Psychology Review 1

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Which of these is an exampe of a type of implicit memory?


A Rorschach inkblot test would most likely be administered by a psychologist from which of the following schools of psychotherapy?


In which stage of sleep do we typically dream?

REM Sleep

Which of the following is not one of the big five personality traits?


Which of the following describes the difference between sensation and perception?

Sensation is a bottom-up process and perception is a top-down process

Which hormone is most closesly associated with stress?


Which of the following correlation values represents the strongest correlation between two variables?


What is the mean intelligence quotient (IQ) on most standard intelligence tests?


What is the average age of onset for schizophrenia?


The presence of testosterone in the first weeks of pregnancy prevents female organs from developing in the embryo. If testosterone is not received, female organs will develop even if a Y chromosome is present. What receptor is necessary for testosterone to be received in the body?

5-alpha reductase

By definition, what percentage of the population has an IQ of less than 100?


Around what age does object permanence develop?

6 months old

What is an instinct?

A behavior we are born with that does not need to be learned

What is a control group?

A group of subjects in an experiment that recieves no treatment or a placebo treatment

What is the affiliation motive?

A need to be with others

Kevein correctly identifies a blue jay, a cardinal and an oriole as birds, as they are all small and can fly. However, he is surprised to learn that an ostrich is also a bird. This can be explained by Kevin's use of ___________

A representativeness heuristic

Who is regarded as the father of cognitive therapy?

Aaron Beck

What is the term used to describe the idea that dreams are the result of the cerebral cortex interpreting and organizing random flashes of brain activity?

Activation Synthesis

During the Milgram Shock Experiment, which one of the following factors diminished the likelihood that a participant would obey the commands of the person running the experiment?

All answers are correct: ex participants were more likely to disobey when far away from experimenter or when experimenter's authority was diminished

Which of the following is true of a woman that is red-green color blind if her husband has normal vision?

All of her male children will be red-green color blind

Which of the following is a psychological disorder that can be inherited due to genetics?

All of them: ex major depression and panic disorder

What area of the brain is known as the emotional center, and is responsible for emotional reaction such as fear?


Damage to Wernicke's area will result in which of the following?

An aphasia in which language comprehension is limited, and so speech therafter will be nonsensical and difficult to follow

What is aphasia?

An impariment in communication through oral and/or written means

Which of the following is not a common symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

Anxiety stemming from a traumatic injury

Jane's parents are can be both demanding and responsive. They set high expectations for her, but are supportive and loving when she falls short. They also involve Jane in creating household rules. What type of parenting style best describes Jane's parents?


Which of the following is NOT an axis of the DSM used for diagnosis?

Axis 1: assessment of insanity

Which DSM-IV axis includes all personality disorders?

Axis II

What types of disorders have salts of lithium been used to treat?

Bipolar Disorders

What is the name of the experiment that serves as the empirical demonstration of Albert Bandura's social learning theory?

Bobo Doll Experiment

Which psychologist is most commonly associated with humanistic psychology?

Carl Rodgers

Robin is trying to remember a series of numbers. She decides to divide them into meaningful units. What memory strategy is Robin using?


What method did Pavlov employ in his experiment with laboratory dogs?

Classical Conditioning

What does CBT stand for?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What types of retinal cells allow us to peprceive color?


According to Kubler-Ross, when a person is diagnosed with a terminal illness he is most likely to experience the stages of grief in which of the following orders?

Denia anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

Which is not a type of anxiety disorder?


Dissociative disorders are a category of psychological disorders in which a person's emotions, consciousness, perceptions, motor control, and identity are dissociated. Many people with dissociative disorders have experienced childhood physical or sexual abuse. Which of the following is considered to be the major paradigm for dissociative disorders?

Diathesis-stress model: a model dependent on the idea that psychological disorders occur when a person is predispoed to the disorder and experiences significant stress

Who proposed the law of effect?

Edward Thorndike

For which of the following emotions did Paul Ekman not find a universal facial expression?


What is a stereotype threat?

Fear of confirming negative stereotypes about one's race ethnicity, or sexuality

John's parents give him 5$ for allowance every time he finishes doing 2 loads of laundry. This is an example of which kind of reinforcement schedule?

Fixed Ratio

What are the four lobes of the cerebrum?

Frontal, Temporal, Parietal, Occipital

Which one of these is not one of Erik Erikson's stages in his theory of psychosocial development?

Generativity vs. Despair

Which of the following is not a principle of Gestalt Psychology?


Which personality disorder is characterized by attention-seeking behavior and extreme emotionality?

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Which treatment modality advocates unconditional positive regard for the client?


Alcohol consumption increases the secretion of which of these neurotransmitters? I. Glutamate II. GABA III. Dopamine

II and III

Which of these most accurately describes the difference between iconic and echoic memory?

Iconic memory is visual, echonic memory is auditory

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following psychosocial stages takes place during adolescence?

Identity vs. Role Confusion

Which of the following is not a dimension of the Myers-Briggs Personality Test?


Rick is an avid sports fan. While watching a football game, he focuses intently on the position of the ball and follows it very carefully. He jumps for joy when a player carries the ball downfield to score a touchdown, but is suprised and upset when the referee says that there was a penalty in the play on a different player, which negates the touchdown. Rick may have just experienced which of the following phenomena?

Inattentional Blindness

What is context-dependent memory?

Information is best remembered if it is encoded and recalled in the same location

Who is responsible for approving research conducted on humans?

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

People with this type of control tend to respond to internal states and desires and tend to view success as a result of personal efforts. Which of the following terms is being described?

Internal locus of control

Mikey paints every afternoon after school because he genuinely enjoys painting. What type of motivation is he exhibiting?

Intrinsic Motivation

Which one of the following children is displaying preconventional thought?

Kevin decides not to skip class because he will get in trouble with the principal

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates an approach-approach motivational conflict?

Kevin wants to enroll in Woodshop and Drama next semester, but only has room in his schedule for one

Which of the following is an example of semantic memory?

Knowing the capital of New York

Who developed the theory that the concept of morality is established in three stages?

Lawrence Kohlberg

"Preconventional" is a stage in _______ theory of _______ development.

Lawrence Kohlberg's....moral

Is Insanity a medical or legal term?


What is the name of the famous psychology experiment, conducted by John B. Watson, that showed how emotional reactions could be classically conditioned in people?

Little Albert Experiment

Which of the following is an example of the fundamental attribution error?

Mark is tripped in the hallway and assumes the other person deliberately tried to trip him

Which of these areas of the brain is not located in the limbic system?

Medulla Oblangata

Which of the following is NOT an exampe of a projective test?

Minnesota Multiphaic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Which of the following is a secondary drive?


Which one of these concepts is not a part of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


What compound surrounds the axons of white matter neurons?


What is the highest step on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Need for self-actualization

How does prosopagnosia affect the intake of information?

One's ability to recognize faces is impaired

What kind of statstical test would be used to determine if there is a linear relationship between two variables?

Pearson Correlation

Which one of these teaching strategies was not a method employed by Skinner for his box experiment?


Although you wear glasses throughout the day, you don't constantly notice them on your face, on the bridge of your nose, or on the tops of your ears. Why is this?

Sensory Adaptation

Which famous theorist believed most of human desire laid in the unconscious state of mind?

Sigmund Freud

What does a delta wave on an EEG scan signify?

Slow wave sleep, or non-rapid-eye-movement sleep

Albert Bandura was famous for championing which learning theory?

Social Learning

Which pioneer of social psychology conducted a famous conformity experiment requiring subjects to match lines?

Solomon Asch

Body dysmorphic disorder and pain disorders are both examples of ________

Somatoform Diseases

What is the name of the assessment technique, created by developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth, that investigates how attachment varies between children?

Strange Situation Classification

Which of the following is true about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)?

Symptoms of FAS included malformed skulls, low birth weight, and intellectual disabilities

What structure connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex?

The Corpus Callosum

The "syndrome" where on tends to see the characteristics of disorders about which one is learning as being applicable to themselves is.

The Intern's Syndrome

Milgram's famous shock experiment demanded obedience from its participants and demonstrated the existence of what psychological phenomena?

The Power of Authority

The James-Lange theory refers to which of the following?

The hypothesis that in response to environmental changes, a physiological change happens first, which then prompts an emotion.

What is morpheme?

The smallest unit of language that can carry meaning?

The Flynn Effect describes which of the following?

The substantial worldwide increase in intelligence test scores in the past century.

Which of the following is not one of the four stages in Martin Hoffman's theory of empathy development?

Theory of Mind

Do people change or stay the same throughout the different developmental stages of life?

They change, though their most basic dispositions do not change

Why is a double blind study important to studying certain situations?

To make sure the tester cannot, intentionally or unintentionally, reveal information that may sway the results of the study

You are reading a sign. ONly half of the letters are present, yet you are still able to guess what the sign should say if it were complete. What is this called?

Top-down Processing

Which of the following is not a type of anxiety disorder?


What is the name of the theory in linguistics that suggests that some rules of grammar are hard-wired into the brain, and manifest without being taught?

Universal Grammar

When do action potentials occur?

When sodium ions enter the neuron to make the membrane potential more positive

Which of the following is not a contributing factor to women having higher mood and anxiety disorders than men?

Women have lower levels of agression

Stereotypes related to gender and women's capabilities could cause _________ in their career advancement.

a glass ceiling effect

Elizabeth Loftus' "Lost in the Mall" Study aimed to examine the creation of ______

false memories

Findings from twin studies indicate that genes influence a trait when ________ show more trait similarities than _______

identical twins...fraternal twins

Leptin is a hormone released by fat cells that function to _______

regulate appetite

Molly identifies as bisexual. This is an expression of Molly's __________

sexual orientation

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