python programming: chapter 7 Lists and tuples
To make a copy of a list you must copy each element of the list Two methods to do this:
Creating a new empty list and using a for loop to add a copy of each element from the original list to the new list Creating a new empty list and concatenating the old list to the new empty list
Format: list =
[item1, item2, etc.]
Two-dimensional list:
a list that contains other lists as its elements
an immutable sequence
Repetition operator:
makes multiple copies of a list and joins them together
del statement:
removes an element from a specific index in a list
len function
returns the length of a sequence such as a list
To process data in a two-dimensional list need to
to use two indexes
Format: tuple_name =
tuple_name = (item1, item2)
used to add items to a list - item is appended to the end of the existing list
You can iterate over a list using a for loop such as...
...Format: for x in list:
a number specifying the position of an element in a list
a span of items that are taken from a sequence
Similarly you can use the not in operator to determine whether
an item is not in a list
an object that contains multiple data items
min and max functions:
built-in functions that returns the item that has the lowest or highest value in a sequence
print function
can be used to display an entire list
list() function
can convert certain types of objects to lists
The += augmented assignment operator can also be used to
concatenate lists
list() function:. tuple() function:
converts tuple to list converts list to tuple
You can use the in operator to
determine whether an item is contained in a list General format: item in list
IndexError exception
is raised if an invalid index is used
join two things together The + operator can be used to concatenate two lists
used to determine where an item is located in a list