Quarantinis 🍸🍸

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Every player who's a Scorpio takes a drink. Your parents probably f.u.c.k.ed on Valentine's Day...Every think about that?

Card 156

Count to three, then everyone say a player's name. Whoever's name you heard the most drinks.

Card 157

QUICK: everyone touch your head with both hands! last person to do so drinks

Card 158

On the count of three, everyone say the name of your favorite cereal. Players with the same answer drink together

Card 159

Drink if you've ever been to Wyoming

Card 16

Take a drink if you've ever been to Coachella. And then shut the f.u.c.k up about it for the rest of the night

Card 160

Take a drink while humming "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees

Card 161

The host of the party chooses a player to drink twice

Card 162

Female players take a drink for each male player in the room

Card 163

Male players take a drink for each female player in the roomq

Card 164

All players who wished you a happy birthday this past year take a drink

Card 165

If you drank coffee this morning, drink alcohol right now

Card 166

Do your best celebrity impression. The first person to correctly guess your identity chooses someone else to drink

Card 167

Take turns saying quotes from "Mean Girls" The first one to f.u.c.k up takes a drink

Card 168

The player with the oldest phone must drink

Card 169

The host of the party nominates a player to give a heartfelt speech about what this friendship means to them. Then they both take a drink.

Card 17

Drink if you believe in ghosts

Card 170


Card 171

#1 Fan of Oofing

Card 172


Card 173

el chuckacabra

Card 174

pizza rat

Card 175


Card 176

Boy yeet

Card 177

The White Slug

Card 178

Disco Napper

Card 179

Drink if you do your own taxes. But also, congrats on being a real adult

Card 18

Crazy about the goofy movie

Card 180

Trump Lover 69

Card 181

Clumsy body & cold expressionless eyes

Card 182

asexual chair

Card 183

The sippiest sipper who sips

Card 184

Manila Juice Laundromat and Bar

Card 185

semon demon

Card 186

Drink if you've ever deleted a form of social media for "self care" drink twice if you redownloaded it within a month

Card 187

Drink once if you sleep with one pillow, twice if you sleep with two pillows and three times if you sleep with three pillows

Card 188

Player closest to the door drinks, you got somewhere to be bitch?

Card 189

Nap Queen

Card 19

Players who own jorts take a break from having the biggest dick in the room and drink

Card 190

If you've changed a diaper, congrats poop lover, give out two drinks

Card 191

Drink if you've ever been kicked out of a bar

Card 192

Gluten-free players please explain what gluten is and then drink your sad little cider

Card 193

If you're waiting on a package from Amazon, stop looking out the window and take a drink

Card 194

GTV "The difference between dad and daddy. I would call my father "dad". I would call Boni "daddy". (if no one knows everyone drinks)

Card 195

If you've taken years of spanish but still cannot speak it, take a grande sip.

Card 196

If your name is John, Jake, Michael, Sarah, Jessica, or Emma drink on behalf of your parents lack of originality

Card 197

Drink if your an introvert. Extroverts, let them have the spotlight for a second

Card 198

Players who have brown eyes, drink. You're 85% of the population. You're not special.

Card 199

Everyone must take a sip of their drink without their hands

Card 2

If you've ever worn sunglasses inside, drink up, d.o.u.c.h.e.b.a.g.

Card 20

GTV "Its like in shrek how fiona turns into an ogre at sunset, except its me and I rip off my sunglasses and reveal the sins I've committed" (if no one can figure it out everyone drinks)

Card 200


Card 201

Everyone whose posted a selfie on social media within the past month drink

Card 202

The Bamboozler

Card 203

If you're a middle child drink to get your parents attentions

Card 204

If you've ever cried because of school take a sad drink

Card 205

If you had a pet hamster, guinea pig, ferret or bunny, your house smelled like s.h.i.t, drink

Card 206

Drink if you were s.h.i.tfaced on your most recent birthday

Card 207

Player with the longest hair, drink up rapunzel

Card 208

If you can't handle spicy food, tickle those tastebuds with a drink

Card 209

Everyone cheers, then take a drink. Aren't friendships the best, guys?

Card 21

If you've been to a pyschic, you saw this coming...drink

Card 210

If you like cats over dogs, f.u.c.k.ing leave, just kidding drink, but actually leave

Card 211

If you ever s.h.i.t yourself as an adult, drink

Card 212

Ay Papi

Card 213

Glitter Rafiki

Card 214

Loose Excuse

Card 215

The Flaccid Failure

Card 216

jean diaper

Card 217


Card 218

Everyone drink because we refused to buy 300 peso shirts......cheapskates

Card 219

Drink twice if you've ever talked your way out of a speeding ticket. What'd ya say?

Card 22


Card 220

I peed on

Card 221

The bed

Card 222

train of shame

Card 223

green machine

Card 224

If you've been iced drink. CHEERS BITCHES

Card 225

If you have an artificial background drink bitch. We know you're in your lame ass house

Card 226

QUICK: take a picture of me with the flash on. The first player to do so decides who must take a drink.

Card 23

All players who are using someone else's Netflix account must drink

Card 24

Brown Shirt

Card 25

Drink if your parents bought you a car in high school

Card 26

Give out a drink for each ex-girlfriend/boyfriend you have

Card 27

Take a drink if you've ever been a 'sexy' animal for halloween

Card 28

Take turns naming fast-food chains. First person to f.u.c.k. up drinks

Card 29

Which player is the most addicted to social media? The person with the most votes much put their phone in the kitchen. And take a drink

Card 3

Everyone who knows how to roll a joint takes a drink

Card 30

The next person to get a push notification must take a drink

Card 31

All players who have gotten a piercing at Claire's take a drink

Card 32

Donny and the Anus Creams

Card 33

Drink if you've ever invested in BitCoin (if you can afford one more sip).

Card 34

Everyone who's drinking something other than hard alcohol take three sips, time to catch up!

Card 35

Take a drink for each hard drug you've ever tried (weed doesn't count)

Card 36

Drink if you've worked at a fast food resturant

Card 37

All players who changed their profile pictures in 2012 to help catch KONY must drink

Card 38

Everyone who's ever gone to class drunk takes a drink

Card 39

The player with the fattest thumbs takes a drink

Card 4

Kim Jung Un

Card 40

Drink if you've ever played with a Ouija board and it worked

Card 41

Drink if you won your most recent fantasy football league

Card 42

Drink if you took an AP class in high school, NERD

Card 43

Everyone who would rather be at home watching "Planet Earth" right now instead of being at this party takes a drink

Card 44

Drink if you have to go to work in the morning

Card 45

Earthy Girthy

Card 46

Drink if you had a swimming pool growing up, you lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d

Card 47

All players must reveal their first screen name. The person with the most embarrassing one must drink.

Card 48

QUICK: touch the floor with both hands! the last player to do so drinks.

Card 49

Do a DJ Khaled Snapchat impersonation for 10 seconds, or take a drink

Card 5

Drink if you've ever been arrested....looking at you jean diaper

Card 50

Drink if you only speak english. Bonjour, bitch

Card 51


Card 52

Take a drink if you won a pair of Vans and don't skate. Cheers, posers.

Card 53

Take a drink if you own a pair of Crocs. What the hell is wrong with you?

Card 54

Take a drink if you're a pet owner. Cheers to your fur baby.

Card 55

All players who have a solo picture of themselves as their phone's background must drink

Card 56

Take a drink if you're wearing more than two earrings

Card 57

All players who made videos on Vine and didn't become a child star must drink

Card 58

All players with an uber rating of lower than 4.0 must drink

Card 59

The two players that have known eachother the longest take a drink together.

Card 6

Every player who knows how to solve a Rubik's Cube gives out two drinks

Card 60

Everyone who is younger than you takes a drink

Card 61

The coooooooooolest volunteer

Card 62

Every player takes a drink for each year they had braces

Card 63

Whoever had to drink last round drinks again, bitch

Card 64

All players who have stickers on their laptops must drink

Card 65

Everyone who has a JUUL takes a drink

Card 66

Take a drink if you don't know how old your dad is

Card 67

Every player with dyed hair takes a drink. You ain't foolin' nobody

Card 68

Every blondie takes a drink. Cheers to being the funnest

Card 69

The player who has broken the most bones takes a drink for each break.

Card 7

Every player who meditates has plenty of headspace for another drink, so do it up

Card 70

QUICK: Everyone put their middle fingers up. The last person to do so drinks

Card 71

Drink if you were in a fraternity or sorority

Card 72

If you're wearing a hat, be a gentleman and tip it while you sip it

Card 73

Drink if you ever studied abroad in Europe and "it totally changed your life"

Card 74

Take a drink with your pinky up if you own anything Gucci

Card 75

Everyone who has ever done molly at a music festival takes a drink

Card 76

Take a drink if you have Spotify, take two drinks if you have Apple Music and work on loving yourself more

Card 77

All players who have Airpods must drink. And considering sending a $1 venmo to all the other peasants in the room

Card 78

Take a drink if you own an Ivy League sweatshirt

Card 79

The player who has smoked a cigarette most recently takes a drink (JUULs don't count)

Card 8

All vloggers must drink

Card 80

Everyone who is drinking a beer takes two drinks

Card 81

Which player is most likely not to remember this tomorrow night? The person with the most votes sits tight; all the other players take a drink to get on his or her level

Card 82

Drink if you've ever participated in a Thanksgiving 5K

Card 83

Drink if you're dead inside!

Card 84

If you drink milk with your meals, take a drink. You belong in a federal prison

Card 85

Players who took band or orchestra in middle school must reveal their instrument and then take a drink

Card 86

Drink if you own a water bottle that has become like a child to you

Card 87

Which player needs to be checked into anger management? The person with the most votes drinks to CHILL THE F.U.C.K OUT

Card 88

Drink if you've ever gone through an emo phase. Rawr XD

Card 89

Drink if you've ever secretly thrown up at a party and then acted like nothing happened.

Card 9

Drink if you've ever been fired

Card 90

Drink if you know the point-slope formula. y=mx + b smart.

Card 91

In a fight between the youngest and the oldest players, who would win? The person with the most votes gives out two drinks

Card 92

If you like cottage cheese, take a drink

Card 93

Which player has the best smile? The person with the most votes drinks

Card 94

Which player is most likely to wear the same pair of underwear for a week straight? The person with the most votes takes a drink

Card 95

All players take turns complimenting you. The player who gives the best compliment gives out a drink

Card 96

Drink if you voted in the last election. Cheers to democracy

Card 97

Every player who has dimples must drink

Card 98

Every player who used an inhaler during gym class must now inhale their beverage

Card 99

All players who have a dead Tamagotchi must drink, then observe a moment of silence for their fallen angels.

Card 1

Which player would be most likely to show up to their own wedding drunk? The person with the most votes drinks

Card 10

All players life their glasses and drink, but instead of saying "cheers" say "I'm my own worst enemy!"

Card 100

Which would you rather give up, oral, sex or cheese? Everyone votes; the losing team drinks

Card 101

Which player has the funniest losing-their-virginity story? The person with the most votes gets a pass; everyone else drinks

Card 102

The tallest and the shortest players take a drink together

Card 103

Every player who does CrossFit must take a break from inspiring the world and drink

Card 104

Every player with an outie belly button take a drink because that's cute as hell... CORRECTION: THAT'S DISGUSTING TAKE TWO DRINKS

Card 105

Every player over six feet tall take a drink for each inch over six feet

Card 106

Which player needs a hug the most? The person with the most votes gets NO HUG BECAUSE QUARANTINE. And drink.

Card 107

All gingers take a drink. Sorry not sorry

Card 108

Which player would be most likely to die in a scary movie? The person with the most votes take a drink

Card 109

All players who had a nintendo 64 must "throw back" two drinks

Card 11

All players without a middle name drink. F.u.c.k.i.n.g weirdos

Card 110

`The youngest player takes a drink. Don't blame us, blame your parents for not f.u.c.k.i.n.g sooner

Card 111

Drink if you played a varsity sport in High school

Card 112

Drink if you have roommates - one drink for each one you have

Card 113

All players looking at their phone right now must drink

Card 114

All players who had a dank Myspace profile drink one for Tom

Card 115

IF your name is Jacob or Emma, take a drink on behalf of your parents' lack of originality

Card 116

The player who brought this game to the party gives out three drinks

Card 117

Drink if you actually purchased a fidget spinner in 2017

Card 118

Drink if you've ever driven over 100 mph

Card 119

J-i-z-z Fizz

Card 12

Drink if you've ever taken piano lessons as a kid

Card 120

Drink if you've ever been caught watching porn

Card 121

Which player has the fullest drink right now? Take three drinks. Time to catch up buddy

Card 122

Which player can make the best horse noise? The person with the most votes gets to give a drink1

Card 123

If you think pineapple belongs on pizza, go f.u.c.k yours - I mean, drink

Card 124

Which player has the hottest dad? The person with the most votes drinks

Card 125

Drink if you've run from the police

Card 126

Drink if your family has a Costco membership

Card 127

Which player can guess the time most accurately? (no peaking) SIKE NO ONE GIVES A F.U.C.K WHAT TIME IT IS the first person to bring up time zones drinks

Card 128

Drink if you're a sleepwalker

Card 129

All players with an android phone must grip in 'n' sip it

Card 13

Drink if you're smiling in your ID picture

Card 130

Which player was most recently a designated driver? The tables have turned. That player takes a solo drink.

Card 131

Every player without facial hair takes a drink

Card 132

Every player who's sitting cross-legged takes two drinks

Card 133

Every player muted right now take a drink. We didn't want to hear from you ANYWAYS

Card 134

Which player can come up with the best idea for an app off the top of their head? The person with the most votes gives out three drinks

Card 135

Take a drink if you've never seen a d.i.c.k on Chatroulette

Card 136

Take a drink if you're wearing black underwear, you sexy thing.

Card 137

Take a drink if you're wearing a bra

Card 138

All players that have dated another player must take a drink

Card 139


Card 14

Take a drink if you've drunk-texted your ex in the past week

Card 140

Take two drinks if you've ever "done stuff" in a movie theater. Then get a f.u.c.k.ing room

Card 141

Which players have chapstick in their pockets right now? Put those moisturized lips on your cup and take a drink

Card 142

Which player is most likely to get drunk before a job interview? The player with the most votes drinks

Card 143

If you've ever bowled a 200 or more, no one cares. EVERYONE drink!

Card 144

The player with the longest middle finger takes a drink

Card 145

Put on Eminem's "Lose Yourself" and sing along. Everyone who doesn't know the lyrics takes a drink

Card 146

Which player got a tattoo most recently? Drink and show everyone your dope new ink

Card 147

Every player who is a vegan gives out a drink to the player of their choice

Card 148

Take a drink if your mom still makes your doctor's appointments. And then grow the f.u.c.k up

Card 149

Drink if you've ever had mono

Card 15

Take a drink if you've seen every Harry Potter movie. No muggles allowed this round

Card 150

Drink if you've ever used a fake ID

Card 151

Take a drink for each sibling you have

Card 152

Drink if you enjoy the smell of gasoline

Card 153

Any player with a cracked phone screen must drink. And tell us how it broke

Card 154

All players who have an Alexa must drink

Card 155

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