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Workforce Management

(This has also been widely known as human resource management or HRM) consists of those activities designed to provide for and coordinate the people of an organization. >Determining the organization;'s workforce need; >Assisting in the design of work systems >Recruiting, selecting, training and developing, counseling, motivating and rewarding employees. >Acting as a liaison with unions and government organizations; and >handling other matters of employee well-being.

Kano Model Dissatisfiers

(must haves) Basic requirements that customers expect in a product or service. If these features are not present, the customers are this?

Statistical Thinking Principles

1. All work occurs in a system of interconnected processes. 2. Variation exists in all processes. 3. Understanding and reducing variation is the key to success.

Bloom's Taxonomy

1. Creating 2. Evaluating 3. Analyzing 4. Applying 5. Understanding 6. Remembering

Identifying Customers

1. Customers 2. Internal Customers 3. External Customers

Gallup Engagement Index Classification

1. Engaged employees 2. Not-engaged employees 3. Actively disengaged employees.

Life Cycle of Teams

1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

Types of Teams

1. Management teams 2. Natural work teams 3. Self managed teams 4. Virtual teams 5. Quality circles 6. Problem solving teams 7. Project teams

Quality Trilogy


5 conditions of collaboration

1. Respect 2. Values 3. Purpose 4. Communication 5. Trust

Hackman and Oldham 5 core characteristics of job design

1. Task significance 2. Task idenity 3.Skill variety 4. Autonomy 5. Feedback from the job


3 Steps to Quality 1. Quality leadership, continuous management emphasis on planning for quality 2. Modern quality technology, continually evaluate and implement new techniques to satisfy customers 3. Organizational commitment, continuous training and motivation of the entire workforce, hidden factory, unutilized capacity due to poor quality

Satisfaction Survey's

> Identify purpose > Identify the customer. > Determine who should conduct the survey (internal, third party) > Select the appropriate survey instrument > Design questions and response scales to achieve.(actionable results).

enlighters/ delighters

>(Never thought of) New or innovative features that customers dont expect or even anticipate, but love them once they have them.


>(wants, extras) Requirements that customers expressively say they want. Generally not expected, but fullfilling them creates this?


>An individual's response to a felt need. Many theories, most of them divergent. (Abraham Maslow, Hierarchy of needs).

Critical Diff between service & manufacturing

>Customer needs and performance standards are more difficult to identify and measure. > Output is intangible. >Customers are actually involved in actual process.

quality teams

>Teams of workers and supervisors that meet regularly to address work-related problems involving quality and productivity.

problem solving teams

>Teams whose members gather to solve a specific problem and then disband

project teams

>Teams with a specific mission to develop something new or to accomplish a complex task.

External Customers

>Those who fall between the organization and the consumer, but are not part of the organization. i.e. retail establishments.

KEY workforce-focused practices for performance excellence

>Understanding the key factors that drive workforce engagement, satisfaction and motivation. > Design and manage work and jobs to promote effective communication, cooperation, skill sharing, empowerment, innovation, and the ability to benefit from diverse ideas and thinking of employees and develop an organizational culture conducive to high performance and motivation. > Make appropriate investments in development and learning, both for the workforce and the organization's leaders. > Create an environment that ensures and improves workplace health, safety, and security, and supports the workforce via policies, services, and benefits. > Develop a performance management system based on compensation recognition, reward and incentives that supports high performance work and workforce engagement. > Assess workforce capability and capacity needs and use the results to capitalize on core competence, address strategic challenges, recruit and retain skilled and competent people, and accomplish the work of the organization. > Manage career progression for the entire workforce and succession planning for management and leadership positions.

Internal Customers

>Within an organization, the recipients of another's output(service, product, or information)


>______ requires a higher degree of customization. >_______ are produced and consumed simultaneously. >_______ are more labor intensive than ___________. >________ handle large numbers of transactions.

Job Rotation

A technique by which individual workers learn several tasks by rotating from one task to another.

Affinity diagram

A tool for organizing large volumes of information efficiently and identifying natural patterns or groupings in the information.

self-managed teams

Also known as (self-directed teams) Specially empowered work teams defined as a "highly trained group of employees, fully responsible for turning out a well-defined segment of finished work."


Anyone who is actively involved in accomplishing the work of an organization. _________ Satisfaction is strongly related to customer satisfaction, and ultimately, to business performance. Also positively related to productivity, profit, less turnover and safety. > Many companies refer to their employees as "associates" or "partners" to signify the importance that people have in driving business performance.

Quality management practices

Approaches that organizations use to achieve the principles


Characterizes the productive phase of the life cycle when team members cooperate to solve problems and complete the goals of their assigned work.

Manufacturing Perspective

Conformance to specifications. About (blank) a product that people can depend on every time they reach for it (no matter where they are in the world). ex. Coca cola, McDonalds, Starbucks. Provides an unambiguous way to measure quality and determine if a good or service is delivered as it was designed. However specifications are meaningless if they do not reflect attributes that are important to the customer.


Critically examine info and make judgements.

Quality management principles

Customer focus, teamwork, continuous improvement


End users, the people that ultimately purchase and use a company's products.

Job Enlargement

Expanding workers' jobs. Also a situation in which workers' jobs are expanded to include several tasks rather than one single, low-level task.


Find or __________ information.

User Perspective

Fitness for intended use. How well a product performs its intended function. Cadillac CTS, Honda Civic, judged as transportation, the Honda may actually be of higher quality due to its reliability.


Giving people authority to make decisions based on what they feel is right, to have control over their work, to take risks and learn from mistakes, and to promote change. "A sincere belief and trust in people."

Transcendent perspective

Goodness of a product. Superiority or excellence. Quality is both absolute and universally recognizable. Cannot be measured or assessed as a basis for potential business decisions. ex. Rolex, Ritz-Carlton Hotels.

work design

How employees are organized in formal and informal units, such as departments and teams.

Strategic Human Resource Management

Is concerned with the contributions HR strategies make to organizational effectiveness, and how these contributions are accomplished. >Also involves designing and implementing a set of internally consistent policies and practices to ensure that an organization's human capital (employees' collective knowledge, skills and abilities) contributes to overall business objectives.


Is the phase in which the team wraps up the project, satisfactorily completes its goals, and prepares to disband or move on to another project.


Making sense out of information.

Customer Perspective

Meeting or exceeding customer expectations. ASQ: "The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs.


Occurs when team members disagree on team roles and challenge the way that the team will function.

ISO 9001:2008 -Requirements

Provides a structure for a basic quality assurance system. It consists of 4 major areas. 1. Management responsibility 2. Resource management 3. Product realization and management 4. Analysis and improvement


Quality philosopher, coined the phrase total quality control. An effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance, and quality improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as to enable production and service at the most economical levels which allow full customer satisfaction.

Value Perspective

Quality vs. price. Based on _______, the relationship of product benefits to price. (Benefit / price = quality), higher is better). Customer benefits package. A quality product is one that provides similar benefits as competing products at a lower price. Think of generic pharmaceuticals.

Product Perspective

Quantities of _________ attributes. Related to the quality of some _________ attribute such as thread count of a shirt or bed sheet, or the weight of paper stock. Good marketing research is needed to understand what features customers want in a _________.

Work Design

Refers to how employees are organized in formal and informal units, such as departments and teams.

Job Design

Refers to responsibilities and tasks assigned to individuals.

Actionable Results

Responses to a survey tied directly to the key business processes, so that what needs to be improved is clear; and information can be translated into cost/revenue implications to support the setting of improvement priorities.


Take info apart and explore relationships.


Takes place when the issues of the previous stage have been worked out, and team members agree on roles, ground rules and acceptable behavior when doing the work of the team.


Takes place when the team is introduced, meets together, and explores issues of their new work assignment.

management teams

Teams consisting mainly of managers from various functions, such as sales and production that cordinate work among teams.

Quality Improvement

The process of breaking through to unprecedented levels of performance.

Quality Control

The process of meeting quality goals during operations

Quality planning

The process of preparing to meet quality goals

External Customer

Those who fall between the organization and the consumer, but are not part of the organization. ex. retail establishments.


Use info in a new but similar situation.


Use info to ________ something new.

quality management techniques

Variet of tools to plan work activities, collect data, analyze results, monitor progress, and solve problems, such as statistical techniques.

Self determination

When employees are allowed to achieve their own unique levels of excellence.

Job Enrichment

Where workers are given more authority, responsibility and autonomy rather than simply more or different work to do.

Not-Engaged Employees

Who are essentially "checked out." They are sleepwalking through their workday. They are putting in time, but not enough energy or passion into their work.

Actively Disengaged Employees

Who aren't just unhappy at work; they're busy acting out their unhappiness. Every day, these workers undermine what their engaged coworkers accomplish.

Engaged Employees

Who work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. They drive innovation and move the organization forward.

Internal Customer

Within an organization, the recipients, of another's output (service, product, or information). Could be other departments or processes within the organization or individual workers.

The Crosby Philosophy

Wrote quality is free, which brought quality to the attention of American executives. HIS PHILOSOPHY IS EMBODIED IN THE ABSOLUTES OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND THE BASIC ELEMENTS OF IMPROVEMENT.


those people who ultimately purchase and use a company's products.

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