Psychology Unit Test 1

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Who was the founder of the school of functionalism B.F. Skinner Wilhelm Windult William James someone esle

B. F. Skinner

who was the founder of behaviorism william james sigmund Fredu John B. Watson Wilhelm Wundt

John B Watson

The somatic nervous system controls activites such as heartbeat, respiration, digestion, and dilation of the pupils. true false


correlations allows us to determine causality. true false


An electroencephgraph measures respitory rates during sleep studies and helps researchers study the stages of sleep true false


In the context of hypnosis, a positive response to each suggestion of the hypnotist sets the stage in which the subject is less like to follow further suggestions. true false


Which one of these form a fatty substance called myelin? glial Cells neurotransmitters red blood cells white blood cells

gilal cells

Which of the following statements is true about psychoanalysis? It was founded by BF Skinner It believes that observable behavior can be changed through reinforcement It primarily breaks conscious experience down into objective sensations and subjective feelings it aims to help patients find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs

it aims to help patients find socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs

While industrial psychologists focus on the relationships between people and work, _________ psychologists study the behavior of people in workplaces such as businesses organizational psychologist forensic psychologist development psychologist someone

organizational psychologist

As opposed to a dependent variable, an independent variable is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects may be determined. true false


Psychology seeks to describe, explain, predict, and control behavior and mental processes. true false


According to the psychoanalytical approach, a good majority of what influcnes our behavior is a emphasis on unconcious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts equally divided up between our objective sensations and subjective feelings how we are reinforced as young adults and how that affects behavior choices our drive towards self actiualization and how we choose to pursue it

a emphasis on unconcious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts

What is the most popular drug used on college campus? marijuana alchohol LSd Opioids


which of the following statements is true of stage 4 sleep? it produces a low amplitude brain waves it is the lightest sleep stage During stage 4 sleep the delta waves produced by the brain slow to about 0.5 to 2 cycles per second

During stage 4 sleep the delta waves produced by the brain slow to about 0.5 to 2 cycles per second

which of the following is true of BF Skinner's contribution to behaviorism? He believed that organisms learn to behave in a certain ways because they have been reinforced to do so he focused on the relation between conscious experience and behavior in shaping the human psychic

He believed that organisms learn to behave in a certain ways because they have been reinforced to do so

Psychology is the name of the theory of personality developed by Sigmund Freud True False


Nicotine, alcohol, and may other drugs are pleasurable because they heighten levels of acetylcholine norepinephrine dopamine amphetamin


The brain and the spinal cord make up which of these parts of the nervous system the periphreal nervous system seomatic nervous system central nervous system autonomic nervous system

central nervous system

The prefrontal part of which brain structure is the center of exectuive decision making? cerebellum amygdala hypothamlmus cerebrum,


which of the following substances is a stimulate? nenbutal seconal morphine cocaine


Functionalism was influcened by darwins theory of evolution which: accepted the belief of random mutations considered humans another form of animal believe adaptive behavior patterns were learned and maintained stated it takes thousands of years for specifies to evolve

considered humans another form of animal

Bedwetting happens durng stage 2 sleep true false


Which of the following statements is true of William James's contribution to psychology? He argued tat the stream of consciousness was fluid and continueous He theorized that experience can be broken down into objective sensations and subjective feels he pointed out that people were social creatures influcenced by one another he believe that organisms learn to behave only through reinforcement

he argued that the stream of consciousness was fluid and continueous

which hormone promotes sleep? melatonin adrenaline progestone gihelin


Which of the following statements is true of the experimental method of research? In the experiment method of research, participants in control groups obtain the treatment being tested the experimental method fails to answer questions about cause and effect In the experimental method of research, participants in experimental groups do not obtain the treatment being tested. The experimental method allows psychologists to control the experiences of participants and draw conclusions about cause and effect.

The experimental method allows psychologists to control the experiences of participants and draw conclusions about cause and effect.

which of the following statements is true of amphetamines they reduce irritability when consumed in high doses they improve hunger and apitite they increase hyperactivity they provide a euphoric rush when consumed in high dose

They provide a euphoric rush when consumed in high doses

what theory offers a possible explination for why we dream about memories or poblems from the day? continuity hypothesis REM rebound the activation synthesis model' the biofeedback model

continuity hypothesis

According to Freud, which of the following statements is true of dreams? dreams are most likely to be vague and fleeting during rapid eye movement sleep dreams express impulses we would censor during the day nightmares, like most pleasant dreams, are products of non rapid eye movement sleep all dreams have something to do with one's childhood

dreams express impuses we would censor during the day

the electroencephalograph is a method of what brain imaging that passes a narrow X-ray beam through the head and measures structures that reflect the beams from various angles dtecting brain waves by mean sof measuring the current btween electrodes places on the scalp using the Karvonen technique to monitor abnormal heartbeats in a person detecting heartbeats by means of mearsuing the current between electodes places on the hands

dtecting brain waves by mean sof measuring the current btween electrodes places on the scalp

According to the ethical guidelines set by the American Psychological Association (APA), animals cannot be harmed under any circumstance while conducting research. true false


In a study conducted to test the effect of a medicine, one group of participants is given the medicine while another group is not. The latter would be considered the experimental group. true false


Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the air passages are obstructed. true false


John B. Watson developed the social-cognitive perspective, arguing for the influence of social factors over cognition. true false


The two main division of the central nervous system are the somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system. true false


which of the following is the first step in the scientific method? formulating a research question testing a hypothesis caculating correlations other things

formulation a research question

Which of the following is most directly related ot the endrocrine system? nephrons hormones neruons glial cells


Wilhelm Wundt used which method to try and discover the basic elements of experience? introspection reinforcement psychoanalysis exitentialisnt


cancer, heart disease, and lung and respitory disesases are all side affects of which drug? acetaimpohen cocaine dehyrodenase nicotine


which of the following statements is true about insomnia? Over 8-% of american adults are affected by insomnia in any given yer insomnia is a sleep disorder which a persons air passages are obstructed during sleep older adults are more likely than younger adults to have insomnia insomnia is a sleep attack in which a person falls asleep suddenly

older adults are more likely than young adults to have insomnia

A sleep disorder in which the person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep is called sleep apena somnabulism other thing

sleep apena

sleep walking specifically occurs during which sleep stage REM sleep stage 1 stage 2 stage 3

stage 3

Erik Erikson focused more on unconscious processes and less on conscious choice and self-direction. true false


Gestalt psychologists claimed that one cannot explain human perceptions, emotions, or thought processes in terms of basic units. true false


In the 1940s and 1950s, psychodynamic theory dominated the practice of psychotherapy true false


In their continuing research, psychologists have come to define consciousness in only one way, as the continuing self in the world. true false


More individuals misuse alcohol than individuals who misuse heroin true false


Physicans frequently prescribe stimulants in an effort to help hyperactive children control their behavior. true false


Sleep terrors, bedwetting, and sleepwalking are all deep sleep disorders that occur during deep (stage 3 or 4) sleep. true false


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