Question 10

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Flos cyani

- Gives better appearance to species (Tea)

Flos malvae

- Gives better appearance to species (Tea)


- Is a mixture of soluble carbs resulted from enzymatic degradation of starch. -Adhesive and cloth printing

Lobeliae Herba Lobelia inflata, (Lobeliaceae)

-14 Alkaloids: lobeline is the major one -Lobeline produces similar, but weaker, pharmacologic effects to those of nicotine on the peripheal circulation, neuromuscular junctoins, and the central nervous system. -A 2 mg dose of lobeline sulfate is incorporated in tablets that are intended to aid in breaking the tobacco habit

Honey (Mel)

-Added to a bitter tasting drug

Gum Arabic gummy exudate from branches of Acacia senegal (Fabaceae)

-Arabin (Ca, Mg, K, salt of Arabic acid) -Form solutions -As a suspending agent. It is a useful demulcent and emollient and finds application as an adhesive and binder in tablet granulations

Amylum maydis Zea mays (Poaceae)

-Dustin powder and diluent for powders

Flos Papaver

-Gives better appearance to species (Tea)

Flos hibisci

-Gives better appearance to species (Tea)

Lactose Sugar obtained from milk

-Lactose is a tablet diluent and nutrient

Lini Semen Linum Usitatissimum (Linaceae)

-Mucilage and Cyanogenic glycosides - linamarin, linustatin, neolinustatin. -Linseed, whole or crushed, is a mildy active bulk-forming laxative. Demulcent properties in catarrhal complaints.

Granti Cortex Punica granatum (Punicaceae)

-Pelletierine and Pseudopelletierin -An anthelmintic in veterinary practice Vermicide and taeniafuge

Piperis Fructus fruits of Piper nigrum (Piperaceae)

-Piperine, piperittine, Volatile oil, which is consists largely of terpenes a and b-pinene, phelandrene and dipentene. -Little used in medicine. -large quantities are used as a condiment. -Stomachic and carminative (prevent formation of gas).

Cinchona Cortex yellow cinchona (Rubiaceae)

-Quinidine and Quinine (Yellow bark, quinidine, cinchonine, cinchonidine, cinchotannic acid (Red bark). -Bitter substances (glycosides of triterpene acids). -Quinidine is used to treat various cardiac arrhythmias. When administered orally, the peak serum levels are slightly lower with the gluconate and polygalactunorate salt than with the sulfate salt. -Quinine - antipyretics, analgetics -Treatment of malaria fever, -As a bitter for stimulating the appetite and promoting gastric secretions

Radix liquiritiae (Licorice) dried rhizome and roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra, G. inflata, G. uraliensis (Fabaceae).

-Saponinlike glycoside, glycyrrhizin (glycyrrhizic acid). Upon hydrolysis yields an aglycone glycyrrhetic acid plus 2 molecules of glucuronic acid. flavonoid glycosides and coumarin derivatives -expectorant properties. -Flavoring agent -Glycyrrhetic acid is utilized in dermatologic practice for its anti-inflammatory properties

Mentha piperita

-Used as a flavoring agent as a pharmaceutical aid.

Carboline type of indole alkaloids: Rauwolfiae radix Rauwolfia serpentina (Apocynaceae)

-Weakly basic indole alkaloids: Reserpin type (reserpin, rescinamin, deserpidin).Yohimbine type (yohimbine). alkaloids of intermediate basicity: (ajmaline, isoajmaline, rauwolfinine).Strong Anhydronium bases (serpentine, serpentinine, alstonine). -Ajmaline responsible for antiarythmic property

Conii Herba Conium maculatum (Apiaceae)

-coniine, N-methyl-coniine, gamma coniceine, conhydrine, pseudoconhydrine -The juice of poison hemlock constitued the potion of the ancient Greeks. Caused Socrates death. -Sedative and antispasmodic. Now drug has only toxicological importance.

Vanilla fruit

Used in some tea (species) products


club moss

Scoparii Herba Sarothamus scoparius (Fabaceae)

- Quinolizidine alkaloids mainly sparteine. - Flavonoids (quercetin derivatives- isoquercitrin, genitoside, kaempherol and ) - Tea is used to improve the circulation. - The principal alkaloid sparteine, is an anti-arrhytmic which inhibits the transport of sodium ions across the cell membrane and thus reduces overstimulation of the system that conducts the nerve impulse. - Does not have a positive ionotropic effect, sparteine extends diastole.

Arecae Semen Areca catechu

-Arecoline (the most active alkaloid), arecaidine, guvacaine, guvacoline -Anthelmintic in veterinary practice and is employed as a vermicide and taeniafuge

Tragacanth gummy exudate from Astragalus gumifer Astragalus (Fabaceae)

-Bassorin (bassorin, a complex of polymethoxylated acids, which is swells in water). -Tragacanthin demethoxylated bassorin is more water-soluble component. -Suspending agent for insoluble powders in mixtures, -As an emulsifying agent for oils and resins And as an adhesive

Cat gut

Surgical Material

Cellulosum ligni (Coniferae)

Surgical Material

Lana gossypii depurata (Cotton)

Surgical Material


Surgical Material

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