Psychology unit 1 Practice test

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Social psychologists primarily study

how we view and affect one another, Social Psychology studies how people think, feel, and act in relation to other people, individually or in groups.

John Watson and B.F. Skinner would MOST likely agree that psychology is

the science of behavior, John Watson and B.F. Skinner would MOST likely agree that psychology is the science of behavior. The behavioral approach focuses on the analysis of objectively observable and quantifiable behavioral events.

Dr. Obiwonda is a humanistic perspective psychologist. If he diagnoses patients using only that perspective, which one of these would he MOST likely miss in the case of a person experiencing depression?

A lack of serotonin in the brain, The pure Humanistic Perspective Psychologist would be least likely to look for a neurological reason for the depression. A lack of serotonin in the brain.

Which BEST describes the work of a clinical psychologist?

Assess and treat the emotional and behavioral disorders of clients, Clinical psychologists work directly with their clients, who were formerly known as patients

Which psychologist emphasized the study of operant conditioning as the subject matter of scientific psychology?

B. F. Skinner, Skinner and the behaviorists were the most influential perspective in psychology for the first half of the 20th century.

Which statement best describes the impact of behaviorism in shaping the development of psychological thought?

Behaviorism sought to change how psychology was viewed and moved away from studying internal mental states to observable behaviors in a systematic manner.

Lesioning the brain of lab rats and then studying the effects on behavior illustrates which perspective?

Biological, The biological perspective uses the physiological view to examine, thoughts, ideas, and behaviors.

Which perspective studies how the body and the brain enable emotions, memories, and sensory experiences?

Biological, With advances in technology, the Biological/Neuroscience perspective is helping psychologists understand the relationship between the brain/body and personality.

In the _____ perspective, explanations for personality involve looking into the physical nature, the mental processes, and the environmental circumstances of the individual.

Biopsychosocial, Modern psychology emphasizes looking at all three areas: the biological, psychological, and social in order to help the individual.

Which psychologist emphasized current environmental influences on our growth potential and our need for love and acceptance?

Carl Rogers, Along with Abraham Maslow, Rogers developed the Humanistic Perspective in Psychology, which influences many aspects of our lives today.

Sarai is experiencing severe anxiety. If she goes to see a strict Freudian psychoanalyst, what would be the MOST likely explanation she would get for her disorder?

Childhood Trauma, For a Freudian psychologist, the answers for anxiety are usually rooted on trauma during early childhood, or some sort of sexual repression. Childhood Trauma

Identify the perspective that emphasizes how thinking, feeling, remembering, understanding, and communicating influence our personality.

Cognitive, Cognitive perspective psychologists look at how all of our mental processes shape our personalities.

Which type of psychological therapy utilizes dream analysis, free association, and hypnosis to treat patients?

Cognitive, The Psychoanalytic perspective was developed by Sigmund Freud and focuses on retrieving information from the unconscious to explain and treat behavior.

A _____ studies our changing abilities from birth to death.

Developmental Psychologist, Some Development Psychologists concentrate on a specific age group, while others conduct long-term studies of individuals throughout their lives.

The belief that nature selects the traits best suited to enable an individual to survive and reproduce, is most consistent with the _____ perspective.


If you were a psychologist who enjoyed conducting basic research in order to add to psychology's knowledge base, you would MOST likely be a(n) _____ psychologist.

Experimental, These psychologists enjoy the experiments that are often conducted by university psychology departments.

Among whose many accomplishments was the creation of the American Journal of Psychology in 1887?

G. Stanley Hall, Hall was a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University

Diagnostic labeling can be useful in assisting psychologists, but they must be aware of which fact? Diagnostic labeling can be useful in assisting psychologists, but they must be aware of which fact? I. An individual may have multiple disorders. II. A single perspective may limit the diagnosis. III. No single perspective is sufficient to explain psychological disorders.

I, II, and III

____ is the method that Titchener used to discover the elements of the mind.


Who used the behaviorist technique of Classical Conditioning (training an organism to react in a certain way to a specific stimulus)?

Ivan Pavlov, Pavlov began his research observing the salivary response of dogs to meat powder, and paired that with the sound of a bell.

_____ formulated the Stages of Cognitive Development: sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational.

Jean Piaget, Piaget, a Swiss doctor, was the most influential Developmental Psychologist.

Which psychologist is known for this famous quote? "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors." (1930)

John B. Watson, John B. Watson Sometimes referred to as the Father of Behaviorism. Watson promoted a change in psychology to move away from the study of the mind to observable behavior.

Which psychologist used Classical Conditioning to teach orphans to be fearful of a variety of stimuli?

John B. Watson, Watson experimented on many orphans, but Baby Albert was the most famous.

_____ is considered the "Father of Behaviorism."

John Watson, John Watson took the principles of classical conditioning as founded by Ivan Pavlov and applied them to humans. John Watson

Which student of William James was the first woman to complete the work for a PhD in Psychology, and later became the first female president of the APA?

Mary Whiton Calkins, Although she completed the work for her PhD in Psychology, Harvard refused to grant her the degree because she was a woman.

This political philosopher developed the idea that the mind (which can be thought of as "personality") is a tabula rasa, or blank slate, on which experience writes.


Developed by Sigmund Freud, the _______ perspective emphasizes the unconscious drives and conflicts of the individual, and how they determine personality.


_____ emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind and its effects on human behavior.

Sigmund Freud, Freud founded the Psychoanalytic Perspective, and many techniques that are still used in therapy today

Which psychologist is known for working with free association?

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis seeks to explain behavior in terms of how our past influences us.

Which statement accurately describes a criticism or drawback of using the eclectic approach in therapy?

The eclectic approach does not have an established structure thus making it difficult or inconsistent when working with clients who suffer from similar ailments, If patients are seeking help from different doctors it is difficult to make diagnosis and connections.

What event is often considered the point where psychology split from philosophy?

The founding of Wilhelm Wundt's experimental psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany is often considered when philosophy and psychology split, While psychology and philosophy address many of the same questions, the creation of the experimental psychology lab by Wilhelm Wundt marks the beginning of its place as an empirical science.

Psychology today is defined as

The science of individual behavior and individual mental processes, Psychology's definition today emphasizes the understanding of the actions, thoughts and feelings of the individual.

Who was the "Father of Psychology," who established a laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, seeking to measure the atoms of the mind?

Wilhelm Wundt

Which statement best describes why Wilhelm Wundt is considered the "father of experimental psychology?"

Wilhelm Wundt founded the first formal lab for psychological research, thus making psychology an independent field of study, The opening of Wundt's laboratory is often regarded as the beginning of modern psychology. He was the first to separate psychology from philosophy by analyzing the workings of the mind in a more structured way.

Some psychologists argue that evolutionary psychology focuses too much on _______ and not enough on _______.

biology, environment, Some psychologists argue that evolutionary psychology focuses too much on and not enough on environment.

Which psychological approach is MOST concerned with the potential for individual growth and the role of unique perception in growth?

humanistic psychology, Humanistic psychology is an approach which studies the whole person, and the uniqueness of each individual.

Dr. James is studying what conditions yield the highest worker productivity. Dr. James is most likely a(n):

industrial/organizational psychologist, use psychological principles and methods to solve workplace problems and simplify daily life.

Which of these is a central theme in psychology and was constructed by early philosophical thinkers?

nature v. nurture issue, Early philosophers laid the groundwork for the nature v. nurture debate.

A psychotherapist who treats behavior with the belief that delving into one's past and unconscious is key to understanding and modifying behavior is following which perspective?

psychoanalytic, The psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theory views behaviors as expressions of the unconscious and unresolved internal conflicts.

Dr. Ellis is studying the impact of one's culture on their interpretations of events and environmental surroundings. Dr. Ellis is practicing the _____ perspective of psychology.

socio-cultural, examines and analyzes the influence of one's surroundings and its impact on behavior. They look for and predict the factors of an environment that lead us to behave a certain way.

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