Psychology Test 2

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Conditioned Stimulus

A stimulus that elicits a response only after learning has taken place.

Classical Conditioning

A type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events.


A word of praise is to a delicious meal as a conditioned reinforcer is to a(n) _____ reinforcer.


According to psychologists, _____________ is a relatively enduring behavior change that occurs due to experience.


All of the following were early theorists in associative learning except: A) John Locke. B) Sigmund Freud. C) David Hume. D) Aristotle.

B. F. Skinner

Critics of ___________ were concerned that he dehumanized people because he ignored the existence of personal freedom and dignity.

Negative Reinforcement

_______________________ involves any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response.

Operant Conditioning

Animals and humans learn about the consequences of behavior through:

Mirror Neurons

Giacomo Rizzolatti is the researcher who discovered the function of _____ through his experiments with monkeys.

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

In classical conditioning, an originally irrelevant stimulus, which after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response, is called a(n):

Conditioned Response (CR)

In classical conditioning, the learned response to a previously neutral stimulus is called the:


In their dismissal of "mentalistic" concepts such as consciousness, Pavlov and Watson underestimated the importance of _____ processes and biological constraints on an organism's learning capacity.


Infants by age _____ months will imitate acts modeled on television.


Jack finds it extremely difficult to pull himself away from the blackjack table. He keeps thinking he will break even as the next hand will be his winning one. This is a _____ schedule.

Unconditioned Stimulus

Jane had Leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made her nauseous. As she underwent a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make her nauseous. The nausea from the chemotherapy is the:

Conditioned Stimulus

Jane had leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made her nauseous. As she underwent a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make her nauseous. The waiting room became the _____.

Observable Behavior

John B. Watson believed that psychology should be the science of:


Marcia is in therapy to obtain help in her efforts stop smoking. Her therapist made a series of suggestions to help reduce her cravings. Which of the following suggestions are based on Pavlov's research on classical conditioning? A) Every time she smokes a cigarette she should deprive herself of something she enjoys. B) In order to reduce her cravings, she should avoid places where she usually smoked. C) When she feels a craving she should eat something she enjoys. D) She should just think of something else every time she has a craving.

Observational Learning

Mirror neurons are believed to be the neural basis for _____.

Frontal Lobe

Mirror neurons are found in the brain's _____

Instinctive Drift

_____ occurs when an animal's inborn behavior patterns interfere with the operant conditioning of new behaviors.

Operant Conditioning

People and animals learn the association between a behavior and a consequence through _____.

Classical Conditioning

People and animals learn the association between two stimuli through _____.


The cognitive processes in _____ conditioning involve an organism developing an expectation that a response will be reinforced or punished with or without reinforcement, while in the other kind of conditioning, an organism develops the expectation that a CS signals the arrival of a US.

Keller and Marian Breland

The idea that an animal's natural behavior patterns did not matter and had little or no effect on the effectiveness of operant conditioning principles was challenged by research conducted by _____.


The law of effect states that rewarded behavior is likely to recur and is this psychologist's principle.


The process of learning associations.

Spontaneous Recovery

This is the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.

Positive Punishment

To reduce the self-destructive behavior of some children, a therapist might squirt water in the children's faces whenever they bite themselves. The squirt of water is a:


Today's learning theorists recognize that our learning results not only from environmental influences but from an interaction of _____ influences.


What happened after Watson classically conditioned "Little Albert" to fear a tame white rat? A) The conditioned fear response was quickly and easily extinguished. B) Generalization occurred: Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects. C) The sight of the hammer produced spontaneous recovery of the unconditioned response. D) Stimulus discrimination occurred: Albert responded with fear to white rats but not brown rats.


What kind of learning is learning that is not demonstrated until one is motivated to perform the behavior?

Digestive System

What phenomenon was Pavlov focusing on when he began his studies on what eventually became known as classical conditioning?

Robert Rescorla

What psychologist proposed a cognitive explanation of classical conditioning?


Which pioneering learning researcher highlighted the antisocial effects of aggressive models on children's behavior?

John Garcia

Which psychologist studied the development of taste aversions and how they could not be explained by the basic principles of classical conditioning?

Watson and Pavlov

Who agreed that laws of learning are the same for all animals?

B. F. Skinner

Who believed that external influences, not thoughts and feelings, shape animal and human behavior?

Watson and Rayner

Who taught "Little Albert" to fear white rats by repeatedly pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat?

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