a day

What food contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Cooking chocolate

How does caffeine affect the rapidity and accuracy of motor skills?

Decreases at higher doses; increases at lower doses

How does caffeine affect eye-hand coordination?

Decreases it

In _________ tolerance, a person must consume greater quantities of alcohol in order to maintain a certain BAC.


- Equally distributed in total body water

Distribution (Caffeine):

(Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Full Throttle, No Fear, Amp, SoBe Adrenaline Rush, Tab Energy)

Energy Drinks

__________ is the earliest, most benign effect of alcohol's effects on the liver

Fatty Liver

What are the effects of chronic, heavy drinking on the liver?

Fatty liver, alcohol hepatitis, and cirrhosis

a disorder caused by alcohol consumption for the duration of the pregnancy

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

( Milk Chocolate and Cooking Chocolate)


What is an example of a Phase 2 alcohol withdrawal symptom?

Grand mal seizures

Most commonly reported symptoms of withdrawal from caffeine:

Headache and Fatigue

( Ammo, Powershot)

High Concentration Energy Drinks

( Wired X505, Fixx, BooKoo Energy, Wired X344, SPIKE Shooter, Cocaine Energy Drink, Joint Cola)

Higher Caffeine Energy Drinks

- Improves task performance by increasing vigilance and decreasing fatigue so that over time performance does not drop below what is typical for a person - Impairs the decision making part of the task but improves the motor component - The drug's effects are different even for different components of the same task. This also includes the dose of drug, setting in which it is used and personality of the user - Enhances athletic performance (perceived exertion and endurance)

How does caffeine affect human task performance?

- CNS stimulant, the action of caffeine elevates mood and is associated w/ feeling energized, creative, efficient, confident, and alert

How does caffeine primarily act in the nervous system?

Almost entirely by the kidneys (urine)

How is caffeine excreted from the body?

Explain the psychological approach of alcohol dependence.

Identifying the alcohol personality, which means a psychological trait or set of traits predispose someone to having alcohol dependence

Alcohol inhibits the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. This causes __________.

Increased urination

- Smokers may smoke fewer cigarettes after they drink coffee compared w/ when they have not had coffee - Excretion of caffeine from the body occurs 50% faster in smoker than nonsmokers - One study suggests that everyday forgetfulness has something to do w/ state dependent effects of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol in combination

Interactions among caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol:

What caffeinated water contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Java water

Over 90% of the alcohol that is absorbed is metabolized by the body, mainly in the...


(Bomba Energy, Whoop Ass)

Lower Caffeine Energy Drinks

How long does withdrawal from caffeine last?

May last about a week

What are the effects of chronic, heavy drinking on brain functioning?

Memory loss, cognitive impairment, can cause brain to shrink

- Liver does most of the metabolizing - Excreted almost entirely by kidneys- less than 10% in pure form and rest in metabolites - VERY small portions are excreted on feces, saliva, semen, and breast milk.

Metabolism and Excretion (Caffeine):

What energy drink contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Monster and Rockstar (16 oz.)

- CNS stimulation action of caffeine elevates mood - Moderate doses of caffeine are associated w/ feeling energized, creative, efficient, confident, and alert.

Mood (Acute; Behavioral and Psychological effects of Caffeine):

What soft drink contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Mt. Dew (12 oz.)

Do moderate levels of alcohol stimulate males' libido?


__________ is the process by which the energy in foods is released in the form of heat and work.


Delirium tremens occur in Phase ______ of alcohol withdrawal.

Phase 3

(APCs, Caferfot, Darvon Compound, Fiorinal, Migral)

Prescription Medicine

Because of __________ tolerance, an individual must drink greater amounts of alcohol to achieve a mood change that was once achieved with less alcohol.


__________ is the shutting of a muscular valve separating the stomach from the intestines that occurs in some people when they drink very large quantities of alcohol.

Pyloro Spasm

The French custom of drinking 1-2 glasses of __________ per day appears to be related to a lowered risk of coronary heart disease.

Red Wine

- Adenosine Hypothesis - Adenosine leads to behavioral sedation, regulation of oxygen delivered to cells, dilation of cerebral and coronary blood vessels and production of asthma. Caffeine occupy the adenosine receptors and the block the action on that neurotransmitter.

Site of Action (Caffeine):

Alcohol works as a peripheral dilator. This causes __________.

Skin to feel warm and turn red

Explain the biological approach of alcohol dependence.

Suggest there is a genetic predisposition at least to some types of more severe alcohol use disorders

Explain the sociological approach of alcohol dependence.

Supported by findings of cross cultural drinking patterns as well as demographic factors that have been correlated w/ drinking patterns and problems

- Remedies for headaches and colds as well as other ailments - In appetite suppressant drugs because diuretic effects

Therapeutic effects of caffeine:

Wernicke-Korsakoff's syndrome has been linked to __________ deficiency.

Thymine and B1

The most effective cure(s) for a hangover is/are __________.


- Renal function, sleep, other psychological functions, such as blood pressure and heart rate

Tolerance to caffeine's effects occurs on what...

- The FDA's position is that moderate doses of caffeine do not have negative effects on reproduction, although high consumption rate of caffeine when women are attempting to become pregnant maybe associated with lower conception rates

What does the FDA say on the use of caffeine by pregnant women?

- Syndrome associated with use of alcohol that causes damage to brain structure, mostly impacts memory; a lot of confusion

What is Korsakoff's syndrome?

What higher-caffeine energy drink contains the highest concentration of caffeine?

Wired X505 (24 oz.)

What are the effects on women of chronic, heavy drinking on sexual functioning?

dysfunction of the ovaries, disruption of luteal phase of fertilization, and amenorrhea

What are the effects on men of chronic, heavy drinking on sexual functioning?

form breast, lower sperm count, loss of sexual desire

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