Psychology Quiz_Part 4

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The structure of the eye that absorbs light, processes images, and sends visual information to the brain is the​

​frequency theory

The theory of hearing that views the basilar membrane as being like a drumhead is​

​opponent-process theory

After having your picture taken with a yellow flash, you momentarily see blue spots floating before your eyes. This phenomenon is best explained by​


An animal species normally active at night (or nocturnal) would be expected to have a visual system that consists primarily of​

​additive color mixing

At the musical he attended over the weekend, Andrew noticed that whenever the red and green spotlights overlapped, they seemed to change to a yellow spotlight. This can be explained using the principles of​

​feature detectors

Cells in the visual cortex that respond selectively to specific features of complex stimuli are called​

​the lens would focus images behind the retina in her left eye

Courtney wears glasses to correct the farsightedness in her left eye. If she were not wearing her glasses,​

​sensory adaptation will occur

If one of a person's senses is subjected to prolonged stimulation, eventually​


If the human eye were not responsive to differences in the wavelength of light, we would not be able to perceive differences in​

​have no color vision

Imagine that biologists have discovered an animal that has eyes very similar to human eyes, but that the only receptor cells in the retina are rods; there are no cones. Based on what is known about human vision, you might expect that this animal would​

​the cornea

Light first enters the eye through a transparent structure on the surface of the eye called​

​the amplitude of light waves

Our perception of the brightness of a color is affected mainly by​

​the purity of light waves

Our perception of the richness, or saturation, of a color is affected mainly by​


The amount of light entering the eye is regulated by changes in the size of the​

​retinal disparity

The binocular depth cue that relies on the fact that objects within 25 feet project images to slightly different locations on the right and left retinas, so that the right and left eyes see slightly different views of the object, is known as​


The fluid-filled tunnel that contains the receptors for hearing is the

​focuses light rays onto the retina

The lens in the eye​

​optic nerve - optic chiasm - thalamus - occipital lobe

The main pathway visual signals travel from the eye to the visual cortex is​


The process in which the lens adjusts its shape depending on the distance between the eye and the object viewed in order to project a clear image onto the retina is​

​gustatory system

The sense associated with the perception of taste is referred to as the​


When Joe looks at distant objects, the lens in his eye focuses light just short of his retina. Joe is likely to experience​

​Different sound frequencies vibrate different portions of the basilar membrane, producing different pitches

Which of the following BEST describes how we hear according to place theory?​

​peripheral vision

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of vision associated with cones?​

​sensation; perception

While ____ involves the stimulation of sense organs, ____ involves the selection, organization, and interpretation of sensory input.​

​subtractive color mixing

While finger painting, Chris mixed yellow paint and blue paint and ended up with green, an example of​

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