public speaking midterm

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The only time you should read during your speech is

when you are quoting the words of someone else

The outline that you take to the podium to deliver your speech should have points written in

words and phrases

A tentative plan for organizing your speech is called the _______________ outline.


A speech which is read from a text or a teleprompter uses ___________ delivery


An effective presentation should sound

Natural and conversational

In testing the specific purpose, you should ask yourself, "Does it promise__________"

New information or fresh advice

Why should you never act disappointed with your presentation?

because you probably did better than you thought

Which part of the speech should be planned first?


Which section should be the longest part of your speech?


Rochelle is doing a speech on the surprising weight-loss benefits of eating a daily breakfast, and is focusing on the four basic food groups. Which speech design would best lend itself to Rochelle's topic?


Which organizational design arranges the main ideas of a speech to reflect the major points of emphasis uncovered during research?


The ________________ design will have main points dealing with cause and effect.


Tina Fey will give the commencement speech at a well-known university. Due to the occasion and the fact that she is a comedy writer and actress, communication scholars would label this a speech of _____.


According to the text, which two terms are synonymous?

central idea and thesis statement

Television and radio, as well as newer formats such as Twitter and Facebook, are examples of which element of communication?


Generally, what is the most authoritative and qualified way to use testimony for establishing the validity of your assertions, particularly when the subject is controversial, complicated, or unfamiliar to listeners?

citing sources your audience will recognize as experts on the topic

What is a good arrangement for addressing topics that are new or otherwise unknown to the audience, one that offers a creative way to approach these by exploring similarities and differences?

comparative design

The principle of _________ suggests that all statements at a given level of your outline should be of similar importance


If your ideas seem too distant or abstract, the text suggests you add which two types of supporting materials?

examples and narratives

In a slightly different function from that of the specific purpose statement, the thesis statement _____.

expresses what you intend to say in the speech

Statistics are defined by the text as ________.

facts that can be measured mathematically

A speaker must decide whether the general way or the precise way of expressing facts will work best for the speech. If uncertain, the text advises that it is best to err on the side of generalization.


Controlling communication anxiety actually takes very little time and very little practice. It is usually resolved after giving the first public speech.


Dialect is the way in which individual speech sounds are physically produced by a person.


If a speaker is nervous, he or she should use the formal outline as speaking notes.


In public speaking, a story that illustrates an idea, establishes a mood, or conveys the theme of a speech is referred to as an example.


When using the ________________ organizational design, your speech would sound like a story, with a beginning, a climax, and a resolution.


Which philosophical author wrote two dialogues that deal with the power of public oration - one depicting a dark view based on pandering to the masses, and one depicting an idealized view based on virtue?


One piece of advice given for practicing a speech says that you should _____.

practice under conditions similar to the actual speaking situation

It has been found that memorized text presentations _____.

should be committed to memory so thoroughly that the speaker can concentrate on communicating

One of the main advantages of extemporaneous speaking is that it _____.

sounds natural and spontaneous, but is carefully prepared

Troy gave a speech on the weather patterns that commonly move across the U.S. He began with the Pacific Northwest and moved down the West Coast, through the Southwest, across the Midwest and South, to the Southeast, and finally up the East Coast. Which speech design did Troy use?


Which organizational design discusses the main points as they occur in actual space


What are the seven main elements most important to public speaking?

speaker, message, channel, interference, setting, audience, and feedback

Which of these should be included in the heading of an outline, but not said in the actual speech?

specific purpose

"A two-year-old girl is found bruised, cut, and strangled - tossed into an alley dumpster." This is how Dana opens her speech on the typical day of a city social worker. Which technique is Dana using to capture attention?

startling the audience

What types of supporting materials are combined in this speech excerpt? "Mayor Jane Blake recently stated that our city has seen a drastic rise in unemployment. At this time last year we had an unemployment rate of 9 percent. Now it is 11.5 percent."

statistics and expert testimony

What can be hurtful and damaging even when it is meant to be positive, since it prevents us from experiencing the unique humanity of each individual?


A professor has prepared an outline for his biology lecture. The ideas descend in importance from the very general to the very specific as the outline moves from main points to subpoints and sub-subpoints. His outline demonstrates the principle of _____


The principle of ________ requires that supporting ideas and materials descend in importance from the general to the specific


Which of these is a purpose of the speech conclusion?

summarize the main points of the speech

Ari developed this specific purpose statement for his informative speech: "To inform my audience that seatbelts save lives." Ari failed to consider which test question for evaluating a specific purpose statement?

"Does this promise new information or fresh advice?"

Michael keeps thinking, "I am going to sound so stupid!" When he examines this thought and restructures it, which statement should he use to replace it?

"I have done my research and I am going to do fine."

What advice does the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) offer to today's job seekers?

"Learn to speak clearly, confidently, and concisely."

These specific purpose statements were submitted by four students as they planned their speeches. Which submission most effectively and appropriately presents a specific purpose?

"To inform the audience about three negative effects of caffeine on children"

Which of these is a trivial topic

How to mix a martini

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for choosing a good speech topic

A good topic will be one the audience knows about

In public speaking, a summary statement during the conclusion should be

A reminder of the main points of the speech.

Immediacy is

A sense of psychological closeness between a speaker and listeners

A narrative is

A story that conveys an idea or establishes a mood

Correct ___________ involves producing the individual speech sounds correctly


Which well-known broadcaster said that the best speakers know enough to be scared - and that even though they have butterflies, they learn how to train them?

Edward R. Murrow

Which type of speech delivery is recommended for use in our public speaking class


A speaker has fallen into the technicality trap. He realizes this when he notices that many of his listeners seem to be reacting with which kind of response?


A speech given on the spur of the moment, with very little preparation time, uses ___________ delivery


Why is "a little bit of nervousness" a good thing for a public speaker?

It can energize the speaker and enliven the speech.

Correct __________ involves saying words correctly - choosing the correct sounds and proper stress on syllables


Samuel is suddenly embarrassed when he flubs a line in his speech. What will likely result from Samuel's mistake?

The listeners will not even notice it.

The thesis statement summarizes, in a single sentence

The message of your speech

What should your dialect reflect

The standard for educated people from your geophraphical area or ethnic group

Which of these should be done in a speech to persuade

These would all be done in a persuasive speech

Leaders of cults, subversive organizations, or even nations sometimes give a speech that has a hidden agenda. In doing so they fail to disclose their true intention - that is, they hide their specific purpose.


Manuscript presentations create many challenges. One of them is that when people plan to read a speech, they often do not practice enough.


Rattling ceiling fans, loud traffic outside, and the complaints of a heckler disrupt a politician's speech. These are all forms of interference.


What is a suggestion for preparing and constructing a mediated presentation?

Use previews and internal summaries to keep the audience on track.

Words and sounds such as uh, um, and you know are called

Vocal distractions

Which of the following is TRUE concerning the use of facts and statistics in your speeches?

Your honest opinions and personal convictions are fine to express, but should be justified with facts.

Each main point and subpoint in a formal outline should be worded as

a complete simple sentence

Even more than examples and other types of supporting materials, narratives are good for describing _____.

a sequence of actions over time

As a final tip, the authors stress that just as you begin to stand up to make your speech, you should _____.

act confident even if you do not feel that way

Many speakers have problems with trembling or shaking once they get in front of an audience. This can best be handled by _____.

adding a purposeful action or gesture to work off some tension

Many people are anxious about speaking in public, but the best suggestion to reduce discomfort is to _____.

allow plenty of preparation time

When you forget about yourself and concentrate on the message you are giving and the listeners who are hearing it, which technique are you using to reduce anxiety?

attitude adjustment bbb b .

As with all body language, your gestures and movement should

be consistent with, and complement, what you are saying

Which of these is a way to establish credibility as a speaker?

demonstrating that you know what you are talking about

Disinformation refers to any type of communication that _____.

distorts information to advance a hidden agenda

Though the speaker is clearly intelligent, he says, "Jes gimmeya few minns ayer time" instead of "Just give me a few minutes of your time," and "Um gon tillya whachasha do" instead of "I am going to tell you what you should do." What vocal problem does he exhibit in this speech?


A speaker begins with these words: "If you were young in the 1980s, chances are you had a Cabbage Patch doll or knew someone who did." What is the principal type of supporting material that she is using here?


Proxemics is the study of how humans use the physical aspects of the voice - such as volume, pitch, or rate - during communication.


The general purpose statement summarizes in a single sentence the essential message of your speech.


The spoken word will always attract more attention than any physical movements during a presentation. So although body language can sometimes be a plus or minus, it is rarely noticed and is not critical to the success of the speech.


According to the textbook, the _______________ main points, the better.


An inexperienced speaker unfortunately uses one of the most abused and misused techniques in opening his presentation. What is he doing?

giving his name and introducing himself

in listening to others, and as others respond to your words, it is wise to remember the statement of conservative intellectual richard weaver, who said that ideas ____________

have consequences

Formal outlines have one great advantage - they _____.

impose a discipline that leads to a substantive speech that rises to the high standards of responsible knowledge

Mind mapping is a method that generates ideas _______.

in a circular spatial pattern on paper

In testing the specific purpose, you should ask yourself, "Can I accomplish my specific purpose __________?"

in the allotted time

A preview of a speech

indicates the points you will cover in the speech.

A law enforcement officer plans a speech in which she wants the audience to understand the difference between terms such as assault and battery, or burglary and robbery. She will be presenting a(n) _____.

informative speech

A novice speaker suddenly feels overwhelmed with irrational fear and is afraid he is going to "lose it" in front of the audience. He should _____.

keep talking and look for friendly faces until it passes

Gallup International's "The Voice of the People" gathers and disseminates the viewpoints of the public. This is just one of many popular opinion polls representing the feelings and beliefs of ordinary citizens, creating a collective form of _____ testimony.


Aristotle described three major types of appeals that speakers use, based on which three aspects of life?

logic, emotion, and character

The text notes that successfully getting through the refinement phase of topic selection is like _____.

looking at a topic through the lenses of a microscope

A White House advisor is concerned with being accurate but also concise and succinct, because his statement for the evening news will be timed down to the second. Which kind of presentation is his best option?

manuscript presentation

What are two suggested methods for exploring any broad topic area that seems promising but covers too much ground?

mind mapping and topic analysis

Lydia has outlined a dynamic speech that contains several pieces of information from other sources. What should Lydia particularly include while delivering the speech to verify the accuracy and credibility of her remarks?

oral citations

Many accomplished athletes experience anxiety right before they are about to compete. To deal with this, they often _____.

perform simple rituals

For Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Lincoln Memorial acted as the _____ for his "I Have a Dream" speech, one that profoundly affected listeners at the time and still does so today.

physical setting

A civic leader is asked to give a ceremonial speech at the dedication of the new city park. Which type of testimony would act as a source of inspiration in such ceremonial speaking, lending a heightened sense of elegance and wisdom to her dedication speech?

prestige testimony

A dynamic speaker uses actual testimony that is based on reality, but he twists quotations so that they no longer reflect the original intent of their authors. He is _____.

quoting out of context

Mario lists the scary things that he fears may happen during his speech, then steps back and looks at them logically and unemotionally. What technique is Mario using?

reality testing

A speaker has found such fascinating stuff while doing research that she throws in a couple extra facts that have nothing to do with her precise topic or her main points, saying, "By the way, did you know that ??" She has forgotten to test her materials for their _____.


In preparing a speech on high blood pressure, Grace found a quote from a drug company executive admitting that research shows a healthy diet, exercise, and relaxation are just as effective in lowering blood pressure as his company's popular medication. This statement is an example of _____.

reluctant testimony

At the point of presentation, your ideas should be in your head, not on paper because of

repeated practices and rehearsals

What common tactic in public speaking particularly helps simplify the structure of a speech by reinforcing its central ideas and information over and over?

repeating key ideas

When using hypothetical examples, you must be sure that they are

representative of actual people, situations, or events

A "good speech topic" is one that, among other things, can be _____.

responsibly presented and managed in the given timeframe

What kind of question used in an introduction has a self-evident answer, or provokes curiosity that the speech then proceeds to satisfy?

rhetorical question

Which of these is NOT a suggestion for beginning a speech?

saying "My speech is about"

Once this step-by-step procedure is learned, it can be triggered by merely repeating a cue word, which often provides the same benefits as the full process. What is being described?

selective relaxation

Self-fulfilling prophecies about public speaking, when allowed to build and grow, tend to lead to _____.

self-defeating behaviors that sabotage the delivery

Which organizational design gives the steps in a process


Natalie presented the steps involved in bathing, diapering, and dressing a baby to a group of preteens learning to babysit. What pattern did she use to arrange her main points?

sequential design

On the Fourth of July, the community activist is about to address a crowd at the football stadium. Which element is part of the psychological setting for the speech?

the expectations of listeners on the holiday when the speech takes places

In looking out for the health and survival of a new democratic society, which aspect of communication did Thomas Jefferson specifically encourage?

the free flow of information and exchange of opinions

Dominique is doing a short speech and wants to be sure it is balanced. She should keep in mind that one of the main characteristics of a brief but well-balanced presentation is that _____.

the introduction and conclusion are brief and about equal in length

In face-to-face public speaking situations, communication is initiated by _____.

the speaker

Which of these is NOT a purpose of a speech introduction?

to give the title of the speech

A clinical psychologist's intention is to advise listeners on what to believe and how to behave, and to offer compelling reasons why they should follow his advice. What is his general purpose?

to persuade

A politician uses some minor verbal and nonverbal cues - a brief pause, a change of inflection, a louder voice, a slight wave of the hand - to signal a shift to the next issue he wants to discuss. These are very subtle types of _____.


A fact-based interpretation is much more useful and adds far more value to a speech than an opinion, because it has authoritative support - though someone could still argue with it.


Factual examples will give very strong support for your ideas because they involve things that actually did happen - so they validate and authenticate the point you are trying to make.


Part of the formal outline is the heading. The heading should include the topic and specific purpose statement.


Positive thinking is very powerful, but so is negative thinking. In fact, negative thoughts running through our heads represent one of the major causes of communication anxiety.


The idea that taking a public speaking class will cure someone's "stage fright" is a myth. There is no cure for communication anxiety.


The text compares learning how to speak in public with learning how to ride a bike or swim.- the more you practice, the less you are afraid, and the more confident you become.


The text suggests a number of ways to end a speech - with a quotation, a story, a rhetorical question, etc., each performing a different function. But if you end with a metaphor, you may create unexpected relationships and reveal hidden truths about your subject.


Which of these is NOT a suggestion for ending a speech?

urge audience participation

One morning in October 2009, President Obama learned that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize and needed to make a speech in a few hours. In viewing the video of his preparation time, it seems that he _____.

visualized his presentation

The entries in the _____ are often sentence fragments, indicating their status as tentative drafts and emerging ideas that are subject to change and revision.

working outline

Jerome is done practicing his speech for tomorrow but still feels nervous. He decides to try cognitive restructuring. To do this, Jerome will _____.

write out a list of his irrational thoughts and replace them with positive ones

Your primary audience is composed of the people

you most want to reach and influence with your message

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