Qualtrics CoreXM Expert

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Custom Validation

Custom validation is used when validation needs are more specific than the default options.

Authenticator Element

Any elements not nested within an Authenticator can be accessed without authentication.

global formatting

Global edits are made in the Look & Feel menu and affect all questions and answer choices. You will need to preview your survey to view them.

QQ I have an image of a map, and I want to ask respondents to select the continent Europe. Which Question Type should I use?

Hot Spot

Editing an Individual Response

If you are editing a Text entry question, you will be able to type your edits in the cell.

Duplicating Elements

If you duplicate an element with other elements nested within it (for example, a Branch, which is covered in a later article), everything nested within the element will also be duplicated.

Creating Templates for Future Projects

If you've perfected your approach in Stats iQ and would like to quickly run the same types of analyses on multiple projects, you can use templates. Templates allow you to save the structure of a workspace. If you'd like to run the same analysis on a new survey project, you can apply the template to avoid rebuilding analysis cards one by one. If you apply your template to a different project, be sure that the variables in that project have the same names as the variables in the original project. Stats iQ uses variable names when determining how to apply the template to a project. If you apply a template to a project with variables named in a different manner, you will receive a notification that summarizes how effectively the template applied to the project.

Preparing your data for import

If your response data includes special characters (like æ,ѐ, ñ, or ü), we recommend using a TSV file format. Do not delete the column headers from the exported file (first 3 rows). These are needed to help with importing new responses. The imported file does not require metadata fields such as Start Date, Status, IP Address, Progress, etc. These can usually be ignored.


In any setup similar to the one just mentioned, your Embedded Data fields should be listed in different elements and not all in the same element. https://basecamp.qualtrics.com/customizing-survey-experiences/548265

Which of the following is not a required field when importing contacts ? First Name Last Name Email Language


Importing topics

Libraries are a great way to give yourself a headstart in identifying topics. These topics have been developed by Qualtrics subject-matter experts. You can edit topics as needed once they are imported. For example, delete topics, rename topics, or edit the queries that define them.

Local Formatting

Local edits are made in the Rich Content Editor of a single question or answer choice. These changes are visible in your survey editor. Question checkboxes are accessed by hovering over the question

QQ Which of the following sections allows you to adjust the survey's font and style on a global level?

Look and Feel

Loop & Merge

Loop & Merge allows you to ask the same questions about multiple products, subjects, or people. Create a separate block with the questions you want to ask about the associates. In this example, a satisfaction scale question was created. This block must appear after the initial question. The Loop & Merge feature acts as if each possible loop were its own set of questions. As a result, your exported data will consist of one column for each question in each loop and each possible loop will have its own page in the Reports section.

I want to allow my respondent to update their survey response. Which link should they receive?

Retake Response Link The Retake Response Link allows a respondent to go back into their survey response and make any edits after it has been submitted.

QQ What is the size limit on files being uploaded to your Qualtrics Library? 30 MB 20 MB 16 MB 12 MB

16 MB

How many variables can you use with relate cards in Stats iQ? 5 4 2 There is no limit.


Branches vs. Display Logic

A common question that comes up is when someone should use Branch instead of Display Logic. They are very similar, but each has their own advantages. Branches are helpful when you need to either show or hide an entire block of questions to respondents based on a condition. You could apply the same Display Logic to 20 consecutive questions, for example, but using a Branch to accomplish the same outcome is much more efficient. Branches can also be used with other Survey flow elements besides Blocks of questions. Display Logic can only be applied to questions. Display Logic, on the other hand, is more precise and can help make customized experiences within a Block. It also has the ability to display or hide a question within the same page of a survey. Branches can only operate with Blocks in this regard, which create Page Breaks and do not allow for displaying questions on the same page.

What will I see when filtering for "Finished is Equal to False" in my Data & Analysis page? A list of incomplete responses that were set to record after the incomplete survey responses deadline was met. A list of incomplete responses that were set to delete after the incomplete survey responses deadline was met. A list of participants who have not yet started the survey. A list of respondents that were screened out and did not see the full survey.

A list of incomplete responses that were set to record after the incomplete survey responses deadline was met.

Allow rollup data

Allow rollup data" allows users to view all of the aggregate data, but it will restrict data filtering according to the data restrictions. For example, a data restriction for "Sales Region is West" with "Allow rollup data" checked would allow a user to see the aggregate data across all sales regions, but the user would not be able to filter the data down to a region that is not "West."


Allow you to trigger tasks based on various events. For both the inciting event and the resulting task, you have a lot of options, most of which are inside the Qualtrics platform and some of which are outside. Actions can also be set up from the Actions tab within a survey project. These actions will be specific to that particular project. You can also use a template to streamline the creation of your Action. Similar to survey templates, workflow templates are preconfigured solutions which can be plugged into a variety of integrations. The templates that are available to you may be dependent on your account permissions.

Embedded Data - To include all fields from a Mailing List

As a best practice, we recommend placing Embedded Data elements that are set from a mailing list at the beginning of the Survey Flow. This allows them to be easily referenced and potentially used in the survey with Piped Text, Branch Logic, Display Logic, and Quotas.

Creating multiple conditions

As you add more logic, conditions linked by AND are evaluated first, followed by conditions linked by OR.

Embedded Data - From Built-In Variables

As you begin adding Embedded Data fields to your Survey flow, be sure to utilize the Existing Embedded Data option under the blue dropdown arrow of the field text box to easily copy field names you previously used in your project.

Preview Survey tool

Be sure to test your validation logic before you distribute your survey! Invalid survey logic is frustrating for respondents, and can prevent them from finishing a survey response if used incorrectly. Use the Preview Survey tool for this.

I need to show/hide a block of questions based on a certain condition. Which feature should I use to achieve this? Display Logic Skip Logic Branch Logic Validation

Branch Logic You can use Branch Logic to move respondents to different blocks in your survey based on variables like question responses or Embedded Data.

I want to group my responses for a question into different categories. What feature should I use to achieve this? Bucketing Edit Responses Formula Creation Weighting

Bucketing Bucketing allows you to create custom variables that combine values from previously existing choices into new groups.

I want to ensure that my survey cannot be taken via an anonymous link. Which setting should I enable under the Survey Options tab? Prevent Multiple Submissions By Invitation Only Password Protection RelevantID

By Invitation Only

Directory Role:

By default, users added to this Role will be able to create and edit mailing lists, as well as send emails in this Directory.

Text Analytics Process

Do not ask questions only of detractors, rather ask everyone about their experience using neutral language. People are already more likely to send feedback to a company after a very bad experience rather than a very good one. Do not further skew your text data by only allowing detractors to give you feedback on their experience.

Managing Contacts

Editing a contact's information in one mailing list also updates that contact in every other mailing list, as well as the directory.

Email Tasks

Email Tasks send emails when an Action is triggered. You can designate recipients and pipe in data from the survey responses (survey question text and answers, Embedded Data values, and/or quota information). For example, detractors can be emailed a custom message after filling out a questionnaire, or managers can be emailed when tickets are assigned to their team. You can include multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma and a space. Each email address will receive an individual email. You can also use Piped Text to dynamically pull in email addresses.

3 main parts of an action (workflow)

Events, Conditions and Tasks

Which of the following is not an option when sharing Advanced Reports:? Sharing a Public Link Exporting to Word Scheduling a recurring report email Exporting to PDF

Exporting to Word When you are sharing your advanced report, you can choose to download it as a PDF, schedule a recurring email, or use the public link to give others access to it.

True or False: Reminder and Thank You emails are compatible with Personal Links? True False


True or False: Display Logic in Advanced Reporting functions the same way as Display Logic in the Survey Editor. True False

False Display Logic is different in Advanced Reporting. This is because Advanced Reporting uses "all of the following" and "any of the following" instead of AND/OR statements to build conditions.

Viewing Subsets of Data

Filters and Breakouts allow you to view specific data in your reports that meet a certain criteria. The filters you create and save in Result Reports and Data & Analysis appear and can be applied at both a visualization and report level.

Recode Values + Variable Names

For both Recode Values and Variable Names, you do not uncheck the boxes once you are done making edits. Unchecking these boxes will reset the formats of both back to its default. Keep the boxes selected and click Close instead.

Formula Variable Creation

Formula variable creation allows you to employ math operations with most numeric fields in your dataset. This is helpful when you want to derive aggregates, differences, or averages within each individual response. Just like with Bucketing, values created with the Formula method are automatically applied to both collected and future recorded responses.

Manual Variable Creation

Manual variable creation allows you to create a new field and then individually tag responses with additional data. This can be helpful when you acquire additional information related to a response after it was already collected and want to include it in your dataset.

I want to send a survey link to a Customer Success Manager and have this manager send on the survey to their direct reports to complete. Which is the best link type to send to the manager? Multiple Completes Individual Anonymous

Multiple Completes

Which of the following question types is compatible with In-line questions? NPS Multiple Answer - Multiple Choice Text Entry Drill Down

NPS Single answer MC is also!!

A Gauge Chart is compatible with: Numeric variables Text Variables Both Numeric and Text Variables

Numeric variables Gauge Charts can only be used when the responses to a question in your survey or when embedded data fields are numeric values.

Enable role-based access

Once Enable role-based access is selected, users on your license will no longer have access to that particular Directory until a Role is created that grants specific permission to view that Directory.

Piped Text

Piped values must be submitted by the respondent using the next button before piped text will work. If you pipe in the selected answer from one question to another, there must be a page break in between the two questions for the Piped Text to load.

Creating Relate Cards

Relate cards are limited to bivariate analyses (two variables at a time). As a result, Stats iQ will create a separate Relate card for each non-key variable you select.

QQ Which of the following values cannot be "piped in" using the Piped Text Feature? Embedded Data Answer Choice Contact Information Survey Expiration

Survey Expiration

Each Relate analysis will produce one of the following cards: T-Test or ANOVA

T-Test or ANOVA Stats iQ will automatically adjust for violations of statistical assumptions. When such adjustments are made you will have the option to review the standard and adjusted statistical results.

Analyzing Text with Text iQ

Text iQ allows you to search and categorize your textual responses into topics. Categorizing topics enables you to extract value from your text data in an efficient and productive way. This represents phase 4 of the text analytics process. Text iQ uses spell check automatically so that you can easily assign topic tags to search results.

Bucketing Variable Creation

The Bucketing method sorts values from an existing variable into new categories, or "buckets". This is helpful when you decide your data will be more useful as groups to compare against in analysis or when reporting. Bucketing can convert numeric data into categorical data (done by selecting ranges of numbers into groups) or existing categorical data into newly-organized categories. Below are a couple of examples of what this can look like. Values created with the Bucketing method are automatically applied to both collected and future recorded responses.

Carry Forward

The Carry Forward feature allows you to dynamically pull answer choices from one question into a subsequent question. You should NOT use piped text instead of Carry Forward. In the data set, piped text will appear as code, not how it is displayed to respondents.

Defining Variables with Logic

The Logic feature in Stats iQ allows you to create or clean a variable based on a set of conditions. The conditions must be based on the values in other variables. If you want to create a weighting variable, please use this method.

XM Directory Overview

The functionality of XM Directory differs based on the user's account permissions. Some users can control organization-wide settings, while others may only be able to add or update contacts and send messages. The Summary tab is the landing page you arrive on when you first go to your XM Directory. From this page, you can observe things like contact statistics and engagement percentages. Directory contacts tab contains every single contact added to your organization's directory across your entire brand. The Accounts tab may not be visible in all Accounts. It contains the accounts from your Account Management Command Center. You can view details for your accounts such as the account health, ARR, account team, and other account details you imported from Salesforce or your SFTP Server. The Segments & lists tab allows you to divide your contacts into segments based on demographics, needs, priorities and common interests. It also allows you to group contacts together into Mailing Lists for message distribution. An individual contact may be enrolled in multiple lists. From the Distributions tab, you can send emails with or without surveys to a mailing list, a sample, segments or even a single contact at a time. The Automations tab allows you to integrate your own servers to automate contact imports to mailing lists and automatically schedule out survey invitations to those lists. Directory settings enable your organization to maintain consistent brand-wide communication. This includes Contact Frequency, Consolidate your contacts, Directory Messages, and Manage Directory.


The quota count will increase only when respondents meet the quota condition and submit their survey. Partially completed or imported responses will not increase the Quota count. Utilize the Do not increment quota counts and do NOT record survey response options in the Customize menu if you want to stop collecting all information related to a quota once it has been reached.

Inserting Media

There is a 16 MB file size limit to any files you upload. When you update a graphic in the graphics library - it'll update anywhere the graphic is used


There is a limit of 20 Segments per brand, any user with the Access Contacts permission on their account can Distribute to existing Segments.

Inline Email Questions

To further customize and make your email invitations more engaging and interactive, you can include a survey question in the email. Inline email questions also help boost your response rates. They allow respondents to answer the first question of your survey directly from the email invite before being redirected to continue the survey in a different tab. Only Single Answer Multiple Choice and NPS question types are compatible.

Advanced Question Types

To record time spent on the whole survey instead of time spent on individual questions, you can add the Embedded Data Field "Q_TotalDuration" to your Survey Flow. Q_TotalDuration includes time the survey is open, and time spent away from the survey if the user closes out of the survey and returns at a later stage to complete it.

Calculate NPS score

Total % of promoters - total % of detractors = net promoter score

Translating Surveys for a Global Audience

Translations are an additional feature and are not available in all licenses. You can talk to your Qualtrics Administrator to learn more about this feature. You can add an additional language if it is not included in the list. Click Create Other Language, enter a name and brief language code, and select a default base language for default system messages. If desired, you can use auto-translate to quickly generate rough translations by clicking the red circle with the translation percentage. Read the full disclosure before utilizing this feature.

QQ True or False: It is possible to use Piped Text to set custom validation for dynamic values.


True or False: A p-value < .05 is considered significant on a 95% confidence interval?

True A p-value that is less than .05 is significant.

True or False: Advanced Reports are more customizable than Results-Reports. True False

True Advanced Reports are used to create customized reports for your stakeholders. They are not pre-built; therefore, you can build them out as you would like.

I want to send a follow-up email to respondents exactly 1 week after they submit their survey response. How would I do this?

Use Email Tasks

End of Survey Best Practices - Redirect to URL

Using the Redirect to URL option is a great opportunity to showcase your organization to respondents by automatically navigating them to your website after submitting a survey response. You could also redirect customers to a review site to provide a testimonial for your company after taking the survey. No end of survey message will be displayed to respondents that are redirected to a URL.

Pivot Tables

We only recommend using Pivot Tables when you want to view a summary of multiple variables. These tables should not be used to draw inferences. Once you are ready to assess the nature of the relationship between the variables, we recommend using Relate or Regression cards which provide powerful statistical analyses that are easy to interpret.

Evenly Present Elements

We recommend only using this option when you have a small number of responses (<100). With larger numbers of responses, using non-skewed randomization is the best option even if the random outcomes are not perfectly even.

Text Sentiment

We recommend placing the Text Sentiment - Topic element right after the Block where the Text Entry question is located. This allows the analysis to take place as soon as possible and provides the option to use these calculated Embedded Data fields elsewhere in the survey. Sentiment Label values are all capitalized, so the value needs to be "Negative" and not "negative".

Field options

When using Equals to for text entry questions, this requires the text to consist entirely of an exact phrase or word. Often, Contains is a better choice for evaluating text.

Manage Directory

When using multiple Directories, each Directory is completely separate. That means that if the same contact is found in more than one Directory, they will have a separate profile in each one. This also means that each Directory has its own set of Directory Settings. It is best practice to use as few Directories as possible in order to store the most information about each contact in one place.

Renaming Variables

While Stats iQ does not have a character limit, long variable names will be truncated on analysis cards. We recommend shortening the variable name to less than 75 characters to ensure the full description is always visible. Additionally, we recommend that you always include the question number so that you can easily find this variable in your survey or raw data if you need to reference the original question.

Actions Reporting

While the Your actions tab automates certain outcomes in reaction to survey responses or other events, the Reporting and history tab displays a table of all the previously triggered Actions. Actions Reporting is only retained for 30 days after an action has been triggered. Once this timeframe has passed, any reporting on that action is deleted.

Best Practices for Preparing Your Report

You can also add an access code to your live report for additional security

Utilizing Branches

You can nest any element within a Branch, including other Branches. When you move a Branch in the Survey flow, all elements nested within it move with it. This also applies to deleting a Branch- deleting a Branch will also delete all elements nested within it.

Managing a Public Report

You can preview your public report before activating your link. Refresh your browser if you make any edits to your report or collect additional responses while your Public Report is open in your browser.

Activate a Public Report

You can turn this option off at any time to disable the link. If you turn the option back on, the same link will become active again, so you don't have to re-share it.

Describe card

You should always verify that your variable was created or cleaned correctly by creating a Describe card. If you find there is an error or you identify a change to make, you can edit the structure of the variable in the Variable Settings menu.

Recommended Topics

text iQ automatically recommends topics to you based on terms that frequently appear in responses you have collected. Qualtrics' goal for topic recommendations is to find groups of words in your responses that indicate a coherent insight. You can also import topics and their parents that you created in other surveys, or you can import topics from a library created by Qualtrics XM Scientists.

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