Public Speaking: Ch. 5 - Adapting to your Audience and Situation

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When adapting your speech to gender demographics what should you always keep in mind?

(Since we live in an age of revolutionary change with respect to gender norms and the role of women in society) You should always be careful that any demographic information you use is as current as possible.

What are some examples of audience demographics?

Age, gender, education, sociocultural background, and group affiliations.

Why is it important to appeal to your audience's motives?

Appeals to motives can be quite effective for reaching audiences because they are widely share and often transcend barriers in today's diverse audiences.

Why do effective speakers usually avoid challenging the core values of their audience?

As principles that govern our behavior and way of seeing the world, values are even more resistant to change then strongly held attitudes. Thus, it is more effective to invoke and reason from shared values than arguing against them.

Why are attitudes a better indicator for an audience's willingness to consider and act upon a speaker's message than beliefs?

Attitudes are more strongly held and more developed, however, they are also harder to change and influence.

What are attitudes?

Attitudes are our feelings and disposition towards a given subject - whether we like or dislike, approve or disapprove of people, places, events or ideas.

Age, gender and education are examples of what?

Audience Demographics

When getting to know your audience, what are the two key factors you must analyze?

Audience Demographics and Audience Dynamics

Why is it important to have knowledge of your audience members' demographic characteristics?

Audience demographics can provide valuable insights into how they feel about a speaker's topic. It can also suggest appeals for reaching and involving them.

What are audience dynamics?

Audience dynamics are the beliefs, attitudes, values, and motives that shape listener behavior.

Which age demographic did Aristotle argue as the balance between youth and age, being confident yet cautious, judging cases by the facts, and wiling to consider new ideas in a critical yet constructive frame of mind?

Audiences in the prime of life.

How should you prepare for a presentation on a Monday?

Be more dynamic and prepare visual aids that draw the attention of your audience.

Rank the different audience demographics from least resistant to change to most resistant to change.

Beliefs < Attitudes < Values

What are beliefs?

Beliefs express what we know or think we know about subjects and are typically acquired directly through experience and education or indirectly from friends, family members, and trusted authority figures.

Why is it important to adjust your speech to recent events?

Citing recent developments in your speech can help you establish the important and timeliness of your topic.

When adapting your communication style to specific demographics what should you avoid doing?

Do not try to copy the communication style of other cultures as this frequently comes across as inappropriate.

When cultural differences exist in you audience what is the best strategy to engage with your audience?

Emphasize the use of narratives! All people tell stories, and nothing can bring diverse groups together more effectively than narratives that help them discover their shared humanity.

What is ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's way of life is the "right" and superior way.

How can failing to adjust to recent events affect your speech?

Failing to acknowledge recent events can damage the effectiveness of your speech as well as your credibility (ethos). It may leave the impression the speaker did not properly prepare for their presentation.

How can you adjust to the place of your physical setting?

Familiarize yourself with the place - is it inside or outside, does it have electrical outlets or microphones - and, if possible, practice your presentation there.

How should you prepare for shorter presentation?

Focus quickly on your most important ideas and choose your most relevant and impressive supporting materials. Also plan an introduction and conclusion that gives your message punch and power.

What insights can you gain by knowing your audience's beliefs?

Information about your audience's beliefs can suggest what additional information you need to provide or what misinformation you need to correct.

When adapting to an audience what is one benefit of knowing their group affiliation?

Knowing your audience's group affiliations provides insight into what kind of authorities that listener will find most credible.

What insights can a speaker gain by knowing their audiences political party?

Knowing your audience's political affiliations can provide valuable insights into strong held moral and ideological convictions and is especially important for developing speeches on controversial issues like gun control.

What insights can a speaker gain from knowing their audience's religious affiliation?

Knowing your audience's religious affiliation can provide insights into your listeners' values, and social/cultural attitudes.

What are some benefits of adapting to your audience's demographic factors?

Knowledge of your audience's demographics is useful for identifying points of shared interest, framing appeals, and avoiding sources of misunderstanding.

How do you adjust your speech for larger audiences?

Larger audiences, may call forth for a more formal manner of speaking. Since you cannot make or sustain eye contact with everyone, you should choose representative listeners in various sections of the audience so that everyone feels included. Additionally, consider whether or not your presentation aids are large or bold enough to be legible to your most distant listeners.

Which gender demographic is usually more competitive in their communicative behaviors and concerned with "winning arguments?"


What are the dangers of demographic stereotyping?

Most public speaking audiences are relatively small, and what tends to be true for larger sections of society is often wrong when applied to specific individuals or smaller groups. Even when your demographic presumptions are accurate, most people become uncomfortable when they feel they are being spoken to as members of groups rather than as individuals.

What are motives?

Motives are psychological needs, desires, and impulse that drive human behavior.

What are self-actualization needs?

Needs beyond material success and achievement, that let us feel like we are developing our inner potential in a meaningful way.

What insights can you gain by knowing your audience's occupational group?

Occupational affiliations or career aspirations can provide insight into how much your audience knows about a topic, the vocabulary you should use, and which aspects of a topic should be most interesting to them.

When considering an audience's age, which demographic is generally more "set in their ways," concerned with maintaining the social order and a comfortable existence?

Older Audiences

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Physiological needs < Safety and Security needs < Love and Belonging < Self esteem < Self actualization

What are some categories of group affiliations?

Political party, occupation, religion, and social group membership.

What are some examples of sociocultural background categories?

Race, ethnicity, nationality, and economic status.

What kind of adjustment can you make to adapt to the preliminary tuning effect?

Reflect on how the previous speeches may have affected you audiences mood and receptivity to your message. Reevaluate humor, acknowledge outstanding presentations, and when following an impressive counter-argument to your speech be gracious and acknowledge their work.

How can you avoid sexist language in your speech?

Refrain from including irrelevant references to gender such as "male nurse" or "female game warden."

What are stereotypes?

Rigid beliefs, attitudes, and expectations that reflect attitudes towards a certain group.

What is sexism?

Sexism occurs when we allow gender stereotypes to control our interactions with members of the opposite sex.

How should you avoid impressions of ethnocentrism in your speech?

Show respect for the humanity of all people, and recognize that this common humanity transcends both race and culture.

When speaking to an audience's values what types of values should you emphasize?

Speak to shared or universal values like honesty, fairness, justice, of self-determination rather than differences.

Why is it important to avoid stereotyping audiences based on their sociocultural backgrounds?

Stereotypes are overly simplistic. Keep in mind that most Americans come from a variety of sociocultural backgrounds, and that for many people categories such as "race" are becoming increasingly less relevant. Remember, it is your audience for your speech!

What landmines should you avoid when communicating with diverse audiences?

Stereotypes, ethnocentrism, sexism and racism.

What is symbolic racism?

Symbolic racism is language expressed in covert or coded fashion that conveys an obvious discomfort with another race.

What aspects of time are a part of your physical setting?

The amount of time you are allotted to speak, the time of day, the day of the week, and event the time of the year.

What is the preliminary tuning effect?

The effect of previous speeches or other situational factors in predisposing an audience to respond positively or negatively to a speech.

Why is it important to know your audiences group affiliations?

The groups people belong to often reflect their interest, attitudes and values - audience dynamics. Knowing their group affiliations can help you design a speech that better fits their interests and needs.

What are values?

The moral principles we live by that suggest how we should behave.

What are safety needs?

The need to feel free from threats such as terrorists, high crime rates and natural disasters.

What are self-esteem needs?

The need to feel like we are successful and recognized for accomplishments/merits.

What are love and belonging needs?

The needs for affection, friendship, acceptance, and support of others.

What components make up the physical setting in the speaking situation?

The place you will be speaking, the time of your presentation, and the size of your audience.

What two components influence the psychological setting of a speaking siutation?

The psychological setting for your speeches may influenced by the context of recent events or by speeches that are presented before yours.

What is the speaking situation?

The speaking situation is the occasion for speaking as well as the physical and psychological settings.

When speaking to diverse audiences what kind of pronouns promote inclusion and identification?

The use of pronouns such as we and our instead of them and their can enhance your chances for establishing common ground. Avoid language that calls attention to differences between yourself and your audience.

What is the relationship between age (audience demographic) and susceptibility to persuasion?

The younger the audience, the more susceptible to persuasion.

When does gender stereotyping become a problem?

When it implies that the differences between genders suggest that one gender is superior to the other or when it is used to justify discrimination.

When accounting for audience size how should you adjust your speech for smaller audiences?

With smaller audiences you can more audience interaction and invites a more casual presentation.

Which gender demographic is typically more likely to support spending on education, more concerned about environmental protections and gay rights?


Which gender demographic is usually more focused on maintaining social connections, nurturing mutual growth/self-discovery and accommodating of contrasting positions?


When are the benefits of knowing your audiences educational focus and level?

You can make reasonable insights into your audience's knowledge of and interest in your topic area. It can also help you determine the level of explanation and jargon suitable for your speech.

When considering an audience's age, which demographic is more pleasure-loving, idealistic, and willing to consider new ideas for changing the world?

Younger Audiences

What are physiological needs?

food, water, warmth, rest

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